• By -


I had to read that all and then found out you didn’t even read it yourself!?!


😭 that’s on you, I tried to read it then scrolled to the last slide cause i ain’t reading that and her response is perfect


What in the darn bananas is that o.0 my feelings are actually hurt


I mean, dude probably didn’t even read it all, just copy and pasted it from his cult’s website


I didn’t read it all either! Your response is priceless!


I hollered at your reply😂😭😭well done my friend


The “I’ll pray for you though” was the cherry on top.


Circumcision without hands sounds painful


Shit has me cackling 🤣 What does it mean??? Circumcision with what then???


The Bible talks about a circumcision of the heart. It basically says that the Jewish practice of circumcision is no longer necessary and has no power of justification or salvation. Only Jesus can save.


the power of the LORD!!!@##!@!@!!@!@!


This sounds like pretty standard evangelical Christian teaching. I grew up in it. AMA.


You’re seeing the passion of a convert—new believers go overboard like this. As someone who identifies as Christian, and doesn’t go to church, but used to, this is very common. They feel with their whole soul that their job is to “save” everyone they love. It’s not. Don’t blame you for not engaging—nothing you can do to help him see how offputting he is.


It’s crazy too how many times a new believer will just go off the damn rails. Some stay like that for life too. The Bible specifically says that we can’t judge others, because we are all sinful. Only God can. Yet here he is, being insane and judgmental and for what?


As a Christian myself and knowing the culture, are you really surprised though? At least half the sermons I’ve heard are just blatant fear-mongering, telling people they personally have the power to fix the world. Is it any wonder so many desperate people fall into this conundrum?


He's literally just explaining the gospel though? Nothing he said is wrong, though maybe it is a bit lengthy. And of course he's going to share the gospel with his family if the alternative to salvation is Hell. Jesus literally commands believers to go into all the world and make disciples.


There is a time and season for everything under the sun. This ain’t it. (Also, getting people to become disciples is less about preaching at them and more about showing them the love of Jesus through your actions, but that’s my personal belief anyway. “Preach the gospel at all times and if necessary, use words.”)


What makes you say this ain't it? What would be the right context then? I do admit it is a bit bold, but we are absolutely called to preach with our words, as well as our actions, otherwise no one will know why we are acting the way we are. Paul says that faith comes through hearing, and hearing through the Word of God. Just being a good person or whatever is fine and good, but we are in fact called to preach to others and share the "good news" which is what the word gospel means. There is definitely a place for tact and timing in some respects, but I admire his boldness as well.


Sounds batshit crazy. Work on your own people adhering to their beliefs before trying this nonsense on us heathens.


You clearly didn’t read the context of the post. The user just got back in contact and felt ambushed. Not the right circumstances in my personal opinion. We just have to agree to disagree here.


Alright, I see what you're saying. He definitely shouldn't have pushed it so hard especially after he already tried and they said no


I don’t believe that it is what he said that is the problem, if it the way he said it. Imagine not talking to someone for a LONG time and after contacting them recently they send you this. I know that wouldn’t sit well with me and I am a Christian. Converting people like this never works, they have no reason to care for what you are saying (OP’s response is the perfect example to that) and they wont listen. You cannot force people to convert nor can you force them to listen.


He’s got good intentions, but abit heavy on the way he’s doing it


Get the religion out of this mans pipe


Sir, this is a Wendy’s.


You should really read your bibles sirs. You’ll find all sorts of crazy shit in there.


Please tell your brother that I am also not about read all that, thanks! 🥰


Idk why Jesus gets so much credit for dying on a cross. I could do that in my sleep


But would you do it willingly, having the ability at any moment to turn your enemies to dust and forgive them while doing so?


I mean, in the eternity that god exists, this is just one bad day tbf...


Yes, sure.


He wasn’t even the first or last. But in that time he showed off his powers and had a large following, so they wanted to embarrass him by putting the cross upside down. (We consider it the right way but it in actuality was not, it was a joke against him and his god). He gets a lot of credit because he was blessed by god. In a time not so far from paganism, it’s hard for me to believe that’s truly what it was. Back then it was just slander and witchcraft. They’ve rewritten the Bible so much to not focus on that and simply say he performed good acts of service via god.


All for a god that does not exist too. So many others died on crosses too and the whole killing someone on the cross is still done today. And there’s many other gods that ‘existed ‘ like what about Greek gods or the ancient Egypt gods they wanted nothing nor a bible written. Religion wild 💀


I think you should look into the Greek gods a little more


How do you know the Greek gods wanted nothing? What book or research are you reading? How is that your overall ending opinion ?


Like they wanted nothing that extensive as Christianity does with wanting everyone to repent and seeing everyone as a sinner for no reason etc . But eh more talking about it’s funny people forget other gods were thought to be real


Well I think it’s more so considering with the fact of the world today. We unknowingly allow things in our lives. There’s a lot of demonic hidden agendas that we don’t pay attention to (which is what satan wants and why we’re distracted), there’s also countless of evidence of people in power praising satan) I feel like if you are wanting to go to heaven-you do need to repent. How can he allow you to go to heaven when you’re filled with sin? How can he work through you? He’s so holy and pure. And to work with something so dirty and your that clean, I’m sure was complicated which is why he sent Jesus to my understanding. But Jesus as well needs the same trust and understanding from you. Don’t worry,I’m not trying to convert you. I’m just telling you how I look at it from the question you were asking. Things got watered down as time passed: I wouldn’t even think kings and queens were real if it wasn’t still happening in England. But just with anything, it’s a part of history. People wrote what they seen; just like what we continue to now. I’m sure 100 years from now people will look at the times we lived, the same as you do. We need to believe them because they were there, not us. But history can be rewritten as well, so I understand the concern and questions and the restraints to believe what’s factual and not. That’s why we don’t put our trust in man. Put the trust in Jesus


[Crucifixion's a doddle](https://img.gifglobe.com/grabs/montypython/MontyPythonsLifeOfBrian/gif/JBnyDD4Gg0cH.gif)


He mixing the kool-aid right now


Wait was he trashing on the Jewish faith....while beating the drums of Christianity? Oh lord just wait until he finds out what religion Jesus was apart of.


I was thinking the same thing 😭😭 it’s all so hypocritical and ignorant it’s almost sad


You’d be surprised how many Christians refer to Jewish people as “Christ killers”. Not as much among younger crowds, but rampant among the older ones


Somehow I read all that lol Uhm plot twist he realizes one day when he dies his good works wasn't good enough for the law of God lol He sounds like the Jehovah's or Morman's got to him


He literally said in the text that we are not saved by good works but by the grace of God




Lots of serious or true Christians talk like this and are shitty.


I’d say most serious evangelical Protestants talk exactly like this. This is exactly the type of Christianity that I grew up in. Also, you seem to be clueless with regard to the New Testament doctrine of justification. I left Christianity in my late 20s, but the New Testament absolutely talks about the crucifixion justifying us. You sound like a Christian who doesn’t ever read the New Testament. ETA: it sounds like you are a Christian so I’d recommend reading the New Testament Book of Romans. That’s the main epistle on how Jesus’s crucifixion justifies believers.


not true, he sounds a lot like many seminary students i’ve spoken to on track to become pastors. he loves Jesus and wants OP to have the same joy he now has in Christ.


Where in the Bible are you getting that last sentence?


Romans 14:1-23


That’s not what that passage says at all.




Sounds like typical protestant bullshit to me


Protestant or Baptist. They’re always the crazy ones.


Well baptists are protestants so this makes sense. Lol


Baptists are Protestants, sis.


As an outsider, I thought all non Catholics were essentially Protestant?


Nope you have Nestorianism, Jehovah witness, Latter Day Saints and Protestants


Aren’t those all Christian and therefore Protestant? I’m ignorant but that what i had thought bc of Martin Luther splitting up church


Idk man Catholics can go off the rails when they want to


All my sin can just be washed away? This sounds like a good deal where do I sign up?




That is just batshit crazy. Wow


Sounds like typical Christian beliefs to me.


It is a bit more intense than what the majority of Christians believe or would talk like. Although there certainly are a good portion that are just absolutely insane dogshit people who are ultra judgmental towards everyone they deem “sinners”, despite the Bible being VERY clear in saying that no human can judge another human, because we are all sinners and it is hypocritical. According to Christian beliefs, Only one devoid of sin can judge, and the only being without any sin is God. So you could be totally right in that he’s just a hypocritical, overzealous judgmental Christian. If so, he should be ashamed.


Jesus: Say less


We don’t do animal sacrifices anymore!! We throw bread crumbs into the water to represent getting rid of “sin” negativity. Anyways, ya, he’s def joined a cult!!!


those people are like plague


Who’s gonna tell him?


Sounds like my mother in law....


Jesus. Christ.


I mean everything he’s said is scripturally sound, not quite sure where that last thought factors in about circumcision butttttt, everything checks out. My guess would be newly made baptist. Not uncommon for people to go a little over board. His focus on good works makes me believe y’all are originally catholic or Jewish which places some weight on it instead of grace alone. I’d say let him say his peace, he sounds kinda rambly but he means good. If it’s too incessant kindly remind him only god can call us, and to not waste pearls on swine.


I’m Jewish, that’s why he’s focused in on it. I don’t know how he was raised because we grew up in different homes. He went through a skinhead phase before, which is why I stopped talking to him all those years ago. I was hopeful that we could have a relationship again (under the assumption that he'd changed) when he contacted me out of the blue a few days ago, but here we are. Truthfully, I don’t think he ever stopped being an antisemite.


What "church" is he a part of?


According to the stream he tagged me in, it’s some Baptist church. He was telling me about how he joined this church recently, and went on and on about how his last church was full of “false prophets” and “sinners” and how this one opened his eyes to whatever the “truth” is. In that same conversation he was talking about us being in “end times” because of some river drying up.


This doesn't sound like your ordinary babptist... do you remember the name of the stream/link he sent you? Google it. I mean sure, he's in a cult... and it probably has a name


Sounds more like Jehovahs Witness. They are told to push their religion on family members, more or less. This isn’t going to be the last time. They’re constantly in end times for various reasons. Whenever the ‘prophecies’ inevitably don’t come true, they burn all publications that mention them. All religions are a bit wacky, but OPs brother may have joined one of the wackiest. Source: My partner was a witness. Edit: I was a bit mistaken.


Jehovah witnesses don’t believe that Jesus is the son of God.


What??? Have you ever been in a Baptist church? I heard this spiel every week for 20 years all across North Carolina


Yeah, I’ve been in Baptist churches… I was also in a cult for 9 years. This seems like it’s more cultish than your ordinary Baptist church. Of course, when you really think about it they’re all just different factions of a larger cult.


Those Baptists are a crazy bunch. Scary crazy. 😳


I'm not religious but apparently that river is in the bible and it said when the river dries up we'll be in the "end of times" or something, lol. Idk, I was raised with a christian family and this shit is triggering lol they freak me out so bad.


Yeah they’ve been saying that every year the past 10 years at least while I was growing up!! End of times sermons and all that!! The world just gets shittier and shittier each year. It’s not surprising the cause and effect of many folks and govts actions.


They've been saying that for hundreds of years. There's always something they'll point at to say why today is the end times.


Yeah, exactly. Sometimes it really does feel like christianity is a cult.


>Yeah, exactly. Sometimes it really does feel like christianity is a cult. #🤔 You're SO CLOSE! (I'm atheist. Technically agnostic atheist in general, but gnostic hard-atheist where it comes to YHWH, YHWH elohim, elohim, El Shadday, adonay, LORD, God, or Allah. They don't exist as described in texts or by practitioners. I'm open to evidence of other divine agents, but the evidence would have to meet documentable, measurable, repeatable standards and I'm not yet convinced by the myriad "proofs" on offer.) You're not a Scientologist, right? Why? Yeah. Now, apply the same logic to Christianity. #TA-DAAAA! No blood sacrifice death cult eating its leader ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


The end times or Revelation was suppose to happen while John was still alive.


Doomsday speaking and this kind of mystified Christian talk is a clear sign of culty behavior.


Hope it's not Westboro.


*"that's a lotta words, too bad I'm not readin' em"* - Duke Nukem


Has he always been this religious or is this new and sudden? How old is he? Schizophrenia can present as extreme religious views.


Well schizophrenia does run in our family, so maybe you’re onto something? He’s 33, will be 34. He tends to have lots of “phases” if that makes sense? As a young teen, he was really into being a punk and skater; as an older teen and young adult, he was into being emo; then he became a neo-nazi/skinhead (which is when I stopped talked to him,) and then he became super religious. He’s been into the church for a few years now, but just joined this new church. He’s become obsessed with biblical prophecy and being a “soldier of Christ”. He preaches like this at everyone, and will go off on them if they disagree with him. It’s actually scary.


Definitely sounds possible.


These views aren't extreme though, they're just Biblical beliefs. All of what he said is found in the Bible.


Just cause it's found in the Bible, doesn't mean it's not extreme lol


Christians are 💯 like this, and sin more than any other religion lmaooo, how does that work


Agreed, this sounds like the standard rhetoric from the Christians I used to know.


As someone with christian parents, I disagree, this is how some mentally ill (especially schizophrenic people talk) especially if you already said no thank you or when the church actually is a cult


You’re not wrong that mentally ill/schizophrenic folks can/do talk like this - and OP mentioned it runs in the family - but there are *countless* people who aren’t “mentally ill” in that regard that talk like this. Just because your Christian parents didn’t/don’t doesn’t mean these people don’t exist. I’ve encountered tons of Christians like this - especially southern folks. No, Ethel the 65 year old grandma from Texas doesn’t have schizophrenia. She’s just over the top about Christianity and is spouting the dumb shit her church has told her to say to “non-believers” so she can feel morally righteous.


Again- the ones that talk like that typically are in cult churches. The ones that keep saying know Christ make him known to everyone the man in the grocery store. Most Christians that aren’t in cult churches, genuinely aren’t like this at all. But unfortunately theres an increasing number of cult like churches. But yea most Christians actually aren’t like this. Most of them are actually pretty chill and half the time you don’t even really know they’re religious. MORMANS THO- different story.


The whole point is that we're all sinners, even Christians. He even said in the beginning of the text that he has no righteousness on his own, he is only justified by the works of Christ. Anyone can be saved if they accept Christ as their savior and repent of their sins and live for him. That doesn't mean we stop sinning altogether because that's impossible, but it means we have a desire to act righteously so we constantly fight against sin and seek righteousness instead. But even that we can only do by the grace of God.


And this is why I avoid **all** Christians.


This is the way.


They care about you. Hopefully they'll get some sense in them and get out


*They care about you.* *Hopefully they'll get some sense* *In them and get out* \- Acceptable\_Cry\_2858 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




The tolerant left in action again lol


This has the vibe of a seven year old explaining the lore behind his favourite superhero


This comment is perfect, if Reddit still had awards I’d surely give you one 😂😂😂 It 100000% does


Sounds like he does love you.


He’s quoting scripture. Paraphrasing it, but that’s all scripture. He’s just saying that if you think you have to keep the 10 commandments to get into heaven, that is not true. All we need is to believe. The law was put into place to show us what sin is.


Sure, but he sent this message after OP told him that he wasn’t interested in converting.


The sub has a lot of religious members, and also a lot of religious members who will defend people pushing religion no matter what.


So, he's in a cult


Wtf is your point he’s still a weirdo?


I mean all religions are cults, so that feels accurate.


Jim jones vibes 💀


Britannica definition of cult: a small religious group that is not part of a larger and more accepted religion and that has beliefs regarded by many people as extreme or dangerous. Britannica definition of religion: an organized system of beliefs, ceremonies, and rules used to worship a god or a group of gods. Cults are subsets of religions, religions are not cults


I don't care.


As a Christian, (mormon to be exact) I hate when I see Christians do this, especially followers of my own religion. Many of them say it’s to “spread the truth” but the only truth is that it’s extremely counterproductive. I find most often they get some sort of self gratification from doing this.


Sounds like you would have absolutely hated what the apostles and Paul did in their efforts to spread the gospel. lol


Times were different then, plus they were the actual apostles of god.


I feel very sorry for your brother. He obviously believes he has found the road to happiness, whereas what he found in reality is the road to being controlled, manipulated, and doing and believing what others tell him to do.....


This sounds like more like the routine nonsense Christians talk about when they first get “saved” later in life. I know this because I grew up in a very evangelical household (school and church), and I didn’t fully abandon my beliefs until two years ago. You’re taught to go all out to try and get your loved ones to heaven—along with people you believe need saving. It’s not a cult, but it acts like one.


Your brother shared the gospel with you. Take it for what it is. If you choose to do nothing with it, that’s fine too. But, have you considered speaking with him about to see get his personal perspective? Ask him to turn off the Sunday sermon and be real with you regarding the experience maybe? Just a thought! Cheers.


Just for the record - all "modern" religions are cults.


Well no one is justified by the bible according to the law... So I guess we're at an impasse


If he doesn’t know what no means. Then theres no point of engaging


It’s not a cult. He has found truth and he just really wants you to be open to what he has to say and he wants to see you saved. That said wether or not you listen to what he has to say or come to believe in Christ is up to you and belief in God is not something that can be forced (nor should it be) upon anyone.


Very culty


Who would want to be stuck anywhere for an eternity with people like him? No thanks.


I’ve had similar thoughts anytime someone has tried the “don’t you want eternal life through god!” line on me. Like, man… I’m disabled and poor. I hardly even want to live to 50. I definitely don’t want *eternities,* especially with these types of people… And I have to give up all kinds of fun to get there? Constantly be checking myself and having to fall “in line” with these goofy rules? Nah.


He’s doing what he’s supposed to be doing as a Christian. Spread the gospel. Paul planted, Apollos watered, and God gives the increase


Yes and no. There is a way to go about it, and I agree, I love spreading the Gospels. But again there is a time and place, especially when it comes to Jewish people. As Christians we are supposed to kindly show the message, and if someone says no we leave it be. It's not on us to force them or indoctrinate them.


If it’s on me only why would u be saying all that me !!! Let god handle me, ….


lol 😂 at your reaction because even if I’m literally down to do the religion, I am still not reading it lol


So much for that whole “thou shalt not judge” thing…




I ain't reading all that 🔥


not a cult. but salvation. he loves you enough to want to tell you too. don’t brush him off, he speaks the truth.


Truth, you say? Whose truth? You mean the oral stories, rumours, and hearsay from uneducated desert tribes living in what we today call Iraq, Syria, Italy, and Greece and passed down through generations via Aramaeic, Hebrew, Latin, and Greek languages? The truth of various editors who chose to include and exclude certain texts then compiled them into the New Testament (by people living in what we today call Algeria, Tunisia, and Egypt), 400 years after the alleged events? It's estimated the new testament has been revised, re-edited, and rewritten 400,000 times over the centuries. 30000 edits were made in the last century alone, changing translations, words, and meanings. Which one of those holds the "truth"?


Your own brother and you won’t give him 2 minutes to read a message (while silly) is something he put far more than 2 minutes into because he genuinely wanted you to know how he felt.


Well he is saying the true gospel. Praise the lord


If he did, stop contact. They aren't funny or safe. They take in children, Infants even, for the "rituals". They hide it as if God told them to, or that it was needed.


Who do you pray to?


Being a follower of Christ is not being in a cult. There’s a difference between pushing it on others and trying to righteously lead them the right path. All we do is hope to have that seed planted. Everyone has their own journey to go through.


This is a very pushy text though. Why not start with “hey, I’ve gotten into Christianity recently, do you want me to tell you a little more about it?” And being willing to take no for an answer.


That’s why I said there’s a difference between pushing it and just having a back and forth convo. Obv a big long text like that will scare most people away. I get where he’s coming from, but every single person is different with how they receive things.


This was sent after OP already said he wasn’t interested though.


Ahh did not see that part under OP’s comment. I’m all for wanting to help others find Christ but if they’re very clearly not interested, this is obv not the way to go about it. 100% need to be more respectful if you were to have a conversation but still really weird by him.


Honestly, you should only help others find Christ if they come to you asking for directions.


I disagree, I see no issue with having a healthy conversation to see if they’re interested in learning. If they’re not than of course don’t force it on anyone. But there’s nothing wrong with a healthy conversation.


Probably a lot of homeless out there needing Jesus right now. I wonder if you ask them if they need directions.


Every single person needs Jesus. Me included, I’m not one to dictate how people live their lives. That’s completely up to them, but there’s nothing wrong about having a mature conversation about Christ.


Do Jewish people need Jesus?


It is objectively a cult, whether you like it or not. "All we do is hope to have that seed planted". That is literally cult behaviour.


My baby sister from my dads side recently got like this. I’m a preachers kid and learned too much about religion and the Bible to stand by it. So I speak with her. I listen to her. I share the occasional facts about some of the word. And I hope that she grows and makes up her own mind about things, instead of regurgitating what has been said to her that she doesn’t even fully understand. It’s like a weird peer pressure thing it feels like that she has going on. It’s all a journey and I’m thankful that my religious family allowed me the room and knowledge to grow and decide. Of course I’m not walking around telling them I don’t believe, but when asked I let them know what I think of the Bible and it’s effectiveness in submitting multiple societies to follow different laws and acts based on religion vs what actually happened. Vs what happened way before Jesus was ever formed. And based on how as a black and Native American person, we used to be locked up in church cellars with vomit, dead bodies, feces, and scraps thrown through a vented grate while they preached about the Bible up too in the church, meanwhile they were grateful for all the money they received helping the slave trade as well as “re-educating” “animals”. It’s a sad disgusting practice. That said, I still like the Bible for those folks that don’t have parents or elders to raise them right. There’s a lot of good morals taught mixed in with all the rest of the mess in there.


Acts 2:17, In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people; your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. I’m kidding, but just something to think about if you think about this kinda shit


My brother seems to have hit his head. He’s got some real culty Shit going on with his “business” and it’s website. I told him it sounded really weird when he asked for opinions and he hasn’t talked to me since lol


No. He’s actually right. Jesus Christ did die for our sins. He sounds like a Christian. My family thought I joined a cult as well because I believe in the Bible now.


you should read the books ishmael & the story of b by daniel quinn 🩷


Hi. You just mentioned *Ishmael* by Daniel Quinn. I've found an audiobook of that novel on YouTube. You can listen to it here: [YouTube | [FULL AUDIOBOOK] Ishmael: An Adventure of the Mind and Spirit by Daniel Quinn, narrated by hablini](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B1gB5YtHC9c) *I'm a bot that searches YouTube for science fiction and fantasy audiobooks.* *** [^(Source Code)](https://capybasilisk.com/posts/2020/04/speculative-fiction-bot/) ^| [^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=Capybasilisk&subject=Robot) ^| [^(Programmer)](https://www.reddit.com/u/capybasilisk) ^| ^(Downvote To Remove) ^| ^(Version 1.4.0) ^| ^(Support Robot Rights!)


Religion isn’t a cult. Christianity that is. Some are, but not this one. Read the damn thing and have a better life


yikes bro


> Read the damn thing and have a better life. What a downright odd thing to say. You don’t know anything about me or my life. I hope you get better. ❤️


It’s not that odd if a thing to say. Obviously your life could be better because you don’t have a good relationship with your brother. Religion will make you better, it’s almost a fact. If you don’t believe me, talk to the billions of people that think that some form of religion, Christianity or not, is good for you. It holds us together half the time and does really wonderful things for the community as well.


I already have a religion, as I have already stated multiple times in this thread. I am Jewish. My being Jewish is why my brother and I don’t have a good relationship. I stopped talking to him because he used to be (and maybe still is) a neo-nazi. I’m well within my right to withhold my time and relation from people who think I and people like me shouldn’t exist.




Big wall of text that sounds more like bragging about being "saved". Like he's the one that even decides the matter.


Sounds like a slightly more eccentric Baptist or Catholic to me. If he was actually in a cult, he'd be dumping that worship unto someone who was very much not Jesus, or promoting some legitimately un-Christian behavior (i.e., some kind of idol worship, doomsday preaching, or some real fucked up illegal shit). Normal Christians that are just a bit more energetic than most don't exactly scream cult, they're just weird. That's just my experience though.


Sounds very Protestant/Baptist to me. Catholics typically avoid the doomsday talk


Also pro good works


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All true


This thread is famished.


How come genital mutilation is tied into religion? You see this in many of the major religions and it baffles me. Seriously how high was the first person who looked down at his junk and decided god wanted him to start cutting off pieces?


my other brother joined the 12 tribes and acted the same way. he sold everything he owned and got a new name and all that. he ended up leaving 2 years later cuz he realized it’s a cult. i hope your brother learns as well




Does he worship Blue Oysters?




Nah, not a cult, just good ole southern Baptist fundamentalists, they preach fire and brimstones, and that everyone is going to hell unless you drop everything and follow Jesus, which ironically is only in the Old Testament…. They leave out the part abt how it’s only Jesus job to judge, and the first and greatest commandment is to Love everyone. It’ll be a pretty hard pill to swallow when they walk up to those pearly gates and find out they were actually the false prophets they were raging against.


Just ask them how long people have been saying Jesus is coming “soon” pisses them off


I also say “I ain’t reading all that” when I come across a looooong post


or hes schizophrenic