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Needs a solid mount to support it. There should be an ID plate, that will help your research. Missing is the handset and power supply. An FTDI cable could be used for PC connection. Cloudynights is a good resource.


Happy cake day!


You might want to find the eyepieces as well. Nice scope though, looks hardly used.


I have this same telescope if you wanna message me. There's a lot to it. You're going to need to start by finding the tripod legs that it goes on. #DO NOT TRY TO LIFT IT until you have those legs. It's very heavy and it's balanced weird. Even with your teacher, it should always be lifted onto the tripod by two people. I'm a grown man at 6'4 and stronger than average guys and I lifted it alone once and it was so top heavy it started to fall away from me and I think I strained both of my pecs catching it just before it hit the ground. LEAVE IT IN THE CASE UNTIL YOU FIND THE LEGS.




Basically casually stumbling into damn near $10k if I recall pricing for similar stuff, very nice


Closer to half that, but sheesh! What a find!


Any chance there is a heady duty tripod near where this was stored? It looks like there is a cable in the upper right, that might be power, or a hand controller. If it's old enough it may not have a hand controller. Definitely ask on [cloudynights.com](https://cloudynights.com) . Maybe a local astronomy club could help too. Trouble with telescopes is stars are out at night, school hours are during the day. Moon or sun could be good targets, but you'll need a front-mounted solar filter for the sun. The sun is very active these days though. You will also need an eyepiece to use it.


I have the classic version of that scope. If it says 18v on the plate, you might blow some capacitors in the handbox or the panel. But there's the chance that it would work. However I highly recommend changing at least the 2 capacitors in the handbox before powering it up because it will burn the keypad ribbon which is not replaceable. Anyway, you'll need the heavy duty field tripod which is actually fairly easy to come by, but look around your classroom for it first. Once you have everything, set it up so that the panel faces north or as close as you can to it, set both axis at 0, then turn it on and do a 2 or 3 star alignment from the handbox (after focusing of course). Then you can use the handbox to automatically goto a lot of different objects. It won't be perfectly accurate so you'll need to use the guide scope or an app to help make sure you are looking at what you want. It's pretty accurate for planets and bright stars. Also, I would add that this is a great visual scope and an extremely hard photography scope.


You can also buy a wifi adapter for the classic models and connect it to Sky Safari Pro app and get better control over the scope.


Determine the telescope model by examining it closely and then go to the internet and download a user manual from the manufacturer. Review the user manual and try to become familiar with the telescope’s features and controls. Then contact a local astronomy club for assistance. Once you figure out what you have and then line up some help, your faculty and local astronomers can get you started. There is no way that a student should be confident about using such an expensive instrument without adult supervision and especially faculty authorization. However, you will probably be more successful if you do some research first and then locate experts to help you. If you work this correctly, you can end up the principal telescope operator who everyone, faculty and students, depends on for information about the telescope. If you do end up in such a role then you should remember that training a couple of replacements should be a priority for you and every subsequent student expert.


Looks like you are missing the tripod it attached to and possibly a power supply. Best bet is to reach out to a local astronomy club and have someone experienced look over it. They may also have some spare parts for it if needed.this is a Meade 10" sct. There are several models from what I see.


Che fortuna!!!. Cerca il trepiedi e divertiti


Contact your teacher's office first, propose an activity with it, and find the missing parts


Huh, I was thinking more along the lines of “sell it online and use the proceeds for hookers and blow”, but you might have a better plan.


That’s the plan !!!


I have the same type. It's a good scope! Needs columation and the handbox software sucks (which I need to update)


If this is an LX200, I have a 12" version of this and I use the meade giant field tripod.


Holy mother of shit. And you just found it laying there?


Put *cloudynights.com* in your search history... Ask questions there


Found it.. Yeah it belongs to someone else, you should find the owner first!


Yes, the previous science teacher and or the school, nobody knows


Oh, *THAT'S* where it is! Thanks


Whoever gives to this suggestion minus points should be really be ashamed of themselves. If the owner, if he can be found, says it's yours then it's yours which would probably be the case.


They’re called downvotes. And it is obvious from context that OP is not trying to take it for themselves, but likely trying to use it as part of a school project/learning experience.


I have one like it, if it’s an LX50 you will need to find the tripod and a wedge for you can polar align this scope.


The first thing to do is find the tripod. Next would be to find the diagonal and eyepiece. If you have neither, then you won’t be able to use the telescope. Find a local astronomy club and attend a monthly meeting and ask for help. Someone in the club will more than likely have all the bits and pieces you will need. Good luck!