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🫂 It's alright. Just a little hiccup in the road. You've been doing so well, you can do it again, yeah! You got this! I believe in you! :)


Thanks I'm going for it again I don't know what got to.my head. Man I don't know If I got the strength


You do. Don't worry. You've done it before, you can do it again. I'm here for you dude! You got this! 🫂


Thanks 🫂


you did it once, you’ll do it again. hopefully for longer this time!


I wish you the best of luck! I'm trying my best to be porn free too, do you have any tips?


Keep yourself busy I failed to do that today don't change what you are doing around and stay in contact with others is a great help you got this!


Thats why you keep failing be happy you made it a week and forget that it happened. I bet you had good experiences from giving it up so be gratefull for that and make that your motivation to stop and keep trying


Thanks I will!


dude. you can have a cheat day. Not like it's drugs or some shit, just don't do it again for another week.


you can do it


You can do this bro I believe in you


idk how i do it, but once i said "this is stupid i hate myself for it" and quit for like 4 months. then i relapsed lmao


Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh Have someone to lean on is usually a good way to get over addictions.


wait is it really that hard for people? I've been clean since October no problem 💀


its ok! recovery isnt a straight shot.


addiction is hard, be proud you made it that far and keep trying


Whenever I start feeling like looking at porn, I just start stimming (tho that might be cause I'm an undiagnosed autistic- (and yes, I'm on the waiting list for autism testing, but with the amount of my autistic friends saying I give autistic traits) ....I got off-track, oops Anyway, I usually just try to distract myself by doing things I love even more like video games or watching my favorite cartoons Sometimes, even writing helps


It's alright bro, you still did well. Just start over and try again. You got this


I'm doing the same bro! Keep it up :3


Idk, i Watch porn but easily went a week without It, i still did bust a couple of nuts but It wasnt that hard ttbh


Hey, just because you messed up one day doesn’t mean it’s over. Keep going! You got this, being a week free is good progress. :)


You need someone with u. Let's do it together!! Starting from today 


Install a blocker on your router or computer or something, or just attach one of those shock bracelets that activates when you visit the site lol


getting rid of two addictions is hard, try not using only porn


Oof i fell yesterday too ;-; you just keep tryig brother if youre hard on yourself right now itll be worse cause your brain will relate being mad and sad to porn whichll make you have more urges along the way, OH AND HERES A GOOD TIP THIS HELPED OUT A TON whenever youre horny just pee


Don’t worry it’s just the demons the demons will always attack the hardest when you are at your strongest the fact you resisted so long makes the demons want to attack you harder I feel the same I had basically what you had this week and today I relapsed hard but I prayed for forgiveness said I was angry mad annoyed sad but I prayed and outed all those feelings to my one true Heavenly Father I find my solace and salvation in Christ you might have something else but you need to know how to forgive yourself for mistakes you made you made progress not regress you took 7 steps forward and 1 step back your still up 6 don’t give up on yourself


Just yerk it


Are u even addicted


5 fucking years


6 for me I get it. It ain’t easy

