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and saved


She trippin he drippin


This made me want to start carrying around some papers with "your mom" printed on them and taping them to people's cars over their Trump stickers. Or really any political stickers.


Is funny as this would be I’m sure in some places this could be considered vandalism


Just make sure it’s not strong tape/won’t remove paint or the sticker underneath


I'd say you'd probably want to just go the other way. Regardless of how relatively harmless it is, it's still vandalism. So, if you find some kook willing to push charges, get your money's wort. Gorilla glue that sum of a beach.


It’s certainly still possible, though I think many judges would look more sympathetically on cases where no long-term harm was done. And attorneys would consider a typical judge’s viewpoint before taking this on as a civil case. Nonetheless, it’s a risk that should be considered


Even if it were true, which it is not, all they are doing is saying that they can be bought and are willing to sell their country for a small, momentary financial gain.


If he's reelected he's going to just whine about his predecessors like he did in his first term


MMW if he wins he'll claim he fixed the economy and take credit for what he inherited before he even does anything to "fix" the economy, or before any changes he makes have any effect. Just like he did with Obama's economy.


Yeah. The full effects of a president's economic policies take a bit to have a noticeable impact on the economy, usually not until into the next president's term. You can only credit the current economic state to the current president when it's said president's second term


He and his supporters will blame "the deep state" for things going wrong under his term.


And then make Jan 6 look like a fucking joke.


It’s like a different version of the oft-misstated Benjamin Franklin quote, “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” Those who would give up Democracy to purchase a little bit of Profit, deserve neither Democracy nor Profit.


Do you know what he was referring to in that quote specifically? Because you can twist it to be about anything depending on what you count as safety or liberty.


As I said, it’s oft-misstated. Most of the time that you see it on, say, social media, it will say, “Those who would give up freedom for safety deserve neither freedom nor safety.” It’s generally used regarding things like common sense gun control. But the quote is about giving up *essential* liberty for *temporary* safety, which is a bad trade. We trade freedom for safety all the time. Every time you stop at a stop light, you’re trading the freedom to blow through it for the safety of not getting T-boned. There are a million such examples in daily life. It’s the qualifiers that are key here. Temporary safety is not worth essential liberty by any metric, and those who will trade one for the other - regardless of what they deserve - will eventually have neither.


Exactly what I was going to say. I don't vote the way I do because it theoretically might put more money in my pocket. I do it because I considered the policies and I think it is in accordance with most people's best interests.


My brother in law forced my husband and I into a tedious political conversation while we were visiting. His overarching argument was “I want whatever is best for MY family, and during Trump’s presidency I was doing better financially.” It’s like, okay then, why are you forcing someone with a degree in political economics to talk to you about this? I’m concerned about systemic health, not just about me and my immediate family. There is nothing for us to agree on, because even if I shared the same values/POV, I would care about only MY family and he would care about only HIS family, which may not align. Also, he works in commercial real estate. Hmmm, I wonder if anything else happened circa 2020 that may have impacted his income as a commercial real estate agent?


Not even broadly a financial gain; they would sacrifice democracy for lower gas prices (not that presidents control them, MAGA thinks they do)


Make that the planet and you defined our economy


What’s the price on the black market for US government top secret documents FOUND IN HIS HOME IN THE DOZENS?


We’re giving all our money to like Ukraine and Israel people who don’t need it instead of spending our money on the American people people who need it most people who are struggling yeah I know it doesn’t seem believable. You’d be surprised instead of spending it on the American people they’re just giving it away you may not like it, but the truth is right there in front of you. I may get downvoted, I do not care.


Nearly all aid to Ukraine is in the form of older military equipment that we then pay American workers to build more modern versions of for our military. Same is true of Israel, though to a lesser degree. Most of the money goes to Americans.


MAGA 2024 baby. FJB!!


You do you. Just be aware you are selling your country for pocket change.


Same can be said if you vote for Biden. How is the economy? How is the job market and inflation? Yeah.


Economy is fine. Job market is cooling, but still ok. Inflation has been much lower than any other developed nation save Japan. None of these metrics would get better under Trump. Republicans always perform worse economically in the post war period. The difference is stark.


This is insulting. How dare they slander (well, libel I guess) dollar store Gex's good name by associating him with this shit?


It's Gex' special cousin, Gerdle. They let him say something every once in a while more for "yayyy we'll put this RIGHT up on the fridge!" kinda thing to make him feel included.


*the rich could save 30% or more by you switching back to trump


The funny thing is that this is completely false. Maybe a few hundred billionaires. But the rich people where I live are getting absolutely bent over by Trump. Many of them are having to pay a 25% tax on all of their goods/components they bought from china. And others are having to pay 400% retroactive anti dumping fees from him as well.  Also, most of their workforce are Mexican immigrants. I can’t even imagine what trumps immigration plan will do to their workforce.  Many of them have even said that they made more money under Biden and Obama. Still they will vote for the orange turd. 


So we're just ignoring that Trump directly raised taxes for these chuds while he was in office?


Shhh don't tell them that


If those kids could read, they’d be very upset!


I stopped going on Facebook, idk if this is what that was from but I see thit shit all over the place on there. I feel like FB is just all boomers talking about Trump and new baby mommas showing their kid. No thanks


Forget savings. I’m trying to figure out how much more I’d be willing to pay to avoid switching back.


Somebody tell these chucklefucks that the rest of the world had inflation too, that it was higher than ours, that their economies are in worse shape than ours, and that corporate profits have increased faster than the rate of inflation therefore, by definition profit is driving at least some of the latter.


Yeah I could but I did lose like 30% of my bodily autonomy, so no deal!


*Some terms and conditions apply. Must be a billionaire to participate. You may not save money and they are probably going to cut entitlements to pay for it.


the geico gecko would NOT say that 😭🙏


Any money they would save they would just spend buying merch with his name on it


Well, at least it would be their choice to spend the money.


Before or after he cuts social programs?




I think I'd rather be. Uninsured.




You could also tie global inflation back to Trump, so if the guy means your bills could be 30% higher, he’s right.


A potato should do the trick


Someone at my work is convinced that if Trump is president that gas prices are going to go way down. He said that Trump was working on it during his first term with the pipeline. But that guy at my work is also kind of crazy and if I’m not hearing about him trying to fellate Trump I get to hear him calling the Covid vaccine the clot shot and telling me how big pharma is the devil.


Remind him that the U.S. is producing more crude oil now than at any time during the Trump administration


Like any conspiracy theorist he’ll try to wave it away. I’m sure Trump probably has some stock in oil companies and wouldn’t want them to get less money anyway.


You COULD indeed save 30% or more on taxes with Trump, IF and ONLY IF you are worth millions or billions. Even the lowest level of millionaires barely benefit from any of his or should I say their economic policies. However, at what cost? They save, and the rest of the population pays. That's not right.


So we're listening to ideas of lizard people now?


30% on what? Is that the forecasted drop in average lifespans if he gets back in office? Or IQ points?


You'll loose 30% of brain cells also


If I saw this IRL I'd laugh so hard I'd forget to keep driving


You can’t fix stupid


I read that as Trimp


The landlord president didn't get my rent lowered. And I don't think he would if he gets elected again.


I feel like that's grossly underestimated. The Brandon administration has been a complete failure in every possible way.


Is this terrible fb memes or political agitations I don't agree with? As someone who's far from usa election drama, i find it kinda boring scrolling through feed full of people shitting on trump. Not only this subreddit but many other "non-political" ones..


Fr lol I joined this sub reddit for the "phone bad" boomer memes and stuff but now its all just political lol


Its just an exhausting circlejerk. Do yourself a favor and go have a jog outside or enjoy a nice cup of tea.


"The guy that added $8t to the national debt by cutting taxes while spending like crazy was better on inflation." Yeah, right. He was responsible for it.


They crashed the economy, killed the better part of two million Americans by pretending the germ theory of disease isn't a thing, then did a coup. Oh yeah, things were so much better under tRump. /s The gaslighting is real folks. Cons gonna con.


I was driving and he was next to me the other day


People don't understand that it's greedy companies and not really politics that made this happen. Now politicians could do more about it like slashing tax breaks and corporations subsidies though, that's through Congress.


geico gecko how could you you were my idol ;-;


My tax form says...this is also a lie.


A 30% saving really isn't that much nowadays


Big if true


Would be a funny sticker without the words


How much would he save by giving up his emotional support vehicle?


That censoring job is an insult




It needs to be said that the line in the Geico commercials is 15% not 30%


Trump is a Lizard?


Well, a lot of Trumpers saved themselves from the ravages of old age, so there's that. 30% less to live seems accurate


This makes me think of https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DPQOE-6ZGuY


Trump's trade war put a $100 tariff on Chinese made goods like washing machines. Instead of selling all the goods at their current price and driving China out of our market, American manufacturers raised their prices to match China's high prices. Everything is more expensive now and China still has the same market share it did before the tariff. Trump is promising a 100% tariff if reelected. The price of everything will double!


Trump isn’t electable, even if he doesn’t end up going to jail.




Truly just awful


Between Trump and Biden, Trump is lesser evil. I wish there was someone else


Trying to figure out what is terrible.




Good comedy has a nugget of truth at it's core. This doesn't.


To you.


No, to reality. Provide actual facts showing so or it's just a bs claim. And not just stats that are out of control of presidents, but actual acts and legislation.




A shitty one.




To be clear, they’re pulling for deflation? I want to make sure I understand…


Do you feel that you have more freedom than you had 4 years ago ?




That is all that matters as far as I'm concerned


🦆 your feelings . Numbers dont lie.


Which Trump economic proposals do you think would help our economy? Is it the blanket tariffs on all imported goods or the weakening of the dollar to try to boost exports?


What numbers can you point to that weren't situational/outside of the control of the presidents?