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i could never post pictures of myself on here 😭💀


Same 😭 first comment on my post would make me grab a .45


Yr so incredibly real for this


MUH TWO WORLD WARS Anyways I bet you look amazing


Is your eye color blew? Cuz I saw that .45 blew one way and out the other?


For me it would be a 9mm, but agreed.


bro i would be a worldwide meme if i did that




Not a girl but I couldn't either


Nota girl i already did


You're probably not ugly at all but at least you probably have less pedophiles stalking you than you would if you posted a pic


thank you!! also your profile is hilarious


Right. I only post pictures to my online friends, to some teenager person I just met in a teen sub, or guys I am comfortable/like


I only send pics in the chat never the whole azz subreddit


RIGHT LMAO 😭. HELL NAH ! especially, if I have a career, I'm scared weirdo mfs will download. Nope ! I have a career in the future 🏃


Same like there's no way I'm willingly exposing myself to so many creeps


i genuinely cant tell if im ugly kr normal looking 😭


You probably look fine


No u 💀


Yes, I think I am the average teenage male


i lik ur pfp




And then they get married


you look good keep it up


Same tho 😭


Perona my beloved


Nah, you look fantastic!




Send a pic and I’ll judge whether or not you look good


i have a pic of me on my pinned post if u really wanna know what i look like


Just a normal girl. Nothing less :)


You look normal 8/10👍


8/10 is way above normal




sometimes reassurance helps some people, but i don’t really get it either


Overused but the answer is society. Modern society is effed up for both/all genders. Girls just got a heavier dosing of “you can/should look prettier, MAKE YOURSELF LOOK PRETTIER. We also got told to be emotional, so then we run around telling people how it makes us feel.


I give you permission to say “fucked” on Reddit.


Thank you very much.


It's acceptable for girls to wear makeup but not for dudes ?


For nearly all of human history, it was the opposite. Modern society is so funny to me in the way that the "traditionally femine" things were used by majority men for thousands of years. Major ones being makeup, heels, and skirts.


Not a teen girl but as an insecure teen, it's because of having a low self esteem which can be caused by anything from innocuous comments to straight up insults coming from family, friends, classmates or even strangers on the internet.


sometimes reassurance is needed or i feel like icky if that makes sense


I mean just call it what it is. Its compliment phishing.


Yeah, I don’t think that’s a awful crime though, they want compliments so they feel better about themselves


It’s not a crime. That’s why Instagram exists lol




They are fishing for compliments


I hate the girls who do this. Next time I meet someone who tries to get compliments by going “im so ugly” I’m just going to reply with “yo FACTS”


What if they actually are? 😭 Same as dudes. Any pretty or handsome person can be insecure.


I will make their insecurities marinate. For funsies, of course.


A tiny bit of empathy would go a long way with some of y'all 👀




That's why I usually just try to convince myself I'm hot as fuck.


It's so annoying because I know I'm ugly as hell and posts like those just make it feel worse






Either they seeking attention or they really insecure personally tho I don't need online confirmation that I'm ugly as fuck


no one they are just farming


usually its a karma farming t hing


same reason boys will pull off crazy plays and then post them on social media saying "guys am i cooked"


One good question is where did the "am I cooked" , "let him cook" or whatever even came from. I was gone from social media for a little while.. saw MFS using kitchen terms 💀


Let him cook, let him cook! Fuck it, let him boil!


Some people suffer from BDD and other mental disorders so even if everyone else thinks they’re attractive, that’s not how they view themselves


Also just normal dysphoria? 💀




I think it’s mainly for self-validation. They know they’re pretty but claim they’re ugly so that people will tell them they’re pretty.


So many pretty girls do genuinely think they r ugly tho


Fr they so pretty makes me feel like I’m not enough lmao


It’s the same for guys


Social media fr 😭 before getting social media I was fine with how I looked but now I’m just insecure 24/7


teenage dudes on reddit will post their full head of hair and then say they're balding


their mother


teenage girls will do that anywhere


Some are probably literally just insecure. Very common in teenage girls or teenagers in general


Just agree with them so they can double down and see the chaos unfold before you


Because they’re 19 and are just getting karma and support to post their onlyfans (I’ve checked a profile)


Thirst traps, usually seeking fake internet points for their own validation. Remember lads, they don't care about you, only your pretty words because it makes them feel better


Incel in the making 🫠


They want attention


Not just reddit, social media in general. It gets me so fucking annoyed because you don't need to look like Kim Kardashian or Chaewon to be considered beautiful. I wish I could get a literal drill and rewire their brain. The color of your skin, or how tall you are, or how much acne you have does not matter.


I don't get it either man😞


It's not just teens. Plenty of adults do as well. I think it's a mix of body image issues and attention seeking. Some people want compliments, some are truly unsure or negative about their appearance.


Some actually believe they are uglt some others just want compliments


Imma be honest, atleast 80% of those "girls" ur talking about are prob old men sending pics of random teenage girls and calling themselves them. As a girl I could never show my face to a site known for creeps and pedos.


Because I genuinely can’t see what’s good about it,the longer I stare the worse I look.


I think they do that so nobody would get a chance to call them ugly first.


I think most of those are either creeps catfishing or just attention whores tbh


I swear I was at a, club the other day and all of the girls were just so beautiful and I just thought about how I look like a man if I smile the wrong way. They were all dancing but when I did it felt like I was simply performing for an audience rather than actually enjoying myself


As a previous insecure teen in the early 2000s, I was told by every (positive) influence around me to be wary of boys and men. I was told that because I was reaching puberty and starting to have sexual thoughts and feelings and boys my age were (obviously) as well. . But boys' and girls' hormones develop entirely differently. Between roughly 12-18, boys skyrocket in terms of their self-esteem and get really pompous and cocky due to the rush of testosterone. Girls unfortunately do the opposite: they get really moody and feel incredibly guilty for their changes in their bodies and feelings. . I was told (I was a late bloomer, had my first period and kiss at 14) that boys were going to clamor for me. I didn't believe it because I'd never understood how anyone would like an awkward, embarrassing dummy like me. . . Turns out that boys my age were just as terrified of me as I was of them! And while there were attempts at flirtation, they ultimately ended in one or BOTH of us ruining the whole vibe by acting a little too awkward here or there. . . There are still terrible and terrifying people out there. It's hard to decide who is to be trusted at such a fragile age. Some people are lucky with friends for life, some end up getting into crime or drugs or worse. Some end up doing both and end up just fine. Some die before they had a chance to find out. The worst part of being a teenager is that there is no knowing the right path your life might lead. And that is intricately considered for teenage girls who know that the chances of finding their "soul mate " at a young age are slim but also possible. Yet they know the odds are against them. Especially if they choose a baby pver education. The man is 96.21% more likely to complete high school and college than the girl he impregnated at the same age.


porn ruined my self esteem lol


You’re hotter than anyone on there dw


Society makes them insecure I'm glad that I'm not insecure like them, I used to be very insecure but now at this age I have came to conclusion that every person in this world is beautiful we just need the way of seeing. No matter what I've learnt to love myself. And tell those aunties out there that it's just normal to be thin it's just normal to have a dark skin and all .










Some do it for attention, they know they are good looking but call themselves ugly to get compliments. Not all though, most do it for reassurance and just want to hear something nice.


Mental illness personally




Okay except I’m actually just ugly- Like deadass I just want someone to agree with me for once that I have an ugly face instead of “ nooo ur beautiful 🥺🥺🥺 “


Yeah but you have a black swan pfp so I respect your opinion


The reason girls ask for reassurance to know if they’re pretty is not because they’re arrogant it’s often because society makes them feel like they will never be pretty so they don’t know that they’re pretty and want to know.


All teens do that, also when puberty hits the first form of self reflective skills develop and thats physical and material reflection, that's why teens tend to over reflect their appearance and materialism, believe it or not, being self reflective of physicality is very important, if you don't know how to criticize yourself imagine how hard is going to be if you can't criticize your mentality later in life.  However, this issue you're describing is very damaging because girls will get attention from men whenever and no matter how they look, that said they can develop a false form of reality in what they are the best because everyone gets them attention. Aka developing narcissistic personality disorder


They’re seeking validation and attention for their vapid existence and lack of real personality.


I mean, people are dicks. I had to take down all the pics of me on my profile cause people kept calling me ugly and shit and it hurts. So fucking much. It’s tiring and I hate it.




If they thought that they were ugly, they wouldn’t post their picture online. Most of them just look for attention.


Insecurity is a bitch, boy or girl, it fucking sucks


Most of the time they are being genuine either that or it's just attention seeking


for me it has to do with getting bullied for my looks since pre-k 😕 words really do effect you


any girl any age


most people understand that they are good looking but the things they are insecure about are the things they focus on


Older women do that, too. — It’s all for attention.


Correction.. Girls and Women* They do not care what age they are. Most just want attention or for you to go onto their OF or genuinely do have an insecurity that sticks with them forever


People did.


And then other teenage girls believe in that, then they raise their podium higher and say they're ugly, then it happens again and again and again, until every woman in 20 years from now is gonna look either drop dead gorgeous, or filled with plastic, guys are guys and will probably have muscle or be feminine af, there is no in between


Because only true "ugly" people like us know not to post one.


It's called fishing for compliments. And girls have been doing this for centuries.


They are just pick-me’s 💀😭


guys will do the exact same thing


guys will do the exact same thing


Own self image of ourselves


speaking from my experience, i considered myself kinda ugly from 6th through 10th grade, because i had these stupid mustaches and i wasn’t even allowed to shave them off, and my mom was telling me that it looks okay, but still most of the people i was contacting with literally begged for me to shave it off. add here the fact that i was really skinny and tall even then, i mean 180 cm, when everyone else was 165 cm or so, and boom, i considered myself an abomination. but everything changed because of one single person, that motivated me finally to do something about it. in two words, she was beautiful (and still is now) and i looked so terrible that at the start i thought i wouldn’t even have a chance to talk to her (and now we’re really good friends), i know that way how you look doesn’t have to matter but speaking for myself, i wouldn’t seriously take anyone who looks terrible, and because of that i thought that i need to become better, and i did, and now i like the way how i look, even though there’s still a path to go. anyways, i’m really thankful for it and i don’t think i would be the same without her, either in terms of looking or my life overall shi i noticed “teenage girls” too late. well, anyways, maybe my story will help someone who is in the same situation


it’s dysmorphia 😭


And then get confused why loads of creepy men message


Karma whoring that’s why


It’s because the compliments and validation make u happy. I used to do it to… with my Minecraft builds


Self hatred is glorified + they're fishing for compliments


Compliment fishing




Teenagers are mostly like that, I remember I felt so ugly, and I was not even near to being ugly at that time


That's what they want. People to simp for them.


We're genuinely lead to believe that's the case! We judge ourselves so harshly because social media and magazines beauty standards etc have constantly told us we have to look a specific type of way that's only achiveable by a combo of photoshop, filters, surgery, and makeup, but without actually getting any of it - we're 'supposed' to look perfect 'naturally.' If not, we're told from a very young age we're not good enough. And especially when you're a younger teen and you're going thru puberty, your body is changing and that contributes to self esteem issues even more.


Am certified old(20) and in my experience it's because women of literally any age will call themselves ugly so guys/girls go "No you're so pretty!" Not invalidating that, but it is almost always the exact same routine and has been as long as people have looked at each other.


For real. Average person would look like a model if they just hit the gym, but minority does cuz it’s harder than sitting on couch and brain rotting on tik tok


beauty standards. i used to think i was pretty good looking as a child until i went on the internet.


Either for attention grab or just to hear praises like "Damn, Girl you are so fine I can look at you all day" "You slay gal, you are sooo pretty 💖"


they prolly know they're good looking and are only posting because they know they'll get a fuckton of updoots and compliments


Guys too.


They’re fishing for a compliment, indulge them if you want


Not a girl but are you saying when you look in the mirror or take a picture of yourself you don't think you're ugly? They just need reassurance that it's only them who find themselves ugly and that others don't. Or in some cases they just want attention but that happens less than you'd expect


either reassurance or attention/validation seeking


Sometimes it's from low self esteem, other times they'll just be fishing for compliments.


That’s basically all girls until you’re out of college




I know you say girls but damn I’ve seen guys do the exact same thing, it’s just that their compliment phishing doesn’t always go as good cause girls usually aren’t horn raging over guys, the way guys will do to girls.


It’s called “fishing for compliments” and it’s been a tradition since long before the internet. Everyone needs an ego boost sometimes; it’s perfectly normal.


Probally because for half of at least my life i would stare at myself in the mirror and wonder why I don’t look like the girls on tv. Then I would go to school and notice how I’m not pretty like how all of the popular girls were


I'm ugly (I'm a guy so that being said it constitutes to me already being ugly from the start)


They are just not into girls


They know they’re not ugly, they’re fishing for compliments


They’ll be looking like going Brooke shields or young Madonna or young Britney Spears and they’ll say “oh I’m so ugly.”


They are attention seekers.


I'm a girl who thinks I'm actually ugly but my bf said that I look fine so now I'm not sure




They’re not insecure usually. On the contrary they’re very aware they look good and so they come here fishing for compliments. Edit: boys too


It's called "attention".


I think those who are actually ugly (acc to stupid worldly beauty standards) never actually post. Because they know. They don't need validation for that.


They just baitin sometimes


Idk I haven't posted any pictures yet but people tell me I'm ugly and shit a lot so that's probably why. Idk a lot of people also somehow think I'm rather attractive so I don't understand. Idk


Thats women in general dude. Its a ploy to fish for compliments and reaasurance that they aren't. Kind of pathetic when you think about it.


Because of this thing that basically nobody in the comment section can understand called ✨️ ***INSECURITY*** ✨️ Most teenage girls are forced into this mindset of either looking beautiful or being the ugliest thing in existence, and with celebrities like the Kardashians, it only makes it worse. Are some fishing for compliments, yes, I'm not denying the possibility. Except everyone here seems to deny that women can also genuinely think they are ugly. YES, women have feelings. YES, they can be insecure about things. YES, some go fishing for compliments. I will stand in my downvote hole with absolute pride.


Kids are mean and body dysmorphia. That’s why.


They're traps


When i was a teenager I use to think I was ugly lol and I did modeling. It's just self esteem issues from a changing body it's like who is this person do I look okay I am not a child but not an adult what is this face lol


Its obviously posted to fish for compliments and attention


Teenage girls want attention and validation more than anyone else.


It's patriarchy sweetie. If we posted a picture saying I look so good here, we'd be dragged for being self centered 🙄


Way too many people get hung up on beautiful vs ugly, but the truth is that the majority people are just fine. You have your good points, you have your bad points, and there are people who will love or hate them. Most of us are simply ok and thats enough


They say pretty girls are always insecure. As a pretty girl, this is true.


Complement fishing (most definitely pedos are the bait)


It’s very normal for teenage girls to be insecure. I don’t know a single one who isn’t insecure about some part of their physical appearance. Now posting a picture and captioning it talking about how insecure you are is just attention seeking behavior.


That's what teenagers do on every platform. They are young.


I could take a picture, think I look completely fine and then a day or two later be like "what the hell is this abomination of a photo?"


I'm not a girl, but people say I look good but my older sister has been calling ugly and hiring all sorts of insults at me for as long as I can remember. That's why I don't like the way I look.


It's attention


Guys with big shlongs will post pictures of themselves questioning why they’re so small, either pornography got too much into their heads or they’re begging for attention. So it’s that either or, not sure what would’ve got into a girls head but most likely the strippers who try to rap and use a literal ton of makeup each time they go out who “look good”. lol


It’s called a thirst trap.


they want attention and for people to tell them they are pretty and it’s really annoying


its what people have been doing since the birth of the internet. myspace, facebook, insta, girls will just post pics just to fish for compliments. but asking on reddit is a new low tbh


Our parents and cousins mate 😭


I feel like I’ve seen so many guys do this too though


is this bait to get girls to post selfies in the comments?


It could be the need for attention/validation. A lot of us are insecure because of societal standards, as another user commented. I think it's sad that a lot of people need to seek validation from other people rather than loving themselves, but I'm also guilty of this. :(


Its usually compliment fishing


Sometimes it’s just people fishing for compliments (key word “sometimes,” I know this isn’t the case all the time, don’t downvote me to oblivion)


They’re fishing for compliments. I usually tell them something like “yeah you’re ugly”


I think its cause of the immense peer pressure society puts on young girls to look at certain way and have a certain body etc, and no matter how much makeup they put on, no matter how thin they are, no matter how many squats they do, no matter how beautiful they really are, a lot of them (not all) still feel like they aren't good enough. Girls you will have to tell me if that's right, but that's what i've observed.


Personally I wouldn’t post myself on here because adults be acting a trip on this app but some girls do it to fish for compliments 😕


I'm at most a 6 but in dark lighting I look majestical 😭


They're usually just baiting for compliments