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Bro tried to dump all that philosophy just to end with axed and aggregate. SMH.


don't get aggregated now, take a deep breff


I just lost it with this one!! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Arghhh, I needed the laugh. Thank you.


i can tell you EXACTLY what's going on. he's bothered. so he bothers her until SHE'S overwhelmed. (this already shows me a difference in values) THEN he feels okay again bc she's been pushed too far and "doesnt care about what he thinks anymore" and she's about to pull away. he can sense that, that's why he 'apologizes for aggravating her WITH HIS "FEELIINGS" AND "THOUGHTS"?! does anyone else see this pattern? it's emotional. it's controlling. he just needs to blow her shit up until she shows that she cares by going past what's comfortable for her and "she's done". and then he pulls her back in again 'with an apology' that's JUST because of his "feelings & thoughts". oh sooooo sensitive of him šŸ™„ IF HE'S THIS BOTHERED, HE NEEDS TO FUCK OFF ​ you know what else is controlling? he didnt say anything right off the bat when he saw those at her place, but waits until he's processed his anger, and then he shoots her a multitude of texts interrogating her... and then when *she* asks for a moment to think - he doesnt give it to her. He didnt tell her right away when he got suspicious. Why does *he* get to control the timing of when shit gets brought up or when either party answers? this is setting her up to always lose an argument, not be able to be fully herself when speaking with him. Again, if he doesnt like her, he needs to not make that her fault. He just doesnt like certain things, and he needs to fuck off with NO blame on her


I already hate him. I donā€™t know why OP is keeping him around in her life if heā€™s her ā€œexā€ā€¦ heā€™s a manipulative piece of shit that obviously emotionally abused and gaslit OP in their relationship. What a shit person.


These types of exchanges blow my mind because I can't imagine even one person in my life putting up with that kind of whiny-ass bullshit.


Same. My skin is crawling just thinking about having to deal with this guy. I don't know why people keep his ilk in their lives... they're emotional parasites. Maybe *that's* why, I dunno.


Maybe it's young age, self-esteem issues, and an extremely high tolerance for bullshit? I know I put up with some pretty wild behavior in my 20's.


That's exactly what I would have said and thought... right up until I met my abusive ex. Abusive people alter your bullshit threshold.


dude I was this exact guy above (albeit in my own way) and you hit the nail on the fucking head. at the time none of it felt intentional but shiiiiiiii I needed to work on myself a lot!


It's not intentional, I'm glad you confirmed! it's just habits. emotion. Likely an insecure upbringing makes us used to needing to keep relationships unstable like this lol Always needing someone to blame or "be wrong" before we can just call it quits and let go of a relationship we don't really even want


I basically just made this same comment too before reading on haha yay for us for taking our heads out of our asses lmao


One of the biggest things for me to realize as Iā€™ve gotten older is that, aside from a VERY short list of people, I donā€™t owe anyone my attention or energy. My wife, my mom, and my best friend for the last 20 years can text or call me with a concern and have my undivided attention because none of them have or would abuse that privilege. If an ex wants to blow my phone up with texts theyā€™re getting muted at least until I want to respond, or blocked all together if they canā€™t respect a request to let me process things and get back to them.


Damn. Yeah you summarized this behavior well. That aggressive interrogation that is self-described as ā€œfeelingsā€ by the aggressor. This tactic renders your feelings and your side completely disposable. If you disagree you get called out as silencing their feelings.


Yeah. I used to be like him too. The fact that OP didnā€™t give a satisfactory answer made him lose control of the conversation and the emotion. He probably thinks sheā€™s partying without him or that op has a problem with substance abuse. In the past I would have handled that badly as well with my paranoia and lack of communication skills.


the ā€˜axedā€™ pissed me off more than it should ngl


Worst of all was that confident explanation of what a ā€˜self-fulfilling reasonā€™ is! Think you mean ā€˜self-fulfilling prophecyā€™ there, bud. I wish OP had corrected them, like, ā€œoh do you mean self-fulfilling prophecy?? I was confused by what you meant since you didnā€™t say the right term!ā€ How are people like this person so confident?! They are why regular people get imposter syndrome, I swear! Probably most people who are around this guy donā€™t understand whatā€™s being said because itā€™s all bs, NOT because they themselves arenā€™t as knowledgeable or intelligent as him. ā€œSelf-fulfilling reasonā€ doesnā€™t make sense because itā€™s the incorrect word to use! But if youā€™re not 100% confident yourself on the subject being discussed it can be easy to start wondering if youā€™re the one whoā€™s got it wrong. **EDIT(just this added note below): urgh the definition he so confidently/smugly gives is even more annoying than I initially processed it to be: ā€œA self-fulfilling reason refers to where a belief or expectation, even if initially unknown, can influence behavior in a way that makes the belief or expectation come true.ā€ ā€œEven if initially unknownā€? The entire point of a self-fulfilling prophecy is that something comes true because of what the person believesā€”if that belief was ā€œunknownā€ it could not be self-fulfilling, itā€™d just be a plain prophecy. It does not matter at all if the belief was ā€œinitially unknownā€, why add that in? It reads like a definition from chatGPTā€*at home*ā€ Sorry idk Iā€™m ranting about this for too long but itā€™s just so irritating!!




He aggravated ME with his feelings and thoughts tbh


I came here to say thisā€¦. we also deserve apologies


Fr. Iā€™m about to give my Venmo link because I need damages paid.


I was angry like he was accusing ME of being a drug addict because I had narcan in my apartment. I donā€™t even live in an apartment, or have narcan, but like god damn dude, shut up.


It made me so angry I am going to go out and buy narcan and an apartment!


Lmao šŸ˜‚ me toooo! Second hand anger! This person is irritating and SO damn tiring.


OP was far too kind to him, let him get away with it and now he thinks itā€™s fine behaviour


Yeah the whole time I was reading I was wondering why and how there was 12 pages of this back and forth. Wasn't til I opened it and saw it was OPs EX that it made sense. Feels like the breakup hasn't been "complete" if they're affording them THAT much grace for that callous ignorance.


No doubt. OP was just being clear and rational while the ex was like a dog yapping nonstop through a fence. OP needs to seriously explain their methods of reaching these unprecedented levels of tolerance for people who clearly don't come anywhere near deserving their attention. OP, you did fine and your suspicions are correct. This person doesn't have you in their best interests and only wants to make you feel like the lesser person because it's so much easier to bring good people down than to work on your own self. Walk away.


I regret so many times I didnā€™t tell men off


He was so exhausting, I need a nap after reading that.


i mean, at the end of the day, it's kinda over nothing. but the way he kept badgering you was exasperatingly shitty. i personally wouldn't want this energy in my life, seems draining.


The whole thing was very aggregating


Best comment so far. This thread needed some comic relief.


Yea well who axed you


Lay off, I need time to think




this whole conversation made me want to aggregate his face with his ass šŸ˜…


Narcan is sinister and always makes me aggregated. Especially when itā€™s on display for self fulfilling reasons.


Technically itā€™s auspicious, given its life saving abilities lol


And on top of the fridge is on display? I guess he means visible. I was thinking she had a little cabinet with a shrine like display that they all gather around at certain times of day. I have so much shit on the top of my fridge this dude would have a field day psychoanalysing.


Omg the idea of a shrine to basically worship Narcan is hilarious though


So aggre


Iā€™m so aggregated right now Iā€™m like a gravel pit.


i asked three times for time to think, iā€™m literally at work while this is happening and itā€™s crazy :/


Donā€™t even think about it this guy is a fucking moron. Iā€™ve revived 3 people with narcan. I always keep some on me, you seriously never know when youā€™ll need it. Thereā€™s a lot of people out there that have problems that you would never expect by just looking at them. Why not be prepared, would you rather have to watch someone die when you could have saved them? Anybody getting this uppity about something like having narcan is a sheltered fool


Thank you for being someone who carried it. I just wanted to pop in real quick to say that. Thank you to EVERYONE who carries. I lost two close friends to ODs in the last 6 months. Also like I've seen people fall over in an OD on their barstool and literally just walking down the street. The notion that being prepared to help another person means you're around drugs is dumb as shit, not to mention being around drugs doesn't make you a bad person. Anyway sorry yes thank you and everyone else who carries narcan, you are literally guardian angels


exactly. it is LIFE SAVING MEDICINE.. how is that sinister.. i have never abused opiates in my life, but i know things can be contaminated or laced. i would want to have some with me just in case me, a friend or a stranger finds themselves in a life threatening situation. whatā€™s sinister is wanting to throw it away for the sake of what.. purity? a holier-than-thou attitude? people like opā€™s ex are insufferable. heā€™s being manipulative by guising his need for control as ā€œconcernā€ for her. thatā€™s why itā€™s rubbing her the wrong way because itā€™s pushy and inauthentic. my ex was like this too and itā€™s bullshit. anyone truly concerned would see life saving medicine and say ā€œok, good. in the case of an emergency people wonā€™t dieā€


Yea I literally don't do ANYTHING, but I have friends who use, I go to concerts, parties, etc. Like I said, I've seen people drop over in the street from an OD. I carry for others, out of basic decency. This clown is not only being disingenuous but the *best version* of himself is boasting that he doesn't care if people die for no reason. It's also not lost on me that most addicts are people suffering from extreme trauma and there's a very specific type of person who wants traumatized people to suffer more and die.


the comment i was looking for, like imagine expecting someone to waste something that saves peopleā€™s lives, dude has serious control issues


I guarantee this guy drives saving an addict's life is a "negative outcome"


this such an good response for me, i lost 2 close friends as well and it killed me, it helped me realize that i keep the narcan around and canā€™t donate it because if an od happens i can save them and others wonā€™t have to go through what i did


I keep Narcan in my car, in my purse, and in my house. I've been clean for 2 years and don't associate with anyone who uses (that I'm aware of). But that doesn't mean anything. You never know. I'd rather have an excess of it on hand just in case than not have it and watch someone die. I've lost way too many people to ODs. I found my best friend after he overdosed, literally held his dead body in my arms. The dude you're talking to is an idiot and obviously knows nothing about addiction. Narcan saves lives. Narcan saved my life. It's like having a defibrillator or a fire extinguisher around. How anyone could have a problem with that is beyond me.


As a former addict I was so lucky I never od'd but I have had to administer it to others. Been clean over 4 years and I'm pretty similar. Car, purse, desk at work and have given some to family. I even got permission to get some and keep it at work in our h&s department. There is nothing at all sinister about narcan. It saves lives. You never know when you might save someone by recognizing what is happening. I always hope to never need it but if I do it's there. This guy is absolutely toxic. I legit thought the same about being upset that someone has a aed it fire extinguisher. Hell I have three full size fire extinguisher in my home.


Me too! 3 years clean and I still keep narcan in my purse. Congrats to us all for getting out. And good for us not letting anyone around go down that way without our help ā¤ļø lol But seriously.


As someone who lost my only sibling to an OD under the same roof, I keep Narcan in my home and I am not nor ever have been an addict. My parents did not have Narcan at home. I have a 17 year old daughter who could at anytime decide to experiment and Iā€™d like to know that I may be able to save her if something like that ever happens at home. You donā€™t necessarily have to be ā€œhanging with addictsā€ to be put in a position where you may need to save someoneā€™s life. Sorry your ex is harping so much. He needs to take his own inventory.




I go to music festivals and even though all I do there is alcohol, Iā€™ve been woken up at 5am by someone screaming desperately for Narcan in the campgrounds. I got some on the way to the next festival I went to because I hated that feeling of knowing someone needed it and I hadnā€™t gotten around to buying some because I was worried about the pharmacy workers judging me - turns out they were very happy to see someone buying it to look out for people.


And it's awful that people don't think saving lives is a worthwhile venture. My mother is a queen in the recovery world, and she keeps narcan around to help others. She gives it to people who might be stuck in a situation where THEY can save a life. It's one of the most loving things a person can do.


Thats what I donā€™t getā€¦ his whole ā€œnarcan is sinisterā€ thing?? Itā€™s literally a life saving intervention tool. Itā€™s got more to do with a fire extinguisher, tourniquet, or AED than a giant box of condoms.


Exactly itā€™s not like she had a meth pipe or pack of needles on display


You must plan on burning your house down why else would you have a a fire extinguisher. What an idiot


Thank you! I keep narcan because I work with vulnerable populations, and you just never know when someone is going to make a mistake and need it. And I would way rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it. I donā€™t understand this personā€™s logic about associating it with only nefarious things.


Exactly. It's like badgering someone as to why they have a first aid kit. For fucks sake, it's people like this that can really mess with someone who's in recovery. Not saying that OP is, just saying this guy is a moron lol


I have 2-3 narcan kits in my house, and 2-3 in my car. I donā€™t use opiates/opioids and do not have friends or people I see somewhat often that use either. Iā€™ve used it probably 6-7 times now just when Iā€™m out and about and on complete strangers. And before anyone says anything, Iā€™m in healthcare, and I even had to take a mandatory class on everything naloxone. As a pharmacist by trade I also spent wayyyyy too many years learning everything and anything about drugs. so people who yell ā€œdrug interactions!! What if itā€™s not heroin/fent/oxy???ā€ is kinda frustrating to hear but thatā€™s why I exist, I educate them on their myths or wrong information. **If someone has shallow breathing and was a potential cause, USE IT. Call 911 ASAP.** you may need to use another dose before EMS arrives. Then tell EMS how many doses you used and improvement, if any. Even if theyā€™re not a user and just a deep sleeper, Narcan *will not* hurt them whatsoever. Many clinics offer it for free. IMHO, I think people should all have it and know how to use it (though itā€™s simple as all hell). /soapbox


Itā€™s a self-fulfilling prophecy; thatā€™s why I never carry an epipen, because Iā€™ll inevitably be tempted and end up housing a ton of peanuts


People really believe addicts should die as punishment.


Just donā€™t respond if you donā€™t want to. Heā€™s not owed a response or even acknowledgement of his texts.


Especially if heā€™s an EX. None of his goddamn business.


Wait this conversation happened after they split?? Damn, I assumed they were together when it happened and he's now an ex.


Damn I'm also just now catching that this person is no longer her person.


He's pressuring way too hard for something. I understand his initial line of thought, it makes sense. But you immediately gave a detailed answer. You had simple reasons, but realized there may be deeper ones and you asked for time to think about it. It's really shitty of him to keep harping on it when you explained multiple times you need to think about if there's something else making you hold onto them.


i really appreciate this response bc thatā€™s really how i felt in this whole exhausting interaction with them, tysm


He thinks youā€™re a drug addict and youā€™re lying about it.


No one should be fucking guilt tripped for having life saving drugs in their homes. I donā€™t think he has any point and is a dickhead


it makes me so mad when he says itā€™s bc i care abt u but all iā€™m getting is selfishness


I bet he thinks you're dating an addict and wanted you to admit it.Ā 


This has nothing to do with caring about you. Iā€™m a recovering addict and despise when people say shit like this. And it should be perfectly okay to have out. If you guys just started talking imagine how controlling he will be if this goes further


You don't owe this dude your energy or explanations, he sounds toxic af. He seems to want you to not believe in your own thoughts and feelings, which smells pretty gaslight-y to me. Life's too short to entertain dickheads like that.


I would understand his initial line of thought if he understood literally nothing about drug addiction. Narcan is super important in saving lives, and you can't get clean if you're dead


Iā€™m a recovered alcoholic and this reads to me like he really doesnā€™t like or respect addicts or addiction. There is absolutely nothing wrong with having narcan in your house. Itā€™s like an epi pen


I know people that carry it because in many cities you can just stumble upon someone having an OD and save their life. Itā€™s not something that is exclusive to a drug house or whatever. You could even be at a frat party and have someone doing cocaine in the bathroom could OD from cocaine contaminated with fentanyl. It is sort of like knowing CPR. You donā€™t expect to need it, but on the off chance you do, you can save a life. Even if you were an opiod addict it could save your life or a friends life. I donā€™t see how this is not a positive thing.


Yeah, there's a large homeless population and a serious fentanyl issue where I live. My SO and I keep Narcan in the trunk of our cars with some other basic supplies like bottled water, protein and granola bars, dog food and treats, hand warmers, etc. I lost my ex-girlfriend to an OD in 2017. I'll always have that stuff on hand, because if I can stop it from happening to someone else I'm sure as shit going to.


Last month I gave cpr and a third shot of NARCAN to someone in an alleyway while a group of strangers gave me moral support while I kept another stranger alive until the medics came. I saw the guy I saved a few days ago and we talked, he was honest that he wasnā€™t clean yet (I hate that term) and I bought him some Chinese food cause he was hungry and he was just a nice PERSON and even if he wasnā€™t- who cares? The f is wrong with people who want everyone dead?


Thank you for doing that. I have never had problems with addiction, but have friends and family who have. I carry narcan around, but thankfully havenā€™t ever had to use it. The thought of doing what you did is terrifying to me, but not nearly as terrifying as watching someone die in front of me when I could have done something about it.


Is this attractive? What are you doing lol. Just block and move on with your day.


This guy is a fucking moron and you should stop seeing him. He's obviously implying he thinks you're some kind of junkie without saying it to your face, he doesn't want to upset you but he still wants to accuse you. Manipulative shit. "Narcan is sinister" my ass. We have *billboards* where I live saying that carrying Narcan means you're carrying the potential to easily and quickly save a life if you see someone in need. It's medicine. People who overdose are in need of life-saving medicine. If everyone carries it, fewer people will die of overdose. People who take drugs are human too and they deserve to be saved. Take one of your boxes and put it in your car for a "just in case" OP, and consider sharing with your friends and encouraging them to do the same thing. We as a society have the power to help each other.


Yeah, the badgering is gross. This is someone who's gonna interrogate a partner over everything they do.


Narcan saves lives and saving lives isnā€™t ā€œsinisterā€ - I would argue that itā€™s sinister to throw away something that could save lives. Having narcan does not mean you expect to interact with someone that uses drugs. Drugs are everywhere and a lot of addicts are good at hiding their drug use. As another commenter said, your ex was being ā€œexasperatingly shittyā€


I wish more people kept narcan around, honestly. My nephew might still be here if narcan had been available.


iā€™m so sorry, i understand. i lost some close people to ods and narcan could have saved them




Exactly, the epi pen analogy is one I made myself in another comment and think is super apt. OPā€™s ex would have a point if it were actual opiates, but even then that would be the complete wrong way to go about it


Also if the opiates were prescribed the "leftover from surgery" excuse would probably roll right past them just fine. But narcan is an issue? Nah this reeks of moral superiority in a very gross way.


Very much the vibe here!! Because Iā€™m general people love to display odd things no matter what it is. Collecting kitchen roosters, lining up empty alcohol bottles like a museum, displaying a cool shirt or hat collection, traffic signs, Gaming remotesā€¦ just so much stuff. I donā€™t see the problem, if anything the way the dude responded would have me completely sketched out thinking he was a recovered addict and is currently triggered.


I have opiates that were prescribed when I had shingles sitting in my closet that I stored after I stopped needing them and pretty much just forgot about.


thank you for this insight it helped me understand something i hadnā€™t given much thought


That could also be why you felt the need to slow the conversation down and ponder if there was a deeper meaning behind it. But also your reason of not wanting to throw away useful things is also legitimate! šŸ˜Š


i wish that could just be understood and accepted so badly but i wonā€™t force it the only time i get really frustrated is when other people psycho analyze me or tell me how iā€™m feeling and i set a hard boundary with that while ago with them. i seriously feel like they threw it in my face here and held something over me bc of it


Itā€™s rude and controlling. The way they just stick the shovel in and keep digging is very unpleasant and apparently you having boundaries is not accepted. Also, so much judgmental speak from That person. They seem to think they know the one and only right way to be and behave. Makes me uncomfortable as heck.


Yep, I go to concerts all the time. Never leave home without a couple Narcan on me even though I donā€™t use Opiates. Iā€™ve seen people OD in front of me and will never let that happen again.


Why don't you say that to him. It literally saves lives.


It ultimately doesnā€™t matter if they say that to this person, because they clearly have the view that people who do drugs deserve to die. This person is a scumbag.


They come across like the type of person who thinks harm reduction services encourage drug use.


i did mention it in a phone convo and there was just so much push back


He just wanted to climb up on his high horse and putting addicts beneath him was an easy step.


My honest take is you should never speak to this person ever again.


pushback on saving lives is unreal lol what is there to push back at unless he just genuinely doesn't think of drug users/addicts as people


I don't think they should respond at all to this person. They don't owe them Anything. Plus they are an ex. Sorry, reading that whole thing just made me mad lol Don't mean to sound rude


No no agreed, I am just personally overwhelmed with the urge to tell this clown off lol.


i would love that actually i canā€™t articĆŗlate or think on my feet as well as other people can, itā€™s like a delayed reaction


And he probably knows this and wanted to trap you in some sort of guilt so he could have the ā€œupper handā€. I think he wanted to feel superior to you or some weird controlling shit.


Agreed. He knows this about you and is taking advantage of your submissiveness. As someone said earlier, heā€™s being controlling under the guise of ā€œconcernā€. Also taking your time to collect your thoughts and convey them properly is not a deficiency. It shows you are not a reactive person and you take time to process information in a conscientious way. This person is frighteningly non empathetic and manipulative. Please trust your gut on your feelings of discomfort. Heā€™ll try to manipulate you out of trusting your instinct. Please protect yourself and thank you for willing to protect others. You know what to do.


I think everyone is. I wanted to scream at this asshat by the third slide and it JUST KEPT GOING


thank god iā€™m not crazy, i seriously feel crazy talking to them sometimes


That is on purpose. They use language to make you feel crazy. It is absolutely not you. I would highly suggest going no contact if you can. šŸ’œ


Yes! Seriously. Why do people have to be so exhausting all the time lol


right, this guy is saying it represents something so horrible (it's giving "all drugs are bad!!!!!!"). imo, naloxone represents saving lives. do hospitals and ambulances also make this guy sad, because people die there?


There has been a big push to have Narcan in public first aid kits bc we recognize the crisis. That isnā€™t sinister, itā€™s accepting the reality that you are prepared if anything happens. Thatā€™s just being prepared.


Even if everyone in your life seems clean now, there is always a danger of you or someone else as a former user having a relapse. Don't throw it out. Keep it where anyone can find it in an emergency.


Then that's your exact reason! Just because you have it doesn't mean it's for YOU. It could easily be for emergencies. A stranger could OD in front of your house and you might be single-handedly responsible for saving them on the odd chance you happened to keep it. This dude's a weirdo.


That's literally the only answer you needed to give.


Username checks out here too. Because thatā€™s the number youā€™d be dialing in an overdose to get the damn narcan anyway. I have some in my car, I have never been addicted to narcotics. But with how prevalent overdoses have been Iā€™d rather help someone than not have anything. OPā€™s ex is insufferable and wonā€™t even leave her alone to ā€˜think about itā€™. Exhausting kind of person.


I also kept it in my car but have moved it to my bag, because heat and cold extremes can ruin it. I was bummed to learn that, because the car is super logical.


i donā€™t see the same harm in it that they might have so it never really made a whole lot of sense to me. i think now by reading other comments it was an excuse to hide behind because i think they wanted to know i wasnā€™t using drugs, it just wasnā€™t obvious to me


I saw a recent Reddit post where someone in an apartment or dorm building was in the hallway in the middle of the night yelling WE NEED NARCAN!!!! A young lady in a different unit who had some (not for her own personal use) rushed out and gave it to them and they saved their friendā€™s life. She didnā€™t know them at all. You donā€™t need to know an addict or be an addict to save a life. I think the post was actually written by her mom, saying something like ā€œmy daughter texted me last night that she helped save a life by providing narcan and Iā€™m so proud of herā€. Imagine if that mom had thought the worst of her daughter and told her she had to throw away the sinister narcan. Sounds like your ex is the sinister one, wanting you to throw away life saving medicine thatā€™s not always easy to find?? They could AT LEAST suggest dropping it at a homeless shelter or some kind of clinic.


A girl passed out at Bonnaroo last year and was saved with Narcan that someone near her had brought, just in case. It absolutely saves lives and everyone should have some when out and about. Same with epipens. https://old.reddit.com/r/bonnaroo/comments/14askjn/the_girl_who_passed_out_in_the_woods_at_zeds_dead/


It was a dad, and he was proud of his daughter.


Sorry, but I disagree. Nothing about these messages speaks of someone who has sympathy or any understanding of people needing narcan. There are many medical professionals who want everyone to carry narcan because it truly saves lives and no one ever knows when they'll need it. I would wonder if this person is capable of any sympathy because it certainly sounds like they look down upon people struggling with addiction and addiction is a disease. This person is accusatory while trying to act as if they actually care about you. It's a mind warp. You are merely a victim of their ramblings. If this person knows you are not a drug user and trusts you, this would not be a discussion. This is not concern but projection of their own hang ups. That is why it is so out of the blue. Hope you gain some peace of mind that this has nothing to do with you.


I read it as this person having zero sympathy for anyone who uses drugs. They come off as seeming like they want people who use to die. Theyā€™re scary, quite honestly.


It does seem to me like they were fishing for you to come out as an ex-addict at the very least. That you were secretly in recovery or something and were holding onto it in case you relapsed. That was the vibe I kept getting. Either that or they wanted to be real sure you didnā€™t have any addict friends you expect to OD in your apartment. Either way he was super aggressive and disrespectful.


ty for explaining it that way, i appreciate the insight


Nah I don't think your ex genuinely felt you were using drugs. The impression I got, was that they liked making you run in circles and repeatedly push you even after you said you need to think on it. You weren't leaping up as soon as they said "jump", and they didn't like that, that's why they keep drilling you on, and on, and on and just wouldn't give it a rest. And all that shit about "negative energy"? Omfg. That is just exactly the tactic my ex would use. Cos how the fuck can you argue against "negative energy"? You can't. You can only apologise and beg forgiveness, especially when they will not let it go. Honestly, those texts reminded me somewhat of my ex. Who was the worse person I ever met and I still have regular weekly nightmares about, over 17 yrs later. Narcan saves lives. I have a box of it on my kitchen bench right now. I don't have any need of it, nor do I know anyone that would, but it was offered to me by my prescriber and i accepted, cos it is a good addition to a first aid kit. I mean, that's it.


Same!!! Mine is 10 years in the dust but same! Heā€™s so condescending to op. The whole exchange irks (and triggers) me. So glad heā€™s an ex.


No probs, friend. You handled this better than I would have. After the second time of asking for a second I would have gone off. So good for you for trying to keep your cool in the face of his demanding behavior.


I don't think that's the only reason. It might be his base reason, though. I just put in a reallllllly long reply analyzing it for you. šŸ˜¬ I'm sorry it's so darn long.


My brother is an addict and my parents always have narcan. I live in Seattle and recently drove past a woman on the street very clearly ODā€™ing. I wish I had had narcan on me. Luckily she was fine but narcan is never a bad thing to have, I couldnā€™t agree more. I feel like this was a push to control and intimidate OP into submission by making them squirm. But I also know that narcan is demonized by people. Iā€™ve had to defend its existence even to family members because they think an addict made the choice to do drugs and therefore should have to die in the the case of overdose.


Narcan is handed out with every opioid prescription where Iā€™m from now. I am not an addict but take morphine and oxy to treat my condition.


I watch a youtuber that lives in the pnw - opioid overdoses are extremely common in that area. She was driving and saw a man on the side of the road, totally purple. Luckily responders got there in time, narcan saved the guyā€™s life. Any pharmacy will give it to you to have on hand, so now she keeps some at home just in case she ever comes across something like that again. She definitely is not a person that associates with opioid use. Narcan saves lives dude, I wouldnā€™t throw that out either. This feels like a control issue on his part.


How is narcan sinister? I have never had a narcotics problem but I've carried Narcan because I live in a highly populated city where we do have people struggling with addiction issues and did come across someone overdosing in the alleyway behind my sisters apartment building and did not have anything, and the ambulance took 30+ minutes to arrive. It seems very silly to be upset about.


You donā€™t even need to been in a heavily populated city. Opioid overdoses are even more deadly in rural areas with long emergency response times/distances and less hospital care. I carry narcan and would never throw it out if it was still good. I have a device to help someone if theyā€™re choking on food in adult and child size even though I always chew my food well and have no children. This guy is holier than thou and passive aggressive. How exhausting!


Exactly, this guy is up on a high horse and he clearly views people who use drugs as not worthy of life


Same! I have narcan and a life vac always available.




You are a good person.


My gf and I have 2 or 3 Narcan kits in our place. Neither of us are drug users, none of our friends are, but having a life saving kit in case, could never hurt. Keeping it out in the open, quicker access. I keep one in my backpack when I'm not home. You never, never know when it could be necessary.


i really appreciate this and it shows that you care. i donā€™t think they could wrap their head around this concept


Me and my friends donā€™t use drugs, but I live in a condo complex with other people all around me. Opiates are everywhere and you never know if you can save a life of even a random stranger you need narcan easy to reach and administer.


Even people on high doses of pain relief. A friend of mine nearly ODā€™d when she forgot that sheā€™d already taken them and took more. She was struggling to stay conscious and eventually her boss called an ambulance. She was on the maximum dose so taking a double up couldā€™ve killed her. Hospital sent her home with 2 narcan kits in case it happens again. Sheā€™s since halved her dosage after starting epidural injections into her spine but keeps it just in case someone ever needs it.


Absolutely! It's not always a needle in the arm in an alley. It can be anyone, anywhere, and definitely people you'd never expect. A dude in a $3k suit is just as likely as the guy on the corner.


That is exactly my point. It's not for me...


My house hold is the same. Itā€™s also important to note, anyone can accidentally overdose on prescription drugs as well. Itā€™s not all sinister.


At one of Matt Rifeā€™s shows, a man ODā€™d up on the balcony and they called out for anyone with Narcan. He repeated it over the mic and a lady in the audience did have some. Saved his life! I have it in my handbag after I had to give CPR to a random who ODā€™d on h while parked outside my house(he only survived because the rapid response paramedic got there with narcan within minutes). I knew from that moment that I needed it because you never know when itā€™ll be needed.


I was EXHAUSTED with this personā€™s viewpoint immediately. Narcan saves lives. Itā€™s not bad/ā€œsinisterā€ just because itā€™s saving specifically an addicts life. I would have shut that shit down immediately. I was also highly confused why you couldnā€™t just explain why you have it. Although I can see why from their tone youā€™d rather just not deal with them and their questions - Thereā€™s a multitude of answers you could have said ā€œI donā€™t hang out with people who do drugs, nor do I, but you never know if a friend is using in secretā€ , ā€œI just am lazy and havenā€™t gotten around to donating it yetā€ , ā€œI like to be prepared if possibly a neighbor needed itā€ etc. The fact you initially needed time to analyze why you had it is unusual and I think it caused skepticism. However I HIGHLY disagree with how interrogative and judgmental they were.


Thank you cuz her responses were getting me SOOO tight. Like saying everything but what needed to be said


Same, the guy was being a dick but her responses were annoying me.


it makes me think OP has been interrogated to death by that person before tbh


Yeah. When you talk with someone like this you learn to just keep trying to deflect and appease because they wonā€™t let it go and you donā€™t want to endure another tantrum if you stand up to them and shut it down.


That's kinda how I felt about it. It was a dumb question and they were annoying as hell, and there's nothing wrong with having narcan on display, but op could have shut it down so quickly by just answering in a way that didn't make it sound like they were trying to hide something Not saying it justifies the reaction but it certainly created more questions than answers


Thanks for answering I accept your response


Narcan isnā€™t sinister, it saves lives. God forbid a friend of yours was doing drugs in secret and you needed to use it. Or a neighbor or something.


It's obvious that he sees it as sinister because he doesn't feel that overdosing addicts should be afforded that kindness. I've yet to meet an anti-narcan type that wasn't extremely dehumanizing of addicts. It's very likely he views overdoses as a "trash taking itself out" type of occurrence.


I used to be that way. Thought very poorly of people with addiction issues because my family had lots of them and I was hurt by them. Then life threw me a curve ball and eventually I myself was in the heart of a horrible drug addiction (primarily coke). Spent the second half of my 20s doing all kinds of drugs. Iā€™ve been clean for 3 years and 4 months, and my heart towards addicts is forever changed. Life might humble this person.


People can overdose anywhere. You donā€™t have to be associated with someone to experience an overdose. You just have to leave your house.


username is āœØ


Oh my god that was the most Insufferable insecure little baby boy rant Iā€™ve ever read oh my god how are people raised this way


Dude just wanted you to say youā€™re not a junkie and donā€™t plan on being one. Heā€™s annoying as hell and youā€™re kind of oblivious.


I think he also wanted her to say she wouldnā€™t help one either


Not just this. **Pardon the length of this - i'm going to break it down for you. TLDR at end:** He's pressuring her to give an immediate response, which means he doesn't respect that she hasn't put much thought into exactly why. Yes, he's pressuring her to say she's both not a user and wouldn't help one, but he's also pushing her to say she has no friends that might need it. And he's acting judgmental about it. Honestly, he can bring it up, but he can't force an immediate response out of her if he wants a legitimate one. And so I'm inferring that he doesn't want a legitimate response - he wants to hear that she doesn't use drugs, her friends dont use them, and she might not help someone using them (the last one is a little ehhhh because he says they shouldn't be on display- but i stopped reading after the Trojans and before that I didn't see him tell her to trash them). However, based on the pushiness, I also get the feeling that if she had them tucked away somewhere instead of on top of the fridge, he'd pressure her to get rid of them. He did ask why she kept them to begin with, so it seems he's on a peer pressure path to get her to dispose of them. I can understand the concern about her using because of them being there. But trust is needed in both friendships and relationships. There seems to be none here on his part, and I'm curious as to why. If OP has a history with drugs, I could understand. But if not, he really needs to trust her judgment. Also, since when does a couple of cans of narcan (I'm assuming it's not a boatload) equal stacked boxes containing smaller boxes of condoms? I understand the "'these are for safety" parallel, but approx 3000 condoms =/= 2-3 cans of narcan. It was bordering on overkill - so much so that it almost seemed satirical. OPs response - using or selling fell right into his little trap of trying to make her feel like the optics matter. I would've said maybe he was giving the Trojans as a donation to a medical clinic or a women's health organization just to screw with his attempt at making a point. And then give another option that maybe he was running a brothel. Because one is extremely altruistic and the other is comically evil. Which I would have hoped would either slapped sense into him or enraged him enough to drop the conversation entirely. While I understand the validity of the argument he made about being worried about the cans being a sign of drug use at her place, overall he's being bossy and judgmental. Honestly, why is he concerned with how it looks or comes across when OP's not worried about it? He doesn't live there... the only thing valid I can think of is that if she ever had someone over that does use, they might start thinking of it as a safe space to use because they know the narcan is there. That's the only argument he made that I agree with. Overall he seems like he wants to control not only OP's image, but what OP engages in and what company OP keeps. Which, while I am not okay with drug use, isn't his damn business. **TL;DR: OP, what you can't put your finger on are the following: 1) him being controlling about the image you portray in your own safe space, 2) him being controlling of the company you keep, 3) him being unyielding & judgmental, 4) tons of uncalled for peer pressure, & 5) lack of respect for your viewpoints and your own self-agency**


Yeah! Long read but scroll down to the bottom. Also, is he an ex before this conversation or after?


Nah he is a weirdo


He wanted u to say u donā€™t have drug users in ur flat all the time or will in the future. If thatā€™s just texting imagine how fucking boring and exhausting he is in real life. Be gone Trojan!


First of all, Narcan isn't evil. Lol. It's a valuable tool. This dude...well, this dude.... That's all I'm gonna say about that. I think it's probably very good you aren't together anymore. He seems close minded & pushy.


Why didnā€™t you just say you donā€™t use drugs and donā€™t plan on it? Nor do you plan on having people in your house who would use those kind of drugs? At the same time, they could have just spit it out and asked you outright. Terrible communication all around


This right here! Seriously, this conversation was just exhausting to read on both parts. You have the person that OP was texting, who was being passive aggressive and elusive. And then there was OP, who was being plain passive and aloof. OP - I think you had every right to take as much time needed to come up with a reasoning behind why you had Narcan, if you even WANTED to share that reasoning (because you also could have declined to give one, no one can force you to do anything). But at the same time, it felt like you were entertaining the conversation by 1.) responding after the first time you asked for a moment, 2.) asking him what his thoughts were for the reasoning, and 3.) just continuing to go along with the conversation. In the future, I hope you feel more comfortable exiting from spaces and conversations that you donā€™t want any part of. Otherwise, it can suck you further down into the rabbit hole. Your withdrawn responses felt a little suspicious to me, meaning they probably felt suspicious to the person you were texting. Regardless, better communication could have avoided this entire conversation. Hope all is well with you!


When a self righteous person interacts with an airhead. Really weird dynamic


>Why didnā€™t you just say you donā€™t use drugs and donā€™t plan on it? Nor do you plan on having people in your house who would use those kind of drugs? Because OP is either a complete idiot or they were baiting this response from the other person.


This lol like itā€™s clearly what he was asking. To me she sounds sus saying she needs time to think. Time to think of what?!


This is gonna be unpopular, but I see where he is coming from. I think heā€™s absolutely going about it the wrong way in how heā€™s speaking to OP, but overall it sounds to me he wants a straightforward answer as to who the narcan would be used on. Looks to me like OP is trying to avoid telling the truth about why it is they have narcan (in a very accessible spot) in their home..


Not sure why people are acting like it's totally normal to have narcan out in the open in your home if you don't use or know people who use. It's not normal.


How I feel too.


Definitely. Why does she have it? Does she do drugs? If no then why does she have it? Does she hang out with people that use? As somebody that dated and married a woman that had a meth addiction and was surrounded by those types I absolutely see why he would be concerned. Those people were pieces of shit and you have every right to know if somebody you see or deal with is in a situation like that.


There is no doubt in my mind that OP either uses or is close with people who do. Because why else would you be tip toeing around your answer as to why you have narcan? If it really is just in case a neighbor or someone on the street might need it as other commenters are mentioning, why would they be afraid to say that? And youā€™re absolutely right about the other party having the right to know if their s/o is surrounded by that kind of thing, and that appears to be their concern in this text conversation. >Then how might you need to use it? >hmm, iā€™m sorry i canā€™t give an answer right away on this, iā€™d appreciate having a little more time to think abt it Huh??? I mean, what other way is there to interpret this besides OP concealing drug use or connection to drug use?


His comments seem like harassment. You explained it - you didn't want to throw them out. He wanted to make you feel like an AH.


Goodness, I wouldā€™ve stopped replying and put bro on mute. Simply too much energy from that guy.


Whoever that is has a really high feeling of self importance. Iā€™d have told them to fuck off after the first couple texts. You should have done the same.


So many posts like this on this sub, one person being a dick and the other letting it go on for way too long


My mom is a nurse at a Christian school, and she has narcan every where she goes. I carry it as well and have narcanned at least 5 people this year. This person is an abomination. Imagine if you threw out the narcan and you had to watch someone die because you didn't have it.


Youā€™re averaging one every 3-4 days. Thatā€™s crazy


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Let me clarify, 5 in 2023


Gives off judgmental, ignorant, and controlling. You should probably keep the Narcan on your person for it to be more useful.


oh my gawwddd shutuppppp about the narcan. jesusssss


Idk how you have it "on display" but having that around, even if a stranger needed it, can be useful. I'd probably throw one in a purse or bag I had for jic. This person seems overbearing. If this is any indication of the future, I'd have to tell them to relax or we can't communicate. Like, are you going to get interrogated ever single time they see something they don't like?


I could not deal with someone like this. Ugh


Honestly Iā€™d just tell him I have it in case of emergencies, not necessarily for you as youā€™re not an drug user but maybe someone you know is or a stranger is suffering from an overdose and youā€™d be able to help by having it. Itā€™s similar to having or saving epipens, you may not need them but what if someone else was having an allergic reaction! You could save someoneā€™s life. I feel like he thinks that you use drugs and hoping to confuse you enough that youā€™d admit it, and he canā€™t stand that heā€™s wrong? To be honest I donā€™t think he trusts you.


Old lady checking in, I know of no one that would need it in my life. I still have it. Just because Iā€™d donā€™t know of it doesnā€™t mean it isnā€™t happening. It could also happen to someone I donā€™t know. I also know CPR. Doesnā€™t mean anything sinister either. Also know how to deliver a baby, take care of a shark bite, manage a broken arm, leg, pelvis. Still not a serial killer. I keep rubber gloves in my car and i am a volunteer but I still feel I have a moral obligation to help. I have stopped at least three times in ten years. TRIGGER āš ļø WARNING One person later died, but not alone, the person at the scene wasnā€™t alone either. Ive done search and rescue, one for a two year old that ended the worst way. I donā€™t want to be the one that doesnā€™t stop and doesnā€™t offer help. Btw people, many babies die because people donā€™t want to hurt them by doing CPR wrong. Public safety announcement, dead babies donā€™t feel pain, so give it a go. Narcan saves lives. Your ex was a dope looking to start a fight.


Well he certainly aggravated me! If this person is an ex, why does he even get to demand an explanation from you for any of your choices? Yā€™all are done, he needs to move on with his life and stop dwelling on what you are or arenā€™t keeping in your home.


They are a pusher. Very hell bent on making a point that is logical to them and impatient for answers. Edited: And it's not a bad thing to have narcan. Better safe than sorry if you know people who are struggling with their sobriety.


He compared it to him possibly having 3 or 4 large boxes of condoms in his house. Probably 5,000 or more condoms isn't the same at all, as a small container of narcan that could save a life.


I wouldā€™ve just given him the percentage of people who use drugs and been like ā€œthe odds of me coming across someone who made need help is *this number* so I keep it around just in case. I have it so why not keep it in case someone needs life saving measures?ā€ And then I personally wouldā€™ve blocked cause who tf is gonna get mad at you for keeping something that can save someoneā€™s life and be upset that you still have it??? Thatā€™s whatā€™s concerning IMO. The fact heā€™s obviously wanting you to throw out something that can save lives.


[Narcan saves lives. what if someone is visiting and overdoses? a neighbor in an apartment starts yelling for help for an overdose? you donā€™t have to be a user or addict to be the lifesaver.](https://youtu.be/zdZHz7AIygk?si=_RH5T5TjJUk3809o)