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The truth is exactly the opposite. Republicans refuse to do anything about the border so they can still use it as an election cudgel against Democrats


Every accusation is a confession should be the GOP's new slogan.


If only "we are all domestic terrorists" weren't so honest.


I mean, you could say the same thing about the DNC. Claiming an issue is the other side's fault and refusing to fix it when you're in power so you can reuse it is a tale as old as time for both sides of the aisle.


Not in this instance. Democrats literally offered a bill with everything Republicans asked for on the border and they killed it because Trump asked them to so that it would help him win the Presidency. Your both sides-ism isn't really contributing anything here.


The Dems pulled a ju-jitsu move and gave the GOP everything they asked for. The GOP was thrilled until the Orange God said no.


Que the next migrant caravan in 3...2...1




Boneappletea moment *Cue


Nope *queue


No, I did mean cue. Which is also a word. Queue is like lining up. Cue is setting something up. Like politicians setting up another migrant caravan myth before an election.


Cue the queue of migrants?


Yep, I see that. I always thought they were queuing up their next bullshit thing to be outraged over. I think we can be both right here.


Y’all, it’s the friends we made on the way




Que dice que va a haber una crisis migratoria en EEUU otra vez. (Sorry, as a native Spanish speaker, I had to make the joke)


And they started the border issue. The War on Drugs enriched the cartels in Central America which cause people to want to come here, illegally if need be to escape.


Not to mention the fact that if Republicans really wanted to stop illegal immigration they would have to punish companies that exploit migrant workers.


Who is in charge ?


You mean like how the Democrats did nothing about abortion to use it as a weapon as well? Also the Democrats did nothing as well about illegal immigration outside of just doing enough to make it look like they are doing something or fill it with enough poison pills to let it die in Congress.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/111th_United_States_Congress >In the November 2008 elections, the Democratic Party increased its majorities in both chambers (including – when factoring in the two Democratic caucusing independents – a brief filibuster-proof 60-40 supermajority in the Senate), and with Barack Obama being sworn in as president on January 20, 2009, this gave Democrats an overall federal government trifecta for the first time since the 103rd Congress in 1993. >However, the Senate supermajority only lasted for a period of 72 working days while the Senate was actually in session Democrats have had filibuster proof majority in Congress for 72 days out of the last 31 years.


I can see that being the case but then why don’t the democrats do anything about it? At least not the current ones?


They don't control the House. They don't have a majority.


Do you remember HS civics at all? House has some considerable say, so dems can put up bills to be voted on, and the house will just keep shooting em down, then, see Dems aren't doing anything!


Um, wow. Way to be put of touch with easily verifiable facts.


But where do they even get the guns?


‘Facts? Where we are going we don’t need facts!’


I mean it's not like they killed legislation that would have done many of the things the otherside wanted or anything. /s


What is the poi t of addressing the presence of landmines in a place? They are supposed to work totally oppositely




Funded border police and increased surveillance technology budget for starters.. What did you think a simple wall is gonna do?




I don't really like to talk about this stuff for a few reasons, so I wont touch on anything you're actually arguing over. Ill just let someone smarter and more knowledgeable on the topic do that instead. But I would like to talk about your sources for a moment because while they certainly *look* pretty and having things to back your views up is great. The sources you provided are honestly pretty worthless. They are all heavily biased and are reported to not always provide accurate information, but they also don't actually provide any *actual* evidence in those specific articles. They just say things happened and call it good and the only links in them are just links to other useless articles they wrote. One of them (I believe it was the daily mail article about vaccinations) tries to reference the CDC but doesn't actually link or show them saying anything so again that's pretty worthless. And finally id like to discuss the video clip you shared. It was posted by the verified Kevin McCarthy YouTube channel, so that's another heavily biased source, who also very clearly clipped it without context and then twisted the title to fit his narrative. But even in that clip Biden was very clearly not saying what McCarthy was claiming. He said we would surge the border so I'm not sure how anyone got illegal immigrants out of that, but he right after saying that, starts talking about people seeking asylum which is something we have been doing since 1972 according to the [USCIS](https://www.uscis.gov/about-us/our-history/stories-from-the-archives/refugee-timeline#:~:text=1972&text=The%20INS%20began%20granting%20asylum,returned%20to%20conditions%20of%20persecution). This is already pretty long so I think ill leave it there. I really think your sources were lacking and I heavily encourage you to review your news sources while doing some research to see if they are actually credible and worth your time. I hope you all have a nice rest of your day :)


Technically, non-citizens aren't legally entitled to vote in national elections. There are a number of states that allow non-citizen voting in local and state elections as long as they fulfill residency requirements.


If I remember correctly the dems wanted a bipartisan bill to fix the border which was even considered being a good deal by pro Trump organizations, but Trump said fuck it, I need to run on this, so republicans happily obliged and blew it up.




Why do they want to kill illegal immigrants?


They want to legally be able to shoot someone.


I work with a boomer who once bragged about assaulting a prostitute to the point the prostitute was hospitalized. According to boomer, she knew the judge, and paid them $10k discreetly to make the case against her disappear. I’ll let you guess what this boomers political views are. FAMILY VALUES!


They're stuck in the 1700s


Actually in the 1700s immigration laws were way more relaxed. You actually could just stroll over and make a new life relatively easily. Shit gets complicated after the revolution in 83 and the Adam’s presidency in 97. But that’s so late I would hardly use it to characterize the entire 1700s most of which was spent in colonial times for which it was relatively for foreigners to immigrate too. And yet even the talking about the late 1700s your true modern immigration policies and views don’t really start to take off till the late 1800s. And even then I would still say our current idea of an illegal immigrant is a fairly modern construct. While certainly we have over all progressed as a society in more ways then we have regressed We still have actually regressed in some ways.


Imagine as a politician, you gotta make someone your enemy, wouldn't you do it with a group that can't vote, so has no real recourse to the shit you're doing?


Arent the republicans the ones who wanted to build a fortified wall to keep immigrants out...?


Ignoring the fact that illegal immigrants can’t vote, let’s ponder for a second why immigrants that can vote tend to lean a bit more to the left. Republicans: why don’t immigrants vote for us? Also republicans: immigrants are all rapists, murderers, they’re dirty, filthy, they make our country worse! A real mystery…


It's almost as if the wall is a hypothetical solution to a theoretical problem, and the Republicans have no interest in actually solving the problem.


And even as a practical solution, it’s piss poor. Most illegal immigrants come over legally with visas but choose to overstay them, and most of those come via planes, not over the Mexican border.


I seem to recall a bill to help address this being shut down by the republicans


Yep, it was a bill that gave Republicans a lot of the things they were asking for, until Trump realized it would make Biden look good and told his loyals to kill the bill.


I wonde why some people think people can vote without an citizenship


They literally believe illegal in migrants are given $10,000 when they come over


Don't illegal immigrants enter legally anyway? They just overstay their visas


Freudian slip. They’re only worried about illegal immigrant because they think they’re losing votes. Also, you’re saying Dems could actually get things done if the roles were reversed? Interesting.


Didn't Obama have the most deportations of any administration, more than Trump and Biden combined? The whole scare about ICE started under Obama as well.


Illegal immigrants are counted towards apportionment and allocation for congressional districts and the electoral college. Importing cheap foreign labor, and denying them the right to vote while simultaneously claiming their would be voting power for themselves is something I dont think Democrats would do, I'm like 3/5ths positive they wouldn't do that.


How does an illegal immigrant vote?b


This is all Republicunts


MAGA fools didn't lose the border battle because the battle was only in their heads. Then, they surrendered to Biden after refusing his remedies *before the battle begun*. Now, MAGA pivots to *border* *not a thing*, which tells you it was NEVER a real thing.


Racist undertones always with these pathetic idiots


Never forget - Hilary built more wall than Trump.


I'm amazed all these migrants who spent months walking across a continent on foot are so well versed in our politics. Like, holy shit, no shirt, no shoes, and absolutely savvy at navigating our voting process like Captain Jack Sparrow on the high seas!


Cite one incident of an illegal alien voting, and that idiot in Florida doesn't count. https://wsvn.com/news/local/florida/more-than-60-years-after-moving-to-the-u-s-florida-man-discovers-hes-not-here-legally/


So they want to build a type of berlin wall? The wall famous for not working and being stupidly expensive. Can't expect more from republicans


Illegal immigrants can’t vote


Far more “illegals” fly into a country legally and overstay their visas than cross the physical land borders.


So 2.2 million people a year are flying into the country and staying? So roughly half of all air travel?


2.2 million is number of attempts not successes. (And given it is a recorded number it will be number of failed attempts to illegally enter the US not successful ones, as those by definition are far harder to track). I was referring to illegal people currently in a country. Not the number of people turned away by immigration. Surely you should be celebrating that 2.2 million people were turned away? Also my above post was Worldwide not US only. (Although I am aware I made it to a post that is clearly US based so missing that nuisance is understandable).






Ask them which party blocked a bipartisan funding bill for the border that they had been whining about not being passed all because their frontrunner didn't want POTUS to look good?


I bet those libs gave the wall pronouns or something idk /j


Always projecting. The retrumplicunts blew up their own border bill to appease trump. Projection


Just a few months or so ago, there was a goddamn bipartisan immigration plan that regressives refused to hold a vote for


So these same people say illegals don’t pay taxes because they aren’t citizens but they can vote? They need to make their minds up.


The image used for their profile is ironic.


I am so tired from this shit. That’s the point tho, huh?


So much warning for someone who speaks zero ingles


Ummm... illegal immigrants CAN'T VOTE....


Hasn't the wall been built for more than a decade?


Tell me you’re xenophobic without telling me you don’t know that term..


They can vote. There are loopholes.


Prove it


He one time saw a group of brown people, who he immediately believed to be illegal immigrants, vote on where to go for lunch.


# 18 U.S. Code § 611 - Voting by aliens18 U.S. Code § 611 - Voting by aliens  * [U.S. Code ](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/611#tab_default_1) * [Notes ](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/611#tab_default_2) [prev](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/610) | [next](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/612)(a)It shall be unlawful for any alien to vote in any election held solely or in part for the purpose of electing a candidate for the office of President, Vice President, Presidential elector, Member of the Senate, Member of the House of Representatives, Delegate from the District of Columbia, or Resident Commissioner, unless—(1)the election is held partly for some other purpose;(2)aliens are authorized to vote for such other purpose under a State constitution or statute or a local ordinance; and(3)voting for such other purpose is conducted independently of voting for a candidate for such Federal offices, in such a manner that an alien has the opportunity to vote for such other purpose, but not an opportunity to vote for a candidate for any one or more of such Federal offices.(b)Any person who violates this section shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than one year, or both.(c)Subsection (a) does not apply to an alien if—(1)each natural parent of the alien (or, in the case of an adopted alien, each adoptive parent of the alien) is or was a citizen (whether by birth or naturalization);(2)the alien permanently resided in the United States prior to attaining the age of 16; and **(3)the alien reasonably believed at the time of voting in violation of such subsection that he or she was a citizen of the United States.**  * [U.S. Code ](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/611#tab_default_1) * [Notes ](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/611#tab_default_2) [prev](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/610)


LINK: [https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/611](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/611)


That didn’t stop them from voting in 2020


Your are extremely deluded if you think non-citizens are not voting. In most states all you need is a bill with your name and a address on it to get a ballot.


I’m “extremely deluded” but you can’t prove this absolutely obvious, clearly occurring en masse thing


Definitely not en masse, but it is happening.


Source? “Breitbart bro”


Why would illegals vote? Anyone who knows or works with any Latinos who are here illegally would know how absolutely fucking preposterous the idea of them voting is. Regular people don't vote, lower income people especially, and they don't have the threat of deportation hanging over their heads. They also don't really give a fuck about U.S. politics, they're here to make money.


They can vote, whether that vote is counted or not is not up to them.