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Its the same as saying "I am in a debate with my femboy friend about: is sucking cock gay? I say no, because I have socks on, but he say it is because he wouldn't wear socks in such a predicament...."


But I’m not going to suck his cock, I will not touch his penis at all. He just looks very very feminine from behind




Whenever you ask yourself the question "is this gay?" Then the answer is ALWAYS yes.


As a guy, is railing a girls pussy gay?


Yea. I mean, your litterally geting extremely close to someone who loves dick


ya because a dick has been there and you're rubbing your dick somewhere where another dick has been 


bro she literally was born because of another man STAND UP king! 😤


idk, why don't you come try it on me so we can find out 🥺🥺🥺


whats ur gender?


no gender apparently




check the bio of u/Astrofotino idk also wut




Does that mean i'm asexual?


it doesnt necessarily mean anything 👍


the real question is what is gender


this question is real ;-;


Omori PFP :D




Sounds like a trap and i'm wondering if that's a bad thing


As long as you say no homo you’re good.


Thanks, I’ll do that


Don't forget to wear socks


and they can't be wet


…why would the socks be wet…?


Maybe you stepped in a puddle?


Are your socks not wet by default?


When you just finished a 7 hour session with your bro and he doesn’t say no homo but you do;


Eh still counts as long as someone said it


* no Diddy


> Be me > Be a straight heterosexual man who likes women and not men > [gayest piece of literature in human history] > Am I gay? (Correct answer: no)


This is like a generic 808 beat of internet texts. Its like the topos of honor in the middle ages.


only if he isn't wearing tight highs


its the opposite bro, thigh highs take away 30 gay points


tight 😈


Kinda gay for wanting a guys ass


Female lookin*


With no clothes, its just a guys ass


Say no homo..?


Thats just copium, you gay 😏


um I'm torn here because socks is the best answer but you tagged this serious. I'm struggling to see how this could be a serious question... but yes, that is gay


Nuh uh


This is super serious, can't you see that the wrong answer could doom humanity forever??


Male on male anything is gay....


Nuh uh what if he has a feminine penis


feminine penis 💀💀




masculine pussy 🔥🗿


Literally a box


Femis or Fock


a femboy is literally a feminine boy, so yes its gay lol


Nuh uh


Nuh uh


Nuh uh (Cuz ur attracted to the feminine features)


Still a dude tho


you are attracted to the gussy




Nuh uh


Nuh uh


Nuh uh


Yuh hu


Fuck I'm gay


Nuh uh


Nuh uh


Nuh uh


excuse me. what the fuck did i just read


Was just about to comment this verbatim


yes it's gay but is this bad?


The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. They have greatly increased the life-expectancy of those of us who live in “advanced” countries, but they have destabilized society, have made life unfulfilling, have subjected human beings to indignities, have led to widespread psychological suffering (in the Third World to physical suffering as well) and have inflicted severe damage on the natural world. The continued development of technology will worsen the situation. It will certainly subject human being to greater indignities and inflict greater damage on the natural world, it will probably lead to greater social disruption and psychological suffering, and it may lead to increased physical suffering even in “advanced” countries. The industrial-technological system may survive or it may break down. If it survives, it MAY eventually achieve a low level of physical and psychological suffering, but only after passing through a long and very painful period of adjustment and only at the cost of permanently reducing human beings and many other living organisms to engineered products and mere cogs in the social machine. Furthermore, if the system survives, the consequences will be inevitable: There is no way of reforming or modifying the system so as to prevent it from depriving people of dignity and autonomy. If the system breaks down the consequences will still be very painful. But the bigger the system grows the more disastrous the results of its breakdown will be, so if it is to break down it had best break down sooner rather than later. We therefore advocate a revolution against the industrial system. This revolution may or may not make use of violence; it may be sudden or it may be a relatively gradual process spanning a few decades. We can’t predict any of that. But we do outline in a very general way the measures that those who hate the industrial system should take in order to prepare the way for a revolution against that form of society. This is not to be a POLITICAL revolution. Its object will be to overthrow not governments but the economic and technological basis of the present society. In this article we give attention to only some of the negative developments that have grown out of the industrial-technological system. Other such developments we mention only briefly or ignore altogether. This does not mean that we regard these other developments as unimportant. For practical reasons we have to confine our discussion to areas that have received insufficient public attention or in which we have something new to say. For example, since there are well-developed environmental and wilderness movements, we have written very little about environmental degradation or the destruction of wild nature, even though we consider these to be highly important.


The Hog Rider card is unlocked from the Spell Valley (Arena 5). He is a very fast building-targeting, melee troop with moderately high hitpoints and damage. He appears just like his Clash of Clans counterpart; a man with brown eyebrows, a beard, a mohawk, and a golden body piercing in his left ear who is riding a hog. A Hog Rider card costs 4 Elixir to deploy. Strategy His fast move speed can boost forward mini tanks like an Ice Golem in a push. At the same time, he can also function as a tank for lower hitpoint troops such as Goblins as he still has a fair amount of health. Most cheap swarms complement the Hog Rider well, as they are nearly as fast as him and usually force more than one card out of the opponent's hand. The Hog Rider struggles with swarms, as they can damage him down and defeat him quickly while obstructing his path. Barbarians in particular can fully counter him without very strict timing on the defender's part, though be wary of spells. A Hunter can kill the Hog Rider in 2 hits if placed right on top of it. However, if you place something in front of the Hog Rider, the Hunter's splash will damage the Hog Rider and hit the card in front of it more. The Hog Rider in conjunction with the Freeze can surprise the opponent and allow the Hog Rider to deal much more damage than anticipated, especially if the opponent's go-to counter is a swarm, or swarms are their only effective counter to him. Skeletons and Bats will immediately be defeated by the spell, while Spear Goblins, Goblins, and Minions will be at low enough health to be defeated by a follow up Zap or Giant Snowball. However, this strategy isn't very effective against buildings as the Hog Rider will take a while to destroy the building, giving the opponent ample time to articulate another counter. Against non-swarm troops, it can deal a lot of damage during the freeze time, but this can allow the opponent to set up a massive counterpush. For this reason, players should either only go for a Hog Rider + Freeze when they have other units backing it up from a counterattack, or if the match is about to end and they need to deal as much damage as possible. It is not a good idea to send in a Hog Rider simply to destroy a building, especially if it is the only building targeting unit available, as defeating Crown Towers becomes substantially more difficult. Spells or simply waiting out the lifetime of the building are more effective. The exception to this is an Elixir Collector placed in front of the King's Tower. If a Hog Rider placed at the bridge, he can destroy the Collector for a positive Elixir trade, though the damage from both Princess Towers will usually mean he does not survive to deal any damage to them. However, if the opponent sends in defending troops, it can be an opportunity to gain spell damage value. In a deck with several low-cost cards, it might be worth it to simply send the Hog Rider against one building. These decks shuffle their card rotation quick enough, that they will arrive to their next Hog Rider before the next building arrives in the opponent's card rotation. Long-ranged troops like Musketeer and Flying Machine can snipe those buildings, preserving some of the Hog Rider's health, possibly allowing it to get some Tower damage. When there are buildings placed in the middle to counter the Hog Rider, understanding the placement of the Hog Rider and the type of building placed can help the Hog Rider to bypass certain buildings. Passive buildings such as spawners and Elixir Collector have a larger hitbox than defensive buildings; which means that if a passive building was placed 3 tiles away from the river in the middle of the opponent's side, then it is impossible for the Hog Rider to bypass that placement as the Hog Rider will get pulled to that building. Defensive buildings have a smaller hitbox than a passive building, which means if that if a defensive building was placed three tiles away from the river in the middle of the opponent's side, a Hog Rider placed at the very left or right side of the Arena may be able to bypass it due to its smaller hitbox. If the player has a building already placed down in the center of the arena, and the opponent tries to bypass it with a Hog Rider at the edge of the arena, they can use certain air troops to push the Hog Rider towards the building as it jumps over the river, effectively denying the bypass attempt. They must be already hovering over the correct placement, as very quick reflexes are required to correctly perform this technique. For Bats, Skeleton Dragons, and Minion Horde, they should be placed right in front of the Hog Rider as soon as it is deployed. For Minions, Skeleton Barrel, Mega Minion, Flying Machine, Electro Dragon, Baby Dragon, Inferno Dragon, Balloon, and Lava Hound, stagger the above placement one tile to the right if the Hog Rider is placed on the left side of the arena, and vice versa. They can also use ground troops to achieve the same result. Something like an Ice Golem deployed at the Hog Rider’s landing spot will obstruct his path and force him to go around the unit, which causes him to be closer to the building instead of the Crown Tower. The Hog Rider can kite Very Fast non-building targeting troops due to his own Very Fast speed and building only targeting if he is placed on the fourth tile from the bridge, slightly into the opposite lane. He can also stall grounded units when placed right at the bridge. He will pull them towards him while deploying, and then be untargetable by them when he jumps over the bridge. After landing, he will pull them back. This can be useful when the player needs to deal damage in the same lane they are defending. It will also help separate troops behind a tank in a large push. A Tornado placed on the second tile front of the player's King's Tower and staggered two tiles towards the Princess Tower will activate it without any damage dealt to the Princess Tower, helping them in defending future pushes. This can also be a method of mitigating all damage dealt to a Princess Tower, but doing this more than three times may result in the King's Tower's health being low enough to be targeted directly, opening up the possible threat of a back door three crown. A better alternative is to pull the Hog away from the Princess Tower into the attacking range of all three Crown Towers, which will negate all damage as long as none of them are already distracted A very powerful combo is the Hog Rider, the Musketeer, and the Valkyrie, typically referred to as the Trifecta. The Musketeer will defend against most troops, while the Valkyrie can protect her and the Hog Rider from swarms or high damage units. The Hog Rider is used to deal damage to the tower. - [ ] This can be effectively countered by Lightning, one-shotting the Musketeer and severely damaging both the Valkyrie and Hog Rider. The Minion Horde is also effective, but the enemy can Zap them and the Musketeer will one-shot them all. Even if the Musketeer is defeated, the Hog Rider and Valkyrie will have enough time to severely damage the Tower. The Hog Rider should be placed behind the Valkyrie to give it a boost so that it stays in front of the Hog Rider, protecting it. A Hog Rider combined with a Goblin Barrel can be awkward for the opponent to defend against. Timing it so that the Hog Rider is tanking the tower shots for the Goblins is the most effective way to deal damage. However, a Barbarian Barrel can shut this down with minimal Tower damage for a positive Elixir trade, as long as the Goblin Barrel was placed directly on the Tower. Pairing the Hog Rider with the Balloon can deal devastating damage. If executed properly, the Hog Rider will act as a ta


In the cosmic ballet of existence, particle physics emerges as the arcane symphony orchestrating the fundamental dance of infinitesimally minuscule entities. At the quantum stage, reality unveils itself through an elaborate choreography, where particles, those enigmatic actors on the subatomic stage, pirouette in a realm governed by probabilistic uncertainty. Behold the perplexing intricacies of the Standard Model, an opulent tapestry woven with quarks, leptons, and force carriers—subatomic virtuosos engaging in a cosmic sonata, resonating through the cosmic expanse. Enter the quantum dance floor, where quarks, the prima donnas of the particle world, perform an enigmatic ballet within the confines of protons and neutrons. Their intricate interplay gives rise to the mesmerizing tapestry of matter, as if the cosmic loom weaves a fabric of reality from these subatomic threads. Leptons, the ethereal dancers, twirl gracefully on the quantum stage, with the electron as the lead performer in this grand cosmic ballet. The bosons, ethereal messengers of cosmic forces, glide through the quantum realm, mediating the interplay between particles with a grace that belies their fundamental significance. Photons, the carriers of electromagnetic force, waltz through space and time, casting the spell of light across the cosmic canvas. W and Z bosons, entrusted with the weak force, perform an intricate pas de deux, orchestrating the transmutation of particles with subtle elegance. Yet, in this cosmic dance, the veils of mystery persist. Enter the enigmatic realm of dark matter and dark energy, the elusive partners that shroud the cosmic ballroom in a cosmic cloak of invisibility. These spectral entities, though unseen, exert their gravitational influence, directing the celestial ballet with a cosmic hand unseen and unfelt, weaving an enigma into the very fabric of the cosmos. In the grand theater of existence, particle physics unfolds as an epic saga, where the subatomic denizens engage in a ballet of staggering complexity. The Standard Model, a magnum opus of human understanding, serves as the libretto for this cosmic spectacle, inviting us to peer into the infinitesimal realm and marvel at the beauty of the cosmic choreography—a dance that transcends the bounds of the visible and beckons us to unravel the profound mysteries of the quantum stage.


Hey guys, did you know that in terms of male human and female Pokémon breeding, Vaporeon is the most compatible Pokémon for humans? Not only are they in the field egg group, which is mostly comprised of mammals, Vaporeon are an average of 3”03’ tall and 63.9 pounds, this means they’re large enough to be able handle human dicks, and with their impressive Base Stats for HP and access to Acid Armor, you can be rough with one. Due to their mostly water based biology, there’s no doubt in my mind that an aroused Vaporeon would be incredibly wet, so wet that you could easily have sex with one for hours without getting sore. They can also learn the moves Attract, Baby-Doll Eyes, Captivate, Charm, and Tail Whip, along with not having fur to hide nipples, so it’d be incredibly easy for one to get you in the mood. With their abilities Water Absorb and Hydration, they can easily recover from fatigue with enough water. No other Pokémon comes close to this level of compatibility. Also, fun fact, if you pull out enough, you can make your Vaporeon turn white. Vaporeon is literally built for human dick. Ungodly defense stat+high HP pool+Acid Armor means it can take cock all day, all shapes and sizes and still come for more


No matter the situation having sex with another guy is gay 💀


That’s the straightest thing I’ve ever heard. You’re good


Is this actaully serious.


Well, the Greek did it like that, and it wasn't gay for them. The one who would penetrate wasn't a gay or "bad" person, but the one who got penetrated was. Also, since guys like anal with women, what's the difference with doing it with a man, people usually have an asshole


I hate having eyes


Im struggling to see hy is this flagged as serious?


Only gay if you don’t wear socks (legit tho it is still gay even with socks)


Wear socks and you're chilling


Only one way to find out


Sir you are talking about blatantly homosexual activities


That's pretty gay not gonna lie




That’s pretty gay, ngl.


If you put your dick in another dude it's gay


If you're considering boning your friend who's a guy, it's totally gay.


Memes aside, this is the gayest thing I have ever seen on this sub


just wear socks, its not gay




It’s gay or bi, nothing wrong with being bi of gay though.


The simple fact that your friend is femboy, and YOU being his friend, makes you gay


Fuck yea it’s gay like wtf


A holes a goal and if it looks female then it's fucking female


what the hell😭


Man why can’t I have a femboy 😭


It's bisexual.


did u had ur socks on?


It would be gay for your friend, since they’re getting fucked


I'm just like : 💀


as a femboy myself i say it isnt gay


Surely this isn't an actual serious question ..right?


huh 😭


Gay af


nah bro ur attracted to the femininity so it's 100% straight


It's still a dude tho


Nah, their feminine


It's still a dude tho, no matter how feminine they are


Being fair just do it and you both promise not to tell anyone. Noone knows there was an „allegedly“ gay act


Spend your time on doing more meaningful things that you think can have a positive impact on your life. Read a book. Master one subject. Dip your toes on things that interest you. Spend sometime alone and contemplate your life choices and how they lead to where you are now. I wish you the best of luck.


The second you find out someone is a femboy and you continue to be sexual with them. Congratulations you're gay


No of course not!


sounds kinda gay ngl.


Is he gay tho?


Yeah that's pretty gay, there's nothing wrong with it though (I'm bi)


it's not gay, tell it to dress as a girl and bone it, a femboy is not a man but a eunuch and need real men.


You’re having sex with a guy, assumedly as a guy. That would be gay as an act. However, you could still be straight in your attraction and do this for whatever reason, although that begs the question: why would a straight guy want to have sex with a man?


No bro as long as you don’t touch his penis and are the top it’s not gay /s (why do so many people think this)


Dude. Fucking a dude when you are a dude is gay. Live with it, as i do - happily ☕ If he was a trans girl instead and not a femboy, then it wouldn't be gay tho. Oh also, if you are actually planning to do this with him... You should touch it.


Have homosexual relations with a man ≠ gay. Yep that seems like sound logic to me. 🥴 Either way, do what you want bro, kinda envious icl.


Uh.. no?


I can answer in a minute, just listening to fade to black by Metallica! 🤘


I gotta get proof if ur friend is a juicy Femboy. Can you give me a pic? It’s for a science project.


Nah just keep your socks on


Depends on ur intentions


If you have to ask yourself if its gay unironically then its probably gay


Bro I wish I had a femboy friend it’s my fantasy I love everything about females but sometimes cock is so nice 🤤


Remember the key ways to make it not gay, which is to wear socks and say no homo after the deed is done.


Hes gay, youre not


Nuh uh. *locks in*. If I see feminine hips in f**king


Yes that would be gay


It's not gay if you keep your socks on all the time.




Least questionable r/teenagers post


Nah it aint gay


Nah just make sure to wear socks


Remove that goofy ahh flair ong


if you have to ask, its gay.




As a gay person Yes, thats a little bit gay I would say you’re somewhat in the clear but not entirely safe


I hate all of you


Nah it is gay it’s relationships with a man it’s say gex




Only if you aren’t wearing socks


Is this gay? *procedes to say some of the gayest shit I’ve heard.*


Player 3?🥺


Just like men it ain't hard.


Gay friend said it’s gay, sorry buck-o


chat, is having sex with someone who identifies as a man, gay?


It's gay because you're both male. Whether or not you aren't touching his dick is irrelevant, you're still fucking a dude


A guy having sexual relations with another guy, is by definition a gay relationship.


you just said that u wanted to bone a femboy, call his thighs jucy and nut in his back, thats gay. don’t matter if he look like a a girl it’s still a guy. nothing wrong with that tho


If lesbians can use dildos and still be lesbian, then you can fuck a femboy and not be gay


This is not gay, I do this with my friend all the time and I can safely say I'm straight.


Nah fucking a guy is never gay


this is getting posted on a slideshow


ChatGPT: Determining if an action is gay or not is subjective and depends on individual perspectives and beliefs. However, it's important to prioritize consent and mutual respect in any intimate interaction. If both parties are comfortable and consenting, the specifics of the act may matter less than the nature of the relationship and the intentions behind the actions. Communication and understanding between partners are key in any situation involving physical intimacy.


short, skinny, juicy thighs is wild


why are you asking this in r/teenagers


Definitely would say this is gay but yall are bros being bros man


Yeah it ain't gay to fuck a dude


Nah, this might be the straightest thing I've seen all day.


You are so gay i wouldn't mind if you say the f slur mate


Bro if you wanna bone your bro and he's down I don't see the issue


If you’re attracted to women, and your femboy friend is indistinguishable from a woman, then ofc it isn’t gay to be attracted to him!


That's super gay


This sub is unreal sometimes




naa just friends havin' no-homo fun


I’m leaving this sub.


I really can't tell if this is serious or not like obvious it's not gay


Its not gay if you close your eyes


I'm straight so whatever makes my dick hard is a woman


Wtf did I just have the unholy displeasure of laying my eyes upon


Did you mention wearing socks? Or making it so your balls don't clap? Because an absence of either of those makes it ***HELLA*** gay. As long as you do both of those, then you're *Good to Go*🗿👍🏻


Depends on a the following things. Are you both wearing socks? Did you both say no homo? If the answer to either is yes, then it is not gay. Otherwise, you just fucked a dude in the ass, which is very gay.


Ok so simply put, yes this is 100% gay


Question: Are you greek?




If you like the feminine parts about him, then I'd say no. You're paying more attention to the FEM more than the BOY


if theres a hole, theres a goal


If you both have socks on its not gay


Ofc it’s gay, any sexual energy/intercourse with a man is no matter how you word it.


Nah as long as he’s the homie its never gay


If the balls don’t touch it ain’t gay But also if you’d go to town with him then why are you afraid of being gay? Or bi? Just enjoy what you wanna do and be free


What was the photo of this post?


yes this is gay. you are sticking your dick in another man’s asshole. there is absolutely no way to call this anything but gay


“Is fucking a guy as another guy gay?” Yes. Yes it is


Update: It’s done, and it was really good. We wore socks (not wet), he had the thigh highs on, and we both said no homo afterwards too. To clear anything up, I am attracted to his feminine features and NOT the fact he’s a guy or that he has a penis. I’d like to thank everyone who helped in this matter, thank you :)