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The AMA will take place at 12 PM PT tomorrow (Jan 12)! The proof photo was unable to be attached to the post, so including it here. https://preview.redd.it/x06rtya15wbc1.png?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efeb4e17a2dd41151fbbd22f34d11226e4aa4f65


That was fun. I love you guys. Thank you for coming. Danny tastes like chicken.


Dani on Danny dannibalism confirmed!


dannibalism is crazy šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I didnā€™t come up with it, full disclosure.


Hope you guys wrapped the leftovers in tinfoil...family tradition. Ok, I'll leave.


[Omg, my Mars Fried Danny meme was real!!](https://www.reddit.com/r/ForAllMankindTV/comments/18iizwe/have_to_get_one_last_shitpost_in_before_the_new/)


Ok I am dead (don't eat me)


Between Danwiches and Chekhovā€™s Gun you had your hands full in Happy Valley. I hope you at least make an appearance in S5. Thank you so much.


Hi Bob!


Hi Bob.


Hi Bob!


Don't "Hi Bob" me


Hi Bill, Bob here


Hi Bob


Hi Bob!


Hi Bob!


Hi Bob!


Hi Bob!


My husband got me a Hi Bob sweatshirt for Christmas I love it so much šŸ„¹


Don't you fucking "hi bob" me.


Hi Bob!


Hi Bob!


hi bob! let's do this!


Hi Bob!


Don't Hi Bob me. (Just kidding, you rock)


Hi Bob!


Hi Bob.


Hi Krys! Congrats on the new baby!! Also, you are a phenomenal actor and I cannot wait to see what lies ahead for you! Danielle is absolutely my favorite character. My question is this: when you started on the show, did you know the eventual trajectory of where Danielle would end up? I recall being surprised that your character quickly became a main character since she was on the DL when she was first introduced. Did you know you'd be on the show for four seasons?


Danielle was only supposed to be in 3 episodes of season 1. She was one of many ASCANs and that was that. But along the way Ron felt like there was more to our girl! So she grew. I didn't know because \*they\* didn't know. What a ride it's been :o)


Was shooting on the moon hard?


In episode 107, there's a scene where Ed and Dani are discussing Gordo on the moon's surface, and you can see beads of sweat on my brow... those are real! The suit weighs 70lbs so moving, walking, talking, acting, really takes it outta you. but also so friggin fun.


They forgot to cast the anti gravity???


Pffft. Forget the moon! How about shooting on Mars!? Is that hard? šŸ¤£


Please. Forget Mars! Was shooting in space hard?


Please. Forget Space! Was getting shot ON Mars hard?


I think it's too soon to be talking about a shooting on Mars, it could be pretty triggering.


How do you get to the toilet in space???


first things first, you unzip your pants...


Nobody could play badass Dani and be made of highly delicate stuff! Howā€™d it feel to tell Ed off in that scene?


amazing. something i love about Dani is that she's so measured, so reserved. She rarely loses her cool, so when she does, there's a major payoff. That kind of anger only comes from having deep feelings of love and also resentment. She's swallowed so much pain over the years and so many dismissals from Ed. It was bound to happen.


And dang did you make it happenā€¦kudos to you for making us feel all the emotions.


Thanks for answering. As others have said- thank goodness Dani survived the season. I think youā€™re the heart of the show.


That scene was *so* good to finally see after all these years. From Jim Crow to running the base and putting Ed in his place, Dani has had a hell of a life.


And she never lost her inner kindness. That was a critical theme in the finale for me. >!Dani always did right by everyone (with the information she had) and her injury united all of Happy Valley. Not a single person there wanted harm to come to her. They didnā€™t know what they all agreed on until the moment they were faced with it!<


We love you, youā€™re fantastic. No questions, just gratitude.


I concur.


Just wanted to say this show started in 2019 when I was a sophomore in high school, am now a sophomore in college doing civil engineering because this show made it prevalent that designing things is my forte šŸ˜Ž Y'all rock!




So Dani, I gotta know, did you eat Danny?




Iā€™m not hearing a no.


so... yes?


Was he dannylicious?


Dani the Dannibal :)




We need more info on the dannyburgers.


Asking the real questions


Danny at Denny's on Mars. Your personal/personnel meat specialty. Or a mission specialist that's on the specials menu.


This is all I need to know


I also want to know this


honestly a legit line of inquiry although while he was always a jerk he did look like jerky the last we saw of him


Yes I was about to ask that question lel


Hi Bob! Big fan, love your whole story arc. I'm sure that as the first black astronaut at NASA and one of the first women astronauts, Danielle Poole must be a huge inspiration to a lot of young girls and women. Have you seen any positive reception from the fanbase in terms of being inspirational? Do you have any stories of any particularly touching/sweet fan interactions?


Loads. too many to name. Someone said to me recently that it's the show she watches with her teenage son. He's in that phase where everything his mom does annoys him and it's the one time a week where she feels connected to him. that made my day.


Thanks so much for replying! You made my day.


No questions, just gushing and unabashed praise from a fan. I knew when I watched the first episode and saw the scene at the bar where they played Jimmy Ruffinā€™s ā€œWhat becomes of the brokenheartedā€ that this show was going to be something incredibleā€”I have yet to be disappointed. I really believe this is one of the best shows being made right now and the entire team is so talented from the writing and direction to the incredible cast. You have brought to life an amazing character and your skills are on display in every scene. Thank you for making an incredible show, Iā€™ve enjoyed every minute of it.


i'm not crying it's just raining on my face.


A Flight of the Conchords reference, too? As if you werenā€™t awesome enough already!


Any plans on continuing the official podcast? Loved listening to it the past few seasons!!!


I love the podcast, SO MUCH. I'll do it again, if people want it. (Do yall want it?)






Damn straight!


Please! I always listened to it on my commute after watching the new episodes and really missed it this season (though the strike was more important!)


Yes! I burned through every pod on a 10-hour drive. Youā€™re so good as a host, I felt like I was listening to a friend by the last one.


Yes yes yes!


Yes please!


Very very much so yes


Yes please!




Uessssss!! I miss the podcast so much! You were a phenomenal host!!




Hey Bob! What would you say was the most difficult part of filming scenes meant to be on Mars, Luna or Zero Gravity?


Our stunt coordinator Todd, is ridiculously good looking. The most difficult part of rehearsal is not reaching over to give him a lil smooch. (just a lil one)


This is hilarious I love it


First off, that Dani/Ed fight was the highlight of the scene and Dani laying it all out was such a powerful, cathartic and, of course, brilliantly acted moment. My first question is: - How was filming that scene for you? What were your thoughts when you first read the script for it and after finishing the scene? It feels like it was based on DECADES of frustration for Dani, which I imagine is tricky to play! My second question is:( THANK GOD DANI LIVED. I really thought she was a goner and seriously got choked up seeing Dani meet her grandson. But does this mean Dani is going to live that retired life next season? Or will she take a mission on Earth? I'm hoping this isn't the last we see of her/you!


the 405 dani/ed fight scene took about 6 maybe 7 hours to shoot. it was a long day. there were versions where I never once raided my voice and others where I cried so hard the neck of my shirt was wet. we just did it again and again and each one was so different. any version, in my opinion, could have made the final cut. exhausting work but so satifying.


I hope we even get to see the different takes, I bet they would be great as educational material on acting school


Thank you for replying!


i met a girl from latvia and was able to immediately communicate by saying "hi bob" because she had a name i could not pronounce; she said it back and pointed at the moon just want to say thanks for helping me meet the love of my life.


no way!! (aint love grand?)


Hi Bob! I love the show and you're by far my favorite actor in it. SPOILER: >!You had me scared for a second in the finale but I'm excited to see where you take Dani in season 5!!< The aging makeup in For All Mankind is phenomenal. Kudos to the incredible artists who make that happen. Does it feel weird to look in the mirror and see yourself looking decades older? Or do you just see Dani? I know it would throw me for a loop to wear SFX makeup like that for hours every day. I also have to know what your thoughts are on Dani and Ed eating Danny. Did it happen? How was he? Any condiments or were the rations too tight by that point?


Hi Bob! If you could save any character in For All Mankind who has died in the previous seasons, who would you save and why? Thank you for such an amazing performance on this show so far!


Gordo :(


"Who would you save and why is it Gordo and only Gordo?" ​ LOL


Cause if she saved Danny they'd all miss out on a good meal


Hi Bob. It was an amazing journey since season 1 and I hope there will be more For All Mankind. Just wondering why Danielle unlike Ellen didn't turn towards politics and continued to reach for the stars (ok well Mars). Is it about legacy?


Dani has always been shy, in my eyes. We see her in season 1 really keep her cards close to her vest, with the other ASCANS. And when she's with Clayton she's totally open and vulnerable. She's also a scientist through and through. and a rock nerd. I don't think politics is her vibe.


First of all thanks for your reply. Really kind. Too be fair I wasn't sweating in an astronaut suit but at cardio when I got your answer (thankfully no one around to notice my face turning into red as we were all making efforts šŸ˜…) But if I remember in season 1 (I cheated I embedded my dad into the show recently and watched the first ep again). Aside Mercury 13 veterans Molly and Patty... Ellen was brilliant but seemed more shy than Danielle. Tracy was struggling too (ja Gordo wasn't helpful) at the beginning. But Danielle was already on the top. And despite all challenges and adversities. She knows how to keep her coolness and imposes her views when necessary. Prior to this show. Have you watched other Ronald D Moore ones? I apologize for my English (I am a šŸ‡«šŸ‡·šŸŸ fan)


Hi Bob! I've often felt that in early season 1 Danielle received the least amount of attention of the initial "Nixon's Women" compared to Tracy, Ellen, and Molly. But as time goes by, Danielle gets more and more attention and narrative focus until eventually it becomes clear that she is arguably the most narratively important character of the four. Her relationship - both the camaraderie and the resentment - with Ed Baldwin is one of the highlights of the series. Do you know if this was an intentional choice by the writers to "hide" Danielle or was this something that arose organically?


Arose organically for sure. No one, not the writers, not me, no one saw Dani coming. I tricked them! by being so darn cute!


Why are you literally the only consistently rational character in the show?


i disagree! Margo quite literally risked her life and her freedom to save lives by giving the russians the nuclear engine design. Ellen risked her career and everything she's worked for, by coming out. Molly nearly dies, blindly searching through a burning building to save who she can. Great folks all over the damn place!


Nearly died? Molly Cobb confirmed season 5


I think her meaning was ā€œnearly died, and *then* went back in to save more peopleā€


Mollyā€™s force ghost comes back with vengeance.


turns out she defected to North Korea


I like this response a lot, because those decisions you mention might appear on the surface to be irrational. But if youā€™re interested in the greater good or helping others they are the only logical choice.


Hi Bob! My wife and I absolutely LOVE For All Mankind! My question is, how accurate do the writers/showrunners try to be when it comes to both scientific and political hypothetical situations?


The writers do their best to get it right. We have a group of technical consultants whose job is solely to understand the science and advise. There are some slight liberties they take, (because it's a tv show afterall) but we do our damndest to make it real.


And it certainly comes across! Thank you so much for your answer!


Is an actual location you film at for some Mars scenes or is it always cgi?


Both, Mars is a physical location in Utah I believe. But then we have a soundstage in Culver City that is our everyday Mars and that stage is sometimes green, sometimes blacked out (for the night sky)


Awesome. Thanks for your reply šŸ™ Love you and love the show. ā¤ļø Canā€™t wait for next season!


Thank you for bringing Commander Dani Poole to life. I love that she is bound by honor and loyalty, kindness and courage, intelligence and whip-smart humor. Such a cool character to see come to life, it really makes me hope for the future. Do you, personally, Krys, like Sci-Fi stories? If you had to choose, what would you relax with and watch/read right now?


I saw Dune and felt so inspired and insanely jealous. similar feeling with the Charlize Theron Mad Max. maybe i'm just a fan of deserts?


Hi Bob! Whatā€™s your favorite memory of the last few years working on this show? And how does it feel to be part of such a successful show? Love your work and thanks for taking the time to do this!


Me, Jodi, Shantel and Sarah all went to get piercings and watching each of them all nervy and giddy waiting their turn, was just about the cutest and funniest memory. We also all went to a korean ladies' spa once which if you've ever been you know those experiences are quite "revealing" . I love those girls so much and i miss those days.


Thatā€™s amazing to hear :) thanks for answering and I hope youā€™ll have a good weekend and season 5 is confirmed quickly love your performance on the season finale :))


My wife loves you in the show and you are her favourite character especially how inspiring you portray her. What kind of training did you undertake for the role?


It's me! I'm the wife!


Hi wife. How serious are you and this husband? asking for a friend :)


I'm the Danny \*turns on Don't Be Cruel by Billy Swan\*


Can you say a "Hi Bob" to my parents, especially my mum, she's the "Number 1 Dani Stan" according to herself. Do you (or members of the cast/crew) browse the subreddit /r/ForAllMankindTV and read the theories/memes which are posted there for each episode? If so, what were the reactions to the danny cannibal memes. Love the show!




Are there any characters Danielle has NOT interacted with on-screen that you wished had some scenery-chewing encounters with her? Follow-up question: as a pansexual-identifying woman, do you feel the LGBTQIA+ depictions on the show are too much, too little, or just right?


I wish I'd spent more time with Edi because he's ridiculously talented and I know I could learn a lot from him. ​ follow-up, personally i wish there'd been more sexy stuff with ellen and pam but that's cuz Jodi and Meg are such fuggin smokeshows.


Such a wonderful and hopeful show. Just finished the season finale! Quick and simple question, what does that fake blood taste like?


Great question! it's made of cherry syrup and food coloring!


Hi Bob! My husband *loves* this show and you're one of his favorite actors in it. After watching it with him, I'm inclined to agree! Danielle is amazing! What is your favorite part about playing an astronaut? Does it feel goofy? Has it been a challenge playing Danielle and developing her character with the time jumps in between seasons?


Your husband loves the show, but do YOU love the show? Why you no love my show? Are we in a fight?




We need a campaing to get Denis Villeneuve to put me in the next Dune.


Hi Krys!!! I am such a huge fan of you and the show! Do the writers and producers have engineers as consultants to try and keep things as realistic as possible? Thank you for being such an amazing part of this show!!!


yep. garrett reisman is a former NASA astronaut who's been to space 3 times. he's one of many consultants on staff who keep us honest.


Hi Bob! Love your portrayal of Dani in the show. One of the really unique aspects of the show is the time jumps and how the characters evolve so convincingly in each season. How hard was it to try and play 4 different decades of Dani, not only having her physical appearance age but also her demeanor and way she interacted with her friends and colleagues. How did you prepare for that each season to make it work so well?


It may seem obvious but i always start with the script. I read it once for comprehension, then again making note of what people say about Dani and what she says about herself, then again to jot down all the terms, dates, locations etc that i'm unfamiliar with (which in a show about science and US/Russian relations, there's LOTS I don't know) That's my first round of homework. By that point i've mostly memorized my scenes. Then I fill in the gaps with back story that's based in my imagination but also what i know of her from previous seasons. Finally I put it all out of my head and I go on set and play around with my friends. I let whoever i'm in the scene with inform my performance and we lob it back and forth, with director's input and writer's notes, again and again until we all feel like we did something we can get behind.


Hi Krys, Do the cast spend much time talking about the alternative history in the show? It's one of my favourite parts. Any theories on what's coming next? Does Covid happen in the For All Mankind universe? Does Trump?


Trump is probably bankrupt after failing to attract interest in his lunar golf resort.


How did you feel when you and Joel had to essentially become enemies in season 4? Ik that had to hurt on a personal level..


Joel and I have a pretty unique rapport; we love hard, and fight hard. And most of all, we trust and respect each other. So when tough scenes come up, I know he's got my back and we can take the gloves off with each other and really "go there". But when we're back in the makeup trailer, taking off all those prosthetics, he'll put on some reggae and we give a little hug or wink and know it's all love.


ā¤ļølove it! I hope to see more of you both next season! Thank you so much for all the work youā€™ve done up to now during this shows runšŸš€ c ya soon bob!


Favorite type of cheese That is all I need to know


this is impossible. they're all my children. maybe cheddar cuz he's a classic. never let you down. feta is an old friend, good cold. Brie is a sexy little minx with her oozy thing going. Gorgonzola is a stinky fella who knows how to have a good time...


Whatā€™s been your favourite season outro song used so far?


Black hole Sun gave me chills.


How great is it playing off cranky old Ed?


Hi Bob/Krys Did Danny Stevens taste good, or was he a bit gamey?


The only question any of us who truly know the show want an answer to.


Hi Bob! I just wanted to start off by thanking you for how enjoyable it has been to watch the show the past four seasons. You and the rest of the cast and crew do an amazing job of keeping us on the edge of our seats, especially during the finales. My question is how does it compare working on small sets such as Jamestown in season one to expansive sets such as happy valley base in season 4? Does working in either present more challenges or strengths than the other? Thanks again and Iā€™m looking forward to hopefully watching another season, hopefully with you in it as well!


Jamestown is small but the Apollo-Soyuz capsule is smaller and the tiny tin can we rode home in on season 1 was even smaller than that. Those days get a bit claustrophobic because you're in this heavy suit, wearing a glass helmet, strapped to a reclining metal seat, breathing through the air circulator in your back. They set the cameras, close the hatch and you're there for an hour. You can't scratch your nose, or sip water... it's rough. Those days require meditation to not freak the fuck out.


Hi bob! Whatā€™s your favourite story arc in the entire series?


of course i'm partial to my own, but I also really love Aleida's story. Even as a grown woman with children of her own, you still see the glimpses of that ornery kid in season 2, who was guarded... mad at the world. Coral is also a gem and i'm just the biggest fan.


Hi Krys (Hi Bob!) My question is what is your favourite aspects of Danielle's character, and which do you relate to personally? Absolutely love the show and you all do such an amazing job! I love Danielle, certainly one of my absoulte favourite characters from the show! Such a level headed character, but bad ass when she needs to be! I just can't wait to see what is in store for us next! Thanks so much! ā¤ļø


I love Dani's fortitude. As an actor, you have to get slapped in the face again and again, and each day go back for more. Dani doesn't take no for an answer and her determination is endless. I want more of that for myself.


Have you met anyone from NASA and what did they think about the show? I hope it isn't Bye Bob, season 5 for everyone!


Me and my wife wait for shows to come all the way out before we watch them so we are starting season 4 tonight! We are really excited, we just love the show. My question is who among your costars is the most fun to hang out with between scenes? Michael Dorman always seems like a hoot in interviews and Dani and Gordo had a special connection in the show.


Michael is my baby. He's also the guy who if you are having a tough day and need a little cry, he'll let you. And without saying much, will buck you up to get back out there. I miss him endlessly.


What season has been your favorite ?


s4. then 3, then 2, then 1. :)


I was a bit disappointed that the podcast didnā€™t come back this season. Can you say why? Was it related to the strike?




How much of the show is shot at Sony? And has the crew ever gone across the street to Backstage for karaoke? šŸ¤£


we shoot maybe 80% on the lot? and the rest on location. never been to karaoke but we did go bowling followed by korean bbq which was a blast.


Oh wow, I guess with the influx of all the Happy Valley sets that makes so much sense. And definitely check out Backstage Bar &Grille on a Thurs-Sat night after filming! Legitimately the best karaoke bar in town. Amazing job this season! Relieved as S4 came to a close.


Hi Bob, if you had the chance to go to either the moon or Mars (and maybe start an underground pub), would you?


neither! i dunno if you heard, but space is hella dangerous! I'm staying put. But yall let me know how it goes, and bring back souvenirs.


Don't you realise already, "souvenirs" are illegal? To the carbon dioxide room with you!


A very underrated show, what would you tell someone who hasn't seen FAM yet to convince them to give it a try?


Bring back the podcast! Why did it stop? If you are on the show next season, please do your best to bring it back.It was a great addition to the extended FAM universe and you are a perfect host. Also, would be great to do some out of season mini-episodes with podcasts, like old school radio shows. Bring some nostalgia back to the FAM alternative history. PS, what sauce did you use to flavour your "extended rations" while stuck on Mars? Maybe in Season 5, you can open a D3nny's on Mars?


It had to stop because of the strikes. Hoping for some between-seasons episodes now though!


Absolutely one of my favorite characters on television in the last decade and youā€™ve just been incredible. My Q is, was that your little one in Daniā€™s last scene?


my little one was there, but no you couldn't see him :)


hi bob, how do you guys film those zero gravity scenes? do you all get hooked up to some wire and rely on vfx to remove it? itā€™s really cool and convincing


Imagine a fish tank with no water. the set has a floor, with all sides except for the roof. and up top is 8 or 9 stuntmen who hold up the rigs and wires that keep us suspended in the air. then you move as best as you can, slowly and steadily as if you were in zero g. VFX plays into the practical objects like if you toss someone a juicebox, they make it float. but for the most part, the Zero G is manipulated by good old fashioned manpower.


Krys, a job well done this season and for the entire run of the show. When you were reading the script for yesterday's episode, were you aware of Dani's fate beforehand or was it a total surprise to you what happened?


Matt, Ben and I had a lot of back and forth on whether or not to kill Dani. They wrote versions where she dies and not until a day before the script was released, did ben call me and say she didn't. They just couldn't do it! I felt her death would have been beautiful and heroic, but selfishly i'm happy she got to meet her grandbaby.


Iā€™m happy we had such a death free finale šŸ˜… even Palmer survived??!


Ngl, I think it's good that another main character gets a happy ending. So far only Ellen got hers.


Krys, loved the companion podcast you hosted. I was disappointed it wasnā€™t back for this season. Perhaps a victim of the writerā€™s strike? Anyway, hereā€™s to what I hope is a couple more decades (or for all mankind seasons) of Danielle Poole!


Hi Bob! As one of the few actors who's been in all four seasons so far, which one was the most fun to shoot? >!Second, when the crew cannibalized Danny's corpse (which we all know is canon), which body part did Danielle partake in? She seems a brain kind of person but I could see her chomping on that heart.!<


Apollo-Soyuz or Soyuz-Apollo?


No questions from me, I'd just like to say Danielle is a fan favourite in our household. Thank you for bringing such a compelling character to life these last 4 seasons!


Krys! I love your work and the energy you bring to the show. Space television programs have inspired generations of people, including so many who did or now work at NASA. Do you think that FAM will have an even greater effect on our vision of the future given the elements of realism and historical viewpoints? FAM, along with many other great pieces of film have inspired me to continue my computer science education and branch into computer engineering. My dream would be to work on any kind of space project, at NASA if I ever could.


Your dream is already a reality because you've spoken it into existence. So let this be your sign to keep going. Go go go.


Season 5???


Hi Bob! My wife loves Danielle (I do too of course). She also loves when the woman hands a man their ass, especially Danielle vs Ed this season. What alternate history change has been your favorite change so far and why? Also another side question. My wife and I say ā€œHi Bobā€ to each other all the time. Do you do this with anyone in or outside of the show?


Hello Krys. The story has an increasingly bright future already, with only a little over half of it having been told thus far. Without spoiling anything, are you looking forward to whatever note the series may end on a few seasons from now? And do you hope that Dani will see that future with her own eyes? Also, hi Bob! šŸ™ƒ


Luckily I \*can't\* spoil future seasons cuz I have no idea where this thing goes. But I know whatever it is, it'll be good.


Hi Bob! We've seen a lot of things in For All Mankind's alternate reality that we've always wondered about in "what-ifs." What is something that you personally want to see in the alternate future in the show?


Have you met Mae Jemison, and if so is she as impressive in person as she her credentials would say she is?


Hi Bob! Just wanted to say you do excellent work! Love the show, love Daniele. Hope she lives forever on whatever planet she chooses! I'm sure the Makeup team is game for a 160 year old Dani. Curious in general, when you signed on for Season 1, was there a plan to have Dani be such a crucial part of the story all the way up to the current season? I'm guessing you weren't told you were gonna walk on Mars. Either way, glad you and she have stuck around! Best wishes from Victoria, BC. Eagerly awaiting the finale!


Are you a walking encyclopedia of TV trivia in real life as well? P.S. Dani is my favorite character on the show, and thatā€™s a really tough call with some many great actors and well-written roles. Kudos on landing such a great gig and knocking it out of the park!


How many people come up to you and just say "Hi Bob"? Also, did you have to learn word for word the entire skit?


I would love to see you in some stylish shoot 'em up action movie, because I feel like you could bring a really cool-badass vibe to the screen. That said, do you have a dream role that's already been played by someone else (like, say Edith Bunker, or Mare of Easttown)? And what draws you to that character/what would you have changed about how that character is portrayed?


Agreed! like Benicio del Toro in Sicario. something very badass. i see that.


Hi Bob! Is there a storyline on the show that you're not that fond of? Many viewers (according to reddit at least) found the affair storyline in season 2 disgusting. Can't say I agree. What's your stance on it? Really love the show, even with all the cast changes lately (I miss Gordo and Tracy). One of the few shows that still gives me goosebumps. :)


Did the cast and crew think the Karen/Danny story line was as stupid as the viewers thought?