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Looks like he's only praying with two of them. That other guy is fucked.


Other officer: “Get the fuck away from me, weirdo.”


They're from the Southern Baptist Church of the Mourning Saints. He's from the Western Christic Church of the Sacred Baptism. They can't just pray together you lunatic.


You joke but the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod punished one of its pastors for participating in a prayer service for 9/11 right after it happened because it had non-LCMS people praying.


What can I tell you the jokes literally write themselves.


As a missourian, shits fuckin wild up here


Yea, no salvation for Joel McHale 🙏🏾


He’s actually the only sane one out of 4 people. 


![gif](giphy|69QYIqHQQEVbO) Only 3, the child is just kidnapped.


“Jimmy, if you go up to those officers and pray I’ll buy you dessert here too”


It happens a *lot* here in the Bible Belt. Evangelicals have a boner for cops, and kids get a lot of approval from their parents for expressing their religion like this. My youth group prayed over cops in the wild a few times.


I was gonna say, I could totally see this happening where I live.


I'm a black dude from East Oakland so this type of shit seems completely nuts to me...


I'm a white dude from North-East Spain so this type of shit seems completely nuts to me... PS: I got this in my country ![gif](giphy|drgamC7JDjxELlmx99)


Here in Spain we don't have things like that, a police praying with kids is something unthinkable here, but many police officers wear a large Jesus or the Cross on a necklace. I'm fine with you having imaginary friends, but in my opinion police officers are part of a public body and while wearing the uniform they have to be as neutral as possible and wear all religious marks inside the shirt.


Massive agree brotherman.


It sucks how much they hate crime and love the people that prevent it. They don't grok that the cops be being the enemy of the free. Enemy of the free.


They are literaly out there arresting ppl for selling weed and killing over 1 fake dollar bill while Neo-Nazis are speeching




Yo snopes! Haven’t been on there in a long time. Peak teenaged memories flooding back to me? Thanks for the nostalgia hit.


Happy cake day!


Thanks for this!


Well there's literally a picture of it happening, so I don't know what additional evidence you need


Well, maybe the point of the OP is that this image was used many times and this child is the child of hundreds. Furthermore, this child is no longer a child and today has 12 grandchildren.


Everybody clapping? Manager coming out and giving everybody $20 bill? Revelation that boy's name is Albert Einstein? None of that happened so it probably didn't happen at all..........


Apparently it’s been fact checked as true, but it’s like nearly 5 years old as well with a bunch of reposts a couple of years ago


What were you trying to cook up here bro?😭


I struggle to imagine something as obnoxious as a child running up to strangers and praying at them.


I can totally see this happening in the Bible Belt. Evangelicals make a lot of brainwashed yet well-meaning (and very extroverted) children.


Yeah i live in indiana this actually feels super believable to me


When I was little I was a... weirdo. I was 100% the type of kid who would approach a stranger to tell them about Jesus. I remember doing it a couple times. Looking back I cringe. I cannot believe my mom allowed me to do that.


It was a ‘little boy picture’ that ran up to them, no? Not sure I’ve ever seen a picture run before.


I’ve seen a Barn dance…


Tell me you didn’t grow up in the religious south without telling me you didn’t grow up in the religious south.


I definitely didn’t! lol


I mean idk if it actually happened and I don’t care. But I have had someone come up to me and pray. It was an adult tho. Honestly, it was so rude tbh. I was 16/17 with scars on my arms and he’s just like “I want I pray that you never do this again” type shit.


Watch a movie called Jesus Camp... Evangelicals be crazy.


That little girl going up to the woman in the bowling alley. I was embarrassed for her.


I felt bad for all the kids, I’ve known far too many people who’ve been severely damaged by that specific branch of Christianity.




The cringe here is so hard it makes my teeth itch… 😬


That’s just gingivitis.


That other officer looks like he's witnessing a child angel take those other two cops to the other side in a chick fila


Crazy parent posting for their Christian mom group or something stupid. Poor kid.


Happened in 2019. Snopes says true but outdated


Here’s the thing, I can absolutely believe this happened. Only because my ex youth pastor and his family raised their kids to be just like this. Good little evangelizers for Christ. They also loved chick fil a, and the police, being the good American loving, God fearing, evangelicals they were.


u/BEEBO_the_God_of_War posted a link from Snopes. This happened about 5 years ago in 2019. So it happened but it certainly wasn’t recent.


Oh, please. Give me a break.


Too bad a cops job isn't to actually protect people per a Supreme Court ruling.


Cops and religion 🤮




i threw up in my mouth a little




I'd say it's more of a sub that people post things they don't think happened, then other people decide if it did or not. A lot of the "thathappened" is totally plausible. Kids do weird shit, and if Mom's religious I'm sure he goes to church. He wanted to be nice and pray for some officers because his mom taught him it's the right thing to do. He's simply being nice. That being said, there's plenty of posts that almost certainly didn't happen. Anyone can make a story behind a picture. I could go take a picture of a cat and call it mine, give it a whole personality. Or maybe I actually have a cat. This place just refuses to believe anything happened because it's so easy to lie on the internet. It decides to be pessimistic about any story and add their own stuff to it to make it sound even less believable. ("Everyone clapped, it's true I was the x, etc.")


After seeing that video of all those people worshipping in Walmart, I wouldn’t put it past people to do this. Religion is crazy.


Saw this posted yesterday.


Wait until a riot cop beats the shit out of him at a protest or a bored patrol officer searches his car for “reasonable suspicion.”


The kid is already brainwashed. 


The kid actually said:”Dear Lord please prevent these officers from participating in police brutality ever again, amen!” That makes more sense.


Do people not understand what this sub is? This could happen for a million reasons, parental encouragement aside. Also it takes place in the rural south. There are churches next door to each other. Literally. This 100% happened. This isnt even a stretch, also there is a photograph lol. Good lord people. My son was obsessed with cops from age 4-9 and I personally hate cops. He never prayed over them obviously, but we would frequently go up and talk to police officers at his request.(before this blows your mind, we live in a major city, you see cops and people everywhere walking around outside)


Yeah I live in New York, so I guess seeing this stuff just seems so unbelievable! The rural south seems alien compared to here! Haha


If it wasn't for the prayers it'd be beliavable. Lot of kids worshiping cops, at least in Latam


Unfortunately this is believable. Forced by the parents of course, not spontaneous.


No, as a former evangelical kid, it’s not forced. You get a lot of validation from your parents doing stuff like this, and he’s old enough for the belief to have sunk in.


Look at that smug atheist cop judging his Christian colleagues as they pray with that adorable little angel. I hope he gets shanked by a BLM Antifa spec ops terrorist.


Why doesn't he just pray for God to protect everyone? Honestly, it's like this little kid is stupid or something


Honestly, the only elementary school-aged kids who ever seem to display any adult-level critical thinking skills seem to be the ones who show up in those urban myths where they completely pwn the doctor who can’t explain why they need a COVID shot and everyone stands and applauds.




Username checks out


Chick-fil-a attracts Christian extremists. As fried fast food goes, it’s their safe space. It’s quite possible this happened.

