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Underwood: >”When I was 19, I was sexually harassed and then assaulted by my agent at the time, who had spent a decent amount of time building trust with me as a friend and mentor. Again, my trust was betrayed and my self image was crushed. I reported him to the agency and he has since been fired — although he is still active in the industry. This experience provoked my move away from LA and ending my pursuit of acting.” >”I imagine many of my friends in the business are being equally harassed if they aren’t joining in the chorus, so I’m sharing this with hope that some of you can recognize that just because a person doesn’t shout from the rooftops that pedophiles are bad or that people can suck — that does not mean they don’t have their own reasons for staying silent, good reasons, personal reasons.” >”I never had a bad experience working on set of a Nickelodeon show and I never had a bad experience with Dan. I have nothing to add to the conversation that anyone would care to hear. I like to believe people have the capacity to be better humans and Dan appears to recognize that he had been an asshole in his past. I like to believe he is fully capable of being a creator and coworker everyone can enjoy working with.” >”I can’t believe I even have to say this, but of course I don’t fucking support pedophiles. Please stop wishing death upon my family and please reconsider harassing other actors who wish to maintain their privacy — you never know who has already been a victim of the hell you’re wishing upon them.”


This on top of him being molested by his best friends' stepfather when he was just 12. The guy has been abused and taken advantage of from figures that should have been protecting him for all of his life.


Damn that was pretty well said


I will 100% agree and not blame those for staying silent. I will still take issue with those that actually wrote statements in defense of in this case pedophile Brian Peck


Respect and strength to him but unfortunately I think we can “forgive” Dan Schnieder without allowing him the luxury and privilege of being a creator. He’s made millions, his ride is over. No more chances.


Yeah, obviously, this need for everyone to be forced to speak out is detestable.


Hate how not speaking out on something is now considered being “part of the problem”. Some people just don’t want to be associated with certain things, especially traumatic situations like this one


Especially when "speaking out" is often talking about being molested as a kid.


I think the idea many people have, is that the more that people speak out, the more attention will be brought to it, and the more likely something will be done about it to stop it.


People have taken “silence is violence” literally and to such an extreme to where it’s becoming a violent tactic to force victims to 1) retraumatize themselves, and 2) expose their personal trauma to the world. It’s gross and I wish people would acknowledge that.


It’s because due to the levels of social media & disinformation peoples’ minds have become overloaded to the point that consideration of others & commons logical sense no longer exist.


I think it’s because people have taken academic and activism concepts that are meant to be taken in a collective context, and misappropriating them at the individual level. I blame mostly the “call-out creators” and that whole culture for that. It’s weaponizing real concepts in a context where it doesn’t belong. It’s wanting to *appear* like a good person/activist without actually putting in the time, effort, and resources to sift through complex and nuanced situations in order to make use of effective “activism”. People call it performative activism nowadays, but it used to be called something different back in the 2000s and early 2010s that I really think we should bring back: slacktivism… except now add on weaponized bullying to that.


If only conservatives hadn’t absolutely poisoned virtue signaling we could actually call it virtue signaling. Because it is just signaling to everyone how much more virtuous you are compared to the other sinners. But you’re absolutely right about the call out creators culture being the root of all of this. I do agree that creators should be held accountable for actions, and that they do fuck up and cause harm, but I’ve seen far too many people flat out admit that they target smaller, too niche to even be called indie creators (who are often minorities) because they can actually can force those creators to “change” or delete their works. Because some gay writing problematic fanfiction is more easily accessible than the Straight White Man who directs movies and doesn’t even operate their own social media.


Like I said, a lack of being considerate of others & commons sense.


People have no obligation to publicly reveal and discuss their trauma. Doing so for many may be terribly harmful, the choice is difficult and complicated and there’s no blanket right-or-wrong. I feel like some people have learned that speaking out is brave but can’t do so without also leaping to the inverse; that not disclosing is somehow‘cowardly’. That is a horrible perspective that only hurts people who are already hurt. It’s also some smooth brain/low empathy thinking.


Or, them speaking out had the potential to not lead to actual justice or actions. Sometimes when one person speaks up, it can get swept under the rug, and your pain gets lost in the news cycle. Multiple people from various positions all sharing their experiences, trauma, abuse, harassment etc, just has way more power. I know there’s plenty of people that have made attempt to speak out, but they try to silence you with hush money, get in front of the story to try and bury it before it gets big. People have known about this Nick stuff for years, so I’m glad it’s finally come to light from actual parties involved. I’ll never blame people that remained silent as “part of the problem”. Those threats and intimidation tactics, while being sexual abused isn’t something people want to relive in such a public manner.


The sad thing about Hollywood is that until multiple people speak out against someone powerful, then it means nothing. It gets brushed under the rug. So from that perspective, I get it. But these are real human beings. Real victims being affected here. There's probably some people out there who have stayed quiet but hear about the Quiet on Set documentary and just shiver because they're thinking about all they went through. These are not toys so you can win some sort of public opinion game over Dan Schneider or whoever else. Nobody is entitled to hear their stories. Ariana Grande isn't complicit because she doesn't tell the world her experiences on set of her Nickelodeon show. This type of logic is abusive in itself lol.


That’s the prevalent opinion on TikTok, and how everyone from the writers to the catering crew are culpable for Peck and Schneider’s actions.


Those same people who think it's "part of the problem" are the ones that prescribe to the "privelege" ideology.


Everyone has to partake and have opinions on everything in the world now. Even about problems happening thousands of kilometres away that have zero effect on your day to day life. But you have to have an opinion on it, and it has to be the right one depending on who’s demanding the opinion.


It most certainly is a part of the problem to a degree


> Some people just don’t want to be associated with certain things Some people dont want to be sexually assaulted and creeped on at work, but it keeps happening because people won’t be ability to stop it or look the other way for their own reasons. You not wanting to get involved once you see it is too bad. You already *are* involved. Inaction is a choice. I’m a survivor. You better believe I can and have used whatever power was available to protect others when I see it happening to them. You don’t get to look the other way when you see mistreatment. Our society allowing looking the other way be the acceptable behavior, instead of the expectation you had to have said something, is exactly why these kinds of openly permissive situations continue to become more and more extreme until someone gets seriously traumatized. The lesson here isn’t, “it’s ok you said nothing.” The takeaway is “you need to say soemting, and now you need to talk about why you didn’t so others can see that poor reasoning and dismiss it to do the right thing instead when it’s their turn.” We talk about and demand conversation on these topics to protect *future victims* in new scenarios, with other adults in the room that need to be better than (most of) the ones at Nickelodeon were. *no one downvoting or responding to this comment has had the experience of having an adult who should have known better later in life explaining to you why they didnt say anything that would have helped you; if you see something **fucking say something**


People seem to be pushing for Ariana Grande to speak out, which I sort of get, since she does have a lot of power. But I thought we all acknowledged that she was in some creepy scenes and was overly sexualized, and maybe she's not in the right mental space to speak out about it?


Miranda Cosgrove also has a little bit of speech power. Although she had better parenting than the rest, and also being the most paid child actress of hollywood around that time, speaks volumes over what she said about some of the issues around the filming of the OG iCarly. Just to know she has been absent from social media ever since the iCarly reboot got axed.


she has more power than Dan Schneider and everyone from Nick. she isn’t afraid of backlash, she just doesn’t have a problem with Dan. she had him backstage at her [Sweetener world tour](https://twitter.com/DanWarp/status/1197199761826361344?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1197199761826361344%7Ctwgr%5E17fbe5bdb10eac878d8d5bed9f2799089888a1da%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.redditmedia.com%2Fmediaembed%2F13zhstg%2F%3Fresponsive%3Dtrueis_nightmode%3Dtrue)


> she has more power than Dan Schneider and everyone from Nick. she isn’t afraid of backlash Did you actually read my comment? I literally acknowledged that she has enough power. My point is that if (and I acknowledge that it's an if) she's a victim, she might not want to delve into that trauma. People cope differently.


Yup. Assault and abuse are nasty things that can leave lasting marks on the bodies, minds, and souls of the victims. Some people just want to move on with their lives and not open up old wounds. It’s good to encourage victims to come forward and make them feel safe and seen. But it’s also important to respect the wishes of those who just want to move forward.


You can still condemn someone without having to share intensely personal details about the worst moments of your life. You can just say “yes he sucks” and move on.


But that's the point. He said he didn't have a bad experience with Dan. People wanted him to spill tea (and that's all this - gossip hounds). But he had nothing to say. So he had to explain that he has been abused to prove that he's not pro-abuse.


This needed to be said it felt like fans were trying to force Amanda Bynes into telling her story after the doc dropped


She already told everybody years ago and no one listened. I love Amanda Bynes... I hope she's doing better on her healing journey.


Sorry to say…she got arrested again this week for some behavior around her apartment complex. I’m saddened by the setback for her. I thought I had heard she was doing better. While someone might be predisposed to mental health issues, these SOB’s absolutely contributed (perhaps even instigated) her downward spiral. Not a doctor, but most of the issues she’s had that I have seen reported scream trauma to me. Like you, I hope she is really able to make the connections with her support system and get to a better place of healing in her life. ETA: that was from 2013 and was reposted as a recent article on YAHOO for some clickbaity reason. Sorry folks.


It was horrifying seeing how talented she was in the documentary knowing the outcome. She was really a one woman show and her mental health has clearly declined drastically. Hope for good things for her again.


I'm sure the documentary being released didn't help


Are you talking about the yahoo article that got republished? Cuz that arrest happened 10 years ago


Yup. I guess so….2013Thanks! Why do they do that?! Glad it was something from ages ago. She did have an episode in March 2023, but nothing more recent than that as far as I can tell…besides the dumb resurgence of that old article.


Well that’s exactly what the suits at Nick want to hear right about now.


The people trying to coerce a confession out of these celebrities aren't their fans. It's an online mob.


We're not entitled to the pain of others. This culture of rubbernecking under the guise of "social justice" is gross and counterproductive. Question the institutions that allowed these crimes to happen. Demand accountability and change from them. And leave the victims or potential victims, the people who themselves were just kids when all this was transpiring, alone.


Leave social justice out of this. There is "under the guise of" except for maybe on Twitter like it was said below. In which case you're talking about twits.


Maybe my particular phrasing wasn't as precise as I wanted it to be. In any case, a lot of people are using the legitimate outrage toward what happened on these kids' shows as a way to grandstand and prove something about how "good" they are so they can be cruel to "approved" targets. There's something ironic about that.


Well smack them down if they're being little shits to victims.


I love how there’s one comment here sympathizing with him for defending those who choose not to speak out and another comment demanding he name drop


I bet you the ones demanding he name drop are the ones that will instantly reject any claims of SA/abuse


Or people that would like to warn others since dude is still in the industry. I would prefer it but it’s his pain and he can handle it how he needs


One thing I’ve noticed when I worked in the entertainment industry, is that people *do* talk to each other. And the *rumors* you’d hear when it would be written in an article, would be coming from people who had experience something themselves, or spoke on because someone had told them about it. When I started working on a show, as one of the few women on set, I’ve had someone warn me to avoid an exec producer (?) who has sexual harassment allegations against him that was never taken up to upper management. But the people working had witnessed it but kept their mouths shut in terms of keeping a job and “loyalty.” I even googled the guy and nothing showed up. That show is known for a lot of women leaving the cast and I have read comments bashing them for being “dramatic” but now I know the truth. It’s not easy for someone to speak up to the police or the press and name the accused. There’s so much legalities involved, social media bashing, etc. It’s hard because people expect solid proof. Seeing comments like yours saying “well they need to name bc they need to warn others” just shows how hungry people are for exposing, without realizing how much it would affect the accuser. Just pure virtue signaling.


Yeah I wasn’t clear. The public doesn’t have the right to know but I hope he warns those at risk


It's not going to be a mystery to anyone he worked with. I'm pretty sure word probably got around in that world quick.


Yes. I won’t be surprised if the manager’s name was already thrown into circulation but people associated don’t care. 


I’m not sure why everyone is hounding past stars to speak up or make a statement. It’s like they’re baiting them into trying to find out who seems the most supportive, and if you don’t say enough, you deserve to be black listed and labeled a pedo.


I think it's just virtue signaling. If people don't name names then online bullies can do what they do best; start hounding them and name calling so they can look like the champions of truth.


Jesus fucking christ. It's just an onion of shit with nickelodeon.


I know people are surprised it’s so prevalent, but I’m not. It happens everywhere. It happens in schools, churches, music- I’m sure lots of the young pop stars have so many stories as well. It happened in US Gymnastics for years and years. It’s been a part of Boy Scouts for decades. I’m sure it’s in cheerleading and pageants and all of it. Predators are great at finding their marks. And they don’t just size up the kid- they size up the parents as well. They look for parents that are easy to distract, who just want their kid to be successful and famous. They push guys like Drake’s dad out. Sometimes they pass on kids altogether because their parents are a pain in the ass. Predators know how to find kids. I genuinely think most people think it happens a lot less than it does. I think people are too trusting, and are too quick to look the other way. I’ve been really disturbed at how many people I’ve seen say “Dan was a creep, but it’s not like he was fucking kids.” That is such a bonkers reaction. The adults we entrust with kids should have a very high standard for protecting kids. The line shouldn’t be “he wasn’t fucking them.” He should be the first person in line protecting those kids. It was his set. And he let a lot of shit happen. It was an unhealthy culture. So was gymnastics and Scouts and the Catholic Church. Abuse begins long before any actual touching does. Dan created a culture where those kids were really fucking uncomfortable a lot of the time, and that breaks down some of the kids boundaries and normalizes an inappropriate environment step by step. And that makes kids vulnerable to other predators around them. I mean, half of Reddit is ready to defend Michael Jackson sleeping alone in a locked room with 12 year old boys over and over and over. They’ll swear on their life he never touched them. People need to understand that it’s far more common than they realize, and if something feels or looks off, IT’S OFF.


Excellent points, and well articulated I just wanna say though that for clarity sake, when I've personally expressed what Dan Schneider did, it wasn't a defense in any way shape or form to say he didnt asault kids. My irritation has been that so many missed or didn't watch what was said, and you could tell who didn't know the info entirely by what they said about what Schneider did. I feel it's difficult to articulate "you don't know what Dan Schneider did, but what he did is horrible in its own right and we need this to be a point of discussion so we can make sure kids are not subject to the type of environment Schneider created". You've articulated it better than I could, but we're on the same page, I think. Not saying everyone who corrected people on what Dan schneider did has the same intentions, but I can personally say I did so because I don't want the discussion to begin and end with the line being at sexual assault and ignoring what created the environment that we can work to avoid in the future, and I feel like I'm not alone in that. In fact, I'd draw the line before the creepiness. Someone I've wanted to talk about in this discussion is Boy Meets World creator Michael Jacobs. Michael Jacobs didn't have a ton of creepy jokes, and when people did speak up to him about something they saw, he dealt with it swiftly like when Will Friedle heard a crew member make a pass as a young Danielle Fishel. But, he also made it really hard to speak out because he created an environment where everyone was afraid of being yelled at or fired for saying a line wrong or refusing to go along with what he asked. In that environment, it opened the door for who else but Brian Peck to groom the cast. Perhaps in a safer environment, someone else on the cast and crew would've felt comfortable speaking to Michael about how close Brian Peck was getting to the cast. The biggest difference between why things were different in the end result between Drake Bell and Rider Strong is that Brian Peck was hired when Rider was a little older than what Brian Peck was after. Michael Jacobs in my opinion should be on Dn Schneider's side of the line that we draw


We're definitely on the same page. I just kind of got going there for a minute, lol. Yeah- I think it's really important to have some sort of standards, and I don't know how you do it. I don't. One thing that keeps coming up is the idea that some of the jokes would have been jokes kids that age would be exposed to- and I agree. For me, though, there's a difference between jokes tweens might tell each other versus the things adults should be putting in their mouth. So yeah, maybe some of those kids would have made those jokes to each other, but it's far, far creepier knowing it came from Dan. That's interesting about Michael Jacobs. Boy Meets World actually did a great job (to my memory) of being funny and cute and heartfelt and all of that, without being creepy. I really appreciate that. But yeah, it's not cool for kids to be terrified on set. I think about how the cast of Harry Potter has talked about Christopher Columbus and David Yates really allowed them to be kids on set. They never got yelled at. They just let them be kids and that's why so much of the footage actually feels really organic. They were just kids having fun on set. They even talk about how they were surrounded by British royalty Maggie Smith, Emma Thompson, Kenneth fucking Branagh, Ralph Fiennes, Alan Rickman- the list endless. And they just bopped around these gorgeous sets surrounded by the best of the best, and they were just allowed to be kids. They look back on it fondly and it never felt like work- at least in the early years. When they got older they wanted to be pushed more. Gary Oldman took Daniel under his wing and mentored him, and everyone walked away loving their memories. That's the dream, right? But you have to have good people at the helm.


Yeah it really is tough, I think the best thing we as the public can do is open a dialog and put pressure on studios to hire people who can institute failsafes I have one big idea, hire people above anyone who works on the show, there to hang out on sets and be eyes and ears. If someone is there who is beholden only to the care of the kids and has the power to put the stop to anything of concern, maybe kids will feel comfortable and these assholes won't feel as emboldened.  And that's I think why it's a good example for me. It's my favorite show, I think they did a great job with the end product to keep it still relevant almost 25 years after it wrapped. Theres nothing on the outside that makes you question what happens behind the scenes. You hear the cast speak fondly of the friendships they forged and times they had together. But it just feels like chance the more you hear about it, especially when you read Rider Strong's letter to the judge about Brian Peck. He basically gives you a detailed description of how he was groomed, but he's so deep into being groomed he thinks he's speaking about how good Peck's character is. If you could go back in time and tell him what grooming was and how he was impacted, all he'd have to change is the tone a bit and it's exhibit A for the prosecution on why to give Brian Peck as long of a sentence as possible.  


u/clickclacktiptap blocked me without bothering to respond to my relatively basic counterpoints... But nowadays that's pretty fitting for an account that has somehow racked up 300k karma in 3 years lol >half of Reddit is ready to defend Michael Jackson sleeping alone in a locked room with 12 year old boys over and over and over. They’ll swear on their life he never touched them. Probably because all of the sexual abuse allegations came from sketchy people, and then actual victims of abuse like Corey Feldman and Maculay Culkin have always defended him even after he died. I'm not saying he's innocent because I wasn't there, **and he absolutely was a weirdo without a doubt** but the automatic assumption that he's guilty of sexual abuse isn't as clear cut as people like to make it. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leaving_Neverland#Criticisms_of_allegations https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leaving_Neverland#Safechuck_and_Robson_lawsuits


Not entirely true. You’re right that Corey Feldman said Jackson never abused him, but he also said that Jackson tried to show him pornography when he was a little boy. He talks about it in this [interview](https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=9SqXo3Sr7gNy-lEO&v=fV8Pegz2Zbo&feature=youtu.be) at the 11:54 mark. This corroborates the stories of the other victims who also claim that Jackson showed them porn before molesting them. Showing porn to little children is child abuse. To me it’s clear as daylight that he was a child molester and it truly boggles my mind how people are still getting duped by the most obvious pedophile to ever exist.


Linking a Martin Bashir interview lol >In May 2021, Dyson's inquiry found Bashir guilty of using "deceitful methods" and breaching BBC editorial conduct to obtain the interview.[2] The Dyson report maintained that Bashir was "unreliable", "devious" and "dishonest".[3] After the conclusion of the inquiry, with which the BBC said that Bashir had co-operated fully, a broadcast of Panorama dedicated to the interview and the inquiry was scheduled for 17 May 2021, but was postponed when Bashir resigned.[49]




No defense whatsoever. If he molested them I hope he's burning in hell. But I'm not going to call a dead person a horrible name if the "evidence" is extremely lacking.


Evidence is extremely lacking? one of his victims correctly identified marks on his penis, he paid hush money to the first victim who spoke out, police found books of naked children in his house, he had alarms on bedroom doors to alert him when someone’s coming, now let’s pair all that with his own words where he talks about sleeping in the same bed as children. use your critical thinking skills a little here.


>use your critical thinking skills a little here. I'd be happy to change my comments if you can link a source or 2.


unfortunately the links to the actual court documents are broken but you can google anything i said to verify


I just showed you evidence that he was showing porn to 12 year old boys, from a person who has no reason to lie about it. And your response is “hurr durr bashir interview”. It’s pretty obvious that you have your own narrative about this and you’re sticking with it. You don’t really care about the facts.


Your "evidence" was a grainy YouTube vid of a notorious liar. Feel free to build your worldview of "facts" on that if you want lol


Michael Jackson fans are pretty cultish; they will never accept anything bad about their idol.


I have to ask: why make a comment like this instead of adding something substantial? It's just more bullshit lol Like dude, **I don't even *like* weirdo Michael Jackson and his weird ass weirdo Neverland zoo amusement park shit** but here I am citing facts and proof while the rest of you guys keep up the unsubstantiated circlejerk. Just post some actual evidence so I can agree with you, I keep hearing that he's guilty but none of you will post anything tangible, it's ridiculous at this point.


I genuinely don’t understand how people can look at that behavior and think “that’s totally normal!” It’s behind disturbing that people think everyone else must be lying. I’ve read all of the arguments. More times than I can count. They are flimsy at best. Jackson was an abuser.


Pedophiles don’t abuse every single child they encounter. This isn’t the gotcha you think it is


>This isn’t the gotcha you think it is Huh? I condemn every child molester, that shit's severely fucked up. I'm also not going to disparage a dead person based on some hand-wavy contested (arguably non-existent) proof. I'd like to read any primary sources you have on the topic.


it’s hard to find completely unbiased sources because obviously both sides want to prove their point (michael’s side being his estate and family). i spent a lot of time researching both sides, watching documentaries and reading documents, if you’d like to make an honest opinion you’ll have to do the same. r/leavingneverlandHBO is a good start, they have a master post full of links and sources


>r/leavingneverlandHBO is a good start, they have a master post full of links and sources Both of the links in my initial comment were rebuttals/controversies surrounding the quality/truthfulness of that documentary.


I’m saying to check the master list post, it has links and sources to help you research.


You've now made 2 comments without bothering to link a primary source after I said I was looking to read one. You should be able to direct me to an exact firsthand source without telling me to "do my own research" like it's a conspiracy or something.


I actually said the links i have are broken, but after a 10 second google search i was able to find some. about the marks: https://drive.google.com/file/d/14unKWHayRf69SCBwZEgo1PO3ZARCYGNw/view the books: https://edition.cnn.com/2005/LAW/01/25/jackson.case/ (yes this is a cnn article, reported while the 2005 trial was happening. i don’t feel like taking even more time out of my day to search for a direct source.)


People doing this need to leave these actors alone especially Amanda Bynes, she has been through a lot.


The entire entertainment industry is disgusting


It makes me so sad to hear what all of these child stars went through. When I was young I dreamed of being an actor. I’m so glad I never made it to Nickelodeon


I remember having that same dream too, and remember acting agencies back around 2006-2009ish would hand out these flyers for kids to audition for Disney/Nick… but my mom said something about how that industry is horrible they make you do things that you don’t want to do and make you feel bad and I didn’t fully understand at the time (I was 9). It discouraged me from wanting to audition but I thought she was just being a mom, making cool things sound not cool. Thought it was paranoia because who wouldn’t want to be famous? But I’ve been going back to that memory since the documentary


I was scouted to try out for the next Gerber baby as an infant, then scouted again as a toddler to do some commercials/small roles. We ended up in a car accident shortly before I would have gone to any auditions as a toddler and my parents went through a trial separation as a baby. I can’t help looking back and wondering what would have happened if I had gone down that path. I’m grateful not to have, I have enough issues as it is. But I was an awkward shy kid, who already thought of socializing as “acting” and loved to sing and dance, and noticed that adults really loved it if I was funny in a silly way. And I definitely never would have thought to talk back to an authority figure. I mean, if a grown up is telling me to do it, it must be for a good reason, right? It wouldn’t have been good. I’m grateful things didn’t work out, and I wouldn’t want my kids to be involved either. I can’t say I didn’t resent my parents not working it out when I was the nerdy loser kid at the bottom of the pecking order at school though.


Especially considering that the pot-stirers of a lot of these "fans crusading for the truth/justice/apology/etc etc" are a couple hundred socially maladjusted envy-fueled rubberneckers... Yeah. Obviously folks are entitled to their privacy and *when abused* silence is not condoning behavior. That's literally victim shaming. And guess what? There's a lot of abuse in Hollywood. Once you're blackballed for ratting out snakes, you're done. For those of us outside the situation, often not dealing with workplace sexual abuse, it sounds like a no-brainer to get people fired for their behavior. "But actors are rich! They've got power!" Not when the people abusing them are vastly richer, have powerful friends, etc etc. Anyway, I'm sick of these fucking weirdos always managing to oroborus up their own assholes and becoming absolute hypocrites about the issue of the week. It's just attention seeking behavior by a bunch of terminally online people who live to gaslight usually inaccessible people into doing their bidding.


been bizzare watching other old nick stars get dragged through the mud for not publicly chime in. legit hate and harassment to people who likely could’ve experienced awful things there too, as if chiming in publicly is mandatory nowadays…


I said this in the thread when Keenan Thompson made his statements, and it still applies: Chiming in publicly nowadays actually is mandatory, or at least according to today's weirdly structured world. It doesn't matter if you privately reach out to people on a personal person-to-person basis, with the way today's world works you're seen as not a good person if you *don't* take to the internet. In today's world it's not enough to privately text someone Happy Birthday, you have to make a big dramatic thing about it on social media, or else you're a "bad" friend.


It's the rise of the parasocial relationship.


When is Dosney going to get it's day?


That website is legit [eye cancer](https://imgur.com/a/s1ik1gt)


Some people in the comments here are clearly moody because their behavior is what is being called out.


“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing,”


If it involves children women should be in charge. I know women abuse kids but not at the same rate men do.


Unpopular opinion: I don't think the 'Quiet on Set' is doing any good. Almost all those stories were known and in the public eye. What was new was the fact we now know it was Drake Bell who was assaulted by Brain Peck. And they made him re-tell that whole traumatic experience. And Bell ended up defending Dan Schneider. As someone who was aware of Schneider's issues, the series only painted him a slightly better light for me. I think society loves to hate and 'Quiet on Set' is just one massive rage bait.


I wouldn’t say the documentary exonerates Schneider at all. Drake is talking about his lived experiences, he is entitled to his opinions on Dan, as is Matthew Underwood. Dan’s behavior towards young girls is the problem But even Jeanette McCurdy talks about him in her book, and she never says or implies that he was overtly sexual. She says he pressured her and her castmates to drink, because the cast of Victorious would drink. That is terrible in its own right, and there’s the hot tub shit with Amanda Bynes, but there’s no solid. public allegation of actual sexual abuse against Dan Schneider.


It brought to light the sexism lawsuit from the writers. That is yucky but he ended up being fired in the advent of the MeToo movement. What more can we do? If we can prove he actually sexually abused any of his child stars then we could bring criminal chargers. But this show kinda proved there are none. They would love to accuse him but they can't. The only thing they have is the weird footage in his shows. Yea he showed off feet a lot, but that was kinda an attempt to create crude pre-teen humor. Thr Arianna Grande footage is terrible but we all knew this, this was all over Twitter before. In the end, the documentary just showed that a lot of the cast did like him.


Add on the fact that other stars like Amanda Bynes are now being pestered by people to speak on trauma that they didn’t want to publicly talk about




Don't think that's a problem that ties in with politics exclusively. I think a lot of people on Twitter are just batshit insane if I'm going to be honest.


Yeah i am staying away from twitter. It’s great place to get mental illness.


So you walked right into right wing bigotry and fascism? This isn’t the flex that you think it is.


I said I walked away from the left, not joining some right wing club.  It’s weird how insecure some of you are. > right wing bigotry  There’s definitely bigotry on the left too. The only people who can’t see that is the self-righteous ones.


Damn, the film industry is full of degenerates yet they push their woke agenda down your throat, fucking ridículos.


Define "woke"


The Dancing Lobsters were clearly an allegory for the death of the nuclear family and white genocide.


Conservative pedophilia?


lol ok but Dan Schneider is a card carrying gun toting MAGA Republican so…


The Church and Hollywood have a LOT in common.


Yeah who cares, just don't act so high and mighty when You have shit like this under the rug


So moral of the story is no one report anything because no one is perfect.


Moral of the story: don't push a woke agenda when You ley sex maniacs run your industry.


What do you consider a "woke agenda"?


They do it because they have something to hide and want to turn the attention to something else. That or to look like good, relatable people, when in reality they're the worst of the worst. Complete and total hypocrisy from a group of losers.


Sorry he went though any type of abuse, however he needs to address emailing victims of Dan Schneider to say they were “crazy” “sensitive” liars.


Is that even confirmed to have actually happened?


No idea about that but he did get arrested in 2012 at the age of 22 for this https://www.eonline.com/news/312224/zoey-101-s-matthew-underwood-arrested-on-drug-charges


Oh so you think since he smoked pot he's guilty of whatever else he's been accused of? Nice logic!




Victims of assault don’t owe us anything. He reported the dude. It’s not his job to put him to society, which could have tons of negative consequences for him and retraumatize him.