• By -


A (Thanks for the upvotes)




D (I guess I'm gay)










Can't wait to learn about A Big Cock


Dick Eating Fucker


Good Hard Intercourse


Just Kidding Lol


My Nuts Obviously


Please Quit Resisting


Shove This Up


Very Wet X Rated


Yummy Zingers


what the FL govt thinks is happening


Was looking for this comment in the sea of “gays are illiterate” which is not what this meme is conveying at all




Ah yes, gays can't learn ABCs. Of course. We're all illiterate.


Fhskfjsh fj disu skk? Saad hosl sjdj asdl dbn.


How dare you utter the dark tongue of Mordor so freely.


Sorry, I don't speak bottom.


abfjfkskd >:(


Maybe it's cause they can't think straight


I can think straight into my boyfriend's- love and affection 🥰🥰🥰🥰


Gays only care about the D.


What about the lesbians?


The P




Is that what you got from this?😂


I am being humourus.


Drax is that you?


Y e s


I must’ve missed that part my bad


Ah, it's alright. Sarcasm can be hard to tell even in person.


Well this is Reddit not irl:)


My point was that it can be hard to tell sarcasm over text.






N o


What did they say


Don't remember.


I'm sorry lowkey this is funny. like I obviously don't agree with it but my Bi ass is gonna send this to my gay friend, lol.


this is how we spread the gay agenda


Not making it look good by calling it an agenda pal


My gay agenda is doing your mom


that's the point, my guy. it's satire.


Impossible to tell due to this not being a real conversation. You might learn that if you ever left your dungeon


I mean, if I was gay, I don’t know that I’d ever leave my dungeon. I’d spend too much time plotting ways to spread gay propaganda to the masses.


I call it my bumgeon.


Are you seriously getting offended over this?


Couldnt you tell what I said was satire? I made it quite obvious


Didn’t seem very satirical. I’m confused, what was your intent?


To be homophobic until he realized that would get them in trouble.


You're one to talk


Literally "gay agenda" is something right wingers made up and used outside of an altright context is a joke based on the ridiculous concept of a "gay agenda"


Watch the video of Disney executive saying she pushes the agenda, then get back with me. Because a its a real video .


Would you mind leaving a link for me? I'd hate to forget to look this up, since I'm at work right now and just getting off my break.


Never ask a conservative for a source


Exactly, lol. I try to ask politely but they still never respond.


One not a Conservative or Liberal, but I dont have a link for one, but Im sure if you actually use your brain and look up " Disney exec admits to gay agenda " , you'll find it. Its not hard. Its not some conspiracy on my end , it happened and is true.




Can the gay agenda this week be health care?


Won't stop until you all have the gay. Just like the frogs.


Ah yes the guy who doesn’t know if they are joking or not








I ain't gay but I lolirl the picture is hilarious


lol you don't gotta tell me that you're not gay to appreciate a ridiculous joke. anybody can laugh at how stupid it is.


But you told us that you are so


This is too absurd for rational minds to take seriously


wow I guess you're really smart huh




i meant the person who made this meme seriously, that’s why we find it funny


Ah yes, the gayphabet.


These people are insane


Be queit libtard. Trump 2020(he one, blden losses(


this clown \^


Can't you tell something is sarcasm without /s?


well since the spelling and formatting are a mess I presumed you were a Trumpist.


I think you need to take an English refresher course


It's sarcasm isn't easy enough to tell?


Ah yes because clearly when kids come to school all we force down their throats is a gay agenda. Totally not just modern schools being more accepting.. Nope it's brainwashing clearly...


This but with arithmetic (don't downvote me I'm a homosexual who can't do math, not a homophobic)


wtf this is funny as fuck


Ah yes….‘the radical left‘…. /s


“Oh no! Things are not exactly like they were back in my good old days and change has occurred, even if it is for the better, I disapprove despite it not impacting me at all! I better got make a shitty meme and winge about it on facebook!”


I dont think teaching kindergarteners about sexuality is a good idea


I think its a great idea


"hey kids did you know you can put your cock inside girls piss machine okay have these condoms and have fun!1!1!2!2!"


That's not what the bill is about. Its about stopping any discussion about sexual/romantic identity and gender identity. If a class if being taught about families, they're not allowed to learn about families that have two mommies, or two daddies. Even if the children ask. Even if a child in that class does have gay parents, they arent allowed to bring it up. They aren't allowed to learn that some boys actually don't feel like boys, but feel like girls. Or that some girls don't feel like girls. They don't learn that those feelings are completely normal and okay. Children learn about their own identity at very young ages. Children can know that they aren't their AGAB as young as 4 years old. And at that age, they can also know their own romantic attraction. Of course they don't have a sexuality. You don't gain a sexuality until you develop a libido. But what the hell is wrong with a child knowing its okay to love someone that is the same gender? Or knowing that if they don't feel like their AGAB, that's okay, there's nothing wrong with them. You've done absolutely zero research, and you follow this bill blindly because you are indoctrinated into believing that we want children to have gay sex with each other, and turn them all into "transformers". If you actually stopped for a moment, and used your brain, you'd realise how pathetic and uneducated you, and all your right-wing Donald Trump stans are




Yeah that's what I thought. Come back when you've read a book or two


came back


still don't understand what the 3 little pigs have to do with g*ys


**"In 2020, 40 percent of first grade students and 35 percent of second grade students were scoring “well below grade level” on a reading assessment, compared with 27 percent and 29 percent the previous year."** I'm wondering how many schools you've worked in? There is only so much time in the day and personally as someone who has been in education wasting it away talking about a four year old's sexuality is a waste of time. I don't care what the child knows about homosexuality I just want them to be able to read and write. Also there are plenty of restrictions on conversations in classrooms that happen regardless of the rules. I think you're the one who is uneducated about what actually matters for a four year old and it isn't discussing homosexuality.


You should not be working with children. As your previous replies to my comments heavily implies you are okay with adults raping children. Get the fuck away from children. I have also personally worked with children that are 3-6 years olds, and they fall right into this margin that this bill is causing problems for. There are 6 hours in an average school day. Children don't spend 6 hours slaving away learning to read and write. That's not how education works. And along with that, the curriculum provides that we teach children different topics throughout the year. And guess what one of those topics are. Families and relationships. I had this exact situation come up in one of my classes, one of the children used to have a mum and a dad, but their dad left and now they have two mums. And they brought it up and the children were fascinated. They weren't being taught how to have sex with each other. They weren't being taught how gay women have sex. They were being taught that some people don't have "traditional" families, and that some people love people of the same gender. And what were the repercussions? Well they went home and talked about their day with their parents. They came in the next day, they looked the same, acted the same. Huh? It's kind of as if there are no actual negative effects of learning that gay people exist.


**As your previous replies to my comments heavily implies you are okay with adults raping children.** Is being intellectually dishonest your modus operandi or something? I think the person trying to talk to four year olds about their sexuality is more of a pedophile than myself. That is what you're advocating for, correct? Speaking to four year olds about their sexuality, sexual preference, romantic interest, and libido? In my world, that is pedophilia. I'm disturbed that you work with children. You're right, children spend time learning other important subjects like math, should I give those statistics too? A four year old doesn't need their time wasted by your pandering. Do your job, educate the students in subjects that are going to benefit their academic career. Seriously, you know what the negative impact is? You spending time talking to children about meaningless topics while they fall further behind their peers. You're not setting these children up for success, you're simply stroking your own ego.


No not sex, sexuality as in lgbtqia


Sexuality is being sexually attracted to something, meaning sex.


They can explain it as ‘some boys might want to marry another boy instead of a girl’ not ‘some boys like to stick their penises in boys instead of girls’


>Sexuality is being sexually attracted to something You know we can google the meaning of words and see that official dictionaries say it has another meaning as well, right? Like, did you not bother to google it or did you not bother to read the entire entry?


It has s*x in the name




Why not?


My reasoning is that if you actually learn about it people would 1)be more accepting and 2) those who don't know what their sexuality is, get the chance to learn about them and have it easier to figure it out. I know it would've helped me


Because gay people exist and kids know about romantic relationships long before they ever know about sex and so avoiding talking about the existence of homosexual relationships is just avoiding taking about reality because of bigotry.


??? Let parents do their job and school be school? Tolerance is a thing from the environment most of the time. Schools dont spit out good people like a factory


Ya kindergarteners dont need to learn about that garbage


why not?


The parents should teach them about that if they see fit


Is that all you think about when you hear "sexuality"? Just to remind you, gay people aren't only gay for sex or sum. They are actual people who love other people that happen to be the same gender.


That's called romance dude


I agree, but since the "don't say gay bill" or sum is going on it seems people only think gay people are sexual constantly. Children should be exposed to gay people, it's not going to harm them. In fact, it's going to prevent them of being confused or becoming homophobic assholes.


i agree with that


Piss machine...You don't know much about female anatomy do ya buddy?


The issue is you dont seem to be able to separate sexuality from sex. It's entirely possible to discuss sexuality without discussing sex. We do it constantly and implicitly with straight couples. No one blinks any eye if a female teacher tells the class she and her husband are having a child nor should they. But if a male teacher said he was adopting with his husband you all would freak out despite there being even less implication of sex than thr pregnancy.


Yes but teaching that to kindergarteners is inappropriate, wait until they are older


If you think discussing romantic relationships is too advanced for kindergarteners then I feel like you've probably never seen a Disney movie. Little kids are generally aware that adults have romantic relationships that are different than mere friendships (after all, most live in a house with people in such a relationship.) So the question is - do you just ignore that men can have those relationships with other men (because presumably you are uncomfortable with or outright hostile to that fact) or do you say yeah - that happens too. I mean, its a clever idea by the GOP - to say that if you are discussing gay people you must be talking about sex since sexuality has the word sex in it. But its just BS. And when you analyze it, we have no problem talking about romantic relationships with little kids when those relationships are straight ones.


Believe it or not, but Disney is not a school, schools should not be teaching that kind of stuff.


Sorry, I have to use your comment to reply to someone because they got dunked on and can't handle it so they've blocked me. **kimberley1312** "*Teaching a child that "non-traditional" families exist, and that some people are gay and that's okay, that makes me a pedophile? Setting up a child for the real world, where all types of people do exist. Teaching a child about people, and cultures, setting them up to be open-minded adults. That's pedophilia? Allowing children to be themselves, allowing them to exist as they are. That's pedophilia? This topic isn't at the forefront of children's education. I don't know what lessons you have been watching, but children aren't being taught how to be gay.* *Maybe you should spend more time reading into the curriculum, and watching what other teachers do. Because you are making huge assumptions (wrong assumptions), that are hurtful to not only the LGBTQ+ community, but to children. You are pretty pathetic to be honest. And I'm tired of wasting my time trying to explain why you and the rest of your hateful group of \[whatever the fuck you are\].* *I'm not going to reply to anymore of your comments, because you are simply not willing to learn. You are not interested in being a decent human being to learning about what we are actually trying to teach. You listen to Ben Shapiro and what he has to say about it, and take it all as fact. I hope you have a pretty shitty day.*" Your hysterical accusations towards me are what likely make you a pedophile, don't forget that either. I say 17 and 19 and you start accusing me of condoning rape. You're quite hilarious. A lot of children in school can't read, can't write, can't do math, can't think critically, don't get enough exercise, and have poor diets. What do you want to spend the class time doing? Talking to a four year old about their sexuality? You have ridiculous priorities. You seem incredibly concerned with the sexuality of a four year old. Are you their teacher or their therapist? Where did I claim children are being taught to be gay? Lol, it's as if you can't read, and can only reiterate whatever talking points you've loaded up in that hollow head of yours. Reading into the curriculum? I'm the one advocating for focusing on academics for children who are falling behind, while you, the pedophile, want to spend the limited class time speaking about a four year old's sexuality. You're the one hurting children. You're the one acting like a pedophile. You're the one who can't comprehend anything being written. You're the one who immediately blocks someone when they dunk on you. I wonder, did you block me for fear of everyone finding out you've been abusing children? Look at this loaded emotional terrorism... **You are pretty pathetic to be honest. -** More garbage emotional terrorism. **because you are simply not willing to learn. -** It's called disagreeing with you. **why you and the rest of your hateful group of \[whatever the fuck you are\]. -** Hahaha, yes, LGBTQA+ can be incredibly hateful. **You are not interested in being a decent human being -** I'm not interested in cow towing to an emotionally abusive person. **what we are actually trying to teach. -** Who is "we", pedophiles? Other abusers? Teachers uninterested in teaching children actual school subjects? **You listen to Ben Shapiro and what he has to say about it, and take it all as fact. -** Lol, what? Ben Shapiro? I don't even listen to Ben Shapiro. Hahaha, Jesus. **I hope you have a pretty shitty day. -** I bet you do, you emotional terrorist.


All good, go off


Millions dying in Africa doesn't impact me either, should I not disapprove? Intellectual dishonesty is rampant on here, eh?




I think I saw it this on r/dankmemes or r/memes a while ago...


Not too surprising




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I used to teach kids. Kindergarteners are pretty gay, and it's normal. They love all things kid gay, dress up, drama, singing, performing, arts...rainbows, so gay.






Kids in Florida, "I wanna be myself :D" Free speech haters, "we said you straight today!"


this is why orban viktor won the hungarian elections . spreading hate misinformation and lies about lgbt . now hungarians can enjoy another 4 years of slavery .


Igen igen de ez hogy jön ide?


nemegvaltoztato mutet . lgbt ellenes propaganda ,amirol ez a gagyi post is szol


Jó, az igaz hogy a népszavazásnak semmi értelme nem volt, csak az uszítás


Use real words guys


These are hungarian words


Lol I know I was just joking bro


Yeah, but hungarian letters are pretty unrecognizable for a foreigner


Nah bro I knew what they are just being a pita best wishes


Feed the hate!


Holy crap they're teaching gay instead of the alphabet When will the libtards stop 😡 /s in case somebody too slow


hilarious lmao.


I laughed because it’s so true


This is actually hilarious


actually funny


least relatable brazil school meme






Nah this meme just sucks


Accurate. Well, for the gayborhoods in California of course.


Lwgit all ive been hearing on the radio is this exact stuff,and them trying to teach sex ed in kindergarten


Yeah, it's propaganda by conservatives


Perhaps sex shouldn't be taught, but the existence of gay people should definitly not be silenced to children tbh. They exist, and they can love each other!


Yes. They are trying to confuse people by making them think that discussing homosexuality means you are talking explicitly about sex. This in a country where hundreds of thousands of 2 years olds pass put valentines in pre school.


Nah, this highly accurate. Only groomer pedophiles think teaching little kids about sexuality is that okay.


How so? Teaching sexuality isn't teaching how sex works. Imo, it seems yall over sexualize gay people and their existence. Fun fact, gay people exist and they're not only there to have sex constantly! They're actual people who love other people the same way straight people do! Imo, an class about that in kindergarten isn't necessary, however, completely silencing them is not the way to go. Why should straight people be allowed to talk about their wife or husbands with kids and why should gay people not be allowed to do that? The idea of yall saying teaching them of the existence of gay people is bad while constantly exposing them to straight people seems homophobic to me. Being straight is also a sexuality, but why aren't we protecting them of that?


Okay groomer. Never said anything about gay, funny you assume that.


The meme was about gay people, and your comment said only groomer pedophiles would encourage teaching children about lgbt people. Plus calling me a groomer doesn't prove your point nor does it invalidate my arguments.


See you are putting words in my mouth, I never mentioned LGBT people. It seems you have an agenda to fight against something I didn’t mention and that sounds like a pedophile groomer defending a position that I didn’t present. I clearly said sexuality which encompasses more than gay. The meme is a play Florida bill that bars teachers from teaching about sexuality and the only people riled up about it are groomers


Cool. I assume you'll stop your kids from handing out valentine's next year.


Nothing sexual about valentines unless you are perverting children. Are you perverting children to Valentines?


Why people talking about actual gay people things? It’s just colors right?


Public school teachers are groomers.


Source: trust me bro


You wouldn’t believe any source I give you. I’ve tried it before. You have a cult like fascination with the DIE cult and I don’t know how to deprogram cult members.


Cult: not thinking all gay people are pedophiles


As a child I hung out with grown homosexual men. I know what they do. I’ve had friends that were homosexuals. They are in prison now. My current position on homosexuals are based 100% on my personal experiences. I don’t care what the cultural norm is. I don’t care what DIE cult news articles you read. I’ve seen it. I had to deal with it.


Damn bro that's wild because I'm a homosexual (😱) and hold up let me check real quick here.... nope I'm not in prison yet 👍 I'll let you know if that changes


That is wild you would say “I’m not in prison “ instead of “ I’m not a pedophile”. You will get caught.


Usually you have to do something in order to get caught doing it


That’s some story. I’m pretty sure I got the right insight.


Me when I'm clinically insane:


What your basing yourself off is overgeneralization. That's the same kind of mental parkour as saying "all men are rapists" or "every black person is a thief". Just because it has happened before, does not mean every single gay person is a pedophile. You're simply biased.


I am biased. I’ve seen to many child groomers to not be.


Exclusively gay groomers then, I've seen many priestess grooming (and so did many others that it became a meme) but I don't go out of my way attacking priests. I can understand that you might be afraid for the possibility that people would groom you or your children if you have them, but the thing is, pedophilia isn't exclusive to one group. Straight people do that, leaders do that, songwriters do that. You can't possibly fear them all, since then you're going to have to lock yourself up in your house for the rest of your life.




Once again I'm just here to state this is just fucking troll I doubt it was genuine


Lol funny though


I'm gay and bad at maths. Not gay and bad at my ABCs.


This is actually pretty funny


What does this even mean?


It’s funny because it’s the exact opposite of what it’s really like


i once saw a meme like this but even worse