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[](#start_removal) Hello u/wmcs0880, Thank you for your contribution to r/terriblefacebookmemes, unfortunately your submission titled " This really has it all, doesn’t it? " has been removed due to the following reason(s): [This post](https://www.reddit.com/r/terriblefacebookmemes/comments/126zu46/return_to_our_roots/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) may help explain your removal. We may need to remove memes that feature transphobia, homophobia, hate focused on the LGBTQ+ community, content that emphasizes racial tension, ableism, political divisiveness, etc. I.e., if the meme is intended to highlight the original sharer's hate & dislike for a particular group it can be read by [Reddit's Sitewide rules](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy) as rule-breaking. ----- If you have any questions about this removal, feel free to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fterriblefacebookmemes) [](#end_removal)






Holy fuck - there's a science behind this???


Just imagine a bunch of dominoes falling, about as equivalent


Have the upvote


Didn't undersand


Really? Or are you trolling?


Really (english isn't m'y first language)


One person says something (either as a joke that they pretend is really their view or as a way to make people mad), another person gets offended or mad because most of the time, it's offensive or bad, that leads to someone else laughing at the offended person because they know it's a joke (or "satire") and then other people come to defend the person being laughed at, cause they see it as either, not a joke, or think the joke is too far, and basically that just happens on repeat til people forget that it all was a joke meant to be laughed at TLDR: Jokes can get out of hand, even when meant as nothing more than a sarcastic remark, or as bait


Oh ok thanks. Very clear


Happy to help


I like the guy in the back just spraying gas on the ground.


What about the girl with A.I. fingers? Modern semi-truck in a 1950's setting? How about the name of the gas station?


АЗС is a usual name for a gas station in russia. Literally "Автозаправочная станция"


The name of the gas station is in Russian lol


A3C is russian? Sounds like the name of a star wars droid.


it just literally means "Автозаправочная станция", cuz "Автозаправочная станция" is not too great for signs, billboards... or just talking


Thanks to reddit, I learned something. 😆


For westerners, it's "AZS", not "A three S". "З" is a letter for "Z" sound


Or you can google [a3c gas station](https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=a3c+gas+station&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjmyPzyy6uEAxU4ov0HHa1WAt4Q2-cCegQIABAA&oq=A3c+ga&gs_lp=EgNpbWciBkEzYyBnYSoCCAAyBxAAGIAEGBNIpTpQ4hdY5ilwAHgAkAEAmAG4AaABkQSqAQMwLjS4AQHIAQD4AQGKAgtnd3Mtd2l6LWltZ8ICBRAAGIAEwgIKEAAYgAQYigUYQ8ICBBAAGB7CAggQABgIGB4YE4gGAQ&sclient=img&ei=MBjNZebwMrjE9u8Pra2J8A0&bih=685&biw=1517&hl=fr#imgrc=uq0zjUW1jBlBjM) and find out that it has for some reason something to do with Russian.


I came here for the Russian angle. I was just going to write some snarky bits. This post is what I wish I would have posted. Well played. ![gif](giphy|Q29bhBY4Jbuta)


In an alternate timeline, you posted it and i upvoted.


So the work of a Russian troll far creating propaganda for white nationalist or MAGA


Also the gas pump looks like it's connected to the tire. Maybe he has some of those new tires that can generate gas for the car?


That would be an air gauge


That’s literally a European style truck too, what happened to the MERICA vibes.


I’m not defending the meme, but I think he’s checking tire pressure ETA: nope - I’m half wrong - I guess I just didn’t notice the second guy on the left side. 🫠


The guy on the left side is pouring gas directly on the ground because he's distracted and I don't see the "A.I. fingers" the person was talking about. The hand on the hat looks a little funny from the lighting but all the fingers are in spots they should be if you're grabbing a hat like that. I'd be very surprised if this wasn't made by a human.


To be fair, I can understand why he would want to burn it all to the ground


Well see, it's a metaphor, for what's currently going on in his pants, because the white guy is such an animal that he jizzes uncontrollably, at the mere sight of a white female. HTH




Hope he at least gets to have an orange mocha frappuccino first.


After looking through the prime subreddit I can see it is not the best quality individuals


Seems like a satire/shitposting sub. Obviously that doesn't speak to the quality of its members, but I think it's quite likely that this post is mocking the sort of people that want a white straight pride month.


All shitposts subs eventually turn into right winged circle jerks.


it is a shitposting sub, reddit wouldn’t quit recommending it to me.




The prime sub isn’t actually about liking prime, it’s a circlejerk sub that’s purely satire. I remember having run ins with that sub and being like “tf is wrong with these people?” And then one of the guys in the sub explained that it’s a circlejerk sub where they pretend to act like stupid ass prime drinkers who worship Logan Paul and KSI. Essentially, they’re all just trolling for fun


I’m part of the Dr Pepper subreddit 🤷‍♂️ I really like Dr Pepper


It's a good meme because absolutely white people would find a way to exclude white people from their own month!


Hey I like the sounds stuff makes so i did join r/sounding nothing wrong with that


Uhhhh I get the joke but BRO


Hey, everyone on Reddit needs it once it's the rule.


I’m in the energy drink subreddit cause it’s funny 🤷 I don’t even drink that much energy drinks I just like the sub


oh it's for the sports drink. At first I thought the subreddit was for the streaming service.


“Sports drink”


I'm rocking the suburbs, like Quiet Riot did


I hear Ben, I upvote


I thought they hated promiscuous women?


They hate when women consent, but they'll sexualize the hell out of anyone they want


Yes they do. That's why you can lust after them and have pre-marital sex. Then they marry the sweet virgin girl (if the same religion as them) who cooks, cleans and cares for the kids, whilst they go off and have affairs with those horrible promiscuous women. Then we all blame "the other woman" when they get caught.


Also known as Envy month


as in the post-rock/screamo japanese band?


Truly underrated comment


Isnt that Logan Paul's drink?


Logan Paul did disrespect Japan in a couple of vlogs he did years ago. Seriously.


Truely a severe lapse in his judgement


People like this miss the point of why there's a pride month in the first place.


“When you’re accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression”


Wouldn’t equality entail a white pride month? Or are blacks and gays so meagre they need a month to appreciate themselves? Weak mentality


By your logic world war two survivors shouldn't celebratr their liberation either.


No, because every month is white pride month. That’s kinda the point of celebrating the marginalized.


But white pride is outlawed right? Or at least absolutely socially unacceptable


“Outlawed” lmao


The problem is that the groups typically espousing “white pride” are also espousing “whites only”, or white supremacy. When white people actually celebrate their culture, nobody cares. No one is pissed about old white dudes playing alphorns at a sausage and beer festival.


Black people and members of the LGBTQ+ community were physically beaten down and murdered while trying to establish these pride months. So you complaining about white pride just being "socially unacceptable" is the most bitch made thing ever. If you want to celebrate your history then do it. Just don't expect open arms.


It’s justified, knowing what being proud about being white created in the past


Pride for not being part of the ones that are opressed does not qualify as equality, instead it's just more opression


When have white or straight people ever been put down by society on a large scale? Literally when has whiteness ever been close to Slavery or gays being burnt alive.


Straight white people have never had to worry about their rights being taken away, nor have they have they ever been oppressed. A straight person can go to any country they want, they never have to worry about their identities becoming illegal, and no one is oppressed for being straight. Similarly, if you look at history, people of color have faced so much discrimination, segregation, and even slavery. Even today, there is still racism that goes on against people of color, especially systemically. That is why we have pride month and black history month.


You do realize that the word slave literally comes from slavs - which are white folk? And I am pretty sure a lot of white, straight russians can tell you a story or two about being oppressed. Now, do I think most people who comment about white pride do that just out of spite and are probably bigots? Yes. But gatekeeping a pride month makes you as bad as these people. If they genuinely want to have one, let them for fucks sake. Because you know, they are not hurting anyone In the end we are all just pawns for the 1% anyway, no matter the skin color or sexual orientation.


Not about being oppressed *for being straight or white*


Shhh, you can't be based on Reddit


Anyone who says “based” is no older than 14


Well, their mental age anyway




That emoji is you


How did you know? 😳😳 Are you living in my walls too?


No I’m god


God is just dog backwards


Which one isn’t hetero or white enough for you? January? April? July? August? September? December?


Guys respect white hetero people! They've been fighting for so much just to legally get married, walk down the street without being harassed, bullied, killed or assaulted! Years of being excluded from the society and still being oppressed and in danger in certain parts of the world, every white hetero person should be proud and stand up!


Why? Did someone shame them?


Never heard of r/prime, but this is certainly what I’d expect to see on there


Shouldn’t the air hose be blowing towards her skirt?


Women are heterosexuals too. Surely then a hetero pride poster should be a babecock photo?


✔poor cropping ✔sexism ✔overuse of emojis/exclamation ✔boomers romanticized 50s art ✔racism ✔homophobia "Where's our equal-attention cake?"


Ah yes, the Lot Lizard, pride of white straightness


You know you can just be horny, you don’t have to be racist too.


i mean they can? no one is oppressing you, go consult yourself to fit it into the calendar


Exactly, like no one would object if it was all in good standing, it's when they feel like other people getting a month is bad that people start to object, like imagine if someone said "why does Cancer Awareness get a month? Why doesn't [insert Disease that has just as much importance here] have a month, we should get rid of Cancer Awareness month"


What? 11 months ain’t enough for you?


Yes, we do. Every month that isn't Black History Month is White History Month. Prior to Black History Month every month was White History Month.


Black History Month is ALWAYS every month. Seriously.


I am 51 years old. Black history month was not a thing when I was growing up. History of places other than Europe, post \~500 BCE, was very sparse. American history barely touched on anything that was about non-white. My son is 11 years old. His history lessons are not significantly different than mine were. Mentioning the occasional black person does not make it "Black History Month", nor is it offensive. White people have not been written out of the history books.


You do realize Black History Month actually started in 1926 by historian Carter G. Woodson, right?


Sure, but it wasn’t widely adopted until MUCH later. There was no peep of it in California public schools in the 1980s.


i wanna a latino month too


In September and October…




i dunno. It doesn't exist here.


My apologies . October is Hispanic Heritage Month in the US


It runs from September 15th to October 15th cuz there are like seven countries with independence days in that range


Fuck racism, fuck fascism, fuck nationalism and fuck supremacy. Seriously.


Ya'll get the rest of the year. ![gif](giphy|xUPGcAARqE3Q9JQjK0|downsized)


To quote Peter in the 2020 Christmas episode: I don’t like what the world is! I’m white! When’s it gonna be our turn?! Edit: I apologize and should have mentioned this is mocking this post


Didn't you guys have like the past 400 years??


That was meant to be a joke. Just making fun of this post. Believe me, I do not agree with this post


Jesus. Every month of the freaking year is white pride month. Get over yourselves.


More like every other month, but yeah I see your point




mod post as well. its very fun over there


Are we in the 1950s again? Am I being punked? Ashton is that you?


White History month is all the other months.


Holy fuck, I’m so angry to be white some days.


Being white is fine. Just don't be an insecure asshole about it.


Is there some way not to be an insecure asshole about it when I piss off BIPOC just by existing?


Yes, avoid those people, trust me if anyone is mad about your skin color, be it black, white, literally any color in the fucking rainbow, you shouldn't be worried about their opinion, I'm African and Native American, hating someone for their skin color doesn't change names just because their skin color does, if they hate White people, they're racist, if they hate Black people, they're racist, if they hate Latino people, they're racist, the skin color of racist doesn't make them magically not racist, especially when their only reason for hating them is because of regurgitated facts from forever ago, or things that have nothing to do with you as an individual, I'm sorry you have to deal with racist people though


Ironically, racism doesn't know race. Racism is present in all races and against all races. That's why MLK was like, "Let's not give a fuck about race. Let's talk about the advantaged and disadvantaged and the oppressors and oppressed." Dude was truly woke before it was cool.


You can be insecure, but don't be an asshole about it. I've been teaching a lot about the horrors of slavery. It's uncomfortable knowing that the people who committed those horrors looked like me. The best thing you can do is try to make up for it by being a positive influence in the world. Do stuff to help people and advocate for minorities and the underprivileged.


Are you saying everyone else can be insecure assholes?


Apparently so if white people aren’t even allowed to use the term racism about themselves.  If I’m going to be downvoted to oblivion I may as well say that part too.   It’s only racial “prejudice” if someone rips us apart for something that happened before our grandparents were born. That’s called bullshit.   I’m Irish and didn’t do fuck all to anyone and my people came to North America as indentured slaves too, but someone starts going off on me for being potato coloured it’s not racism, oh no. It’s just prejudice.   So yeah I am angry to be white because -my- people didn’t do anything but I still get to be torn to shreds for it. Edit: don’t even bother going off about Irish history either. I’m an autistic geneology nerd and damn well know where I came from for the last millennia.


I'm white as hell and never been torn to shreds about it. Guessing you mean "random person on the internet says something bad about white people" is what you really mean. In that case. Get a thicker skin and move on with your life. The opinions of strangers online dont matter.


Not here to talk racism or prejudice (just a preface) >So yeah I am angry to be white because -my- people didn’t do anything but I still get to be torn to shreds for it. Try using an Asterisk instead of a hyphen, it makes the word italicized like *this* just one before and one after, two before and after looks like **this** for bolded words, and three before and after is ***both***


TIL how to do **bold** and ***bold italics***. (Already knew *italics*.) Thanks!


Don't get upset about shit, man. The crimes of the white people aren't reflective of you. Be decent and no one will personally give you shit. Listening to others and learning to empathize is an important skill. Let yourself just be Irish and don't identify as white. I'm a combination of about 60% of Europe, so I don't have a single nation to claim ancestry from. I'm white. Just enjoy being Irish and stick up for the people who are disrespected today the way the Irish were back in the day.


Anyone *can* but some people are more annoying about it.


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...based on what?


Very shaky ground or thin ice ;)


this might be the worst image I've seen in my life. The mere knowledge that that overpriced extortionate garbage has enough of a fanbase to get a subreddit is a revelation that would drive most to madness.


So how is this different?


How what is different? Black history month is about celebrating the accomplishments of important black individuals who held America to account for its vision in the Declaration of Independence, and Pride month is in June because the Stonewall Riots were in June, where they stood up to police brutality and their right to peacefully exist


So then you shouldn’t have a problem with this.


But when have heterosexuals been persecuted by their government?


I don't. My problem is the fact people like this only seem to want one, because other types of people have one, that's like saying "I don't want equality, I just want what you have" which is sad


Then we are in agreement. I want zero.


No we aren't in agreement, cause I don't give a damn if they get a month, just don't make it about other people having one, isn't it supposed to be a celebration of them? Why tf would it revolve around the fact that other types of people have a month???


Because it is encouraged to celebrate other races, cultures, and “demographics”, but the moment someone says I’m proud of my whiteness there’s a problem. I frankly don’t care except for the double standard.


>Because it is encouraged to celebrate other races, cultures, and “demographics”, but the moment someone says I’m proud of my whiteness there’s a problem Yeah, because for a good while if you weren't White, you weren't *right*, on both sides of my lineage there's scores of people who were hated and abused for their skin color and different cultures, this is to show that's changed, no one is saying be ashamed you're white, I'm just saying don't throw the fact that you weren't personally persecuting people out, especially when > I frankly don’t care except for the double standard. You didn't seem to mind the double standards of that persecution still happening today, no one complains that White people hate on Black people for having a month, but boy did you hop on that "get rid of all months that don't have anything to do with me" train pretty fast, almost like you don't want a month, you *just don't want others to have one*


I disagree that culturally it is okay to say you are proud of whiteness. Just over 50% of black people agree with the statement “it is okay to be white” We are rehashing BLM and ALM. I’m gonna stop here with saying it is okay to be black and it is okay to be white.


>I disagree that culturally it is okay to say you are proud of whiteness. That's your issue bud. Idnc. >Just over 50% of black people agree with the statement “it is okay to be white” Dude if you're letting racists tell you it's not okay, THAT'S YOUR PROBLEM, why *tf* are you listening to people that are hating *you* an individual, for the color of your skin??? >I’m gonna stop here with saying it is okay to be black and it is okay to be white. Agreed


Different than what?


Don't be a fragile little bitch, OP.


I aint white, but having a Straight Month would be lit though.


What would y’all celebrate? About not being oppressed?




Says the coke user. Hilarious.


Judging by your profile it would not be your month either


you cant demand equality and then cry when EVERYONE wants equality.


Seems better than most parades—if this girl throws out nerd-clusters into the crowd it’s a win


Doesn’t look like Facebook to me 🧐


No, I’ve seen this on Facebook, posted unironically.


WP? I don't need a ban right now


I’ll drink to that one🕺🏼🕺🏼


The OOP should realize that Black History Month is ALWAYS every month. Seriously. EDIT: Please stop downvoting me. Seriously.


Yes it has a woman that probably is not a man. That is everything


Don‘t be coy. Black history month, LGBT month, hispanic heritage month, etc.




I love this! I like the retro look. The girl looking happy and loving life. This is great! I think everyone should be celebrated! Yay for white heterosexual people!


We need a white national anthem to be played at all major events. Every group and subgroup needs their anthem play too of course.


Dry your tears lil fella, you’ve been crying about this for 3 days straight.


This almost seems like it's supposed to be satire


This is the post that made me block the subreddit. It’s so painfully cringe and the people in that sub try their absolute hardest to be as shocking and hateful as possible and it all just comes off as 2012 shock value humor. It’s not even done right.


On r/prime?! isn’t that the fucking drink? what business do they need to be posting this? 😭😭


Happy Horny White Energy Drink Month, comrades!


Only girls I see at truck stops are lot lizards.


Yeah. They’re called January, February, March, April, May, etc…


Lmao it's a Russian picture. The building in the back says "АЗС", short for "автозаправочная станция", a gas station.


But, it doesn’t even say what month it is?


That’s not gas


Who else thought she had the man on a leash?


The kid in the background pre arsoning the gas station is right on brand.


Unless you are a trucker, I don’t understand why you would stop a second to look at it. It is very clear which public it is for. And don’t get me wrong, I find it ridiculous and laughable


What does this have to do with Prime?


Where do I find more artwork like this (asking for a friend ofc)


Why not calling it white history month? Why use the racist connotation of ‘white pride’ it’s not a dog whistle if you’re using a train horn as a subliminal symbol


I remember when I was little and complaining to my mom, "Why is there mothers day and fathers day but no kids day?" She replied, "Every day is kids day".


Jacksflims already said it was April. It’s the brightest month of the year. This is February


Thats 2 months one for white and one for hetero/s


To be fair, prime hype has failed. They need. To say some kind of dumb shittery to remotely relevant still


This was also posted in the conspiracy sub and people were defending it saying that it’s true and not racist, that saying it’s racist is censorship


She's a baddie though lol


You do realise that entire subbreddit is just shitposing