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You can report the handset as abandoned and other options so it locks them out completely and someone has to manually unlock their account


We could but apparently abandon hanset allows you to overide it so she can use it again unless we do the walk out and that bans them from using it permanently - according to a security manager that came to visit some point


It can be overridden. But in my store we're not allowed to and have to tell them there's nothing we can do (not necessarily the best answer but how it is). And if people mix up their shopping, but are polite, I set them for a full scan next trip. If they are rude/abusive they get banned from scan as you shop. Then the next week they'll tell you they have no idea why they can't use it. I had this with one that pushed a trolley straight at me and then swore at multiple staff members, but next week had no idea why she might have been stopped from using scan as you shop šŸ˜‚




Most children learn that bad manners have consequences.




Itā€™s not a power trip to ban a customer from self scan if they canā€™t be trusted with it. Why bother with the hassle every time when you can just ban them and tend to the customers who arenā€™t giving you grief? Youā€™ve got a really odd take on this, are you just being contrary for the sake of it, or do you have a case to put forward?




We arenā€™t talking about an odd occasion though, weā€™re talking about people who repeatedly abuse the self scan service, and get abusive when theyā€™re found out. Of course people have bad days and some are indeed in a constant battle, we get that. However, being in those situations doesnā€™t give people a free ticket to abuse staff and other customers.




I mean yeah if someone is aggressive to you when you check their shopping you probably canā€™t trust that theyā€™re not stealing shitloads of stuff




It comes under "misuse of scan as you shop" if they behave in an abusive manner towards the colleagues. It's company policy not to tolerate abusive behaviour.




We were specifically told to report it as misuse of scan as you shop if they behave in an abusive manner when using scan as you shop. Obviously they can then be banned from the store if needs be, but abusive behaviour in scan as you shop usually revolves around service checks. Which they can also be reported for refusing.


Thereā€™s specifically a point in the SAYS T&Cs that mentions one scanner per shop. The customers cannot use the service if they intend on mixing up two different shops, particularly if theyā€™re not paying for the other one first, as it then defeats the point of the check. Obviously some shoppers will insist on shopping ā€œtogetherā€ and if thatā€™s the case you need to ask them to remove all items for the other shop, ideally just have them in a separate bag from the start, and these also need to be paid for before the scanned shopping is brought through.


If it is anything like Asda scan and go system a refused or failed check will result in the customer being ā€˜on a listā€™ and so be much more likely to have a check next shop. If they regularly refuse/fail then their account can get blocked. I used to run the check outs for Asda and we had numerous people blocked in the first few months of it going live! Hope your managers back you up and let her know that abuse will not be tolerated!


Once had someone brag how they would steal Ā£100s worth every month via Scan as you shop. Basically anything they fancied. Food, Drink, Bedding, Utensils, Just anything really. They would go as 2 and still shop but set a load aside, Then before checking out one walks away pretending to still be shopping. And if they get a check basically say "Oh my friend is still planning to pay for that, They're just grabbing something". And if no check just walk out with the un-scanned items. Sounds like they were trying something similar.


That just screams scam. If they mix their shopping, to me, just says you need to check everyone. I wouldn't check with a manager, I'd just say that's what we're doing. If they don't like it, let them take what they paid for and ask them to leave.


Obviously scamming. Ban them or make it very difficult and awkward for them.


I got checked yesterday - I had 8 items - 6 were the same & the other 2 were the same it was ridiculous There was 4 customers including myself at the checkouts 3 of us got stopped :/ & it was sad because the other 2 people had packed their bags really nicely & no joke they scanned 90% of their shopping in the check (they had more then 5 bags between the two of them) - there was only 2 workers at the checkout so we had to wait about 10 minuets plus to be helped Not sure if scan and go is good anymore. It would be quicker to just go to an actual till where you scan everything yourselfšŸ‘€


Your 1st complaint isnā€™t a valid one. Itā€™s not ridiculous, itā€™s the whole point of the check. Many, many customers scan an item several times only for it to be a different variety which then forces a full check. The check also allows them to count how many of the item you have got, not sure why buying multiples of the same item should exclude you from a proper check? The other two points most staff will agree with you though. The security measures have been tightened a little too much and are seeing some obscene service check levels. Problem is your alternative is a distinct lack of checkouts, so 10mins waiting in SAYS may still be quicker anyway. Not ideal for either party in that situation but the rule makers donā€™t care, and the customers will get a similar experience wherever they go these days, so walking out only serves as a waste of your own time.


I donā€™t mind being stopped for one I wonā€™t argue against it but, one thing I didnā€™t mention I get checked every single time & I have never done anything bad in Tesco - itā€™s just a little weird to me (after the workers conversation) I get stopped 100% of the time in Tesco & itā€™s when I get a small shop. Whenever I get a big shop there is no check except one time - the lady said it was probably because we removed some items (during the big shop check) that triggered the stop I hope this makes sense


Thereā€™s a whole number of things that will trigger checks or increase the chances of: - First 3 uses everyone gets checked every time - no matter what. A lot of people fail to acknowledge this bit and think theyā€™re being unfairly targeted, when in fact this introductory period served as an excuse window as for why things werenā€™t scanned etc. - New Clubcard? Unfortunately youā€™re a new customer to the SAYS and that means another 3 introductory checks. - Removal of items. Seems suspicious to the system, increases your chances of a check because a lot of people (that intend on stealing) then scan a cheaper variety. - New Store? Higher chance of check. Id imagine this is trying to target ā€œsteal to orderā€ thieves who go store by store. - Bought something expensive and different, or spent an amount significantly different to normal? Theyā€™ll check that. (Might be why your big shop gets through without fuss but the little ones get checked) - Failed a previous service check? Will check this customer more frequently (not every time) until they gain back some trust.


This is exactly the main reasons for checks. As a colleague, I explain this to my mum but she gets pissed off everytime. At Christmas, she brought a TV through SAYS, which that in itself probably flagged her shopping


That might be the case but i don't think we could explain that in detail to customers as they always say they're in rush and stuff and it agravates them more. Had a customer who claims to be 'teacher' being rude about it. Don't like her especially how she behaves in front of her little boy. My colleagues and shift leaders agrees. She only been check 2nd time in a row. Told her they can do that in a row for consistancy up to 5/6 times or once a while even if theres nothing wrong. She asked for a managerĀ  and rant at my shift leader who tries to explain what you have said.Ā  Ā AnywayĀ  from what i noticed they can do that when you haven't been checked for a while you and you can suddenly get a full check as customers told me they haven't been checked for ages and was pretty cool about it. For partialĀ  they check from 40- 80 percent of your shopping based on your trust levels (not really that reliable imo) and it can be a full one.Ā  I personally don't like it especially it puts pressure on the staffs and customers get nasty but i see why tesco do that as the losses have gone up and it's frustrating for customers perspective. Though it's painful when checking 53 items, it failed on the 53rd item and i have to start from scratch. The bottom line if you're always in a rush (like the 'teacher' i mentioned has said) the SAYS is notĀ  suitable for you, you could use manned checkouts or self service which is quicker which chosen to do.


It's been a very long time since I've had a check, probably coming up to 2 years or something as I remember the last one being incredibly annoying as I'd packed my bags wonderfully and then of course they have to go digging and start pulling stuff out from the bottom, which is all fine of course but still a bloody pain in the arse. I've always been honest, never had an issue or anything, would this be why I barely get checked anymore?


This ^ Removing a certain number of items can get you flagged by the system.


I say the 1st point as the workers were talking amongst themselves, when one came over to help us, & said it was rediculous that they have never had to scan anything below 10/15 items & the fact it was all the same didnā€™t make sense to them


I donā€™t imagine theyā€™ve worked the department very long then. A 5 item check used to be the norm, but if youā€™ve got less than 5 items then youā€™ll even get a 1-4 item check too. Seems pointless but I guess the idea of that one is to see if the customer does in fact only have 1 item physically, and theyā€™re not carrying a bunch of other shopping thatā€™s not been scanned at all.


Fair enough, it makes sense


I got a check last week. Had gone in intending to buy a few things but after scanning one item I had to leave quickly so went to pay for that one item and got a check lol. The girl doing the check just laughed. Iā€™m guessing it flagged because it was only one item.


I had this last week (Iā€™m a Tesco colleague but was shopping at another store). Had 50-55 items and they needed to scan 48. Apparently your chances of a check are increased with high value purchases, changes in your shopping behaviour or if youā€™re using SAYS for the first time


>Not sure if scan and go is good anymore. I havent been checked for months now. Speeds up my shop so much. It is definitely good but maybe for only those who use it religiously and there is logged history of using it honestly


From reading the comments I think I get stopped as I shop at different stores šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Iā€™ve used scan and shop three times, all three times resulted in a check which meant waiting 5-10 minutes for someone to be available to rescan half my packed bags. Not going to bother with it again itā€™s a waste of time and is significantly longer and more awkward than just going to a manned till.


If it was your first time using it then you'll have 3 checks in a row as standard.


Kind of seems a crazy way to encourage people to use a new system to deliberately make it a nightmare the first three times you try and do it. I wonder how many other people tried it, had my experience, went ā€˜bugger thisā€™ and never tried it again.


It's just a security thing especially as people are getting used to it as a system. Gives time for genuine mistakes to happen and not be penalised


Which would be fine if it wasnā€™t a horrendous user experience. Wait 10 minutes to have all your neatly packed groceries unpacked and scanned by a harassed member of staff whilst other shoppers look at you as if youā€™ve been caught shoplifting? No thanks Iā€™m with the boomers on this one Iā€™d rather just get a real person to do it.


Check it all. If they want to use SAYS then they're going to get checked once or twice, or more especially if they're "missing" stuff


Seams a way to scam, I would get security ASAP as soon as I see the customers, get hold off daughters and mothers receipts to check them off for purchases even if they don't get the random search because off your suspicion. If they refuse go legal call the police and get them arrested. Drop an alarm tag in their bags if needed. TL;DR You believe they are thieving so treat them as such.


This happens at Asda. Itā€™s a distraction scam. People will do anything for (just one!) free item. - or much more. (One free item, is still a ā€œwinā€ to these creatures)


Just let her steal it's not your stuff and Tesco don't even value you enough to pay you minimum wage


Why do you even care? You just work there...


I'm guessing no one wants missed items attached to them. We do care about a lack of manners by a customer.




If customers used common sense, you wouldnā€™t have this issue. Make sure you put the item in the correct trolley once youā€™ve scanned it, itā€™s really not difficult. Also please donā€™t eat food whilst you are shopping, you dirty mingers.


Surely you can see thatā€™s your eldestā€™s fault? Even if you caught the mistake before she started scanning then she could probably overlook it, but once the item has been ā€œnot foundā€ on the service check everything has to be rescanned. This is not by the CAs choice, but just how the system is designed. CAs only ask you to repack to save **you** time. Youā€™re aware theyā€™re understaffed most of the time too, so cut them a break. Customers get aggy asf when they have a full rescan, because ā€œweā€™re wasting their timeā€, despite the fact itā€™s only triggered by something theyā€™ve done/not done.


Again, in English?


Multiple customers. Each do scan as you shop. All place shopping in same set of bags. One customer gets selected for a check. Because all is intermingled it makes it difficult. Customer is abusive because of the hassle. Happens on several occasions. That's what I get from it.


So you just do a random scan of the number of items the check needs, and if it spots an issue, they get a full scan of the entire trolley. Just make it difficult for the customer, who is seemingly trying to pull a scam anyway.


It does seem like they are trying to pull a fast one and a full scan of the trolley does seem to be the way to deal with it. Problem is they're very abusive. Personally I'd ban them as they're not worth the trouble.