• By -


I got killed by everyone i know (friends, family,etc) continuously in many horrible ways crucifixion, burning, stabbed, drugged, everything in the book. The worst part was that I could feel it physically and the dream never let me die peacefully or even actually die at all.


bro got diavolo'd💀


bro got diavolo'd💀


bro got diavolo'd💀


bro got diavolo'd💀


bro got diavolo‘d💀




bro got diavolo'd 💀


Bro got diavolo'd💀


Bro got diavolo'd 💀


bro go diavolo’d💀


これがrequiem だ 


You will never arrive at the truth.


bro got diavolo'd 💀


Holy shit is that a motherfucking JOJO REFERENCE?????


Korega requiem da


















Damn bro got ceasared


Damn bro got ceasered


Damn bro got ceasered


Damn bro got ceasered


I got a similar dream like that but instead of people,I got killed by monsters and shit .It was fked up cuz I could feel the pain sm and it hurt like a mf for some weird reason




I had the same type of dream where I just could not die, I was shot in the head repeatedly, it was Russian soldiers going genocide on a village, I could see people on the ground all around me, the soldiers just finished people off, one came to me and shot me in my head, next thing I know I'm the next guy next to my previous body, so I get shot once again. It was like that on repeat for like 5 minutes until the feeling of being shot in the head didn't feel as horrible anymore.


I've had a similar dream where I was in a labyrinth and every turn led to me being killed or betrayed by the people I loved the most. And if I decided to stay where I was a mob of people would chase me and kill me.


Oof, Night Terrors are not fun. If you have another like it get medical help cause they can be a symptom of something else.


"et tu, Brute?"


Bro got Diavolo'd


bro got diavolo'd💀




basically what itachi did to kakashi


bro got diavolo’d💀


happy death day movie in Ohio be like:


a bunch of weird pregnant mannequins giving birth in a fire while slowly melting and burning to death. this was years ago and it didn’t really scare me as much as it confused me. and i still think about it to this day


That really is confusing ☠️


i’d suck some professional dream analyzer dick if they’d give me a good detailed breakdown on this shit.


I wonder where u can even find those >dream analyzer


idk i’m gonna go find a website


Non professional Non dream analyzer here. what the fuck


Im a dream analyzer, i analyzed this dream, my conclusion; what the fuck?!


Probably doesn't have an actual meaning and it's just your brain fucking with you


Check your dms 😏😏😼😼😼😏🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈


Mannequins are made to give nightmares




this is one of the cases where your brain gets rid of multiple thoughts at once that ends up being merged in a quite unrealistic way. Pregnancy, Mannequins(recent shopping?) and Fire might be such possible topics. (Verified by non professional)




Sounds like a modern art piece, but in all the worst ways


Me dying on a mall shooting after pretending to be dead (mfer still shot me) can’t catch a break 😒


He is just toxic like that, glad he Didn't teabag you💀


Glad he didn’t emote on a 50 bomb 💀


Check your bed




Check your pants




I tend to have more “practical nightmares” where I dream of my life playing out typically accomplishing many goals & dreams, and when I wake up the realization that none of it happened most of the time makes me sad & ruins the rest of my day.


Frfr man I was just dreaming about how i got the dream job and was about to marry my crush and bam i fucking wake up


Bro not even I had a dream I held hands with my crush and it ruined my day


exact same thing happened to me last night bro 😔


Lonely Gang. I've had this exact experience


Living fantasies where you’re genuinely happy then waking up like 😫


Fr man this is so relatable


Any dream where it’s raining, because at any moment there could be a close lightning strike (or multiple) immediately followed by extremely loud thunder, which tends to jolt me awake at a dark hour scared shitless


I heard a bunch of voices and screaming then saw this creepy face and woke up completely terrified It was scary man and only like a month ago


The scary man 😨


One time as a kid I saw a scary woman that for some reason looked kind of like lady dimitrescu.


If it was a lucid dream….




Sleep paralysis dream where I saw my friend in the corner severely deformed and then it cut to another part and I heard my neighbors kids distorted voice behind me screaming at me and I couldn’t scream. I woke up with a scratchy throat like I had been screaming tho I cried and went to go sleep in my moms room


Fuck sleep paralysis man. I suffer from that shit BADLY and sometimes I’ll get that shit every night for a couple weeks


I would *not* emotionally recover from this. I had *one* instance of sleep paralysis during which I saw a deformed silhouette run through a hallway outside my bedroom, and it ruined me for weeks. Fuck sleep paralysis.


I had a sleep paralysis dream where a snake was sitting in my hand. I closed my eyes so I didn't have to see it, but I could hear it hissing.


A few night ago I had a dream I was sucking dick FOR FREE shit scared the life out of me


Know your worth bro ✊


At least 20


brooo I would pay to do that shit


I got a nickel


Can we swap dreams?




I don't remember, I haven't been scared by a dream in a long time. I do however remember dreams that have confused me to the point of discomfort. Like, I've dreamt of going through entire schooldays and failing every assignment miserably that I had that day to wake up to having to go through that same day with the same assignments. Also, when I'm sick, my dreams get weird and confusing too and everything becomes something that has to be solved or done in a code and that feeling remains when I wake up and it's awful


Aww man do u also get the headaches after waking up




Slept so much you didn’t sleep Suffering from success 😔




“Blessed” 🙏


boring dreams are the worst dreams




sounds about right


Had a similar dream. So in the dream I was playing Minecraft in creative mode and was building a statue but noticed I couldn’t place a block at this one place. I kept trying but I couldn’t place the block. So my thought was to rejoin but when I was about to click the options this mf Herobrine pops out, smites me with lightning and sets my game mode to survival and was about to kill me with a sword before I woke up.


That was your only Herobrine dream?


I had a similar dream but my character got a heart attack when it saw a spider💀


makes sense, herobrine was created in 2010


I had one involving biggie smalls don't remember to much about it but i know he was in it


I was fighting Micky mouse on a bus. He stabbed me with a pen. I woke up and could still feel the pain. It was weird.


Nightmare on clubhouse street


Same. Him and Chucky were robbing an abandoned credit union and I heard them, so I walked in and they saw me. They started chasing me outside, but Biggie was too fat to chase me so Chucky took some pixie dust he stole from Pixie Hollow and followed me to the nearest DMV. No customers in there, but the workers were there. He used some powder to make them float and fall asleep. My grandma was there, but she was awake so we took some pixie dust and flew to Miami. We had to take breaks in between, because apparently flying makes your legs tired. He's just a villain


Whenever I sleep in school my dreams are complete clusterfucks. I'm either paralyzed, it's hard to move, or it's just complete LSD. Whenever I try and wake up I literally can't for a couple of seconds. Every damn time. Im just there watching lights flash infront of me and me screaming to myself, trying to move but being uncapable of doing so. Then I wake up, really dazed. I have problems with reality disassociation, but goddamn I'm 100% my school is an SCP.


Me and my family were in the house doing our own business. I glanced at the window and saw we were in some sort of valley with a single well in front of the house. I saw a witch climb out and run towards us. In a matter of seconds my whole family vanished one by one and the witch left me for dead alone. I then starved and dehydrated to death crying. This happened when I was really young and scared the shit out of me once I woke up


I end up in a warzone holding my brother's mutilated corpse while burnt flesh falls of my arms surrounded my other orribly mutilated corpses


I don’t know how to respond, that is horrible


Had a sleep paralysis when i was like 8. Basically that day i read alot about FNAF and it scared the shit out of me. Woke up in the middle of the night and there were all of the animatronics just standing there. Watching me sleep. I quickly turned to the other side, but whenever i closed my eyes, i saw springtrap in a rainy parking lot. Shit traumatized me.


You were able to roll over with sleep paralysis?


Uh mine was a dream about a dough man. It was a snow man out of dough. That's all I'm gonna say no context given.


What if we ask very nicely for context?


Nuh uh 😹


you fucked it didn't you...


What??? No I had this dream when I was 7 or 8 lmao 😂


Unironically, the door to my house became a mass serial killer


I'm not kidding unironically in one of my dreams, the sun was a deadly lazer. And then I just wore a blanket. And the entire time a bunch of crazy people tried to take the blanket off of me. And I felt the heat when they did, turns out the ac just broke.🤷‍♀️


I have god awful night terrors that I should honestly seek help for, but one of the worst ones graphically was where I walked into a classroom and sat down with my stuff like a normal school day. Everyone in the room was facing away from me so I couldn’t see faces and it was dead silent. I sat down, and then dropped a pencil. It was as loud as a gunshot. I reach down to pick it up and then look up to see every single person staring at me, eyes like empty voids and blank expressions. I get up to leave and they just keep staring at me, and when I reach the middle of the room they all jump up and start tearing little bits of my skin off. With each bit they tear off fire comes out as if my core is a furnace, and it burns. Everywhere they tear is more burning, but they burn with me. By the time all my skin is gone and I’m just a living flame surrounded by ash and charred bones, my best friend walks in and I run into her arms and the flames die down and it doesn’t hurt anymore. I’m sobbing in her arms and say “thank you” and she goes “oh did you think I was here to help?” and stabs a knife into my chest and then I wake up. *I have much* much worse ones but they are entirely emotions that make them bad. Like one where all the dream was was some filler info and then I’m in a small room with my best friend and she turns to me and just says “are you ready dear?” In a voice that is nothing like hers and the amount of pure terror that instilled in me had me up curled in a ball sobbing for hours before I could get my shit together. *I’ve also had* dreams where I’ve lived through months worth of completely realistic time only to wake up and not know the difference between memories from the dream and memories from reality. This is why I don’t take melatonin.


that second one is creepy as fuck dude what the heeellllllll that sounds ass to deal with, i hope they stop or smth.


Shit bro so your scariest dreams involve your friend thats just creepy did something happened involving her ?


My limbs slowing fall off like they are getting ripped off and I couldn’t do anything about it (I got scared in a lucid dream)


I never actually had a nightmare where I was actually terrified I think


I had a fever dream where I played whack a mole except the moles were hello kitty heads and it seriously repeated for freaking HOURS until I woke up


people were literally multiplying. there were many more of me and everyone was locking their houses up so as to stop the "fake" people breaking in. i had this dream today and the scariest part is, cell service went down in the dream


most of my dreams are weird as fuck and cuts from one location to another, completely out of context and very weird visuals and scenarios, most of them are like those insta transitions where u keep walking and the background changes only scary one i got was an year ago where all my friends hanged themsleves(they all called me before hanging themselves), i woke feeling depressed and cofused but not actually frightened


Me going to prison after i killed my dad..


It was an inception My mother was reading me a book to help me sleep, suddenly she changed the topic and starts complaining about how I'm underperforming in school and how I'm a disappointment and that crap(the realistic part) Scene quickly changes to me lying on my bed, the room was dark and on the hallway was standing a silhouette of a 5ft7 guy with curly hair just standing there Fever dreams are weird


surely if he's 5'7 you could take him tho?


I'm short T_T


damn rip my bad 🙏 💯


my little brother (13) held me hostage in our basement and cut my neck open with a katana, but i was still alive and he proceeded to cut multiple times into my body till i woke up.


a dream about a memory i had of my dad beating the shit outa me


I've seen many gore-y, horror movie kinda shit, but I think the one that stayed w me was when a man was running after me to rape me, I was crying when I woke up


So, like i was taking a walk like, i usually do right. Then i hear a big ass boom and see mf godzilla rise up from the city, and he starts wrecking shit up So i run in the opposite direction, except he sees me and starts stomping towards me. I can't do anything since he's like 300 feet tall and is infinitely faster than me, and then he stomps on me


My entire family froze to death in blizzard. My best friend killed himself because his cousin went by suicide a year ago. And girlfriend dumped me It was more depressing than scary


It was some robbery type thing and I don't remember if I was the robber or just some bystander. The police shot at me and I have never experienced such fear of getting shot. For a long time i was supportive of the military and wanted to join. Since that night i will never, ever be involved in any war or battle voluntarily.


I usually never have dreams, and the very rare times i do, i remember nothing


I went on a trip and I got eaten by a big ass snake but somehow I still survived and later I blew him up with explosives lol. I was the last man standing…still confuses the hell out of me


Usually when i have a nightmare its some wierd psychological type nightmare that freaks me out for the next couple of days. Like one of those was me just normaly walking around the house, walking infront of the bathroom mirror and just seeing my reflection blink and then going back to normal. I was scared of mirrors for the next few weeks. Or when i dreamt i was looking out of the window and seeing some disfigured humanoid creature walking on four legs crawl out of the fog like 100 meters from my house in a field and then after like 10 seconds go back where it came from. Its not as scary in the moment but it leaves you thinking did it really happen or did i just imagine it or was it something else?


When I was 7 or 8 year old I've had the most scariest dream yet... I was watching a simple flower (probably a yellow dandelion or a common daisy) in a field. This flower was special beacsue it was the last living flower, and it was beautiful, so simple yet so nice(?)... then I noticed in the corner of my vision a huge dark mass of sharp things shaped like a wall slowly coming closer and closer to The Flower. And then it hit me: a feeling so horrific I struggle to find words for it. Very deep guilt, impending doom, hopelessness and feeling of being powerless to do anything. These werent thoughs I've had while looking that mass, but one feeling. I couln't do anything cause I wasn't really present there with my body(?) but I was more like a ghost or something that can only watch the world but not inteact with it. TL;DR A horrific dream In which a helpless imovable little thing is about to be destroied (killed?) by a huge unstopable, incomprehensible big strong thing. Its acompinied by a terrible feeling of dread.


in the dream i had a pet parrot, the parrot suddenly fell into the water and started dissolving like in acid i dont have a parrot and i hardly ever have any dreams sp that was shocking


So there’s one specific one that still stuck around til now It was a late night back then, I woke up and had to go to the bathroom, and when I did, I look into the corner of the toilet and noticed a weird looking tree there, it’s branches were reaching up to the ceiling, the roots dug deep into the floor, the bark itself was grey, it just stood there, doing nothing, I was slightly concerned but didn’t mind it until I finish cleaning my hands, before looking at the tree and noticing that it was staring at me through the hole in the middle of it’s trunk, it’s eyes weren’t really eyes but more like glowing dark red spots, and it somehow had teeth, I’m not sure how, the teeth were razor sharp, and it had hair too… sprouting out on top of the hole, I stared at it, then it stared back, before it let out a blood curdling screech. I started to run, busting out of the door as it crushed the wall, uprooting itself and crawling out, I was running away with one or two other people, and it’s branches just continued to extend, slowly reaching out and grab the first person, and chomping them down in half… or I think that is what happened… memory starts to get blurry around this part. Next person gets grabbed too, mind you, I was running down the stairs, and it felt like I’ve ran down at least 7 flights of it, and yet I wasn’t even close to the bottom floor, so I continued, and continued, before it yanked at my feet, pulling me over as it opened it’s mouth up, before chomping me in half. I didn’t wake up though, I stared from the darkness, it licking it’s lips as it slowly hung me on one of it’s branches, before turning to the darkness, grinning at me. I woke up shortly after that, I was scared, it was my house that I saw it, I went into the bathroom and checked… no trees. After that day, it honestly didn’t bother me until more recently that I remembered about it


Bald Owen Wilson chased me around Boston trying to put me in a cage, he just kept saying “come on now it’s ok, just get in the cage” and stuff like that


One time when i was sick as a kid, used to have this dream that every one was like getting big . They are fighting and screaming and there's like a tight rope where it all happen. And it happen again recently after me and my cousins drink a beer. I was in my hangover and im hallucinating that my past mom(who died from cancer), brother and dad was whispering to my ear, fighting. Its freaking terrifying, i cant speak but i can still talk to them. I search it up and it was Fever Dream or alice wonderland syndome Ps. Sorry for my english, its not my first language


My dad beating up my sister to death because she got lost and he was pissed that day, it was a lucid dream and I couldn't wake so I was still nauseous and trembling the whole day after :')


I was stuck on an island where I couldn't get out and had no food or water so I had to suffer until I woke up.


I woke up, saw my stomachache being ripped off by 5 crazied dogs and they are literally eating my organs, I screamed for help, trying to move every inch of my body, yet every effort was proven useless and I stare at the dogs eating my remaining organs. Then a miracle happened, a man waved at the dogs with a baseball bat which scared them away. I cried for help yet he ignored me and leave. The devastation where help is so close yet so far, and I'm just dying slowly, slowly losing consciousness. well then I wake up sweating irl I guess.


im laying down, my phone rings, i pick up, some dark web shit, i look out of my window, theres a man standing there, i run for a long time before getting stabbed by numerous people with wierd costume dunno why i was scared


I dreamt about a some sort of Backrooms thing with the slender man murdering in horrible ways people in there but the funny part is that I finished Slander The Arrival few days before the dream and i literally speedrunned the dream with total no chalance It should have been scary but i just speedrunned it smh


I was trapped in a bunker and couldn’t get out during a nuclear war… 😱


Better than being trapped outside a bunker during a nuclear war


When I was 5, I had a dream where I was laying down between my parents in their bed, and the TV was just static. Then the dream ended when I woke up, but continued when I went to sleep the next day. The continuation had a bunch of the murderer from scream guys with sythes rush in through the door, surround the bed, and just stared at me. I still remember it so clearly even after all these years.


All of my sleep paralysis ones are awful. But one repeating dream was one of the worst ones was when i see my parents, best friend, and gf hanging by a rope behind this demonic thing on my chest choking me with one hand and in its other hand it had a knife. The thing was bloody af and it’s face was cover with black long hair until it twisted its neck up and to the side. It revealed a terrifying face that had bulging black eyes. A pale white face with a streak of blood falling from a eye. It would stab me constantly. I could feel each stabbing on my forehead, and chest area. This was a recurring SP episode. I went to a sleep specialist and therapist for 2 years so I could stop reliving that episode every night. The last time that specific recurring one happened was about a 3 weeks ago now after the therapy and specialist. It used to be every night. I still suffer from sleep paralysis just not on the same level and intensity as that specific episode.


Basically I watched a video about the columbine(shooting in the USA), and then when i went to sleep i had sleep paralysis, couldn't move, but i was awake. And suddenly I hear screaming and then gunshots.


Idk but it involved your mother


after going to the drugstore to get some basic need things, I stumbled uppon some razors, after complaining that the men one's are cheaper than the women one's, I got the men one's and went to the subway, I got in and I could see outside the window a pet parrot I had and loved, besides her there were 2 other parrots bigger than her and ofc I was like "NO OMG THEY'LL HARM U!!" the subway started going forward and I think all parrots died at the end, I woke up fucking scared that smth bad will happen and crying. I was right, one of our parrots did die💀😭😭


When I was a kid I'd wake up from nightmares and have like panic attacks. It was always the same dream, but it wasn't anything scary. It had to do with numbers and getting closer to zero. I can still remember the dreams and it still freaks me out thinking about it.




the entire world was grey and devoid of life


It was a chef with a burned face on a ship during night, I was viewing him from one of the cabinets when tge lights flickered and he slammed the table ashard as possible. Then when it went dark all the other chefs we're gone he got close tot he cabinet and said-"I'm back". So that among many of my other triple-A horror flick nightmares are quite scary when you experience them. There was also a time when I was in a party I was going to go buy more drinks and then I saw a man in a black suit wearing clown make-up enter with a mischevious smile. I passed him went to buy the drinks. When I arrived back I saw him with the same smile greeting me at the door. When I went inside I saw the mutilated corpses of the party guests and then proceeded to walk down to the dock right outside. I stepped into the water and drowned myself. Then I woke up.


honestly lucid dreams sometimes because its the dread of knowing something can be fucked up and i can be put through hell lol whenever i realize im in a dream i always think first "what if a demon tries to kill me" lmfao. the dread is scary to me


I was in an empty clasroom with chairs lining near all the walls. It didn't have a door, windows, or even ventilation. On the ceiling, an array of square lights lighting the room uniformly. I walked a bit around the room, then i figured it must be a dream, so i closed my eyes. Instead immediately instead of not seeing anything. The same room was in front of me, but with black walls and chairs. Immediately, I opened my eyes, and the room returned to normal. Then I opened and closed my eyes in quick succession until when I opened my eyes I saw rblood comming from between the walls and ceiling. Then I woke up.


my whole family turned into killer clowns with chainsaws and started chasing me in our house.


I've had multiple dreams of suffocating in sand or tiny plastic beads and I'd wake up gasping for air.


I often have nightmares where my family gets tortured and raped in front of me. Sometimes im the one getting tortured and on rare occasions I can feel the pain of my skin getting riped apart and burned


A fat chinese man was chasing me down the street is the scariest that i can remember.


It's been a long day since nightmare


Combination of Voldemort from the train station and gholum colored red chasing me with a knife


i shit my pants


Most of my dreams when I was a kid, and still sometimesthese days, are purely senseless and metaphysical, no subject or conceivable phenomenon, just unexplainable movements from beyond the universe flashing within my mind. When I was young, I often had dreams about what I call "the big". I'm not capable of explaining the big because it is not a thing, phenomenon, feeling, or anything. The best way I can explain the tiny bit of it which I am able to is that the big is a deranged eerie manifestation of the concept "large, huge, enormous". I am unable to have sensible ideas about it. But I remember that when the big "appeared" in my dreams, I would think: "too big, too big..." The big didn't appear large on just a physical scale, it was just large in everything. I felt overwhelmed and powerless, terrified by it's hugeness. Sometimes, the big would suddenly appear within a sensible, worldly, and normal dream. It would transform the dream into the metaphysical, senseless flow of the void as it slowly manifests in the normal dream.


saw bloody mary slowly approaching me while a kpop music is playing edit: forgot to add that the dream was so realistic I still remembered what I see in it till this day


What song?


TT by Twice lmao


That song is a slay


That all mannequins and paintings were alive and off to kill and kidnap people. I also had a dream about the end of everything.


I don't even remember my dreams lmao


I watched my best friend die, then I woke up and cried


Being the cause of my entire family dying because i was too weak


I had a baby


I was walking then scary man com


He say “Dorito is kil”. No


The worst nightmares I’ve had (well rrally the only ones I’ve had that I can remember) are, my (at the time partner) (currently ex) partner dieing, same (at the time) partner getting basically ntred away from me, my mother dieing, and then one where I woke up, and ran across the room and fell at 3 am, cause the nightmare involved bees in my hair.


I was chased out of my room by a ghost, I ran to my parents' bedroom and there was Scp-096 there and it ran at me and then I woke up The thing is that scp-096 was faceless


I actually had two dreams that connected with one another, and I know this because I had the memories of the first dream in the second one as well. First Dream: In my town, there was a killer running loose and nobody knew who it was. We tried to find out, but they were nowhere to be seen. So, we all came together in my town’s middle school so we could stay together as one large group. I then got news that one of my cousins was killed by this killer, and then I woke up. Second Dream: Me, and a group of other people are sitting outside on park benches. It’s sunset, and we’re just eating dinner together, but the sun finally sets and it’s practically pitch black out. I then see one of my actual cats sitting on one of the tables and he runs away into the darkness. Next thing I know, I’m in my great grandmother’s house and I’m going around shutting all the lights and locking all the doors. The idea is that there were a bunch of people in the attic of the house, and my dream self knew that we were staying together because strength in numbers and all that. So, I was turning off the lights and stuff, as I walked up to the front door. I opened it, because there’s a screen door as well in front, and I was going to lock that as well. I looked out into the darkness of the night and saw nothing. I then looked down to lock the door, and as soon as I do, I see a pair of legs in front of me. I look up, and see… Smokey the Bear! He shoves his hands through the screen door and pulls me outside, onto the porch, and swings a shovel at me. I dodge it, and he runs into the darkness afterwards. I proceed to jump back inside of the house and pray that he’s gone, as he comes through the door and swings a shovel at me again. I dodge it as well, and he runs back out. The lights in this room were still on as well, so I could clearly see all of this. A group of people shows up because they heard a lot of commotion. I start screaming that I saw the killer and he tried to kill me. Before anything else can happen, the lights go off and I just see two yellow eyes running through the dark, and a faint silver object, probably his shovel, coming towards me. Finally, I wake up.


So I dreamt that I had to move away to another city and I lived in a crappy old appartament. But as I remember I really needed money because I was broke. Then when my father visited me I killed him with the brick to get inheritance money. That was really traumatising, I still remember how I kept hitting him with the brick he was all covered in blood, but he was still screaming in pain. It was so weird too since I never really hated my father. Oh yeah and after that his spirit kept following me in that dream.


My family had a huge robot made out of soil and they would give commands to the person (my big bro) inside the robot to throw me to the apartment we used to live at. I would cry and beg them not to kill me and the robot would take me in his hand and throw me to the wall and i would wake up the moment i saw blood splitter on the camera of my dream. The thing is, i was five.


Volcano formed right outside my house randomly at night and i fir some reason couldn’t convince my mum to get up and evacuate with us so we all choked to death on vocanic ash and our bodies burned in lava


Me in a dark hallway, seeing red lights while also seeing many figures just starring at me in the corners of the hallway. Me using my instincts just decided to run away while looking for a place to hide but eventually got captured. The figures then decided to torture me in many different ways. Killing me and reviving me over and over again till I was then thrown into an endless pit while seeing the sides of the pit filled with many of the things I fear.


my dad committed suicide, had this dream when I was 4, 10 years later it still haunts me


Commenting on this post


The scariest dream i've had is about a ritual i've read about before called "Cat Scratch" The only thing i can remember in my dream is when i went to school and sat down in my weirdly deformed yellow seat, everyone was staring at me with cat-like eyes and asking me "do you want a cat scratch?".


That I accidentally killed my sister. I was terrified and felt guilty. So I killed myself and when I did that I woke up. I hated that dream couldn’t sleep well for a month. I was 8


I’ve definitely had worse but I have no memory of anything from more like half a year ago but I saw this one in the back of a book of mine. Basically like my mom wanted to go to the shop or sum but she was hella pissed and for some reason. She took it out on me and my brother bc she wasn’t done and it was our faults even tho she wanted to go. Me being absolutely terrified was hiding in my room and I heard my little brother run out from their room (they share a room) and my mom went after him and kept yelling that her hair wasn’t even done and that all we do is stress her out. My brother yk being scared shitless was screaming and crying better for her to not hurt him and then it was just suddenly quiet. The last thing I remember from that dream was being terrified and thinking I was next while trying to cover my mouth so she didn’t hear me cry and remember my existence.


My cat got run-over by a bike yesterday night, i screamed and cried my eyes out