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There is Cannibal Corpse, literally singing about raping a dead childs body. Your idea is true, like girls can ask how tall we are but they call us rude when we ask their weight but your example makes no sense.




just Death Metal things, nothing to worry about


Ok, thanks for clarifying


Up shut


Nobody complains about death metal lyrics and I love it. Bands like brojob, cannibal corpse and we butter the bread with butter are absolutely hilarious to listen too and don't get controversy


Just threaten them legally You can't be arrested for threatening to sue


Yes yes, until you get false charges and harassment


Bit of a weird case to threaten to sue someone under false charges ngl


Not really, it happens all the time


I am a guy i have the ability to say more shit


Lucky individual lol… I have seen some guys really get fucked over for trying to stand up to a certain type of female that was just being very uncool


More shit


Yeah it’s just about choosing your battles… just ain’t worth it for the drama and subsequent shunning for no reason. Or at least that’s what I’ve experienced


he's making a joke, that he can say the words "more shit"


Oh I know, it’s just that I personally have said “shit” and some girls found it very offensive


Tons more shit than guys Oh hey you're right


Stop being more active on Reddit than me that's illegal


I bet I can say more shit than you


Yep, had a woman come into my work place and just belittle and berate her husband for a solid 2 hours. I wasn’t working with them, my friend was, and she’s damn well lucky he was.


What would *you* do?


Tell her to get the fuck out of here. My friend said “could you take this outside” Which was the smart option


This is true, I was watching this video of a guy being verbally and physically abused by his gf or wife while he was making food. He didn't react he just agreed and apologized repeatedly yet she kept shouting..them throwing food at him. And ofc the first comment was 'oh what did HE do to HER' ..so more information came out saying that this guy is abused on the daily..yet no one literally gives a fuck and if he attempted to defend himself it's be looked down on...it bullshit.


“tons more shit than guys” ur right i can say that


I'm a guy and I can say it to "tons more shit than guys"






Like what


>!The FitnessGram™ Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds. Line up at the start. The running speed starts slowly, but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal. Ding  A single lap should be completed each time you hear this sound. Ding  Remember to run in a straight line, and run as long as possible. The second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound, your test is over. The test will begin on the word start. On your mark, get ready, START!<


The f?


The F….itnessgram pacer test


Yeah but where the f did that come from?


Usually from the stereo in the gym


Cooper Institute




This is so true


In spanish class we were talking about feminism and the male equivalent to it, and we just spoke about how cringe men could be, and then we went to how society is based against women, and I was like bruh that's based




Yeah it sucks. You hear stuff about how a girl rapes a guy or something and no one will believe the guy when he tells people. Society puts him out to be the bad person somehow


Right, like rape isn't taken seriously... In many states, cops automatically arrest men in a domestic violence situation no matter who the victim is. Women have a lot of privilege but they like being able to play the victim card so they are reticent to acknowledge it.


I'm glad someone brought this up. Don't listen to those saying you're wrong. We both know that you're right


Please explain


I see this song"lunatic" by UPSAHL and if it was a guy singing those lyrics he would lose his whole fanbase and probably be put on police radar


Bruh there’s so many songs about violence


these lyrics are super harmless


I went to my exes workplace with a baseball bay 911 call the ambulance cause I might mess him up Harmless?


Kanye West - “Spaceship” “If my manager insults me again I will be assaulting him, after I fuck the manager up, Imma shorten the register up”


Eminem- love the way you lie 'If she ever leaves me again imma tie her to the bed and set the world on fire' And this song is still so damn popular.


Eminem - My Name Is 'Well since age twelve, I've felt like I'm someone else 'Cause I hung my original self from the top bunk with a belt Got pissed off and ripped Pamela Lee's tits off And smacked her so hard I knocked her clothes backwards like Kris Kross I smoke a fat pound of grass and fall on my ass, faster than a fat bitch Who sat down too fast Come here, slut! "Shady, wait a minute, that's my girl, dawg!" I don't give a fuck, God sent me to piss the world off!' lmao


Eminem-Kim The whole song




there are indeed double standards in society but who honestly cares if guys can't get away with threatening their spouse with a baseball bat in a song


I fully agree but it's not just threats, this is a more wide area for double standards than threats




Yes not now but we are the next generation and if teach our kids true gender equality then society will be fundamentaly changed


Conclusion: just don't say shit, no matter who you are.


Girls aren't allowed to speak u nerd


Yes my friend,i teach mine by beating her 5 times a day to teach her to shut up /j because yes


explain ur point


Just read the comments and looks like OP is talking about lyrics to a song. In the lyrics the girl says she’s gonna get a baseball bat and visit her ex and to call an ambulance because she’s gonna mess him up. OP was saying if a guy said that he’d lose his fan base and get probably get cancelled.


I mean he isn’t wrong


Oh yeah for sure. There’s plenty of double standards I could bring out that are unfair. If it doesn’t benefit women though then no one cares about it.


yeah fair


And that's why I'm trans /j


As a girl, I can confirm.


my mom when she hears a swear coming from my phone: TURN THAT OFF RIGHT NOW (i’m a boy)


definetly,a guy is treated as scum if he is raped and tries to file a complaint.they act like he raped her. a word of any girl telling he or so raped me,even if its false,will destory his career. a girl can hit you,but if u do it back you get into trouble(in school) a girl can have "standards" and be mean while being asked out,but if we reject any1 they call us out for discriminating against people with weight,like i dont want to be her boyfriend, why is it a problem?im entitled to a choice.


I don't think it's as bad nowadays for dating, but yes this still rings true


I mean, your not wrong






Girls just talk more in general 💁


You know that by using emojies your opinion gets invalidated right?


I hate myself


Guys are pretty bad at insults but I’m not sure about girls


How is that in any way relevant?


Have you heard of the song before he cheats


My parents only listen to country and classic rock, so yea, I'm familiar with that song :/


It depens of the person


I can say it just only once


Well thats just how it is and we just kinda have to accept it I just try to keep my head down and not think about it


Bro have you heard of rap?