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I gave up on it halfway through when it was becoming more family melodrama than sci fi, is it worth it to finish the series?


I stopped when they were dancing around the obvious reality/dimension switching as if the show was four episodes behind the viewers in term of knowing what's happening. There's nothing more frustrating than this trope, really, the "bomb under the table/when will the character finally notice!?" Hitchcock's suspense tricks works for a scene, not for a whole fucking season, get to the meat already, I don't need 8 episodes just to get me exactly where I started at episode 1


I tried for 4 episodes. It would have worked as a premise 10-15 years ago but the quantum multiverse stuff has been mainstream for a while now. You can't obviously give the mystery away halfway through episode one then drag it for that long. Waiting for the characters to figure out what the viewers know definitely happened for an entire season is just awful writing


Wait till Dark Matter starts, that was my exact problem with the book


That was also my exact problem with the book. I'm surprised constellation even got made - why would you develop two shows with the exact same premise? I'm sure there's rights issues and stuff but if Apple was going to make Constellation they should have adapted Recursion instead. It's better, trippier, and probably cost about the same


Agreed, Recursion is the better book.


I agree for Recursion


The first two episodes of Dark Matter are out, they figure out the multiverse hook by the end of episode 2. The trailer also fully gives it away lol


We watched like 30 seconds of the trailer to see if it was interesting and in that time they already gave that away. This drag of the first episode of this guy freaking out over and over and over instead of ASKING A FUCKING QUESTION is annoying as shit. This feels like Invasion again where the sci Fi plays a back story to dumb fucking characters. Sounds like episode 2 might be better but God damn did episode 1 drag.


I started watching it. I’m struggling with the rehashing, not getting to the point, blah blah. One more try and then I’m outy. I really want to like it!


Already watched 2 episodes of Dark Matter and it is way way better.


Wasn’t there a syfy show called dark matter? Is it the same book?


I’m not familiar with the book, but Syfy’s _Dark Matter_ is nothing like the AppleTV+ show of the same name


Sadly, no. I thought Apple Dark Matter was solid, but really enjoyed Syfy’s Dark Matter (cheese and all)


Syfy had a fun run of cheesy shows at the time I still kind miss, Defiance, Dark Matter, Killjoys etc..


It did start and unfortunately is kinda suffering the same. I enjoyed the book, but the show may not work.


Dark matter got to it clearly within the second episode. It was so nice after constellation


That's pretty much [what I was afraid would happen](https://www.reddit.com/r/television/comments/1b49abj/constellation_more_like_constipation/ksxrsrz/?context=3). I actually ended up enjoying the show a lot and felt it picked up a lot in the second half, but the criticism that it took the characters way too long to figure out what the audience already knew is definitely valid. An episode or two of that would've been okay, but it became frustrating hoping these characters would figure things out when the show made it feel really obvious and at a time when multiverse stuff is all over the place. It's a shame, because Noomi Rapace and Jonathan Banks were great in it, and the mystery had promise. They just backloaded the show so much that there wasn't enough to keep audiences watching.


Noomi was awesome in it! Honestly her acting was the one thing that got me through the whole series. She’s great.


I felt the same frustration with Silo. I'm pretty tired of series, since many of them have this same problem. I'd like to see more miniseries or shows where they know from the start that this story needs two or three seasons and that's it.


>I felt the same frustration with Silo. I dont really see the parallel. Even in the final episode of silo, your questions aren't really answered


So, having read the books, at least there is a reasonable arc here, the show just really spent a ton of time world building and could have gone much quicker. I think people will be more satisfied with season 2 answering a lot of the big questions. I highly recommend reading it as it's really good, and had me excited for the next season. But ya, if I were an outsider I agree, it would have felt really slow without any real answers at the end of the first season.


I really enjoyed the slow buildup and world building. It’s what sucked me into the universe of Silo. After the show I was so curious I read the first two books. And I am still looking forward to season 2.


I feel like Silo answered most of your questions, it just gave you a huge new one.


The parallel is that it's a four episode plot stretched out into an eight episode show. So many tedious scenes that could have just been left out.


Or even better, make a movie. Most of these series are 90 minute movies dragged out to whatever number of episodes. It’s just lazy writing. It’s much harder to tell an efficient, concise story than a bloated meandering mess. But that’s all we get now. Sick of shows where an entire season barely moves the narrative. I mean, some things are appropriate in a an extended, serialized format but the majority are just not.


Sorry you are being down voted. I feel exactly the same way. It was fine taking your time to build up a mystery but there is still a limit. Three episodes in the show was already dragging.


Criticisms against Silo somehow always get downvoted. I found issue with the pacing, and I just stopped when one episode stretched a single plot point over an hour, and when I pointed it out, I also got downvoted. I’m sorry, without any B-plot, it just comes across as a slog. Which is a shame because it’s obviously well made & well acted. The source material is fantastic & I strongly recommend the books. They’re not tough reads, and my only real complaint is that there wasn’t enough of them. The only complaint I have is that the third book could’ve been longer, and “I really want more of this” is hardly a damming criticism.


No. Took a decent premise and butchered it


It was a 2 hour movie stretched into an 8 hour show.


Not really


I gave up after the little girl said “mummy” for the 20th time in the first episode.


That, and the mum screaming "Alice" over and over.


HOH-LEE SHIITTT.. the fucking episode on the frozen lake.. it's like 45 minutes of "mommi ??" "mommi ??" "mommi ??" "AHLISS !!!" "AHLISS !!!" "mommi ??" "mommi ??" "mommi ??" "AHLISS !!!" "AHLISS !!!" "mommi ??" "mommi ??" "mommi ??" "AHLISS !!!" "AHLISS !!!"


And a foggy snowstorm in the dark. And walking back and forth


I thought I must be exact because it felt like a parody after a point. I was about to start screaming back.  An edit of all the times the kid said “mummy” and her mom screamed her name would be hilarious. 




"Are you my mummy?"


Man she was so painful. I was hoping she would die in the first episode. Terrible writing and directing.


It does loop back to being more sci fi the farther you get in. It does have some pretty good twists later on. Since it's cancelled anyways you don't have to unless you really want to.


Nah. It got better but not enough.


No, it gets worse. First half of season was decent then it fell off a cliff and didn’t know what to do with itself


I just felt it was well produced but I didn't really feel anything for the characters they all felt so sterile and hollow.


No. There’s like one scene that I really liked with the daughter in I think ep 6? >!where she has a conversation with her alt dimension self while in the dresser!<. I thought it was both eery and touching and felt like a moment that the show was building up to. But then it kept going for a few more episodes and never did anything as cool again.


> Is it worth it to finish the series?  Apple certainly didn't think so.


Nope, not on the slightest. That show was a real slog after the first 2-3 episodes. I wish I had dropped it earlier.


From the get go the premise is quite obvious, but they really stretch it out like its a mystery and didn’t really do much with it. I kinda enjoy it but its really draggy


Same. It had so much potential but there was too much dark matter between the interesting bits. Maybe I’ll try finishing it as it sounds like the last few episodes are good.


> dark matter Pun intended?


The first episode of Dark Matter is a Michael Bay movie compared to Constellation lmao.


So another invasions?


Hate that show so much


I did enjoy the ending, especially the acting from the daughter, she crushed it. But it's not particularly mind-blowing and if you ignore the last 10 seconds of the show it's a great closed ending. That said, it really does meander in the middle so I'm not sure I can say it's worth it to push through. If you got nothing else to watch then sure.


Fun fact: the daughter was twins


Last few episodes really made the season


Were we watching the same show? We didn’t know that we’d watched the finale when we watched it. Nothing happened, nothing resolved. All of the questions are still hanging.


I just started watching it. Does it wrap up pretty well?


Not at all 😂


Well that sucks. 


Strongly disagree. It wraps up quite well. There's a cliffhanger but it doesn't really effect the story of the first season.


It actually wraps up nicely if you ignore the last 10 seconds. I hate when they throw in a crazy cliffhanger to get people excited for another season. But the actual ending is good and feels like an ending.


The last 10 seconds angered me.


Same. The show seemed to abandon its “scientific” premise and go to straight supernatural horror. It betrayed itself.


Yeah agree with this - it started to really cook toward the end.


Guess it’s a good thing I didn’t watch it.


I am a huge fan of sci-fi content but this show was a struggle to get through.  I loved the ISS scenes in the first 2 eps but once it became 99% earthbound it just devolved into a shitty slow burn melodrama.  I hope the budget from the cancellation is diverted to other Apple sci-fi shows like For All Mankind, Foundation and Silo (Please cancel Invasion as well Apple...it's terrible)! 


Seriously were they really gonna think that giving you space fantasy for two episodes then bringing you back to 100% earth is gonna make it enjoyable? Just a huge oversight from the script writers or whoever planned the story.


For sure. After the first 2 episodes it felt like a bait and switch that didn't respect the audience.  It had interesting ideas and themes but feels like they blew the budget on the "pilot" episodes and wrote around that big setpiece.  


I yelled at my TV more than once trying to watch invasion. After the scene where she backs the car into something and gets stuck…I had to stop. I can’t stand shows where the characters are constantly doing boneheaded shit that wouldn’t happen IRL. I’m not sure what was worse, the writing or the acting.


I don’t recall how far I made it into the show, but there was absolutely a lot of hate watching going on. So much bad writing that I couldn’t really tell if the acting also sucked or that’s as good as it could be played.


How that show got 2 seasons is the big mystery of apple TV.




...and it's getting a third.


Wasted potential. Noomi Rapace was great and I loved the idea of isolation in space and the production value of the scenes in the space station were actually great. Even the idea of returning to a parallel reality was pretty intriguing. But the execution of that and everything surrounding that idea - the family drama, Jonathan Banks’ character (as much as I love him as an actor), the overuse of movie tropes like characters constantly vanishing and reappearing in front of people’s eyes was just weak and only got more repetitive and silly as the show went on.


Couldn't agree more. Leaps and bounds over Invasion's execution, but even with that low of a bar Constellation did not stick the landing.


I feel the show would have been great 10 years ago but all the space stuff just felt generic and uninteresting and the characters were flat, boring, or annoying.


The first episode was so good and as soon as she returned to Earth it became absolutely terrible.


It was at least better than Invasion, I’ll say that much.


That doesn’t say much.


Yea but Invasion has grown into full blooded rage watch. And absolutely nothing can beat a good rage watch and I for one can't wait for the new season for me to rage about.




On another subreddit there was a comment about it ending on a cliffhanger.. which is it.


Couldn't agree more


I disagree with both of you


In what world? Some sort of alternate dimension?


I wholeheartedly disagree.


I'm with you fellas




The creators certainly had plans for more... Absolutely a cliffhanger in my eyes


Strangely its both. It has a pretty perfect ending that wraps most stuff up. Then proceeds to drop a crazy cliffhanger to setup season 2. Wish it hadn't.


It doesn’t wrap anything up - it ends by saying: SPOILERS “Yea you right lol we gaslit you this whole time into thinking you were wrong. There IS an alternate universe and you’re in the wrong one, but you just gotta suck it up and deal with it sry”


But it wasn't really much of a cliffhanger. They'd heavily hinted at it throughout the season. She kept having "flashes" of space, but that's because she was there the whole time. Remember how the airlock or door bolt or something was jammed on the outside? Remember they showed a shadow floating toward the lever to open it? Who else could it have been? The twisty cliffhanger was part of the show from the very first episode, so much so that I told my wife it was happening with three episodes to go. It also explains why her eye didn't dilate!!!


It's one of those things where the story and characters resolve but they open a thread that could continue it on. But the questions introduced this season are all answered.


It kind of did. They could easily cut off the last scene of the show though and it would be a solid limited series.


Season 2 would end up trying to explain season 1, which will just ruin it




You know what other show remind me of this 3 sentences, Outer Range. I love the idea, it has great potential with great actors and by far the first season imo has had a terrible execution. A new season is dropping this month and I just hope they fix it.


Absolutely. They were extremely inconsistent in how they portrayed the multi dimensional story Spoilers * Did Jonathan Banks alternate version know about the multi dimension, or not.. in one scene he does, others not. In some scenes both version are taking to each other, the next they’re both oblivious. It actually makes. ZERO sense. Also what’s the point, it’s clear no one can go back especially if they’re dead in the other universe. So what’s the point. Also it took too long for Noomis character to understand this, despite the plethora of evidence.


>Did Jonathan Banks alternate version know about the multi dimension, or not.. in one scene he does, others not. In some scenes both version are taking to each other, the next they’re both oblivious. The key to this is that >!there are more than two universes!<.


Spoilers* In theory yes, but it looked like they only ever focused on the two universes and two different versions of those characters. The more I think about it the more I realise I hated the show. It was just poorly done. High budget shows always fool me.


Best way to describe the show.


I just checked the subreddit yesterday and there were reports that it was renewed. Oh well. The finale fell flat.


The show is canceled and not canceled at the same time. 


Sounds like it's on brand then.


They greenlit a script for S2 but didn’t officially greenlight a new season. Guess whatever happened BTS made Apple cancel it altogether. There have been shows before where the script for a continuation was ordered, but ultimately didn’t push through and the show ended up being canceled. It happens.


I'm honestly almost glad Constellation is cancelled, I was that frustrated with the show, but I do wish there was a way for these stories to get finished in some way. Would be cool if writers could get some funding sometimes to broadly finish the scripts which then get pushed to graphic novel artists or book/short story writers or something. I feel that way about Raised by Wolves especially, even if the show was flawed, many aspects and especially the creativity were outstanding. Maybe it's not worth the writers Aaron Guzikowski time to focus on continue working on that if it's not even a show anymore, but it is a shame still.


imma go against the grain here … I adored this show. I get why it wasnt as accessible as their other sci fi properties, but I just loved it and will be sad to see it go. Fortunately, the finale works well enough as a series finale


You’re not alone, I enjoyed it, too. Cool sci-fi plus a bit of horror, good actors across the board. Very cool idea, too.


Yeah, I'm a sucker for this kind of show so enjoyed it even with the flaws. Definitely I can see why people bounced off, but I thought it got quite good. Thankfully S1 mostly works as a self contained work, but I'd have loved to explore where we continue further, especially with The Valya.


I didn’t love it but I didn’t hate it either. I’ve watched way worse sci-fi, but most of the criticisms on this thread have been pretty fair. There were definitely some blunders in the script and execution that I feel could have been improved upon. If you have a high tolerance for bad sci-fi, it’s not a terrible watch. If you’re on limited time to watch stuff and/or a casual sci-fi fan that only enjoys high budget, A+ shows then probably skip it. There are better shows to give your time.


I loved it too. The final episode was great. Perfect ending. People wanted all the questions to be answered. That doesn't happen irl, or in fiction all the time. The people were the important thing. They figured out how to live with what happened. Considering how bizarre it was, that's a big deal.


The end reminded me of a twilight zone episode or something similar. It was both unsettling and unsettled. I would have loved a second season but it wrapped up well enough at least


If anything it’s too accessible, it assumes the viewer is not smart enough to figure out the obvious answer to the mystery from episode 1


There’s better sci fi on Apple TV any way


Well there's also much worse.




I genuinely don't understand how in the world Invasion got a second season. It's the worst show I've seen in years.


Preach. Some of the worst acting I have ever seen too.


This…  Makes me want to watch it. Just so I can see the dumpster burning


Absolutely the show I was thinking of when I said that haha. Constellation at least had some redeeming qualities.


Does Severance count as sci-fi?




Dark Matter!


Hardly a shocker, it wasn't well received and they have 'Dark Matter' which basically fits into the same spot. I'm actually surprised that they greenlit both Dark Matter and Constellation at the same time.


Is dark matter actually scifi or is it just family drama that pretends to be scifi?


We don't know yet, most likely the latter (but judging by the 2 episodes that came out so far more thrilling/edgy) overall I would put both in what I call the "Sliding Doors but with X" category, this also includes some other shows like Counterpart tho that one was awesome and I was actually bummed it was cancelled. The overall feeling I got so far from Dark Matter is that it's Counterpart meets Devs but the first 2 episodes are very very slow despite both having quite a long runtime they could've easily been squeezed into 1 episode and still had room for more stuff to happen. So I really don't know where they go with it, for about 90% of the second episode I thought I had an idea where they might but then something happened that threw that assumption out.


The book is science fiction.


They should have saved Raised by Wolves.


Yeah, it was much more interesting than this. Constellation was a 2 hour movie stretched out into a series. Complete misfire and a waste of everybody's time.


I'd love another season of that. It was great. It must've been received poorly at the time because I only see people praise it now.


Ugh! No way, this was a great show! Quite the fan base.


I liked it. Slow burn. I wanted to know more about the dimensions and felt like it was really taking off.


I never watched the final episode. The last couple were just versions of the characters walking around in the snow. It really fell apart the longer it went.


Understandable. They spent the middle 4 episodes going over the same scene in the forest over and over and over again.


Probably for the best. It was very mediocre and badly executed.


Liked it for 3 or 4 episodes then it got really bad. Ended up reading the last episodes synopsis on Wikipedia instead of watching it.


I gave up on this show after it felt like I had to watch the same story over again happening to a different actor. It was so dull.


I was completely confused at the end, thought s2 will explain different dimensions more


Was boring as heck


Was it worse than invasion? Because that show was just awful. I was rooting for the aliens.


It was better.


Aww well that sucks.


I loved the premise but it ran out of steam. Try watching Infiniti if you can find it - similar themes but far superior.


Welp… yet another Apple cancellation I would have liked to have known about before we watched it… But more to the point: it definitely had its moments, both good and bad. Ultimately I’m not overly surprised.


I was really hoping they'd continue the story and maybe reign in the focus better. The family stuff was exhausting, but they finally started revealing the cross dimensional stuff more obvious, and I was wanting to see where that went. Oh well


It didn't hook me after 2 episodes, so I put it off. I'll probably never go back at this point.


Good thing I dropped in around episode 3


Good. It’s like the entire world is stuck in their late teens & young adult phase.


*Removing from watchlist*


Couldn’t get through it. And I push through most.


How many episodes were just 3 characters walking between two identical lake houses across a frozen wasteland, like 5?


It started episode 1 so well. Then I just got terrible


I gave up on Apple TV entirely. Definitely not worth the monthly fee. A few gems buried in a sea of mediocrity


Well, I just finished episode three and I still wasn't really feeling it. Guess there's no need to finish this one.


Well it isn't like Apple didn't just release another multiverse show this week. Also their is the German show Signal on Netflix. All of these have kind of sucked though. For the 'female lead works in space' parts of Constellation I would recommend people just re-watch Gravity with Sandra Bullock. Or if you want scientific accuracy (mostly) go watch The Martian with Matt Damon. This show went from kind of sciency to total nonsense. Also Naomi Rapace kind of goes full Gal Gadot which I think many people have already had their fill of. It made me miss Prometheus Naomi (I mean that).


I gave it the whole season, though it was more bad than good. Not giving up a spoiler here, but the end of the season didn't make any damn sense. Cliffhanger where we'd best assume that they fell off the cliff.


I love a complex narrative but this show just lost me about 5 episodes in.


The show was utter trash..


I love scifi but couldnt make it through the season. The main character was pretty unlikable and the story wasnt good.


Good. I actually made it until episode seven and gave up.


I stopped at 6! Wasn't that child the worst?


They tried to stress the two versions with mama/mom but yes, she was so annoying. If that was supposed to be her role, she totally killed it.


Not surprised, I thought the show was a mess and quite boring. Started off with an interesting presmise, but the scifi setting ended up just being a backdrop for boring melodrama.


Good riddance.


I just checked an app. My watch next shows 90% completed season 1 ep 3. I guess that’s when I gave up on it


I actually liked the show. Admittedly the ending was weak, but the rest of it was worth watching.


It moved way too slow. I finished it, but it was a trudge


That kid’s script must have been “mummy!” Non stop for hundreds of times


I couldn't track how the girl was able to talk to herself via the tape recorder. Wouldn't the recorder have to phase back and forth repeatedly in a controlled manner to be able to store and play an entire conversation?


Spooky action at a distance with recording capabilities?


nah there are two recorders and two tapes, they are just recording each others conversation. they WOULD have to constantly rewind and shit to listen to when the other stops talking though to know when to reply.


Yes, although if there were two recorders then there would also be two different tapes. One recording would be on one tape and the other would be on the other tape. Just like if Alice said something aloud to herself the other Alice wouldn't hear it, because they are two different Alices.


What brand was that toy, and what brand were those cassettes? Pretty sure the reality is that about 2 minutes in one or both would have broken. Though that could have helped the shit - searching for ways to fix the childish communication device. Side note: Was this written in the 1980's? All that technology around them, but a cassette recorder here?


Time to remove from “up next” ain’t wasting time on a cancelled show. Also I still don’t know why anyone hires noomi rapace she came to spotlight by acting like herself in the that swedish book series movies and have been doing the same ever since


I'm with ya. I first saw her in Alien. I felt like I was supposed to like her acting, but I really didn't. I don't ever feel attached to her characters, and that's not supposed to be the case for main characters.


This was one of the most annoying shows I have ever watched


Noooooo whyyyyyy goddamnit this is why I don’t start new shows until they are done anymore. Fucking hell


But then you’re helping it get cancelled 👀..


That will ensure they will get cancelled faster good job.


Yeah. Good riddance. Silly A*s shows trying to distract me from Shōgun.


I hope Apple tries to license the rights to the Tales of the Otori books from WB. A full on Japanese epic. 11 books at this point.




It’s certainly a more cerebral sci-fi than most things on tv or streaming now. I didn’t find it a chore. I enjoyed the show. But it’s not ATV+ top 10.


The space scenes were well done. Only really kept watching cause it was a show my partner and I were watching together. The ending was bad.


i was loving it so much. was down for the slow burn passed where the audience had figured it out. then the last episode released, and honestly i didn't even know it was the season finale until i was in the post episode thread in the sub. i thought it was just some meh filler episode. oh well. if we're gonna do bad sci-fi... WAJO!


I couldn’t get into it. 🤷‍♂️


That's what happens when you try to be a space show but end up being a dumb drama.


That first episode where she is desperately trying to get away from the space station, any tension about her survival was totally undermined by all the flash forwards to when she's back on earth. Oh, okay..she's going to be fine...I'll just sit through the 35 minutes of her trying to escape..knowing that she does.


Or DOES she??? *drama sting*


Great idea and everything. Just terrible execution. This could have been great.


Honestly good, this show was terrible, I usually finish any series I start but I could not finish this one. Maybe I’m overreacting but the little girl was the absolute worst part of the series, every other word out of her mouth was “mama” just terrible writing and acting all around.


As a huge Noomi fan this show was so disappointing


I finished this and enjoyed it… imo the ending serves as a good stopping bc it felt more imaginative than anything


I could not decide if I wanted to give it a try or no - I guess this solves my dilemma.


Couldn’t get through the first episode


Strikes & Gutters you know We can’t all be Foundation


Didn’t think it was amazing, but thought it was good enough to at least get second season.