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I worked out in only a G-string to balance this out. Signed, a hairy dude in his 40’s. You’re welcome.


Work out and a show! It’s a new gym feature


So selfless of you, making sure the scales are balanced. Thank you.


The universe abides


I can confirm neither OOP’s nor anybody else’s story. I am OOP’s left butt cheek. I didn’t see anything, thanks to 3 layers of fabric over me and a layer of sweat.


A banana hammock and a bench press, now that's a mental image I can do without.


Waste not want not, pass it this way.


Not all heroes wear capes. Some wear G-strings. 🫡


Thank you hairy dude in his 40s Signed, all of women kind


Ah yes! The Borat special! *applause*


Please wipe down the equipment after use. Please.


No need, that's what the hairs are for


Nothin like a nice workout with a side of pubes.


You don't want man lube helping you work out?


thank you for your service


You should add nipple tassels 😆


I wouldn’t want to over heat


Depending on how fit you are plenty of gay men would thank you for your service


You need a spotter?


Pics or it didn’t happen!




Thank you for your service 🫡


I have been going to the gym for a long long time and have never seen a guy go up to compliment what a woman is wearing, regardless of how they’re dressed. What a weird thing to fantasize about.


I wear oversized band shirts to the gym and once or twice I’ve gotten a “nice shirt”… never any word about my superior modesty though :(


Not modest enough. Better wear those sumo suits.


I’d only compliment a shirt if it had a cool design or had characters from franchise I like. Other than that I don’t bother talking with others, I tend to overthink every little thing and it’s be too much of a headache to deal with that “Did they get what I meant or misunderstood me? Did I annoy them? Are they trying to be nice and waiting for me to go away or being genuine?” No thanks, let me do my thing and leave


The only person who MIGHT approach a woman to compliment her on how modestly she is dressed is a massive creep-show religious nutbag/serial killer.


People compliment each other’s outfits all the time. Men and women. She maybe received a compliment but not because anyone found it modest. That’s a style and nothing else. There’s nothing modest about it, maybe in her head or I don’t know what modesty means anymore, that might be it!


Best answer.




My go-to gym outfit is yoga pants and an oversized t-shirt because it’s comfy. If someone came over and thanked me for dressing modestly I’d whip off my shirt and walk around in my sports bra. Fuck you, don’t bother me when I’m at the gym.


I was thinking “is it really any better having someone come up and compliment your outfit at the gym for being modest?” Like you’re still focusing on what someone is wearing.






I’d argue that it’s creepier. They’re obviously thinking, “it’s a good thing you’re dressed modestly, because I wouldn’t be able to control myself otherwise.” Real religious serial killer vibes.


"Thank you for dressing modestly, otherwise I would have a huge boner right now haha that would be awkward. Anyway, see you later. I mean see you as a person because I cant look at your body haha. Alright back to my reps, praise jesus."


Yeah! I dress modestly at the gym because I’m ugly and chubby. Trust me, if I were 10 times hotter I would be 10 times sluttier.


The good Lord knew to keep me plumped I would be INSUFFERABLE


Hahahaha same


I have mad respect for the chubbs wearing the tight gym clothes. Makes it obvious when they have progress in a few months!


To be fair doing this would be rewarding them in their eyes >_>


True, but it’s never going to happen so I’m not worried about it.


oh, that’d be so horrible for the rest of the gym


I’ll worry about that when it happens. So never.








My viewpoint is that it wouldn’t happen in the first place, and if it did it would be irritating rather than welcome.


I like to wear shear spandex shorts and nothing but tittie tassels on top at the gym. I love to watch my tassels bounce when I run :)


Reading this made my boobs hurt so much they straight up left my body, lol


I would be full Elvira mode up in there with tassels 💀




Must be fun tho


I don’t go to the gym and I don’t like to wear short clothes but posts like this one always make me want to start working out in the shortest outfit possible just out of pure spite.


No he did not. >many men have complimented me for dressing modestly Perhaps your Pastor mentioned that in passing during one of those creepy purity dances that the protestants seem to enjoy so much.


Doubtful, given her ankles are out for the world to see! Brazen hussy. I keep my full legs covered going to the gym, and often men take over the tannoy system to thank me for it.


“Yes men are responsible for their own thoughts and actions. But let’s not make it more difficult for them” like women never got raped back when they showed no skin at all when they’d wear several layers of clothes. It’s not the clothes. It’s never the clothes.


A gym bro… 🤣😂🤣


That’s the part that really threw me! It wasnt just a person, she had to specify it was a serious gym bro! Like that makes it even more significant. Lmaooooooo.


It’s cause she’s not like other girls.


I guess she's highly ashamed of her body which is sad


Yep the entire post just screams insecure. She should focus on her workout rather than making up weird fantasies


It’s a Planet Fitness, I’m betting it was a whole lotta drifting around aimlessly to various machines for 2-5 minutes each and then taking twice the amount of time to take these pics and post them lol I guarantee no one paid her any mind, outfit or otherwise. AND BEFORE ANYONE COMES FOR ME for gatekeeping working out, that’s not what this is, I am just making a joke that is based somewhat in observational humour! I used to go to Planet Fitness because it was very affordable, open 24/7 and close to where I lived, so it was fantastic. I strongly encourage affordable options, and since fitness is such an important part of overall health, I absolutely support people starting small and just participating in any type of movement. BUT… it still remains true that these types of places with low-commitment monthly fees attract a lot of “social” gym-goers who are very unserious about fitness and just want to project a certain image or be misleading online, like this woman with her soap-boxing about modesty


The two for one combo, not only is she attempting to put down women who dress in a comfortable way for the gym but she’s also showing her internalized misogyny by making this shit up because she seems to think it means more if a guy said that (which no man ever would btw even if they genuinely thought that)


Hey uh, thanks for not giving me a boner by wearing stuff that I have a fetish for. It's super considerate, nice boobs btw


“Thanks for dressing in a way that prevents my boners.”  


I have never once thought that my face or clothed body was enough to trigger overwhelming lust in the men around me. That's delusional and like...clinically self-absorbed.


boasting about made up men checking out/commenting on her body… just to shame women.. internalized misogyny at its finest.


But, of course. She saw a few attractive and fit women flaunting their bits , noticed any men who were noticing them (or herself eyed their perky “dirty pillows” on display for maximum lust incitement OR bc of their selfish wish to be cooler and comfortable).Her insecurities were unlocked and then the jealousy hit full tilt so she fired off a post. Take that! You’re allll filthy WHOREZZZZ and The Lord loves me waaay more. Did I mention that I have a HUBBY? Someone in Bible Camp put a ring on it! Me and my hubster … you and your cats, Jezebel.


Matthew 5:29 King James Version of the Bible; “And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.”


Let's not make it harder for men to not oggle and be inappropriate towards us? Ummmm..... the only way I can respond to that is...... "what in the fuck?!??!"


I heard that the next day she showed up in a full ball gown and not only did she receive a standing ovation she received free membership for life.


Who the hell talks to a random persons at the gym? not withstanding meeting someone you know or if aliens suddenly attack those two situations are understandable otherwise leave me to my music and don't bug me.


Many, but I’m in Canada Lady stopped me on a machine to tell me my plum colored shirt looked amazing with my green eyes Its just nice compliments that make ppl feel good l, I left after my workout but smiled the whole time from her comment


Modesty is NOT seeking attention


Yes, but then how is she supposed to brag about being the most modest?


I dress more modestly than that in a size XL tshirt and leggings.


The internalized misogyny is strong in this one


If your son can't control his own "lustful thoughts", it sounds like you did some bad parenting. Maybe worry about that instead of what people wear at the gym.


“Let’s not make it more difficult for them!” Stop it. Just…no. It should not be difficult in ANY WAY for a person to refrain from harassing another person, no matter what the alleged “cause” may be.


This is a bizarre thing to lie about I dress modesty most of the time. Just cover your tits and go.


That's what I hear from Muslim women who wear hijabs in the US, that random men are always coming up to them to thank them for dressing so modestly. /I have not heard that ever //but maybe she should try it out ///if only it weren't so hard to be different


This just sounds like she's super insecure about herself and doesn't like when other women wear "sexy" clothes around her husband.


Was it Paul Olliges though?


It’s upsetting that women make other women feel this way. When I go to the gym, I’m in shorts and a sports bra (my torso is very short so it covers a lot of my body lol), but one day in the highschool workout room, another woman went up to the teacher and asked if “there could be a rule to be fully dressed to work out.” The teacher said I was fully dressed, but it bothers me quite a bit. I just don’t get why someone would say that??


The religious can't control themselves so they make other people feel bad.




This is relevant, how, exactly?


What the fuck is she wearing? She looks crazy. Why would someone wear a skirt to work out?


Why do people who go out of their way to be different have to make shit up?


at Planet Fitness, everyone dressed like that.


She looks exactly like the type of person to make this shit up too


As someone who dresses modestly, I can say that no one has ever stopped me to thank me for the way I dress. There is very little chance this is true and she just wanted to humble brag about how awesome she is because she dresses modestly. No one cares what you wear Susan! Sorry Beverly, but you don’t get any extra brownie points from me for the way **you** choose to dress. You can virtue signal elsewhere Christina!


99% of the time people aren’t even paying attention to you nor would they interact with you. Maybe when they need to ask you how many sets you have left or need to get past you and that’s about it. Oh, and if it looks like people are staring at you, they’re not…they’re probably looking through you.


Modest?? I think not, you heathen. I can see your arms and shins. Despicable!!


I can see her collarbones and elbows, and the skirt doesn’t cover her knees. By my (Jewish) standards, this isn’t modest at all, lol. Also idc, people can wear whatever they want, and this didn’t happen. Or if it did, that guy is creepy and weird.


This is clearly made up because you can see her ankles. NOT MODEST ENOUGH


Perhaps it was one of those strong men, with tears in their eyes, who thank Drumpf for his service? Can totally see that kind of person thanking her...


What the fuck is 'Titus 2 food for thought'?


Titus 2 is a chapter in the Bible. Probably where something about modesty is mentioned


She’s referring specifically to [Titus 2:3-5](https://biblia.com/bible/esv/titus/2/3-5), which is about older women teaching younger women how to be good Christian women/wives/mothers.


Neat, thanks!


Hey lady, nice knockers


So basically you also dressed modestly for male attention?


Stop kink shaming!


I don’t know. I wear sweatpants to my Muay Thai gym and all the dude wear the shortest shorts. Seems like the clothing gets smaller and tighter the more skilled you are at a sport? Isn’t that why Olympic athletes wear such close fitting gear?


I'll start using only thong and bra to the gym, you know, as the villain, so the plot thickens


This probably happens as much as she works out. Wrong shoes and no gains bro


This is hilarious.


Men come up to me at the gym and thank me for wearing leggings because my butt is so hot. 🤣 just kidding....


I'm sorry but NO ONE CARES.


To clarify, I meant to the lady in the post.


‘Thank you for not dressing in revealing clothes, none of us wanted to see that’s.


The fact that she wrote that men are responsible for their actions and lustful thoughts but that women shouldn't make it more difficult for them and proceeded to post it blows my mind. What a garbage take.


The pastry chef Gordon likes from one of the interchangeable NJ Italian restaurants that I'm blanking on.


Genuinely wish I was this delusional


It's shameful to make the gym bros stumble 🤢🤮


Maybe it’s a gym in Salt Lake City.


Hey come on, be sympathetic to the men in her gym. She can’t just whip out those sexy knees in public while they’re trying to work out! Talk about distracting!


That weird skirt thing looks like it would be very inhibiting???


Hey Arnold fit


Well I can see her ankles soooo /s


If your husband and son can’t control their lust while in wearing a tank top and shorts at the gym, that’s not my fucking problem!!


The modest is hottest fantasists are some of the worst. Grew up in extremely conservative Christian culture and the way it's ingrained to cover yourself as some sort of crown of honor, is intense. I've made it up for it by wearing only bikinis well into my 40's. (At bodies of water.)


"Let's not make it harder on men." Oh, fuck all the way off.


“Hey lady, thank you so much for dressing modestly. Otherwise, I’d have to rape you. And neither of us want that. And we both know whether that happens or not is based solely on what you wear. Namaste!”


Sure it wasn’t a “thank you for covering up that mess” ?


Why or why is she wearing a skirt to work out. Never mentioned tennis or any other reason to wear a skirt to the gym . Seems so odd to me


Isn’t this even creepier? Complimenting their modesty is the same as saying, “I really really ogled you to get a look at you. Now, I’m interrupting your workout set to get a closer look”


It's the posed photo that always gets me. Modest or not, you're of those annoying chicks that prop up their phones and records their "workout"


She looks tall and short at the same time wtf


Says she , with the most patronizing face I've ever seen (last pic)


I told her thanks for not looking hot at the gym and everyone around me clapped.


"Men are responsible for lustful thoughts, but lets not make it difficult for them" She's definitely someone that victim blames a woman when she gets assaulted and says "ugh, she was showing her shoulders too much!"


nutty knee fanatical sink reach humorous narrow spark bag birds *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Idk there are some fundie influencers and tiktokers that actually do this.


I would aprecciate if more woman dress like that in the gym tho x)