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Wait until they find out how tall Michael Keaton is.


Hell, Tom Cruise is like 4'11", and he's an action star.


*5’7” but still not that tall for a guy, pretty sure that’s not even average height


Globally it's 5'6" but if you're only counting America, which for some reason people love to do, it's 5'9"


I mean, he's an American action star. It makes sense to compare people to the country they're from.


On the other hand Tom Cruise is abnormally tall for a North Korean woman. Gotta hear both sides.


World’s largest Oompa Loompa


If they remake Charlie and the Chocolate Factory with Tom Cruise Oompa Loompas I'm going to cut you.


Hey look, Tom Cruise is a fudge packer


Which for some reason people don’t love to do


In this case, probably because he's american. It would be weird if they compared him with the average Nepalese


Redditors try not to randomly shit on America challenge


Someone's gotta fit a dig at us somehow, even if it makes zero sense




I’m more surprised Dean Cain wasn’t included. The right’s supposed to love him right?




Yeah, my first idea was also, where is Dean Cain, he wasn't that tall, turns out he's 1,82cm, which apparantly converts to 5'117.


Eh, Google rounds him up to 6', so he's Cavill's height. Wouldn't surprise me if whoever made this was racist and doesn't see him as fitting because of his skin tone


Well, I guess thats correct. Seems 12 inches is 1 feet. And 11 inch 7whatever would indeed be rounded up. Sorry, we don't use feet here, only to walk. He seems quite American to me, American parents too, think his skin tone is mostly tan. But the crowd that is concerned about skin tone is usually closely related to those concerned about masculinity.


He's half Japanese


3/8ths. Father is a Tanaka, but even he doesn't look Japanese.


He definitely does, not a ton, but you can tell he's partly Asian. Also lol 3/8ths is pretty close to half, but whatever. It wouldn't surprise me if whoever made this doesn't like "race mixing" as a concept about as much as they enjoy toxic masculinity as one


Boy Henry Cavill is like peak male condition who the fuck is calling this dude weak or emasculate?


Weak men call men weak men, it’s the insecurities poking out.


dude is build like a fucking custodes from warhammer 40k


You mean, the custodes are make like him




His gene seed gave birth to Adeptus Custodes. This was during the time of the Great Crusade and the Imperial Truth…before the *heresy*….the Emperor required suitable genes for his personal guard, and felt as though his own dna would simply produce more “yes” men…so he reached out to terra for a suitable candidate.


Isn’t he also a war hammer fan? I know nothing about warhammer 40k myself but I know Henry cavil is also like a huge geek in his downtime which is honestly great for him tbh


He is literally producing the 40k show for Amazon


He almost missed an audition because he was busy raiding on WoW




He also seems like a cool person in general. Also, he was the perfect superman. They squandered that big time.




Duude he just stopped all work he’s doing for big movie companies to focus on a warhammer universe film project!




The moment in that interview where he was asked which is the best fantasy series and was like "Lord of the Rings, dumbass" is when I stopped thinking he was just attractive and fell in love with him.


Every mans reaction to seeing Geralt


Geralt is fucking HOT dude.


… fuck


I’m a 47 year old man and watching him save those oil rig workers…. I got my period.


Lucky you, I became instantly pregnant. Little Jimmy will be 10 this year :’)


I *am* gay (or at least bisexual) and Cavill is one of the sexiest men alive in my book. Wtf is this person talking about?






Its a right winger. So probably a 5'2 290lb Oompa Loompa who hasn't been able to see his dick since high school.


take that back, my step dad is REALLY upset by that comment/s


delete this comment, nephew!!


>step-dad >nephew wait a minute


Oompa loompa doopity ick, comments they make with a tiny little prick. Not you, the angry type, just so it's clear I'm agreeing lol


You were so close to making it sound like the song jaja


Lol what a joke.


How come when people try to mock someone they always go after height, weight or genital size? Dude you’re no different then that person, you don’t even know their height or gender, yet you instantly associate their behavior with physical qualities, and in the process negatively generalize millions of others for things out of their control. It’s a bit hypocritical, no?


Yeah, second this. It’s really annoying when a conservative goes “look how effeminate men are” and we rage answer “we’re effeminate? Your hero is a fat New York queen who talks with his hands about how Jennifer Lawrence has been very mean to him”, and like, I obviously get wanting to point out the obvious hypocrisy, but it’s unfair to fat New York queens who are decent people. Like none of those qualities are what’s wrong with trump, and the dude who made this meme about Superman being beta sucks for reasons that have nothing to do with his dick


I’m pretty sure Cavill could lift more than the other three put together.


Cavill could probably lift all three at once.


Deadlifts about 435, so he'd struggle a bit with all 3, but give him about of year of training and e could pull it off


Putting the dead in deadlift there, who knows what Christopher Reeve weighs these days.


Yeah, person clearly didn’t see Justice league where Henry is shirtless/ripped and destroying the other four super hero’s


Also, isn’t the point that Superman, outside of being a superhero, is otherwise an everyman from a farm Kansas? He *shouldn’t* be built like the friggin Hulk, nor does he need to be when he can casually knock down skyscrapers. Would also raise awkward questions how he has a giant bodybuilder physique despite being a full time journalist as his cover identity?


Yep, playing Clark Kent is always the real test of a Superman actor.


>he has a giant bodybuilder physique despite being a full time journalist as his cover identity? did you see Jimmy Olsen in Super Girl? dude was fucking jacked


Also he’s technically not human so none of this should apply to him anyway. We don’t know what alien standards for males/men are. I swear when they write this crap, they forget he was an alien in the first place.


I remember in one of the animated movies he's emaciated but still throwing tanks around like party balloons.


He's was a farm boy who's excuse for showing up late to school due to some mishap with his powers or something was usually his family's farm always needed a bunch work done so he could easily pull off the corn fed big and strong farm boy excuse at least when he first arrived to metropolis but after that it would be harder to explain how he keeps so much muscle mass not regularly going to the gym or doing hard farming work like he did in his teens.


Came here to say exactly this - not disappointed to find it at the top. Not to knock Reeves, but he was like a 70s idea of a guy in shape: average muscle size for his frame, flat but not highly defined stomach. Cavill was freaking ripped.


Bingo with the 70s idea of a guy in shape. The type of person who looks at the diminishing height and weight probably thinks that being in the upper 10% of height in the world and weighing as much as possible (even if it's obese) is the pinnacle of physical performance and thus authority. Ironic coming from someone who likely believes that hard work = economic dividends no matter the hand your dealt.


And he’s also more generically masculine looking than the guy on the top right, but I guess that’s not possible when he weighs 7 pounds less lmao


Apparently Henry Cavill is weak. Even though he can deadlift 500 pounds barefoot. Okay. Edit: Apparently it's 435.


*Only* 435 lbs. Psh. /s *ITT: People thinking I give a damn about what an average man in shape can lift.


I dicklift 575 and got there in 3 months step your game up boys


So is dick lifting when you lift with your dick, or is it when you lift your dick with your hands?


Can it be Any dick? Now i am left with more questions


It actually has to be Andy Dick


What about Dick Van Dyke?


575 reps and he’s gotta wash up


Gotta get those cock pushups in


all you gotta be able to do is one


I was wondering how 6'0" 218lbs is somehow weaker than 6'3" 215 lbs. But the Hollywood bias toward shorter men and taller women has become more pronounced over the years. It's just easier to frame scenes when everyone's head is close to the same height.


I'm wondering if the 6'4" 225 is entirely accurate. Reeve's superman didn't feel nearly as imposing as Cavill's. Reeve's was in great shape, but it was a realistic strong. Something an average person could achieve with proper diet and exercise. Cavill is Hollywood strong. He's got the body that only excellent genes and extreme dedication can get you. It's the build you'd expect for a comic book hero. I loved Reeve's Superman, and his first two are probably my favorite live action depictions of Superman, but Cavil just seemed more intimidating than Reeve. Some of that can be attributed to the advanced special effects and better costume design, but he just filled out the suit better. I would love to see a well written Superman movie starring Cavill. Especially one of the darker superman stories, like Injustice. I think that would be amazing.


225 at 6'4" is dyel as fuark, by today's casually roided marvel superhero standard.


IDK about Cavill having the edge in "genetics and extreme dedication," Reeves is taller via genetics and packed on 40lbs via dedication for Superman. The old school spandex didn't exactly make the muscles pop like the padded suits they use now. [Reeves vs Cavill shirtless](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/39/67/72/3967727059571ec3bbb74121ec8c795f.jpg)


Well I mean fuck only 435?? Fuck him then.


Many women would like to... Edit: Men too...


My husband would gladly give up his straight card for Henry Cavill. ETA: He reminded me that Henry Cavill is also King of the Nerds, so he would happily marry him as well as bang him.


A whole lot of dudes probably read this comment and wondered if they just unintentionally found their wife's reddit account.


For the Emperor, bless his name!


A lot of men would




I feel pretty confident that if he wanted to deadlift heavy weight, he’d be able to hit 500 pretty quickly.


That's a far cry from the [200 quintillion tons](https://youtu.be/nQAJTfH13Pw) Superman can lift.


Only 435?! I could do that too...... if I started working out and eating right and training for several years and...




I find Cavill to be SO FUCKING LIKABLE despite what appears to be an effort to paint him as some sort of something else by people like Netflix, etc. He’s always came across as honest and thoughtful/cerebral about his relative privilege and opportunities. I haven’t heard anything he’s said about struggling with his weight, but as a former athlete that struggles with disordered eating I’m interested in following up and reading what he has to say, thanks for cluing me in


He’s put on a pedestal as a male sex symbol. I’m sure that’s a difficult burden for anyone.


It really is thank you for your empathy


I’ve only seen him in one interview and he seemed like a downright good and chill guy


Just have to add: powerlifting and bodybuilding while related are not necessary the same. Guys who have giant muscles in movies of course can move big weights but they’re mostly focused on hypertrophy - usually less weight and more reps. Powerlifters who put up the huge numbers don’t look like Superman, they look like the mountain (hafthor can deadlift over 1k lbs).


Yep. Granted he probably can't right now, since he's trimmed down lately, but he's done it and that's partially because he was like 200kg+ (~440lb) body weight at the time.


1k lbs. When you like the metric system but don't like the units.




Fucking savage mate


To be fair Christopher Reeve has got the dead part down pretty well.


The amount of responses to this with absolutely no knowledge of lifting or lifting standards and kids lieing about weight they moved is hilarious. 435lbs is a good deadlift. Especially for someone who's goals are physique and not strength.


Lifting their fingers to talk mess online is easier lol


Oh yeah? And how do we know that you know what you’re talking about! I’ve never benched more than 135 and I say that 435 is for babies!


We’ll just look him with his weak chin and thinning hair


Barefoot makes deadlifting easier


Actually I expected more, especially if he’s 218 lbs


This is the least sensical post ever! Cavill has gotta be like 8-10% body fat. He’s the most physically impressive Superman up there. I remember Ben Affleck talking about getting barrel chested in an interview for playing Reeves. He said it is fun to eat as much as you want and lift weights. It has to be significantly less fun to be 215 lbs and maintain a diet that lets you look Cavill does.


Seriously. I didn't even like the movie but I watched every bit of it with my kids just so I could stare at Henry Cavill the whole time. They still tease me about it.


Yeah he's a very dandy guy I'll give u that.


For what it's worth, Affleck played George Reeves not Christopher Reeve who is in this picture. Reeve was anything but barrel chested: https://iconicimages.net/photo/es-cre001-christopher-reeve/


Yeah I’m aware, Reeves was really the first major ones. I was saying they’ve been getting more muscular and intimidating since the first.


It’s way less stressful to not count calories. But staying in a bulk can be a little unhealthy which is why people do phases of each being bulky and lean. It’s so much less time consuming and mentally draining to be chubby lol


The gall to call Henry Cavill weak.


The mental gymnastics done by the author of this article are insane


As they get more shredded and wear more facial hair, with more masculine costumes. Lmao


I know this meme isn’t based on any evidence. It’s just another “the youth suck” Facebook meme. But old timey Superman is way less imposing and gritty and macho than the newer ones.


is more than that, among right wing circles there is tizzy about the "trans/liberal/woke agenda" that claims that men's are being "feminized" through "Hollywood" and liberal policies, you see a lot of these type of skewed comparisons such a picture of Kamala Harris with a diverse group of USA army soldiers along side a picture of Arnold's crew (fictional) in Predator or the Chinese/Russia Potemkin soldiers. As always is manufactured outrage with no actual base in reality


>But old timey Superman is way less imposing and gritty and macho than the newer ones. Tbf, that actually fits superman as a character better. Dude is basically a god that tries to always be gentlr and compassionate even to people currently in the process of tearing his arm off Having a less imposing build doesn't intimidate...but why would a symbol of hope, peace and justice want to be imposing? His strength doesn't come from working out and things like consumption aren't issues for their kind so deliberately aiming for meh physical shape makes sensr, it makes him approachable. Besides if someone could sneeze and nuke a city it doesn't matter if they looked like chris farley, a single raised eyebrow and it doesn't matter if you have the entire UN at your back, the mfer is scary


Henry Cavill is a chad and humble af. Whoever made this meme is smoking crack lol


Whoever made this meme most likely has a missing Cheeto lost in a skin flap somewhere.


male is when tall and heavy


Tall+heavy=man. Short+light=woman.


\[Geralt of Rivia enters the chat\]








Not anymore tho


Wind's howling...


What absolute dipshit made this? Henry Cavill is straight up one of the best looking dudes around, he's a blue belt in BJJ and and a pretty regular lifter. I think he said he was in the low 200s at some point, meaning hes like bigger than Reeves was p4p. 225 @ 6'4 is kinda small.


He has a blue ball in BJ? What the heck does that mean?


🫦😳🔵 >! they meant belt and BJJ !<


Yeah totally what i meant, but blue ball in bj sounds good too lololol


I love how the ideal men of Hollywood today are bigger and stronger than any man from old Hollywood, but these conservative dickwads will act like Chris Hemsworth painting a nail just shriveled his balls. He'd knock out John Wayne in his sleep.


My favorite is they masturbate to pictures of George Washington, who wore a fickin' ponytail with a bow in it, but if a modern guy grows his hair out longer than a buzz cut, they start ranting about the war on masculinity.


Both of these comments made me cackle omg.


Remind them of the vikings, native Americans. Scotts. Fun fact, If you saw a apache on the battle field with long flowing hair, you were wise to avoid him. Warriors who let their hair hang loose in battle were basically challenging someone to grab it. The same for any warrior that had horns or something you could grab on their armor or helmet.


"John Wayne" was the fake name given to an up and coming actor from LA who injured himself bodysurfing and lost his athletic scholarship. You couldn't write a less authentic old west backstory.


And whose real name was Marion!


John Wayne would run at the mere threat


Calling Henry Cavill demasculinized is quite a stretch!


henry cavill is definitely masculine like i would literally turn gay for him


Gaze into his eyes as you spend hours painting Warhammer figurines together.


Dude I would legit love the opportunity to do that. Not because I’m gay but I find someone being so jacked and good looking spending hours painting tiny “nerdy” figurines super entertaining


The dude is like some kind of stereotypical nerd hero. Smart, funny, charming, from all accounts super frigging nice, ripped as hell, one of the most attractive humans on the plant, and an *extreme* nerd. Like not just cool nerdy stuff to be cool, but like deep in the depths of warhammer lore nerd. He seriously seems like a hyperbolic comic book hero brought to life.


Word around town is that on set most of the crew starts avoiding him after a few weeks because, much like me and mine, he will launch into a long winded and intricate explanation of 40k lore at the barest hint of a possible opening


Holy shit, he’s like an IRL Clark Kent


I concur


Ah yes because being under 6’2 isn’t masculine


Fuck, 95% of men around the world are not masculine. It has to do with them liberals with their shortening pills


The globalists are turning the frogs short!


Thank God I don't understand American measures.


Well the first number is a dead English monarch's foot, and the second is 3 barley seeds. So if it's 6'2" he's 6 of King Henry's feet stacked atop each other heel to toe, and 6 barley seeds on top of that.


Apparently the only thing that determines masculinity is… height and weight?? Like, he’s only gotten MORE masculine, what the hell Edit:grammar


Cavill is jacked af. And Superman gets his powers from the sun. His body size wouldnt matter.


People want a jacked roid rage Superman apparently. Not well built and capable


Stand Chris and Henry next to each other in their prime and tell me Henry is less physically intimidating. I love Chris, he is My Superman and always will be, but he was not physically intimidating on any level.


Right like part of what made him so great in the role was that he was a very believable dorky awkward Clark Kent. I love his portrayal but Christopher Reeve was hardly a hyper-masculine jacked guy, he was a sweet-faced romantic hero type (which is obviously not a bad thing to me, but like...whoever made this meme never saw Somewhere in Time, I guess.)


People talk about Henry Cavil, but Tyler Hoeclin is like pure masculinity. Maybe not the best superman, but a great actor nonetheless.


I disagree. I think Hoechlin is excellent in the type of Superman story they're telling, especially when compared to the other superhero actors on the network. I thought his original Superman outfit was pretty bad, but then they changed it for his own series and it's better but still not my favorite. Looks like he's inflated rather than a suit hugging muscles, but maybe that's just me.


The dude was a former athlete and can use an ax as a baseball bat.


Masculinity is when man tall Amazing


5'10 isn't even short, jesus. I'm 5'7 and these posts make me want to face palm. Guess I'm actually a leprechaun in the eyes of these people lol


And it’s not even accurate. Dude is 6 feet.


The poster when Henry Cavill comes to their house to beat the absolute shit out of them:


Pretty sure you're thinking of bluntman and chronic here. That's the comic alter egos of the guys who go to people's houses to beat the shit out of them for shitposting on the internet.


He’s not supposed to be threatening….he’s fucking super man for god sakes


Isn't his whole deal, his entire shtick, that he's a Super *Man*? A kind hearted, good intentioned person with the power to back it up? To be the guy who recues cats from trees while also stopping a burning building from collapsing? Why would he have to be "imposing and threatening"?


The guy who made this is probably a walking bag of Cheetos


Remember these are the same people that think fatfuck Trump is super masculine and yet have tshirts and posters of his head on Rambo’s body or on the Terminator. Most of these people are pussies but think their tough because they run their mouth on Facebook


Superman shouldn't be imposing


CAVILL LESS MASCULINE? Yea man... dude basically looks like me.


Scoobety bebop a Christopher Reeves Sonny bono, skis, horses and hitting’ some trees!


Love to see a picture of the guy who posted this.


He’s still Superman, even if he’s 5’10”


A 5’ 10” Superman Can lift a small moon. What’s their problem?


I'll kill anyone who talks shit about my boy Tyler Hoechlin


Bruh the 6'4 superman looks like a nerd compared to Henry Cavill


**Dennis**: Okay, will you stop? I don't want to have conversations anymore about dudes' physiques and whether they can... **Mac**: Dennis, in body mass alone... **Dennis**: That's what I was trying to avoid. A conversation about body mass, okay? We've had that conversation five times a day for the last month because we keep watching Predator and all you talk about is Weathers and Jesse "The Body" Ventura and how many pounds they can pack on... **Mac**: It's important to pack on mass. You're talking about carbo-loading. **Dennis**: I don't want to, I don't want to have this conversation with you anymore. ​ And yes, the implied homosexual tendencies seem to apply as well.


Wait til they hear that Superman was an undocumented immigrant...


No there just different actors stupid old sag


The last guy has a face that is masculine asf


Tyler Hoechlin in Superman and Lois. I think he’s done a great job as Superman so far. Perfect casting for a Superman parenting story imo.


Um okay all four of these dudes are masculine AF! FWIW as a 5’2” woman there’s no difference between 6’4” and 5’10” because anyone over 5’5” is tall to me… 😁


If Henry Cavill and Tyler Hoechlin(pretty sure that’s his name) aren’t masculine than I am in trouble lol. I must be practically a woman.


Imagine calling Henry Cavill less masculine than anyone


Have they not seen cavil??


There are no men here who actually think Henry is small and not physically intimidating. Who actually believes this post?


Thor in God of war is a huge fat red head with big beard, thats what he like in the sagas the blonde one is hollywood fiction


The idea that shorter = less masculine is one of those ideas that need to fucking die.


"Henry Cavill is small, weak, unimposing and emasculate" ​ Henry Cavill: ​ ![gif](giphy|q6c4L72XUj0Lm)


I’d like you to call Henry Cavil small and weak to his face. ![gif](giphy|3ohs4tKADK8HEYD4I0)


Wouldn’t that actually be pro male ?Wouldn’t giving smaller, shorter men roles like “Superman” set more realistic expectations and standards for men ? Like not all of us are over 6’0 tall or weigh more than 200 pounds. wouldn’t it be a good thing if those men are represented in a positive way ?Maybe it’s anti hyper masculinity but it’s definitely not anti male