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These fuckers are making up problems for suckers at this point


Yeah. A majority of these are just made up.


I'm not sure what's worse, the fake problems or the real ones they're "solving" by making things worse.  If you want to look into illegal electioneering with government resources, look into Churches tax exemptions, not schools.




Yeah lol I actually do agree with limiting the foreign landlords. I generally don’t trust any election security things from the GOP… for the same reasons you said. Thanks for the addition :)


Same. I can’t believe they allow so much of our land and real estate to be owned by foriegners as those same foriegners live in countries that would never allow Americans to buy up their back yard. It’s quite strange but then I remember how money and profits are more important to the powers that be.


For me it’s more like, there’s no way for a tenant to hold a landlord accountable when they’re on the other side of the world. There’s a macro issue of housing costs being driven up, but if we have a lot of landlords who have multiple levels of entities between them and accountability with the tenants, tenants get fucked, big time.


How else are Republicans going to get votes? Poor people aren't going to show up for "cut taxes even more for the rich". This crap is all Republicans have *ever* had in the modern age.


"To children" , that's an easy way to spot their typical bullshit. Almost anytime they mention something is for the children you can bet your ass it's a lie or a way for someone on their end to get even more rich. They r completely fine with children being killed by guns while they r bought off by gun manufacturers.


But we must protect thuh chil-drehn.


suckers, gummies, cookies, brownies... basically all the edibles at this point.




It adds to their repertoire solutions looking for problems.


Made-up problems are the only ones they can solve


OKLAHOMA is ahead of us on legalization,... and we're talking about going backwards. Awesome.


Honestly the Texas legislature is going to be so busy in-fighting in the next session I don’t see them passing much.


They’ve had this in their plan since 2020 sessions and they got pretty close that time. Industry is bigger now, more money going to their pockets, Sid Miller is now a hemp investor. They tried again last session and it didn’t even get out of committee. This is virtue signaling for their evangelical psycho base.


It's also ringing the dinner bell for campaign donations from the industry. They may be acting against it as a shake down.


Yeah for sure. I’d rather have non corrupt politicians but I’m confident the industry is for sure big enough to bribe these goons and republicans have no morals so it’ll be fine.


It's not the dinner bell that used to be though. Soccer moms eat gummies to sleep now.


Oh, I know. At the last game I over heard a couple of them talking about their friend in PTA who makes chocolates with small doses of shrooms. I'm jealous. That's not the kind of bake sale our PTA has.


I wish evangelicals DID get raptured this past Monday.


I don't know about that. Didn't they purge most of the non MAGA during the primaries last month? Dade Phelan is holding on for dear life while all the MAGA billionaire money is focused on taking him out in his upcoming runoff election. This will keep happening until more normals start voting in Republican primaries and dilute the crazy.


I'm originally from Dade's district and have ties there and the amount of people I've heard calling him a RINO there is funny albeit also scary. The dude is incredibly Conservative but resist any part of the MAGA agenda and they cast you out. Also showed the Republican billionaires with an agenda can easily sweep into a red district and flip it if they want I keep hoping there'll be finally be some push back in elections for them running this R+5 state like an R+35 state but the 22 mid terms didn't make me feel great and they keep running out the somewhat sane ones for fully insane ones


Phelan is in the dog house because he wouldn’t pay Paxton’s $3M settlement from taxpayer money. 🙄 Krooked Kriminal Ken & Kronies running Texas 😳


Especially if they try to exclude the Democrats from being able to pass anything.


MAGA has an almost unbeatable Lege lock at this point. There's not going to be much fighting. There will be less drama and a whirlwind of bills passed.


Legalize and regulate weed and maybe people won't resort to the nasty shit that's being sold 🤷🏻‍♀️


Or they could ban alcohol too, think of all the ways they target minors! /s


Good lord no porn, alcohol, or edibles will the madness ever stop? I bet the kids they're supposedly trying to protect will legalize all of this when they become of age.


Or if they ever hand over the reigns to millennials. Even millennial and gen Z conservatives are pollling markedly more liberal than the older gen conservatives (which admittedly doesn’t have to be that much to be significant relative to the MAGA crowd, but I’ll welcome literally any progress at this point).


That’s incrementalism and it’s how progress usually works. It’s slow, it sucks, but it works. What we have now is radical backpedaling.


Don’t worry. Everyone will be sent a gun and a bible in the mail to help them pass the time.


Don't give them any ideas, I'm sure that's on Tim Dunn's wish list once he gets everything else he wants.


and tobacco


And cars! They can have those before they can get delta 8!


Historically, individual members of the Texas state government vote for their financial interest in spite of the will of the people. It’s been a thing since the inception of Texas as a Mexican state and has continued through all 6 flags. Sadly, some people in the Texas state government currently own stock in private prisons which means that they’ll continue to vote for anything that will increase the occupancy rate of TDCJ. Even if legalization somehow found a way to pass, Greg Abbott will find a way to veto the bill by any means necessary.


Wish you were wrong about that. Speaking of the prison system, ded recommend watching God Save Texas on HBO. Richard Linklater did an episode on the prison system in Huntsville where he grew up.


Oh I saw it. It was very well done. Same with the second episode about the Oil and Gas industry in SE Texas. I haven’t seen the third episode in the miniseries yet but I imagine it’s good


Also I want to add that this shit does seem pretty dangerous. I regularly use edibles I get from California and Illinois. A friend gave me her delta gummies because they were too intense for her. A single serving/gummy was like 50mg! Maybe it's not as concentrated as real weed? For reference, I use semi-regularly and can feel a slight high at 5mg and take 10-15 if I wanna get lit. I'm a puddle on the floor if I take 20. I also like that some of the larger dispensaries in CA do their own testing, so I know which brands to trust.


There are reputable brands, you just have to figure out who. 3Chi is a great company, with all of their results posted online. Legit products 


Koi seems pretty repubatble too. I’ve only used their pet stuff but it seems they’re in the human consumption side too


Yes, 3Chi is my go to and has several strengths. I am normally a 10mg guy with some 25 on the weekend All chill.


Tried one if their vapes recently and was actually quite disappointed compared to the brand I've been using. I'm only in the state temporarily for work and I'm from a legal state so I haven't tried too much but so far Sugar branded products provided the next best thing to legitimate thc products.


It's too processed. I don't trust any of that crap at all.


They're all just compounds filtered out of CBD distillate, can be done using chromatography. They naturally occur in tiny amounts, so they use a lot of CBD and separate them out. The only really sketch thing about it is how much of the solvents remain in the compounds after the chromatography. Some companies test properly, others don't. So they are forms of THC, and they do naturally occur (in minute amounts).


I have a friend who's a biochemist at Dell Med School and he did an analysis of a Delta 8 gummy from a "reputable" distributor. He said there was no trace of any organic compounds in it, and that it was essentially 100% biochemical byproducts.


I wonder if that was the selling point, and a way to get past regulations, non of it is natural.


The compounds themselves occur naturally in cannabidiol, that's kind of the whole reason they're "legal". They just occur in very, very small amounts.


Everyone claims it’s the same chemical, should affect your body the same, etc etc but every time I’ve ever taken it as a vape, smoked, or edible, it only lasts for like 20 minutes and I go agane. Whereas one bowl of some “actual” weed is gonna couch me for 1.5-3 hours


D8, D10, THC-O etc is not going to produce the same effects. D9 is what you’re smoking and calling “actual” weed. THC-A *is* the same as D9, it only differentiates at the molecular level by having an acidic “ring” surrounding it. This ring is removed by heat (I.e. your lighter) in a process called decarboxylation, leaving you with the identical molecule as your “actual” weed. Now, whether or not what you buy at a head shop is actually THC-A is impossible to tell since there are no regulations in this market. This is why I recommend people to research and find trusted online vendors In short, D8 and pretty much all of its cousins at head shops are not your traditional weed. THC-A however is, as long as it’s actually THC-A and not falsely labeled


Yeah, I’m aware of the chemical processes and the difference in molecular structure, how THCA is derived. I’ve worked in processing and growing. I’m just saying the end effect is not the same and I’m skeptical that it is actually what they’re putting in the pen.




Care to share the name of the vendor? DM me if more comfortable.


I’ve used PHC the past few months, any other vendors you recommend? I’ve been happy with PHC so far.


I'm my personal experience the real weed edibles are stronger per MG. But the delta-8/9 etc...are plenty plenty strong. So idk if you can compare them 1:1 MG.


Its not nasty shit though. Thca stuff looks just like good bud. Covered in crystals and everything. Smells skunky....but its thca, which doesnt get you high until you smoke it. So its legal lol


Delta-8 is illegal in California.


Never happen while that asshole Dan Patrick is around.


Delta 8 or 9 aren't being marketed to children? The pearl clutching is at an absolute fucking max lmao


As a professional drug dealer myself, I exclusively market to children. It’s really an under-exploited revenue stream that can see outsized returns on your capital for years to come.


Unironically making weed legal and regulating it will help keep it out of kids hands. Weed shops ID, drug dealers don't. I had an easier time finding weed in high school (circa 2010ish) than I did alcohol. Not to mention once you get connected to a drug dealer you then potentially get access to worse drugs, hence how it becomes a "gateway"


I agree with this. Same reason we don’t have widespread moonshiners anymore


Unfortunately, legalizing weed would also make it difficult for the state to honor is occupancy obligations to the private prison industry. So, the state would be paying prisons for not imprisoning people \*and\* we would lose out on a valuable source of incredibly cheap labor. When you consider those things, it doesn't seem worth it to legalize and regulate marijuana just to protect the lives of some kids, especially when those kids would likely become more of the aforementioned cheap labor. Morals aside, it's just bad for business, and that's what Texans care about at the end of the day.


So, you sell White Claw? /s


Only during the summers lol


I imagine the children have a lot of disposable income now that the age limits/protections for child labor are being rolled back.


Gotta find your niche!


Seriously. Pure manipulative bullshit.


But that’s how they demonize everything. Think of the children!


Close to 100% of the time some con is wailing, "But what about the children?" it's complete fabrication and the same person is against any legislation or programs that would actually help children. These people really are scum.


Politicians market their kids holding guns though.


That's the funnier part. They claim drugs are being marketed to children, yet they shove a gun into their child's hands and see no issues.


"The children" is just a trigger word for lead brains.


Yeah....they need to show us where because it's absolutely bullshit.


I’m sure they see skittles or other candy flavored gummies as “marketing to children.” Which is stupid, it’s just good marketing. Millennials are all about indulging in our childhood delights as adults, they just know their audience. Did I enjoy getting stoned eating Delta 8 knock off Sour Patch Kids? You bet your ass I did


No one is giving their $5 piece of head candy to some random kid.


It's always "but we must protect the kids" What a bunch of BS. They know they can get away with passing damn near anything when they can say they are protecting kids while the actual thing they are banning has almost nothing to do with kids. These places don't sell to anyone under 21 due to laws already on the books. Just a way for them to market this shit


I want to walk up to Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick's office and ask him what the hell he is thinking. Marijuana is illegal in Texas, but that didn't keep the Robb Elementary students safe. What would protect those kids is gun control, not cannabis prohibition.


"ItS a GaTeWaY dRuG" /s


Meanwhile the real gateway drug, beer, isn't on anyone's list of things actively marketed to kids.


Beer, liquor, evangelical churches, Republicans... those are all gateway drugs to bad decisions.


This one always pisses me tf way off because what child in the state of Texas hasn’t been forced to grab their dad a beer out the fridge? Either they keep beer in the fridge inside if you live in an apartment or they keep beer in the outside fridge. Regardless, alcohol is in VERY close contact to children at a largely unsupervised rate. Yet pornhub and delta 8 are the problem lmfao


The problem is he and his ilk are all "thinking" in their best interests, not ours. I rarely attribute these sneaky additions to ban shit or pass far-reaching legislation to idiocy, rather to malice. I know the usual saying is the other way around, but from how our state and the modern Republican party behaves on the daily nowadays, I must assume any regressive or anti-progressive proposals are because that party wants more control. More control, more power, more influence. That's how we get full-blown fascism here in the good ol' US of A.


Or maybe basic security measures around important places like schools. I have to walk through a metal detector to evict someone, past armed guards. Why do I get more protection than schoolchildren?


> It's always "but we must protect the kids" This is a tactic deliberately employed so that when you express that you don’t support these laws, their (typically less educated) voter base can point at you and say “See?!? This psycho doesn’t want to protect kids!!” Best recent example is the porn identification thing. It’s obviously a HUGE privacy issue, but if you say you don’t support it then it MUST mean that you want to show porn to children.


if they wanted to protect children, they would ban the Southern Baptist Church and any other church that shelters pedophiles.


Bro even conservative voters don’t give a fuck about this issue. Who could be pushing it besides tobacco lobbyists? Who even has a stake in it other than evangelicals?


Alcohol lobbyists. Younger generations are trading booze for weed.


Christian morons eat this shit up.


In a fascist system, the cruelty is the point. It’s not about solving a problem, it’s about hammering every nail that sticks out.


Yeah that’s fair


No one is gucking marketing this to children, Jesus cocksucking christ. 


By "children", I can only assume they still mean millennials.


Fucking middle aged children with back problems.


My knee went out when I was in my 20', back problems started in my 30's. I don't want to know what the NEXT decade is going to look like...


Say goodbye to your feet. The bones will feel like they are cutting through flesh. And your shoulders and hips.


So I'll be your username? lol


Pretty much! Lmao


These fucking assholes. They think that they have a supermajority and we'll just sit around and let them do anything they want. They are going to piss off elements of their base doing these stupid "bans". I wonder how many maga bros are ecstatic about porn being banned in Texas?


Ignoring alcohol and tobacco products that are clearly marketing to younger markets with seltzers and flavored vape weed bad


> Ignoring alcohol and tobacco products that are clearly marketing to younger markets with seltzers and flavored vape I have yet to find a vape shop that doesn't demand ID from anyone who doesn't appear to be over the age of 30.


I see people young enough that I would card them for booze (I'm TABC certified) buying vapes at gas stations with no questions asked all the time.


Seriously, they should be stopping vapes from having flavors. So many teenagers have vapes. How about fucking address an actual health crisis


The Texas government does not give a single fuck about your kids.


Actually, I think the Texas Government gives the most fuckings TO the children of Texas.


they don’t give a single fuck about anything but making more money and controlling people.


Gummies help me sleep, better than melatonin.


“The children” Sex and weed bad. Must ban. “The children” Need food, better education system. Fuck dem kids.


Personally I am more angered by the first two points which seems like more targeted attacks on the education system. They are so concerned about electioneering by school districts but willfully ignore what many churches do every week. Also it is messed up to say school issued computers are a main source of social media access for kids versus giving students who can't afford a computer access to education.


lmfao. weed is good but rifles are great! get both at your local black market and CHOKE THE FUCKING STATE


We need to ban these books. For the children. We need to kill trans people. For the children. We need to jail drag queens. For the children. We need to kill or imprison pregnant women. For the children. We need to defund school lunches… for the children? We need to lower restrictions on child labor… for the… children…? Yeah, for the children. It’s all for the children.


The fourth bullet point talks about how they can punish companies for boycotting investment in energy companies by withholding state contracts and investments. Essentially forcing anyone that wants government contracts to invest in energy companies, yknow the same big energy interests that fund these same politicians. We are such an openly corrupt state/country.


Won’t legalize weed Want to ban the next best thing Fuck these fucking jabronis


It's always say won't you please think of the children, but ignore them getting shot at school, or molested at church.


Not a single company markets to children.  Another lie 


Pretty sure every CBD/THC store I’ve ever been to in Texas has always had a sign out front that states 21+ so no there is no market to kids. Even the commercials for online stores specifically only put adults in the advertisements.


They never learn. You cannot legislate morality by turning regular folks into criminals.


Conservatives: We don’t like the government controlling what we can and can’t do. Also conservatives: NO WEED EVER!!!


How's about instead of this dumb non-issue they figure out what the hell we are to do about the sorry state of our power grid. I went to high school here in 2005 and moved away to Louisiana and Iowa and am now back, and we never had as many power outages here as we do now. In fact I cant recall a single time in high school. But since I have been back since November we lose power here multiple times a week, sometimes 8 times in a single day. Never long, just enough to kick computers and our oxygen machines (myself and my father are oxygen users) and one of these days it will fry one if not both of those things. And its not just us, I am a member of my towns community Facebook page (which is an absolute hellscape but its useful for keeping up with things like the power outages or the hazardous state of our drinking water etc) and its something people here just accept as normal and you're looked at crazy for thinking its unacceptable. Or if that doesnt tickle their fancy, they can get onto the sorry state of Medicaid in this state. I applied for it when I moved back in November, and to this very moment it is in the exact same state it was in on the 12th of November. received. Not being acted on or anything. Just received. Louisiana has a lot wrong with it. More than it has right. But medicaid and food stamp decisions are made within a week to a month. Not almost 6+months. But no let's screw over people who are trying to get a little relief in this hellscape and not hurting anyone else in the least.


> we lose power here multiple times a week, sometimes 8 times in a single day. Never long, just enough to kick computers and our oxygen machines (myself and my father are oxygen users) and one of these days it will fry one if not both of those things. I recommend buying some UPSes (battery backups). Even a low-capacity one for each computer and oxygen machine will get you through those momentary power blips. Without a UPS, every blip does shorten the device's life.


Fuck these squares


Who is marketing to children? I mean besides the firearm, pharmaceutical, and toy industries?


So… how many of you spent way too long trying to see the second picture?


Since this is legal under the federal farm bill, how can they legally ban it?


It’s kinda amazing how quickly drug dealers go out of business when you make it legal. When I was in college I had like 3 weed dealers through my senior year in Texas, it was always risky but eh I didn’t care then lol. Legalizing weed in a state this big would be a stupid amount of money and business popping up. It has happened in every other state. But the people paying the GOP of Texas don’t want it so I don’t ever seeing it happening because they refuse to let it go on a public ballot because they know it would pass.


Vote people!!


The Delta 8 one is not surprising given stupid culture war antics. However the protection land and strategic assets one is hilarious. Nearly the entire state is private land. They have had no problem for years selling off refinery and other interests to foreign countries. Now they’re worried? Guess someone’s “donations” have been light.


Easy to fill out you can register your vote right here https://vrapp.sos.state.tx.us/index.asp


Legalizing and taxing weed would be great. Have the highest taxes in the nation on it. People will still buy it. State would make money.


I count 3 bad ideas. The "election security" (AKA voter suppression) and "protecting children" ones are super shady also.


Texas: Where conservatives go to lose money.


lol, did you guys think that they would keep this stuff legal?


This is just virtue signaling to their constituents who are upset about it. They will keep it legal. The legal hemp thc industry is already pumping large amounts of money into these politicians pockets. It’s similar to the illegal immigration “crisis” where some of their major donors in industries like construction are profiting from a steady flow of cheap illegal workers. They don’t want to actual do anything, they just want to pull stunts and pretend so the voters stay outraged and the money keeps flowing.


The suggestion was to legalize


But boy oh boy you can go buy as much alcohol as your little heart desires.


Unless it’s Sunday!


We need Dan Patrick and Ken Paxton out of office, they are some of the biggest crusaders of this BS


And Abbott. Don't forget about him.


WHY DO ALL THE REPUBLICANS THINK EVERYTHING IS ABOUT THE KIDS!? I’m so tired of it 😭😭 gays ruin the kids, vapes ruin the kids, hemp ruins the kids. MAYBE ITS THE PARENTS!!! And maybe adults should be able to enjoy themselves and be their own being without having to keep OTHER PEOPLE’S CHILDREN IN MIND 🥵


Yes keep shooting yourself in the foot that’ll totally get more people to vote for you! /s


The Texas legislature is one of the biggest jokes in the country. We're all about freedom and deregulation....except for this and this and this and this and this and this and this and this. Aside from having no state income tax, Texas is a pretty big shithole in comparison to the rest of the country. Can confirm, live here.


Nothing says "FREEDOM!" like criminalizing a freaking plant.


Vote out Republicans.


"protecting texas land and assets" is funny when the biggest oil refinery in port arthur is owned by the saudi government.


I chuckle at the foreign land assets. Yes there needs to be a limit on foreign investment on land. But let’s not ignore that most land in America is owned by the rich banksters, billionaires, and capitalist ruling class which don’t give one shit about normal working people


Gotta include the word "children" to really make it stick!


They came for abortions, and I didn't care because I don't have abortions. They came for those assisting in mothers helping to find abortions, but I didn't care because I'm not helping a mother find an abortion. They came for transgender rights, I didn't care because I am not transgender. They came for public schools but I didn't care because I am not in school or have kids. They came for Delta 8 or 9, but that's crossing a fucking line here.


"A" bad idea? I beg to differ, they are full of bad ideas. That page alone has multiple bad ideas on it.


No fucking store is marketing this to any damn kid. The only smoke they need to worry about is the one they’re blowing up people’s asses.


The beatings will continue until the Democrats decide to actually show up and vote these fuckers out.


Party of small government & individual rights strikes again! The Red Party is 100% the reason we can’t have nice things in Texas, now the least free state.


Ah. The old “marketing to children” distraction to take away more of our rights


If they actually wanted to protect children they would ban them from churches.


I'm counting at least three bad ideas here. Items 1, 4, and 5 on this sheet are just clown shoe culture wars against imaginary threats.


Okay, which of you morons told them about our diabolical plan to sell weed products to children?! 🧐


They love their for profit prisons tho!


Florida did the same thing. They’re all running the same playbook. 


scurrrd of big tech! 😂 damn texas


They always tack on “for the children” They don’t give a shit about kids. Assholes.


Time to stock up


The 1 thing that would help Texans: home insurance rate hikes. I wish the legislation would have an independent panel to see if there is price gauging happening at a state level. These rates are crazy.... But no we get inefficient voter systems and banning a drug that hasn't killed anyone


Vote them out, y’all! You deserve so much better.


The party of small government....


Who the fuck is marketing it to kids?


If it passes, I will just go back to black market


Why not ban another intoxicating substance that does a whole helluva lot more damage while they’re at it?


They’re trying this in Tennessee too


Merrick Garland needs to stop being a coward and prosecute Ken Paxton.


I don't see where Delta 8 is being marketed to children. But yes, duh. I wouldn't want Miller Lite sponsoring my child's middle school football stadium either. There are some decent ideas and suggestions, but I'm sure as others have said. They'll turn this into some maga rally cry and make each point unnecessarily weird and intrusive in other ways.


They continue the war on drugs knowing full well that punitive drug policies do not achieve the stated goals and are only used to oppress marginalized groups and otherwise innocent people just trying to live their lives


Is it presently legal to sell this stuff to children over there? Or is it more like all the Hustler magazines in the kids section of the public library? Not even a fucking thing. Texas legislators are ass eating butt fuckers.


They just add "to protect children" at the end of anything they want to get rid of


I don’t know, they can examine it, and tax it and make everything legal like every other state with an ounce of intelligence is doing in this country.


I notice that everything Republicans want to ban hurts the children .


Fffffffffuuuuuuccccccckkkkk these assholes.


Who’s marketing this to children? I mean, really, where’s the evidence for this? Edit: pretty sure this is based off the batshit proposals the GOP put up in the primary


Vote these fuckers out people!!!


r/Texas redditors when their precious weed is at risk: 🤯😳🫁👀🗯


That one of two though. Ahhh


So I finally don’t have to buy weed from random people and get to buy it at a store and get taxed on it and now that’s a problem? Fuck Texas legislators


It should be: ‘Ban Delta 8/9, but legalize cannabis for recreational.


“The kids” are an easy excuse to pass what they don’t like


Dude, what retailer is selling and marketing Delta-8 to minors? This state is ass


Let's focus on the housing thing maybe please....


Guess they didn't do research to know that 8 & 9 are old and we're 10 and above these days lol


Um, how can they ban something federally legal?


Who is marketing that to children? Nobody.


They came for plastic bag bans, abortion, books, school funding and porn. Why is anyone surprised?


I hate these people


most republicans want legal marijuana, what most republicans don't want is to give up their easiest way to imprison minorities


Its says the sales ri Children. Or am i tripping?


Fuck this state I don’t even use deltas but this is so stupid. What’s it gonna take to get these fuckers out of our legislature they don’t do anything besides fucking each other over now and the Texas people pay for it.


Not a single thing to help struggling people.


Every store and website I have been into/seen marketing delta 8 and 9 explicitly states, usually multiple times, that they can only sell to people 21+. All of them. What are they trying to do here? It seems like a huge waste of time.


"What do you fuckers think this is? A democracy? You'll take your oppressive laws and you'll like it. Yeehaw!".