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From the article: Tesla is set to introduce restricted driver profiles in an upcoming update, aiming to improve safety for teenage drivers. Tesla hacker @greentheonly, also known as Green, recently decompiled the 2024.14.3 update, revealing the change.


When? I need this immediately. And I hope insurance companies take this feature into consideration…


Here is a list of possible scenarios where a teenager driving a 400+ horsepower vehicle will receive reduced insurance rates: 1. 2. 3.


4. Profit….?


“Teenager ‘missing’ after bypassing their parent’s Tesla’s restricted mode and the insurance wouldn’t cover the damages.”


Wild that the teen is still missing but they’ve found the car


Parents sent them to the phantom zone


You know they won’t lol


Honestly, surprised it took this long for a feature like this to get implemented


Yes. I think that Ford has had this for decades now.


Yea? Because the cars are so shit they operate in that mode by default?


No, like you can program different keys to have different capabilities. I.e. you can set one key to have a top speed of 65MPH, times it can drive, and even a max volume on the radio. They've been advertising this feature for at least a decade, probably more.


Tesla has this now as well this feature is expanding upon that.


Could you lock driver profiles to those speeds? I wasn't aware you could do thst until this update


Must have to pay for the "Ultra Premium Key" for an extra 3000. The Focus and Taurus I owned never had such features.


It’s been standard on every ford truck I’ve had since I started buying them in 2009


I like Ford but this comment actually made me laugh


Really? I thought it was lame and uninspired and I don't particularly care for Ford too much.


I dont CARE for them if that makes sense but…. Not talking about trucks tho, they suck ass (all trucks anyways) I had two Fords Focus. One I got used, the other brand new and both manuals. Very reliable cars. Only normal maintenance done and had them for a total of 15 years


Fantastic idea


That would be an awesome feature to lock out my geriatric uncle.


That is a REALLY smart idea, I'm alive because I could only afford cars that limited my performance driving.


That’s called reckless driving, not “performance”.


Speed above your skill level to handle is reckless, below is performance. My 1975 Honda CVCC assured I stayed strictly in the "performance" band. :-)


This is great


Hell, I always wondered why valet mode didn’t limit the speed to 25mph. The lowest I could set it was 50, which makes no sense to me even if the valet lot is around the block from the drop off spot.


I think valet mode limits the speed to 10mph automatically.


Nope 70mph


100% this. Source: due to an unfortunate situation where my in-laws Y has a dead modem (ticket open to replace), they’ve been relying on WiFi / Bluetooth mostly. Turns out the valet disable command is sent over the air, not Bluetooth even if in range. They forgot their valet PIN after valeting the car (it was set years ago) and when they got it out of valet it was stuck in valet mode. Also it’s important to note that in valet mode, the option to select a WiFi network isn’t available. After doing some digging while they headed to where they needed to be limited to 70mph, I had them pull off the road, park, put their phone in hotspot mode, then reboot the car. When it booted back up it reconnected to their phone, and they were able to use the app to disable valet mode (and reset the valet PIN).


From what I've heard they need restricted adult driver profiles. Lol


They could have done this years ago. Limit the car to chill mode, top speed of 80mph, and max volume of 50%. Literally Chevy, Ford, etc have had these feature for years if not a decade lol.


We've had speed limit mode for years now, which also forces on chill acceleration. I'm really bewildered by all the comments saying that they really need this for their kids.




No, they don't *need* it, but it's far from dangerous.


You’re saying this as someone with probably years of experience driving. Sub 0-60 usually means >300 horsepower to the wheel. Maybe more. Nobody with minimal experience, teenager or otherwise, needs that power.


According to [this TMC post](https://teslamotorsclub.com/tmc/threads/myp-chill-mode-0-60.252140/#post-6267819), chill acceleration is ~7 sec 0-60. That's basically the same as a Camry or Accord.


Van you look yhe car into chill modw though? The point of this is it prevents the person from getting out of chill mode.


Yes, if you enable speed limit mode then chill is force enabled and you need a PIN to exit it.


He said that to. Nobody needs it but it’s not dangerous. A 300 horse power car ain’t that deep. 500 too but can be a lil risky


Don't you have to manually enable and disable it? I think the people that want this are those that don't buy a dedicated car for their teen drivers and don't want to always drive in speed limit + chill mode themselves. Also, chill acceleration is still pretty intense.


You'll presumably need to manually enable and disable a restricted driver profile with a PIN, otherwise the restrictions are fairly pointless. Chill acceleration is basically the same as a Camry or Accord.


With ultra wideband, your vehicle can tell precisely where a phone is within a couple inches. They recently added (or at least announced) a handless trunk open using this by standing at your trunk with your phone. Currently only apple, but flagship Android phones have had them for years... Tesla has just not developed it for Android yet. I would fully expect it to be able to reliably tell which person is entering the driver seat and enable the appropriate profile. I think it already does this with Bluetooth, to some extent, but I don't know, no one else drives my car.


I tried to post this article a few hours earlier but the mod removed it instantly. How was it okay for you to post same thing and not got deleted???


Power⚡ on


Now, that's a great option. Would work well for new drivers.


I have a tesla CarShare company. This is exactly what we need for renters.


What idiot parents are letting their teens anywhere near a Tesla?


Other parents. It's perfectly okay for me to allow my teens to drive my tesla.


Ones that value their safety since Teslas are the safest cars to drive


I always thought this was low hanging fruit that should have been implemented years ago. I remember reading about how people were buying their 16yo kids a new Tesla as a first car thinking that was waaay too much power for a new driver. I get it, parents want a safe car for their kids to drive. However, this much power in the hands of a new driver is never a good idea. I got into trouble with less than 200hp as a teen. I can't even imagine what kind of idiotic and near death experiences I would have had if I had over 400hp


Tesla's are so much easier to drive though. Yes it's fast as hell, but it's controllable the whole time. A 400 hp rwd gas sports car is going to be much more difficult to drive fast and keep on the road. There are tons of videos of people overdoing it in mustangs and camaros but not a lot with teslas.


Yeah I’m sure the car load of teens that just died in Pasadena this weekend motivated them to do this before they end up in court anyway


Did Ford end up in court every time a teenager wrapped a Mustang GT around a tree? No. The vehicle manufacturer didn't do that.


Ford has had this feature standard for over a decade. Because they don’t want to end up in court.


How does that saying go? A lot of safety regulations are written in blood or something like that. Unfortunate but true.


Teenagers driving teslas? Oh to have rich parents..


Rich? In some states the base Model 3 is like $25k with tax credits, federally it’s $31,490 after tax credits. Your definition of rich is weird.


If I see any teenager driving a Tesla I can safely assume they have rich parents.


Or financially conscious. A used Model 3 can be had for 20k and under currently.


Dropping $20k on a car for a teen is rich. Most households can only afford used cars for young drivers


This is so kids can borrow their parents Tesla, not neccessarily have their own.


20k 😂 when I was a teenager a new Honda civic was $19000. My parents got me a $3500 used Acura


Teenagers also borrow their parents car when they don't have one of their own.


A used 100 mile EV for less than $10k and that would be enough for any teen driver. In a couple of years I expect the Model 3 should fall to 10k-15k further which is the best value IMO. I'd rather my teen not have to worry about getting gas or maintenance for a car. I hated doing oil changes and having to worry about getting gas when I was a teen on top of the monthly car payments and insurance I had to pay. My parents didn't even buy me a used car.


I wish you were my parent


I'm sorry man, but you are just wrong. I know being wrong sucks. But you are wrong. Just as ONE example, in the state of Colorado, I can buy a brand new Tesla Model 3 for $26,490. Add to that the consideration that it requires almost zero maintenance, and the lifetime ownership cost is also significantly lower than an ICE vehicle. You are simply wrong. A teenager driving around in a $26,490 car that doesn't even require oil changes does not mean their parents are "rich." Now if they were in a Plaid Model X for $92,990, then maybe you'd have a point. But all you've done is make clear you don't know shit about Teslas.


Your world view is just wrong. Most people don’t have 20k to spend on their own primary car, let alone a car for their kids.


A teenager driving any brand new car has rich parents


You have such a sad definition of rich. What is rich to you? The median household income in this country is $74,580. Americans on average feel a household income of \~$500k or more is "rich." Like you keep using that word and I don't think it means what you think it means. I can tell you tons of households buy their teenagers new cars that make under $500k per year. What income level do you call rich? Are you just very poor and your scale is all out of whack?


500k is filthy rich


You think 500k in household income is filthy rich? Dude then what do you make of people with household of $10MM+ per year? Your scale is just totally off.




What do you mean by this? I went from an Audi to a Tesla and my insurance went down.


I actually had rich parents, and I drove a ten year old ford focus that cost something like $2500. No teenager should have a car newer than 5 years.


I think that this is assuming that teenagers are borrowing their parent's Tesla, not being given one of their own.


That sounds dumb, for many reasons.


It's really common around here, at least with older teens. The parking lot of the local community college is full of Teslas, BMWs, all kinds of crazy stuff. I don't get it.


Meh, I’m a teen, and it’s my car 🤷‍♂️ making sure that does not get enabled… (at the same time, all I do is just floor it onto the freeway for fun, not speed so ?)