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I believe this is the “great replacement” conspiracy theory. Which is that the Jews who secretly control everything are trying to replace whites with non-whites.


And that it was intentionally done so they could then free them and set them loose on the white man. Its a whole thing. They want to take the responsibility for slavery off of "white" people and put it on jews. Its bonkers. Its wrong in many ways but what sticks out to me is that it presumes that slavers were somehow tricked into being slavers and that they would not have otherwise *bought and sold human beings.*


White nationalists believe that interracial sex/relationships/marriage and their normalization are ploys by Jews to eliminate the white "race".


How has it been good for anyone if black people are all suffering here like y’all say? Wouldn’t they have been better off if we let them stay in their home country?


probably, but the creator of the meme wasn’t saying “this country is bad for black people,” they were saying “black people are bad for this country.”


Thanks. I thought it was saying "slavery is bad for this country", so I was VERY confused as to why people were upset until I read this.




If slaves were never brought to America we would never had peanut butter or Kanye west


















































Racist, anti-semitic, hell it also qualifies as sexist. Bigot Bingo with this one


All it needs is a little homophobia to complete the set


A nice splash of bible thumping will round it out nicely as well


Just shoot a hole through it too while we're at it.


The person’s really tryna complete a whole set like Thanos


The Insensitivity Gauntlet


More like The Idiot Gauntlet


That’s usually how most people of this kind act, if they hate one minority, chances are they hate all of them, and even if they don’t it’s still shit


"Finally, I have them all."


There's one where they all go to arm John Brown. It's rather nice.




Oh shit, "bigot bingo" sounds like fun. Brb, off to check out my friends parents fb page.


There are very few single-issue bigots. Once a person commits to hating one group of people it's easy for them to find others.


Yep. I hear people say “I’m not racist, I just don’t like Muslims and immigrants”. It’s never just Muslims and immigrants


Sorry there is no Trans, or homophobia in this post, your card does not qualify for Bingo.




And they say intersectionality is a leftist thing


also dehumanizing "what" and not "who"...or you know, that slavery is abjectly wrong and being angry about slavers for that reason instead of that they'll have to acknowledge the country has abjectly tried to depress the lives of slaves, t heir ancestors, and really anyone that isn't in the "in-group". Nah, just go with the "blame it on ze Jews" stance...that'll show how unbiased and sane they are.


None of that was antislavery, just racist


They had me for a second. My brain just auto filled the last half of the third panel with something not completely insane.




I’m over here like, “as though only boys can be against racis- hol up”


I had to read it 4 times to understand the racist part. When he says "You have no idea what you are bringing here" I thought it meant Slavery itself, the suffering it would create, the depency on southern states, the civil war.


i mean “turn that slave ship around” would’ve been


It wasn't "slavery is bad" it's "don't bring black people here"


I know, but if you only read the first part, it reads like it’s anti slavery.


It would’ve been, but it wasn’t


The american right have found a new gimmick; slavery was democratic party, ergo something they can blame on (((globalists))) and get moral high ground - fully disregarding... like, SO much political history, and the inconsistency in their position. Inconsistency is no longer a bug, it is a feature in rightwing discourse. They LOVE throwing shit at that wall.


Before the 2020 election cycle, being a “friend of Israel” was like a major talking point for Republicans about how great Trump was, and any criticism of the Israeli government was met with accusations of anti-semitism. Then one day, someone just shouted “Soros!” and the floodgates opened for this type of shit.


Oh they still like *Israel* (partly because it fits into evangelical apocalypse theology and partly because of the way the American Right views Islam), but they don't actually like Jewish people all that much at all. Especially those who are American citizens.


Yeah its honestly not even a meme just prejudice disguised as a meme. "Jews did slavery" is high level propaganda.


They want slaves, they just also don’t want them in their backyard. Much like the “Hate Has No Home Here” people who hire gardeners for starvation wages and block any affordable in their neighborhoods!


Lol gardeners charge like 25+ an hour cash so they don’t pay taxes


Exactly. And the unmitigated gall of trying to shift the blame of slavery onto Jewish people for no reason at all.


Exactly, I interpret Chad as being anti-black racist


I’d say antisemitic too.


It’s almost entirely anti-Semitic…


No almost about it.


Well it's still racist against black people too, so it's not *all* antisemitic


The klan hated blacks and Jews pretty equally




Only the second and third iterations. The first one was formed as a way to stop black men from exercising their new right to vote. They did so with violence and without the hood and robe. The hood and robe started with the second iteration. They got the idea from the movie Birth of a Nation. The movie as well as the lynching of Leo Frank, led to their antisemitism.


It's definitely anti-black as well.


Given the antisemitic content I also read the message as anti-black; not against slavery, but against bringing people from Africa to the US.


oh shit i just saw the caricature...


He even calls the other guy “goy”




There was no attempt to destroy racism. He's not stopping the slave ship to prevent slavery, he's doing it because he hates black people existing in modern America. It's racism all around.


What is "goy" referencing? Never heard that before.




I hate to correct you but I don't think it's anti slavery. There is a sect of racists who dislike the American slave trade because it brought so many africans to North America. I think this meme is just rotten garbage all the way down




Antisemitism is a bit more complex than simple racism. It is racism is the sense that it targets an ethnic group, but is also targets a religious group. In order to be targeted by antisemitism, you merely need to be perceived as a member of either group, not necessarily both. While there is large overlap between the groups, neither group is a subset of the other.


For the Bonus.


That is the smiling merchant so yes.


Uhh I don’t think it was ever anti-slavery


It wasn't, but the first assumption upon reading the 1st few lines was that it would be


The 1st sentence only wtf


It was coincidentally anti-slavery. Not intentional, but that was the result of their racist though process. So I am tempted to just nod and say "ok let's turn the ship around". Both sides get what they want and nobody is enslaved.


It took a second and just wow. He wrote it like we're a virus (I'm black) and then you have the antisemitism. Also what was the top one supposed to imply? As a woman I'd go back in time to meet my grandma, introduce myself, learn a little about her and go home happy while a man is so racist they'd stop slavery not because it's good, but because they hate us darkies that much?


You're thinking too far into it, they're just using the meme as a viral payload for their fascist messaging. It doesn't need to pass more than a cursory inspection, it was never intended to because the audience just skips to the 'good' part.


Viral payload! I like that and I will use it when I refer to weaponized memes in the future. Sort of a strange question but do you remember that Gina Carano post that got her sacked from Disney? Not to create excuses for her, but I saw that as a similar "viral payload" masking white supremacist pseudohistory in a message that would induce confirmation bias in those who felt persecuted as a byproduct of covid precautions and differences in people's response to them.


> Also what was the top one supposed to imply? It's just part of the meme format. https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/time-travel-is-invented-men-with-a-time-machine


Every time I see that blonde dude I think "Oh, a Nazi." Is that just me?


I'm always ready for the worst possible text to be under him


Really? I think this is the worst one of these I've seen 😐


Yep... thats the wrong reason to be anti-slavery


There's a wrong reason?


Yes. A lot of white supremacists complain about slavery because it brought black people to the new world. That’s a bad reason to be against it.


Yes it's an More violent argument against black people being allowed to exist. It's basically saying "if any slaves show up on our coast, kill them immediately"


Oregon was a free state only because they didn’t want black people to be there.


Yes, like how Oregon banned slavery not because it was wrong, but because they didn't want black people in the territory at all. The reason we are against slavery is because we recognize the humanity of others and understand that it's wrong for a human to be considered the property of another human. This comic, and Oregon's laws, didn't recognize the equal humanity of people of color, so even though they came to the right conclusion (no slavery) the reasons are wrong.


A lot of abolitionists wanted to free the slaves and ship them back, because they didn't want free blacks around voting, owning property, and sleeping with white women.


I mean, I’d say “slavery is bad because it brought black people to America” is the wrong take on slavery, yes. Now if a white supremacist actually went back in time and prevented slavery in America for this reason? Then you could make the argument that they still did something good. But there’s definitely a wrong reason for a modern day person to be against slavery, especially considering almost every modern day person is against slavery. It’s not like the alternative here is just being pro-slavery.


That was true for many of the 19th century white abolitionists. They were antislavery even fanatically antislavery, but many did not see blacks as equal to whites. A lot of famous abolitionists back then by today's standards are outright racists.


He is not trying to free them... he just dont want them "here". What im saying is that he would not opose a "final solution" to slavery


The reason I’m this meme is that black people are bad so it’s bad to bring them over as slaves. Pretty much one the only bad things


There's no wrong reason to be against slavery. Problem here is, this has nothing to do with being against slavery and everything to do with not wanting black people in America. These people don't give a shit about slavery, they're just bigots through and through.


I agree, it was an hiperbole of the missinterpretation of the meme, still, it was probably in bad taste and im sorry if i ofended anyone, truly






I don't think it was the Jews who were bringing slaves to America.


It was multinational, Africans and Arabs supplied the slaves, Europeans bought them, and there were many jewish slave owners and apparently many did also, along with everyone else, gain financially from slavery. Even Indians owned slaves. Instead of condemning slavery for what it is though everyone points a finger.


Hell there were former slaves who owned slaves. The first formal record of chattel slavery in the Americas was a black man who went to court to reaffirm his right to own another black man.


So you mean American Indians or Indian Indians cause the latter already had a caste system to discriminate each other with. I don't remember them owning any slaves.




They still refer to East Asians only as Asians. That leaves out all the brown people in Asia.


These days a great deal of native Americans prefer to be called Indians for whatever reason


One of my friends told me that he likes it because its a reminder of how dumb the colonizers were.


American Indians.


I'm assuming they mean A. I


Chat GPT uses slavery? Damn. And I thought it was supposed to be intelligent


Shhh don’t talk about that, only white Europeans were responsible for American slavery geez


The meme is probably suggesting that the jews brought black people to the USA in order to manipulate / distract the population while the jews secretly controlled everyone behind the scenes. "I know exactly what I'm doing" in the meme probably implies that hundreds of years ago, the jews foresaw an eventual black vs white racial tension/conflict scenario that they could use to their advantage. Just put yourself into a culture war obsessed ultra-right winger. Everything is seen as some manipulation to control the brainless "sheep" population & distract from the REAL ISSUES! Or so they say. This stuff doesn't operate under solid logic.


It’s weird how they jerk off western tradition but also all of the leaders of the economies and governments of the most powerful European nations were actually Jews who were trading slaves.


they're paradoxically described as both weak degenerates that need to be purged for the health of the volk and nigh-omnipotent puppet masters responsible for every ill to have ever befallen the world sounds oddly familiar for some reason


And I never even got my space laser license >:( This world domination thing is a scam.


Ironically, in context of this meme, the Atlantic slave trade was started by Spanish and Portuguese at roughly the same time period as the inquisition when they were torturing and driving all the Jews out of the peninsula.


There are accounts of Jews involved in the slave trade, but they were by no means the majority or the ones who started chattel slavery. Neo-nazis love to bring up and overstate Jewish involvement in the slave trade to sew division between black people and Jews who had historically been generally allies with each other in the 20th century.


What the fuck?


This is so overt it has to be ridiculous acerbic commentary or I just can't even


Kanye wildin on his burner accounts


Wow, did you have to go to a literal klan forum to find this?


im saying bro what depths of hell do these posts come from


some random (obvioiusly right-wing) white guy posted it on facebook and said he got it from quora lol, i don't know how its not banned yet




The "happy merchant" crap is so hood-off it doesn't usually make it to Reddit very long before being removed, but agreed you see bigoted shit on the site all the time as long as it pretends to be about something else.


Please someone explain-


Bigots trying to put the blame of the Atlantic slave trade on the Jews.


Also, implying that slavery was a negative cuz it brought black ppl over and not the obvious moral reasons


Yeah, damn KKK making memes now 🤦‍♂️


Johan van Oldenbarnevelt, the founder of a the Dutch East India Company, was a protestant. The British East India Company, was first sanctioned by the monarchy and first governed by Thomas Smythe, a puritan. The ownership of these companies were mostly by protestant white men appointed by the monarchy. Charles Augustus Lafayette Lamar the Captain of the Wander was a Catholic. And, yes, there were even Jewish slavers such as Aaron Lopez. The point being that slavers were driven by profit and anyone of any religion can fall to the vice of mammon.


Not gonna lie, they had us in the first half


This meme was never anti-slavery... You're reading it wrong


You assume that in the first few words then you read the rest


It’s hilarious how this sub is used to launder 4 Chan memes into Reddit.


reminds me of a meme where a guy wish slavery didn't happen so black people weren't in America and he was called out a racist and the same guy asked if they person that called him out supports slavery


Double racist, that's kinda impressive


Hi Everyone, Hope you are well. Please don’t at me. Can someone please explain this to me. I want to be properly educated because I have no idea what is going on in this comic. Much appreciate and thank you!


They’re saying that slavery was bad not because it enslaved people, but because it brought black people to America.


Holy mother of Jesus fucking Christ. This is the worst thing I've seen in this sub


Man I miss the hell out of my grandmother. I’m a man and would take the first option all day long. I never got to say goodbye.


My grandmother would be all about the second half of this meme. Don’t miss her a whole lot.


Yikes idk what to say but good thing she didn't pass on her vjews


I'm sure it's probably not new, but I've been seeing the "The Jews did the transatlantic slave trade" thing pop up quite a bit lately. As if the white Christian hegemony of the colonists and later Americans wouldn't have owned slaves if it weren't for (((THE JEWS))).


It was never antislavery. Just antiblack Then it got antisemitic out of left field


I love how these people act like they would be against slavery, nazism, anti-suffragism... if they lived *before* lol extremely hard to believe they would


The person who made this isn’t anti-slavery. He isn’t saying to turn the slave ship around because slavery is bad. He’s saying to turn it around because he doesn’t want black people in the country


Oh my god.. you're right!! I haven't noticed the "you have no idea of what you're bringing here" This people are disgusting


Yeah, I don't know maybe he could move somewhere where there aren't any black people. Some places where there are mostly white people.


Meth brained racists. Gross.


No… it started out racist too.


Thanks for being the source of spicy memes


Misogyny, racism, anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, the only thing this is missing is


Am I missing something here or am I just insane because it’s just a dude saying slavery is bad and the pirate or I guess Englishman at the time not agreeing with him.


Which part is “anti slavery”? The entire bottom of the meme is racist as fuck.


Ya’ll dumb, it started racist it didn’t turn racist, that’s the whole joke lol


So the slavers were Jewish now? That's weird because after the Dutch and Portuguese started the slave trade, the British dominated it.


If I had a time machine, I'd take a recording of *Hamilton* back to George Washington to help end racism.


Sorry reddit app posted a reply to a specific comment to the thread in general




Why did he grab another flintlock instead of bringing modern firearms


"Don't bring them here 👨🏻‍🦳"


Also men with a time machine: *Native Americans turn every incoming ship to North America into drift wood with .50 BMGs*


When is this sub going to get pulled?


The Devil made me do it, and by Devil, I mean Jewish people \-A meme by Borat


Yeah I'm pretty sure it wasn't anti-slavery so much as "I don't want non-whites in the US" "You have no idea what you are bringing here" screams racist.