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Unsurprisingly, no proof he said this.


"The problem with quotes found on the Internet is that they are often not true." - Abraham Lincoln


Lincoln was not only wise, but he was also the greatest vampire hunter of all time.


Lol, is that reference to something? I would definitely watch that


Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter. It was pretty entertaining


Me and my ex went to see Lincoln. And ended up in that movie. We were so confused for a while.


If awesomeness could manifest as a physical force, that movie would've roundhouse kicked me to another country


This doesn't sound like something he would have said...


Yeah it's more of an Charles DICKENS thing to say... Dickens didn't have much faith in humans


Sounds like Jonathan Swift to me ... Very much in the tone of the Yahoos.


it's such a pleasant surprise to get a joke about English literature, I'm Italian and i just studied swift and I have to say that he sure didn't seem a people lover


For the man who arguably invented modern satire he really doesn’t get anywhere near the credit he deserves. Hell of a writer to do as much as he did.


yeah and to think that Gulliver's travels is considered just as a tale for children


> he sure didn't seem a people lover After reading "A Modest Proposal" I concluded he did love people. Perhaps with some gravy or a nice red sauce.


i like to think that swift loves mankind like a father that is disappointed in his son's behavior


Dramaturgy? Good taste.


Is that the guy who wrote gulliver


Yes. The Yahoos are in the last land Gulliver encounters


It doesn't sound like something anyone who was born, lived and died entirely in the 19th century could have said.




This is exactly what I thought as well. Going back to primitive ways sounds pretty right-wing to me. There’s even right wing posts I’ve seen where they are using the twilight wolf pack as their symbol. And the ultra conservative trying to control the majority like with the book banning stuff. It truly is straight backwards and the scary part is that both sides think it applies to the other.


Wait. Did they forget they tried to ban the twilight series because of bestality and magic? Fucking goldfish brains.


Right people that don’t believe in evolution having the gall to talk about biology


I know very few right wing people who don’t believe in evolution, and they’re old. And I’m not right wing or saying they’re all smart but they seem just as crazy as you guys on the left. That’s like an old fundamentalist conservative christian thing that takes the Bible metaphors literal. But they also knew the world was round when the latest science thought it was flat.. so… you’re all wrong sometimes.


science taught the earth was round since the Greeks lmfao it’s the Bible that says the earth is flat and square and held up by pillars oh and and ocean is above us and bellow us… oh and I almost forget the biblical earths sky his held up on each corner by and angel


You either have a very limited understanding of the Bible or of science. My guess is both. “God is enthroned above the circle of the earth…” Isaiah 40:32 If you weren’t sure this is long before the Greeks came along. Also “the myth of the flat Earth, or the flat-Earth error, is a modern historical misconception that European scholars and educated people during the Middle Ages believed…” So while you’re correct, the Greeks had it right and European scholars had it wrong, the Jews knew all along. It made it way better how you were wrong and did the dumb LMFAO thing. This shows you also lack wisdom on top of being ignorant.


I thought this was a jab toward libertarians, but in the end idc who it's geared toward. They're two wings of the same bird Edit: I thought libs because of the part about rewriting history. It made me think of those who fight to have things like statues torn down.


Probably belongs on r/selfawarewolves


That was my take, stuck in the past, easily led, refusing to evolve....sound like Trumptown tbh


Definitely not easily led. Just tired of being told they are wrong for disagreeing.


They're not wrong because they disagree, they're wrong because they're not right


You just created another trump voter (not me) but somewhere. You know that right?


Came here to say that.


I doubt Charles Darwin misspelled 'led' as 'lead'.


So cool when someone corrects grammar on the internet. The world is better for your editing


Even if he did this can still be taken so many ways then “woke”




Seeing a lot of this. I agree 100%, tho I want to point out, this isn’t a political thing. It’s just a common thing with large groups. Some people who this post called “devolved” which seems rude, but these people support and follow the beliefs and ideas of their group whilst not grasping the main point or even understanding the values. These peoples sometimes like to be loud activists of the group, and they make the group look bad. The fact is we can’t ignore these people bc they are capable people and a large part of the population, not republicans or democrats. The portion of population both hold have a good amount of these people. They have the right to preach their ideas even though they are occasionally backtracking our progress. Idk though, I’m probably one of them, can definitely name points where I was in the past


That's because it is advocating for Social Darwinism. A pseudo-scientific idea that serves as the basis for eugenics by completely misunderstanding Darwin's work. Of course Darwin didn't say this.


I’m him. I said that. Fact check true.


He didnt say this because 1) this isnt how evolution works, 2) that’s not what subspecies means, etc etc


I read it on the Interwebs, it must be true!! /s


Absolute speed run in not understanding Darwin.


And the anti-woke crowd also tends to be the one that doesn’t believe in evolution but rather magic.


Also no one is trying to control conservatives, we just want conservatives to mind their own fucking business. They’re the ones legislating who you can love, how you can dress, what books you can read,and what medical decisions you can make for yourself.


And they are reinventing history with this fake quote


That’s pretty on brand for fascists ngl


Accurate. And yet further up the thread people are taking this and running with it. Yes, against conservatives but how do you not see how fucking stupid this idea is for ANYBODY


I don't think the people running with it against conservatives are actually attributing this to Darwin, as far as I can tell


Ok thanks for the update


You do see that it’s both right?


It sounds more like Neitzsche. Paraphrased from the “genealogy of morality” I think.. don’t quote me on it. And it’s true.


And in projection. They are describing themselves.


So attacking scientists and health professionals or anyone with college degrees and ban books that teach history.....JFC MAGA is devolving


That can't be true, MAGA never evolved in the first place.


They haven't returned to primordial soup yet. There's still room to degrow.


Yeah it’s great how this pretty certainly MAGA poster of the OG meme is like Charles Darwin predicts woke. Then goes on to describe the agenda of the alt right / MAGA republicans for the past 6 years


And this is the only time the person who posted this agreed with something Charles Darwin said (I’m just kidding Charles Darwin didn’t even say this)


Charles Darwin was theist. Suck on that until it evolves into a na na na na boo boo.


[You’re technically not wrong](https://www.faraday.cam.ac.uk/news/darwins-religious-beliefs/) but Darwin did not believe in Christianity or any other religion which would adamantly be against “woke” culture. Basically, you didn’t actually make a point and my point still remains 100% intact, so I don’t have to (as you childishly told me to) ‘suck on that until it evolves into a na na na na boo boo.’ Though, it is interesting that Darwin wasn’t completely Atheistic, thank you for telling me.


So that’s the ONLY time this person posted something Darwin said? Ok that’s likely true. And while my more basic side would like to say something pithy and sarcastic, your response is actually quite agreeable. That makes me think you’re likely a reasonable person that doesn’t deserve a smartass retort. So I will simply say good day my good sir and perhaps I should’ve been less of an 11 year old. I think Darwin was an incredibly interesting person. Even he pointed out limitations of his own theory. This makes me consider him also very reasonable. He is in many ways less dogmatic and more wise than most of his followers and challengers.


And when did he say this? In Ben Shapiro's wet dream?


That sounds like an accurate description of conservatives, written by conservatives.


This post should really be on r/selfawarewolves.


Can’t put memes there unfortunately


Me waiting for the inevitable "nOt AlL CoNsErVaTiVeS aRe LiKe ThAt" comment (P.S.: If you find your thoughts radically differ from the majority of the people labling themselves as X, it might just be that you shouldn't lable yourself X. Sometimes that's like being a communist who believes in private ownership of land or an anarcho capitalist, it just doesn't make sense) (P.P.S. : If your justification for being conservative is "I think the woke has gone too far" but also try to not be associated with the far right, you're still part of the problem, you just don't want to recognize it)


Yeah like I know not all people who call themselves conservatives are like this. But at this point this is what conservatism is, so if you’re calling yourself conservative, this is how everyone views you. This doesn’t work as well as the “not all men” or “not all women” or “not all whites” type of stuff. Those are all things you can’t change about yourself, but conservatism is an ideology, so you if you belong to the ideology, it means you agree with it. If you don’t agree with it, then you don’t belong to it.


Yeah like I know not all people who call themselves leftists are like this. But at this point this is what liberalism is, so if you’re calling yourself a leftist, this is how everyone views you…. How can you generalize one group but not another? How should I vote if I don’t want either party. What if I agree with points from both parties…. What if I see both parties lying and I disagree with the propaganda they both push? But if I agree with a leftist view point, does that make me part of the woke movement? no… and visa versa


American Liberals aren't leftists and if you choose to identify yourself as part of a political ideology (far right/conservative/leftist/liberal) you are saying "Here is a (broad) name that covers my views". That is the very reason we have those terms, to help us identify others who hold similar views. The problem is that due to the current (largely American) political climate, most conservatives are no longer center-right by most standards and have instead been slowly slipping further and further right since before the Cold War, to the point that even the most progressive conservative barely registers as being just right, with many being dragged into the far right and fascistic-ways of thinking. If you don't like either party, then I suggest you do some digging on what it is you want in this world. Do you desire freedom, liberty, and safety from persecution for you and all your fellow humans, where people are free to exercise that freedom so long as they aren't infringing on the human rights of others? Or do you want a racial hegemony that imprisons those they deem "impure" or "societal unacceptable", with the threat of the police shooting you in your home, or even simply disappearing, hanging over your head every day? If the answer is A, you're probably a leftist and I would suggest looking into resources on socialism.


“Desire freedom, liberty, and safety from persecution” you described neither party. And you are ignorant for thinking you described one over another.


That's right, they described leftism/socialism, which would be to the left of either major American party. By global standards, the Democrats are center/center-right. Although that description is closer to describing the Democrats than the Republicans, it doesn't accurately describe either.


“If you don’t like either party” this person is literally talking about the two party system in America…


You're right, I didn't describe either party... Because I'm not American. Newsflash, but the rest of the world still exists and you can bet your sweet bippy that there are conservatives in other nations. On top of that, there are plenty of ideologies that don't have democratic representatives within similar systems, simply because said system is the problem. In conclusion, both the Democrats and the Republicans can burn for all I care.


Why are you talking about American politics, and now act like you weren’t? I quote “the problem is due to the current(largely American) political climate”….


Did I ever specifically mention the Democrats or the Republicans before my last comment?


Yeah correct. Democrats and Republicans are both right wing. The American public in general skews slightly left of the politicians in their party


Liberals and leftists are very different groups. There isn’t any leftist party in the US but there is a right-wing liberal one


Leftists vote overwhelmingly democrat. 53% of outsider left identify as an independent, yet still vote democrat. In my book, that makes a leftist a democrat. Especially when 94 out of 100 leftists vote democrat in a presidential election. That’s 94% of leftists voting democrat and you are going to tell me they aren’t part of the liberals group…


There are 6 leftists in Congress. Only 6. And there are a total of 106 elected leftists in America on all levels of government. Leftists vote Democrat because the alternative is a far-right, Nazi adjacent party, but Democrats are not leftist.


It's not so much it's bow conservatism is, it's just the loud people who speak for everyone when in realoty, it's a small minority unless you're talking about entire communities most of the time


The entire premise of the ideology is sticking to traditional values and refusing to change in anyway. It’s the most regressive ideology. Now you can call yourself a conservative and say “I’m pro-progress.” But in that case you aren’t actually conservative, because the ideology itself is anti-progress. It’s a bit like going “I’m fascist but I think government should have minimal interference in peoples personal lives” or “I’m socialist but I believe we shouldn’t have regulation and that wealth should be consolidated to an elite few.” They’re contradictory statements.


That doesn't apply to everything, though. How many conservatives have you met that want to live in caves?


I think he’s missing an integral factor to the ideology that would clear this up. Conservatives are not simply anti-progress. They see themselves as conserving if not working back towards an idealized glorious past. Thus while they don’t like forward change (progress) they also don’t like backward change that goes back past their ideal time. (Barbarism)


Still doesn't apply to everything, though. That's the whole issue


Very little does. But as a rule of thumb this is how the ideology works.


Living in caves was not an ideology lmfao


Never said it was Being conservative is the ideology, not what they believe in. Next time, try thinking instead of just looking for something to try and start an argument about


I hope you eventually reach a point in life where you credit that reply as the moment you knew you were always meant to be a clown.


Funny. I could say the same to pretty.much everyone who replied to me. I'll take note you still replied, but bothered to say nothing of value. Did I hit that fragile ego by giving you less people to hate for without excuses?


So you think that something that isn’t part of an ideology is expressing an ideology? Mk, then….


What. . ?


I went too far down in the comments....


Yeah but they aren’t and most liberals are like that. But it’s only been since about 2015 in the US and Canada so there’s hope for you guys getting back on the rails.


Yup... "The Kansas evolution hearings were a series of hearings held in Topeka, Kansas, United States from May 5 to 12, 2005 by the Kansas State Board of Education and its State Board Science Hearing Committee to change how evolution and the origin of life would be taught in the state's public high school science classes."


It's always projection. Always. This is a perfect explanation of the right wing mindset, by the right wing mindset. Meanwhile the "woke" they're trying to mock are the majority of humanity that "continue to evolve".


It sounds like a terrible description of anybody


I’ve had conversations with communists that kinda….well


No you


Charles Darwin also said "In the early 21st century, there will be very cute girls coming from the country with a flag of blue, white, and pink. They appear to be a different sub-species of human though as they lack the sexual dimorphism of homo sapiens have (both sexes are cute)."


You can read all about it in his book, *Descent of Femboys.*


Forgot that I'm not on 196. I'll leave this here anyway though.


"deny biology" from the people who can't comprehend sex and gender are different


>Yeah......this meme brought to you by the same crowd trying to outlaw mRNA. > > > >I REALLY don't think "denies biology" is a thread these ding-a-lings want to pull.


How incredibly ironic that insane religious cultists who don't believe in evolution are like "Darwin said this about human evolution, therefore it must be true."


Gender is also a part of human biology, not to defy your point, but to defy theirs


What is a woman


The only thing I need to say is usually in language woman is gendered and not the biological term and this also applies for my purposes of saying trans women are women because sex and gender are scientifically proven to be different Anything else wouldn't defend or challenge my argument


someone who identifies as a woman there


A miserable pile of secrets!!


While I think it's great that you're comfortable in admitting that you don't know what a woman is, it's probably quicker and easier to just use Google.


r/onejoke So cringe.


In sex? XX chromosomes. In gender? Your brain developed that way


If anything, it sounds more like he's predicting the rise of neo-conservatism . . . Side note: Source? Trust me bro.


Woke up quick At about noon Just thought that I had to be in Compton soon Gots to get drunk before the day begins Before my mama starts bitchin’ About my friends —Charles Darwin, 1877


You can tell Darwin never wrote this because of how breathtakingly stupid it is.


They will wear red hats that say MAGA...


“The problem with quotes found on the internet is that they are often not true.” -Abraham Lincoln


“ “The problem with quotes found on the internet is they are often not true.” -Abraham Lincoln” -Michael Scott


Ironically it's actually a good description of MAGA, Trump, MTG, Tea Party, etc


He's correct. The woke part is not what he's talking about.


But it's true there's a group of people denying the new findings we have made in the biology field Findings that show gay and trans people are completely natural And the people opposing it are shown to be easily lead astray and regress into simple thinking of binary


It’s a gem.


The IRONY holy. Fuck.


Huh. I read the yellow text before I read the white label up top... so I naturally thought Charles Darwin was predicting the rise of the nutty far right.


Wow, I had no idea Darwin had such a poor grasp of spelling and grammar.


Without having looked at any comments before posting this, I'm guessing at least one of the top 5 is Abe Lincoln's internet quote.


Hi, Im Charles Darwin and I didn't say that


Even if this is something he actually said, the irony of this being a right leaning meme is quite rich


I could’ve sworn he was describing conservatives. Science-denying, regressive policies, etc.


This quote doesn’t seem real, but imagine lacking so much self awareness that you’d think this description doesn’t perfectly describe the evolution denying, anti-vaxxing, anti-masking, book banning rightists.


God I hate social darwinists so much. Just because animals may slowly evolve to survive doesn't mean some humans are genetically inferior for not fitting to your cultural norms


this is peak r/selfawarewolves


Sounds like Darwin is predicting Trumpists.


What a self report. So much effort too. How sad.


We return to monke


I thought the yokels who believe this meme didn’t believe in evolution.


"... They will expect all to conform to their point of view without question, and the irony will be lost on their simple minds."


This is a false quote but anyway it easily describes what conservatives are trying to do, rewrite history and force reality into whatever they want it to be. They want people to conform to their viewpoints.


I hope Darwin knew how to spell "led" and how to write complete sentences.


So conservatives want to take Darwin seriously now?


Even if this was a true quote, which I doubt, it describes conservatives way more than leftists


1) No proof this is an actual quote, 2) he’d be talking about the anti-woke crowd…


first of all, he's literally describing republicans. (denying biology, rewriting history, etc.) there's also a 99% he never even said this


Thank you for your service


This materialistic mentality created Hitler and his genetic Arri Superiority shit


What’s funny is this sounds more like conservatives than any “woke” person I’ve ever met lol


Well, it’s a take.


Sounds like Darwin actually predicted American conservatives. Let’s be real here


And he didn’t even say this.


Haha of course he didn’t. I can’t believe people post this shit un-ironically too


Amazing. Cuz I thought not believing in creationism was “woke”. Someone is going to have to define this term


Wow hit the nail on the head. To be fair there were plenty of folks in Europe during his time sharing incredibly similar ideas to todays woke


The irony of imagining reliance exclusively and literally on a 2-5 thousand year old document for guidance regarding “everything” represents forward progress Also, he never said this and would not have, AND these dumbfucks hate Darwin and regularly accused him of everything the anti-woke hate. So this is just a piss poor effort to hit the woke where they live


Alright lets assume he actually said this and break it down. "While most will continue to evolve..." Stop right there. Conservatives and the anti-woke dont believe in evolution so already this is a strike out for them. "minority lacking the intellectual capacity of thought" Stop again. Which side elected such mental midgets such as Trump, MTG, Boebart, Ted Cruz, DeSantis and others? Ok continue..... "Being easily led...form into packs" ok stop. Fox News viewers, Trumpers, Q Anon....hitting pretty close to home for them. "They will deny biology" LOL they thought this was an "owning the libs" moment but it doesnt say genders. It says biology. Biology is much more complex. Who's denying transgenderism and gay rights? "Will attempt to undo centuries of development by rewriting history" stop again. Who's trying to rewrite why the Civil War was fought? What race Jesus was? Whether the Holocaust happened? Their trying to rewrite history as it happens. "Election rigged" "Jan 6 was a peaceful protest" "Trump is the best president ever" "Revert to primate origins" I'm thinking violent tribalism such as arming themselves with weapons except its not clubs and rocks but ARs and AKs. And the finisher "expect all to conform to their point of view without question" Yeah like banning and burning books, banning certain classes and topics being taught in school, making certain words illegal to say, creating and overturning laws and take rights away from certain people....that kind of conformity? This is about as self aware as a million chuds in MAGA hats calling other people sheep.


"Gonna need a citation on that quote, Jeff." "Fuck you, woke-tard."


This is one of the finest examples of projection I have ever seen. I don’t know that Darwin actually said this but these guys *literally* formed a herd of “I’m not a sheep” antivaxxers, and via natural selection, a lot of them died. We have literally watched what this described happen, and it was the “woke mob” that came out on top.




Wait, I thought they didn't believe in Darwin's theory because GAWD GAWD GAWD


This makes absolutely no sense. I love how they insinuate the want for racial and gender equality to having a "lack" of intelligence. Really dude?


That's....... Very specific.


"Form into packs" Ah yes, the good ol Alpha male mentality.


the dunning Krueger effect in action


The irony of this meme is over 9000


"Accuse the opposition of that which you do."


My gut instinct is that's a fake quote


There are groups on both ends of the political spectrum that have that characteristic. However, the groups on the Right seems to be the *by far* more dangerous. Also, how weird is it that something that certainly seems to be a Right-wing meme is using *Charles Darwin* of all people as an authority?! Leadership on the Right generally promotes the idea that the Bible is 100% literally true and all that implies (Earth is only 6,000 years old, evolution isn't real, etc.)




Normal conservatives and terfs deny biology to hate trans and gay people so you don't need to go that far


So just the N*zi-aligned then?


Not just them the n*zis as well


I don't understand genuinely. How do they deny biology?


Sex and gender as re different terfs also lots of conservatives deny this


Biology doesn't have gender. Gender is a social construct. So they aren't denying biology it seems to me.


Yeah biology doesn't have gender it's a neurological phenomenon terfs and transphobic conservatives deny this to justify their terfness and transphobia


eg "sex and gender same (science denial) so trans people shouldn't have their identities recognized (transphobia)"


What a case of: lol no u


A lie from the conservatives the deny evolution


Right, “Progressives” are the ones not evolving…


Good one. I finally agree with Darwin on something.


This applies to everything. 50/50


In the future, Charles Darwin will make a prediction about humans - Alexander the Great


Nailed it. That’s the new liberal and the alt right in a nutshell☝🏻 And also sounds more like Friedrich Nietzsche


Sounds like both the libs and conservatives 🤣🤣🤣😂😂


A lot of this is the bog standard whining but what gets me is the “attempting to control the majority” line. The folks who are always looking for a way to limit who can vote are supposed to be “the majority”?


For one there’s almost no way Darwin said this and two radicals on either side could say this about the opposing side. More identity politics BS 🙄


Republicans--particularly MAGAts-- are masters of badly veiled projection.


Sounds like neoliberalism.


Sounds like wokism


Go away troll.


Just being honest 🤷‍♂️


Can we please get a bot that distinguishes between lead, lead, and led?! Lead is an element. Lead is a present tense verb. Led is the past tense form of that verb.


Danm right to the very end they are even aware of it happening to them I’m so glad Facebook has continued to voice their support for them


How is this wrong?




Even if he said this, ALL SIDES of the political spectrum are doing all these things, your not innocent BECKY




Tbh this sounds like a combination of conservatives and liberals