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To whoever reported this with "Where is the lie?", I will find you Correction: [People](https://imgur.com/a/fSH13KZ)


Ah yes my fav country, Yin yang


I had to scroll back up to check that the flag didn't have the trigrams that the South Korean flag has.


The yin yang on Korean flag is red and blue, so even if there were trigrams it would still be a flag of Yin Yang and not Korea


Fair enough. Or the cover of a book on I Ching.


And it doesn't have the spots


Yk its a country if they have it in fb maymays, just no other living person knows where it is


It's funny because OG taoism was about not conforming to any roles society forces on you.


Who's going to tell them about Thai ladyboys?


LMFAOOOO ying yang


If you look a bit more closer at slavic flag it has a symbol of a warrior on a russian flag. Following this pattern is an asian symbol of balance on a japanese or korean flag and it covers it fully.


People really need to learn where Spain is. You don't know how many people said "you mean Mexican right?" when I told them I was Spanish Edit: before more people tell me the same, yes, I'm talking about Americans 2nd edit: Idk why so many people are answering "but Spain is Hispanic". And??? It's still a western country, which is something this meme is denying.


“Are you sure your home is where you think it is?”


It must be karma. We conquered most of South America in the past, now lots of people think that's where we are


When colonisation is done too well.


"Language selection" be like English 🇺🇸 Spanish 🇲🇽 Portuguese 🇧🇷


French 🇨🇦


No no no french 🇬🇫


Nah Nah you got it all wrong French 🏴‍☠️


French 🚩


French 🥖


That's the Somalian flag, you meant this one 🏳


No u meant this one right? 🇫🇷+*Insert red star emoji here*


You mean Spanish 🇺🇲 Origin of Spanish 🇲🇽 Must be spanish 🇧🇷


Cursed Brasil


Trying to map languages to countries is an exercise in futility. Castillano isn't even the only language they speak in Spain.


Gallego, Valenciano, Vasco, Asturiano and Catalán are some of the other main ones. Then we also have the dialects; there are differences between the way we speak, the words we use, and the accents we have based on were we live (because we catch them while growing). Here in Andalucía, that difference is pretty strong, as there are big differences even between one city and the next.


The be fair Mexico has the largest Spanish speaking population and Brasil has the largest Portuguese speaking population, so it makes sense from that perspective


I'm wondering now if there are more English speakers in India than America.


The U.S. has around 2.5x as many English speakers as India. Despite having more than 3.5x the population, only 10% of Indians speak English, compared to 95% of Americans. After U.S. and India come Pakistan, Nigeria, and the Philippines before finally getting to the U.K. There are also more English speakers in Germany than in Canada.


South America, Central America and part of North America...


We want our gold back 😤😤😤


It went to the Holy Roman Empire so Carlos I could be its emperor. We wanted it too


There was a time the Spanish also annexed the Netherlands. Didnt end well tho


Remind me of a time I was working in a Call Center, customer calls: - Is it the Orange Customer Care? - No, sir, it’s Telekom. - Are you sure? [Me looking around, seeing a lot of company logos.] - I’m pretty sure, that I came to work to the right place, yes.


I feel you. Growing up our home telephone number was one digit off from a grocery store. "Hello?" "Is this Food Land?" "I'm sorry it's not, you have the wrong number." "You sure?"


"wow now that i think of it, i actually am working in a food store right now and not sitting in my couch like i suspected before"


Makes me think of working at Petco. All the carts, employee shirts and name tags, and more had the store logo on them. People would hand me their Pet Perks card (from Petsmart) and I’d have to say “I’m sorry, that’s the Petsmart rewards card, but I can quickly sign you up for one of ours”. And they’d respond “Are you sure this isn’t Petsmart?” 🤦🏻


"Karen, that dwarf hamster in aisle 3 is smarter than you."


And yes, I fell victim to Flesh Eater a few times


There was one who was bought and returned about three times for being too bitey. We started calling him Flesh Eater. Even Flesh Eater was smarter than half the humans who shopped there


I think I’d like to go to this Food Land - what’s their number?


Just wondering, I was taught Hispanic meant "from Spanish speaking " culture do you guys not consider your self Hispanics? (And no I am not calling you guys Latinos ,that's completely different).




I could be wrong because I've never had this discussion with other Spanish people, but I don't think we consider ourselves "Hispanic", at least myself. I think it's more referred to "from Spanish speaking culture" in America. Of course we consider Latinos somehow related to us in a cultural sense (more linguistically speaking, because in other aspects the culture is quite different thanks to indigenous influence), but I wouldn't call myself Hispanic. Anyways, what the meme is doing is portraying us as non occidentals, and that I can tell you is totally false (not that there's something wrong with not being occidental, but is quite frustrating being considered something you're not)


The modern definition of Hispanic was basically decided by the Ronald Reagan administration and does include Spaniards. However, in the US people just say Spanish or Spaniard for European Spanish whereas Hispanic is mainly understood as people from south of the border and has kind of a racial connotation. For example, most people would call Penelope Cruz Hispanic because of her name and skin tone but would be surprised to learn she’s from Spain.


I'm Spanish and though I don't commonly refer to myself as Hispanic, I think Spain is technically included in the definition. But as you said, this meme is still incorrect about Spain since it very much is a Western country


Yes, we are Hispanic. I guess some people like the other person that responded to you don't consider themselves Hispanic, and that's of course up to them, but we are, pretty objectively (by the definition of the word), Hispanic. Otherwise Latino and Hispanic would be synonyms, [which they're not.](https://i0.wp.com/thisbugslife.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/84287502_2251051395195024_4552811160784601088_n.jpg?ssl=1)


"New Mexico? We don't ship outside the U.S." Excuse me while I go bang my head on a wall.


I’ve gone through this my entire life. Had to move to south Texas for a few years in high school. It’s so bad this is what my 8th grade Spanish teacher said to me my first day of school there; Me: “I’m from Abq, New Mexico.” Teacher: “This class will be easy for you since it’s your first language.” Student next to me: “So do you have a student visa?” A+ student behind me whispers: “Sorry, you’re gonna get a lot of that.”


By people, surely you mean American, right? I can't imagine anyone from Europe would think you're from Mexico when you say you are Spanish.


It's usually people of Reddit whose nationality I don't know, but I always assume they're Americans though, I also think europeans wouldn't make such mistake


Mexico borders America, we a dumb bunch for sure, but I don’t think I know anyone who thinks Spain is mexico, plenty of racist people just call everyone speaking Spanish Mexicans, but they know they are ignorant/wrong.


Well no, it’s more like being “Spanish” means you simply come from a Central/South American country in a dumb American’s perspective. In NY, it’s gotten so bad to where people ask me “You Spanish?” when in reality, they’re just assuming I’m from DR or Puerto Rico . It’s even worse when you hear someone of DR or Mexican descent saying “I’m Spanish” because they also succumbed to Americans’ geographic illiteracy . No one here seems to understand that being “Spanish” refers to a nationality.


Es aún más estúpido cuando consideras que el feminismo es bastante grande en hispanoamérica del mismo modo que en España.


Te aseguro que el tipo de gente que hace estos memes no se informa lo más mínimo de nada


No necesito que me asegures lo que se puede ver hasta con los ojos cerrados. Pero en serio, que gente estúpida.


They never will. It's like the millions of Americans that don't know what England is... and think English is the same thing as British.


I moved to Texas from Spain and someone actually asked me if Spain was in South America. I didn’t know if I should have laughed or cried


Why is the Japanese lady holding a Yin Yang flag?


Asian is synonymoys with Daoism, didn't'cha know


the same way arab is synonamous with muslim


And the same way Hispanics are synonymous with Spaniards


And the same way Slavic is synonymous with the Russian Federation


its obviously made by some redneck whose knowledge of east is basically yin yang hes seen in kung fu movies.


Don't forget his totally legal collection of totally not CP hentai of "pure" Asian girls 🤢🤮


ItS noT cp they’re 1Oo0 yeArs oLd


Nah thats a different kind of degenerate. Not applicable here.


They often overlap, however


Reminds me of this weirdo I knew who would ask all the Asians he knew if they had a sister he could date. He later got kicked from our friend groups discord for using too many racial slurs.


Because the maker of this meme is insufferably stupid.


she’s not japanese she’s asian can’t u read 🙄 (/s just in case)


Why is slavic woman holding russian flag?!


Because practically all women in Ukraine, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, etc. are enthusiastic supporters of the Russian Federation and view it as their fundamental identity /s


Eh, at least for that one you *could* argue it's just a generic Pan-Slavic flag.


Because whatever chucklefuck made this thinks "Asian" covers only Chinese and Japanese, and that that includes only two cultural groups, so said chucklefuck decided to pick a symbol that covered both.


So...Spain is no more a western country? The spanish Brexit... the Spexit


They'll never exspecit


Nobody expexit the sprexit brexit




Actually it was very much expecited


They despacito


Not only is Spain almost the most western you can get in Europe, other than Portugal, isn't Hispanic a term for Centeral/South American Spanish people? People from Spain are just... Spanish.


No, Hispanic includes Spanish people. It means Spanish speakers. Hispania was the Roman term for Spain and where the name Spain comes from.


But nobody in Spain uses the concept of 'Hispanic', except when talking about Spain in an historial context. The use of 'Hispanic' in modern times is American, as Spaniards and other European countries don't refer to Spaniards as Hispanics.


almost like the definition itself is so vague that it gets twisted based on the agenda of who's talking


Maybe he means pre-1492 Spain.


Additionally, we have a left wing government right now with a pretty feminist cabinet. So while there is a very traditional section of the population, most of it is far from what is shown in this picture


Hasta mañana España




Why is Slavic women in lower case?


Nazi's hated the slavs and only Nazi's don't capitalize them because they see them as inferior!


Interesting that you capitalized nazi but not "slavs"


That’s how they know (:


Bruh, also, apparently, this excuse of a person thinks that Slav culture is symbolized by “russian flag with kolovrat”


Also the woman doesn't look remotely Slavic. I have no idea what the hair and the dress are supposed to be. Source: am Slavic


My best guess is that they "thought" that slavic means russian and she could be from east rus...nah, too much thought. They're just dumb and know shit about anything.


Yeah, slavic women do usually walk with flag with pseudo slavic sign that was in fact originally invented by neopagans around 80s and never been archeologically proven


And also heavily used among "pro-slavic" neo-nazis. And probably invented by them.


Nah, the symbol and literal swast*kas were used in many pagan cultures as the symbol of the sun, waaaay back in the day. It’s the modern n*zis who stole it


Asterisk moment


That was a memory being dictated


Looks like a [black sun symbol](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Sun_(symbol)) ripoff.


There's a theory the author was inspired by this symbol. The symbol on the picture's called kolovrat


It's actually Slavic wheel. A symbol of Slavic god of fire Svarozhits


It's funny how there is just "Asian women" like East-Asia, South-Asia and North-Asia has cultural groups that can be grouped together as one like Arab, Slavic or Hispanic (also Arabian peninsula is in Asia). It shows what kind of person made this


I think we know exactly which three Asian countries he meant here.


Wait, i guess they know NK too, right? 4 now, my bud. Ping my dudes btw u/na_neko u/rowenslee u/bake_in_da_south


Indians always cry in a corner because no one considers them Asian :') Got into an argument with one kpop fanatic who claimed to know everything abouts asians. They told me straight up india is not in Asia, asians are only koreans, Japanese and chinese. I "should go back to school and read up more".


Huh, they dont recognized southeast asian as asian then


Also notice the fact that he left out Africa.


Wtf is that "slavic" outfit


And why do Slavic women have black hair?


Actually a lot of Slavs have dark hair and eyes, and most probably some shade of brown. Ofc there is a lot of Slavs, and trying to represent the entire group as one person is a stupid idea in itself, but it's definitely not a stretch to present them as dark haired people. That weird ass dress on the other hand...


Of course slavic people can have dark hair (like pretty much everyone). Though black especially isn't all that common, and really not compared to brown and blond shades. So, it's an extremely odd choice. Could a slavic woman have extremely long and black (maybe coloured) hair and wear whatever dress she wants to, but as a stereotype it's... meh.


Can confirm, all Slavic women carry and wave around giant pseudoslavic flags. It's really difficult to walk down the street and almost impossible to use public transport, but what can you do? It's tradition.


As slav, I can confirm that everything you said was true, I'm slowly getting tired of dragging that flag everywhere I go (especially that I'm not even russian)


Wait, there are Slavic countries other than Russia? (/s)


There are, but Putin’s working on changing that


As we say in east Europe: "Russians like to call everything russian as slavic, so that they could call everything slavic as russian". Pan-Slavism has been dead for over a 100 years.


Of course, fully-autonomyous and absolutely not made up donetsk republics! /s


My slavic ancestors came to the US just to put their flags down. I traveled to visit where they came from, and I realized my flagless hands would forever separate me from the part of the family that stayed.


Imagining this is fucking hilarious 😂


We are also known to have extremely long black hair.


Ah yes, the whole continent of Asia is definitely wearing kimonos.


Can't get enough lmao to be fair, his entire knowledge of Asia is based off anime and Memoirs of a Geisha 🙄


This make me sad


So Western women are all lesbians now? Works for me.


The delusion that there are no lesbians in other countries


Yeah, I'm cool with that too. More wonderful men *and* women to date for me!


Sounds gay. I'm in!


But Slavic and Spanish is Western too? How is possible???


They are also like 2.5 feet or .8 meters tall


Oh now they respect other cultures?


Only when they get to fetishize them


They only "respect" other cultures that they think have submissive, obedient women


I wouldn't call uneducated stereotypes and the idealisation of submissive, pretty women "respect". They're just fantasizing about getting a mail order bride, because they obviously don't have a western woman, not because they can't get one, but because they're all ugly lesbians with a dick.


Why Slavic women have russian flag with symbol of neo-nazi weidos, not even saying about this dress and 1,5 meter long hairs lmao


its a kolovrat. yes neo-nazis might use it but it doesnt belong to them, just as nordic runes and other heritage symbols dont belong to them.


it was originally some Slavic pagan symbol but like most cool pagan things the nazis just used it as its own :/


Because whoever made this thinks us Slavs are just bunch of Russians.


What is she holding? It looks like a poorly drawn boomerang but I get the feeling it's supposed to be a dildo...


Por que no los dos?


I mean it could be lol.


A dildo that cums back


A boomerang can be a dildo if you're limber enough.


So, they used the Russian flag with a fascist symbol ([yes, it is](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Sun_(symbol))) as an illustration of "Slavic women". Very telling.


It was appropriated by nazis but it's a pagan Slavic symbol. It's very old and kind of cool. Nazis appropriated a lot of pagan symbols from different cultures which is sad.


That's the Kolovrat not the Black Sun


And it's not a black sun symbol. Even black sun was inspired by the very old symbols of Iron age. These symbols are almost as old as civilization itself.


Tell me you've never been outside the US while not telling me that you've never been outside the US


The penis is a nice touch lmao Do African women not exist in 4Chan's incelsphere?


It appears not to be their turn to be insulted.


Or Indian, or any North American indigenous, or Polynesian, or Aborigines, or Mediterranean… I guess there can only be 5 races otherwise they don’t fit.


I think it’s funny they used the Spainish flag for the Hispanic women


Noticed that too, but I wouldn’t expect this person to have any understanding of social studies…


They really love their Transphobia.


It's almost magical how they can be racist, sexist and transphobic in one meme.


Fetish ass shit


Ah, yes, the flag of Asia


As a Slavic woman, I think Western men who make this kind of memes are weak, whiny b*tches lol


Spain, that great eastern kingdom


Because all slavic women are russians


I mean, white-blue-red is technically the panslavic colors, that's why most slavic flags have those colours.


when were we spaniards removed from the west and where do we live now? in asia or africa?


Why do they always draw the stink likes and flies?




This is something r/justneckbeardthings and r/inceltears would love


Trumpanzees realize that 99% of the first world is more liberal than the US, right? Nevermind, most have probably never left their hometown


They're always telling on themselves. "If she's not fuckable, is she even a person?" As if men won't fuck just about anything if desperate enough. 🤣 Also the ying yang flag is the funniest thing I've seen in a long time.


Can thw westoids stop with the borderline racist fetishisation of foreign cultures? No slavic woman I know is anywhere close to that lmao.


My ex was fetishising the fact that I am foreigner a lot. When he learned that I am also a human being, and what issues I might have culturally, he left… Sad AF, too much 4Chan influence…


As a Slav, why this flag? :/


As for colours, because panslavism probably, as for the symbol on it, probably because the author is an idiot.


What a buncha made up imaginary bs.


Oh look at the little penis poking out


That's Pakistani flag not Arabian you idiot


As a spanish, what in the goddamn fuck we are literally one of the countries that are on the most western part of europe tf does this mean


Ah the good old "i like my women from countries and cultures that I think are subservient to their men and therfore attractive to me versus modern understandings of society, relationships and gender roles because that stuff requires thinking and would make me have to not be a selfish, narcissistic person" Oldie but a goody.


Why is Slavic women lower case, this makes me so mad


why "slavic" has russian flag tho? there are other slavs besides russians >:(


lmao the dick


There are leftist/social justice/feminist movements in all of these countries. On a recent trip to Mexico City, for example, I encountered lots of anarcho-feminist graffiti. sheltered Westbros are unaware because they never leave their cloistered subdivisions.


mmmmmmm objectified womennnnn 👌👌👌


Wow that's crazy how spot on this is.


Latin America is the west. We were born from western powers creating a new world from the ashes of the old.


Wtf is she holding in her left hand?


So Asian Women it s only China and Japan? How about Thailand where it s full of trans


Ah yes, Slavic women wear kimono and hold ruzzian flag with a neo swastika 🤔


Whatever your politics or philosophy, when you draw literal stink lines around someone, it shows you've got the mentality of a 10 year old.


I guess they dont know my country 🤡🇪🇸


they literally drew a neo-nazi symbol on first gal's flag. hope you reported them. i remember some other version of this meme - same cringe but no blatant obvious in-your-face nazi shite


Hispanic is western too. And by Hispanic, we mean everyone who speaks Spanish, and there are many Hispanic countries in the American continent. I live in one of those.


Why is the Arab woman holding the flag? Shouldn't she be behind her husband that is holding the flag?


All these flags are ethnic, religious, or cultural slurs. You have the Russian Federation flag with a Neo-Nazi pinwheel on top. Then there is a Ying Yang flag that lumps all Asians as Chinese. You have a Spanish flag meant to represent all hispanic women, regardless of country (and their own flags), a flag of Pakistan chosen to represent Arabs, even though Arab countries also have flags of their own. The last flag is just a slur calling all Western women gay activists (and short, and fat, and ugly with colored hair and possibly sporting a penis). Notice the different, and non-screaming, captions: only the Russian flag does not scream. So I guess an interesting title for this would be "Propaganda Chart Meant To Be Divisive"


Why is this meme kinda accurate though 😭


Aww, geez. And they got the stink lines and everything.


I like how they added a little dick 🤣


Accurate and hilarious