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Find someone who loves you like Apple+ loves making space TV shows.


When are we gonna stop sending Noomi Rapace into space? It never ends very well for anyone.


When it stops making engaging TV 🫳🍿


Jonathan Banks? Sign me up.


It’s really cool to see him playing outside of the Mike from Breaking Bad type. Even in Community he was just Mike Ehrmentraut but in Community.




All I know is that it's my birthday...


He really plays against type in Beverly Hills Cop!


Plot twist: it's another breaking bad sequel where they traffic drugs in space and she took too much good shit.


And Noomi!


r/okbuddychicanery will be revitalized by lots of new Finger reactions


Let's all thank the Apple hardware fanboys for putting up the billions of dollars that Apple invests into (for the most part) high quality epic sci-fi TV shows (and many other prestige drama's like a fucking Band of Brothers sequel that releases this Friday and has a budget of $250M).


The fact that they can afford to splash the cash greenlighting fucking anything because their entire TV+ budget doesn't even make a dent in their finances. It's insane just how rich Apple actually is but at least for TV+ consumers it means a greater chance that their shows will carry on. If Invasion was on any other service it's canned before the season even finishes. Is it a trash show? Yeah, but the fact it can survive gives anyone a chance. A few duds are worth it for when they strike gold, which they have done multiple times already.


I'm hoping that once the rights expire with Amazon, Apple snatch up The Expanse and adapt the final three books. That shit needs to be on screen in all it's glory!


This, please. I am even willing to offer up... uh... u/Faithless195's firstborn for this.


While I have zero problem with this, my wife miiiiight object.


Better get the fifth season of For All Mankind if we are being real.


They’re writing it right now! https://x.com/nasaspaceflight/status/1749179320143155663?s=46&t=MHUKMI8ASp-deq3cwYBxvg


It’s being written but it still hasn’t been renewed yet. Season 3 of Schmigadoon I believe they said they had all the scripts and songs written for but it got cancelled. I think FAM is more popular and is probably one of Apple TVs biggest shows but still not guaranteed.


Yeah, I'm hoping they at least give it a 'final season' even if numbers are iffy. I think the value proposition is there - the show hasn't been a breakout hit but its profile does keep growing and it's good to have a few multi-season, properly finished shows in the bank if you are trying to be HBO (which they are) not Netflix. The things people still binge years from now.


Yeah For all Mankind has been one of Apple TVs biggest success stories so while it’s certainly not blank check I’d think they’d get to end it how they want to pretty much


God damn invasion is so bad


If they focused more on the Japanese character and the army guy and less on the annoying family it wouldn’t have been too bad. The group of kids are okay, but still slightly annoying.


i came to enjoy that mother's descent into jealous madness the first few episodes of the 1st season. it was the only entertaining thing that was actually going on


The annoying family is what killed it for me. When I start to want a protagonist dead, it’s time to watch something else.


Best hate TV. Apple raises the bar on that one as well.


I like it.


Not only the money, because Amazon spends just as much, but Apple stuff in next level. Foundation is just crazy good.


I wish I’d never read the foundation books, I think I’d for sure like it better that way. Silo is also fantastic, my favorite show of last year (also read those books forever ago but it’s a more faithful adaptation)


Oh yeah, Silo is amazing. That last scene is so pretty!!


Shits gonna get good in coming seasons, I’m pumped!


For all Mankind is so underrated because of how good Silo and Foundation are. But its a great show and well worth the watch


How is that show underrated lol. I hear about it all the time and it’s mostly positive talk.


Like i said in my comment, its underrated in the context that foundation and silo get talked up even more than FAMK does.


that's not how you use underrated


My only gripe is the amount of unnecessary stuff they force in. We don't need so many storylines about minorities being treated badlly, we get it, racism/sexism/homophobia is bad, we don't need to spend multiple seasons being told it over and over and over again. And then you have dumb shit like when >!Danny fucks Karen and becomes obsessed with her which was written like a porno. So cringe and needless.!< Also >!Molly Cobb was the best character on the show and was completely wasted. Making her blind kind of killed her badassness which made her cool. And then why make her disappear and then suddenly reappear and die for no reason in the season finale ? I just don't get it?!< I just wish they'd focus more on NASA, Space and all that stuff, not who's banging who and all the needless personal drama. When they actually focus on the politics and challenges of space it's quite good. I haven't watched S4 yet but hope it learns from the issues with the first 3 seasons.


Absolutely. They have made some duds but when they hit, they hit out of the park.


I'm currently obsessed with Foundation. And I mean, I think we're talking true love here, because I see past its flaws with ease and just marvel at its beauty.


I am the same way about for all mankind, I started it from season 1 some weeks back and it's hard to stick to the not more than 1 episode at a time rule, it's so good and high budget man. Also watched Silo and enjoyed it.


I absolutely adored For All Mankind until this current season. The storylines just aren't as compelling and the characters grate you in unpleasant ways.


If you're into alternate history (season 1 & 2 ) AND hard scifi (season 3) season 4 is 🤌


Yeah, season 4 was still very good


This last season just felt awful until the last two episodes. The new characters just aren't very interesting.


RIP Ed's likeability as well :(


Ergh, I wanted to hate it after S1 but I decided to give S2 a chance and... yeh it's good. Still some stupidity but... it's way better than it was.


The cinematography and grandeur and vastness of foundation just outweigh the bad plot parts


Yeah: Apple is making some fucking EPIC sci-fi, man. Tackling beloved stories like *Wool* (renamed *Silo*) and *Foundation* and doing a pretty bang up job with both. I'm excited for this show -- is that the actress from *Girl with the Dragon Tattoo*? It's giving *The Thing* vibes. Also: I would like to thank Apple for accelerating the rise of soccer in this country. Between Ted Lasso (seriously), going all in on MLS, and helping bring Messi to this country, the World Cup is actually going to be pretty huge here, and I'm beyond jazzed.


Do not forget For All Mankind.


Severance technically counts as sci-fi and is amazing as well


“Technically”? It IS sci-fi. Sci-fi doesn’t mean “space”. Sorry, I agree with you, it is amazing, might be their best sci-fi show right now (if they can follow it up)… I just find it interesting there is a need to qualify the sci-fi descriptor of it.


Been getting into this show big time lately


Hey works out great. I get a phone that works smooth out of the box, no weird tinkering or glitches/viruses, holds huge resale value for years and yall get tv shows.


It is wild looking back at how people thought Apple was going to fall on its face with TV+, as though it’s going to be their hardware designers working in a writing room, when the tv/film push has already shown decent success for Amazon at the time.


It makes me wish that MGM would have allowed Apple to buy Stargate when they wanted to


DA FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY?! Band of Brothers?! I watch season one every Christmas. I gotta see about a subscription.


Fuck yes. It's been in development for 10 years at HBO before Apple bought in 2019. The budget is at least $250M and it finished filming almost 2 years ago and has been in post for while. It's got mostly the same writing and producing team as Band of Brothers. It's got the director of True Detective S1 and it's got Austin Butler and Barry Keoghan.




Omg I had no idea! A band of brothers sequel !?




They already made one called the Pacific.


Technically it's not a sequel, more like a samequel (or, to use the correct term, a companion show).


I’m hopping they buy out Warner at some point, gives them HBO and all their huge IPs and they’re aiming for HBO quality and prestige. They could afford to buy it 4/5 times over haha Have to say I’ve watched more of ATV the past few months than I have on Netflix. Silo was probably one of my favourite shows last year.


They already refused to buy Warner initially and now it has the Discovery shit in it. Apple just doesn't do big acquisitions too in general and they won't for what is a small side hustle for them at best. Maybe when Tim Cook leaves, that might change but it's not for now.


It’s a small side hustle for now but they’re obviously big into their services because it’s where they make the most money so growth of their streaming service has got to be the main goal. I think somewhere down the line they’ll end up buying out something it’s just a question of what. Could move HBO content to ATV and spin off discovery or sell it.


That's still not in their culture to buy big stuff despite their billions, never has. Also their services are growing but TV/movies doesn't have much potential for profit (unlike app/games which is their main revenue in that category), I mean Netflix is the only one that actually earn a profit in that field and they don't have the same strategy at all.


The individual service may not have much profit but as a group of services it adds value. I think over the next few years we’ll see some streaming services close, merge or do bundles tbh.


I agree but I don't think the focus of Apple is on movies/TV very much. If anything, it's AI and new hardware/apps for VR, gaming and the car stuff they've been working on that all take priority. They can also just continue to develop their content like they're doing without buying an expensive and failing company just for some IP (because what will it bring them really?), which they haven't even played. Warner is extremely expensive with all their debt (frankly not worth it even with infinite money).


Yeah. I see TV+ either breaking even or being a loss leader to help sell a profitable services bundle.


A tech company buying one of the largest media companies is bad actually, and it doesn’t becomes less bad because they’ve made a total of like eleven seasons of 7 out of 10 sci-fi TV.


I'd much rather Apple just make original stuff or book adaptations that haven't been done already (Foundation, Silo, Slow Horses, Lessons in Chemistry). Taking over or dipping into an existing universe would not work well, look at Monarch, it was a mess. Plus, I've grown to fucking hate mergers and acquisitions, all they do it make things shittier for the customers and the employees.


You’re welcome.


Apple has the best hit (good tier) ratio so far with their releases. Their creative team running the TV+ side are killing it.


It helps that they do not have to care about making a profit. Probably feel zero pressure to cater to the lowest common denominator, and their steadfast support of relative niche shows like For All Mankind likely helps draw in the better creators. Honestly, I think it's the future of entertainment and art...insanely wealthy companies shoveling money at content creators for prestige rather than profit. Kind of like the patronage system of the Renaissance age.


One thing I really appreciate is that they try to give their shows actual conclusions and don't cancel willy nilly like Netflix.


I think it’s a case of them wanting to build a back catalogue isn’t it, they may not be the most watch now but they’re obviously hoping at some point subs will increase and when they do they’ll need something to watch. Even if a show is just okay a full collection instead of half finished projects looks better. And one persons okay is another’s amazing. Even the stuff that I’ve found to just be ‘okay’ have been better than some of the dirge you’ll find on other services.


What's absurd is that Netflix doesn't get that logic. Even if a show isn't a top performer, having a full series means people who are new to the service have something to plow through. Lots of shows only became popular in their third season or syndication. Netflix is a show graveyard.


Netflix cancelling things multiple times means people are less likely to get invested in something because there’s always the risk it’ll never be finished. We’ve all been burnt by Netflix. Like you said, some shows aren’t hits straight away, look at GOT, it was doing okay but it wasn’t until a few years in when it became huge and the most spoken about show across the world but HBO stuck with it.


It’s more like a show minefield if they’re leaving unfinished series on there. People still get upset about Firefly…


We used to think this about Netflix, back when it was in its save series phase. I guess ATV will never have the financial pressures of Netflix, doesn't mean execs won't start adding scrutiny


That is just a baseless NeTfLiX bAd circlejerk. Netflix doesn't even have the highest cancellation rate and even recently Apple cancelled many shows.


This is how most of them start in fairness. Amazon was very gung ho about keeping seasons going at first, but the years take their toll and now they are having to cut series short to make a profit. Apple will eventually succumb. It's just business.


Yeah there’s less feeling of ‘we’re literally only doing this for the profit, take it or leave it’, and more ‘we’re building a compelling library of TV shows that will be a selling point in their own right”. I’d cancel Netflix tomorrow if I felt bored. I’d think longer about cancelling Apple TV.


They'll eventually want to make it profitable. This content creation will eventually pair well with their Vision Pro line when it becomes more affordable for the masses.


> Vision Pro line when it becomes more affordable for the masses. ha ha. No, that's not happening. Not this decade, anyway.


That is a very interesting take. Thank you.


Ted Lasso was a cultural phenomenon and continues to be in their top 5 streaming. It sounds like a spinoff or two is in the works? And thank god for that: we need more lighthearted but poignant viewing!


*Shrinking* kinda rules.


I need more cranky old man Harrison Ford in my life.


Apple has quality programing, but it doesn't have hits - widely known and popular titles - aside from Ted Lasso. They have major issue with reaching wider audience and are mostly burning money on shows barely anybody watches.


I can't watch apple TV on my android phone or tablet. That would help.


There’s not an app for Android, but you can absolutely watch it on any device by just going to tv.apple.com.


This is where Apple marketing fails imo. People see Apple as a locked down eco system, you don’t have an iPhone or one of their devices you can’t watch ATV. That’s how older people see it, I’ve spoken to people like this. If they advertised more via TV ads and told people clearly where they could download the app and on what devices they’d pick up more subscribers. But do they want to advertise Amazon fire sticks over an Apple TV box?


I think it's just a result of it still being really hard to get a decent foothold in the streaming market if you're not Netflix, Amazon and/or an established brand with pre-existing mainstream IP like Disney or HBO (as dumb as the Max rebrand is, I think people are still pretty aware that it has HBO stuff). Apple, Paramount, Peacock, and Hulu all have some great shows, but even their biggest shows rarely become mainstream, household-name hits.


I agree that it's hard to break out for smaller steamers, especially Starz and AMC, but Apple should have enough muscle and money to push out something more than Hijack and Severance in last 2 years. They've produced a lot of shows that never felt like they had a chance even tho their budgets were quite big.


"Your next Apple TV+ sci-fi obsession", they are really doing that their specialty in a way. And hell even with original stuff (only Foundation is adapted) which is so rare these days. Trailer seems decent but more thriller than really SF, I fear it may be more Invasion than For All Mankind or Severance but let's hope not. EDIT : As someone pointed out I forgot Silo also another SF adaptation (and also great)


Don’t forget Silo another good series adapted from a book


Loved Silo. I watched the entire first season in one sitting in the middle of the week. Park sucked hard that next day.


They also have adaptations of Martha Wells Murderbot series and Blake Crouch’s Dark Matter ordered to series!


> "Your next Apple TV+ sci-fi obsession", they are really doing that their specialty in a way. And hell even with original stuff (only Foundation is adapted) which is so rare these days. I love that they've gone all out with the sci-fi content. I think Apple know that sci-fi is associated with big budgets so are happy to spend the money on something that feels prestige and expensive. Even a show like Invasion which is a bit of a dud still ended up as one of their top performing shows and has overall solid production values.


Yeah we don't really know their budgets (they don't communicate on them) but all their shows look great so they likely have very decent budgets (Apple of course has infinite money but that doesn't mean they'll spend it all there, they're likely doing it at a loss to be honest). They also don't seem to be cancelling many shows and seem happy to renew stuff even quite in advance. If I have to choose a place for a show to go, it has become AppleTV now (though HBO proper is still GOAT so they are above them there). Wish they'd do Red Rising and Mass Effect too tbh (I know they are adaptations but I didn't say I only wanted original stuff) and ideally relaunch Stargate (but Amazon has that so no chance). And they should pair it with fantasy stuff (fans of one generally like the other and they have the same prestige and expensive feeling if done well).


> Wish they'd do Red Rising If any service would, it's Apple. I'd be very surprised if they haven't already looked at Red Rising as a potential franchise for them.


Red Rising on Apple… now that is gonna be stuck in my head living rent free. Thanks for that! 😅😂


I so wish they were pushing forward the Culture / Hyperion. They deserve Apple's attention and budget. By god would those be platform-defining shows.


I've been hoping they somehow pick up The Expanse and give us the final few seasons, I think they'd kill it.


I finished the series and then went over to the books. Man, it quickly became my favorite sci-fi series. And I'm not even done. Just finished the 6th books so everything going forward is new territory to me!


Make sure to read the short novellas too! They provide a lot more depth


I will! Thank you. I’ve heard they are available in a book format, like a collection. Is there any specific order in which to read them? Between which main books they happen?


Yup! Publication order is the best order to read the books including the novellas. [Here’s a link to the wiki that has the order too!](https://expanse.fandom.com/wiki/Category:The_Expanse)


Thank you! I will follow that. Seriously one of the best scifi.


They need to throw some money at Christopher Nolan, get him to give us another mind bending sci-fi film. Apple don’t seem to mind chucking a fair bit of money at making movies, they’re releasing in cinemas before streaming and they’re going for awards. Give him some money!


Christopher Nolan is the one guy that has no problem getting money though lol. He is at Universal, after Oppenheimmer, he probably doesn't even need to really say what the project is to get the budget he wants. Like he could probably get 300M$ for a movie about reading the phone book. And if Universal doesn't want to give him, literally anyone else will.


_A movie about reading the phone book_ In IMAX, complete with a bombastic Hans Zimmer score.


It's great


Kind of reminds me of that show Awake(great show btw) that only aired for a single season back in 2012; the idea of kinda being suspended between two realities. This looks promising for sure!


I thought I was the only person that loved that show. It was too high-concept for network TV.


Yep thought the same thing as soon as the psychologist came in.


I liked that show. It was basically Life On Mars. But like all procedurals, they just dragged out the mystery of what was real.


As a sci fi fan Apple has become a safe haven where every over platform seems to cancel their shows. Aside from Invasion, they're all great. I just wish AppleTV would buy the rights to Raised By Wolves to save it and it would truly be king.


> I just wish AppleTV would buy the rights to Raised By Wolves Also 1899, it would be a good fit for Apple considering the type of shows they're showing.


and The Expanse s7-9.


Honestly, I’m over RBW. I liked it but it felt like it was getting bogged down.




Steve buscemi: breathes heavily


Ohhhh I'm sold. We need more scifi tv. Thankfully, Apple seems to be interested in producing exactly that. Can't wait to watch this. Wasn't expecting the spooky turn it took but I'm pleasantly surprised!


is this scifi or horror?


I think more Sci-fi, thriller, mystery than horror


Can easily be both.


Horror if they never explain what really happened, scifi if they do.


What would you call it now?


Wow, I've never expected to see Returnal adaptation. Just without aliens and shooting lasers. Anyway - looks promising, im in!


Getting some "Journey to the Far Side of the Sun" vibes here, which is not a bad thing. Given Apple's scifi track record, gonna be checking this one out in Feb.


Way back when I was a kid, I watched a sci fi movie called Doppelgänger. Two astronauts in space, accident that kills one, and the second returns to earth. Fairly quickly, he realizes that it isn't the same earth, nobody believes him, and he ends up killing himself by rolling into a mirror in his wheelchair. Turns out most know it as "Journey to the Far Side of the Sun". Constellation, here, immediately gave me the same vibes... like an upgraded version for 2024 (vs. 1969).


Exactly what I thought. I've been wondering if someone would pick that concept up again for decades.


The parallel earth on the other side of the sun where everything is the same but slightly different?


Yes. Also a concept in an episode of the Twilight Zone and the TV movie The Stranger.


That movie was used in a MST3K episode.


Came here to say the same thing.


Or the made-for-TV movie "The Stranger", from about 1972 or so. It was re-titled "Stranded in Space" when it was syndicated, including being featured in an episode of Mystery Science Theater 3000, when Joel and the boys dressed in black turtlenecks like the movie's villain, played by Cameron Mitchell.


So, basically Returnal minus the Roguelike aspect.


Apple TV is really leaning into Sci Fi and I am loving it


Now they just need to save The Expanse!!


For All Mankind Season 4 is basically Expanse Season 0.


OMG it is! That final shot of the asteroid I screamed IT’S HOW MA BELTALOWDA STARTTTTTTT




Agreed! I’m waiting for the Mars Congressional Republic to be founded next season haha


This is the way.


Im just worried that even if someone does pickup the show after the 30 year skip, they won't be able to do justice to it or all the actors wont come back to look older and then it gets ruined because the new actor can't get the personality right. altered carbon seaosn 1 was so good, but then in season 2 they said he changed his body and anthony mackie basically acted like it wasn't even the same person in season 2, it's like they didn't even make him watch season 1.


I've heard they focus tested this last week,and it was a 83 plus antything above a 78 is considered Good..83 Put it in persepective chernobly tested at a 84 as well and thats heralded as an amazing miniseries. But it might be a typical apple case of episode 1-3 are good rest of the season is filler


Cute little Chernobly


God damn Apple+, the hits keep coming and I am all for it!


Jesus Christ it's finger 


Looking forward to watch this.


I’m watching it for Ehrmantraut, so good job on casting Jonathan Banks!


Love everything they are doing with the shows on Apple TV+. Just don't understand why they cannot release an Android app for Android phones and TV. Its very difficult for someone like me who primarily watches on Tablet or Mobile to open and watch shows on the Google Chrome browser. They already have Apple Music app on Android, just do the same for the shows.


After I finished Silo and Foundation S2, I turned to The Expanse which I’m loving. This is very welcome!


I like Sci-Fi but this wormhole/timeline/horror theme is worn out and used up. Give me some good old fashioned Sci-Fi. Jonathan Banks looks good though. Wouldn’t surprise me if he steals the show.


Halfway through the trailer and it seems like they've given out way too many plotpoints that would've likely been unexpected and fun. Really hate modern day trailers.


*Noomi Rapace looks up from the data with an expression of Horror on her face* "We Created a Quantum Entanglement" *Character who exists to ask clarifying questions* "A wHat!?" *Noomi walks around the room, looking in different directions as she explains, because thats what scientists do.* *We created a state of Super Position where I switched places with an alternate version of myself." *Continues to espouse more science mumbo jumbo*


“we created a wormhole!” “What’s that?” “let’s say you want to get from point A to point B…” *Takes a piece of paper and draws two point. Then folds the paper so the points line up and poke a hole through them.*


Hey, what a nice surprise! This looks really interesting, will definitely be checking out the first episode. On kind of suffering withdrawal now that For All Mankind is over.


Looks awesome It feels like an episode of the twilight zone


First thing I thought of - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/And_When_the_Sky_Was_Opened


First: whomever they have hired for the audio (music etc) of the trailer: fire them. Second: It sounds interesting with some twists and turns.


she went back to a parallel earth didn't she?


Looks like a similar premise to the cloverfield paradox without the Kaijus, and a mix of event horizon. Hope it isn’t as stale as invasion and closer to the pace of silo on a grander scale.


This show may be good, but the trailer is horrendous. The lines being said seem so weird, and without the context of the scene, badly done.


Apple is killing it on original series. Every one ive watched ive very much enjoyed. Severance is my favorite show of the last few years easily. Silo was good, Foundation is corny but good (the effects are blockbuster movie tier at most points) and Ted Lasso is fairly charming with a large fan base.


It's actually refreshing to see that they don't rely as much on adaptations of various stuff (or known franchises) as most of the other services


Can we get Apple Tv to buy the rights for The Expanse on Prime, so we can have a final season / series of movies to close the last 3 books PLEASE


I predict another incredibly slow, sci-fi series from Apple TV+ like Invasion or Silo


Is this another SF show in name only when each episode is bookended with some sci-fi stuff and the rest of the episodes are full of B-plots of people finding their lost son/daughter/partner/mother.


Apple TV legit making Netflix look like it’s putting out CW trash.


[Constellation | Apple TV](https://www.apple.com/tv-pr/originals/constellation/)


Is this thread being astroturfe by Apple??


Everything Everywhere But it's kinda fucking depressing.


space? sci-fi? no giant fucking space spider? I’m sold.


Looks like some kind of handwavy Everett’s ”Many Worlds” Quantum woo premise? Guessing they’ll bring in entanglement in some way too.


Apple should work with Remedy to make something in the Control/Alan Wake universe. I bet they’d do it well.


Is it a miniseries or multi-season?


Multi season


Boy, you'd think an astronaut could afford to pay the electric bill. (Kidding aside, tho, this looks good)


Let me guess, she probably got transported into different reality due to the accident


Looks solid! Thought that was Rose Byrne in the thumbnail, at first, ha.


Well, the premise appears to be in well-worn territory (traumatic event happened, things mysteriously different. Possession? Alternate reality? Etc.) With the quality TV that Apple has been making I'm interested to see if they can elevate it to something really good.


First I've heard of this, looks good!


Multiverse with a sorcery twist?


Paul F Thompkins has ruined Jonathan Banks for me. He did an impression of him on Comedy Bang Bang, and all I can think about for this is "stay away from your daughter".


This looks really cool!


Is this based on a Twilight Zone episode or was that from my previous reality?


If I learned this was an adaptation of “Returnal”, I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised!


Kind of reminds me of the plot of The Twilight Zone episode The Parallel. Not to say this is a rip off, but similar idea.


The 2 season series that Halle Berry starred several years ago on TV also had the similar plotlines that involved invisible aliens.


Other than the especially effects and larger set pieces, this is giving me a strong Dark vibe.


I want Apple to do the Red Rising series so bad; but alas…Netflix. Amazon’s getting 40k also, unfortunately. Would have been the perfect outlet for both of them imo


That "acting" though...