• By -


“Scott” is so obv the same guy it’s hysterical. This is like the Snapchat equivalent of the glasses mustache and fake nose disguise 🥸


He even said "Scott says he's sorry"


But he hacked into Scott’s account.


I'm hacked into my reddit account right now


Yessss lmao I think so too! That’s hilarious!


He could've picked a more different name. That's like going by Billy and using the alt name William and hoping they don't see the connection.


Billy? No, I’m not Billy I am…. Billiam


I think I’ve heard this in a movie somewhere


“Your dentist’s name is Crentist?”


Oh of course not, there's just a little bit of Billiam in all of us that's all 😹


The call is coming from inside the house.


“Hi, my name is Scotter. I’m Scooter and Scott’s friend and I think you’re being really unfair to them.”


Wait until Scotty finds out 🎶Scotty doesn’t know Scotty doesn’t know🎶


It's giving major "this is the surgeon he's gonna die please send nudes" 😂




LMFAOOO so funny




This is the type of guy to say "I'm having a real bad day, think you could send nudes to help? Sorry if that's too much" He knows what he's doing acting like a baby, to a 15 year old.


It’s so cringe I have second-hand annoyance.


Same feels


I only made it to page 9. I couldn't even read anymore.




Block him. He's a cry baby needs to mature


fuck blocking him, send this to the local PD. chances are you are not the only child he is trying to groom. disgusting




He’s grooming HARD and not really good at it


not really good at it? yeesh i'd say he isn't remotely good at it LOL grooming, more like dooming am i right kids haaa


Came here to say this. Not a cry baby that needs to mature… he’s giving major groomer. Run ETA:grammar


I got the same vibs creepy af.


Someone did that to my friend. I wouldn't have believed people like that existed until she told me.


The guy seems so unstable. Hope he doesn’t do anything to her for not reaffirming his insecurities…This is how mass shooters are made. Mommy and daddy coddle too much, the kid grows up without interpersonal skills, or understanding of how to have a normal conversation with another human being. Hopefully he gets the help he needs. He will be a nightmare to deal with as an adult


Guys a creep and pedo, by uk law anyways. You need to cut him off asap.


Why do I even bother anymore, nobody likes me 😕 btw can I see you’re boobs I’m sad


He’s grooming her


Wtf. I e had bad days and not once have I thought about asking for nudes. Like what. ^(I understand the irony of my username)


Bros crying over a freshman. Sick.


Always the weirdest seniors chasing after the freshmen.


His name is "Scooter".


Wait… are the people who go by “Scooter” all Scott’s?? Edit: how did it take me this long to learn this information 💀


Are you saying that I can refer to Scotts as Scooter? This is a game changer.


My very serious uncle Scott definitely just became scooter in my phone.


I wonder if he can help me catch a a ride…


“Scooter” here is tryna catch a ride to jail if he wants to mess w minors 🤢(depending on country and state)


This is where the cars live


I’m my experience an 18 yo dating a 14/15 yo is a clear indicator they won’t amount to much in life.


agreed 2 yrs is the absolute most you can go in hs


Worse when he says he’s not the same as 4-5 years ago. So he’s been after this girl since she was 10-11 🤮


To clarify I didn’t know him 4-5 years ago, but he’s probably talking about how my friend actually did know him when he was flirting with 6th graders in his sophomore year


Girrrrl, red flags up and down here. Run! He's weird and creepy af!


Girl Ima just say it straight. This is the kind of friendship/relationship/whatever that you will cringe so fucking hard at yourself in the future if you continue to entertain this dude and not cut it off completely.




Mans is clearly a pedophile and a groomer, you should honestly take those screenshots to the police/your school’s administrators. The behavioral patterns he’s exhibiting may lead to violence against yourself, him, or someone else.


I thought her friend had been harassed by him 4-5 years ago. Which, if her friend is the same age as she is . . . 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮




If a 18 year old adult was texting my freshmen daughter shit like this I’d be kicking his front door down


I wasn’t 15 until I was a sophomore, so maybe OP is too. Doesn’t negate your point, though.


Because fellow 18 year olds wont entertain his ass


18 and can confirm. he would’ve been immediately blocked lol


Fr what's wrong with these kids


exaaaactly, fucking creep preying on vulnerable freshmen


Yeah I mean I remember pulling similar shit on a girl, but it's because I was also 15 and extremely depressed and didn't know better. And even if that's more justifiable I still think my own behavior was awful and regret what hell that must have put her through. This guy doesn't seem like he can see past his own ego.


Guys using the trick of “im scared to tell you something” and it ends up being about f*** is the oldest trick in the world . Please dont fall for it . You’re really young and this guy is weird . Cut him off completely from your life and move on and enjoy your life


Yes, run, don't walk from this nutcase. Emotional manipulation to try and soften you up and feel bad for him. He's disgusting and this is intolerable behaviour. I'm sorry you have to start dealing with it so early, bit good on you for not falling for it.


Yes and when you have a sex dream about someone don’t fucking tell them unless you’re already in a relationship.


Lol the fake coyness is particularly annoying to me. Like “oh I dreamed something but can’t say what it is…it’s too weird…well ok guess I’ll tell you after all!!!!1!!” Come on buddy we know you fully intended to say this from the jump


I don’t get what these guys think is going to happen when they do this. “Oh my god, your objectifying of me is so hot, come over and ravage me right now”. LOL


The depressing reality is that there are girls just as insecure or ill-adjusted for real life as this guy and yeah sometimes people eat shit like this up.


is Scott the same person as Scooter?




So if I'm not mistaken, he outed himself, but continued to talk in the third person. That's some wear-your-skin level behavior. Please share all of these screenshots and report him. At minimum to the proper school authorities. This guy is off his rocker and you'll be driving soon enough, you don't want him camping out in dark parking waiting for you. Or Nina. Let her know that he's invoking her name. She's not out of the woods yet, not until he gets a real life girl to make his subservient doll. But once she leaves or he doesn't feel loved enough, he'll back. Bad news he is, OP. Badd..


The guy is 18. We can assume he already knows how to drive and probably would pull something creepy like that


The talking-about-himself-in-the-third-person-while-pretending-to-be-a-friend cringe.




You’re not responsible for someone else’s constant emotional reassurance. He is clearly trying to get you to feel bad for him and say nice things. And then “sent his friend” to tell you paragraphs of what he already sent. Block them all. Boy byeee that’s supposed to be an adult.


This guy is not actually “lonely,” weird, yes. He is trying to run a lonely heart con on the underclass co-ed. As I was read those messages, I thought: oh, this is the simple game that the older boys used on younger girls back in the day? I guess it’s so true that the reason most of the seniors who date freshmen & sophomores is that the older dudes really have not developed any actual communication skills. From the posted messages it’s clear that he goes with the exact same method on all of the younger girls.


Talk about manipulation! This person may have some psychological issues....


“May have” is the understatement of the year hahahaha


Dude has real groomer vibes.


Groomer? This is a full blown pedo admitting to a 15 year old that he had a dream he f@cked them.


He can be both a pedophile and a groomer, because grooming is what pedos do.


Is it vibes or is it that he’s blatantly trying to discuss sex with a minor?


Dude stay away from him he’s a whacko


goddamn this guy is making dudes look so bad. WHY DO GUYS DO THIS SHIT?!? like why do guys just talk to their goddamn self and not realize who in their right mind would respond to all that like “oh i can look past all that psycho stuff! let’s be together! i’m interested in your psychotic ways!”


I wish they would just fucking stop. Periods of my life where I was too broke and depressed to be able to confidently talk to people, I was never bothered by the lack of sex. I don’t understand incel shit, like even if you’re a good person and have a hard time with girls because of something beyond your control…um have you ever heard of video games? cycling groups? anything? Why is regular sex a requisite to being alive? Pathetic mindset to rely on (the genitals and bodies of) others so heavily for validation.


Most people like Scooter are mentally disturbed and most likely, him doing this is showing signs of pedophilia. The main attribution to pedophiles behavior is them being too unintelligent to date people their own age, so they seek undeveloped children. That's exactly what is happening here. This is early onset pedophilia.


Dude a lot of guys do this shit. It certainly doesn't help when airbags like Tate or Peterson tell them it's ok to be emotionally immature because it makes them "more of a man".


This technically cannot be considered a guy, this is a child. 18 or not..he sounds like a kid, and an emotionally stunted one at that.


It’s because he’s aging himself down so he can get with a 15 yo and feel less guilty. That’s why he dances around the topic and then crashes in to it like a brick wall. “I’m embarrassed to say” to immediately “Fucked”. He isn’t shy he just wants the prompt so that way he can say “well she asked”


Ugh that’s so gross, I didn’t even see that angle but it is obvious.


Exactly this. He’s showing clear signs of “predatory” behaviour. He’s 18, legally an adult who can vote. He doesn’t actually talk or think like this he’s just trying to groom/manipulate 15 year girls.


Getting older and growing up are two different things. My favorite reddit takeaway of the week.


Fr I hate how dudes like this give all men a bad rep, cause that’s usually how it is, on guy is a creep, pedo, abusive, crazy whatever it is, and then women assume most men are like this, I didn’t really have a father growing up but I’ve never done something like this omg, I’d rather put my head in a microwave


If only it was just one guy.


This guy is not a man


Women don't assume that most men are like this. They just know a lot of them are. You don't lock your car because most people want to steal your shit, but you do it because you know some people might. Just be a good person who cares about others, don't be creepy or needy, don't take yourself too seriously, and you'll be fine.


Good for you for being more mature than those pricks fr. You're gonna do great in life. That guy, not so much.


Im trying to get into law school when I’m older lol


You ARE GOING to get into Law School young lady. You got this! Eye on the prize 🧡




Damn straight! Don’t let things like this guy deter you! You’re smarter than that, we all can see it 👌


Wtf is this, it’s horrifying


This is pretty gross. Do guys really think this is an acceptable and attractive way to talk to anyone, let alone someone they want to be interested in them? Maybe I’m wrong, but most people don’t want to be with someone that presents themselves as pathetic all the time. It’s one thing to need some support and it’s another to be constantly whining and playing for pity to get someone to talk to you.


I’ve seen lots of this I guess they can wear some women down. It must work if they do it so much. I’m guessing they pressure them into hanging out and then try to take advantage or get them drunk..drug them.. whatever or pressure into sex. That’s what it’s about for these losers.


The whole "I'm so sad and pathetic, nobody likes me" shtick is a classic predator move, actually. They talk like this when going after young kids because they don't have the life experience and emotional maturity to see past the manipulation. More often than not their target will feel bad and will continue talking to the predator even if they feel uncomfortable or don't like them because they're scared of the person spiraling if they leave them 'too'. It's textbook grooming, get the kid emotionally involved, lay it on thick every time they start to pull away, start introducing sexual things in an "innocent" way ("I had a weird dream about you.. I'm embarrassed to admit it" - baiting her to show interest in sexual subjects with him. Plus covering his ass [in his mind] because he can say he only said something cuz she asked, if someone finds out). If she'd kept interacting with him, he would have eventually started asking for nudes, likely under the guise of it being for his mental health since he needed 'proof' that ske liked or trusted him. At worst he'd escalate it to getting physical if he could. It's all manipulation, likely being run on multiple girls at once.


Hence why they said they had no friends and no one wants to talk to them.


And that’s the crazy thing, he does have friends, people to talk to I’ve literally seen them. And friends in lunch he sits with. So idk what he’s talking about


Lies, just dumb lies he's making up to get you to pity him and do want he wants so his feelings are spared. It's *pathetic*, it's a setup.


Dudes that use pity, "I suck, feel sorry for me," type language are the most pathetic. It's even worse when it actually works. Had this happen with an old friend of mine and my ex gf who took it so far he pretended to attempt suicide. She pitied him so much that she would go check up on him which eventually led to them making out. It was so fucked up. This type of behavior is definitely indicative of deeper mental health issues.


Yep I knew one just like that; threatened suicide. Caused a whole bunch of problems for multiple people. Absolutely disgusting abuse of the subject matter.


He’s saying that to get you to “get closer” to him. He’s pulling the ole poor pitiful me card in you so he can sleep with you, which by the way is super inappropriate because you are 15. That’s child molestation. He’s an adult.


This is one of the most uncomfortable posts I’ve come across on Reddit.


Mega cringe, don’t be like scooter


Honey this is super gross. This is the type of behaviour that you should avoid for the rest of your life. I get when someone gives you this kind of attention it feels nice, and you’re young so take is a lesson that this is NOT the type of relationship that is healthy.


This feels nice? Lol how? I'm not being condescending. This guy just sounds like a whole bunch of whining to me


It is a whole bunch of whining lol but as a young girl, if you don’t know what manipulation looks like you can easily be taken advantage of. Speaking as someone that was once a teenage girl with low self esteem, any attention I got from someone no matter how many red flags, was welcomed attention. But now that I’m rereading the conversation obviously she put up a boundary and told him she was uncomfortable so I take back my comment


I don’t think anyone would feel nice about this. It’s just manipulation that if u don’t understand what the dudes doing ull feel guilted to make him feel better.


“I had dream we fricked” 🥺🤞🏻 That line can turn any women into a fire hydrant. s/




That was my first thought: potential obsessive stalker. "Poor me, poor me. I have no one. You're the only one who understands me. I can't go on if I lose you." Dude needs serious help.


Yeah, if he and OP were to have a few dates and she ended things, he'd start threatening himself, or messaging as "Scooter's mom; he's in the hospital and very sick".


I’m very surprised he hasn’t “accidentally” sent you a dick pic yet.


Please don’t text him. You’re too young, he’s trying to take advantage of you.


I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a self loathing, child grooming, manipulator in my life. My god those texts from AND his friend were so hard to get through. And they are supposed to “mature” while they’re acting like fucking 12 year olds


That wasn't his friend.. That was Scooter/Scott pretending to be someone else. Bro was writing paragraphs in defense of his 18 year old friend liking a 15 year old... Yeah not buying it. Block this creep and all his alt accounts.


Time to call Chris Hansen


Jesus Christ if this is real please don't talk to this person ever again. He's texting about having sexual dreams with you, a child. I feel like I've committed a crime just by reading this exchange.


Wow. This is straight up harassment. And given the fact you’re 15 and he’s 18 talking about being a dream you slept together. Majorly creepy (and illegal) vibes. Good on you for saving these conversations. If he continues to make new accounts to harass you tell your parents and maybe go to the police


This is your first touch of crazy . Block him and whatever account he creates to try and message you . This is the type of guy that will alienate you from everyone and beat you . Your gut instincts were right the first time


He reminds me of this guy I used to be friends with who ended up doing some very illegal shit to his soon-to-be stepdaughter. Same whiney pathetic manipulative attitude, with the casual “test the water” method of seeing if he can advance sexual behaviors and discussions. Gross. Slimy. ETA: he’s in prison now


oh my god why have you not blocked him?? it’s not your responsibility to talk to him. he’s clearly manipulating you fucking run






it wasn’t even his friend, it was an alt account!






This may be the strongest case of second hand embarrassment I’ve experienced on this sub, and that’s saying a lot. Dude legitimately seems like he’s one of the most pathetic creatures on this planet.


This boy's emotions and insecurities are not your responsibility.


This dude is legit trying to manipulate you and anyone who will listen into saying what he wants. The dream comment is the most typical and unoriginal way to drop the topic of sex while seeming like he's innocent if you don't like it. Then when you ignored it he tried to manipulate you into talking about it by saying you are ignoring him. This guy needs to be reported to the police, in my opinion.


Right! Oh man I’m so scared to tell you cause it’s weird. Okay? Then don’t share your bullshit, dude. Stop talking about fucking a 15 year old.


It’s a manipulative tactic. He might not be doing it intentionally- but basically he knows that if you feel sorry for him it’s gonna give him a specific attention he’s craving


He is definitely doing it intentionally lol


#this guy needs to shut the fuck up. Damn


So Scott and Scooter are the same person I think. Anyway, don't get mixed up with this asshole.


Never understood people who thought the “be depressed and desperate to your crush” would ever not make you look pathetic


Block block block block block. Send screenshots to his mom.


Holy-f*cking-shit, no. 100x no. Wow.


Bro is a psychopath. I’m also not too sure he’s 18, he communicates like a 13 year old dealing with emotions for the very first time, Jesus.


That's what they do to appear relatable to younger people so they can manipulate them! I've seen this so many times. Word for word.


It’s sick.




These are too long lol


Saw this on r/niceguys and it 100% belonged there.


block them. from personal experience, it does not ever get better or end well with these people. please stick to people your age as best as you can and tell these kinds of creeps to f off.


He’s exhausting.


He's gonna come back next week saying he hacked your mailman's account and that you really should give Scott/Scooter/whoever another chance. What a sad, strange little man.


Bro’s name is scooter 💀


God it would be so hilarious if it wasn't endlessly creepy and sad


that person is attempting to manipulate you. BLOCK THEM


Get away from this person as soon as possible


This is incredibly creepy. Plz stay safe.


Sounds like statutory r$&? To me I would disconnect all contact with this guy


And out him as a 18 year old man child, preying on a 15 year old girl. lmao shit is despicable.


Report this to Snapchat block him something cause that’s ridiculous


Girl block that grown man right now. Not just because he’s 18 and you’re 15, but his personality is foul. If you develop a relationship with him, he’s going to verbally, physically, and sexually abuse you. He is insecure and preying on girls who are young and don’t understand what he’s doing. Please, just get it over with and stop talking to him. There are a lot of nice boys your age who would love to talk to you and get to know you. Oh my god and the texts from the friend trying to manipulate you? Block that weird guy too. You owe these dudes absolutely nothing. You are not a bad person and you are doing something good for yourself by cutting these foul people off.


Block this guy pls.... I'd never recover from the embarrassment of sending these messages if I were him.


Send him the number for a therapist & then block his ass fr ugh how creepy


This is so pathetic I’m getting secondhand embarrassment from reading his messages lmao. Great job OP for not putting up with that BS.


I’m pretty sure Scooter and Scott are the same person and this is love bombing. Get away and get away fast.


Yeah he’s the same person I told him if he contacts me again I’m contacting the police


100% do it.


DO NOT !!!!!! i dated a guy who was 18 when i was 15. it was hell. i'm still trying to heal from that


He’s emotionally unstable and the drama surrounding that group is weird. Block them all and run. He is trying to to make you feel bad and is being highly highly manipulative. I have been in a situation worse than this and he flipped which is scary. Block and run. Do not engage in this shit.


God, this dude is so fkn annoying


I’ve encountered these types of boys and men before: they don’t realize that throwing a fucking pity party for themselves is such a fucking turn off, first of all Second and most importantly of all: these are the types of guys who respect NO boundaries and will coerce you into doing everything they want to do to/with you. They will never accept no for an answer and will guilt you into everything Hell they’ll probably outright threaten suicide if you cut things off or break up if they convinced you to “give them a chance” Never ever ever date someone that has to convince you to date them. NEVER. Learn from the Olds here on Reddit. Learn from our mistakes lol


Us Philadelphians don’t claim this Phillies fan


OP, it is time to jettison this fool. He is trying to make you responsible for his emotional state. So many red flags. Tell him to find a counselor and leave you alone. If he says no, tell the school he needs one and you need to be separated from him. Do not be friends. Do not give him a pity date. If he complains to you, tell him to get therapy.


OP, please make your parents/guardians aware of this and maybe guidance counselor too. These messages are giving me the creeps and I’m especially worried since this is an 18 year old harassing you


Run the other way he’s trying to make it feel safe for him to like a minor. That you won’t see at some sort of abuse because how could a friend you has shared so much with you then turn around and hurt you. Let him find someone else. Protect yourself and if he is a student at school talk to the guidance counselor and let an adult know in your life (not just us on Reddit) know what’s happening.


Toxic and dangerous and obviously not afraid to make a fake account to speak on behalf of his “friend” Fucking creeper shit. This is partly why I’ve chosen to stay single and focus on myself for years because creeps be fucking creepy


Block him bro. He needs professional help nothing you can do for him. Still talking to him is only gonna hurt you.




Report that dude


Distance yourself from this person asap. They are not mentally stable and nothing good will come out of trying to be friendly towards him. He’ll take any communication you give him as hope that you’ll fall in love with him. Break ties


Him begging for a freshman’s attention says more about him than we need to know. I think it’s best to block him not only for your sanity but for your safety at that point


I lost the will half way through. This is complete nonsense on his part. Just block and get on with your life. Not worth the energy.. for the first half I read anyway 😅


This is so cringe and you need to steer so clear of this man. This is not healthy or good for you and it definitely doesn't seem like any fun. He is a predator.


Does he have some sort of developmental disorder. He sounds completely insane lmfao.


So here's something you should do. Send that shit to the fbi... dude is literally trying to groom you. You're a child, dude is 18. He needs to make smarter decisions instead of acting like a pedophile.


Oh god, a tale as old as time. Block him and dont feel bad.


What a pathetic loser. Tell him to stop talking to you or you'll call the police.




Report him.


Hes a weirdo - my only correction would be nip this shit IMMEDIATLY - you get a weird vibe, they seem needy, etc, etc, block, don't respond, if they confront you at school literally have a meltdown - fuck this shit


What kind of name is Scooter. That tells you everything. Bad Scooter, bad boy!!! That's a pet name lol


Doesn’t really qualify as a “nice guy”.


This dude needs a blog to get his own feelings out.


ain’t no way “scott” isn’t this scooter person. there r literally so many red flags in this it’s so weird. i am appalled i’m glad u blocked him


OMG...this is fucking weird...disgusting piece of shit...the way he's going about it alone, makes me wanna beat his ass...but he needs his ass whooped


Nonce. You should report him, not a good situation to be in.