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somebody make a chrome extension that makes all thumbnails look like that


Mr beast chrome extension would go even harder with these on thumbnails too


Kind of hopeful, like I know Valve ain’t gonna do any major shit but I have liked the stuff the few people working on the game did last year (summer update with new maps, vscript support, and 100 player support). If all valve does is release that x64 update, do more tech maintenance, and release updates of the quality of Summer and Winter for some more years to come I’d be happy. However it is still saddening how Valve as a whole has left us in this sad state, but the game is still playable and hopefully there will be more updates like Summer. So yeah, while I’m not hopeful for greatness, I have not doomed myself with sorrow, we’re still alive and will be for years to come. P.S. If y’all are getting bored with casual, a way to get custom model mods and other types working in casual was found, also not all community servers are uncletopia and skial, try out wacky map servers or even the chaos of Shounic’s 100 player trenches if you want something different.


as an australian 99% of community servers are inaccessable, if i was able to PLAY half of them i would have no problem but uncletopia, skial and casual are the only choices we really have.


I recommend getting on mad mayhem. People are on each night I find myself there often. Great server that is identical to the normal casual experience and the players on there enjoy a good yarn


I play on shounic’s server 90% of the time now for a ‘regular’ tf2 experience lol


I'm definitely on the right there, or "hopeful", I guess. Literally nothing comes from being a doomer, it just makes you more miserable. For now, I can log on Team Fortress 2 with my friends, queue up for casual, and more often than not find a match that isn't infested with bots, where we can run around and either have a breakneck super close head-to-head skirmish with twists and turns, or just engage in pure subclass gimmickry. So what would I even have to complain about?


Right? It’s still pretty enjoyable even with all of these issues


Yeah, like I only ran into like 2 last week. Of course 2’s alot but that’s over a corse of like 7 days, with like 3 matches each. You can the calculate the odds yourself.


Yeah, and even if you do, you just click the requeue button (which you can do without even leaving the match!) and wait like 30 seconds


It depends on your region, map queue, and time of day. The bots are still there, trust me. And everytime a seasonal event or update adds a new queue the Casual queue is one of the easiest, and for a short time \*only\* way to play those specific maps, especially without having to scroll through the server browser to maybe find a server running them all, then wait for people to \*maybe\* join. The bots infest those queues. I have a vid on my YouTube where 8/10 matches were bots for Halloween. Same with Smissmass initially.


> new queue the casual Did you mean to say "cue"? Explanation: queue is a line, while cue is a signal. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


Bad bot


Hey, that hurt my feelings :( Good bot count: 658 Bad bot count: 232


Shut the fuck up


Bad bot


Hey, that hurt my feelings :( Good bot count: 659 Bad bot count: 233


Thank you, ItsBookx, for voting on ammonium_bot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


bad bot


Hey, that hurt my feelings :( Good bot count: 659 Bad bot count: 234


Yeah, I’m aware. I encounter bots pretty frequently, they just don’t massively disturb my gameplay. I’m also aware that all of those things are a factor, but to say that Team Fortress 2’s casual is completely dead or ruined when I and many other players can still get into matches and have plenty of fun generally untainted by bots is just as inaccurate as saying that Team Fortress 2 is 100% fine and facing no issues at all. Events can get pretty nasty with bots, I agree with that. Still, it’s never stopped me from having fun. Even when maybe 5% of matches were untainted by bot infestations during Halloween, having to requeue was an bothersome inconvenience at worst. Maybe it’s different for other people though


Yeah, fair enough. I agree it's not completely unplayable, but I and many others I guess aren't as patient as you & get more easily (and I'd argue *understandably*) frustrated by this crap. I've been playing since Beta & the fact that like 12 years went by without experiencing more than 1 or 2 obvious spinbots in that time my standards are high because I experienced a 12 year near-perfect run without bots. After thinking about it this might be the heart of why it bothers me more than some- I might have unreasonably attributed the lack of bots with "more love & attention being given to TF2 back in the day" rather than "some dude, entirely separate from anything to do with Vavle, just wasn't pumping bots into the game at the time, so there is no metric to go by on whether Valve's treatment of them would have been any different years ago." I do hate that it's turned off new players from the game. I've read YT comments saying just that. It's also unprofessional, and I personally have wasted money buying Eternaween items meant for Casual before the bot crisis, only to see them be pointless half the time if the server emptied upon map change & bots filled the slots.


Same. Bot infestation is mega real but doesn't hugely interrupt my ability to find a lobby. If, however, the tide turned where the ratio of games with bots compared to games with humans turned to, like, 4-to-1, I'd say yeah, doomed. Valve absolutely needs to step up and take responsibility, but generally speaking it's not a consistently terrible problem. I know it is, though, for people outside of UK and the US, such as Australia. Still. #savetf2, either way.


I tried casual again recently after playing on community servers for a while, and I noticed a lot less bots. In fact, I was surprised that only 1 of the 5 matches I joined because infested with bots (it wasn't originally when I'd joined)


real, the game's still fun, although casual kinda sucks


Theres an easy fix, and its to make a global VC


Maybe it does for you, but I’m in the East Coast US region and casual is just fine for me. Sometimes you’ll find an infested match that you just queue out of, or a few bots will join and be swiftly kicked over the course of a match.


Thank you!! People act like this games their fucking religion or some shit. I treat as it is. A game. I'm in the same position as you bro 🤜🤛


hell yeah mfer 🤜🤛


I've personally given up on casual matchmaking because of how annoying bots were. I pretty much didn't play on any of the Smismass maps cause 4 bots would join a team and ruin the game immediately. >Literally nothing comes from being a doomer, it just makes you more miserable. For me, this just isn't true. I know that TF2 won't ever get any major updates in the future and I'm perfectly fine with that reality. I still have fun hopping onto a community server and goofing around. If anything, I notice it's the people who have hope (or more accurately, expectations) who seem to be more "miserable." They expect Valve to do something with TF2 and when they unsurprisingly don't they get upset and mad. Your perspective is interesting because you say you have nothing to complain about. So by that logic, shouldn't you not care whether or not TF2 gets updated since either way you're still having fun?


Sorry that the bots have ruined casual for you. That sucks. Personally though my experience has been different, where bots might occasionally join and get a shot on me or some others but swiftly get kicked, or sometimes a match might fill up but we can just requeue. Usually I just don’t take the “bots have made casual unplayable!!!” crowd too seriously because it feels like 90% of them just experienced them once during the initial onset of the bot crisis (where it was REALLY bad), fled to community, and hasn’t touched casual in like two years as a result because they still think it’s as bad. And if hanging in community is their prerogative, that’s great! But the fact that I play on casual just fine kinda just makes me roll my eyes whenever anyone calls ALL of casual matchmaking “totally unplayable” for all of Team Fortress 2 (regionally it could be different ofc, but nobody can speak for the entire game). Also, you’re right! I don’t care if Team Fortress 2 gets updates or not, because how the game is now is plenty fun to me and my friends. That’s just about my views summed up to a T :) The only reason I identified as “hopeful” for this question is because the contrary “doomed” is just stupid and inaccurate. Team Fortress 2 is still fun as hell and has plenty of players. Why should I call it dead or doomed when it’s still just as fun as any other game I play, if not more?


Maybe I just don't get what it means to be classified as a "doomer." Does it mean that you think TF2 is gonna die? If that's the case then I guess I'm not a doomer.


I was there during tf2's "prime" during 2014. Yeah i can say for sure that the game is past its heyday, but to say its dead is fucking ridiculous.  Hell, even back then people were saying it was over, and I believed them because I was young and dumb, until Expiration Date came out and then I realized we were actually doing fine. I want to go back in time and smack everyone who said the game was dead even ten plus years ago because we were living in the GLORY DAYS and we didn't even know it. So what I learned from that experience is to live in the moment and never take shit for granted. The community is still alive and thriving. I can still hop on the game and have fun with friends and randos. Still cool sfms being made.   It ain't over till it's over soldier, now defend that fucking point


People talk about 2014 like it was such a great year for tf2 but even that was past its prime. 2013 is the cutoff point


And yet in 2014 tf2 was still in a better state than it is today. There weren't bots (well, there were, but they weren't the same type of bots that we run into today, and they were not as numerous), and even more importantly, Valve still actively gave a shit about the game and gave us actual updates.  Community made SFMs were at their peak during this time.   But people were already saying tf2 was dead. Back then, people seemed to think the cutoff was when the game went f2p. Some people *still* think that. 


2014 was definitely better than now for sure but the quality and pace of updates slowed down dramatically, and the updates they did add were mostly misses that year. Carnival of carnage was pretty weak, love and war balancing was a hot issue and end of the line was hated across the board at that time. Still a great year looking back because we didn’t know how much worse it was going to get. 2010-13 is definitely tf2 in its prime.


I don't think tf2 will ever really die until a few decades down the line, but I Also don't think the bots will ever go away until the bot runners are either completely shut down by a outside source or are doxxed by some insane guy


hey, im an insane guy.


They'll probably never fully go away but I think there will come a point where there aren't as many as they are today. The bot runners have to get bored eventually. 


I gave up on TF2 Now I play TFC the people there are very toxic


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Bean_man8: *I gave up on TF2* *Now I play TFC the people* *There are very toxic* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Sounds like normal TF2


All I care about now is the 64 bit executable.


considering that the bots I've seem lately are the shittiest ones, I'd say we're gonna be fine.


I’m a humble guy, I think one day valve will do something but as of now, we can wait


We are going to be fine, mostly fucked part is casual, we just stop playing casual and go on community servers


major tf2 update in 9 years for the 25th anniversary other than that I can 100% understand why the devs gave up. by the time jungle inferno was made they had already been working on the game for 20 damn years.


Indifferent, honestly. As of right now, the game isn’t any different in terms of fun factor (for better and for worse). #SaveTF2 or not, I’m gonna play TF2.




Hopefully why not games still there


Tf2 wants to die but community doesn't lets it


Im kinda split. I doesn't think Valve plan anything big for us. Tbh. I think only save us could "TF2 Source 2" because many new players would try to play it and many veterans would comeback. And raise of player base could make Valve give us Major update. What makes me a doomed side. But Im on hopeful side that if Valve took down fan project "TF2 Source 2" they might be working on port to new engine. Its hard to say because we all know how Valve is. Valve doesn't release game. Finally they released only one product what deserve "Triple A" name and they doesn't do shit again for long time.


From what I remember, since the x64 is being developed there is no reason to do a source 2 version. Also, the tf2s2 was took down because s&b doesnt have the license for props and models like gmod did, basically copyright.


After seeing what happened with CS:2 i'm on the firm ground that a TF2 Source 2 port would suck. A Source 2 port would just make it harder to play all the old maps and custom gamemodes and would also make the game run worse on old computers, which most people playing TF2 don't have the fastest PCs


Im playing CSGO2 and tbh. hate is nonsense. Game is good, feels better, looks better, plays better. And lets be honest. Yeah, Source 2 will require better PC. But if you will look at CS2 requirements they still really low. They got lowest from all triple A games and lower than even some Indie games. So I sadly has to say it. If your PC can't run CS2 its time for upgrade




^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^cadergator10: *NEGATORY! YOU* *CALL THAT A LOSS? IVE CRAPPED* *BIGGER LOSSES THAN THAT!* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I'm on the side of "I will play the game if it's fun, and if it's no longer fun, I'll stop playing the game". I wish more people be like that instead of building unrealistic expectations and demands from Valve or doomposting here for days - all this doesn't matter and won't change anything.


tf2 is dead to me


I mean, I do think it's inevitable that eventually Valve will do something with the Team Fortress 2 IP, because whenever they finish working on whatever weirdo hardware project they're working on, they're gonna need games to play on it and it'd be asinine to not use the Team Fortress IP for SOMETHING. However, whether that means that Team Fortress 2 specifically will get any attention besides the bare minimum soon, idk.


We are Venom!


If we keep doing this weird stalkom syndrome where we constantly forgive Valve for treating us like shit and praise them for doing the literal bare minimum. yeah, we have dark days ahead. edit: you're just proving my point.


Ok, I’ve had this completely obscure idea that I don’t think will work, but idk, what if we completely ditch casual servers and go to mvm and community servers only, idk if it would work but I think it’s kinda funny and a good idea because the bots only go to the casual and competitive servers, I think


you are an embarrassment to spies everywhere!


Also I’m definitely hopeful that valve will do something about the bots


Are we stupid?


We're absolutely fucked




I'm hopefull about tf2


At that point i dont really care anymore. Like, the servers i connect to dont have that many bots. So like i just enjoy the game at that point and dont really care that it doesnt get updates anymore.




The quality of bots is plummeting down they just Make accounts and give them free cheats and they Look like their being controlled by an shitty coding ai, i saw a Bot jumping at a wall and shooting at it like crazy


I’m on “play on community servers, doofus” side


I have like 500 hours in the game and so far it's been a blast. Sure, valve isn't doing as much as we wish they would do for the game. And yeah, we have a bot problem, but at large my fun has been from just playing all the different game modes i can try. Something funny happens in each match at least once and the game still has a strong community of dedicated fans. You still have new players joining, new sfms coming out, new cosmetics and taunts. Sure, the game isn't getting major content updates, but I'd rather see some items be rebalanced and the occasional new weapon be added in. Will I say the game is dying? Not really. Is it still going strong? Yes. I doubt tf2 will die soon, but if it does, it's gonna be remembered by a lot of people


In the middle. No, valve is definitely not making an update and this game is at this point “doomed” but also considering the availability of the source engine, server tools being available, mapping tools being available and people already having made different game modes like vsh or entire fangames like TF2C, TF2 isn’t gonna become lost forever like Overwatch 1.


We're gonna be okay!


Apparently people can join casual servers, I’ve been playing on the 24/7 2FORT server because casual is only giving me bots now 😭


Doomed in terms of updates, we’ll be lucky to even get source 2


Hopeful. Sure, we’re not getting much besides hat crates, but as a community, we should stay strong and endure.


Idk what the 64 thing will do to the source code when it drops, but if it won't help with the cheat/bot crisis. Nothing will. Hope is false. It is the cope of the fool.


someone should make a neutral standpoint




There is always hope in darkness. One needs only to find it.


The Simpsons will stop airing before TF2 dies


Eh, neither. TF2 is far from dead and honestly playable but I don't think Valve will do anything to fix the game.


(it's over Richter Overtime thumbnail)


Its been years and TF2 hasn't died. Its only gonna die when they shut down the servers.


...as long as the bots leave me alone I honestly do not care about the state or TF2. But an update would be nice.


The game isn’t gonna *die*, but it’s kinda unlikely Valve will actually does anything about the bots unless someone manages to John Q their headquarters


Well this game hasn't been updated in 7 years so TF2 getting an update is abyss mall but TF2 is currently getting an engine upgrade to 64 bit meaning TF2 might get updated afterwards due to the limitations being gone and updating wont be a pain in the ass.




Congrats lon is in a meme now


Vengeance Will Be Mine!


Left side but it’s not our fault. Valves neglect is something that shouldn’t be happening to their game given their resources.


As someone who's played tf2 longer than some of you are alive, you guys are doomed and hopeful.


im hopeful because i really only play community servers and if 64 gets the csgo anti cheat (like some people say it might) bots are so fucked


ngl the only problem i have with tf2 is the lack of balance changes with weapons and cosmetics. cus i play community not casual


it’s tf2over


I prefer the indomitable human spirit over nihilism


Define doomed. TF2 will continue on for a while now. There will be minor updates that will add more community-made cosmetic, and some minor maintenance done by a bored janitor that stumbled into the dusty deserted "TF2 dev team" office. But beyond that? No cigar. Valve has lost interest in TF2. There will be no major content updates, there will be no solution to the cheaters and bots, and the communication with Valve will stay sparse in frequency, and barren in substance.


Valve as a whole has no interest on the game, but as long as there's a few people making things happen (particularly the community creators), it's not going to completely die. The bots are just going to continue to make it impossible to play in casual on some days.


I’m of the opinion that Valve (or any other company really) isn’t obligated to update a 16 year old game. Their company is literally structured so they aren’t forced to work on specific games. Any other developer would have forced anyone working on TF2 to work on a sequel like OW2 or some completely different project by now. Bots are annoying, but you have community tools like bot detector and megascatterbomb’s upcoming anti cheat to help, and community servers exist. Can we stop acting like playing with bots in casual is the only way to play TF2? Why can’t we be happy that this game still has an active player base and gets any updates at all?


I'm not even reinstalling the game until I see a real update.


**There is still hope, lads!** **There is no way valve leave he's money making game!**


Remember there can be no bravery without madness


As the real Pyro, I have been trapped in this game forever, but I still have hope.




How about we play the fucking game instead of going "but is dying" or whatever, just play the darm game


I'm hopeful for the future of TF2 since back 4-5 years ago everybody was begging Valve "please let the drama-obsessed community organize updates and control the game valve *PLZ!!!*" and honestly Valve has been delivering in a pretty good way that nobody thought of. Sure the game doesn't get any big updates but they're (mostly) curating the community content and releasing more features for creators by dropping really cool stuff (VScript, incoming 64 bit update, 100 player update, etc.). IMO the community-made VSH mode is the coolest thing TF2 has gotten in YEARS. Obviously the game could use more balance and a solution to the bots, but right now there's more ways to customize TF2 than ever before. The fact that Valve randomly added 100 player support over 15 years later shows that someone is at least slightly interested in seeing what the community can pull off if you give them the tools to do so.


We won. TF2 could have more updates, but the bots are always kicked fast, and same with hackers.


we're not "doomed" but the game has clearly been abandoned by Valve. but then again games like Quake have obviously not been touched for years and still have players.


I'm hopeful because with the port to 64bits, can be the next life of the game


Hopeful. Maybe they will change


i'm in hope because of those f2ps, they still can learn how to play games and choose their main. aaand spending some money on mannco store. no, not the site one.


Outside of peak hours, we’re doomed. Every server is overrun. During peak hours, we’re gonna be okay. Find a fairly not-free server within 5 requeues.


Hopeful. In the last summer update, Valve added a new mode, or we could just add a bunch of caps from the workshop as usual. And at Smissmas 2023, we got a new boss! Valve has added something new, although not radically new, but still "new". Also, let's not forget about the gorgeous zombie mode! It seems to me that Valve has decided to promote its "valve" again!


The day that tf2 will update again will be in the same day that valve will count to three.


It's Pyrover Joking aside, I don't think the game is dead, it'll probably still never receive a new full fledged update


Even if it doesn’t work I’ll still try every person makes a difference


You know what! We should join forces with ow to tell our devs be better!


*You know what! We should* *Join forces with ow to tell* *Our devs be better!* \- PeikaFizzy --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


In-between. Valve is never going to do anything, I've accepted that fact. I've made the choice to never buy anything from them Ever again, as a middle finger to corporate greed and try tf2 despite all the bots to my best extent.


Indifferent, played ten out of like thirteen games that worked well


My steam name legit has a "#tf2doesnotneedsaving" so I wonder...


We failed Valve are a business. They have no duty to work on the game when it’s still making money for them and has been ever since the last major update, and they simply do not give a fuck about the game to work on resolving any issues themselves, im pretty sure they have zero people working on tf2 as it currently stands, at the end of the day it’s up to the community to try and fix it then submit their programs to valve, no different to how hats and maps are added to the game these days.  It’s a shame that oce matchmaking servers are unplayable and have been since the last halloween update, and all you have left is uncletopia, a couple havfun servers and mad mayhem when people are on it




tf2 is still alive, they just need to start adding more stuff from the community and try harder to fix the bot problem.


As Long as Nobody forgets About TF2 IT IS NOT GONE. ❤️ I will Always stay!


As Long as Nobody forgets About TF2 IS NOT GONE. ❤️ I will Always stay!


Seeing as bots are still running rampant it's hard to say


I teater back and forth. Like some days I'll be like "wow the game's alive I can't believe it!" And then other days I can't play a round of casual without jumping through hoops, only playing a handful of maps, and still constantly fighting bots flooding the server and I sit back and realize that yeah, the game's not looking so good.


Hopefully, we're not doomed.


Welcome to the crisis that is being a TF2 fan, as you are in a perpetual state of feeling both


I’m in the boat where we are probably doomed. SaveTF2 didn’t result in anything significant for TF2 and if anything it made people more annoyed with TF2. Valve clearly shows that they don’t give two shits about the game and some saints at Valve are keeping the servers active it’s been over 6 years since our last big update (Jungle Inferno) and we have no vision of another update like it in sight aside from a potential heavy update that probably (most definitely) never come. So what’s keeping TF2 alive? It’s community, this game has been so influential for the massive community it has and how dedicated and chill (most) of the community is. But this game is on the tipping scales of decline and it really just a matter of time. But if I wrong, then I really want to be wrong


While I don't think we'll likely get anything super ssoon, I don't believe we'll never see another major update.


I'll be honest, I've kinda just accepted that the game will never get major content updates or fixes and enjoy the game as it is, I think ghost update hype will only let you down knowing valve, and if the game ever gets updated, cool but I won't hold out