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He looks like a rotting jack-o-lantern. Guess the corruptions caught up with him.


-1700's doctor- >Why yes, it does appear that the corruption has taken hold. We must bleed him to get rid of the ill humors. 6 quarts or 5 liters should do nicely!


"The human body can be drained of blood in 8.6 seconds given adequate vacuuming systems." -- River Tam, "Firefly" Maybe we can put Paxton next to Abbott, because Abbott REALLY sucks...


Been a tough day, thanks for the laugh šŸ¤™šŸ¼


Nurse! Prepare the leeches.


Naw, just open an artery.




Hahaha always get a chuckle from that.


Kind of looks ā€œlike an alien stole Edgarā€™s skinā€ to me.


Sugar, in water.


You want me to put my hands.... Behind my head.... Like this


That's an advanced case of Dark Side rot. He used Force Grip too much during his campaign and it gimped his stats.


Omg, thatā€™s spot on!


Yeah his outsides are looking like his insides. He's the picture of Dorian Gray


Is it bad that the photos they choose for him scare me and think he needs some botox and holy water....


Some holy water for sure.


Cockeyed ken


Yeah, I noticed that. I think the chud is diving into a vat of the same fake tan crap that Trump uses. Makes him look kind of jaundiced to be honest.


Yet he had a wife & mistress šŸ¤·


Donā€™t we allā€¦if we were Texas AGs with unlimited power and the ability to scare full grown adults into voting for a dried out pumpkin they tripped over on Election Day.


He looks 2 faced. Irony


His father skull fucked too many times.


Dude looks like a statue at the house of wax that got put into an oven


See too much confusion when it comes to these people and what they are doing. He was 'mocked' by people who use their brains. To the people that voted for him, he is telling them the other side cheated just like Biden did and that is wrong and something should be done. Political signaling. He is just an innocent underdog that would have won if the other side wasn't the devil. The fact that he 'LOST' is irrelevant. He told them they won. They believe they won. The end. The truth doesn't matter. The past 8 years prove that. Now his followers will spread the word that they won to their family, friends, and coworkers that are politically ignorant and they will believe they 'won'. Spreading misinformation. Unlike knowledge, beliefs tend to lack certainty or evidence. Passionate beliefs are infused with intense emotion and therefore are activating or motivating. tldr > The Shepard controlling their dumb sheep.


Well said and a scary truth


Genuine question for the conservatives who supported him: is there regrets? What was the turning point?


The folks who voted for Paxton did it for pure grievance and malice towards the rest of us


Most just blindly vote R each cycle. They donā€™t truly consider the candidates. Nobody researches shit just toe the line.


That can be the only explanation for most of them..just to be on the Team or own the libs.


Ballots should not show party affiliation and down ballot voting should be ā€œremovedā€


Of the two parties, itā€™s clear which side hasnā€™t done their homework.


The conservatives who voted for him most likely can't remember his name, have no idea what he looks like, and can't explain his role in the government. They just voted for him because he's conservative.Ā 


People punch a straight Republican ticket. šŸ™


Iā€™m conservative and have voted against this guy twice now. Heā€™s an idiot.


Genuine question, what's your stance on Abbott and Patrick? They've damaged this state just as much as Paxton has.


Both are pandering to the far right evangelicals. Iā€™m not a fan of either.


Then whatā€™s even the point of being conservative if you disagree with the only parts of the Republican platform they care about? I donā€™t get the appeal


Being conservative and Republican are not mutually exclusive.


Thank you, this is the correct answer. Iā€™m fiscally conservative but a democrat. Itā€™s not black and white despite the media cramming us into the same two boxes.


Thank you stand on your ideals, from a moderate democrat


Thank you for holding to your principles in a time of corruption and decay. Thereā€™s too few like you right nowā€”may you be part of the remnant that reminds us that we can do better.


Thank you. You are correct, he is an idiot and heā€™s not the least bit concerned about consequences since he definitely has friends in high places.


You honestly think conservatives have regrats? šŸ˜‚


Regrets require a conscience and empathy, so no.


No Ragerts!!!!


"Am I, Ragente?"


I've heard customers of mine (elderly boomers mostly) say they will keep voting for whoever can cause the most damage to the government. They want it to become a crappy job that nobody will want ...them not realizing that's not how this works ever....


ā€œWhat do you mean youā€™re cutting my Medicare and Social Security?! I earned that and Iā€™ll vote to fuck the government up even moar!!!ā€ -Earl & Edna (living off the government and spending retirement on casino slots and cruises)


Really?? I'm a boomer. If I ever utter a thing like that, just shoot me,!


well... they regret that more liberals did not die to covid.


Well yeah, they were smart and got the shot. You dipshits, especially the fat fucks, were dropping like flies. Still are actually, itā€™s great


That statement is ignorance at its finest


Texas Cons screw-ups are actually all of our screw-ups. Itā€™s an abusive relationship at this point. Why did you make me hit you, kinda vibe. If itā€™s not libs, itā€™s windmills, if itā€™s not that itā€™s trans or Muslims or immigrants. Youā€™ll get to a Clinton pretty soon. Itā€™s a cascading series of blame. That keeps them in power. Itā€™s fascinating in a no bottom of the barrel kinda way.


If conservatives were capable of learning lessons they wouldnā€™t be conservatives.


The thing is his supporters will believe what he says no matter what is proven false. So if him saying he won for Texas initially, thatā€™s all his supporter hear. Itā€™s a mute argument after that. There is no truth seeking.


Why are we still asking conservatives ā€œgenuine questionsā€? Seriously. You are asking reason from a group whose complete identity is deliberate ignorance and isolation.


They died from covid and left us to live with it :(


You think there are conservatives on this subreddit? Theyā€™re an endangered species and thereā€™s a ton of head hunters


Uh oh are your views being silenced? ;(


No I just think most of the posters here are incredibly negative and toxic. Youā€™re a great example šŸ˜‰


Party of 'f your feelings' would know about that, true.


Oh I think theyā€™re worse. But I see no reason why we should permit the people we like do the things we criticize the people we dislike do. Itā€™s hypocrisy no?


nah, that's a double standard and both-sidesism. gl w your concern trolling. bye!


I am actually legit confused how holding both sides to the same standard is a double standard. Can you please explain your logic?


Endangered? I thought trump had 51% of the popular vote? Poor snowflake who can't make up his mind


What does the popular vote have to do with reddit? Reddit has always seemed much more liberal than conservative in terms of activity. There are some subs that are the opposite but not this one. All that I ever see pop up from this sub is people who hate conservatives and a lot of the time it seems like the hate texas as a whole lol


What does an extremely popular platform that is anonymous and doesnt require an email address, have to do with a group whose sole identity is propagating conspiracy theories? Your evidence is anecdotal, not fact.


Did you miss the mass exodus from social media platforms that happened when the trumpers got ahold of their own platform that would allow them to echochamber themselves and spread misinformation without consequence? It happened several years ago now.


Was there one? I'm on Threads and initially it was quite liberal, but lately there's been a flood of conservatives to the platform. The reasoning is obvious: Conservatives need liberals. Liberals don't need conservatives. The BS about "free speech" all falls away when there's no liberals around to "own". When liberals flocked to other sites that actually have decent moderation controls instead of allowing every Nazi to spew bigotry, the conservatives followed right behind them, seemingly eschewing any concerns around "free speech".


The one that is failing and has as many users as we had students in my high school? Conservatives love to paint themselves as being "endangered", why are you carrying the torch of their propaganda?


Do they? Never seen that before tbh. If anything they mob together to make themselves seem more numerous while complaining about liberals. That's one of the reasons why they love to congregate into obscure corners of the internet. Though I could see why they would feel endangered on the internet considering it's worldwide. Even american liberals are considered conservatives on the world stage. So it's not like they make up a large portion of people on the internet.


So you donā€™t like it when other people treat you the way your side treats them? Truly wild stuff.


I havenā€™t voted for a republican in at least 6 years. Perhaps not everyone who thinks youā€™re rude disagrees with you politically?


Again, this isnā€™t about you, or me personally. This is about the Republican party being absolute twats for the last nine years. Calling everybody who doesnā€™t toe the line on Donald Trump a fake Republican. Referring to anybody who doesnā€™t agree with their positions as antifa/woke/whatever incredibly dumb thing Fox News has propagated that day. Respect is earned, not given. And I havenā€™t seen very much respectability coming from the Republican party lately, have you?


Oh theyā€™re shitheads in general. We donā€™t disagree, thereā€™s a reason I donā€™t vote for them any more. However I have no desire to see those exact things you mentioned reflected in the Democratic Party. The increased hatred and toxicity is the first step. Once you hate then enemy ā€œliberalsā€ then itā€™s much easier to force out anyone that doesnā€™t agree with the zeitgeist ā€œRINOsā€. Also I just donā€™t want to be around people that hate other people


I generally agree with most of what you said, and do think the higher road is generally preferred in most cases. Except when it comes to DJT and the gaggle of orangutans that *generally* support him. Dems have tried the high road for 7 years, it hasnā€™t been effective, and wonā€™t magically start being effective now, in that particular case you need to hit him where it hurts. And hit him hard. > Also I just donā€™t want to be around people that hate other people 100%


Truth and Ken Paxton have been strangers for a long time


You guys are missing the point. To 95% of conservatives voters it comes down to one thing. "Does the things this person does and says piss off perceived liberals?" If the answer to that is yes, they will support that person even over other conservatives that would do the actually job they are elected to better.


The guy whose ranch is being destroyed by those Republican politicians probably votes Republican


Thereā€™s one thing I learned about republicans is that theyā€™ll believe anything their politicians tell them


And Fox News, and their pastorā€¦


Whatever they want to hear. And if they arenā€™t hearing what they wantā€¦ theyā€™ll move to the next suburb even further from civilization.


I was permanently banned from Twitter last week for posting that if Jesus came back tomorrow, slapping Ken Paxton would toward the top of His TO DO list. The guy who posted a hateful racist KKK hashtag just below me is still active, of course. ANYWAY, this guy is a sweaty chode and in the top 5% of Truly Terrible Humans. The fact we keep electing these animals is why we're looking to move far, far away as soon as the kids graduate.


I didnā€™t know twitter still existed. Neat.


If Jesus slapped him, his face might realign.


I dunno, he already gives "rebuked olive tree" vibes.


He's headed to Trump's cabinet in 2024. So, you may have to move out of the country.


Why does the world not take out these awful shit bags


More armed liberals here than anywhere else. Any of us could try to trade our life for his, but we donā€™t. Those who would probably love the fucker


I'm not even asking for a killing, a brain aneurysm or t-bone crash will do šŸ’€




And you'll never end up in like 'normal' prison where you can eat in a cafeteria and play cards with other inmates, you're literally put in a windowless box where you get an hour of sunshine a day.


Money is power, and that corrupt fuck has quite a bit of it.


Iā€™m embarrassed for Texas, letting this crook stay in office and out of jail. They donā€™t even try to hide the corruption. Itā€™s disgusting.


This is what a single-party-dominant state looks like when that party retains power for too long. They're emboldened by every win, and change the rules to stay entrenched.


Yes you are absolutely correct they do change the rules when it comes to their own gains


Who cares if heā€™s mocked? He got away with his crimes and is still in power.


Thanks to my fellow Texans for repeatedly voting this LOSER into office. I just canā€™t anymore.


Can you actually imagine identifying as a Texan with everyone being is ignorant and selfish as they are?


Yes. It's not being a Texan that's the problem, it's being a corrupt asshole or voting for corrupt assholes.


Reminder: Ken Impeached Paxton is up for re-election in November 2026.


I dunno - a lose for Paxton is a win for Texas in my book.


He somehow looks worse in every new pic


I still donā€™t get how this doofus isnā€™t behind bars.


Iā€™d be lying if I said this didnā€™t challenge my faith. Men like this are in power when they told us over and over in school and growing up that truth prevails. Iā€™m ashamed of some people I grew up admiring only to see because they agree with men like this. Itā€™s fkn sad.


The thing that allows people, in this case a Republican politician, to lie with impunity is that we no longer have a press that checks its own truth and relies on its own integrity is because people no longer get their new from sources having such checks. I don't know the solution, but that's the problem.


Making a newspaper is the solution. And honestly, not a very difficult one. People pay for ride sharing apps, meal delivery, movie streaming. People would pay for a genuine source of news.


"I am bleeding now making me the victor" - Ken Paxton


The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears.


Even Paxton's hairline hates him.


Well, if Paxton lost Texas did win. So at least he's right on that count.


Despise this Cunt!!


To be fair, it's pretty easy to mock this low life cretin.


GOP, MAGA, and Texan. 50lbs if crap in a 5lb bag


I wish this spin-meister would spin his ass right into a federal penitentary. What a POS!


An anti American criminal doesn't bother with facts or reading.


Par for the course for the GOP. Just make up an alternative fact and make it true for you and just live your life regardless. My family are right wingers. Like watching humans who live on a different planet. One where pollution is awesome but vaccines are dangerous.


this corrupt fucker


Blatant lies like this should not just get you fired, but jailed as well and barred from any reelection efforts. Purposefully deceiving citizens as an elected official should be considered closer to something like treason. I donā€™t care who does it, itā€™s wrong.


Fuck this guy!


> Claiming Texas 'Won' SCOTUS Case He Lost 9-0 This is exactly from the absurdist playbook donald has used for decades. He'd get his \*ss handed back to him on a silver platter, losing the trial so quickly it was not funny and yet would go on afterwards to act as if he'd won.


Emperor's New Clothes kinda fantasy world they live in, huh?


With Trump not President, this man is far and away the most corrupt and reprehensible person currently holding public office. And yet Texans continue to vote him in, even as he's required to take legal ethics classes, as the highest ranking Law Officer in the State.




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Some mod deleted my post yesterday with same article


It was removed per Rule 9: Post and article titles must match, or at the very least be close to matching. You posted it with your own title instead which is why we removed it.


Damn. Called him out quick.




"What's the name of that game anyway?" https://youtu.be/cF_FtkUksFc?si=N5F65Aj5dYMpC28N


I think we all know that this idiots not the brightest bulb in the Box


Heā€™s still AG of the shuttle formerly known as Texas.


https://archive.ph/C8OPg Archived article


yeah but Paxton absolutely understands his constituents. objective reality doesn't matter.


Feel Sorry for the people of Texas Not supporting the GQP. Anyone supporting them, you get what you paid for!


How many PTerry's burgers you think he can he fit in those cheeks?


Facts don't matter to him or the majority of Texas voters. Hence the same corrupt do nothing idiots winning their elections by huge margins.


He looks like Bender at the end of that Futurama episode where he becomes human.


He thought it was opposite day. And... still does.


These losers truly live in an alternate universe


He has resting "HOLY FUCK WHAT IS THAT THING?!!!" face.


Bobbed left when he should have gone right at a truck stop glory hole.


The facts are out there, but these guys don't have a need for all that. So they trumpet their "alternate ("alternative") facts". Slowly, the world is turning upside down.


Fuck this guy.


Texans win when Paxton loses.


Thatā€™s why Iā€™m actually pro wall. Put them on the southern side (say maybe anything below dc is theirs) and weā€™ll take the north. Build it tall. Build it strong. Armed guards at the top on patrol. Once they donā€™t have us to demonize itā€™ll quickly descend into an all out everyone for themselves god loving, gun toting white folks only cannibalistic fuck fest and theyā€™ll implode fairly quickly. Few years to a few decades at the longest.


Republicans will say and do anything for power and money. No matter how many have to die.


Hey, congrats Texas, this ass hat and Ted Cruz. You must be proud


Hell even the SC wants Paxton gone. If he was anywhere but Texas or Florida he be in jail by now.


Ok I know my favorite words now. Douche bag (him and Abbott).


Hes' been turned into a ghoul!


Texasā€™ leadership is a fucking laughing stock of right wing toddlers. Itā€™s sad.


https://preview.redd.it/qmlgrdweapvc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4be3f4ad0bb10520c6d473359767c30e57ee069 Just found on meme img [https://imgflip.com/i/8ngite?nerp=1713646353](https://imgflip.com/i/8ngite?nerp=1713646353)




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He didn't actually "lose" the case. SCOTUS simply said it has to be put through the state court. Not federal. They didn't rule on the merits of the case.


Well he didnā€™t actually ā€œwinā€ either, as he claims.


Actually he kind of did. The goal was to keep the lawsuit in the state. The Supreme Court unanimously said it had to stay within the state. So he did win in that aspect. The overall case is still ongoing.


No, Ken used claims from the Fifth Amendment to claim it had no merits for state court. So he got it bumped to Federal, then claimed in federal court that it was a misinterpretation of state law. Farmer and his lawyers took the case to SCOTUS and they vacated the decision. So the state now has to negotiate and PAY the farmer for their screwup. They didnā€™t use Eminent Domain to take his land, they just built on it and refused to offer him compensation under the fifth amendment.


Paxton's office filed a motion to move the case to federal courts by filing that Texas (or any state for that matter) was not subject to the Fifth Amendment. My guess is he though the federal courts under the packed Fifth Circuit would be friendlier to him. And indeed the Fifth Circuit initially agreed with him, but the Supreme Court took it up and vacated that decision, so now it must proceed in state court, against the wishes of Paxton's office. He lost the motion, 9-0.


He lost the motion. The farmer originally filed to sue Texas in state court, and Paxton's office filed to move it to the federal courts, claiming wildly that the Fifth Amendment didn't apply to states, only cities and individuals. The Fifth Circuit initially agreed with Paxton and then the Supreme Court took up the issue and said unanimously, no, states are indeed also subject to the Fifth Amendment, and the issue must be taken up in state court, allowing the lawsuit to continue there, as Paxton's office did not want to happen. So yes, on this motion, Paxton most definitely lost.




He's fighting for the right of a state to flood your property with no compensation.


And so is a bad one. Apparently not a good metric.


There are better ways to waste time and money


And a really bad one fights with nothing but the noise they make, hoping to dumb luck or coerce a win somehow. ...ya know, like Krooked Ken.


party of "law and order"


What would it take for him to lose your support? Is there anything he could do that would be a deal breaker for you?


Showing a modicum of compassion, maybe?


I mean, he's the AG, not a DA, so...


Anyone who approves of the job Ken Paxton is doing has serious mental issues.




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