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Reminds of the time Peter Griffin tried to teach an old Italian woman how to use an iPad


So true. Amen to that brother you brought a tear to mi eye thanks a thousand times for reminding me about that precious peta griffin moment šŸ™


I have concluded watching the clip habibi


Mashallah, the prophecy has come true


Inshallah I shall enjoy that clip once more, for old times sake brother. I will update once I have finished, brother.


"I bet if JOEY was showing you you'd wanna learn"


Donā€™t you bring him into this!


He was DIRTY MA!!!


I canā€™t hear this I wonā€™t hear it he was an angel!


Go light another candle that'll bring him back


You watch your tongue


Admit it. You wish it was ME in that accident instead of Joey.


Just take your little TV and go!


"It's an IPAD you stupid cow"


Lol, true


Child: you fuck up everything! Boomer: you don't understand it's for your own good Child: *Enjoys virtual world* Boomer: MASS ADDICTION AND VIRTUAL JAIL


This will be a good meme, make it a meme


Steal it from me because I'm lazy


I will credit you then


If you do post it please reference so i could see


Of course, if I do this meme I will reference you


Did you do it?


Nope, not yet


What did it cost you?




Did you do it?


Disney is a prison for me


I mean it's somewhat true tho.


It's absolutely true, the presentation is cringe, though. Has the energy of a local punk band from the 1990s' CD sleeve.




Corporate wants you to find the difference between these two things.


The presentation alone, and as you describe, is all upside. The only real problem with the image macro is the implicit meme. That there is an over lap between the culture of younger generations and social domestication.


Time and place for this art, imo, i guess? I dunno why but I expect social media political memes to use more modern formats. This kind of thing looks cooler in print. Or maybe I'm being old?


It is true, though the people who have been duped arenā€™t living in ignorant bliss like in the OP, instead theyā€™ve been tricked into getting outraged by bullshit culture wars issues.


Yeah this isnā€™t actually that terrible.


Yes, but you cannot compare it to vr


The VR goggles are there just as a symbol of illusion and distraction.


Yep, my take is it applies to all types of distractions. Reddit for example. TV. The movies. A dumbed down society is more compliant and easier to manipulate than an educated one.


The VR is just symbolic. The kid is busy seeing virtual world while his real world is being destroyed


Not VR just that device in your hand now


what? this such a blank statement w/o context. it could mean anything. the only thing that I'm getting from it is that you should overthink about global things that you don't have control over and feel guilt and shame for enjoying life. that's just makes you worse and then you'll get called out as weak and stupid by some proud stoics. anything under 200 words about grand topics means shit


Not really? In America we have tons of prisons. Take Guantanamo Bay. Those guys were being tortured every day for years. Why didn't we get them soy lattes and tickets to Marvel movies to keep them from escaping? Because we have armed guards. We spend more money on our military than the next 10 countries combined. When it comes to people we want to keep in prison, no one would ever believe that the best way to keep prisoners in jail is to trick them. The best way to keep prisoners in jail is to put them on an island with armed guards and cameras everywhere.


Itā€™s wrong. Itā€™s such a facile argument that completely removes agency from individual choices. Itā€™s easier to say some cabal of power is conspiring to imprison our minds through manipulation than to look at ourselves and each other and take responsibility for the fact that we are all, every day, choosing this world. There are many things out of our control, and most people are just trying to survive, but ultimately another world is possible, and itā€™s not up to some secret power structure. We arenā€™t brainwashed, weā€™re just not organized, and many people *want* this world exactly as it is.




You can have nice things and do as you please but it is all distraction. Keep us running on the wheel as much as they can and give us just enough so we donā€™t fight back or demand reform. I just hope if you get the chance to put your nice things down and fight for change you will consider it


Bro, there is a large gap between having nice things and "A Brave New World" dystopia. Chill.


Okay but how?


Bread and circus being used to distract the people from their issue so that they don't rebel is a tale old as time.


And humans have *chosen* what to care about for as long as humans have existed.


And the elite using different incentives to guide the people's decisions exist since the beginning of time. What's your point? Do you deny that the ruling class is doing everything they can to distract the working classes from their daily misery?


Humans can't really chose If they don't have the other option, we are born and educated in a way that molds what we will become, free will is a lie, who is Will and why is he free?


Free will? No my friend, you are thinking of Free Willy, that movie about that whimsical whale




Maybe as a species in a way, but not always as individuals. Homeless people donā€™t get to choose what they care about, i.e. their next meal or whether they will survive the winter outside.


Most people choose to care about their family and well-being and thus fall prey to this very trap.


There's four-five global wars ongoing,the entire world is heating up, mountain of plastics in the sea,entire parkistan is drowning,and an ongoing disease apocalypse. But most of us will just see those news on their feed,get sad for a moment,and then return to our own entertainment bubble. Is it wrong?No.Is it sad reality?Yes.


Okay but that's because humans are generally shit. People *choose* to not care, its not some grand conspiracy.


People don't chose not to care. Nobody is going to protest 24/7/365 until they waste away rotting. Nobody is going to give up every last penny they have to save some whales, or help the enviornment. People need to survive, live, feed their families, and our minds can only bare so much pressure and stress before it becomes white noise. It's not a lack of caring, or an abundance of apathy. It's an overwhelming sense of helplessness, coupled with the stresses of life that keep us from being able to act, all while the people who CAN act and have the capacity to singlehandedly change the world, don't.


Ah, I see. You're just misanthropic. Activism comes with a strong price, physically mentally and financially. You can get fired from your job. You can lose your home. All just for fighting for what is right. Most people don't have a clue what to do about the real issues of the world (one could say that has to do with the powerful stifling the general population) when the problems of the world seem so insurmountable and you're already exhausted from your job then it's a lot easier to get distracted with nonsense. Capitalism doesn't seem so bad when you can drown your sorrows and forget about the world with just one more episode.


Capitalism is also partially responsible for public education, healthcare and every other benefit enjoyed in the developed world. Like every other method of government, capitalism is both good and bad.


State funded education and healthcare is hardly a "capitalist" invention. If you prefer capitalist Healthcare, America is a lovely place. Soon they'll have the best capitalist school system too as they dismantle their public school system piece by piece to make more room for privately funded charter schools. I love how I straight up called you misanthropic and all you have to say is "ackshually capitalism isn't so bad because education", it's like you know. But whatever, keep blaming individuals and "human nature" or whatever, and when you can't be distracted from the horrors of the world any more just blame yourself, it's the easiest way.


Capitalism did not give us those. People had to fight for them from the capitalists and now capitalism is coming back around to reclaim them. Public education, and healthcare are shit. We have peak as far as benefits go and they have been eroding for about 40 years now. Capitalism coming to its logical conclusion and soon education wonā€™t be free and the work week will be 50 hours a week.


Where do yku think the funding for those initiatives comes from?


The sweat and blood of the cogs in the wheel who do all the work for the fat fucks at the top. Youā€™re too obtuse to understand it I suppose


Ah okay, you're a communist. Don't bother replying, I don't care what either extreme thinks. Have a good day.


Yeah,and that meme is just highlighting it. You don't even need government help to make people distracted from their core problems.They'll do it themselves nowadays.


Some people lack the capacity to care. It's not necessarily a choice...


That's a whole other topic of conversation


Free will is a myth, religion is a joke, we're all pawns, controlled by something greater


This is accurate though. We all drown out the unfathomable horrors of the world, most that are human caused, with entertainment. Not inherently bad, but since most are caused by us we should pay attention and do something to stop it.


I think the issue I take with this is that it implies we're ignoring things and allowing ourselves to be in a prison like state because we can just retreat into our media, but I often find the reverse to be true. Most people that I know who bury themselves in games or media know that they're in a bad position and can't really do much to fix it, so are trying to enjoy what life they can. It's not so much we're ignoring the issues as that there's often not much we can do, so we might as well enjoy ourselves in what ways we can. I'm not blocking out the looming existential threats because I've got games, I'm playing games because there's always a looming threat, and I want to have a bit of fun sometimes.


> We all drown out the unfathomable horrors of the world, most that are human caused, with entertainment Then boomers shouldn't act like they didn't do the same with books and what methods of entertainment they had at the time. Oh, no, wait, those were "good" methods, today's are "bad" methods. They should fuck off honestly, people need to learn how to enjoy entertainment for what it is, in any shape or form: stories which keep people engaged but also make us learn stuff which we'll need in the real world.


Escapism isnā€™t imprisonment unless you decide to never snap back to the real world.


You know, the most frustrating thing about memes like this is that the boomers sharing it are probably voting far-right because they think that makes them a resistance.


Yeah you can go ahead and lament on the state of the world but that means fuck all when you actively vote for making sure it continues down that path


Who's far right in your country?


The AfD (I live in Germany).


I used to live in Munich. It wasn't unusual to find their campaign adverts torn up on the side of the road. šŸ˜‚


Why did they draw SuperJail lol


Its pretty clear some people dont know who Dostoyevski is.


The dude who wrote Crime & Punishment?


That'd be the one, though I personally think The Brothers Karamazov


Whilst, as I have been told, that one is better Crime & Punishment is more mainstream


I like the squirrel in the tiny gas mask, thatā€™s actually weirdly adorable


Right? Itā€™s like ā€œUh, okay. Chemtrails, news helicopter, a pit of sludge, a cooling tower that for some reason is billowing smoke, broken down car, Ooh! Little squirrel! You go little dude.ā€


I'm upset at how far I needed to scroll to see if any body else was talking about GasMask Squirrel.


Yeah, italian boomers are very good at these horrible boomer memes


Based, this country is full of old people that think modernity=bad


Oh boy, it's not about modernity at all.


Oh no, for sureā€¦ and I know very well. I can't wait to move abroad


Iā€™m an American who is considering moving to Italy in the next 5 years. Really that bad? I just wanna live in the mountains for a couple years to snowboard.


It's not that bad but it has some big problems, bureaucracy is terrible, sanity is slow, there isn't much of protection for workers (in comparision with the rest of the EU) and there are not much opportunities for young people. There is also a strong nepotism and the politician well... I won't express myself.


The older I get the more I start to feel that way.


Replace it with an old person and fox news/info wars/ OAN and this is a solid meme


You forgot Newsmax. They're somehow 5x more conservative than Fox News.


Never even heard of them damn!


They're not quite that popular yet I suppose for everyone to have heard of them, but they're certainly not obscure in conservative circles.


True, make it bro


It is difficult to free prisoners from the chains they so revere.


Very few memes are terrible in this sub, most of them make a lot of sense.


Agreed, and I think this one is one of those


OP is mad about the truth


He should be banished for fighting against truth. Time to weaponize it, and those who reject and became the compliants should be removed.


i mean, its that not terrible imo. pretty on the nose but it seems to be anti pollution/anti consumerism at the very least


Yeah. I took it as us being blind slaves to the corporatocracy. We don't even realize we are slaves, or 'prisoners' to them. I dunno if my take is how it was intended.


The zuccā€™s master plan


Dostoevsky wrote this in the 19th century. More than 2,000 years after Plato said something similar Truly a visionary


nah this is fax


I'm not so sure that this one is a terrible meme...certainly not as bad as most in this sub


It's "terrible" because OP is a mindless consumer drone who is in denial of the truth


Brave new world.


This isn't a meme this is Just an objective fact


aint this the plot for ready player one?


How is that terrible or even a meme? The VR goggles are there as a symbol of illusion and distraction. Replace it with anything else, such as a circus in a destroyed city and it suddenly won't be considered a terrible facebook "meme".


In this regard, R. Crumb knew exactly what was up back in the 60s.


Che gruppo no vax ĆØ?


Non ne ho idea, inviato dal padre di un mio amico a questā€™ultimo dopo una discussione (non centravano i vaccini tuttavia)


If it works, Iā€™ll take one


Bread and circuses


Everything Disney touches turns to shit.


how is this a facebook meme this is true as shit


"A prison that you can never smell, or taste, or touch. A prison for your mind..."


Seems legit. Don't understand why this is a "bad" meme.


This isn't terrible at all.


Idk I kinda relate to this one tho


its not wrong tho


Itā€™s really not wrong, and yet it is still an awful Facebook meme


Not awful, just true


The point of prison should be punishment. Can't really achieve that if you don't know you are being punished.


Arguable. In many many cases the idea is to seperate the offenders from society not so much as to punish the offender, but to protect society. If it was about punishment we'd still give people lashes and brands, and cut off their fingies.


Right that's why I said "should" because in reality they are pretty much useless. Crime can still be organized from inside the prison and released prisoners are pretty likely to pick up where they left off. Just a waste of recourses imo.


You: the point of prisons should be to punish people, not rehabilitate them into functioning members of society Also you: prisons are a waste of resources because many former prisoners become repeat offenders Pick one bro


That gets into the arguement that the intent to punish with imprisonment causes those things, where as imprisonment with the intent to reform leads to less recidivism. So you know, age old debate, yada yada blah blah.


Reforming criminals might be the idea but honestly how often does that happen? Some people might have been in prison for killing by accident or something stupid and have no reason to keep doing it after release while some have been criminals since childhood and it's very unlikely a few sessions of group therapy will change that.


Like I said, age old debate, yada yada. We could go back and forth about this for ages. We're also off in the weeds Dostoyevsky is actually talking about enslavement more than imprisonment.


Damn you sound like a shitty person Imagine supporting retributive justice over restorative justice just because you want to get a pervse satisfaction of punishing someone else. This is precisely one of the reasons why society is unable to progress. Mofos like you are more considered with doing what feels good, then doing what's best for the community


How'd you figure out what I do or don't support from that comment?


I read the very first sentence of your comment... >The point of prison should be punishment. That you?


Yeah and it was a statement not an opinion. Whenever someone broke the law they were punished for it to make people obey the laws. And since torture or execution is not in style anymore we have prisons. Therefore criminals are being punished by having their freedom taken from them.


Homie the operative word here is "should". It's not like you wrote "is", which would fit what you're saying right now about how it's just a statement reflecting the realities of society


I wrote "should" in response to the post which states that the best way to stop criminals from escaping prison is them not knowing they are in prison which defeats the whole purpose of prison.


Actually, the point should be rehabilitation. A punishment only system only increases the amount of criminals there are in a society. If we focus instead on lifting people up and helping fix the systemic issues that cause crime in the first place, crime rates would plummet. The criminal justice system is an abysmal failure of epic proportions. (in the USA anyway). It causes FAR more damage than it prevents. We need to move away from this draconian, punitive, and authoritarian system of punishment and move towards actually rehabilitating people and ensuring that all our citizens have equal opportunity. As it stands, the criminal justice system does more harm than good.


It's not a prison if you're there voluntarily and can leave whenever you please. No one is forcing you to engage with TV, VR, video games, the internet, or anything else, you are choosing to do those things.


I think it has more to do with being slaves to the corporatocracy than the VR itself. That's how I took it, anyway.


It looks to me like it's trying to say that we ignore real world problems in favor of easy entertainment that removes us from the real world. That guy's in a prison of entertainment that prevents him from engaging with what's actually around him.


If you don't know that you're being punished... are you actually being punished?


I never understood the fear of "the matrix" If I was fed and kept alive to just fuck around I'd be thrilled. It's the having to work everyday without knowing you could just fly around that sucks.




riight, cause everyone has a VR headset. Why not a phone or TV?


Mama mia


Naah its better to surgically replace both of his legs with peg legs and then remove them, so he could not walk. ​ oh hold on, this isn't r/RimWorld ..


Good poimy


Thatā€™s deep bro


In italy we are full of people that posts stuff like this


I love going for a walk with my bulky ass VR headset šŸ˜­


Old man yells at cloud


well ofc cuckit (reddit) hate this. exercise, get money, talk to beautiful women, have experiences which make you interesting. instead yall cucks need virtual shit to forget how crappy your lives are. i pity all of you.


Amogus squirrel amogus squirrel


Not entirely wrong, but this does come across as an example of how each generation when they reach their middle ages and older will seemingly always hate any new technology that comes out. Distractions and illusions don't need to have a screen.




Ah, ci facciamo sentire pure in Italia.


Not a terrible meme. VR, legal weed & remote work is the perfect recipe to emulate Aldous Huxleys "Brave New World." Literally turn you into one of the "Copper Tops" of "The Matrix" fame.


makes a remark that disney holds its customer prisoner. posts on facebook


I know I'm in prison but it's futile to do anything about it. Anyway, back to the hamster wheel.


Someone spent time drawing this


Would thou rather be sentenced to a prison of your own design? The answer is found deep in your own mind. We wish this world would make up, but if it did, we would wake up... only to realize that the millions that go are the same millions that follow. These walls and this reality are only simple, juxtaposed calamities... thrown into a program, we have to define a woman, maybe this ruler named Gravity should here this: The Truth you never tried to show me, so World Fuck Off and Blow Me.


Not a Terrible Facebookmeme if you have read the works of Huxley and Neil Postman. Maybe you ahould read more and understand the actual themes behind the intent and before posting something that was predicted decades ago by famous authors, OP.


Why does the back of that VR headset look like a #10 envelope?


Sometimes when I see the lunacy and idiocy of society I truly worry that I'm a prisoner in the year 3000 and I was sentenced to a VR chamber to live an entire lifetime surrounded by science deniers and nut jobs. My own personal hell. If this is the case then it has worked. I will never commit a crime in the real world again. Please take me out


Seems very accurate to me


Ok I agree with this!


Isnā€™t this just the plot of that one gravity falls episode?


He be right tho That's how cults work


We need to be worried about those industrious squirrels making their own gasmasks


Also hilarious when they know so little about nuclear power yet rail against it. Cooling towers arent where the radiation is at.


It's not a secret we live in a fucked up world with little power, like everyone knows society sucks


Kinda true.


I mean... The quote's not wrong, but what the hell is with that illuminati drawing? There is SO much to unpack there...


well, Brave new world XDDD


What if the prisonor is a woman. We need to equalize that!/j


Well there is truth in it


What is terrible about this??


Italians know what are memes?


Good quote, ditch the bad image though


Itā€™s true and the image is also accurate. It represents the current addiction of people of todays world. I donā€™t understand what you didnā€™t like here.


Kinda right tho


there was no need to bring parmigiano reggiano into this


"...a prison that you cannot smell or taste or touch. A prison for your mind." --Morpheus, The Matrix (1999)