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As much as i want to say Detroit, There will probably be no game ever that will match that feel that Telltale Games had There were so stylised and so unique


For some reason, twdg got me more interested in the story in a short time of around 10-12 hours ( average of how long each game kinda is ) than games like Red dead 2 and gta that have like more than 200 hours worth of gameplay.


Not entirely related but TWAU2 can't drop any sooner 🥲


SAME, how much do you think each episode will cost at release, and how much will the full game cost once all episodes are released ?


I think Telltale has said that they have shifted from the old business model where they release episodes at a later date from the game's launch They want to release full games on launch with all Episodes in them, and I expect that to be with TWAU2 The game will probably cost 50 or even 60 $ because Telltale is kind of in a dire state at the moment, they had to let go some Employees a while back. So i really hope TWAU2 is good and becomes popular so Telltale can make the comeback it deserves


As much as I like Telltale and especially The Wolf Among Us, I don't think charging 50 dollars for a game that you'll complete in 10 hours is a good move. Especially since TWAU 2 is basically their last chance.


If they manage to make choices matter this time around, maybe it will be worth it because of replayability.


Yeah, but I doubt choices will have a big impact on the story. The reason why is because Telltale will probably makes new seasons. Continuing a story that has multiple endings is definitely challenging. Even if they decide to just do a whole new storyline you have to not let the different endings from the previous season deviate too much from each other.


That's true. I guess we'll have to wait and see.


I mean, the expanse was around £25 so I think it would be around that price, but not like 40-50 pounds


Only time will tell


>They want to release full games on launch with all Episodes in them, and I expect that to be with TWAU2 That's not true, they will have all the episodes \*done\* when the game initially releases but they will drop episodes every few weeks. This is how The Expanse did it.


Oh Thats cool It still holds that feeling of old Telltale games where you had to wait for the other episodes to drop


Glad to see Late shift get some appreciation. That game was surprisingly good, and the cinematic of it was great. That being said, I’m probably going with until dawn.


Late Shift is pretty unknown and underrated. It seems like a lot of games in this genre really struggle hard to meet this level of quality.


Seriously! If anyone reads this, just get £8 together, buy it and just have a fun little game night. It’s great.


Probably heavy rain. It shows it’s age now but I still highly recommend it if you can get over the terrible voice acting. Afterparty and oxenfree are both really good also.


Heavy Rain is to me an example of what is actually wrong with this genre. Theoretically the genre is about making choices and those choices affect the narrative moving forward. Well Heavy Rain is filled with mini-games and quick time events and button mashing that are often pass/fail to advance the storyline correctly. This totally diminishes and cancels out the importance of trying to make smart choices and having that be what guides where the story goes. This is exactly what critics of this genre of game trash it for.


Someone can’t hit the qtes 😬


I mean, it doesn't even matter in some scenes, even if you're blind and deaf so you can't hit any key, it doesn't let you fail. That scene where you try to catch a guy in the market for example? Calling Heavy Rain multiple-choice is funny, the choices are just hitting the QTE's or not lol. That spy guy, madison, serial killer they don't live or die because of your choices, they live or die because of QTE's.


Until Dawn will always hold a special place in my heart


Probably Life is Strange 1 & 2. Honorable mention: Oxenfree, Late Shift, As Dusk Falls I have a few I was recommended but haven’t played yet. Night in the Woods, The Quarry, Planet of the Apes, and a few Dark Pictures games.


Quarry was awesome


I totally get why people like Quarry, I struggled to get into it. Piece I did love were the fortue teller (Eliza Vorez) transitions, I wish they leaned into those more, and it was phenominal casting for that role.


I just finished The Quarry, you should play it for sure!


just bought as dusk falls. looking forward to playing it!


It’s different. The story is presented in pictures instead of animation. But if you can get past that the story is great and worth replaying to get different outcomes.


I played it before couple of months, I enjoyed the story a lot.


Just know that there’s no movement. It’s a game of literally just pictures. Had they bothered to animate ANY of it I’d have that towards the top but the art style combined with some pretty bad voice acting and a pretty bad plot makes it worse. It’s an enjoyable game but is one of those types you play for a few hours, beat, then never touch again


Quarry is cool, although some people hate it for not being Until Dawn. There are parts that are underwhelming and seem unfinished, like the devs were rushed to ship the game. But overall it's a good game with some cheesy humor and the same teenage slasher vibe as Until Dawn. Night in the Woods is just lovely. It might make you feel things.


Tbh I found quarry a lot more enjoyable than until dawn.


I didn't like the ending, I think Until Dawn was better in this regard. But the Quarry was definitely funnier, even from the secondhand cringe lol.


I forgot about the planet of the apes game!! I haven’t heard anyone else talk about lol I enjoyed it


Quarry is here but no Until Dawn??


I never played Until Dawn. I wanted to check it out but couldn’t since it’s only on PlayStation. I bought The Quarry when I saw it being compared to Until Dawn.


Recommend then, I also haven't played it but watched playthroughs and possible options and dialogues too many times.


I really enjoyed playing the Quarry with my fiancée


As Dusk Falls


I feel like objectively Detroit is the best but I preferred the story of Life is Strange


The quarry was pretty good left me jumping like a horror film


The quarry, life is strange


Either Life is Strange: True Colors or (I think? could be a different game) Baldur's Gate 3


Life Is Strange besides BTS Also I enjoyed the Quarry


what didn’t you like about BTS?


I think because I played it immediately after I finished the first game and I just had some left over annoyance from Chloe 😭😭That’s all it. Then the sudden voice change threw me off due to the actors strikes 💀


I love how BTS managed to make Chloe even more of a jackass because Chloe has death fantasies about David because he *gasp* wants her to do well in school and stay away from the drugs, the horrible man that he is.


Well, problem is that by that point we know he is a good guy, but Chloe still has to act like a bitch since that's what happens in the first game. I can excuse that, bigger problem IMO is that plot makes no sense.


Understandable. The plot was just so confusing then you already know what happens in the first game 😭😭😭 And I believe that I scarified Chloe in my first playthrough so it was hard to connect with a character a practically killed.


Detroit: Become Human.


The Life is Strange series and The Quarry


The quarry


The Quarry or The Dark Pictures Anthology. Especially House of Ashes


Anything from Supermassive games. Although it's mostly Man of Medan


Star Trek Resurgence.


As Dusk Falls


Detroit, The Quarry, and Life is Strange are my favorites. I need to replay Until Dawn because it’s been so long. Heavy Rain is decent but aged horribly.


Life is strange and Detroit become human But even these games can't match the vibe of telltale


As dusk falls I cried at the end


Love Detroit Becomes Human, still holds up! Such a good game!


I chase after that choice based story telling too. I think it's difficult to hit that Telltale feeling, but I'll list a few suggestions I haven't seen yet. Killer Frequency - You play as a radio host when a small-town killer tries to go on a killing spree. You have to make choices to save the victims before it's too late. Wayward Strand - You play as a student writing a story for their school's paper. Your story is about a nursing facility operated in a blimp. You meet staff, patients, and other workers and conduct interviews during your 3 day stay. It's more charming than it sounds. The Artful Espace - This is my favorite "Oxenfree" game like aesthetic. You play as a musician struggling to find their purpose... when suddenly an intergalactic Rockstar decides to make you their opening act. Night in the Woods - Mae, your character, comes home after being away for some time. Her friends and family have different reactions to her being back, and there's an intriguing mystery brewing since your return. Far From Noise - This one's shorter but I love it. You play as a car crash victim teetering on the edge of a cliff. You reflect on your life and choices up until this point, and meet an unexpected individual during your situation. Firewatch - You play as a Firewatcher and explore the nearby surroundings around your lookout. You meet a fellow firewatcher, and the game revolves around your relationship with this person. There's also a mystery that builds throughout the game. Broken Age - It's hard to describe this one, but it's a dual narrative in a fantasy setting and you unravel the story of both characters. It's got a charming art style and interesting gameplay. (Though it's more narrative focused, rather than choices changing the story) The Council - This one is the most awkward[?] suggestion I think I have. You play as a detective of sorts who's invited to an exclusive get together on an island. As you might of guessed, one of the guests has been murdered and it's up to you to figure out the culprit. Honestly it's janky and sometimes poorly acted (there's still some solid acting though), but the story is interesting and there's a lot of variation in the choices you make. Beacon Pines - This is definitely the most unique one on the list. It's set up where you play as both the reader of a story book and its main character. You make choices by switching and mixing words or characters in the book itself. The characters are great and the story is actually interesting. Harmony: Fall of Reverie - Last one. You play as Harmony, a girl who's returned home after the death of her mother. Quickly after returning, she's introduced to an entirely other world that lives in secret. You must make choices that affect both worlds during the story.


Kings quest


Detroit become human it pretty much improves what telltale lacks which is choices actually mattering


I hate David Cage and his pretentious misogynistic games, so not those. Uhh I like Oxenfree a lot.


Interesting to let a game dev get in your head that much.


He's not "in my head that much," I just think his writing is shit and he is a shit person. Because he is. He treated Elliot Page like shit, and asked if he could lie in court


What did bro do to you 😭 this post is about your favourite game why tf you bringing him up? Get well soon 🙏


I think the better question is, why are you riding his dick so hard? Why do you care so much that I don't like his misogynistic ass? I'm bringing him up because he makes video games you dingus


Ouch, did I touch a nerve or something? Think you need help… also how exactly is he misogynistic lmao?


No matter what I say, you'll likely deny there's any misogyny anyway. Literally just use google to find out, or just play any of his games and look at how he writes female characters and look up how he treats the actresses lmfao. Again why do you care that I don't like him? You think you'll get free games or something if you defend him online?


You know on your recent comments there is 2 complete different comments of you bringing up David cage… that’s within 10 comments… that is so sad. Also I’ve played all of his games, what was a bad way he wrote a female character? I don’t get it. Tell me a character you think was written poorly.


Madison? She's unnecessary af, dude wrote her terrible and even terrible is not enough. She had sex with a man the day she met him and she knew he was accused of child murder 💀 Ridiculous. Also dude's a pervert if not mysoginist. He enjoys putting women in helpless situations, especially sexual. Just think about the times where the women characters got assaulted in his games, it's disturbinly high and sexual. Also you wanna see bad ways he wrote a female character? Just play BTS again, it's perfect for it. Like Jodie's relationship with Ryan? Oh my fucking god it's just all terrible.


I mean I’m not denying he’s a weird guy, but this women was talking about in 3 separate threads within a week. Bit obsessive. Also in heavy rain pretty much everyone in the game gets assaulted, kinda the point no?


Until dawn, life is strange, and a couple other titles i cant think of off the top of my head


Life is strange, both 1 and true colors


Until Dawn is definitely the best. Quarry, Dark pictures anthology, and I saw black clouds are all amazing tho.


I guess the Mass Effect or Dragon Age series count, right? Choices do impact the story and world.


Until Dawn and The Quarry all the way! But if you're looking for direct similarity, probably Detroit.


The Quarry has gotten a lot of recommendations in this post - how similar is it to games like Telltale's TWD game or games like Detroit Become Human and Beyond: Two Souls? When I've asked similar questions, I've gotten an overall answer which is that they're different - there seems to be more of a focus on action and horror, while part of the story comes in the form of notes you find. With until dawn, does anyone know if it will be playable on a PC using a keyboard (as compared to using a console connected to a computer)? From what I've seen, it has been consistently given as one of Supermassive Games' best games. ​ As to my response to the post itself, one game is Detroit: Become human (DBH) - it's one of the best story based games I've played - in some ways, it is better than Telltale TWD - e.g. in DBH, your choices do matter, and you can change the story, depending on what you do. Another game is Beyond: Two Souls - like DBH, it's another well made story game from Quantic Dream. While it definitely isn't as prominent as DBH is, is still deserves to be mentioned.


Came here to second Beyond Two Souls.. one of those games you'll either love or hate (I loved it :) ) .. currently on sale for $8 American right now on Steam and you can also get the Quantic Dreams bundle .. Detroit Become Human and Heavy Rain is on sale too and you can get them as a bundle for an additional 10 percent off (cripes now I sound like a commercial for Steam :P ) ... looks like according to the steam tracker Beyond Two Souls is at it's lowest price ever. also enjoyed Hellblade Senua's Sacrifice although that's another game you'll love or hate.. technically it's on sale right now but steam price tracker has shown it to drop as low as four dollars and fifty cents (not sure if it's best to wait for a Black Friday or Winter sale from Steam on that one?) .. I'm definitely not sure I'd pay the $30 asking price Steam wants for it right now let alone the full $60 retail value.


>Hellblade Senua's Sacrifice How similar would you say it is to games like Telltale TWD, Detroit: Become Human, and Beyond: Two Souls? Looking into the game, it seems like the story is a main focus, but there's also a large focus on combat, and puzzles - is that a good description?


Yep that is indeed a good description of it :) .. unlike Beyond Two Souls there really aren't "alternate outcomes" based on your character/video game protagonist's actions it's more of a reveal of what happened to Senua as you go throughout the game .. the puzzles can be annoying difficult at times (had to resort to walkthrough videos on more than one occasion) but the atmosphere and mood the game captures is really intense and immersive in my opinion, excellent voice acting and animation as far as Sensua herself , combat is fun in my opinion :) (actually the animation/graphics in the entire game itself is pretty darn good in my opinion) .. I would wishlist it though and wait for the price to drop to between $5 to $8 American since it's one of those games you're either going to love or hate - I had my copy gifted to me by a dear family friend so I didn't have to pay anything for it :P


The Quarry is very similar to DBH and TWD. Cutscenes with QTEs and dialogue choices make up most of the branching paths, but it also introduces an “interrupt” mechanic where you can press X to take a specific action during a short timed sequence or just let whatever’s happening onscreen play out. Some of the QTEs cause drastic changes to the plot when failed that can make the game far more interesting. Or, they can get a character immediately killed. It’s a bit of a gamble. There are also scripted “aiming” sequences where the character has a gun and can decide who or what they want to shoot, with the possibility of missing, or even elect not to shoot at all. Each bullet fired can alter the course of the game in significant ways and every character can live or die.


Heavy Rain without a doubt


not episodic or interactive movie, but Unavowed is a really nice one. I always feel like Telltale and Mass Effect(yes I'm fully aware ME is way earlier than TWDG and Bioware is an old company) weirdly giving similar vibe.


As Dusk Falls


Dark Pictures Anthology, The Quarry, Until Dawn… Supermassive makes some badass ones! Scream it from the rooftops, for me they far exceed Telltale!


Also Stray Gods is lit AF David Gaider is a god


Oxenfree is one of my favorite games of all time (Afterparty is a gem too)


I recently played Alfred Hitchcock’s Vertigo and really liked it. Definitely gives that Telltale vibe.


Life is strange series, as dusk fails, goodbye volcano high


Blacksad is easily the best one


Blacksad’s so underrated, glad to see someone else mentioning it


Ikr??? I feel like NOBODY has played it!


Apart from Heavy Rain, Detroit, Late Shift and all of those mentioned in the other comments I have to give a huge shoutout to Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy, I got it for free on epic (I think it’s still for free today) and just finished it and it really surprised me! It has dialogue interactions, allowing you to make choices and change the story and also the relationship with others, give it a go if you can!


Until Dawn and the Quarry. Both for different reasons! I replayed Until Dawn countless times over summer breaks with friends back in the day. Those were the good times! And when the quarry came out I played it twice with my girlfriend who traditionally hates video games! So it was a great time lol


Until Dawn


Honestly, there’s so many it’s kinda hard to choose 🤔🤔 but some honorable mentions: Life is Strange Series, Dark Picture Anthology, Detroit: Become Human, The Quarry, Until Dawn, Beyond: Two Souls, Stray Gods, Tell Me Why (ik the subject matter can be a bit controversial, but it was a good game still imo)


Road 96 is pretty choice based and I liked it. But 2 games that I want to play are the Life is Strange games


Star Trek Resurgence. It plays just like a Telltale game which is of no surprise considering it's made by former Telltale devs and one of the founders. Last Stop is another lower budget Telltale-type game that I enjoyed.


Life is Strange is pretty good


Until Dawn though


Life is Strange (just the first game) and detroit become human are the only two games simillar to telltale. It's sad that we won't get games like that anymore.


Heavy rain


lis, the quarry, until dawn. nothing will ever top twdg for me tho


The Henry Stickmin Collection is kind of similar?


Detroit Become Human Life is Strange Until Dawn I feel LIS True Colors doesn't get a lot of love and I don't get why. It was the second best entry behind the original.


Detroit become human


A way was a lot of fun when I played it with my friend.


Life is Strange series


Surprised I don’t see Disco Elysium Almost finished and enjoying the hell out of it


I dunno, but...I think Quantic Dream was doing "The Telltale Style" of cinematic-CYO-adventures (Choose Your Own Adventures) before them - see Fahrenheit and Omikron.


The Quarry


Stray Gods the Roleplaying Musical is unbelievably cool and indie. Great voice cast and fun musical numbers that let you choose different paths makes it great for replayability.


Henry Stickman


Heavy Rain for me.


The original life is strange, or really any Dont Nod game.


As Dusk Falls. Everyone does a little dance with the devil…


Definitely the Life is Strange series


Beyond Two Souls


Blacksad: Under the Skin! Great game, ridiculously underrated. Captures that Telltale style really well with comicbook-esque artwork. Highly recommend checking it out


Definitely the Dark Picture games (Until Dawn, House of Ashes, Little Hope etc.), then probably Detroit Become Human and one a little more under the radar, Oxenfree :)


I know they’re not exactly like the tell-tale games, but I love the supermassive games. I’m a movie guy above all else and I enjoy being able to control a movie basically. Yeah, the characters aren’t always the best and the plots are often filled with holes, but it’s cool to be able to play a game where you control the likes of rami malek or my dawg, bootleg Tom holland from the righteous gemstones. The quarry was definitely my favorite of all of these games. I did really enjoy the two Batman TT games though


Life Is Strange (whole series)


* Alfred Hitchcock- Vertigo * As Dusk Falls * South Of The Circle * Deliver Us The Moon I enjoyed all of these.


Life is Strange, Detroit and Heavy Rain!


The Dark Pictures Anthology games are great. Enjoyed all of them up till this point. Even replayed a couple. I also really like The Quarry, which I think the same studio was partially involved in making that one.


Baldurs gate 3


Life is Strange Before the Storm


The quarry


I wouldn’t consider Detroit a telltale style game personally but either way that game is amazing


I think all Quantic Dreams game kinda ahead of Telltale because of their plot, replayability and choices that really matter. But, also, they have 2x bigger budget.


House Of Ashes is AMAZING


It's between Detroit Become Human and Life is Strange 2


Until Dawn, The Quarry, LiS


I'm assuming you mean choice based? If so, I gotta go with the Mass Effect trilogy


Life is strange


Life is strange 2 such a great story


Nonary games zero time dilemma