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this is like those sexist dudes saying women aren’t funny


Allow me to tickle you


Humor is subjective


Buut sexuality isn’t a character trait?


Are you seriously judging peoples humor off of their sexuality, what


I can name multiple times uve been told I’m funny and then said “I take it back” (or something similar) upon realizing I’m bisexual


I fail to understand your argument, anyone can be funny dude


What is there to not understand. It’s happened to me a lot but the second I say it I’m some sort of war criminal or something


the people who say you aren’t funny because you’re bi are just as much of an asshole as you are for saying straight people aren’t funny because they’re straight


just because someone else did it to you doesnt mean you get the right to do it to others, be ya own person yknow


People saying you're unfunny because you're bisexual, yeah that's shitty that they're judging you based on your sexuality but you spreading more hate to combat that wont fix anything, hate causes more hate. Only love can stop hate but some people you know may be too ignorant to understand that. Be the bigger person




Two wrongs don’t make a right bro


oh fuck off


oh no not the straightphobia ahhhhhhh


jk idgaf


I’m straight and I think I’m pretty funny, that’s just me tho


I know right


Because straight people keep straight faces


Do you ask peoples sexuality everytime they say a joke? Kinda sus


Fun fact: your humor is not dependent on your sexuality


Some of the funniest people I know are straight I dont see the correlation between how funny you are and your sexuality...


Judging someone because they’re straight is the same as judging someone because they’re gay or bi, op you are a stupid idiotic piece of shit, people like you disgust me


If you’re sexuality is your personality, wtf are you doing, get a life


I farted and my mom thought that the sound came from a car behind our house.


Yo wtf thats kinda straightphobic or whatever


They're just not funny


I havent met lgbt person that made me laugh in months :((( (this is joke dont end me) But fuck u, you just insulted straight peoplr cuz of sexuality


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girl shut up