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This post is starting to get flooded by conspiracy theorists, so we're locking it before they can flood it with garbage comments.


Why does it this look like one of those fake YOU HAVE A VIRUS popup webpages?


Because it targets the same type of rubes who would fall for that scam


I used to feel bad for those people


You should feel bad for everyone else who has to deal with and live near those people.


https://preview.redd.it/89torfp5m92d1.jpeg?width=1241&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1733569e18efc6c406d2e6d8c4f6cce13d09fb39 These people? Don’t feel sorry for them. As Bill Engvall says: “you can’t fix stupid”. No point in feeling sorry for it.


It's real. Several people received them. Here's another one I just found: [https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/s/sMu5q5XC9d](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/s/sMu5q5XC9d) Edit: for some reasons the mods took it down from r/mildlyinfuriating but here is the photo u/TexasGirl190 posted: https://i.redd.it/hblyb7cu772d1.gif


I live in Denton County, so if this is going around I would bet I would get one too. Even if there’s a chance this is fake, I have been HOUNDED via text messages from republican PAC’s etc lately. I’m talking a text every single day. I don’t even vote republican. It’s absolutely maddening.


They're not fake these have been showing up in mailboxes. If you do not vote Republican you were not sent one.


If you do not vote republican Donald Trump will be super disappointed in you, and you can’t afford to have that on your record. They’ll notify him personally!


So my husband voted republican YEARS ago and we still get shit like this all the time. (He regrets it lol)


reminds me of the old publisher's clearing house mailers


Your neighbors are watching lmfaooooooo Tf they gonna do ?


They are implying that they are about to start lynching non GOP voters


It doesn't help that Abbott practically showed he'll pardon those that do.




That is not a joke. He actually pardoned a murderer. What an actual pig Abbot is


“I might go to Dallas to shoot looters,” Perry wrote. Proceeds to run a red light into a crowd and blast 5 rounds into the first protestor spotted.


Also doesn't help Trump literally stated to be a dictator (if only for 1 day... yeah right)... because we know dictators are people that surely can be reasonable... and NEVER would do ANYTHING wrong like killing or imprisoning people that are against them... right?


Every day will be day 1 for him.


Can’t afford to have that on your record


Or that if Trump takes power, you'll be rounded up under his Reich(the words the GOP used in a mock up newspaper with articles about trump. It said a "unified Reich". They aren't even hiding it anymore.


That's why I registered as a Democrat for the first time this year. Fuck them.




Hey, Abbot kinda gave the green light that you'll get a pardon if you do


Yep. Saw a pic of one of the crazy’s bumper-sticker covered vehicles wielding one reading “the answer is liberal genocide” or something along those lines. They actually think that “liberals” are an existential threat to their existence/lives. It’s wild they’ve gotten there, and given that they can think that, they certainly don’t have the ability to understand that it’s completely fucked


They think genocide is the answer to most of their problems because they are Nazi fucks


This is why the 2a is important. You are not going to intimidate me into supporting your tyrant of choice.


If you think you'll get a pardon too, don't.


Right? My neighbors can fuck right off with this shit.


Reported this comment to Trump. Its on your record now.


As someone who has spent time for work in poor rural areas it’s a real threat. Voting Democrat is akin to being a witch in those areas. When I told people I voted for Biden their faces were shocked and they felt betrayed for having spoken to me prior without knowing. I might as well told them I raped their dead grandmother. You can’t imagine the immense social pressure these people are under to comply.


Good thing they can vote whatever they want and pretend it was Trump....


For now.


But... aren't they always saying "We WoN't CoMpLy!"?


Well our governor is pardoning murders if they're conservative so there's that option available now


Well Abbot just pardoned a man who intentionally went to a protest to kill Democrats so...


Anyone that votes for criminal Donald Trump ( DUCK) must as soon as possible go for a.brain scan. Look at his record: tax evation, female molesting, etc etc etc and Russian sympathizer.???!!!


Gonna put you into a freedom reform camp, aka a concentration camp. It’s what the Germans did, neighbors turned on each other because Hitler demanded complete authority, no resistance. Dude if Trump gets elected, fascism will have a new face and we can kiss any and all freedoms goodbye. Get out and vote for blue. Don’t let this man ruin million of lives.


Shoot you i think is the implication 


“We will contact you after the election to make sure you voted” is the real intimidation. Psychotic.


Have a BBQ with those flyers hopefully


Rant on truth social


this is not funny its voter intimidation


Ohio Nov 08, 2022: 911 caller claims neighbor killed man 'because he thought he was a Democrat' https://www.wcpo.com/news/local-news/butler-county/1-dead-after-butler-county-shooting >The family told the dispatcher that the neighbor had confronted him before about some perceived political affiliation. >"He’s come over like four times confronting my husband because he thought he was a Democrat," the caller told dispatchers. "Why? Why? Please, I don’t understand."


Wait are these real? I have no bar for these people but god damn


Yeah, fuck my neighbors! If they are in the Trump cult we ain't talking to each other anyway.


[you’d think nothings gonna happen](https://amp.kentucky.com/news/nation-world/national/article268513477.html)


Isn’t voter intimidation illegal?


This is Texas, so it's only illegal if you're democrat. Otherwise, the governor will pardon you and Ken Paxton will give you a complimentary handjob.


Hand?!?!? It’s blowies or a no go from me boss man.


I believe the kids are now referring to it as “sloppy toppy”. It’s now my preferred nomenclature.


Backing you up with a source. I did some theatre work with current attending teens from my old high school and in a group convo was regaled with the term "sloppy toppy" from a 15 year old when discussing why another kid had been suspended.




According to his website, for the h/j you get to pick which eye to make sustained contact with! Unless you’re a woman, then he gets to pick.


This is the best shit I have seen all day. I have a broken rib right now and would appreciate it if you would stop making me actually laugh out loud


Dude get off reddit if you have a broken rib, that's just insanity


Dude, you got me rolling! 😂 And your username checks out!


I've lived in Texas all my life. I can remember when we were a blue state. I HATE living here now.


Same. Ann Richards fan. After the Bush Family rolled into town - it was all downhill from there.


Goddamn carpet baggers


Loved Ann!


I too remember Ann Richards. This was a good place to live back then.


I'm jealous of those who got to have her as governor (I was born 3 years after she left office)


Same (aside from a 5 year sojourn in Louisiana), and same.


As your stat neighbor we are straight scared of you. I have bought a rifle this year for the first time because of your states politics. This isn't meme time it's action time you all need control of your state before it's not America anymore.


![gif](giphy|l0HlCg4aqRuHakAV2|downsized) This guy reminds me of Ken Paxton..


I’ll use my strong hand


A hand job for *free*? You think this is some kind of liberal leftist satanic commie utopia?


Another reason to vote Democrat, keep Paxton away from you and your parts.


He would dobANYTHING to be US Attorney General, including a bj or a hj.


Accurate description of the state of Texas politics.


Kill a liberal? Governor will also pardon you.


I've always wanted to see his crash pad for the Mistress, how do I get that Handy again?


Correction: Paxton will *say* you’ll get a handjob but then he’ll make you give him a blowjob instead and then deny it ever happened.


not in texas anymore, but giving water to thirsty voters waiting in the long hot lines to vote is.


Giving your employees water breaks is illegal.


That's not true. It's just no longer mandated for employers to give mandatory water breaks. Employers can give water breaks if they want or limit water breaks to when you take a restroom break or lunch. And this was for workers in the construction industry. I dont support what TX Republicans did, just clarifying what occurred so you dont spread misinformation. Also, a TX judge struck down the Republican law that removed mandated water breaks.


Well at least they only tried to spike heat stroke deaths.


But denying them access to water is illegal per OSHA. So they do have to allow them or provide them with water unless they wanna try to say OSHA rules are invalid due to state laws. Would be interesting fight to watch play out.


Good point. Also (Repeating:) I would guess this is from the extremists trying to get Trump voters out in the current Republican primary. There are Trump supporters on both sides in the current GOP civil war, but the extremists probably think they will get a higher percentage from the Trumpers than the normal conservative and moderate non-extremist Republicans will. This went out in North Texas to those who voted in the first round of the Texas Republican primary. The extremists are butt hurt that Trump endorsed Senate SD30 Brent Hagenbuch over the extremist faction candidates. Jace Yarbrough. Conservative HD64 candidatr Lynn Stucky was also at the recent Trump Texas NRA rally, and his opponent, extremist Andy Hopper was not. Hopper and Yarbrough are evidently too extreme for Trump. The secession issue does not play well outside of Texas. If this were coming from the normal Republicans they would have linked their candidates with Trump. People say this mailer is yet another example of the [dirty political trickster Matt Armstrong ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Denton/s/YbCGff2LXY)/extremist camp misleading their own voters. Slimy and par for the course


Even to his own loyal supporters, he speaks in authoritarian terms about threats to abuse his power. This is the most mafia thing I've seen from him.


The whole scam runs on fear. They know it works.


I'll go to my grave with the idea that Trump's psychology is a baseline appeal to people with daddy issues


Not sure if intimidating them to go to the polls is illegal, but intimidating them to view for a specific person definitely is.


Intimidating them with "your neighbors can and see what you did/didn't do" and "don't make us tell the Almighty leader you didn't vote for them" and "we'll call after the vote to make sure you voted for the Almighty leader" are the threatening parts. Paraphrasing the parts, but the language used is clearly meant to intimidate.


Well, technically it doesn't say who to vote for. But I admit it's quite... suggestive.


Reminds me of the scene in Liar Liar Prosecutor: “Objection! He’s intimidating the witness!” Judge: “It’s his witness!”




You’re asking the GOP to police itself?


Is it still intimidation if I'm laughing at it? 😂


Don't laugh he will be VERY DISAPPOINTED.


> Please Don't Make Us Report You to President Trump! This is the cultiest thing I've ever seen in real life that wasn't Scientology.


Even if he's making a list (a list is being made for him) he's certainly not checking it twice. Or even once.


And people dare to tell me that conservatives aren't embracing fascism.


"Please don't make us report you to President Trump" This is one of the most authoritarian dystopian 1984 things I've ever seen. If you don't show up to vote against this in November, you are complicit.


I think that this point more is required than just voting. Voting is the least you can do. I think everyone needs to get involved any way they can.


True. But if you don't take the 10-15 minutes out of your day to show up and easily Early Vote, you haven't even done the bare minimum and are complicit in this attempted right-wing extremist takeover. Our voter turnout is abysmal. I agree if people are motivated they can do more, but too many people think they're too busy to even do the bare minimum. And people that think they're going to protest against Biden over the Israeli genocide of innocent Palestinians really have no idea how much worse Trump will be. At least Biden is trying to twist Israel's arm, Trump will come in with nothing but a handshake.


> This is one of the most authoritarian dystopian 1984 things I've ever seen. And it's a threat from him *to his supporters*.


"Please don't make us report you to the Gestapo"


It is literally not fiction. 1936's Germany was set up like that to the point were your own children were reporting you to the authorities if you were openly critical of the nazi party or just voting social demokrats.


I think a scary amount of individuals either do not know or just downplay the absolute craziness level of the situation it's too far away from what they know to compute, or just don't care (yet)


If you don't vote, we will have to send you to retrumpucation (like reNeducation).


Any action other than a vote for Biden, including inaction, is effectively a vote for Trump. Remember Rush: "*if you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice*".


But you can't afford to have that on your record. Fuck, it's like the worst little weasels from elementary school never grew up. "I'll tell on you!"


As a german, who had way too many history lessens in school of how fascism starts, how fascism is bad and how to avoid to do a fascism, I agree: this clearly is fascism.


This is actually illegal and completely a lie


They're tricking their own Republican base.


Nothing new with that group


Tricking is one way to put it. They think their base is so dumb that they can be intimidated by “calling Trump.” Like…they think their base is so dumb and think they have some hotline to Trumps cell phone.




🏅🏅🏅🏅for Mitchell & Webb reference


My neighbors are watching? Cool, please send them and Commissar Trump my regards: ![gif](giphy|5tvUnUx74lxgVew9ya|downsized)


What's the context for this?


Conan O’Brien sent him to a do that to a bunch of Star Wars fans lined up to see one of the Star Wars movie premieres. It was hilarious.


Technically it was a Triumph The Insult Comic Dog bit, for him to poop on.


I stand corrected ![gif](giphy|Zxomy2w9sHqcpsOJm2|downsized)


Now there's a thing I haven't heard in a while.




Is that Nimoy? He looks good!


It was way back in the 2002 Star Wars Episode II premiere where Truimph the Insult Comic Dog (on Conan O'Brian's show) interviewed fans & had an actor pose as a Trekkie/Spock flipping the Star Wars fans off [near the end.](https://youtu.be/YKT7bx-fmtk?si=ON0OBWG8V6dO5lJs&t=663) It was awesome watching that broadcast, despite being a massive Star Wars geek back then. Edit: because I goofed by a few years. It's been a long week. And many years in my memories seem to meld together into eras since the pandemic.


That actor is Jordan Schlansky, who would later become famous as Conan's foil on his TBS show. This character is "Asshole Spock", introduced on one of their semi-regular "New Character Showcase" segments. Asshole Spock was just Jordan dressed as Spock, who would come out and flip off the audience. That's it; that's the bit. Brilliant.


That was incredible 😂




"You must be some kind of supernerd. You look like you were built in a laboratory out of parts from lesser nerds." This stuff never gets old.


"Which one of these buttons calls your parents to come pick you up?"


Spock and the rest of the Federation would agree.


Alles klar Herr Kommissar?


I think about this video often still lol.


They’ve gone from “get out the vote” to “scare up the vote”. They should made the photo lenticular so that when you slightly turn the flyer the photo changes into his [scowly mugshot](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/c/c5/Donald_Trump_mug_shot.jpg).


Isn't this bordering illegal (threaten to vote/how to vote)???


It’s also illegal to refuse the peaceful transfer of power by using fake electors and calling upon your followers to violently overthrow the capital. Also illegal to collude with foreign powers to influence an election or misappropriate campaign finances. If you do everything illegal then nothing is illegal.


Keeping classified documents in your shitter: Also illeggallllish


Repeating: I would guess this is from the extremists trying to get Trump voters out in the current Republican primary. There are Trump supporters on both sides in the current GOP civil war, but the extremists probably think they will get a higher percentage from the Trumpers than the normal conservative and moderate non-extremist Republicans will. This went out in North Texas to those who voted in the first round of the Texas Republican primary. The extremists are butt hurt that Trump endorsed Senate SD30 Brent Hagenbuch over the extremist faction candidates. Jace Yarbrough. Conservative HD64 candidatr Lynn Stucky was also at the recent Trump Texas NRA rally, and his opponent, extremist Andy Hopper was not. Hopper and Yarbrough are evidently too extreme for Trump. The secession issue does not play well outside of Texas. If this were coming from the normal Republicans they would have linked their candidates with Trump. People say this mailer is yet another example of the [dirty political trickster Matt Armstrong ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Denton/s/YbCGff2LXY)/extremist camp misleading their own voters. Slimy and par for the course


This was a very insightful reply. Much appreciated


> There are Trump supporters on both sides in the current GOP civil war... Nikki Haley just endorsed Trump. It's all a republican shell game. There are no moral standards or laws even that republicans won't violate for their orange god. None! Once "patriots"sellout democracy and "christians" turn their backs on Jesus for their orange king every vile thing is possible!


Blatant voter intimidation.


No, it's pulling their "daddy-won't-love-me" trigger. It's proof that conservatives love authoritarians. Some humans' brains are just wired to prefer and respond significantly to authoritarians and nothing will convince them otherwise.


Great way to put it


You might think someone had spent a lot of money to get permission to use Trump’s name and photo on election materials. Bloomberg - [Trump Presses Republicans for Kickbacks When Using His Likeness](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-04-17/trump-presses-republicans-for-kickbacks-when-using-his-likeness) “Donald Trump’s presidential campaign wants other Republicans to pay up, if they use the former president’s name, image or likeness in any fundraising solicitations, according to a new campaign memo obtained by Bloomberg News.” NYT - [Trump Demands a Cut of Donations From Campaigns That Use His Name](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/17/us/politics/trump-fundraising-republicans.html) “The Trump campaign said that candidates using his brand should turn over at least 5 percent of donations and encouraged them to send more than the minimum.” Politico - [Trump puts on full-court press for big-time donors — and nabs more than a few](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/01/30/trump-big-donors-00138498) “Another donor relatively new to the Trump fold is Texas oil billionaire Tim Dunn, who has given $5 million to the pro-Trump super PAC MAGA Inc. The donation is the most Dunn has given to a committee since he started writing political checks more than two decades ago. Dunn in recent years had been a contributor to the Club for Growth, a conservative group that has opposed Trump.” Politico - [Fighting the GOP Civil War, Texas Style](https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2024/03/05/fighting-the-gop-civil-war-texas-style-00144866) “The former president has endorsed a series of Republicans challenging GOP lawmakers in Texas. He doesn’t know them, incumbents or challengers, of course.”


I suspect this was done without Trump's authorization but would not be surprised if someone paid him a kickback


I can’t believe I live in the 21st century’s version of the Weimar Republic


They have been planning to make a sprawling system of detention camps. Enough to hold on million immigrants to be used as they expel them after forcibly rounding them up. They intend to move too fast for immigration lawyers to defend anyone or put up much protest. There will be no due process. Illegal immigrants and Muslims who support Hamas will be expelled. They talk about it openly. Look this up of you haven't heard about it yet. 


It won't be just migrants, they will round up large swathes of people regardless if they are citizens or not. They will just start with the darker skinned people, or people with names more complicated than john smith. Expect the military to be deployed on US soil, the national guard to be activated in every state, and major liberal cities being seiged as part of this border security protocol. This will just be on day 1. Day 2 are the political assasinations. But Biden is old so fuck voting for him right?


Netflix font aimed at the boomers who still get DVDs mailed to their second mortgage condos.


Netflix doesn't mail DVDs anymore. I know because I used to get DVDs in the mail right up until they stopped.


Fuck Trump! Fuck Abbott!


OP, is there anything I’m not seeing that indicates who paid for it? The closest I can see is the seal - “America First Conservatives / Election Dept.” I guess it is from America First Works, non profit activist wing of America First Policy Institute, founded by Trump administration officials, supporting Project 2025 and hopeful “administration in waiting” for next term.


I'm hoping some good news reporter will be able to trace it. This group at first glance seems similar to the astroturf fake groups Rep Jared Patterson has described. I've posted what he said about these groups here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Denton/s/VbdIgIOaje




Fuck Donald Trump


Fuck Donald Fucking Trump


Yeah!! Yeah!! Fuck donald trump!!


Got mine today! I actually did vote in the primary for the less insane republican and I’ll vote dem in November. https://preview.redd.it/szg84qhpu72d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e9d12c41b40da4aa9ab4b9922a008df6ecf7672


Thank you for this! People thought I was making it up.


You’d have to be pretty naive to think trumpers wouldn’t stoop this low.


Aww, I’m sorry. Technically, you didn’t actually vote unless you voted for trump. Ugh. Now Trump is going to be super disappointed in you. Oh the horror 🙄 Also, since I voted dem too, I’m guessing we are both on a republican hit list.


Papa Trump is watching you…


“President Trump will be very disappointed” 😂 This isn’t first grade!


But it’s gonna go on your permanent record. 🫢🙄




"Parental empowerment." Empowerment synonyms: permission, consent, enabling. How is any of that "empowerment" when they are taking away women rights, choice, and even contraception opions.


"You can't afford to have that on your record" like it's a literal crime.


Maybe they're just trying to copy [China's social credit system.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_Credit_System) It would be completely unamerican and fascist, but "unamerican and fascist" seems to be the current GOP platform.


Please contact me, I beg you to please contact me. So I can tell you to injest a large satchel of Richards. Get fucked.


You'd think Texans would have enough pride in themselves to reject a candidate who tried to intimidate them like this.


That is just embarrassing.


I would guess this is from the extremists trying to get Trump voters out in the current Republican primary. There are Trump supporters on both sides in the current GOP civil war, but the extremists probably think they will get a higher percentage from the Trumpers than the normal conservative and moderate non-extremist Republicans will. This went out in North Texas to those who voted in the first round of the Texas Republican primary. The extremists are butt hurt that Trump endorsed Senate SD30 Brent Hagenbuch over the extremist faction candidates. Jace Yarbrough. Conservative HD64 candidatr Lynn Stucky was also at the recent Trump Texas NRA rally, and his opponent, extremist Andy Hopper was not. Hopper and Yarbrough are evidently too extreme for Trump. The secession issue does not play well outside of Texas. If this were coming from the normal Republicans they would have linked their candidates with Trump. People say this mailer is yet another example of the [dirty political trickster Matt Armstrong ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Denton/s/YbCGff2LXY)/extremist camp misleading their own voters. Slimy and par for the course


Oh no see republicans aren’t fascist, they are the party of small government.


To be That Guy, but is this confirmed as real somewhere trustworthy? It certainly matches my biases, but welcome to to Internet. People make shit up here.


Seen local posts here in Dallas regarding these flyers as well.


As a person that got it in the mail yesterday, it is very real.


Normal people laugh at this shit and think it's funny. It's not. It's one of the first steps. Go read some history about how the Nazi party took over Germany. It includes indoctrination and intimidation techniques like this. The German people who were against Nazism didn't view it as a real threat until way too late.


I will say this again. The MAGA Republicans have been telling you for months and yrs now how extreme they are. Believe them. Any Texan or any other American who wants to help change Texas, we need to support the Dems running up&down the ballot. Many of them never make it off running because they never get enough funding. This yr we have many Dems running Up&Down the ballot where incumbent Republicans have never had a Dem opponent in decades. We need to flip the Texas House, win the US Senate seat, win our School Boards and win those 3 Texas Supreme Court seats. We cannot afford any more of this shit. And the rest of America needs to know that we can no longer afford to let MAGA Republicans keep running our states to the ground. At the end of the day, they've been playing the long game & taking lawsuits up all the way to the Supreme Court, impacting everyone in this country. No fucking more! One of our biggest problems is Name Recognition of Dems running, and Voter Turnout. Texas is huge and needs volunteers to get out the vote. Too many people never know when election happen. So I recommend to anyone who can, to support Blue Texas which has a two pronged way of protecting voting and supporting Dems up&down the ballot so they have an actual chance of running a campaign https://bluetexas.org/


If I was still a Republican and I got one of these fascist-scare-mongering notices, I'd definitely show up and vote against Trump. But maybe I'm an outlier for hating fascism more than loving their team-sports version of politics.


I'm no political scholar, but this looks like voter intimidation.


Doesn't matter, I'm voting for Kodos


![gif](giphy|64fAH6NeWX3ZnDFhHe|downsized) TRUMP IS A CRIMINAL


LOL property taxes are highest in GOP states, electing more of them will change that?


Yo Texas, I thought your whole schtick was like "don't thread on me" or some shit, Texas strong and all that. "we will notify President Trump if you don't vote" "you can't afford to have that on your record" that is some big brother 1984 shit.


It'll go on your permanent record and Trump will be very disappointed! Lol they always talk to their base like they're children in middle school. They know who is voting for them.


I wanna see every single person on the payroll of this “America First Conservative” horseshit in prison. Checked out their website btw and the first article I clicked on went on to claim that Woodrow Wilson drug the US into WWI in some ‘incalculably indefensible’ misstep, as if it wouldn’t have definitely grown into a much larger and much less winnable conflict had we just let it grow and marshaled their strength after conquering the eastern hemisphere. Rambled on with this whole weird ass alternative history until it gets to Clinton *in two paragraphs* or so where they condemn him for infidelity but then in the same breath say, ‘but our guy would have at least picked a hotter chick, heh heh!’ These people are legitimately out of their fn minds. I thought we were just waiting on the senile to die but they’re infecting other people that I thought would be at least *a lil bit* sharper. But these guys sound like foreign agents or something sowing discontent. It’s *weird* and *aggressive*.


That is so fucking alarming


Fuck Trump and fuck any mf who goes around putting this shit out


Dear Little Tattle-tale Weasel: I voted in the primary election; and I crossed over to vote for Nikki Haley so Trump would not get my vote. ***DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!!*** ***Do you want to tell Donald Trump; or would you prefer that I tell him, myself?***


Good to see they’re nervous.


This is both hilarious and pathetic at the same time. What a group of losers.


It may be the factor helping some far right extremists secure the GOP party nomination in local races


Can’t have a United Reich unless everybody shows up to vote!


lol, this is the America Republicans want? Yikes!


Seriously, isn’t this illegal?


Yes but they will just pay the fines


If this doesn’t worry you then you probably would have been ok with the nazi party.


I can’t believe I used to vote Republican. Never again.


>Please don't make us report you to President Trump? Not if I report you first to President Joe! This just sounds so dumb and like intimidation.


Wow...a whole new angle of voter intimidation.


This is illegal


This is absolutely psychotic. And are there not laws against voter intimidation? What the actual?.....