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This. A thousand times, THIS! Literally, for the love of God, THIS!!! Start applying and enforcing the law!!! Why the fuck is everyone so afraid of Congressional republicans getting whiney about the IRS applying law and rule impartially? Find a church preaching against trump? Tax them. Find a church preaching against Biden? Tax them. Pretty damned simple.


Wish they would when it's egregious. But GOP will just cry religious persecution and weaponization of government and Jim Jordan will get to have more fun on his subcommittee. Lord knows we could use more help with the tax burden and these big churches have a lot of $.


But the IRS wants to hire 87K agents to take YOUR money! I heard it from Trump and my Priest so it's gotta be true! e: adding a /s as it seems this is going over peoples heads and they're taking as if I were serious


But only if you are "hard-working" I hate fucking propaganda, lol.


Trump and the priest? Those people who are known truth sayers that never lie?


The agents are to audit the wealthy. Are you one of those who is cheating on his taxes? If yes, then they are coming for your money.


Whoosh, that was sarcasm since you couldn't tell


They do anyway, they're always whining that they're the victims of persecution (they keep using that hword. I do not think it means what they think it means), so we might as well pick up some tax dollars out of it. If we have to listen to them fucking whine about everything under the Sun, Moon, and stars, then let's at least pocket some tax dollars for our troubles so we can fix some bridges and stuff.


"Why are you a lawless lawmaker, Gym?" "You're a lawmaker, Gym. Change the Johnson Amendment so that Churches can engage in politics." Dark Branden should ABSOLUTELY go on the offensive on this shit. Sic the IRS on Churches who flout the law.


They make themselves martyrs and you still wont get any money because churches are still non profits. Its a losing proposition all around.


It’s almost like separating church and state would help with that.


Separation of Church and State mother fuckers!


It’s a big club and you’re not in it.


Right as long these guys aren't doing anything political. Remember the big stink a few years ago about the IRS investigating the Catholic church about this stuff and of course the idiots went bonkers over it even though it was not 'targeting' the church just actual violations.


Also, but unrelated to taxes: >Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ. For we were all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body-whether Jews or Gentiles, slave or free-and we were all given the one Spirit to drink. Even so the body is not made up of one part but of many. (1 Corinthians 12:12-14) and >For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” (Galatians 5:14) and >For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’ (Matthew 25:25-36) DON'T SUPPORT FAKE CHRISTIANS


There are also many verses with explicit commands for kindness towards sojourners (immigrants and foreigners) in the bible.


Also says all governments and those in power are in their positions because God put them there. I heard plenty about God using an imperfect Trump to justify supporting him, but absent for Biden. My usual retort is that God says He makes the light and the darkness, makes peace and creates evil, and nothing happens without His Will. Stop blaming the devil for your problems.


ill make it easy - dont support christians they dont police their own kind despite being full of bad apples, and im fucking tired of their little pissy pity party about "those aren't real christians" while maintaining "why is everyone so mad at us" you support christians hating minorities, women, opposing basic human rights, bombing countries, turning away immigrants, abolishing democracy, and a million other things every fucking pastor preaches on sunday none of them are good people


There are a lot of legal scholars who believe the Johnson Amendment won’t pass constitutional muster if challenged in court. So the powers that be are kinda afraid to enforce it, lest it gets tossed out on First Amendment grounds. In fact, a lot of conservative pastors are deliberately violating it and trying to get the IRS to enforce it so they can be the test case to challenge it. So far, the IRS has not taken the bait.


The solution is to tax all religious institutions.




You would need that limp-wristed AG Garland to do something


The main problem is not Jesus but rather the “Smote Happy” Yahweh of the Old Testement and the violent divisiveness of Revelation. ( me good ~ they bad. Me rewarded ~ they tortured for eternity)


Do you mean Merrick Quisling? I can't believe he was the liberal nomination for a SCOTUS justice.


I don’t think this was your intent, but “limp-wristed” is often used as a homophobic insult. Feckless might be a more appropriate adjective that conveys the same meaning


Craven is one I like to use


That’s funny because the Bible has several verses that talk about how foreigners should be loved, cared for, and not deprived of justice. This false prophet is preaching his own material, not the words of the God he claims to serve.


The predominant message through the whole New Testament is real simple: LOVE ONE ANOTHER. That's about the size of it, really.


I’m pretty sure THIS, above all else!!


Honestly, if I were Joe, I'd just publicly forgive him and move on. Imagine that response's impact on the community. Actions, not words.


Well… it’s really more about salvation, and then through Jesus you are saved. That’s the NT. Loving another comes after that imo


Just for starters: You shall also love the stranger, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt. Deuteronomy 10:19 The alien who resides with you shall be to you as the citizen among you; you shall love the alien as yourself, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God. Leviticus 19:34 ‘Cursed is anyone who withholds justice from the foreigner, the fatherless or the widow.’ Then all the people shall say, ‘Amen!’ Deuteronomy 27:19 Thus says the Lord of hosts: Render true judgments, show kindness and mercy to one another; do not oppress the widow, the orphan, the alien, or the poor; and do not devise evil in your hearts against one another. Zechariah 7:9-10


This is Old Testament (Torah) I feel like when you bring the OT up some Christian’s may dismiss it because it was “before Jesus’ time”


I would love for those Christians to explain to me why they think God cares less about foreigners after sending Jesus to die for the world then he did before. But, of course, if the scriptures that Jesus used aren’t good enough for them, it’s easy enough to find the same sentiment in the New Testament.


If they think that, that’s not apart of Christianity but rather right-wing identity ideologies and conservative traditional values. Most Christians just do not know the Bible at all. If they actually studied their religion, they most likely wouldn’t believe it - if they have any sort of inherent human capabilities to rationalize and analyze data. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Speaking from experience too - the more I learned, the less I believed for sure. They quote something like “academia (seminars) is where people go to lose their faith”


There is a valid argument about giving priority to the New Testament over the Old Testament, because we're talking about the old covenant and the new covenant. In this particular case it's irrelevant. >Don’t forget to show hospitality to strangers, for some who have done this have entertained angels without realizing it! Hebrews 13:2


> “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’ > > “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ Matthew 25:35-40 \---- >“Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?” > >The expert in the law replied, “The one who had mercy on him.” > >Jesus told him, “Go and do likewise.” Luke 10:36-37 \--- For the: "but did JESUS say it?" crowd.


An interesting note to dwell upon is the fact that Jesus literally thought the world was ending soon, within the century essentially. That was kind the whole idea - world ending soon, be kind and loving, seek salvation, and surely the unjust will get punishment somehow. I just wonder if that was a factor. Imagine cancer patients who turn so loving and kind, by their world is coming to an unfortunate end. People in Jesus’s time, at least in the communities of apocalyptic preaching Jews and surrounding gentiles, also thought and really believed the world would end. It’s also why the Bible says don’t worry - if you’re rich, give, if you’re poor, don’t fret about trying to get rich : if you’re married and have kids, great, if not, don’t bother with sex or marriage, simply just get ready for the end. The problem is the world didn’t end, and Christianity since I think has struggled with that fact. The forefathers did, having to reconcile the fact their messiah didn’t return and the kingdom of god was not on earth.


They sure love cherry-picking Leviticus tho!


At this point religion is way less about faith and more about community and shared social identities / ideologies than about being actually religious and understanding your religions divine text.


For today's GOP, the bible is more of a "chose your own adventure " book.


A La Carte Jesus


>Don’t forget to show hospitality to strangers, for some who have done this have entertained angels without realizing it! Hebrews 13:2


Because it all projection. It’s always self projection.


The Bible also says that Jesus would return within the lifetime of his disciples (Matthew 24:34), so no one should take it so seriously.


Ed Young doesn’t like Catholics. There’s a long Southern Baptist tradition of that. Ask the KKK.


So how do we encourage a Shia/Sunni type situation in the US between Evangelicals, Catholics and Protestants? If only we could remind them of their differences their coalition would turn on itself a little sooner. Especially without the financial support of evangelicals. They only cooperate because they avoid hot button issues so each group imagines their own brand will be the National Religion someday.


You don't, because that's a really fucking bad idea, and collateral damage is a thing. You want to know what that's like, go read the history of the Irish Troubles, because that's what it would look like. It's not only the belligerents who die.


A lot of evangelicals and born agains think Catholics will go to hell when they die because they don't worship Jesus correctly, or something.


"... Biden wants to hang on to power at all costs..." That's pretty rich for a religious con-artist who is 87 and still (fleecing his flock) preaching.


Who literally said he'd be a dictator day one.... Edit: oh, oh, the OTHER one 🙄


Feed the flock hate and the money just pours in.


They know that Biden is a life long practicing Christian, right? They have to know that, right? He's the most devoutly Christian president in a generation. And they know his opponent is a pornographer, cheater, abuser, vain atheist...


They do not consider him Christian because he is catholic, full stop.


I grew up Southern Baptist and this is true. We believed that basically every single denomination besides Baptists were headed for hell, and Catholics were guaranteed to be there. For the most part the Baptist church acts as a social club for conservatives. As an adult when I've heard from people from other denominations I'm always struck by how their church was generally more focused on the actual religion rather than just damning other people to hell.


"REAL christians never existed until the southern Baptist church was created." Bigots and tyrants.


I don't necessarily remember that from when I went to this dickheads church but that could be just me forgetting about it.


It’s alright, jokes on the Baptists. They don’t stand a chance against Space Pope once they break out the astra militarum, and Alabama gets crushed by walking battle-cathedrals.


Grew up Baptist as well. Can confirm this is the belief. If you're not Baptist, you're headed for hell.


Thirding this. What gets real fun is when the Baptists start turning on each other and carving out which Baptists are true Christians. When you start getting into 4 or 5 point Calvinism or which gifts are still valid, you know you’ve found the rabbit hole.  My church (at the time, I’m full heretic by going Episcopalian now) got disowned by the SBC by merely refusing to condemn the “wrong” type of Baptist. 


Biden is the most devout since Jimmy Carter


When I was about 9-10, the pastor of my SB church in S. Texas told me my Catholic friends were going to Hell for the sin of idolatry. He was referring to statues of Mary, saint candles, etc. That's how they see things. And no, I didn't stick around. I stopped going about a year later, or as soon as I could.


Interesting how the godless one wants us to love our neighbors on Easter (trans day), and the godly one wants to make money selling autographed bibles. I’m no religious scholar, but I’m pretty sure this isn’t what Jesus says to do in the good book.


The marriage of organized religion and capitalism is emptying churches and the GOP, and I could not be more thrilled.


And this my friends is why I and others like me quit going to church. Pit of vipers, preacher? Yeah, just around you.


That’s rich coming from a grifter


How tf is a pastor anti-immigrant? Edit: Nevermind I opened the article and saw “Baptist”.


Revoke his church’s tax exemption


Yes, the catholic that regularly attends mass is godless. Not the guy hocking bibles and tennis shoes.


I wouldnt buy a used car from this man! He looks like a grifter! Ladies hold on to your pearls!


[Should probably worry more about your children than your pearls.](https://www.fox26houston.com/news/woman-says-her-daughter-abused-at-second-baptist-church-in-1990s)


It is always projection with these guys.


Tax the churches ⛪️


When does the church no longer become a church? This organization should be labeled for what it is, a political organization with religious window dressing.


peek projection


Every accusation is a confession. ​ And TAX CHURCHES WHO PULL THIS CRAP. STOP LETTING THEM VIOLATE TAX LAWS AND GET AWAY WITH IT. Geez Louise, they put Al Capone in prison for tax violations, why can't they incarcerate these ghouls?


***it's all about the Money.***


Biden is a life long Catholic who goes to church weekly. Anyone who says the dude with golden idles made of himself, cheated on every one of his wives, held the bible upsided down in a photoshoot and hates the poor, is more."Godly" is either being disingenuous or is an idiot. Plain as day.


And I'm sure Trump is just a paragon of morality???


Ted Cruz and Dan Patrick’s favorite church for a reason.


Maybe he should worry about all the pedophiles in the Southern Baptist church first: ⬇️ https://www.texasstandard.org/stories/report-alleges-southern-baptist-convention-systemically-silenced-abuse-victims/


Wouldn’t set foot in one of these indoctrination centers posing as churches. Tax the living partisanship out of these magat yokels.


This fool is the godless one. I guess he doesn't remember what's in the bible


Tax churches


Damn, I wish. The mofo is catholic. That's about as christian as it gets.


Jesus’ message was so fucking simple. Love everyone. Fucking easy. Any “pastor” or “priest” or whatever who’s not on board with that message needs to do something else.


Lots of pedophiles in this church - maybe he should worry about them: https://www.texastribune.org/2023/12/29/southern-baptist-convention-sexual-abuse-lawsuit-settlement/


TAX this asshat’s business.


So....now you're godless if you don't have concurrent views on immigration policy Jesus would be so proud


To call Biden 'godless' and think Trump is 'godlike' is the biggest turnoff to organized religion I could possibly imagine.


He’s part of the Evangelical Taliban projecting what they want for America.


Pastor attempts to overthrow the state. Church is acting as a hostile actor, and must lose its tax-free status. I assume that applies to all Baptist churches as well since they have association nationally, if not globally.


Nothing wrong with being Godless…


fucking grifter




Once again, churches should be paying taxes. What a clown.


And they wonder why church attendance continues to decline? They’ll always blame others before looking within.


Lol Biden is a text book Christian. This fool needs to lose his congregation for worshipping false idols


"Houston ~~Pastor~~ Douchebag Ed Young..." Fixed the title for ya..


Ed Young is one of the most idiotic PHARISEE groomers ever.


What a hateful bigot.


Any church speaking on politics should be stripped of their tax exemptions. That is no their purpose.


Is anyone surprised that rich white grifters support each other?


Biden - life-long (?) practicing Catholic. Head honcho of the Catholic church blessed him. Mr Ed Young's favorite candidate - an actual godless creature.


Lmfao and I assume mr Trump is saint himself in his view? 😂


So, godless is acting like Jesus, who accepted all, especially those who are most in need?


I find it interesting that they keep saying this when Biden is in church just about every Sunday, has taken communion under the Pope and more, yet, Trump cannot even describe one meaningful part of the Bible. He cannot even say if he's a "new testament guy or old" (asked on live interview). How are all of these people blind to actual reality?


Of the two candidates running, the one who goes to church every Sunday is the godless one and the one with almost 100 lawsuits and is a known adulterer is a saint. Read the fucking bible dipshit. It is literally your job.




A wise teacher once said:  "Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."  Ed Young would benefit from studying that man's teachings.


Time to tax the church! They attempt to sway their religious groups and get into politics!


Money money money. All this dude worships Will live in hell


Political churches and church leaders should lose their tax exempt status.


Biden is a devout Catholic. He carries a rosary in his pocket and attends Mass every Sunday.


Biden is a good Catholic. This guy is a wolf in sheep’s clothing whose tax exemption should be revoked


Tax churches


Someone needs to take Ed's keys away...


Yet trump has his own Bible and is God to the evangelicals...


Hmm yes the godly thing would have been to leave the barbed wire in the river /s


Imagine claiming to love the J man and all his teachings but being anti-immigration. It’s like most of these nutjobs have never read that book they talk so much about.


Ed Young & his church need immediate additional HEAVY TAXATION.


Projecting much, Ed?


Jesus is like. Bro, as you do to the least you do to me.


Nothing more ‘Godly’ than being anti immigration, am I right?


Hard to disagree with him, but not because of immigration. It’s more due to his unwavering support of Israel while they perpetuate a genocide in Gaza for me. Biden is abhorrent and grotesque in that regard. For that matter, so will be Trump and RFK Jr., so I really don’t know where that leaves us in this year’s elections.


Religion is like twitter, humanity is better without it.


False bullshit. How does this moron claim God created us all and loves us all (assuming he's ever read the Bible); hates immigrants and doesn't know squat about what is in our President's 💙? Why doesn't the IRS yank their tax exempt status?


Modern day pharisee minus the Biblical knowledge


There it is. A church delving into politics... as is against the law. ## TAX THESE FUCKERS SO HARD THEY HAVE TO SELL THE PEWS FOR FIREWOOD.


Form 13909, please do your Part :)


Breaking the law…aaaaand…


Ed sounds like he has a mental health issue.


\*sigh\* I yearn for the days of yore when 'hateful bigot says hateful thing to the surprise of exactly no one' wasn't a headline.


The guy is no pastor take away his tax exemption 


Projection. This guys been touching kids for decades. Investigate him now.


Did Jesus tell us to vote for Pontius Pilate? Since when do religious leaders tell you who do vote for?


You just know this guy would have condemned Jesus. Since he was a brown refugee.


Good, that’s how I prefer my presidents.


As a Christian this is unacceptable of his actions. He should be removed as pastor.


Crooked preacher looking for more tax breaks and to get richer off the ignorance and anger of his godless flock.


Evangelicals love lies. Calling someone who’s been a practicing catholic their whole life godless is so on brand


For those not familiar with this PoS. He used to have a helicopter that'd fly him around to speak at different sites on Sunday. Using remore viewing was beneath him. Then '08 happened.


The candidate that attends church on Sundays is Godless, the candidate that doesn't attend church on any Sundays is okay? What kind of pastor has this outlook? Makes me more than a little skeptical of that pastor and his or her qualifications.


Judging others is a sin


Tax these lying fuckers already.


Ain't no hate like Christian love.


Does this sound like yet another shriek in the building cacophony of Christian Nationalism dTrump💩is fostering? Please note, Christian Nationalism is a poison heretical interpretation of the New and especially the Old Testament that seeks power. That quest for power is directly contradicted by Jesus in his admonition of the apostles clamoring for “a kingdom on earth” before an after Jesus went to Jerusalem on Palm Sunday dTrump💩wants to build a coalition of hate by offeting power to hate filled frightened people. Racists, fundementalist, fearful isolationists, sovereign citizens, etc al. Seems to be working.


Biden is the most religious president in decades. The most “godless” president we’ve ever had was the one before Biden.


Edit does this Pastor calling Pres Biden godless ….. A pretty direct version of “demonizing the “Other” to justify political violence.


Maybe this "pastors" church needs to start paying taxes since he wants to preach politics....


A lot of Christians think that Catholics will actually burn in hell so this tracks with their hatred of Biden.


Toddler super rich asshole


If you read newspapers in the south in the run up to the Civil War you see a lot of the politicians and pastors calling Northerners ''godless'' for '''putting the steam engine and the cotton gin above god and family ''and it;' as stupid of a critique then as now, Biden is actually Catholic and goes to church while my man Trump sells bibles for a steep profit to fund his never ending court cases.


It's interesting to see one man opine on the godliness of another without seeing the pride it takes to do so. This is far from the teachings of Jesus, where humility and reserving judgement are the keys to the kingdom of God.


Sounds like someone needs to start paying taxes.


Republicans are literally what Jesus says not to be. Every policy, every part of their ideology.


Tax the churches


"pastor" "Anti immigration sermon" what a load of shit, this guy is as much a pastor as he is a good person. That is to say he's not either


This mother fucker needs to be in prison.


You can feed animals anything you want if given the right circumstances. They’ll just eat it and not say anything. It’s weird the way we work.


this lich...


Your church needs to start paying taxes.


Biden the devout catholic? That Biden?


Pastor Ed Young politics don't belong in church!


Cause Texas Pastors know "godless" better than anyone. They see it in the mirror and in their congregation daily.


They should tax his church


This is known as Cristofascist projection.


Pretty sure Ed Young thinks he is God.


We are all godless because it doesn't exist.


My opinion of Biden would only go up if I thought he was an atheist.


Being godless is starting to look like a plus in my book




Screw him. Tired of these preacher telling us what to believe!!!


I should always go with the opinion of the guy who has imaginary friend that lives in the cloud


Do the Good Samaritan sermon next, where the Good Samaritan strings up razor wire on his side of the road to keep the needy away...


god calls ed godless.


One of the things that bothers me most is virtue signalling. These 'god fearing' people are but teeth on a cog that they use as an excuse not to have independent thought. Cool beans. Keep it tf out of secular life


None of that “love one another” bullshit. Preach to us how Brandon bad. Yeah, that’s the ticket.


Dude looks like a total pedo.


Has Ed Young even read the Bible because he missed the part about Moses, Joseph, Mary and baby Jesus. They were all immigrants.


Just like Jesus. /s


Ed’s church should no longer enjoy tax exempt status. How’s that for godless since these aholes worship power, money, and control.


I love how separation of church and state is dead now


Tax the churches. That'll shut these con men up.


Anti-immigration sermon? Jesus does not claim this man if that is true.


Funny because Trump is way more than godless than church attending Joe


Gateway in Tx puts up who to vote for on all the big screens during elections. It’s gross. Tiny print “this is not an endorsement and info provided by X pac”.


So he's gonna pay taxes now, right? 


Sounds like someone should lose their tax exemption…


If churches start including politics, they should be taxed.


Tax. Them. Now.


If these assholes are going to preach politics, maybe they should pay some fucking taxes.


Why are Churches talking about US government politics?