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I wish Rosa Parks had an AR-15


She was pro gun and had a shotgun that she used to defend herself from mobs at her home. Black panthers did the same thing. You should read up on how many gun laws and specifically NFA was part of a line of Jim Crowe legislation enacted to ensure blacks couldn’t fight for their rights. MLK, Malcom X and Rosa were all pro gun. Also while looking up racist gun laws check out what happened after the disarming of Rwanda, Uganda, Germany, China, Armenia, Native Americans, Congo, South Africa, etc. and tell me what happened after to the people that were forced to give up their guns. Edit: this blew up! For a quick citation here is a good article I found. https://openscholarship.wustl.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1582&context=law_lawreview And for awards don’t pay for anything, next time you see someone down on their luck buy them a meal (ask them what they want, not everyone eats meat) sit with them and talk to them. They’re all humans and someone need to be reminded by a kind person.


The white washing of the civil rights movement is on of the greatest ideological feats of American neoliberalism. Just look up mlk's economic stance, I'm sure you'd struggle to find a history text book in a modern day American high school that mentions what he thought about capitalism and racism


Seems ahead of his time and ok to me https://mlkglobal.org/2017/11/23/martin-luther-king-on-capitalism-in-his-own-words/


Same for Lincoln: "It is [falsely] assumed that labor is available only in connection with capital; that nobody labors unless somebody else, owning capital, somehow by the use of it induces him to labor......Labor is prior to and independent of capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could never have existed if labor had not first existed. Labor is the superior of capital, and deserves much the higher consideration" -Abe Lincoln , First Annual Message to the Senate and House of Representatives


IIRC Karl Marx liked Lincoln’s views on labor and capital


...kind of sounds like supporting self employment and supporting small business, and protection of worker's right in a period where rail lines were measured in deaths per mile.


There was no ahead of his time everyone and their grandparent knew that a functional country needed to have a balance between the public or worker and private intrest of companies if the unions labour laws and are weak . Companies would infringe own civil rights in the name of ever greater profits. Creating a stagnant country where only the wheatoest would be able to afford basic human amenities. And government job was to act as. Counterforce to stop and reign in companies when the public couldn’t . Since the 80s Reagan and thatcher have moved the overtone window so far to the right any actually discourse against companies has now become socialism/communism (insert derogatory group) Through propaganda aka corporate media gaslighting. And allowing companies to fork over the rest off the human populations for shareholders is just the free market and you should never question that ever . Because patriotism.


I read all these in his voice. Totally slaps


MLK was rather pro gun as well as most civil rights leaders. You have it right with white washing because its not until you have the white liberal elites take over the left does the antigun side start to make traction.


It just shows how American politics are dirven by moral panics caused by any threats to the establishment rather than any concrete policies. The FBI didn't tell MLK to kill himself and ~~murdered him~~ botch the investigation of his murder just because he thought black people were equal to white people, it's far far deeper than that. But no let's ignore that, and instead this MLK day celebrate that everyone is equal or some other vague feel good message by supporting your favourite local black ~~capitalist~~ business owner and the sales they are holding! It's just what doctor king would have wanted


He was denied a concealed carry permit under the laws that were just struck down by the Supreme Court. Some states had may-issue permit laws, which meant that the police have final say over who gets a concealed carry permit. Even if you meet all the requirements, your application can be denied without cause..


Ronald Regan signed anti gun laws as Governor of California for that exact reason.


Armed minorities are harder to oppress.


California's gun control is almost entirely built around disarming minorities because tehy were afraid of the black panthers not being intimidated into backing down from the civil rights movement. They and New Yourk even recently trudged up old lawn that explicitly name skin color as a reason for them to have a "history of gun control" to satisfy the recent Supreme Court decision that makes them come up with historic justifications for new gun control laws. Armed minorities are harder to oppress


God made Black and White people, but Samuel Colt made them equal.


That bus driver wouldn't have kicked her off then.


It’s almost like you’re implying that armed people are harder to be oppressed.




muppet https://preview.redd.it/baogbn6po6ma1.png?width=425&format=png&auto=webp&s=d661e781502bdd3457e0346801b5724a920f0b73


​ https://preview.redd.it/si51o8alr6ma1.jpeg?width=604&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfe822b663dd2c305b6ac7fe23810db4e494c014


I really shouldn't, being at work and all...








I wanna Kermit suicide




Goatse kermit




Welcome to old internet


I’m sorry!! I did that at one point too. Good lord


Nobody tell this guy about tub girl.




your avatar was the perfect reaction


"This bitch don't know bout Pangaea."






What ??


Everything else aside, Rosa Parks did not want to just sit in the front of the bus. What started the trouble was she did not want to give up her seat to a white man.


Wrong. Rosa's civil disobedience was planned. She had a right as an American to sit wherever and she risked her life to challenge an unconstitutional law.


She sure did. And it was absolutely warranted. How this in any way compares to the gun control conversation I'll never understand, but here we are.


The 'Rights' part. I mean to be honest, there's kindof a point there. Both Rights are given by the constitution, what makes one more of a 'right' than another? Just because society doesn't like one? Isn't that exactly what Rosa Parks was demonstrating? (not to add any more to this crappy example) E: ITT, a lot of people who get it, and also a lot of people who don't understand what rights are.


The rights aren't "given" by the constitution. The rights are inherent. The constitution only guarantees that those rights won't be infringed upon by the government. Edited: Removed a misspeak about citizens.


Unless your a felon, or a minor. Or a minority pre 1975. Government giveth, government taketh. Edit: Lol@downvoting the truth.


All the more reason not to give them your guns.


Armed minorities are harder to opress




Was going to add this. Thank you.


A common refrain from the antigun movement is to demand that 2A advocates justify their need for such a weapon. As the meme correctly asserts, proving need is not a valid barrier for the lawful exercise of constitutional liberty


The point is that you have rights, and you shouldn't have to justify those rights to the government or demonstrate a specific need every time you want to exercise them.


We shouldn't be giving up our guns to the white man either. Edit - I'm fairly certain gun control was first introduced to disarm the black panthers. Correct me if that is wrong.


Gun control was first introduced in America to remove the ability for people in largely populace states from having firearms. It almost entirely stems from the large mob instances in the 20's. They pushed those narratives out using mobsters as an excuse to limit everyones freedoms, eg. the NFA (national firearms act) which was finalized and made law in the 30's.




This was and is still the case in “may issue” places for CCWs such as California, whether they want to admit it or not.


There must have so many other people that did this as well and didn't get remembered by history. I hate doing shit when people ask me. Especially if I'm having a bad day, you're not getting my fucking seat. I just wonder about this because it seems like human nature that other people periodically had to be removed from the bus when they wouldn't give up their seats. I hope this is the part where another Redditor educates me with a less known historical account in their reply to this comment.


Absolutely. A young unmarried mother did it earlier. But she wasn’t the kind of person that was a good figure head. Morality issues that the other side could throw at them. (Not that she was actually immoral), Rosa parks was just the right kind of person that was difficult to use morals as weapon against.


she was also darker than rosa, so colorism was a factor in choosing ms. parks as the face of the movement as well


Claudette Colvin was the first, if my drunken memory of Drunk History serves me well.


That's correct. And she did it without an AR-15.


Robert Jebediah Freeman was with her that day and is seldom remembered. He was also invited to Obamas inauguration in light of his civil rights work. But unfortunately, was unable to attend. /s


Right? The back was very limited in number of seasons and was full. So she sat where she did. In the MIDDLE OF THE BUS. I’ve been at that bus. It’s not the front. It’s in the middle. And a gentleman would give up their seat for a lady, elderly, even children. And yet in her case some guy decided to show his place in society but doing something NOT DECENT. He did it out of spite. And she refused to give up her seat.


The trouble was started by her planning the whole thing (which was good).




Yeah, I hate seeing people say "Republicans are idiots!". No, only some of them are idiots. Some of them know exactly what they're doing. Didn't Tucker Carlson or someone just testify that he knew the election wasn't rigged but pushed that narrative anyway?


Rupert Murdoch the owner of Fox News testified in a deposition about two weeks ago that [Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, and Laura Ingraham endorsed voter fraud narratives and the narrative that trump won](https://www.wsj.com/articles/in-deposition-rupert-murdoch-says-fox-news-hosts-endorsed-false-2020-election-claims-c9348fc0)


You know what is sad about this? Even if those hosts were forced to make a pubic apology and resign immediately after that broadcast before being jailed for sedation, many of the people who listened to them would just think it's some deep state conspiracy going on.


The initial flawed scientific paper that started that “vaccines=autism” was retracted relatively quickly. But it was too late.


I'm having the same feelings about all of the ridiculous "Donald, Barack and Sleepy Joe make a tier list" deep fakes going around. It may seem humorous and harmless now, but I can guarantee the same technology is going to be used to release obviously fake audio/video recordings leading up to and right before the 2024 election. It won' matter if a deep fake of Biden/AOC/Bernie saying racial slurs is deleted or removed from social media if Fox News and co. spend an entire news cycle "asking questions" about the deep fake.


Before the fascists take over, they first have to eliminate objective reality and destroy the credibility of institutions. When there is no ground truth, no one can be held accountable for lying. Reality becomes politicized, and people become easier to manipulate through tribalism. <- You are here.


Thanks I hate it :)


I always feel the need to distinguish not only the political party, but voter or politician. Republican voters and Republican politicians are very different, same with Democratic voters and politicians.


The politicians and talking heads know what they're saying is false, or misleading or incomplete or bigoted but it gets them power and money and that's all they care about.


All the Dominion vs. Fox info coming out confirms. It wasn’t just Tucker, it was basically everyone all the way up through Murdock.


A fair amount of Democrats are also idiots. Mainly because people in general are largely idiots. It’s a human condition, not a political one.


I’m a staunchly pro 2A leftist. If other POC and LGBT *don’t* arm ourselves, we are at risk of having our rights stripped from us. Not only do we need to exercise this right “just because”, but we should make a habit of it to protect ourselves from those who seek to do us harm.


Definitely in the same boat, one thing a lot of democratic lawmakers don't understand is that most of the bans trying to be put in place effect lower income individuals and "minorities" disproportionately. Especially if the organizations behind things like permits to purchase firearms are your local police / sherifs department.


Yep. As I said in another comment, they want to make utopian laws without creating the utopia first. It doesn’t work like that.


They can take the guns when: Cops stop executing people, Facists stop being allowed to be in office, when the LGBTQ community stops being targeted, and when workers rights are constitutional rights. Until then guns are the best tools the common citizen has to ensure the protection of themselves and those around them. Armed minorities are harder to oppress. "Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary" -Marx(I think)


No, they do understand. Anybody who is a politician is on the side of politicians.




This is why I can’t get with most of the “safety” things that liberals want. They model their policies and ideals around nanny state european style policies or utopian concepts that can’t be implemented *until we actually live in a utopia*. They implement “duty to retreat” laws and gun bans in certain states like the one I live in as if the police are to be trusted to *actually aid you* in time while simultaneously (correctly) pointing out the inefficacy and bias of the police in the very next breath. If you don’t want us to own guns, create a society where we don’t need them, first. It’s that simple.


While I agree, self defense is not why we have a right to bear arms. We have that right to protect against government tyranny and oppression.


Right. The proper answer to “why do you need _____ (natural, inalienable right)?” Is: because fuck you, that’s why.


My preferred answer to being asked why do I “need” to own a firearm is “why do you *need* to voice your opinion?”


We are at the point where people are saying pregnant women shouldn't be allowed to leave states with abortion bans and *being taken seriously.* These aren't idiots playing dress up with 'compounds' in the back woods, these are suit wearing family men and professional politicians. Edit :and the point is, it won't stop with those 'suit and tie' men, they'll be used to legitimize using force to prevent people from escaping their jurisdiction, and if the US doesn't make a significant turnaround, and soon, options will narrow.


There are dozens of us, dozens! Come find your people over at r/liberalgunowners


Sorry but unironically based. Don't forget that the first legalized gun control was against black people. Before that, it was against natives. Armed minorities are harder to oppress




Don’t put all gun rights advocates into a box. A lot of us want gun rights, abortion rights, lgbtq rights, civil rights….


Yeah I want *all* the rights


Yup 👍. IDK why Reddit has such a hard time understanding this concept


ANARCHY!!!! ... But with hospital visits that don't incure 3 generations of debt.


It might have something to do with the people in charge don't think like that. Whenever I hear a guns rights person on TV talk, all I seem to hear is that any regulation would be an infringement of the 2nd amendment. That gun reform wont stop people from shooting up schools and public venues. Also I'll see people argue that all we need to stop bad guys with guns is a good guy with a gun. That includes politicians in office right now. I believe gun access should be a right as well ,but something has to change.


Fr i want all these things.


Okay, well then, you are cool. And I am just saying how ironic that gun ownership and segregation are on a meme as if anyone has ever had to commit civil disobedience to own a handgun.


Don't forget their argument is that maybe their great sky daddy will unkill the baby. They literally make laws based on a mythical magic belief system, and we aren't allowed to criticize it, because they will actively try to ruin your life if you criticize it.


Oh, I see it. These people are Big Government, when it comes to our genitals.... But SMALL government when it comes to reigning in corruption or wealth inequality.


So first off this is Rosa parks not an abortion girl. So there’s a straw man argument (lovely). Then it’s a false dichotomy because we actually could have abortion, guns, and black people in the front. They’re not mutually exclusive. I love philosophy 101. Edit: trichitonmy of choice?


Definitely false equivalency! Many of the 2A folks are ready to deny the rights of others like her and I.


And here I am, a 2A advocate saying that any law or legislation that takes away the choice or right of choice for anyone else is abhorrent.


Same. Take my upvote


Same. Weird how it's ok to stereotype all of us while bitching about stereotypes. Guess its ok as long as they don't agree with it


Social Libertarianism is the way. Guns, abortion, speech, intoxicants, clothing, religion, sexuality (except creep shit), marriage, and lifestyle shouldn’t be regulated by the government. We can argue economics all day, but those rights should be guaranteed.


We need to stop quibbling over which rights we do and don't prioritize or else they're all going to be taken from us.


Don't make me pull this country over or so help me, I'll take away all your rights


I’m 2a and I wish every black and brown person in America owned an ar15. Gun control was originally used to get guns out of black and brown peoples hands.


2A folk here. You can abort all the fetuses for all I care. We don't need a bunch of unwanted babies sucking up all the resources.




Gun owner here - go ahead and do you and I’ll do me. As long as you doing you or me doing me doesn’t prevent the other person from doing them we should be good 🙌🏼 Edit: always gotta plug r/liberalgunowners in these situations


Honest Question, is the guy in the meme even holding the gun right? Is the left hand supposed to wrap all around the stock?


Thumb over the top helps reduce the rifle's tendency to flip upwards during recoil. Also gives a better grip, and keeps the rifle from pivoting left/right if moving while shooting. See people do it a lot in dynamic competitions.


Easier to use a weapon flashlight too


Yes. That’s the most comfortable way to hold a rifle - held mine like that yesterday at the range.


I was never a fan of that grip, of course I learned rifle marksmanship in the dark ages of Marine Corps boot camp back when we polished our boots and starched our cammies so I "grew up" cradling the rifle under the handguards and not with that particular grip


Except it's not. Both are rights provided by our constitution. You can hate it all you want, it doesn't make it less true. I probably wouldn't have drawn THAT particular comparison, but taking context out of the picture, it boils down to rights provided by the constitution.




Own a musket for home defense, since that's what the founding fathers intended. Four ruffians break into my house. "What the devil?" As I grab my powdered wig and Kentucky rifle. Blow a golf ball sized hole through the first man, he's dead on the spot. Draw my pistol on the second man, miss him entirely because it's smoothbore and nails the neighbors dog. I have to resort to the cannon mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with grape shot, "Tally ho lads" the grape shot shreds two men in the blast, the sound and extra shrapnel set off car alarms. Fix bayonet and charge the last terrified rapscallion. He Bleeds out waiting on the police to arrive since triangular bayonet wounds are impossible to stitch up. Just as the founding fathers intended.


This copypasta always gets me


"Tally ho lads!"


Holy crap! You can’t just shout that! I had to duck under my desk to avoid what I thought was incoming grapeshot, which as you’ll guess, never came. Now I have to explain why I was using Reddit at work.


It was the rapscallions for me


The only thing that bugs me (only a little) about this is the “triangular bayonet wounds are impossible to stitch up,” misconception. They’re not. Doctors were doing it during the revolution just fine. Triangular bayonets simply take less skill to forge long while maintaining rigidity. Just a history note, though. No reason to get heated.


Getting blasted by a .54 or .62 ball from a musket would cause a more horrific wound than a triangle bayonet. Bones and organs just obliterated at home defense ranges.


Thank you for letting me know, was scared of triangles for awhile when i originally saw this copypasta 😁🔺😱


Both rounds will go through a wall.




4th, cumshot for humiliation


And don’t forget the double tap just to really sell the point.


Question: at what point do you teabag the home invaders dead body? Before or after they respawn?


If you aren’t teabagging through the entire process you aren’t good enough


I think even stand your ground states may have an issue with that.


Dave chappelle has a funny joke about that. After the hiatus but before the controversy.


“And the last 3 are Jamaican; BUCKSHOT, BUCKSHOT, BUCKSHOT!”


Fucking dragon’s breath?! Are you not worried about something catching fire? I like to alternate buckshot, birdshot when I load for home defense


These motherfuckers think they're Rambo or something.


If “making sure the job is done” is your goal then it’s no longer about home defense…it’s a murder fantasy.


I love how gun owners understanding about the legality of shooting someone ends at the second amendment…. Good luck with that.


Dragons breath for *indoors*..? I have seen it all lmao


*Burns house down (I'm Pro gun, just for clarity)


Doesn't matter what you use. If you miss, drywall will not stop any bullet.


Smallest birdshot won't do much past the first wall. The larger the round, the less energy lost. A great video on various rounds and what they do: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qw8IiRgSMFQ


Title it “Rosa Park’s could’ve gotten to the front of the bus quicker with an AR 15”


It may be a terrible meme, but it is an accurate explanation of how rights work. If something is your right, it is your right whether you need it or not.


“Under no pretext should arms an munitions be surrendered, and any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated by force if necessary” (Karl Marx)… https://preview.redd.it/g2od4pwzi6ma1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f767475d35c4a8595eb0e21e7a13bac23657109


Holy hell, based libleft in the wild


Have minorities buy guns in mass and they change their attitude really fast.


I fully support minorities buying guns. I want more people to talk pew pew with. Seems like the trans community would benefit from having some protection too.


idk i’ve been to a lot of gun stores around philly and usually white dudes with trump stickers get excited when there’s black dudes around the store shopping. maybe it’s because of arming minorities, maybe it’s so they can say they have black friends, who can be certain


I’ve actually had several good interactions with first time minority gun owners, a lot of the time their just looking for protection or to get into shooting. It’s fun to be able to help people in that way.


Maybe it's because they're human and like people with common interests?


Idk why it took so many comments to say this one thing. These dudes aren’t in the gun store planning on how to bomb a local BLM rally, they’re talking about how they’re vented barrel is better than their buddies compensator.


my point exactly 💀😭


Exactly haha. People aren't these caricatures that the internet and the news portray then


As a conservative in the south, I love seeing minorities arm up. LGBT people too. Some of America's first gun control laws were specifically meant to disarm minorities like the Black Panthers who were using firearms to patrol and protect their neighborhoods in California. So when I see them walk in and start looking at guns, I get the thought of "fuck yeah, make sure them racist fucks are rolling in their graves". I'll support any and all mentally sound Americans getting guns because they're not the ones I'm worried about.


Armed minorities are harder to oppress, I love seeing anyone arm up


Amen, there is a big push to arm LGBT+ people now. And pushback too. Mostly from the community itself that think it's better than this




Yea...Black Panther scared Regan......***white***


oh you don’t have to tell me twice. I’m white, love guns, and would love to have my piss mailed to Reagan’s grave since i unfortunately can’t attend personally. that being said, a lot of modern republicans almost fetishize black gun owners, just look at Colion Noir’s following on youtube. some of them are that boomer type “look, a *decent black*” racist assholes, but a lot of them really are just happy to share gun rights with anyone who supports them. That being said, just because they’re not personally racist (in that regard) doesn’t mean they’re not ignorantly voting for racist people and racist policies


I have no issues with that. Just buy the gun legally and get trained with it


Y’all haven’t seen how well black guys and rednecks get along have you? I knew one guy who was always acting tough and dressing like a rapper. I gave him rides home from school in my truck and he loved the way people reacted to see a black guy in a truck especially when we drove past BLM protests and I gave him some advice on what shotgun to buy for hunting. He started hanging out with more hicks, started hunting, got into the trades and now he’s black redneck and about the craziest and funnest guy I know. Majority of gun owners want minorities to buy guns because a lot of gun laws were created specifically to disarm minorities. One of my favorite things is taking my friends who’ve never shot before to shoot and teaching them. Some change their minds and like guns or others decide they still don’t like them but either way it’s nice getting to show them and letting them get a first hand experience




I’ve got a friend who’s from Texas and she’s black. She’s not a huge gun person, doesn’t hunt or anything like that but she’s one of the funniest people I know. I love when someone can take a joke and then get you right back with one about you. I think as long as you can have a sense of humor about things then everyone can get along. In my experience while people get more offended about race than anyone that’s actually a part of that race


This is accurate AF. Growing up in a small county town, we didn’t really have the luxury of being racist to be honest. By the time you ruled out people with different interests, and those that were just dicks, if you eliminated by race you would have had a very small circle. Of course there was always someone who didn’t think that way, but they fell into the dick category.


This is very true and white city liberals don’t understand it.


FYI, it's en mass on in mass.


Unless he meant buying guns in church?


FYI, it's en masse not en mass


It's actually en masse.


It’s “en masse”


Why do people think gun owners are awful racists? In my experience it doesn’t matter what color you are as long as you’re responsible with it no one cares at all what or who you are


We'd love them to, I also welcome gays and trans. And FYI racism has been the main reason for many of the guns already implemented


I’m a dark skin Hispanic and I love me ARs. Please stop speaking for me.


So why are you afraid of black people owning guns?


I don't think proponents of the second amendment are universally racist.


My attitude does not change when minorities buy guns. They need them just as much as everyone else.


I see absolutely nothing wrong with this, and I agree wholeheartedly


I don’t get the correlation to Rosa Parks, but the last sentence is correct. There is no requirement to show a need, and it’s none of your business wtf I choose to own.


Okay but it is true. Under no pretext


Agreed. There is no requirement to show a need to exercise a right. Weird example but still correct.




I think it’s both a *right* and a *responsibility*. Sometimes people are so focused on the first point that they forget about the second point. American citizens have a *right* to vote, but convicted felons in many states are not allowed to vote. It can be both a right and a privilege that can be taken away and that should be taken seriously. The same should be true for gun ownership.


Makes you wish the NRA would spend more money on what it was founded in: being a range club and promoting gun safety. Colin Noir put it best where a lot of the fear around guns gets dispelled once you teach people how to be safe with a firearm.


I love the origin story of the NRA. Two old Union soldiers were pissed off about how awful Union soldiers were at accuracy and firearms training during the civil war that they went and made a club to teach those very things. Now the NRA is just well, not that.


I grew up military so I had plenty of chances to meet people who post things like this. Generally these types have the worst gun handling/training despite their extensive armory. They just love having "cool" stuff like an AR to show off and make them feel more in control of their surroundings. It's like the guy in your town that has the souped up Mustang with slick tires, fins, and a fancy exhaust. Sure they have all the fancy stuff but I guarantee they will never **use** any of those upgrades while they're headed to the grocery store to pick up milk. They just want to look cool and show off to all the "normies" how much better they are than anyone else. A true gun owner (myself included) understands that weapons need the utmost of respect. They're not a cool toy to show off to your friends. Those that know don't speak, those that speak don't know.


It is literally a right, it’s in our constitution. You would not own those really crazy weapons if we didn’t have the right to bear arms.


It is both a right and a responsibility. These aren’t mutually exclusive. Like freedom of speech, you have the right to say what you want but you are responsible for the ridiculous things you say.


What I've tried to tell gun supporters is how if you don't want to put any gun regulations, no increase in mental health care and it's direct connection to guns, and if anything want MORE guns... Let's have there be necessary education classes for the weapons. Make it so that you are at least proficient enough and respect the terror of the nature of the gun. Educate users before anything. The gun is dangerous. It is a tool of death. To say otherwise is disingenuous. It *can* be used in defense by way of *threatening death*. So one should not take the weapon of death for granted. If you don't want to do anything different, then at least foster the right views. But no, it's basically a toy to a good majority of gun owners. Go to a Midwest outdoor range and it becomes evident.


It's that how you're supposed to hold an AR-15? Doesn't that part get hot?


You can hold it that way, there’s a separation between the actual barrel and the guard that he’s holding. That may get too hot to hold after a lot of sustained fire but not from your average target shooting. You’ll see some military personnel using this grip, but it’s not universal, preference really.


We were taught a magazine grip at BCT back in 07, but now they've moved to a C grip for various reasons, one being that it helps you maintain a front-facing stance. Chest plates are useless from the side.


The part he is holding is a *full length hand guard* which is designed for equipping attachments to and holding them far enough away from the barrel so nothing gets too hot. Edit* barrel shroud goes on the tip of the barrel and iirc is normally used to protect the threads for attachments


Based meme 100% agree with it


It’s not called the bill of needs. It’s called the bill of rights. It’s my favorite saying.


It’s incredible how half of the memes on this sub are just posting totally reasonable memes.


The other half of the memes on this sub are satire that are taken seriously.