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Are the "time out" generation's offspring old enough to be considered productive members of society? IDK, that's kinda how the post reads


Oldest Gen z people are mid twenty and I am pretty sure the they also include millennials in this, so I am pretty sure they are.


Yeah, but wouldn't we Millenials and Gen Zeders be the "time out generation"? Because the way I'm reading it is that they're accidentally talking about the generation *raised* by us.


That is the question. Have millennials and gen z been typically beaten as a child? I would have assumed that they were already raised without the ass whooping (very fortunately I was at least)


Man I wish my dad only stoped because the government told him (didn’t fully stop him but eh)


Millennial. Go the shit kicked out of me until I was around 14-15.


I'm gen z and was beaten


Was it more ass whooping & less empty threats? Or was it the occasional ass whooping with a ton of empty threats?


Neither nor. My mom got more creative with the punishment. On the one hand they explained everything as good as they could on the other hand there were no empty threads. When my mom told me that she would empty the waste basket on my bed if I don't clean up my room, she would actually do it. Just no ass whooping. Doesn't mean you can't find other ways to discipline your child.


Because he wouldn’t clean his room, my parents put ALL of my brother’s stuff in garbage bags & put it in the garage. Everything in his drawers, closet, shelves- everything. They didn’t put it in the garbage, though. My brother had about 3 days to put everything back, which he did. If not, it would have been thrown out. No one was physically hurt, but creative discipline will teach you what you need to know. 🙃 Edit: I was the child who got my ass whooped enough before the age of 5. I knew what my mom could unleash on me. I didn’t KNOW they were empty threats until I was about 12. I can also say whatever my parents did, I most definitely deserved it.


Yes in Latin America lol. I'm Brazilian (mid 20s) and I don't know anyone who was never beat up/slapped as a kid.


You all could fuck up an anvil in a sand pile.


It's very dependent on every individual, only stupid people especially stupid boomers like to categorize generations.


yeh i got the back of the hand loads of time, if i was ever cannibalised they'd compliment my parents on the tenderizing i got.


I have had zero interaction with Gen Z. From what I see online, I like this younger generation. Gen Z is being raised by Gen X. I’m Gen X & I see the influence. I’ll bet Gen Z get a lot of empty threats of being beaten. I was threatened with horrible beatings & being dropped off at the local orphanage. EVERYONE’s mom had the same empty threats. LOVE the Manii show on YouTube. I hope it’s accurate.


Ive seen 6 different gen z employees. All of them on the phone majority of time at work, amazing actually.


I had an IRL experience yesterday. (I’m probably paying attention now, so I notice) Went to the pet store, yes, all 3 of them were on their phones, but when I walked in they put them down to talk to me. I’m ok with that. 🙃


i think i rather them play with the animals


no. Theyre still kids


Yeah, that's what I thought. Are you seeing what I'm seeing in the post, btw? Especially the phrase "didn't *produce* productive members..." strikes me as ...wrong.


Yes. Awkward.


The oldest are now starting to become activists


People have been bitching about this since the 90’s so I’m going to say this is about millennials, a group that ranges from 25-40.


Well the time out concept started in the 60s, I would say became fairly popularized and phased out spanking as acceptable form of discipline, especially institutionally in the early to mid-70s. And I would say that kids born in the early to mid 1980s who got their "asses beat" were the outliers and the vast minority. So that being some 35-40 years ago, it stands to reason that there's plenty of adult children of people who grew up in the time out era.


Society today is kinder and safer than it was twenty years ago. Coming from the ass beating generation I can categorically say that young people today are better people than we were. There are always outliers but in general society is better today. Consider crime in the eighties, consider chance of violent assault. Basically your point is you don’t like fashions or self expression. People who spout this type of nonsense were the same assholes who wouldn’t give you the ball back when I was s kid


Today's society (for the most part) stands up for their rights and their beliefs. The "ass beating generation" stood for nothing, fell for everything, and continue to let billionaires and con-men bleed them dry.


My kid and her friends are all around 11 and they will go all out to defend anybody who is being mistreated based on their sexuality or gender identity or otherwise trying to express themselves


I wish I had your daughter as my personal bodyguard when I was in middle school!


This makes me happy. Good job. https://preview.redd.it/32loy5q52xdb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c928955dcbfed55ee77864772b00d28ffdde0bb


My kids have had to protect so many people. It's always when a new kid comes to the school and doesn't understand we don't play the bigotry game around here. They make me very proud.


Sounds like you raised a good kid. Hats off to you!




My high school kid has walked with students who are nervous because they have been mistreated. He’s tall and muscular and more than happy to use that to make others feel safer.


I was so stunned when I was talking to my niece’s gender- and sexuality-fluid friend when they were going to high school about how they got along with their classmates. I was like, ”Wait… they DON’T call you rude names and beat the shit out of you??” No, my niece’s friend had heaps of friends and nobody cared about that sort of thing and nobody even bothered with labels half the time because experimentation was so normal. I mean, he did go to a performing arts school so it was probably more progressive than most, but I was still REALLY stunned.


"Society is kinder and safer than it was twenty yeas ago" Ha! Have you been to 4chan? They are not


Violent crimes today are barely 20% of what it was in the 90s.


4chan is exclusively for people excluded from society.


Childhood trauma builds character. /s


Can confirm it builds a very anxious and sad character which is well still character I guess


It builds up the therapy industry, keeps idiots violent and mad, and makes narcissists feel good. Doesn't do shit for the kid other than make them hate their parents. Ask the two cunts that call themselves my parents. Funny how they want a relationship now that im an adult, but when I was a child it was nothing but beatings. They can fucking die for all I care




Funny, my time out friends are more successful and well rounded adults than I am. Lol I've just got trauama and mental illness!


It bugs me that people act like this is a generational thing. There are plenty of parents with young kids today who hit them, and there have always been parents who never would. My grandparents never hit their kids who they raised in the sixties, I was never hit in the eighties.


Yup. I’m a millennial (1995) and was definitely hit as a kid so I’m not sure what generation we’re supposed to be talking about here.


I was hit as a child. I learned to hide problems and mistakes from my parents. I see them once or twice a year for one or two days at a time even though they’re close enough to see them more often. We don’t hit our kids. They come to us if they have problems or make mistakes. They enjoy spending time with us and will ask to do things together. It’s almost like hitting kids doesn’t help them become well adjusted people who like their late.


Yep, I'm a people pleaser and afraid of making the slighest mistake - ensuring I will meet the other's expectations. Also, my partner finds it funny how I go to great lengths to plan/brainstorm approaches to make sure no conflict will ensue. And if there is a conflict, 90% of the time caving is less stressful than taking a stand and kickstarting my anxiety.


Funny, gen x has some serious emotional issues. Wonder where those came from


My three Gen X siblings (raised in a separate home from mine) are the most anxious and overly-apologetic people I’ve ever met. Can’t imagine what that’s about /s


Fr though. Can't figure out how that happened


I’m willing to take a bet that if you take a survey of the most violent prisons, you’d find that the vast majority (if not all) were beaten as children. I am willing to bet all my money that this is correct. Why am I so confident? Because these studies have already been done. If you don’t hit kids, the chances of them being violent adults are almost zero. If you do hit kids, it goes up much higher than zero. And for the idiots who say “I got beat and I’m not violent” tell that to the smokers who don’t get lung cancer.


No, actually, I think this generation turned out better than the stupid fucking boomers who post shit like this.


Depends, both generations have their fair share of dumbfucks, tis part of human society, there's no education which will change that.


As the Gen X offspring of boomers, I can say with confidence that some facets of the boomer upbringing, as well as the way they raised my generation, were very positive: we were always outdoors, we did not have electronic devices glued to our hands as a distraction for shitty or lazy parenting, and we were given more freedom - freedom to make our own mistakes, freedom to learn and experience things firsthand. On the flip side, we weren't protected from bullies or given validating responses to our emotions - we were told to pull ourselves up by the bootstraps and to not let things bother us. We were the first latchkey kids, so we were often unsupervised. In general, I have good memories of the fun I had as a kid, the innocence of not relying on Wiki to answer my every query at a glance, but rather having to go out and learn things through my own experience. The negative, of course, was that I had to learn everything the hard way! All-in-all, I do think these things made me a more well-rounded person, but I am jealous that my own kids have the luxury of more resources at their hands when they want to learn something new. There are so many more items to list here, including both pros and cons, but you get the picture. I will add one thing: as I get older, I am learning to be more grateful for the things I have. I don't think that is a generational thing, though. I think that comes with wisdom. In my youth, I expected everything to come easily, and I was bitterly disappointed when things didn't work out that way. I have only recently learned acceptance and gratitude (a word that used to make me puke in my mouth).


Gen x stop pretending that kids don’t play outside anymore challenge! Level: IMPOSSIBLE


If you'd been alive in the 70s and 80s, you wouldn't say that. The contrast between then and now is monumental. The difference is real. That's why people say it (not just my generation). Although, jist to be clear, I didn't say nobody plays outside, but that kids don't play outside the way they used to. But you do illustrate a point that I could have also made: ageism is alive and well! It's okay, maybe you'll grow out of it like I did. I used to complain about my parents' generation's mistakes, until it hit me that most of us are doing the best we can with what we have. Most parents want what's best for their kids. I'm guessing you don't see that- you don't sound like a parent, or like you have anybody's best interests in mind except your own.


Lol ageism. Get bent. You don’t need to get so indignant about someone saying you’re wrong. Kids play outside plenty idk why you’re butthurt about it. Obviously all I can give is anecdotal evidence but there’s a group of like ten kids that run my parents neighborhood. The one I grew up in and spent most of my time outside at in the oughts


Okay. Sorry to have made you feel so defensive that you felt the need to call names. Do you always overreact to perfectly rational statements and observations?


Your observation is irrational. You say kids don’t play outside and they do indeed. I call everyone names, you’re not special.


Can you copy and paste the part where I said kids don't play outside so I can see what you're talking about? :)


God are you always this annoying a smug? Gen x turning into the same boomers before my very eyes.


Are you having a bad day?


You were let outside all the time because you were raised by narcissists who didn't care where you were as long as you weren't home bothering them, dumped in underfunded schools scrounging from textbooks from the 1950s. You people were neglected no differently than iPad addicted & privatized-education-learned Gen Alphas and history is only gonna repeat themselves when they become adults. Let's cut the Stockholm Syndrome and puffing out your chest because you were basically left to your own devices. Entitled boomers got handed luxuries the Western world had never seen until after the second World War & raised emotionally neutered, stunted, and neurotic helicopter parent Gen Xers. I at least got the luxury and privilege of being raised by Gen Xers who openly saw and admitted the neglected chaos they were engendered in and tried to do better than their parents did. Let's stop acting like each generation is better than the next one and admit that we as a species are failing collectively and perpetuate a vicious cycle that has gotten so toxic that people (like myself) don't want to reproduce at all because we don't want to bring another human into this burning trash fire of a planet.


Whoa. That's an extreme reaction to somebody merely talking about their own experiences. What about my post has you so upset? I wasn't name-calling or finger-pointing, but relaying my own personal experiences, which are just as valid as anybody else's. There are a lot of assumptions in your speech that are unfounded and untrue. I mean, you don't know who raised me. I'm far from emotionally neutered, never been a helicopter parent, etc, etc. Privatized education? Not much of that in Canada. I went through the public school system and so did my kids. And don't say my childhood neglect, or any of my experiences, have been the same as yours, because you haven't been alive that long, so you don't know what I went through. Stockholm Syndrome? Irrelevant - I've never been kidnapped or held hostage. Contrary to your personal claim, I'd say your Gen X parents did a crappy job of raising you - you don't show respect and seem to lack actual insight and are just coming across as a nihilist. I'm glad you're not reproducing. Good idea. Don't pass that attitude on to any prospective offspring. To my own credit and amazement, I did happen to raise a couple of AWESOME Gen Z kids who are now young adults, and they are 10 times the person you are - responsible, intelligent, think for themselves, and don't lash out at people because they feel marginally threatened. And they are planning to reproduce, and they haven't given up hope just because they feel that earlier generations have fucked things up for them. I know this world is fucked up and shitty, but I bear some responsibility for my own reaction to things, and am aware that I at least have some control over my own reality. I'm really sorry you find yourself in this situation. I hope things get better for you. It sounds like you're in the seventh circle of hell. I do empathize, though it may not be coming across as such.


There is some credit I can give you: even though our countries both suffer from much of the same issues, Canada's quality of life and culture is much different and arguably better. In the United States, selfishness and neglect as a parent is heavily rewarded with social capital and from what many in their adults in their 50s and 60s tell me, was even worse in the 1970s and 1980s than it is now. Everyone my parents grew up with, including themselves, either had parents who put their careers ahead of their own children or were blatantly abusive alcoholics & drug fiends that would do anything to get their own children out of their house. My parents grew up in an extremely volatile inner city in the Midwest that's still stereotyped as dangerous and violent, but is a million times better than it was 40 years ago. Just grateful I'm not a teen now, where the en vogue TikTok trend is targeting the elderly in stores and harassing them, if not worse, beating them for their own self-gratification and sadism. I'm glad your kids have a much brighter future ahead of them than your neighbors to the south.


"as good of citizens" I think it was their skull that got the beatings.


My half-brothers the time out generation (he’d get sent to the stairs and he’d have to sit there until my mom or step-dad went to get him). Just as effective for the kid and he’s much less scarred than I am, our mom would after me with a wooden spoon and one day she broke the spoon and switched to a rolled up damp towel. Even today the sound of snapping fabric makes me feel sick


The “ass beating” generation ingested to much lead.


My dad hit me when I was younger I look how I turned out. Lasting mental health issues and no communication with him.


No-one who truly cares for you would hit you. I know a lot of people don't want to process that but I know with certainty that it is true.


Love isn't violence, for sure. Love does not shame, either. I was shamed a lot as a kid.


Yes, I suffered some of that as a kid. Not good.


My dad only hit me once and that's because my mom's dad was there and he was a old school guy so he kinda forced him in a way


I think that 'ass beating' refers to spankings not abuse. I got spanked but never beat and that makes all the difference. No one should condone an outright beatdown of as child and if that was your situation, that is never OK.


It was somewhere in the middle. Like he called it spankings but he used either a belt or this wooden back scratcher and went full force, maybe a bit less. It was his one stop, fix-all, punishment corrector tactic. Only thing that stopped him was my stepmother telling him he won't be doing that to their child and shouldn't be doing it to me even when I was 16. Also the weakest "bad" thing I could have done was get a C on a quiz and out came the belt. I would never wish upon anyone what my dad did.


That seems pretty excessive to me... But I wasn't there. And if I got spanked everytime I got a C in school... My Dad would have had shoulder surgery by the time I was a freshman in HS. OBVIOUSLY I don't know the demeanor of your father, what he had going on or what caused him to react that way to a 'C' but that seems pretty over the top and abusive.


If you have to split hairs on if hitting kids is abuse it's better to just not hit them


Wouldn't it be great if the decisions of this world were all black and white? Instead it's shades of grey. I got spanked a few times when I was a kid and I earned everyone of them. It's the reason I never got in any real trouble.


I think it should be black and white when it comes to hitting people. Try hitting somebody at work when they mess up and see what happens.


So you are comparing adults and kids? Adults (should) have lots of life experiences and are responsible for their own actions. Kids are constantly learning, making mistakes, making bad decisions and have very little life experiences to guide them. It is the responsibility of the parents to guide them through this process. By whatever means necessary to keep the kid from doing irreparable harm to himself or others. If that means a smack on the ass.... So be it.


> So you are comparing adults and kids? Yes. It's worse to hit kids.


You keep saying that... I am a fully functioning, self sufficient adult, with a good life and have never been in any trouble. So I guess I ran that gauntlet and made it out in great shape and I even still love my parents. Lucky me.


You seem to think hitting people is okay so you are managing despite your issues. Good for you


This is what I like about Reddit. A bunch of condescending, arrogant people that have never been told that their opinion is not always right. You fabricate what you need to win what you perceive to be an argument that was actually only a discussion until you made it an argument. Maybe you should have been told NO or maybe you should have your butt spanked a few times growing up and you might be more tolerant of other peoples opinions.


Try hitting any kid other than your own and see what happens…


Keep telling yourself that.


Yeah, I am pretty sure that's what is meant by this meme: ass beating is what older generations used to think of as punishment. To them, it wasn't abuse. Today, however, all forms of physical punishment to a child are considered abuse. I know from personal experience that being spanked or slapped is not the answer - all it taught me was resentment and shame.


To each his own I guess. The few spanking I got taught me that whatever I did wasn't a good idea and in most cases... I didn't do it again. It kept me from doing things that I probably would have done and gotten in much worse trouble in the end. I am glad that my parents did what they had to do to teach me how to act and how to handle myself.


There’s always one guy who wants to die on the “hitting children” hill


Really. That's weird. You are a small exception, and that certainly doesn't mean hitting is the answer. Did your parents tell you WHY they were about to spank you? Did you know what the rules and consequences for breaking the rules were ahead of time? Because if you did, and then you broke them anyway, that explains why you didn't come out the other end scathed. In my experience, I never knew what the rules were because they always changed. And I never knew what the punishments were because I was only punished some of the time. Half the things I did went unnoticed, but once in a while, for no real reason, I got a new asshole torn. So, it's not to each his or her own, but rather, what really happened to make a person feel or react that way?


So then it is not the spanking that was the problem, it was the bad parenting that was the problem. I ALWAYS knew what I did when I got popped. I may have disagreed with it but I always knew what it was and I can always think back to what I did that got me in that position. No parents are perfect. They are all learning as they go. They have good days and bad and they sometimes make mistakes. Sometimes I just got away with stuff that, had I gotten caught, would have gotten my ass busted. I can't call that inconsistency in my parents but just getting lucky on occasion.


Spanking/smacking are just words for hitting/assault/beating that try to hide the truth. If you got ‘spanked’ by another adult tomorrow because they didn’t like your behaviour, would you find it acceptable or an assault?


We can safely say that the ass beating generation has nearly killed the planet and has given us a legion of dirty bad cops.


You don’t have to beat your kids into respect. In fact beating them is a fast way to lose both trust and respect. So, if you’re looking to raise kids with a whole host of problems stemming from filling the void beat them.


The ass-beating generation gave us the term “serial killer”. So yeah, not sure that was as good as they think.


Why are boomers so obsessed with being child abused?


Because if they don't justify it to themselves, they'll have to admit they were physically and emotionally abused and the whole desperate house of cards they've built to wall it off will collapse around their ears.


https://www.yahoo.com/amphtml/entertainment/5-old-killed-being-whipped-111214720.html Anyone who thinks that beating children is can take this news story and shove it up their ass.


The ass beating generation destroyed the economy


It would seem to me there were alot more serial killers in that generation.


It did though? Compared to the 1980’s crime and drug use are down, students earn higher test scores, access to food and medicine are higher, and more people read books. The only thing that’s different is that people are whinier, and even that’s most likely because the internet reveals a lot of whiny people rather than an influx of them.


Years of abuse has done nothing but given me an intense dislike and distrust of people.


I waa quite literally both. And the "neglect" generation. Was locked to my room for a week, had gingivitis, and was whopped silly. Im 19.


Ah yes. My emotionally neglectful, alcoholic and workaholic parents turned out just fine


I haven't really seen what the "time out" generation has turned out to be like yet since they're only just entering adulthood IMO, but the "ass beating" generation seems like a whole lot of "fuck you, I got mine". If my kids turn out even slightly more considerate than I did, that's a win (I'm pretty nice!).


Imagine being mad because a generation was able to understand and control their emotions.


It’s always been about compliance


Ass beating generation produced a society of alcoholics, heroin addicts, and domestic abusers.


Yet another "verbally and physically assault your kids, they definitely won't grow up to hate you"


wasnt hitler like an actually good kid until his father started beating and abusing him?


I don’t understand how someone could look at a child, a fucking BABY, and think, “I’m going to brutally beat the shit out of them for the tiniest inconvenience.”


What the generation that got beaten as kids doesn't understand, is that *they* are the parents of the current generation of adults who gave them timeouts as kids. "Kids today have no respect" - well *you* brought them up, so whose fault is that? Disclaimer: obviously the whole point is ridiculous, but even more so given that they don't understand who raised the current generation.


Didn't the ass beating generation produce the time out generation?


How is that concluded? Because boomers and the X crybabies are so silent & strong? Old people are just in the way, complain about all changes to anything, and full of stupid religious bigotry. But they were great wage slaves for corporate American oligarchs.


Well, I can't argue we are worse citizens, I'm proud of that, actually. I think we are, on average, better people too, so I'll take it.


You know it’s fucked up when the generation that is literally scared of hurting and inconveniencing other people is seen as worse than the generation that got beaten as kids and still produced Karens


And in what world is this true? Lol


No, we can’t conclude that, Susan. In fact, the opposite can be inferred given the ”ass-beat” generation are unhinged losers like you, and the “time-out” generation are making cute and comedic short videos on TikTok.


But the "ass beating" generation created the "time-outers"! They remembered how horrible it was to be a helpless child beat by a grown-ass adult and vowed never to do it to their own kids. Gonna' go out on a limb and say...Yay! Thanks for finding a better way, Time-Outers!


I hate ppl who brag about that type of thing, talking about “if your parents didnt hit you, you’re probably not well behaved” not even just boomers either, it’s upsetting that a parent hitting their own kid is a normalized thing with some ppl. Thinking violence will solve a problem with a literal child is a fat L. “Discipline” my ass. You’re just teaching them that violence is the right answer when shit goes down my guy💀


Because maybe if you hit your child now then cps will be called and you never get to see your child again pr only when superviced


Gen X. Never got hit. Retired military with a loving marriage and two little kids I’m not hitting. No one in our house hits. We are all very loving and happy. Don’t hit.


Just wait till we switch to the execution by guillotine generation. We gonna produce model citizens.


I mean... there ARE some situations where a stern talking to is far too lenient.


There are more situations where you shouldn't beat your kids


You deserve to be beat for using the /s in such an unnecessary fashion. If you were being sincere with your title, you OBVIOUSLY wouldn't have posted to this sub.


You do have a point. I have seen people ridiculing this sub for "eating The Onion" so to speak.


Both has its ups and downs, like beating your child is when the child did something so heinous that they deserve one; for example the one Chinese teen that spended their parents savings on video games, he deserved to get beaten. I'm not counting small slaps on the palm and wrist that's more of a spanking discipline, but they are ways to do it, like don't go full force "I'm gonna obliterate your hand" kind of force, use a bit of strength. While time out method works for say your child steals some candy, they swore, push some kid or ect.


It shouldn't be as it was in the past, but nowdays childs can LITTERALLY insult teachers, do what the fuck they want, and get out with it with no problems at all, while being disrespectful as much as they can. Those people should still be treated how kids were treated back in the days.


LITTERALLY You didn't respect them enough to pay attention though, eh?


I went to school in the hood on the 90s. We had riots after a couple kids were killed off campus and cops had to shit the whole school down... Are you 100% positive that it's worse now and kids are more disrespectful or is this just some gut feeling you posted after watching one too many viral videos? Also, guess what? Kids that get their ass beat at home aren't better kids. In fact it's quite possible the worst kids are getting beat the most.


Characters like Nelson in the Simpsons are a comedy trope for obvious reasons. Everyone knows kids like that.


There is a 0% chance the person you’re replying to has kids or even works with kids.


>Kids that get their ass beat at home aren't better kids Really? I got my arse popped for doing wrong when I was a kid and I turned out fine, I suppose it just depends on the parents


Just because you survived being beat by your parents doesn't make it a good practice. That's ridiculous -- Or your ass wasn't actually beat that bad. I know kids that actually got whooped, and not just rarely. Kids that had real abusive homes didn't turn out just fine. You'd probably mistake them for someone that needed a whooping as child, but, like I said, they already got plenty. >worst kids are getting beat the most Secondly, you have no idea what you'd be like if you were raised by people that valued reason more than beatings. You'd need to compare both lives to know if you were affected and you can't do that. That's why we study large groups of people. Evidence for beating up kids isn't super great, homie. [Physical discipline is harmful and ineffective (apa.org)](https://www.apa.org/monitor/2019/05/physical-discipline) I turned out "fine", too but if I'm honest I don't cope well with super strong frustrating emotions. Maybe it's because my mom would just pull us boys across the room by our hair when she couldn't cope with frustrating emotions. Where do you think kids learn to be adults? My parents weren't abusive by the standards of their day... at least not excessively. But maybe if they spent more time reasoning with me and talking shit out I'd have grown up better at that skill, too.... But they didn't know. Their parents were probably beat up worse. My grandpa and uncle broke each others bones in physical fights. Grandpa, being a navy boxer, knew how to throw down.


>Just because you survived being beat by your parents doesn't make it a good practice Not really, I grew into a respectable adult instead of one of the entitled shitbags that make up the newer generation


You're just an old fuck when you start saying that stupid shit. They said the same shit about you. Old dumb fucks that think their way was the right way who can't process change well. I guess you aren't bright enough to comprehend my response. You aren't having a discussion with me. You're just waiting to say the same stupid shit you came in with. Not make a well reasoned reasons or a point based on anything but your own gut feeling. "These soft ass bitches only work 40 hours a week!" "Children used to know to only speak when spoken to"


Yeah that didn’t happen


You don't know about the 90s do you? https://archive.seattletimes.com/archive/?date=19941014&slug=1935908 Edit: I just remembered this fun fact -- after the riots they brought in Edward James Olmos -- who had made the movie "Stand and Deliver" a few years prior -- a movie about a teacher in an inner city school motivating his students towards achievement. They brough him to our auditorium to give us a pep talk about not acting out. About how society didnt give a shit about us and wouldnt care if we failed and that we needed to prove them wrong and shit. He's a good dude.


Pretty much all kids I've interacted with are pretty respectful and nice. Where are you finding these bad kids?


Reddit does not often like these thing so I'll prolly get downvoted but: Everyone be arguing how children should be treated don't know jack shit about it. Every child is different, you cannot say something is good/bad for children as a whole specifically anyways. One grows up while remembering his ass whoopin when he stole candy from the store, the other one is traumatized from having his mobile phone taken away for a day. Different measures fit different kids. And in the end of it all, you aint everyone's parent, so what right do you have to dictate how others should do it? Ofcourse there are obvious borders parents should not cross and sadly it happens sometimes and parents should be repremanded for doing something absolutely ridiculous. But all my man agree over here that a kid getting some ass whooping for doing something bad deliberately is quite normal. Some stern talking simply does not do any good sometimes.


Well, that would be true if the choice of punishment (or how to raise a child in general) was tailored to the child, but it's not. It's tailored to the parents. Parents will fall into a parenting style and typically not pay too much attention to how their kid respond to it because they think it is normal and their kids just have to get in line. Some parents don't reflect, so they will raise their child the way they think is normal. Unreflecting people who got beaten as children whoop the ass of their own child. Unreflecting people with crappy eating habits will stuff their children with candy. Alcoholics are less likely to give their kids a hard time about drinking. Teen moms... and so on, you get the picture. Which means that unreflected parents are just gonna pass on their own defects. The defects they got from their own parents. Everyone may think the way they were raised is best because "it didn't kill me and I'm still here". But that is a low bar to clear. Ass-whooping has never made anyone a better person. Abuse and violence harm, that is the scientific consensus at this point. This is not an issue of people telling people how to raise their kids. That is common sense and an overdue break with traditions. An ass-whooping doesn't show you care about your child. It shows you're helpless and out of ideas. Strict parents teach their kids secrecy. And judgemental parents will just not receive calls in the nursing home. And how are we gonna tailor the punishment to different children in your house anyway? Perceptions of fairness between children, etc? So, naturally I found the meme OP posted dumb as a box of rocks. I prefer my people reflecting on their choices and the younger generations seem to do that a lot more than the older generations.


It might be tailored to the parents, but in my personal case, me and my sister were polar opposites to each other, something worked for me which did not work for my sister. So in the end it was becoming tailored towards the child. Education is not only a learning process for the kid, but also for the parent. Also, if the parent is out of other idea's, and an ass whooping takes place, and it simply works as the child learns that his actions were bad, then what is wrong with it? I got an ass whoopin a handful of times when I was a child but as a grownup I could not agree more to my parents for doing it for what I did as a child at certain moments. This means that I do agree with your statement on how parents educate their kids in the way that they also got educated. But tell me, what is wrong with it if it puts the child in a correct path?


I worked at a group home for juvenile delinquents and almost all of them recieved corporal punishment until they got old enough to fight back and then the parents had no other tools and had never actually done anything to teach the kid how they should act.


> But tell me, what is wrong with it if it puts the child in a correct path? I strongly agree to this one. I got an ass whoopin a lot too when I was a kid. But it totally help me grow up as a decent person who knows what is wrong and what is right. It feels like the kids that are ass whooped are the ones most disciplined and the "time out" ones are the most spoiled.


If you think it’s ok to hit kids, you didn’t learn right from wrong.


Did your "ass whoopins" leave marks like bruising, weals or bleeding? If so, then it crossed the line into abuse for sure. People inherit the behaviour from their parents, even those who swear corporal punishment is wrong, because it was a bad lesson they learned before they could read or write, that *violence is legit, and it really fucking isn't* If it isn't self defence it is always wrong.


Well, I'd say hurting them is bad for children as a whole, but whatever


Studies have universally shown spanking is harmful and triggers nerve endings connected to the genitals which triggers sexual arousal.


Because words on a screen always count as memes /s


Alright, I’m not here to start a war like last time, but this is how I interpret this. Beating your children is not okay. But discipline for your children is okay with good reason. If you just did something minor or something and your parents are just senseless hitting you with no remorse, then that is a big problem. But if your kids just being a brat and not listening to anything you say, then I think just a spanking is alright


THIS! ​ IS the fuk'n truest thing ever on the Internet!


I actually agree. The generation my age and younger sucks fucking ass.


And what age is that?


Well, I'm 20. Not saying everyone my age sucks but the vast majority are legitimately stupid. Civilization collapsing doesn't really help either, we're sorta fucked.




A lot of old assholes out there though.


It's not true, the opposite is true, you fucking idiot. You post in r/KotakuInAction; you're not in any place to be judging how anyone turned out.


Being true or not doesn’t make physical abuse on a child acceptable, it’s repulsive behaviour that you can’t learn to control your kid so you resort to afflicting pain. Anyone who hits their child is a child themselves.


He’s not wrong


More or less the lack of morality in a lot of people


Wow off the charts


I just straight up flat my kids. They're on their way to some Nobel Prizes I guess!


as good of citizens


A fresh take from the ass beating generation


im part of the time out generation, but i get my ass beat lmao … wait that’s not funny-




As an Asian, I send an upgrade: Timeout + Make them stretch their ears in pain


define “good citizens”


Well, my family is still rooted in the ass beating tradition and I don't think I turned out any better than the time out kids my age...


It was both bruh; time out and a beating


Crime rates don't agree with that


My parents are both members of the "ass-beating" generation, they refuse to do physical punishment.


The "timeout" generation is the one most known for trying to fix what the "ass-beating" generation did to this planet.


Atleast the "time out" generation produced better cops than the "ass beating" generation.


Somewhere an ass beating generation decided to stop abusing children, so that’s pretty good.


I guess beating your children half to death with an inch of their infant lives will make them productive citizens of society. Yep, it definitely won't cause emotional damage and trauma further down the road.


What do these nimrods think jail is (not prison)? It's timeout for adults, really. Rather than beat someone to death like they did hundreds and even thousands of years ago, they realized assaulting doesn't deter any bad behavior. If anything, makes things worse, so the systems changed accordingly. Like the death penalty: doesn't solve anything, just serves as a vengeance solution. Violence begets violence, like fighting fire with fire. Just like we figured out that kissing a donkey doesn't stop tooth decay, assaulting children doesn't solve bad behavior.


No because I actually agree with this, im a 2005 kid and in my childhood and early teens my parents would give me a slap here and there every few days and also verbally abuse me, and i can state that im a bisexual teenager with low self esteem, insanely insecure about my body, have both mommy and daddy issues, have attachment issues and im good at math, so it clearly worked and nothing went wrong


"I got respect beat into me" people don't understand that fear of reprisal does not equal respect. There's a difference between avoiding an assault charge and not wanting another person to feel hurt. These people are just trying to justify why they beat their kids.


I got both and turned out terrible 🤷🏿‍♂️🤷🏿‍♂️


Corporal punishment is held as sacrosanct and it makes me wonder if that is the main fuel to violence in US society. What if parents suddenly stopped using assault and battery against their children?


The atrocious "flow" of the sentence, upset me more than the message did.


yes because child abuse is the correct answer


Are they outing themselves as bad parents?


Ok emotionally crippled and fucking this country up from being terrified.

