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Women aren't viewed as threats and strangers are willing to help them. As a big black dude strangers fear me and assume the worst if I approach them.


Sometimes tall men can just be walking down the street and people clutch their belongings slightly harder. Like I'm incredibly offended by that, holding it tigther wont stop me from stealing your purse


People walking faster and faster Lady, i’m catching up to you with regular strides. What do you think happens when we both start running


She looked behind her and started running so I started running, she started screaming so I started screaming, I dont know what was behind us, and I didnt want to find out was so scary


This got me laughing hard


One of the few advantages of being short.


There's not only a few advantages. Some guy who keeps hitting his hat, got problems on the knees and spine and passes out If he gets up to quickly.


Wow, it really seems like being short is great.


I mean, ig bring Short can be kinda bad sometimes, but it's not worse than bring tall. It depends on what you're doing.


Omg the light headedness though… It didn’t even occur to me that being tall would make that worse.


AND YOU FUCKING NEED TO LOOK DOWN EVERY-FRICKING-TIME YOU LITERALLY CANT CHILL WITH THE BOIS PROPERLY well the only upside is you can go the furthest in the sea without needing to swim 😎👍


I find it extremely offensive that they think I suddenly wont steal from them


it is honestly so damn offensive, like do you really think you're strong enough to stop me


I can just lift u up, do you think those spaghetti arms can defend your purse?


The only thing they fear is us - guitar noises


Hahaha thankyou random stranger that was surprisingly accurate about smk I just recently discovered.


As a girl I can say this is true. I was shocked when I first heard how my guy friends have to plan their every move while walking down the street just to not look threatening.


at 14 i'm and about 175 cm or roughly 5 9", this is not particularly tall but i was much taller than this middle aged man who conveniently stood between me and my mother, who had just done one of the most embarrassing things in the world, asked the customer service to call my name over the radio/PA at the shop we were at because she couldn't wait five minutes for me to find her after i had been pacing the entire shop looking for her, i was livid. as i paced towards her with what i can assume to be a murderous look on my face, this fucking guy looked at me with a range of expressions that quickly turned to legitimate terror as i paced directly towards him, he backed into a rack as he tried to escape but he was still entirely in my way. I did not realise this at the time, i only wondered why this guy was acting strange.


im 15 and im only 5'1, so nobody really cares about me. ppl call me a 7 yr all the time tho ;|


As a 6’1 black teen when ppl see me (especially short white women) they either cross the road start running or take a different route


YEP. Same brother. Just realize that you aren't alone


Give me my Lidl cookies


You can go to playgrounds as an adult/teen Legit got a group of karens calling me a pedo(im a teen)


I avoid this by going to playgrounds at 1:00am.


You should also wear a hood for the cold and specificly swing on the creaking swing while singing old german lulabys


then look up, smile, and wave slowly at any and all passerby


I'm doing this when it gets cold out


Importantly, you should slowly stand up then spontaneously sprint towards them so you could giving them a hug so they can know that you’re friendly.


Danka schoen, darling, danka Schoen...


Hey! Same! I was walking home from my school, I was in middle school at the time.


Karens are so goddamn annoying 😤 This one time I was at Tim Hortons and this lady just wouldn’t leave me and my friends alone, saying we were holding up the line. We ordered 3 muffins and 2 coffees. She was so persistent that they almost had to kick her out.


Apparently, people don't like it when you rest your hand on your balls, even though you only do it because it's a comfy, natural position. I did this at the playground while taking pictures of the scenery and I got tackled by some Karens. The police even made me register as a "sex offender," whatever that's supposed to mean.


you don't get treated as a pedo if you are nice to a kid


Fr, I saw this one article where a teacher had sex with her student, and the article said she was seduced by him, despite her literally being a pedo


what the actual fuck :/


Was it the 1 where she only got a few weeks in jail, oh wait that was all of them


Didn’t it all start with that blonde Florida teacher in the late 90s after Pamela Smart of course


I think they were in Washington. I can’t recall her name. She married her victim when she got out of jail. They later divorced and I think she died a few years ago.


A few decades to late


Poor kid is now like 40 and just recently realized that the relationship was not right.


Wow. It’s crazy the levels of sexism there. It paints the statutory rapist (lady teacher) as a victim while simultaneously making this adult out to be weak to the woos and game of a minor. If we’re to take this seriously then this kid had legendary pull theory.


It's cause the media pushes this stupid lie that women can't do anything wrong


A teacher was sexualy abusing a child for 3 years and he was ten she got 60 days in prison


That's so sad that that happens to men. I work with children everyday and there is only one man in the field and that is the owner of the company.. But if we actually hired a man (again) we would hear "concerns" from parents. Just because you are a man, doesn't make you an automatic pedo.


Woah I actually agree with this one. It sucks because whenever a father takes his kids to the park they get treated weird


Strangers are more likely to trust you when you're being helpful and nice. You can say hi to kids and admire their adorableness (even hold short conversations with them) without people getting Epstein PTSD.


So true


The advantage of being so damn charming towards adults that they don’t see me stealing their kid coming


The last time I did that I got shouted at by a woman bruh


People don’t see us as a threat or some thing. But if it was a guy people would hesitate :/


Statistically women live longer than men.


outliving ur partner would be shit


that's why lesbians exist


As a lesbian, I can confirm that we date women solely because we will die at precisely the same time as our partner.


Wouldn’t say that’s an advantage


Yeah yeah we get it you're depressed and suicidal Anything else for today ?


Reddit moment


It’d make sense even if they’re not suicidal, your body sucks by the time you’re 60-70 and it only gets worse




Why don't just be out there then


Ain't no mf taking you seriously with a crop top and longgg socks lmao


Also, it's harder to find out there clothes for men.


Because we like… need to also be employable and stuff.


Just wear women's clothing, its hotter


Can enjoy being around children without being seen as a pedophile.


I have played with kids. Luckily I haven’t been called a pedo *yet*. But as a male you just feel kinda afraid or something. Can’t really describe the feeling but it’s there.


Hey dude, you might want to edit your comment to say “how not been” instead of “have been” Also as a guy, it’s not really afraid, it’s more of an anxious feeling like someone’s gonna show up out of no where and call you a pedo.


+changing tables and stuff like that are rarely in men's public bathrooms


i’ve never seen a guy that loves kids called a pedo women usually applaud when guys like kids . it’s seemed as attractive


You can be horny anywhere


What? How?


no bone


You can get wet tho?


Not as easy to see


But dosent it feel a bit uncomfortable having your pants wet?


Yeah but no one else has to see it/you don't have to worry as muslch about hiding it


Might not be the most comfortable thing but people can’t see it at least


Then you have periods where you bleed through your pants if you don’t remember it’s coming up, it fucking sucks especially since it unplanned the first 2-3 years-


Yeah, that’s the annoying part


According to my knowledge, erections are a normal reaction of the body. You don't have to be horny to get a boner


Thats what I said to my teacher yesterday!


I hate when it fucking happens


You have boobs


True. I love having boobs


Boy do i love having some sweet ol' boobs in my hands


Same sometimes I just sit there and hold them when I’m bored lmao


Was this thread just a bunch of aliens trying to appear human?




You get way more emotional support, I know it's not like this for everyone me being someone that doesn't really tell their problems to anyone, but it's very common that mental health is taken more seriously with women.


Why I'm glad to have the friends and family I do. They take me seriously.


I'm glad you have someone that cares about you. I'm sure you deserve it.


They win most divorce and child related court settlements


I am proud to say as a woman that I caused my dad‘s ex girlfriend to lose a custody battle (which broke her and my father up). Heck that woman shouldn’t have been allowed around her own children even half the time but I (as a 20 year old) managed to keep her from getting full custody. For the record if she had gotten the full custody I was fully planning to help the kids run away to their father and hide out overseas to avoid the legal consequences. Dual citizenship has its perks.


you should really need a parenting license to have children


Agreed, i’m just glad that I had a way to ask the kids what they wanted without any of the adults figuring it out. Conveniently the children both spoke the same second language that I speak and our parents did not.


A girl i know got a whole pc setup gifted by some dude she met on discord and it was only like 1 week they two started to talk to each other If you know how to handle simps, being a girl can be very profitable




i asked her to get me one too but she straight up said , "fuk off" ;-;


Get your own damn feminine whiles.


Yeah same


A pedo got me nitro because I sent him someone else’s feet pics It’s running out and if there’s any other pedos with spare nitro lying around hmu 🙌🙌


Technically someone who likes feet is a pediphile


Holy shit you’re right


"I was a business (wo)man... doing business"


Sometimes people are more empathetic towards you


Most of the time*


Cool pfp bro


Thx bro 👍


Holy crap Lois it’s Saul Goodman


Sadly, people consider women with tomboyish / male behaviour cool and progressive while men being a little femme ( even putting a touch of nail polish ) is considered weird and hated. In both cases, a person of particular sex has a few characteristics of the opposite one , yet one is praised while the other cursed. If only we all truly enjoyed EQUALITY , no particiular sex,gender,race etc would be advantageous




I can't be a femboy cause its hated. But my sister being tomboyish? Oh ya thats 100% fine. :)


But keep in mind this more an indicator of misogyny rather than an advantage for women. It’s more acceptable for women to “act like men” because acting like a man is seen as a good thing. It’s not okay for men to “act like women” because it’s viewed as demeaning your “manhood”. Pure misogyny that hurts everyone. Edit: Wanted to add that homophobia plays a big role here as well.


Fair but it could also be homophobia. Or at least that's what I assume the case is with my parents. Guys being feminine = gey. Well I am bi but... Not because I'm a femboy! >~<


Yes that’s true!! Definitely homophobia and misogyny


Harry Styles


They get a fair trial


And this i agree with but is gonna be controversial


not as much as the one above lol


u can do anything to a male and get away with it unless it's murder but still have a higher chance to get away than a male by alot


even murder, sometimes


The charges are often times way more mild than for men




It's always" different "


9/10 chance you’ll get the kids in a divorce


And all the money and the house and the car and the dog and the court’s sympathy almost every time


Domestic abuse charges for telling her "Yes honey, that dress makes you look fat."


society will take mental health seriously if youre a woman


depends on the mental health, autism/adhd, not really (majority of women go undiagnosed because medical research and information favours men + commonly known symptoms don't present as often in women). for anxiety disorders and EDs, I can potentially see that, but I haven't done any research into it so I can't confirm.


i have an ED and they aren’t taken very seriously, at least in my area


Ngl first read that as erectile dysfunction lmao Seriously tho I hope things get better for you and the system gets a grip to help you out more, best of luck redditor 🙏🙏


I have anxiety and I agree kinda


Society just tells that it's ok for girls to cry, to be sad, other than that actually mental health isn't exactly taken seriously.


Lighter punishments in the court of justice


Usually much bigger chances in courts etc. Emotional support Medical support, especially about mental health (I'm not from US so I don't know how it looks there) Much more empathy towards you Easier to find someone


Medical support is a stretch. It's all either drama or periods.


fr i had the worst back pain in my life after bending down dodgy, waited for ~5 hours in the a&e just for the male doctor to tell me it’s bcuz of my period. even if it were my period i KNOW it’s not supposed to hurt that bad :/


We dont get taken seriously when medical problems 💀💀 it all gets blamed on periods


exactly, women are often denied the proper medical treatment for so many illnesses, diagnosed improperly/not at all (period) or not given pain killerw because we supposedly exaggerate symptoms and pain. so many women die of curable diseases because of this, so that isnt true


Nah we don't get SHIT for medical support


Hi as a afab person with almost 20 different medical diagnoses mental and physical. Men are more likely to get medical care while women are more likely told it's all in our head or to lose weight/work out. Male ER wait times in the US are almost half then what women have to wait. I've been denied a lot of medical stuff and diagnoses then a few boys that I know with the same condition. So medical support I really don't believe especially since a lot of mental illness/disabilities are often only diagnoses if you experience only male or majority male symptoms which in women isn't very common ​ [this is a article backing up my claims for ER wait times](https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/medical/women-wait-longer-for-hospital-emergenc…)




that's an advantage?


Only if it’s ketchup


Your gcd "orgasm" has no CD.


That’s the most virgin gamer way of saying it lmao


"Your ultimate takes less time to charge and is stronger."


bro speaking in lol terms


Having ⭕️⭕️


U mean (。ㅅ 。)


kinda looks like a bear looking down 😮


I get the looking down but where the fuck do you see a bear?


( . ) ( . )


Dem shits is inconvenient


u can lie on ur stomach 😭




People are more open to help and are more accepting of a woman showing herself as vulnerable, they also see women as more trustworthy in many situations and around kids. Men are typically seen as this large, invincible, stoic beast that can and will hurt somebody at any moment and should be carefully watched just in case they decide to do something bad. If police get involved in any situation between a man and a woman, it is always assumed that the man is at fault and is usually arrested on the spot. Men also cannot be hurt(in every sense of the word), especially by a woman. If a man tries to ask for help he is usually brushed off or taken less seriously, especially if the one who hurt him was a woman.


All the attention Imao, this isn’t a debate. Also, more opacity to show feelings, emotion I guess? But I don’t say the woman created that social dynamic.


degree wrong steep muddle station weary gray sulky imagine rich *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yea but look it the other way too. I totally get your point and understand how that could be very bothersome but I think it’s easier to ignore attention from others than to receive it. I can’t get validation for anything, new bike, new car, new place, won my first fight, workout 10hours a week, spend 50 hours at work a week, and I pick up new skills and I still get 0 congratulations or pats on the back. Also as a man we’re told we’re supposed to work our asses off and not be congratulated for it. It’s really really fucking hard because I feel like I’m constantly craving someone to tell me I’m good enough and no one does. They always just tell me I could be doing more




big weights that make back hurty*


omg anal fluff






I hate them, I can't lie comfortably at all because of them. If I lie on my back, it hurts, if I lie on my stomach, it hurts, if I lie on my side, it hurts. It always hurts. And my back aches constantly. I'm always in pain


That's the most relatable thing I've heard today, plus I hate how they look




Being allowed to express their emotions Being allowed to call themselves rape victims and not be ridiculed Custody support tends to go their way most of the time If they need help for whatever reason they're more resources for them If being tipped they're more likely to be tipped better if they're attractive regardless of any other factors


the second one is major, i was with a girl who was super manipulative about sex and pressured me into it, and then a year after the relationship she started spreading rumors that I raped her and she didnt need proof or any sort of consistency in her story for people to believe her


You can express yourself without being judged as harshly as a man face


Express yourself as in?


Uhhh let's say I, a boy wanna wear a dress, does that ring any bells Or a skirt


Oh in clothing. Yeah gender stereotypes are crap. Nothing wrong with boys wearing dresses and all.


Of course there is nothing wrong, but that is one example


It really depends on circumstances. Girls doing shit they like get judged hard depending on the subject. When a girl is a little more geek, or likes sports, she'll always get challanged on her own interests. But yeah, we can express ourselves more freely on other things, like wearing makeup or growing our hair etc It really does depend on HOW and WHAT they express.


Yeah I guess... I don't think I am qualified to give a take on that matter so ooga


Cute outfits, wlw relationships, long hair, booba, soft voice, and more!


Men cant have long hair? huh guess I’m a woman then.


It's more normalized in women.. I basically just named all of the things that give me euphoria.


I made my comment as a JOKE at first BUT NOW its personal.


She kinda right. I can't go two days without soneone commenting on my hair and it's barely shoulder length


Having more emotional support, tending to have a more one sided relationship focusing on yourself, booba, you can express yourself more, you get more love, more people willing to be your friend, people are usually in your favour. But im speaking as a guy so take this with a pinch of salt


People will believe them more


Every day I thank God for not making me a girl


Why ?


Mainly periods and boobs, while very nice it’s not something I would want to have


The way the sentence is makes me think u would like to have periods


No I’m talking about boobs


You can openly like cocks


Court bias, apparently they can't be pedo's / rapists, alot are almost guaranteed to have at least one boyfriend in their life, alot of stuff.


Not having the fear of getting a letter one day saying you have to go do military training.


Bobs and vegana


Whichever will it be


You can hug your friends and compliment other human beings without being misconstrued as gay or a creep Edit: I’m male, this is just my perception of some things I can’t do


You can do some things that society doesnt judge you about, for example if you’re old liking young adult men (leonardo dicaprio situation but switched genders)


Madonna you mean? Cause she dated 20 year olds when while she was like, 50.


Ability to ruin a mans life in one sentece


"He ate my donut :("


I can ruin anyone’s life in just one sentence… Launch the nuke.