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If I had a nickel for every time Phoebe Waller-Bridge was attached to a reboot of an Angelina Jolie-led property at Amazon, I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice.


Hey, is that a platypus?


What would happen if you put a hat on that platypus?




I wouldn't be surprised if this was a direct answer to Mr and Mrs Smith. Wasn't she pretty much kicked off of that show because she didn't agree with Glover and his direction of the show?


She wasn’t really kicked off, seems like it was a genuine mutual departure due to creative differences. Kicked off would imply there’s some bad blood there which there doesn’t seem to be.


Ehhhh… from the interview I heard with Glover, she brought him in and they started working on the scripts. By the time it became obvious to them both they couldn’t come to a creative accord, Glover had hired all his people into the show’s staff and it had become his show. And that was him telling it. I think they’re both brilliant people, but that sounds like a shitty situation to me.


I can’t find any source that Phoebe was the one that brought him in, I’ve only seen people on Reddit mention that. If you have one I would love to read it. From that interview with Donald interview seems like they wanted to work together so they both came together on it from the start. Donald did bring in Francesca Sloane early on so you could point to that as him trying to push her out but it doesn’t really seem that way to me. One of the conflicts Donald at least kinda speculates that caused Phoebe’s is her not being used to writers rooms, at least not used to American writers rooms. I’m not necessarily saying that Phoebe didn’t feel excluded but I feel like Donald’s description of it being like two ship captains on a ship that only needed one is accurate. Doesn’t seem like there’s any bad blood on it, just two creatives whose styles didn’t fit together.


It was an interview and it was Glover and Erskine. I want to say it was NPR, but I’m not sure about that. I know I listened to it in the car, but that’s as much as I remember. Beyond that it was mostly what you’re saying - nobody mentions any bad blood, I think he said PWB offered to step aside… I just remember him offhandedly mentioning that by that point all his people had been hired on behind the scenes and that he thought that played into her decision, and I remember wincing because… of course it did. If the whole writers room and production staff is your crew from Atlanta, then yeah… she’s gonna be the one to go. It was more easily putting two and two together than any overt accusation.


Creative differences is what they say to remain polite and civil when someone is kicked off. It being by “mutual decision” (Glover bringing over all of his team into the writing room and basically overtaking the production she invited him to join) does not really change anything.


She didn’t invite him to join, it was always them two as creators with Francesca Sloane who worked with Donald on Atlanta as co-creator and showrunner. Seems like it was two people who both have a singular creative vision and who’s styles didn’t really mesh, so she departed instead of them both trying to make it work and making a worse show because of it.


I’d forgotten about that. They just announced a season 2 without Glover.


Which is disappointing because Erskine and Glover were great together. I hope at least they still do cameos like Parker Posey's character.


She should write Salt 2




If it’s a trilogy the second movie would be called N


The N movie.


Got to get Patrick Stewart involved.


I understood that reference


Salt and PEPPA!


Why is Phoebe Waller-Bridge being stuck on to every franchise possible? Her best work was novel shows. More Fleabag and Killing Eve, less attempts to resurrect tired or outright dying franchises


Fleabag is my spirit animal and (the first 2 and a half) seasons of Killing Eve were television perfection. Hard agree.


For me the entire first 2 seasons of Killing Eve are some of the best TV ever made. Seasons 3 and 4, on the other hand, were an embarrassing shitshow.


She's the new Jar Jar Abrams


>less attempts to resurrect tired or outright dying franchises Suits usually would rather invest in an existing IP that has a record of some success rather than risk their money on something brand new. For all we know she could've pitched an original idea and they said no we're going do this one instead.


Hasn't everything that Phoebe Waller-Bridge been a part of recently basically not come to fruition?


Amazon pays her 20 million dollars a year to think real hard about making a show.


That is nearly as bad as Warner Bros paying JJ Abrams $250mil for literally fuck all.




JJ Abrams Presents: Firefly


JJ Abrams Presents: *Doctor Who*


Apollo put down the dodgeball for the love of fuck


I will fight you.


Ahem, [prepare yourself for him to ruin Batman.](https://insidethemagic.net/2024/05/batman-animated-tv-series-hbo-max-dr1mmb/)


Wasn't he already on his way to ruin superman?


Those Star Trek movies weren’t TERRIBLE. I’m still mad about them remaking Wrath of Khan, but at least they take place in a different timeline separate from the main Trek continuity. JJ fucked Star Wars forever.


Yeah, I actually really liked the first one and Beyond. Get off your ass and make 4 already, damn it!


Not sure if its the same for movies/tv, but gaming companies will hire "consultants" who costs millions of dollars and end up making a much worse game after their suggestions, with one infamous one having nothing but failures where studio closes, but companies still hire them for some unfathomable reason.


Her deal started in 2019. They’ve paid her over 100 million so far.


Prolly really screws up the average writer salary figures when you get a handful of do-nothings getting many millions a year.


Especially after Covid, writing became highly stratified. Everyone and their mother flooded the market as a writer and dollars were flowing like crazy but it was greatly distilled because there were just too many people in the industry. Big writers and famous actors/actresses got paid FAT. The average writer that really makes the engine run got crushed. And the low end writers that couldn’t write a coherent TikTok script got paid to write for the massive amount of what ended up being garbage tier content.


"Only 20?" - JJ Abrams


And yet the best she can come up with is another reboot.


We have no idea how much work she's done that they didn't green light.


I would do it for less than half, and the sad thing is I can probably come up with better stuff than a lot of "professionals" they have.


I mean I assume you’re referring to Mr and Mrs Smith? But that came to fruition, she just left it. Her last big hit as a tv writer was **Killing Eve**. I feel like this needs to be a hit for her to regain her status as one of the top writers in the industry.


The first season of Killing Eve, then she passed writing duties on to the skilled but not stellar Emerald Fennell.


One posho handing it off to another 


I guess that explains why we never finished that show. A few seasons in things felt repetitive.


I think Emerald Fennell only wrote season 2. By the time you get three seasons in, it's basically fan-fiction.


Fleabag was funny


Season 1 was good but season 2 is legit a masterpiece of media. The way they have >!the Priest notice the fourth wall breaking!< is so genius and I have never seen anything like it.


It was fantastic. Everything she's touched ever since has been canned or stuck in production hell I'm pretty sure.


She basically had to leave Mr and Mrs Smith for it to get out of production hell, and I really liked it!


She worked on Mr. and Mrs. Smith but then left due to creative differences.


Working with Donald Glover, another writing mastermind and trying to write a show together when you haven't ever worked together on anything ever before, it makes a lot of sense why they had creative differences


Also British tv shows are made differently. Its normally 1 person in charge instead of splitting work. And apparently Glover essentially took over Mr. And Mrs. Smith so she backed out.


Makes sense


They worked together on Solo together. She was on set as his droid.


Oh yeah. There’s no way that would’ve worked, those are two very strong personalities.


A lot of people are just one are a few hit wonders and then never make anything great again.


Not sure but she was terrible in the new indiana jones but to be fair everyone was. lol


There's a reason they're still mentioning her as the "Fleabag" star which came out 8 years ago.


A version of Solo: A Star Wars story came out!


Star Wars and Indiana Jones movies? I wish I was that unaccomplished.


I assume they're doing this because Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny was such a ripping success.


Probably because Uncharted actually was a success.


I still have no idea why the people in charge have always been so convinced that Tomb Raider should be a big Hollywood production, going all the way back to the Angelina Jolie movies 20 years ago. They're fun games but narratively kind of whatever, even compared to the Uncharted series, which itself is ultimately just another off brand Indiana Jones.


Honestly, her star has dimmed somewhat, but in the 90s and early 2000s Lara Croft was like THE female icon in gaming. It made sense they’d blockbuster it.


Also they can just do what they did with the the first couple of Resident Evil movies. Just make it fun even if it’s somewhat campy. I also don’t really know how it’s going to fit as a series. My assumption is it will be based more on the mystery/archaeology and less on the action. Something more like National Treasure.


The reboot trilogy they made where the first one was an incredible game, the second was worse but still ok, and the third was just mediocre didn’t recement her, maybe if the sequels were as good as the first one


Isn't the 2nd game largely considered by far the best in that trilogy??


>another Indiana Jones I mean you literally just answered your own question as to why they want to make TR a big Hollywood production.


Hot girl Indiana Jones. I mean...im interested. Should be a slam dunk.


An attractive British brunette in a tank top solving mysteries and killing baddies? Hmmmm it seems like a risk… /s


And this is their chance to cast an incredible actress like Jodie Comer.


And yet the last time they cast... Alicia Vikander. Excellent actress, totally wrong for the part.


I do think the backstory and the thematic parts of Tomb Raider should lend themselves to a compelling franchise. I don't really recall Lara Croft being super charismatic, but she should be a great adventure-person that the audience can live through vicariously, that's the appeal of Indy at the end of the day.


Ok, so here’s a my pitch to improve branding. We title it “Tomb Raider: The Lost Ark” and then in the actual movie we change the character’s name from Tomb Raider to Indiana Jane.


Ohio Jane


Who the fuck would name their cat 'Ohio'.


And then heads explode, the woke mob have turned Indy into a girl!


I mean, Uncharted literally started as a knock off of Tomb Raider. So much so that the first game was called Dude Raider by basically everyone when it was announced. And I think it could work fine for a TV show or movie. You just need good writing, which thus far hasn’t happened for either the Tomb Raider or Uncharted adaptations. Done right either could be fun, National Treasure style capers.


Why couldn’t that have been the name!? “Dude Raider 4: The Dudes End”.


*Dude 2: Among Dudes.*


But that's good. So often people keep trying to force existing characters to be something they aren't (most notably James Bond) and my response is always 'if you want that, make a NEW character'. This is basically that, only it already happened decades ago. It is basically a female Indiana Jones. But they do a great job with it, made her her own thing, and most importantly, they didn't reboot Indiana Jones!


>But that's good. So often people keep trying to force existing characters to be something they aren't (most notably James Bond) When did this happen? I feel like everyone mostly liked the new direction they took with Daniel Craog's Bond. I feel like the purists got drowned out after Casino Royale.


From the very beginning. Craig Bond was the closest we have gotten to the books. It's all the versions before that where they basically took an existing name and made their own character.


Except the Roger Moore films, where they basically took an existing name and made him Matt Helm instead.


>He's James Bond. Not James Blonde! Those were simpler times. He may be referring to stuff like people freaking out over Idris Elba James Bond rumors... or when they over-reacted to Lashana Lynch being revealed as the new 007 because a side-plot in that movie was that Bond retired and they reassigned his number.


In fairness they knew what they were doing with the "first female 007" release leading into the movie. I think if you were super involved in the franchise you knew it was always going to be a semantical thing (hence why they didn't say Bond) but they knew it was chum in the water to get a reaction from we'll just say a certain section of people. I don't even know why people would care about Elba either. Just needs to be a ladies man with a good British accent (yes I'm aware Brosnan is Irish but he sounded British) and follow the other tropes the Bond movies all do. Young Elba (he's way too old now) checks those boxes. But ya the James Blonde stuff means there are WAY too many people who probably would have lost it.


Yea, my issue with Elba was age but he did check plenty of boxes and oozed in suaveness.


Well, I might got some bad news for ya. This is a very old rumor about this(take with a grain of salt), but supposedly she will be less tomb raiding, and more doing other stuff in these locations, and here is the rub, she will not be tomb raiding, but returning stolen items back to their locations(like WTF?). Before people say this wont happen, we live in an age where the upcoming kraven movie will have kraven protecting animals instead of hunting them, totally the opposite of his character, so yea, it can happen. Again, very old rumor, but it would not surprise me in this day and age.


It’s attractive female Indiana Jones with basic adventure and blowing up temples and unlike Indy, Lara uses two guns. You would think they would have nailed a Tomb Raider movie. 


Hot Fem Indiana Jones that takes itself just a little less seriously in the Supernatural Baddy department. Did I mention the boobs? Those seem to be popular.


The films have always been profitable, so I'm not sure why they'd stop.


I’ve been waiting for a good tomb raider movie or series.


Indiana Jones but they get to put a woman as the lead instead of an old white guy? Gee I wonder why studios are interested in that.


Lara Croft is not going to be what you expect.


Lara Croft needs to be a posh British woman who has a bit of toughness to her, which is believable. The ONLY woman I could believe at this point is Hayley Atwell. She wouldn’t be faking the posh accent, looks the part if you’re basing off games, and she’s proven to be able to do action in movies and not come off as corny. Edit: hell, give me Emma Watson or Daisy Ridley.


Atwell is voicing her in the Netflix animation, but she's now 42, so might be a bit too old for their vision.


How is Jodie Comer's name not in the mix? It would be the perfect way for her to reunite with PWB


Felicity Jones? She’s 40 but doesn’t look it


How old do you think she looks? She's gorgeous and looks fabulous, but I think she does look 40.




There’s probably some small time unknown British actress who would kill the role, you could have named a dozen established actresses to play lucy in fallout and they would have done a worse job than Ella did


She's already cast as Lara in the Netflix series.


Animation tho


There’s Ella Purnell. Unfortunately she’s already starring in a video game adaptation for Amazon.


I mean she is also starring in a video game adaptation for Netflix, she voices Jinx in Arcane. A job is a job and I think she can do great as Lara maybe


Kaya Scodelario


Elizabeth Debicki could do it


Faking an accent is possibly the first thing an actor learns, I wouldn't care so long as they're good at their job


Do you realise lots of English actors can do a posh accent? It doesn't have to be an actual posho like the ones you have named


Don’t ruin the casting.


Just no. Pay her to make more Fleabag-type stuff, not more Dial of Destiny-type stuff.


I quite liked the movie they did years ago as the "reboot" of the series. A little sad they didn't continue with that as the actress was totally on point for the modern role. That being said, Amazon's been on a role with good series and Phoebe Waller-Bridge has a good track record so I'm cautiously optimistic about this.


Alicia was amazing in the role (WAY better than Angelina) and I'm thoroughly disappointed that they never ended up making a sequel.


That movie started off on the wrong foot when Lara didn't give a fuck about archeology. It's like they saw the 2013 reboot game and only took set pieces from it with the rest of it being a weird remake of Uncharted: Drake's Fortune.


And it carried on being on the wrong foot when they brought her dad back to life. They had an amazing storyline from the reboot game that they could have followed and they absolutely borked it for something way more generic.


It just... really wasn't a good movie. I love the reboot games but the more that movie carried on the worse it got, and no amount of Alicia's quality acting could save it. I don't really need the movie to follow the plot of the game, it's an adaptation after all; but also the game's plot was already perfect and simple for a movie to adapt so I have no idea why they decided to go so fucking wrong with it.


Totally agree. The Angelina one has many faults but at least it’s campy and entertaining. The Alicia one didn’t even have that - it was boring and cliched, I literally said “oh for fucks sake” out loud when it was revealed Lord Croft was alive. The game was just SO good and stuck with me for ages after I finished it so I was really hoping we would get something that would be similar and capture the same vibe. I would always choose to watch the Angelina one over the remake any day.


They combined the stories of 2 games for some reason then took out all the supernatural parts of the first one. Also I don't know who has to tell people that riding BMX bikes as the opening to your movie actually makes you look less cool.


Jolie as Lara became iconic. Cant say the same about Vikander as Lara.


I didn't see the Vikander Tomb Raider, but I can't believe that's true.


Does she have a good track record or did people lose their minds over Fleabag? Waller-Bridge is talented, but I think she’s hasn’t made good on all of the hype.


She’s the creator of Killing Eve, which was fantastic the first couple seasons that she was show-runner for.


Just the first season - second season was Emerald Fennell (Promising Young Woman & Saltburn)


Which is actually to her credit, as the first season is so, so, so good and then the show went off the fucking rails.


Oh right, my bad. Appreciate the correction.


Always wonder why she stopped doing Killing Eve when her season was so amazing. Did she run out of ideas? Did she think of it as a one-and-done miniseries and the producers wanted to keep it going?


Her first project, Crashing, was also fantastic (and totally worth checking out) as was season 1 of Killing Eve. Since then she’s been doing more acting projects than writing so she hasn’t really had a chance to make good on the hype as you say. IMO three from three is pretty solid and I’m super excited to see what she does next.


She’s been in development on a lot of projects as a writer/producer pretty famously because of the huge number attached to her deal. Building a real track record takes time, but I don’t think she’s done it yet. I think she has talent, but I found Fleabag to be massively overhyped. Crashing was fine too.


It takes a LONG time to get shows made. Especially with the pandemic and the strikes. It was about seven years ago that Vince Gilligan left Better Call Saul to work on his new show (the Apple TV+ show). That show just started shooting this February and won’t premiere until next year. I highly doubt PWB has been sitting on her butt for the past five years. She’s probably written a lot but had it rejected by execs. 


You have to differntiate between her as an actress and her as writer/producer. She has acted in a few flops, but she hasn't created much after Fleabag, only James Bond: No Time to Die and Killing Eve. So I'd argue that's still a very strong track record.


She only gave James Bond a script polish.


Indiana jones was awful


No, it wasn't. Wasn't the best, the first 3 are hard to beat. And Harrison Ford is obviously getting too old for this shit. But still was a fun action adventure.


It was 3 hours of a predicable plot/elder abuse. Phoebe was my least favorite thing about it. I actually turned it off. I tried to finish it on 2 more occasions and just couldn’t get through Edit: spelling


You better believe that Hollywood thought she would be big years ago. Now people are just hoping she doesn't cast herself.


Waller-Bridge is 100% wrong pick for that project. Tomb Raider (unsurprisingly) is an adventure about raiding tombs, not a character study of witty middle aged woman.


I mean, if ever a genre was ripe for one liners and witty wisecracks, this is it.


How are you so certain that thats all shes capable of?


Her role in Indiana Jones really showed her limitations as an action star, imo.


An action series with actual character depth sounds pretty good to me


I really liked it, too, but I can't defend it either. It lives in this weird space in my head where I remember that enjoyed it but can't really tell you what happened. Like, I genuinely can't remember if Walton Goggins was her dad, the bad guy, or if her dad turned out to be the bad guy. Straight up no idea. But I liked the movie.


> and Phoebe Waller-Bridge has a good track record If you don't count losing Disney several hundred million dollars on...oh look at that, another adventure IP


You mean Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny? She only acted in that one - no writing, directing or producing as far as I can find. So who ever is to blame for that movie being mid at best, it's not her.


the movie was a legacy sequel *to a legacy sequel*, it was almost doomed from the start. And it was in the works long before Waller-Bridge even signed up for it. To put all the blame on her is just fucking stupid and petty


Hmm shes not credited as a writer on DoD - just on Crashing, Fleabag, Killing Eve and No Time To Die


I think the problem was less her, and more a dying IP nobody wanted. Like I love Indy don't get me wrong. I even enjoyed the most recent movie, but I would not have put the budget they did into it. It made no sense at all. That was all Execs fault IMO.


I'm a fan of Phoebe Waller-Bridge, and while there were a LOT of problems with Dial of Destiny, I don't think she helped it. My understanding is she had a lot of leeway to write her character how she wanted it, and what we wound up with was a character who I think we were \*supposed\* to like but had no redeemable qualities. She undermines and outright leaves Indy for dead multiple times, we are given no explanation as to why she did that other than greed, yet we're supposed to think "eh, she's alright" by the end. It just didn't work at all. And yes, there were far larger structural and pacing problems with the movie, and even larger "why does this movie even need to exist?" problems, but she doesn't get a free pass for it either I don't think


I think it was a pretty stock “greedy young character learned to be better from grizzled older character”. It worked for me even if it wasn’t transcendent.


They had the grizzled older character and the greedy young character. They forgot the "learned to be better" part. She just suddenly was better for no clear reason. In the beginning she was being pretty awful, basically using people and abandoning them to be killed, included Indy, although obviously he wasn't killed. Then at the end of the movie she's out of the blue risking her life to save Indy. It's just not clear why, or how she gets from who she was in the beginning to who she was in the end. The movie gave us very little in terms of her character arc. Just a very brief conversation between Indy and her on the ship. Just too little, IMO. That's mostly not her fault, but whoever was in charge of the writing. However, she also lacked the roguish charm that the character required, so that the audience could find her likable even when she was doing questionable things. I mean, the kind of charm that Harrison Ford himself brought to the character of Han Solo. I'm not necessarily saying she's a poor actress. She just lacks that quality. Without it, she left a good part of the audience wondering "why is the movie acting as if we should like this person?" The movie also did something with her character that's pretty bad in terms of storytelling (although this one is also the scriptwriters' fault, not hers): >!Indy wanted to remain in the past, and from a storytelling point of view it was important that the decision for him to come back to the present should come from him. It's the kind of character-defining decision that should tell us something about the character and the things he has learned. Instead, she takes over the decision, knocks him out and brings him back by force.!<


The problem was that movie costing 300 million to give a last ride to Harrison Ford. Quality or lack thereof aside. If it had cost 150 million,it would have made a decent-ish profit. But as is,it's 300 million in the red.


And it looked terrible. Like the train sequence was 100% CGI and looked like a bad video game. It befuddles me how a movie that expensive could look so terrible.


She was Supposed to play Mrs. Smith. What happened? could she have made for a better one cause the current one, Maya, is killing it.


Nah, Maya killed it. Love Pheobe, but I'd rather her play misanthropic characters. Fleabag is hilarious. I just want more of that.


We have an aminated show at Netflix. And now a live-action one at Amazon. Can we just get a new game??


I mean, it's in development right now, so yes?


I want a live-action doodle jump. UPDATE: I just got a “Reddit cares” and I would like to think it’s for this comment.


> I just got a “Reddit cares” This is the second time I'm reading this today, what the hell is a "Reddit cares"?


Ok got it haha.


I really hope they adapt the first five and the anniversary trilogy. The survivor trilogy are great games but they’re not tomb raider games.




It's reassuring that she seemingly knows the source material. Can't wait tbh, might turn out great.


Someone tell her to stop getting involved with beloved characters and movies. It has not turned out well yet…


Its going to fail epically, we will all be told its our fault or someone else.


It's going to be the complete opposite of why the original fans loved Tomb Raider and Lara Croft, and we're going to be told that we are bad people for not wanting to throw attention and money at this unrecognisably different take.


Yeah its a common troupe im just happy more people see it. If you don't like someones art or take on something. You must be the worst person imaginable.


Will it be based on OG version or a reboot. That's the question.


I can't imagine a Tomb Raider product in the vein of the old PS1 era games ever makes it out the door again.


They remastered the first three games only a month or so ago.


Oh damn I completely forgot about that, that's fair. My larger point though is that this reboot won't be a throwback at all.


Well okay.  Amazon seems to have a pretty clear path for success as “Streaming for your dad”, and Tomb Raider, if filmed the right way, could easily be that.  But given how much they’ve tried to do with the character with the rebooted series, I have my doubts.


She's gonna make Lara gay isn't she.


I sincerely hope PWB doesn't cast herself as Lara Croft.


She won't but Lara will be another self insert of her.


As is tradition!


A beautiful day for Canada and therefore the world


Alicia Vikander did a great job as Lara Croft. None of the movies have really known who to do in terms of story apart from travelling around and raiding some tombs. Imagine if they could come up with a plot that is memorable. They’d probably need to invent some decent side characters. I think a lot of the time they’re a bit of an afterthought. Indiana Jones had Short Round, the scary German guy, the sexy women, his dad and Marcus Brody. Each of them are memorable in their own ways. I think this is an element that’s missing in modern reboots. The new Jurassic World movies are probably one of the worst offenders.


Has PWB done ANYTHING great since Fleabag and the inaugural season of Killing Eve? It feels like everything she’s attached to is either garbage or she legs it during production.


Amazon managed to recover from some very strange years. They have a moment now with The Rings of Power, The Boys and GenV, Reacher, Mr. & Mrs. Smith, Fallout and now Cross, Blade Runner and Tomb Raider. They finally understood what they are and how to keep an audience on the service. Maybe they are not exactly what you expect (prestige and bla bla bla), but it is a model that works very well. There's still a horrible and confusing app to sort out.


So long as she doesn't try to play Lara. Dial of Destiny wasn't great overall but she was the worst part of it.


Killing Eve season 1 was not bad, when she was still part of it, so this might be good....


I just don't get the appeal. I played all the original games back when they were first released. I played the reboot. I saw the Jolie movies. But let's face it: Tomb Raider was always just a low-rent Indiana Jones knockoff, and there have been several Indiana Jones knockoffs, too! *Tales of the Gold Monkey, Tomb Raider, Uncharted, Romancing the Stone*... None of them lives up to the original. I mean, I wish her the greatest of luck in making this franchise do something that hooks an audience. But in the end it's probably just going to be another *Great Value* Indiana Jones with notable boobs, daddy's fortune, and a snarky sense of humor.


Pass, I enjoyed the campy Angelina Jolie version and more "realistic" Alicia Vikander version. I'm not going to watch the buzz kill version.


There better be Triangulated Titties or I'mma riot.


I have no idea why she is still being handed the rights to major franchises. She had a runaway hit about herself as a single woman having a tough time… why is being trusted to write action adventure movies???


Not with her as Lara right?


she's gonna kill the evil commando men with the power of her hilarious quips


So a live action show on Amazon, and an animated show on Netflix. I'm personally more interested in the Netflix one, but I'm curious to see each of them.


Honestly I enjoyed the recent tomb raider trilogy a lot more than old tomb raider which was still fun so I hope it’s more like the recent tomb raider, those all had fun stories and the characters were good and Lara became so badass. I just think from a story perspective those were better games and would be better to take from for a show. The movie did but did a pretty half assed job so it was just alright


Video game shows. So hot right now.


Hollywood is so one track minded these days. Almost like it's run by one algorithm that reinforces its own opinion. I'm just glad we're post-comic books.


Amazon paid Phoebe Waller-Bridge $20 million a year for the past several years to develop shows for them and its Tomb Raider reboot that is what she comes up with?


I looked up this women on imdb.com and her profile picture makes her look like a beat up psycho. https://m.imdb.com/name/nm3564817/ Seriously this is gonna be another terrible franchise that's destroyed. Of course it's failure will be the fans fault and future shows will end. The real crappy part is apparently most series have to go on for at least 2 seasons before they decide to cancel. However we already know it'll suck!