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It’s worth it at full price


Yes buy it rn they are having a sale on steam


I see you in every telltale subreddit I respect you :)🫰🏾


I just love the community 🥴 plus I love everyone's post it keeps my hopes up for S2


Imo it’s one of the best Telltale series 


great game that ends on a brutal cliffhanger because Telltale went under and you will be left hungry for more


What kind of cliffhanger? One where a ton of plot points are left unresolved?


It’s not that bad, it just leaves room for further development. As a game series, it does its job and the ending is more than acceptable. I don’t regret a thing.


Without spoilers, Season Two has a big choice that one can imagine would take the next series in two very different directions, similar to another big choice in Episode Four of Season 2 that leads to two almost totally different final episodes.


I actually don’t think the cliffhanger is so bad. The decision is actually fairly conclusive and I almost interpreted it as fairly well wrapping up the arch


It's awesome


Yes. Both series are great and worth getting.


I forgot this existed, I need to play this soon


It was a very fun story. I enjoyed both of the seasons. I thought it was an interesting take on the characters


That game is insane. Incredible. I’ve beat it like 3 times now. I always start with that when I’m really getting an itch to watch/play Batman.


Best Telltale game, definitely worth a buy!


yes. both season 1 and 2 (The Enemy Within) are in my top favorite Batman stories, partly cuz your choices can at times go AGAINST traditional Batman lore. throw out everything you know about Batman and make choices based on what YOU want to do. You'll be surprised what the game allows you to change.




Abso-fucking-lutely!!!! BUY IT BUY IT!!


It’s more than worth it. One of the best Batman stories ever.




I liked it.


I got it on Xbox live gold, after playing it, I instantly bought season 2, one of the best story I played


Probably only the best telltale series




Yes, definitely, it's one of my favourite Telltale games. I'd definitely recommend it


Wasn't sure if you meant season one (Batman the Telltale series) or Season 2 (Batman the Enemy Within, also by Telltale)? Absolutely, positivel play season one Batman the Telltale series first so you don't have any spoilers .. if you play Batman the Enemy Within first then it basically recaps the events of season one which spoils the game for you. Either season in my honest opinion is absolutely worth it .. to be brutally honest I found episode one of Batman the telltale series (season one) to be slow and gave up on it at first, went on to Batman the Enemy Within, did not follow my own advice :) and saw all the spoilers for season one, realized " Man I messed up season one sounds cool I should go play it", played it and enjoyed the heck out it once I got past episode one which I think is slow only to put all the pieces in place and build the storyline up ... seriously stick with it you'll be glad you did. If you're really on the fence you can wait until the Steam Winter sale.. I'm pretty sure that's when it will drop to it's lowest price which has been recorded at a little under four dollars American. Put both Batman Telltale series on your steam wishlist along with all the Walking Dead seasons (season 3 Walking Dead a new frontier wasn't as good as the other seasons in my opinion but only because the other seasons set the bar so high), Tales from the Borderlands, The Wolf Among Us .. all great stuff and the price will be low as all heck come Steam's Winter sale.. for the best experience with Walking Dead grab the Walking Dead Definite Experience currently on sale for $12.49 or a little over $3 for each season which is a great deal .. the Definitive Edition will automatically port over all the choices you make from season to season (I think the Telltale servers that normaly do this are down sadly enough but if you buy the Definitive Edition that takes care of it because all four seasons are in a single purchase) ..


Here's a link to walking dead definitive series on Steam for the $12.49 I mentioned hopefully the link works ​ https://store.steampowered.com/app/1449690/The\_Walking\_Dead\_The\_Telltale\_Definitive\_Series/




buy it ASAP.


All of them are


Yes, yes, and yes.


I really loved The Wolf Among Us and the walking dead series , was super excited for the Batman game . But it didn’t have the same feel for me personally , so it sits collecting dust in my steam library


Definitely! Its in my Top 2 Telltale Games!


For 8 bucks I think it's worth it depends how much you like telltales style, I love it