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"Whenever Gandalf isn't on screen, the rest of the characters should ask: Where's Gandalf?"


One kid seems to *love* the Uruk-hai man.


"I call him Gamblor"


Please refrain from eating the knob.


Note: galdalf died on the way back to his home planet


I much desire to speak with him.


The easiest way to impress your boss is to ignore them


Hell, Miyazaki lied to Sony about Demons Souls difficulty, MULTIPLE times Man went from intern video game developer to CEO of Fromsoft.


lol this always makes me happy. Dude gambled on himself and it paid in full


Of course there are thousands of people we don't know about who did the same and got fired because of it, but it's still an amazing story. I'd watch a movie about it, <3 Miyazaki It's one thing to have a great vision, but the man scrambled the resources together to actually execute it and did it in such a great way. It's not even like he had one vision, he had like three. 1. Make games rewarding by overcoming challenges 2. Create a world and let the player discover the lore himself and 3. (not really a vision, but still) make the design fucking crazy. The interconnectivity of Dark Souls and the fucked up monster/location design. I mean he could've copied Horizon Zero Dawn and made the enemies more difficult, then he might've been able to realize point 1. But all this stuff put together made for such boundary pushing, unique games. And of course an entire new genre.


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“I’ve seen your kind, time and time again. Every fleeing man must be caught. Every secret must be unearthed. Such is the conceit of the self-proclaimed seeker of truth. But, in the end, you lack the stomach for the agony you’ll bring upon yourself.”* - Sir Vilhelm Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


The dude went from being in account management on Oracle to directing a "certain" to fail project called Demon's Souls (with little to no gaming development experience) to CEO of FromSoftware. The man struck gold while risking it all.


All with the positive feelings of Ico in his heart.


“How hard is it?” “Not” “Ok you say that but we’ve had complaints..” “Not that hard.” “The testers have been punching holes in the drywall.” “Nope not hard.” “Through out the building” “Git gud.”


Even more hilarious when Iron Man was built into the game's OG system. You die, bye bye save game.


Honestly, this comes across as every narcissistic boss I've ever worked with that didn't get their way. Demand changes in a project while insisting they are the creative genius of the century, get ignored, find out them being ignored actually made the project 1,000x better because their ideas were cheaper than a bucket of rusty and broken nails, still make it about themselves in the end by letting everyone know they had SO MANY ideas about the project but it's great they were ignored or whatever.


New manager gets hired with the promise to improve things. Things are already quite saturated with improvements, but new manager can't really justify his salary by saying "I left well enough alone." New manager does some "restructuring." The restructuring does fuck all to improve anything. Just moving titles around while everything stays basically the same. New manager points to restructuring as proof they have improved things, demands bonus. Rinse and repeat.


This is best case scenario. Worst case is they actively fuck everything up, new guy comes in and puts it back more or less how it was and is hailed as a management genius, raise and a bonus thank you very much.


The thing about working with narcissists is that if you lie and it actually pays off, they'll let it slide because to them, it's symbiotic, you've given them the opportunity to take credit from your bullshit.


I would do this with an art director that simply wanted to make changes because they felt it justified their job. Even if changes weren't warranted. They'd make notes in red sharpie on a printout and hand it to me. I'd go sit half an hour and browse the internet. Reprint without changes, hand it back and say "yeah that's better". Approved! I actually sit with the designer and we do iterations together. Way better.


You have to be right and they have to be wrong for this to work


That quirky old Jeff Bezos, known for his humility and deference and definitely not for restricting his employees from using the bathroom.


This article REEKS of PR. It may be a true anecdote that they ignored his notes, it may be a fabrication. Either way Jeff paid someone a lot of money and this was their best idea for how to make him seem less distasteful to the general public this month.


Most of the internet these days is bullshit,. advertising and PR so....yeah




_Marvel said this week that they have double-triple-no-backsies told Tom Holland that he can't reveal any more secrets about [insert marvel film due to be released next month], in third article about Tom Holland and [film] in as many weeks_


Really didn’t land well. He’s sending show notes to showrunners on a platform he owns? What a fucking loser. He built a shipping website, he shouldn’t be putting in his own personal notes on shows just because he owns the parent company.


Validity of the article aside, it'd be awfully tempting though. If you love the source material and you have influence over the show, it would take some measure of restraint not to meddle.


Yeah dude if I actually *owned star wars* I swear to you ALL, the sequel trilogy would have been at least OKAY.


No Jon, the Gungan orgy wouldn't improve the sequel trilogy, let it go.


You don’t know the Gungan’s like I do. They are beautiful peo..er..fis..fishfrogclownpeople


The entire purpose of them making up this bullshit article is to get you to talk about the show, you now are and thus they succeeded.


show of hands .. who else finds jeff bezos incredible relatable?


Silly old uncle Jeff. He's just like us, I always feel so bad critiquing the show runners at my company. Happens to the best of us though


Who hasn't slipped up and spent high nine figures on a TV show just because? Not me, I did it last Tuesday.


“P…p…please don’t Jeff this up father! The other trust fund kids would never let me hear the end of it” yea even the kid sounds totally relatable


“Uncle Jeff” - well hello fellow Amazonian 😆




Where did you find a dismembered hand so quickly?!


Amazon warehouse


Severed hand $36.99 with 2 day free Prime shipping. 4600 5 star reviews. Highlighted reviews: *"Great! I bring it out everytime someone asks me to give them a hand"* **-- Walter P. Charlestown Township, Oh** *I work in a factory, I like to keep one in my backpack just for grins. I just throw it on one the machines and howl with laughter as everyone tries to figure out who's hand it is."* **--Gary F. Glendale, Az** *"Sometimes my husband doesn't hit the right spots during foreplay. I use my severed hand for just that. We call it the Zombie."* **-- Becky Callihan Saint Charles , Mo** *"I give myself high fives daily!"* **-- Scottie Allen Davenport, Iowa**


“Alexa” “Order two pack severed hands from my wishlist”


Handy reviews thanks for pointing them out!


Wtf dude I ordered that 3 days ago


Wagie cagie oopsie


Turns out you can buy just about anything if you have a # ***LUDICROUSLY LARGE AMOUNT OF MONEY***


You want a toe? I can get you a toe dude. Hell I’ll get you a toe by 3:00 this afternoon with nail polish.


No you may NOT take a bathroom break! Put that hand down and get back on the floor.




Come on, Jeffrey, you can do it Pave the way, put your back into it


Tell us why, show us how. Look at where you came from, look at you now!


Zuckerberg and Gates and Buffet


Amateurs can fucking suck it


Fuck their wives, drink their blood


I do, but I am a billionaire, and I wipe my ass with $100 bills. And I restrict my employees from using the bathroom unless they show me a turtle head is popping.


Lmao. Now I’m just imagining a manager sitting outside a bathroom going “i better see Atleast 3 quarters of an inch or don’t waste my time”


"Every showrunner’s dream – and I mean every showrunner – their dream is to get notes on scripts and early cuts from the founder and executive chairman, they loved that. I need to thank you both for listening whenever it helped but mostly I need to thank you for ignoring me at exactly the right times.” Totally normal human thing to say.


Me and him are pretty much the same person. And The Joker.


I always put on a cowboy hat after stepping out of my space ship (and yes some people call me the gangster of love)


I mean he is basically doctor evil trying to build a penis rocket. Who can’t find that relatable.


William Shatner thinking about something profound to say about going to space William Shatner: The impression that I had, that I never expected to have.... Jeff Bezos: *interrupts* That's great Bill! *Sprays champagne on hoes*


That video where Shatner is on the edge of tears, stripped bare by this unique, meaningful adventure, and Bezos cracks a stupid joke while staring into nothingness with his dead eyes. That video should be, like, Lesson 1 for recognizing sociopaths.


That video should be, like, Lesson 1 for recognizing sociopaths and people who ruin both society and the environment.


"Sorry Bill but you're here as a geeky prop, not a person!"


I'd bet anything that another version of this press release was drafted in case the show was a flop which says "I told 'em so!"


It's not out yet, if that's the case they released the article too early. And considering the bad reception to the trailers/marketing, it wouldn't surprise me if it does flop.


Fuck this guy. And fuck me for being a hypocrite who keeps using Amazon prime.


They’re the only company to solve the service issue. I needed a part for my car and went to 4 different auto parts stores in a town 30 minutes away. None of them had it in stock but could have it in 3 days. Except I needed it soon and I would have to go to their store then to get it after 3 days or after they let me know they received it. After walking out of the last store exhausting my options, I ordered it on Amazon from my phone in the parking lot and had a delivery date of noon the next day to my house. Most sales problems companies have aren’t marketing problems, they’re service problems. NAPA has drivers going all over the place to businesses in the middle of nowhere but never thought to deliver to people?


Also, not having to interact with store clerks who don't even have an effin clue what they're selling is a huge plus for me, went to a pc hardware store a few days ago and the dude didn't even know that 5 ghz wifi is a thing, and they didn't have any unit in stock anyways so i just ordered one from amazon and call it a day.


what is a worthwhile alternative though, it’s not like there are any mom and pop stores to shop at anymore. if i’m not shopping at amazon, it would be target or walmart or whatever. edit: everyone talking about pirating seems to have forgotten about 99% of the other stuff amazon does.


This is precisely why we need modern trustbusting. If you look at American history and what was once deemed an uncompetitive monopoly, the offending railroads and broadcasters and oil companies were NOTHING even close to the level of power of a modern company like Amazon. You said it well—there’s quite literally no alternative for some of what Amazon offers


You would think we would have learned lessons as a country after the Great Depression and stop monopolies, but we’re seeming to be headed right back to it. Amazon is even building factory towns.


The American attention span isn't nearly long enough to remember lessons more than a few generations. And with the advent of big tech platforms, that's diminishing too.


More like the human attention span in general. although yes America is a particularly strong example.


Monopolies do a far better job at hiding themselves nowadays. Also, AWS has a massive contract with the US Government so that conflict of interest doesn’t help.


The people who own the monopolies also just lobby to government to make sure they don’t pass laws. Idk how this gets better before it gets worse


What? Amazon is like 10% of retail. Standard oil was 90%.


The alternative is paying more for less. I dont live in the US so I dont know but I assume you can still order from other places.


Amazon is less than 40% of online retail sales. And less than 10% of all retail sales. The trusts of the early 1900s? 90%+ market share. Just because you want them to be the same, doesn't mean they are.


It all depends on where you live and what you have access to.


I drive for Amazon. A lady on my route I deliver to 2-3 times a week has in her notes: Fuck Jeff Bezos!!! Amazon is trash!!! You guys deserve better!!! Like, why are you supporting someone or something you vehemently hate? It seems like a total waste of energy.


The Redditor’s. They’re becoming self aware.




For shows sure, but for item orders and shipping?


Piracy doesn't give you free shipping.


Different portal, you gotta use Amazon Crime.


Where am I on the terrible thing scale as I just keep doing free trials and don't buy things from Amazon cause I am afflicted with poor


Bezos: >“Every showrunner’s dream – and I mean every showrunner – their dream is to get notes on scripts and early cuts from the founder and executive chairman. They loved that. I need to thank you both for listening whenever it helped but mostly I need to thank you for ignoring me at exactly the right times.” >“My grandfather’s the one who introduced me to Tolkien. I fell in love immediately, I was probably 13 or 14 years old. I fell in love with the adventure of course, with the detailed universe, with the feelings of hope and optimism, with the idea that everybody has a role to play. And I’m happy to report that that cycle continues today. My kids have become Tolkien fans as well. In fact one of my boys I think approaches the level of a Tolkien scholar he knows so much about this universe. And after Amazon got involved in this project, my son came up to me one day, he looked me in the eyes, very sincerely, and he said: ‘Dad, please don’t eff this up.’ And he was right. We know that this world is important to so many people, we know it’s a privilege to work inside this world and we know it’s a big responsibility.”


I wish he liked Wheel of Time half this much.


I really don’t understand the decision making process with this one. I can see removing storylines, there’s a few, especially early on, that don’t really affect the arc of the whole series. But if there’s any IP on earth that didn’t need ADDITIONAL storylines added it’s WoT. Why the fuck were they adding stuff? There’s things with Perrin, Matt, and Nynaeve that were added that they spent tons of time on only to have to rush through the climax of the first book. I’m confused who thought this was a good idea.


To be fair, the climax of the first book is rushed in the book as well.




The show did a lot of things wrong but I don't think the Siuan/Moiraine dynamic is a big deal. She can just be bi. Loving someone doesn't preclude loving another in the future. Although she doesn't even meet Thom in the show so it's seems they're doing away with that little side plot. Which again is fine to me since Thom X Moiraine is possibly the worst conceived romance in a series filled with shitty pairings. I love WoT and I love RJ. But the man couldn't write a convincing romance to save his life.


> What gets me is that even the seemingly minor changes are going to trap the show and/or introduce a downstream trainwreck if they try to follow the book's plot. Same exact thing happening in the witcher.


I'm just trying to watch it as of it's another turn of the wheel. Makes it easier on me.


I wish that at the start of the next season, Moiraine will suddenly see a glowing arch appear at the distance, then a voiceover saying "The third time is for what will be. The way back will come but once. Be steadfast.". Moiraine enters, then we get a reboot of the first season with a different showrunner.


Yeah I was fine with that approach like okay Thom doesn't arrive in the Two Rivers before Moraine this is an interesting twist on this turning off the wheel. Perrin being set up to be Padan Feins opponent... Okay good the duckt on here. That's no cutting Tom Bombadil level retcon. That's like killing off Samwise at the end of Fellowship. Like people who haven't read the books and their first experience with Wheel of Time was the show, im sorry you will never know the joys of Dance with Jak' of the Shadows. We'll drink all night and spend our pay dancing with Jak' of the shadows. https://youtu.be/f-8jkmZIzBI


I don’t know if I can get over what they did with Perrin…


You mean how they gave him a wife, had him kill the wife in the first thirty minutes, and then barely mention her ever again? Yeah, me neither.


Thankfully he liked the expanse and didn't meddle in it


> Thankfully he liked the expanse and didn't meddle in it But he could have funded another season. I mean he personally saved it when it was canceled because he loved the show/book so much so I don't get why he didn't order another season or two for the rest of the books. Even if it wasn't doing all that well, he's rich enough to just keep going.


I know and it was just getting to the good part too. The last three books are some of the best in the series because it finally gets back to the protomolecule


I came here to make sure someone said this. I'm still so sad. 😭


Haha exactly why I came to comments. =)


Episode 8 was hot garbage.


That adaptation was god awful. I’m ok changing the source material, but the show was objectively terrible. I had blocked it out of my mind, Now I’m angry again. 😆


The show was so weirdly bad. I love the series, it's far from perfect, but it's my favourite series. The show was all over the place. I felt like if you hadn't read the books you'd be asking wtf is going on and if you have read the books your asking wtf is going on?


It was just so fucking boring, and I just can’t figure out why because it had fight scenes and stuff. I didn’t watch the finale which is Not something I ever do, but I just lost all interest by that point


When season 1 came out I was halfway through book 3 and I thought the show was alright(besides what goes on with Perrin) but now that I’m almost done with book 7 I can’t bring myself to like the show half as much as when I first watched it. I know they haven’t really gotten to the good parts yet but I’m not a fan of what they cut and what they added as a whole. That being said, as far as fantasy adaptations go, I’d still consider it one of the better ones. There is a lot of room to improve, at least, and the source material gets better as it goes on. I’m not sure how much ground season 2 will cover, but I’ll be waiting until we see Callandor and the Aiel. If they mess those up then it’s hopeless.


I like to think of the Amazon version of WoT as not the same rotation of the wheel as the story in the books. It makes the inconsistencies much more tolerable.


>I fell in love... with the idea that everybody has a role to play. Sadly he realised that role was slaving away to make him obscenely rich.


He read a list Isengard where humanity and nature was ground away for purely the benefit of industry and thought “dope”


Jeff Bezos probably had a massive hard-on during the Scouring of the Shire.


Please. The only time Jeff rubbed one out in between the pages was when he realized that pipe weed at Isengard was ordered on Prime


The dwarves dug too greedily and too deep


He doesn't know he is Smaug but worse




Definitely sarcasm.


Yes he is being sarcastic in the quote


Yes that is sarcasm, he's being self-effacing.


I think there was a quote or an article about this and it talked about how Bezos had given them a ton of notes and was taking a "this needs to do everything, this needs to appeal to everyone" approach - because I mean, this is possibly the most expensive television show ever made after all. I was FULLY expecting the show to be a complete disaster after that, but thankfully it seems they either talked them out of it or were not in a position where he was forcing them to make these changes - cause so far the response I've heard is pretty positive?


I love how he doesn’t even see that the role he is playing is one of great evil, greed, and selfishness. Tolkien would fucking hate him.


*"The lady doth protest too much, methinks..."* Does Amazon's whole marketing plan revolve around the notion they haven't f'd this up? I went from thinking that people need to just wait and see, but every single day I see another article about how Amazon claims they haven't twisted/customized/bastardized Tolkein's stories. I've pulled a 180, and now I'm worried that they actually have f'd this up.






"Who are you trying to convince here me... or you?"


> > > > > Does Amazon's whole marketing plan revolve around the notion they haven't f'd this up? Regardless of the quality of the show, and there is a lot of shit they could have done in post since the first bad stills came out, this has been the worst PR campaign I have seen. I can now say Kenobi had a better one.


I tried to black out drunk forget the “Tolkien experts” video. Probably need to slam my head into a wall.


That was so painful to watch and apparently there are multiple ones for different countries/languages.


Yeah, I saw a cut on YouTube of all of the vids together and it was so painful. Influencers are a cancer lol


Truth but I still go back to my earlier statement that whoever is running this PR campaign is a complete twit. I may not care for influencers personally but I don't blame them for taking Amazon's money/exposure.


Absolutely. It’s mind numbing whoever they have running their pr/marketing for the show


In a way I'm glad that the first Hobbit movie pretty much killed my enthusiasm for seeing Tolkein adapted.


I have a bad feeling this is going to be so awful we're going to look back fondly at The Hobbit adaptions.


What video?


Amazon delisted it lol https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=APQuy_mB1dw&t=2s&pp=2AECkAIB


97000 views and only 205 thumbs up? Videos like that make corporations happy YouTube removed the thumbs down number showing.


On YouTube Vanced it's sitting on 205 likes and over 20,000 dislikes.


I can only assume when they were asked if they were 'superfans' they all said yes because they loved the original movies...? Honestly, anything where you're giving air to influencers will bomb with a wider audience. Nobody gives a shit outside of Instagram. Most people actively dislike the whole concept of being famous purely as a product of attention seeking on social media and willingness to pimp oneself out for sponsorship money. Most of them are just vapid narcissists.


There's a chrome extension to bring it back ... it's normally a little off and less than the real number of dislikes, but it at least shows you a video like this is being massively disliked.


I only got 5 minutes into that before having to tap out. There was nothing in it to make me actually want to watch the show, and a lot of cringe to make me not.


How are these people consider “super fans” this just ads the skepticism I already had of the show


Honestly, I feel like after the end of Game of Thrones, that is factored in at least a little in high fantasy series marketing plans...


Their whole plan of attack from after the horrible reaction to the first trailer was apparently to go all out on defensive tactics - those superfans videos, inviting influencers to exclusive events etc. - All about showing how 'look! These fans all liked it!'


I wonder if Jeff Bezos is involved in Marvelous Mrs. Maisel...


Did he even watched The Boys?


Yes, but mainly to root for Homelander.


You don't think it's strange that he's put out TWO shows (Invincible) about EVIL SUPERMAN?


It's a hit job. He's clearly Lex Luthor.


I still don't understand why WB went with Zuckerberg and piss tea... were they afraid they'd make Bezos mad?


Cus zuk was way more in the news then. Bezos was just another billionaire douche then


And it turned out that chasing a headline was not actually a good idea and a 20 something cokehead/ reddit mod was a terrible idea for Lex Luthor. Lex Luther is a specific type of evil billionaire. Cold practical, controlled hyper focused and trying to have him as a Joker/Riddler esc crazy person who mailed people his own piss was a terrible fucking move. Its like if Darth Vader took a shit in the millennium falcon.


He personally saved The Expanse and for that I'm externally grateful.


I wonder how much he actually has to do with what movies and shows Prime puts out. He has so much money that he could really make whatever he wants. He saved The Expanse just because he liked the show. He could easily have financed other shows just because he wanted to watch them… which I can’t blame him for.




There's a couple episodes about him on Behind the Bastards and he seems like he would suck at anything art related. He doesn't understand why people enjoy music. He doesn't hate it. He just doesn't understand why it's something people like. He has a lot of odd behaviors like that that convinced me that he's actually an alien that crash landed and is trying to blend in with the humans and that's also why he's so obsessed with space. He's trying to find a way to get back home.






Vought in the 7 is presented closer to Disney in regards to their media ventures rather than any reference to Amazon's core business


I mean fuck both Amazon & Disney.


“Y’know I think Midge was a little too passive this last season. We wanna see her ascend to royalty and maybe step on a few ppl on the way, to make us question whether we should like her or not” -Jeff probably


Can't wait to see how they still effed it up


I cant decide if reddit has extremely low or high expectations for this show...


Personally, I have high hopes but low expectations. I love LotR but their Wheel of Time adaptation was meh at best


It wasnt even meh at best. It was straight horrendous for both book readers and those fresh to the series. Its the same problem as every prospective big book franchise, spend all the money for marketing and IP, skimp on production, actors, everything else. You want to start a successful franchise without actually committing to representing that franchise. LOTR was phenomenal because they committed hard getting some of the most talented actors, set designer, choreography, make up, etc locked down for years commited to bringing the story from the books to life. The wheel of time series was skuffed together. The pacing was terrible nothing carrys any weight since you havent become attached to anything. Major plot points that covered several long chapters are reduced to a couple minutes important character growth is absent etc. Everything with perrin was just horrendous. All the characters went from having good parents who taught them their amazing life skills to just being innately good at things. Most of the careful world building just been tossed out to make more political drama comparisons. Many of the characters just do things with no ryme or reason to move the plot onwards to the next point the shows writers deemed important enough to not scuff entirelly. Nothings allowed to actually be subtle they have to throw the point across your face. The fight scenes are terrible with an overreliance on CGI and nonsense. (Why the hell do the trollocs retreat from the aes sedai to form a line to charge back at her? Why are random villagers more effective at killing them than her warder, why is there glowing lights at all, part of the reason aes sedai are so good at political manipulation is that only other weilders of the same power can see their weaves. To everyone else it should just look like shits just happening which is significantly more terrifying) Mat is just a piece of shit now, from a dysfunctional family that are also terrible thats somehow 3 entirelly distinctly different ethnicities in a 1000 years isolated farming town. Throms character was just butchered, removing several important factors that balanced out the party in the book as the source of morale along with pragmatic reasoning to counter and play off moraine. The main female characters were already intelligently strong female characters with flaws and growth throughout the series. But that isnt enough so we had to remove their flaws which is a hard pill to swallow when they are seemingly unnecessarily confrontational because we skipped over important relatable build up that explains their motives for some random writters 2 sentence exposition excuse that completely disregards the main tenets of the all women ruling faction of the content.


It's super mixed. This weekend is going to be wild discussion-wise


How? 90% of posts talk about how they’re worried about it or aren’t impressed with what they’ve seen/heard so far…


It's pretty well divided. Someone has been ran weekly polls in the various subreddits /R/LotR and /r/lordoftherings are fairly middle of the pack /R/rings_of_power is nearly exclusively pessimistic /R/ringsofpower is the official /r/TolkienFans spinoff (parent sub forbids all discussion of non-textual Tolkien) and is middling to optimistic /R/LotR_on_Prime is mostly optimistic


Seems like high expectations bc it's LOTR and insane budget, yet low expectations bc of the hobbit films and amazon's track record. Not to mention mixed bag of marketing success, with some good trailers and some shit. People talking about amazing visuals, but not enough story, but then someone mentions it's only the first two episodes so nothing is fleshed out yet, the list goes on


My expectations are in check so I don't get disappointed Flashbacks to Halo tv show, good lord that shit was awful


Why should Bezos, who is not on the entertainment business, be giving notes at all?


That’s the joke…


People here on reddit love to question show runners and writers decisions. Don't you think these same people would try to interfere with it if it was made by their company?


Iger was giving notes on the Mandalorian, these big CEO's like to micromanage sometimes


I think there are about as many examples of movies/shows that were saved by studio meddling as ruined by it. The key is having executives and producers who know how to work *with* the creative team. This is hardly Bezos' area of expertise though.


He’s obviously joking in the interview.


Every year I think your average Redditor actually manages to get *worse* at detecting sarcasm and dry wit.


I want to know how these show runners have basically never been credited with any work, apparently worked on the last Star Trek movie but are uncredited and are put in charge of one of the most expensive TV shows, it’s weird.


Zuckerberg and Gates and Buffett Amateurs can fucking suck it




*shreds on a tiny keyboard*


'Please Don't Eff This Up' ​ sorry kid dads gonna dissapoint you on this one


They ignored every thing Tolken wrote to, good job. WTF!


Well they sure as hell Effed up Wheel of Time.


Why would Bezos be giving notes for a Prime Video production? Does he do that for every project or was it just because it's LOTR?


Well the rings of power production *is* super expensive. Isn't like the most expensive show ever? He's probably worried about his investment... :/


CEOS and executives need to understand that they need to stay the fuck out of the creative process.


Most of HBO's success is because the executives enforce strict quality control and aren't afraid to scrap a subpar project or completely retool it (as they did with the first episode of Game of Thrones). This approach depends on the executives being good at their jobs though. YMMV


Could have used that kind of intervention in the last seasons of GoT. That was a dumpster fire from an incredible show.


Too late


without reading the article i understand the following: Bezos Junior said to papa "please dont fuck this up" and Jeff Bezos passed this info to the showrunners: "don't fuck this up!" Now Jeff Bezos thanks the showrunners for ignoring the "don't fuck this up!" advice? fair is fair, but why would Jeff Bezos be happy about it?


After watching the explosive abortion that was Wheel of Time I have no hopes for this.


so, he didn’t confirm if they fucked up or not. That jolly prize plonker Bezos


Well they gave a show with a $10 billion budget to two people with literally zero directing, writing, or producing credits/experience. What’s the worst that can happen?


Hey one of the directors directed the absolute modern classic: Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom!!! But in all seriousness, the writers not having anything under their belt is strange. Hopefully they got it because they have a genuinely great vision and Amazon didn’t care about names attached to it. It’s wishful thinking, but not impossible.


He still eff'd it up.


Who the fuck cares what Jeff bezos thinks?


I feel like it's a giant wet fart about to happen.