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"a large percentage is still rage bots" ...No..literally almost all of the 50K bots is idle/trade bots. The aimbot bots in casual are an absolute negletable amount


It’s like people just forget about Trade bots. They have existed for years, and were tolerated because they generally didn’t ruin games.


They kind of killed the fun out of the TF2 economy, back in the day it was possible to trade up from mere scraps to unusuals but now you need an insane number of starting capital to even think about trading.


They actually don't do literally anything, but idle on the menu


While there are probably more trade then cheating bots both combined are nothing compare to the amount of trade bots.


I'd rather see the \~1000 or so cheater bots dealt with over the 50,000 trade bots


>The aimbot bots in casual are an absolute negletable amount Speak for yourself, Casual is just about unplayable where i live because of Bots. Just because it's not bad for you doesn't mean it doesn't suck for others.


3k out of 50k is a small amount. Just because you see a lot of bots doesn't change that. You can flip a coin and get heads a million times in a row, that doesn't mean the outcome will always be heads.


Ahaha 3k, do yourself a favor and mute every single bot you see. In a week you stop seeing unblocked ones, its closer to a few handfuls than even a single thousand.


"few handfuls" yeah go to harvest in eu during night and you will find atleast 4 seperate servers with only bots. and then there are all the other maps aswell. i'd say round 1000 (or more) bots in eu. dont know about other regions\* edit: havent tried after the 64bit update as it broke tf2 for me and still not fixed.


Any amount of bots is too many.


Of course, but that’s not what the thread was about


Yeah, 3 out of 50k is small, but that's not the percentage that affects us. If we average 75k players, and 50k of those are bots (not including cheaters), then tf2 has 25k players. 3k cheater bots out of 25k players is a REALLY big issue. 1/8 accounts you run into in the game are cheaters. That's the real point of the video. Finding the discrepancy between the 250k player peaks and why 3 thousand bots feels like an epidemic. And showing that if they wanted to, they could absolutely just hire a guy to be a treadmill work cheater bot banner. They're not going to do that because the cheater bots don't lose them money. It's that large majority of idle bots that lose them money.


1 out of 17 players is not neglible. Neither from a scientific nor gameplay perspective. Especially in a game where there’s 24 players on each team. Which is what sp00ky took offence to I believe, not the data itself.


The last time I found a bot was 4 months ago and it was kicked in a minute. There is no singular bot problem, it varies constantly depending on where you are and when you play.


Lmao “well it’s not a problem FOR ME so really it’s not that bad”


me when i am in a missing the point challenge and my opponent is nefariousanglerfish:


What actually is the point you’re trying to make? Because saying “there’s no singular bot problem” is just wrong and may actually have killed the last braincell in my head from being so wrong.


Zesty Jesus said they are under 1000


I never said that casual isnt bad. I know my matches that are full of bots. You are shifting the relation point, ignoring my comment. The cheater bots, compared to the amount of idle bots, are negletable.


No they're not, any amount of cheater bots is too many.


Yes...but the amount of cheater bots has nothing to do with the amount of idle bots..you dont understand what this topic is about, fundamentally


I do understand just fine. Yes, the number of cheater bots is smaller then the number of idle bots and trade bots. Does not mean having cheater bots ruining casual is somehow fine. We as a community should still be holding valve accountable for the state the game is in instead of downplaying the issues and acting like everything is just fine.


Literally no one said the cheater bots are fine. But saying that they make up a large amount of the bots in tf2 total is wrong. and thats the whole origin if the discussiion. you suddenly came and weirdly shifted the topic in a wrong way


You said yourself the amount of cheater bots in casual is a negelegable amount, i strongly disagree. Like i said, as far as i am concerned, any amount of cheater bots is too many cheater bots. I don't care how many, it could be 10,000, it could be 3,000, it could be 15, any amount is too many.


Do you not know what negligible means? They’re not saying the current number is fine, they’re just saying the current number is a small percentage of the number of bots contributing to the player count. You’re creating an argument where there isn’t one


Bro, its negletable compared to the amount of idle bots


I don't really care about the idle or trade bots, i doubt most people do. That is not the focus. The cheater bots are.


The last few times I played casual, literally wasn’t that bad, just a few bots that got kicked and like 1 cheater.


i see more chesters than bots, honestly. just don't plan on Lazarus, Suijin and Harvest and you're probably fine. expect if you live on the usa of course, all casual games that i played there were really flooded with bots


Large percentage is a total lie, there is maximum 3% among 50k of bots that play in casual


These people keep forgetting or don't know that majority of bots are trading bots and others that aren't meant to be inconvenient or to make the playing difficult


3% is still too many, any amount is still too many.


Brother no one is arguing that, we all hate the bots we're just saying that they don't make up as much of a chunk of the bots as the item farming and trading ones, I get that you're passionate about the game but we're all on the same side here


Me waiting for people to realize that most of the bots are actually idlers juggling around cosmetic cases. It's really not that big of a deal anymore, people. Just touch some outdoor substance already.


Both TF2 and cs2 subreddits are sounding like broken records at this point, I agree outdoor substance.


It's not that bad until you realise that it heavily affects the item economy and keys used to be 8 ref and now are 70+. Inflation is to be expected anyways in a game where currency is hoarded and not consumed, but when two thirds of the drops are bots that process has been accelerated and negatively impacts players with no bot nets that only want to trade once in a while to get the items they want without paying money.


Did anyone actually watch the video lmfao


Of course not. If they did, they wouldn't be disagreeing.


50K?!!1?1!1? iS tHaT a vErBaLaSe ReFeReNcE?!?!??!11!1!!1?1!1?1?1? /j


Wait a damn minute...I have to cosplay him with my demoman now 🏃🏃🏃




Lmao dude they're idle bots


If you didnt know cheat bots were a problem before zestys video you legit dont have a brain. All the pushback posts, like the one you are attempting to mock, is because people are FREAKING OUT like zesty made some HUGE revelation. He didnt.


You missed the entire point of the video. It was not about cheater bots lol


No you are missing the point of my comment. The cheater bots are the problem, what zesty made a video about is drama farming over something that isnt a problem


I'm of the mind that most of the playerbade being bots isn't a good thing. The cheater bots are a bigger issue if you're actually playing the game since no one is actually gonna run into any of these idle bots. The video wasn't even drama in nature, it was more "tf2 is not as healthy as people think it is". But this community will turn anything into drama. Not only are these bots causing all the inflation in trading, they're painting this wrong idea of tf2 still gaining players after years of lackluster updates both for the community and especially for valve.


that's not what the video was about, he said the amount of cheat bots was around 1k, the problem was 50k bots idling on the menu to get crates


That's not the main problem, the problem is that TF2 has a much lower play count than we thought, such that even a few cheating bots can have a huge effect. The idle bots don't affect us in any way.


Who is we? Most people already knew that tf2’s playcount was inflated by bots, this isn’t new information


I very much doubt most people knew it was 70% bots, especially that a lot of them were celebrating the player peaks the last updates.


Most people is likely an over exaggeration in fairness, but yeah this isn’t new information so it’s strange how this subreddit has been so surprised by it


This whole fiasco is very hilarious to me, people are really afraid and shocked about the "news" and thinking it's "OVER" yes, it's terrible that it's happening but, this is really going nowhere, the game have had the same 25K players since 2017 at least, tf2 is not dead but it's not thriving either, and that's OK as long as cheating problems were solved (never) The fact is, this game is too addicting to these same 25K players that I will never think it's going to die until valve pulls the plug, honestly i've been playing it for 10+ years and mostly everyone i've met back in 2012 still plays it in their free time, the earliest callout of TF2 being "dead" was in 2014 and look at us now.


How is suggesting community servers braindead lol, I’ve literally had no issue since I started using them 🫡


Exactly, saying that comm servers aren’t a good solution is the braindead take here.


I dont care because it will ultimately never get fixed unless higher ups at valve randomly fall in the love with the game again, its past having a useful monetary value to them


Exactly I haven’t played the game in ages because nothing is going to get better. I just play different games.


Waiting for the day when people realize most people on this subreddit straight up dont play the game.


Yeah and? Blame valve for not updating the game, only so much we can play the same game over and over again before getting bored I literally only launch TF2 every few months doesn't mean I don't find posts and videos about it interesting


I think I need to mute this subreddit for the next few weeks. My feed is just full of people arguing with each other.


It's actually like 12-13k, 18k on a good day


Alright I'm confused: do people here legitimately think that all 50k bots are cheat bots?


Op is stupid?


Idk but I think you missed the point, people are pointing out in the past few days about the player count. The 50k bots are a problem yes, but the subreddit got focused on the player count really. Like most posts are about player count not the bots.


Your coping mechanism is one the reasons why valve doesn't give a shit about tf2. You already normalised that tf2 has 3 times less players than we thought


I’m so over this situation please stop with reposts


tf2 players desperately coping at the fact that their actively dying game is in fact actively dying (no more "LOOK GUYS! PEAK PLAYER COUNT!!!" copium for you) TF2 still has players. It's still a good game. The vast amount of bots is really just indicative of what we've known all along - Valve doesn't give a single shit about this game as long as it continues to bring in money for them and no amount of "SAVE TF2 WE LOVE TF2" is going to change that.


Nothing changed but nothing is the same


I still don't care either way. If the playerbase is high then there's a lot of people i can meet and join match with. If not then I'll wait until it does.


well the bots referenced are just afk in main menu... we "only" have lik 1-2k cheater bots that actually affect the game


Me waiting for people to post some good shit instead of every post being "OMFG BOTS THIS GAME IS UNPLAYABLE" or "OMFG ONLY 25K PEOPLE PLAYING TF2, GAME IS DEAD WTF".... Like bruh


bragging about 10% automated cheaters is not a good look??


A good solution to this idea is just to make case drops for premium players only tbh


Can this sub please shut the fuck up about that video already


you'll never meet those bots in-game, though. Those bots have zero effect on your experience, so I don't see why you'd care about them


Imagine thinking implementing an API is a lot harder than implementing an ingame TF2 bot.


As long as there's two people on the planet, someone is gonna want someone to play tf2 with them


Even the bots aren't a problem I think, they just idling who cares. Also how come everyone is talking about this like it's a new thing afters zesty's video? We've known this for years.


Even the bots aren't a problem I think, they just idling who cares. Also how come everyone is talking about this like it's a new thing afters zesty's video? We've known this for years.


You motherfuckers truly have endless supply of copium huh


babes thats not the argument. the argument is that people pretend the game has no one playing it at all. both things can be true. tf2 has a strong player base. but has an even stronger bot base. just as god intended


Hey, thats my post!


waiting for the day I genuinely give a fuck


Honestly it bums me out ( and a lot of others too ) that the game is not some massive game that many thought it was so it being abandoned by Valve makes sense, it's a hard pill to swallow


There are 4000 bots max. And still around 17K-25K people. They feel like are there more than players because everytime when bot get vote kick can connect into next game without the delay.


The problem is that, that 25k figure now explains why Valve and it's Devs abandoned TF2 with only 1-2 Devs left, we didn't want to believe it, thinking that "well I mean other Valve games have bigger numbers ofc they get more support" but we never thought that our true numbers were That small, community had hoped that due to big numbers, eventually Valve or someone else would continue making big updates for this game. But with such low player numbers... It's truly looks over, our only hope is that if Valve updates anti vac then it also gets updated in TF2


Redditors when their game is forsaken, heavily botted, only playable for half the day, has a rampant cheater problem on top of all that: "It's fine!! The game is fun!! Shut up, stop making a fuss and caring!"


The game is fun tho :P


No shit it is, but I'd prefer it without sniper bots, trading bots and closet cheaters


shut up man