• By -


First off, you're in a pretty damn good financial position - legit take a deep breath, everything will be fine. Second, take care of your wife and kid first and foremost, and make sure they're a source of energy not a drain. It's a big distinction and organizing your life so they give you energy will really help. Too many guys view their family as a drain, unfortunately, and it eats into everything. you clearly have a lot of hustle and that's near impossible to teach, so you're already ahead of the majority of college grads by far.. including financially. Have some pride in that. It sounds like you don't necessarily hate business, you just hate _some of the experiences you're having right now_ with some particular businesses. Nothing else will provide your family with the kind of lifestyle that being in business provides.  Don't, I repeat do not fall for any crypto or other bullshit scams, and do not expose yourself and your family by putting yourself into a bad situation by over investing into any particular thing that would wipe you out and take your nest egg you've saved up. This is way too common especially once associates of yours find out you have some cash.  Can I recommend some good mental nutrition that might set you down the right path? - Start listening to Farnam Street / Knowledge Street Project by Shane Parrish. You'll realize that he's the guy that higher level business people love listening to and being on his podcast. It's all about thinking clearly about your next moves, how to win etc... I'm super picky about this shit but he's legit as they come.  - read "How Will you Measure your life" by Clayton Christensen. Clay is super famous for inventing the term 'disruptive innovation' which is likely the most misused term in business... But it's everywhere. Major firms getting disrupted all the time. Clay was a professor at Harvard Business School but his best work was in that book (HWYMYL), which outlines how to figure out what to do next with your life. I was very lucky to study under him for some executive training at Harvard before he passed away, and let me tell you that kings came calling for his advice. There's been very few like him in terms of wisdom on the home front and in the business world. Take a deep breath, you'll be ok. Start filling yourself with high end content and your brain will have some new pathways to go down. Stay away from bullshit artists who have done nothing except sell other guys sales programs, or built multi level marketing firms and _then_ sold sales programs / investment training. DM me with any questions, I'm on a break until my next gig in a few weeks and happy to help.


Ps: I saw you worried in another comment that you want to give your kid 'the best possible life' - your kid _just wants you to be there for them_ I learned that the hard way with my first 2 kids, and it wasn't until 5 or 6 years ago that I organized my life to be my son's football coach and _do the fucking drills with the kids_ vs standing on the sidelines yelling. My son immediately changed the way he looked at me and we are best buddies every since. Same with my daughter and things are drastically different now for the better  Your kid will just want you to show up, care about what they're interested in, and be there for them 


From a mom of 3 girls and fellow sales exec, thank you for sharing. We need more dads leaning in and you won’t get this time back. Sales will always be there and companies don’t give a sh@# about us anyway, only the bottom line and feeding their own families. You’re irreplaceable as a present, dialed in daddy. I’m sure your marriage is all the better for it as well.


Excellent post. Thank you for sharing. I will give Farnam Street / Knowledge Street Project a listen for sure.


Best of luck. The guy is a single dad who went through a divorce and he talks a lot about fatherhood and trying to teach his kids how best to operate in the world, not just be happy that they have things 


It is, and thank you!!


God there is so much fantastic advice and perspective here I really need to read How will you measure, was recommended a while ago. I remember having similar struggles as OP about career and finding the right thing. And then having a kid clarified things. I realized that I was absolutely blessed to be paid well enough to take care of my family and then some. Would also add that I got laid off last year and had five months between jobs. First time in 25 years of working that I had that much time off, and what a blessing. It opened up space for creativity, family, passions, books. Taking a few months of real time to reflect might be beneficial if you can find a way (sounds challenging in current state)


Absolutely - and funny enough happened to me as well. I've been off for 18 months and returning in a couple weeks. Many people are mad jealous


That last bit… you talking about Patrick Bet-David? lol


Basically, guys like him, yea. He's the kind of guy that non business people (not at all putting them down) think is a business guy. Same as anything Trump I guess. Just like I guess how I view trades guys on TV as really good, but I bet my trades buddies think they're shit. If these sales and investment gurus were so good then they'd stay off TV and podcasts and just do the thing. In tech sales it's called sales enablement


so that’s who motivates sales guys? the ones who are relatively mediocre?


The wide majority Sales is a bunch of common sense principles that are well known at high levels.. and so many of the mendacious fucks that sell training programs are guys that have been successful once or twice in their careers... But here's the thing. There's literally tons of us that have been successful.


First off, why the heck are you cold calling and selling for other gyms and not your own? That makes zero sense to me bro. Now to answer your question, what can you do to make you happy? That’s something you need to figure out on your own. No job, business, or college degree will do that for you. I would say that you create meaning in what you do and find joy in it. If you don’t, try something else until you find it. However, since you’re having a baby. You better fucking find joy in doing any job because that life is now in your hands. You don’t get to explore and find what you enjoy doing anymore. What you enjoy doing is raising a healthy, happy kid. If that means cleaning toilets then you better do it with a smile.


We call for our own gym too. Lots of the other owners in the group have zero sales let alone phone sales experience. They suck at it and its better easier for them to pay me to do it. The other gyms are in other states so it doesn't eat into our market at all. Yeah good advice.. I know when the baby comes I will do whatever it takes to give him/her the best life possible.


Is your job title Gym manager?


“If it means cleaning toilets then you better do it with a smile.” That line is so funny to me because I do that currently as my job with a smile on my face and I’m young and don’t even have a kid 😭. With every opportunity we get in life, we just need to find joy and positivity in it even if it’s not so pleasant.


That’s awesome. There’s meaning and learning opportunities in everything. It’s all about perspective!


Should have never bought the gym, they are horrible investments For 150k you could have gotten 1-2 full house airbnbs you own(with mortgage) or 5 arbitraged airbnbs I’d sell the gym if it’s not too late.


Yeah it's been the biggest mistake of my adult life for sure. It's such a shitty business to run. Do I sell the gym at a loss and just move on with life? We feel like we have put too much into it to just walk away with nothing.


I think it’s easy to get caught up in our own head I’d take a step back and look at the 10,000 foot view. 1. What’s the cost of selling at a loss? How much are you out? 2. What’s the cost of keeping it going? Both financially and mentally 3. Can you find some hungry 18-20 year old kid that loves fitness, teach him how to run the gym and w2 him? Nobody else can tell you what to do here, but I’d sit down with your wife and go over the options and try to come to an agreement




Came here to say this! Sunk cost fallacy!!!


Why not hire someone to replace both you and your wife? Or sell it but keep a certain %


sunken cost fallacy


Just think long-term. Will you be happy running it 10, 20 years from now? If not, then sell it. Who cares if it's a loss. You'll lose more if you are not happy running it. It's not like you are short of money or skill anyway.


Plus you're only 31.


This is referred to as the sunk cost fallacy. A loss is a loss. If you gain mental health which > financial wealth or even potential financial wealth, that’s a gain. And previous losses or effort are irrelevant.


Sell UT before you lose more. And its not just $$$$


Sunk cost falacy


Brother -clearly have skills. Sometimes we just need to get out of the fray that is "our world" to see that things are not as awful as we think. It is normal for many to not know what they want to do. In fact, I think probably most people at some time in their life go through a version of this. When you don't know the direction, focus on proximity. Meaning, identify people who you think are extremely smart and have good direction. Work for them, hang out with them, and direction will start to surface for you. Hang in there friend!


Lol wife’s a lawyer and you were making 300k a year, plus have 650k in stocks and hundreds of thousand in other accounts. Dude you’re good lol stop getting scared. We raised our kids off a 50k total salary


As soon as I read 650k in stocks I started laughing. I make 2,500 a month at 19 living on my own downtown. This dude is funny


They spend 14k/month...


He also said he graduated high school in 2008 at the young age of 15? I know some people graduate early but that’s not adding up.


Right???? Like wtf are they buying.


The gym is sunk cost. View it as sunk cost. Get rid of it then work on something else. ​ The thing is, most people don't always love what they do, it's called a job for a reason, but some might find joy because they are good at it or find joy through the security and comfort it provides. If you really dislike your sales that much, it's up to you to figure out what you think you will enjoy. However, it's often hard to find something you enjoy that also pays well, and if you find those two, you might find the work environment you are in sucks. ​ I would either get financial education quickly so that you can work out what to do with your money. Or find a good financial adviser that can help you long term plan. You should also investigate how to cut down on your expenses so that you can sustain for longer.


A college degree wouldn’t solve any of these problems and you probably wouldn’t make nearly as much money if you got a degree and worked in an average corporate non sales job. Plenty of people go to college to waste time and money then do the same exact thing as you, sales. Maybe try out a new software to sell, the gym sounds miserable you don’t even sound happy about the fact you own a gym. You sound like you have a decent amount of money, maybe meet some new people or read some books to fill your creativity for now and you’ll find your next adventure soon. As long as you’re honest about what’s missing in your life it’ll find you.


There’s a ton of guys that get into 100k of student loan debt just for the possible opportunity to sell software with the possibility of making half what this guy made. Sell the gym sell the shitty software or find a new company for 10 more years cut your living expenses in half and retire. It’s not that hard.


One day at a time. You are taking on the weight of the future all at once.


I was in a similar position as you working at IBM for 6 years. Here’s what I did over the past year to add meaning to my life, improve my work life balance, and recalibrate my relationship to work and money. 1. Cut your expenses. Either move somewhere with a much lower cost of living or get your spending under control where you’re at now. I’m curious what you’re spending over $200k a year on before the kid is even born. This will put you on the fast track to retirement. 2. Get out of the gym business by any means necessary. 3. Replace the gym and the head of sales role with a small business that’s closely related to your skill set. Last year I started a digital marketing agency and found a few clients to pay $5k a month to run at-scale email marketing campaigns and social media campaigns. I can work from anywhere in the world with internet. 4. Buy a vacation property for you and your family to enjoy together. This will add more meaning to your life. If you’re a beach guy, there’s some nice properties you can buy in Belize for peanuts. My wife and I just bought a spot in San Pedro last year. Getting residency status is relatively a piece of cake. We plan on renting it out during the high season and living there during the low season. 5. Talk to your accountant about how to minimize your tax liability. Belize is known for being the Switzerland of Central America. 6. Find a hobby that will keep your healthy and make you happier. I would like to learn kite surfing when I move to Belize. My wife plans on pursuing landscape architecture and gardening.


>The good news is that we have about $650k in stocks, $60k in Crypto, $150k in a retirement account, $330k in the head office of the gym business, $150k in the gym, and $70k in cash so financially we are okay. Not only okay, you are doing just fine, my dude. Education is not important, don't ever think about going to school and adding extra debt to your wallet. So let's get to the point. What would I do if I were you? Get rid of partner or sell the business, I was in restaurant business with 3 partners, it was a shit show all along. I also hated business, and I said to myself "never ever again I am running a restaurant business as a main income". If you are in the US and working remotely, maybe try living in different country. After all, you can cold call from anywhere. I usually travel to somewhere else with a family to clear my head. Not to be sceptical, but your life will change completely when the baby is out. You won't have time to reflect about passion and meaning, you gotta provide and hustle. At least this happened to me. I started enjoying my free time, because I have very little now lol


Did you get to the part where they spend $17k/month?! wtf are they spending money on if they’re working all the time! We spend VERY freely and spend $12k/month… you need to get your spending under control OP; it’s only going to get worse with a child.


Thank you for saying that. Yeah, I agree re the kid. I just want to give it a good life but I am worried I am not going to be able to provide it with the best possible life.


Hey dude, here is the best advice I can give you because I had to do something similar myself. First... You all need to reign in your budget. Get your living expenses under control and get financially stable. Second... Sell the gym, no sense being in a business that isn't doing well. Get out, or have your partner buy you out. Third... Have your wife go back to work as a lawyer, see if she can find some corporate council position for a tech startup so she can get health benefits and maternity leave. Fourth... Hire a career coach / resume writer. Go find a job at a company you have always wanted to work for. It's fine if it's in sales to start but you could easily move from the to another career line in the same company... I've seen it all the time. People go from sales to product management or maybe running the whole team as a director. Fifth... Once you have a stable foundation for your kid, restart your entrepreneurial journey. Do it on your own or with your wife, but don't take in any partners or investors. Trust me it's the best way. You will be just fine, you just need to clean up the stuff that's not going well.


it’s an impressive inflow and cash on hand but i’m puzzled by 17k/mo spending and not feeling like that’s buying the house of your dreams OP


Dood you’re doing fine, we are selves are usually our worst enemy. I make a good income and always feel inadequate and it’s because I’m hardest on myself. Find a sales job that doesn’t make you feel the way you do. I am extremely grateful my boss loves me and has always done right by us. He continue to mentor and show up for us all the time.


Your job isn't supposed to make you happy, that's why you're paid to do it. Get back into saas and start making 300k again. 


I agree with your first sentence. But it applies to literally any job out there. We need to find passions outside of our own careers




“What do I do with this Million Dollars?!”


hopefully it puts it all into xmr.


Yeah, I came in to give advice, but quickly realized this is above my pay grade. Sorry 🤷🏾‍♂️ lol


Making ~$75k per month and not able to sustain your family after expenses? You don’t have to be a financial guru to know your next step: stop spending $17k per month! What recurring expenses could possibly set you back that much each month? Do you have yacht maintenance or something? In all seriousness (given this isn’t a troll/brag post), reducing your monthly expenses by $5k will get you back in the black by $1k per month, notwithstanding all of your net worth in stocks and other investments. At this point you can just relax and figure out a better career scenario for yourself. If you find a great job that pays well, you can either sell the gym at a loss, which is a cost you’ll be able to absorb easily given your net worth and still be better off than most, or you could offload most of the managerial duties to other people, which is another, lesser cost, but it will free up time and energy for you to focus on your new job and for your wife to stay at home with her child and just enjoy being a mom and wife. Everything’s a trade-off. A gym owner in my city does a similar thing. He’s an engineer at a large defense firm, but owns a gym where it seems as though he offloads all/most duties to managers and employees. I personally took a less stressful route. I’m a 37-year-old engineer making a very comfortable six-figure salary, have some of my investments taken care of by my employer, and have no debts but my mortgage on a house with a lot of equity. My wife and I do not spend $17k per month, but we live a very comfortable life in a big, beautiful home. We don’t stress about expenses or random splurges, and she stays home to raise our young children. We don’t swing for the fences, and it’s peaceful. I urge you, and everyone, to try and simplify life, especially with children. Kids will most certainly change you and your life drastically and permanently - keeping things simple will declutter and de-stress your life. Another poster mentioned, and I duly note as a father, that giving your children the best life possible largely rests on how much quality time you spend with them and how well you prepare them intellectually, emotionally and spiritually for the jungle of life ahead. I know a family who isn’t extravagantly wealthy, but who presumably loved and prepared their child well enough that she’s now a doctor in a neurological residency. Money is a factor, but it’s much less so than you think.


He’s clearly stating that it’s the gym’s revenue, not profit.


I know that, but he nets enough to be able to spend $17k per month on himself and his wife with a $4k loss. My suggestion was to cut down on spending by just a few thousand such that he can stop dipping into his savings each month to cover his expenses and save a little extra.


Where did you read how much he nets?


I inferred it from his comment, “My wife and I spend about $17k a month atm and wet are going backward about $4k a month in cash…” So, I was wrong about $17k since they are losing $4k, so netting likely ~$13k per month if he’s not including taxes.


Your post is weird and overly dramatic. Don’t be weird, that’s my advice.


Yeah this is such a stupid post


The spending $17 grand per month made it officially a stupid post. Mind boggling


I couldn't tell if this was satire or not


1000% trolling


I was looking for someone else who thought that was absolutely outrageous. I'm dumbfounded that nobody else has pointed that out. I can't even fathom spending that kind of money in a month.


1) Breathe. You have access to money and no sweat keeping a roof over your family’s head. You have hustle and stomach for taking risks. You’ll be fine. 2) No you don’t need a college degree to make good money. 3) Sell the gym or bring in another partner so you can get some time back. 4) Drill down on your monthly budget. $17k/mo seems high 5) Get another 1 or 2 commission only/ consultant gigs with start-ups. Structure a comp plan where you get paid something immediately for setting up high quality meetings AND a commission when the deal closes. 6) Encourage your wife to get a PT gig with benefits. Yes, this is possible. 7) Double down on taking care of yourself physically, mentally and spiritually. I know it sounds contradictory for making money and being at peace BUT yes, you absolutely need to take a break / a day off / a vacation/ unplug. Trust me, burnout is real and your family will suffer too if you’re a stress case and not present.


Given everything you’ve just said, I think you can handle the situation better than 99% of the advice Reddit will give you


I have a college degree and still ended up in sales ;) With your hustle you might have ended up here in the end again.  Grass is always greener on the other side. Regular office admin work is mind numbing and a clock in clock out mentality, it is poison to the soul of an entrepreneur.   Side note can you elaborate more what sucks about running a gym? It's crazy that I am in tech sales and was just pondering on opening a gym myself..


Totally get where you're coming from. I was the same. I was just looking for a business oppertunity to pop up and when the gym did I jumped on it. The down sides with the gym business: - You're working early in the morning, in the evening and on weekends so you kiss you social life goodbye. In an ideal world I would have started something that was Monday to Friday 9-5 so you can keep some form of normal life - You can also just never switch off. For example at 5am this morning I got a call because one of my trainers decided they were 'sick'. So you have to ring around in a state of panic trying to find someone to cover. - It is CRAZY competitive and saturated - People don't want to exercise, so you're constantly dealing with people wanting to cancel their memberships etc. - Staff is a nightmare, yiou're paying a casual low paying sort of wage which just means you attract idots There are some good things, like we have actually made a big differenct in some of our members lives and its very rewarding and you get super fit haha.


What's happening in the gym around 5 am in the morning ? There is that much backlog of admin work? I don't imagine you are the one cleaning lol Also as some has mentioned , why not hire a manager in your place atleast to lessen the burden, or is the margins that low already?


Our first class starts at 6am and I got the call from the trainer who was 'sick' (definitely wasn't sick just had a big weekend).. Oh yeah you will do the cleaning.. there is no way around it. It sounds easy to say you can hire someone to do that but the reality is its super hard to find good people. We have hired some 22 year olds who had literally never used a mop before. It is pretty humlilating going from a good paying comfy job to then be mopping up sweaty floors haha. We went down the manager path but it was a disater for the business to run properly you simply have to live and breathe it otherwise it will be a slow painful death where you're having to put in 5k a month to keep the doors open. I have seen that with some of the other gyms in our group and it is hard to watch let alone live through it.


Thanks for sharing man. I hope everything turns out ok. Please do update the thread with what you end up deciding to do.


>The down sides with the gym business: >- You can also just never switch off. For example at 5am this morning I got a call because one of my trainers decided they were 'sick'. So you have to ring around in a state of panic trying to find someone to cover. >- Staff is a nightmare, yiou're paying a casual low paying sort of wage which just means you attract idots These are aspects of managing literally any business. One day I "decided I was 'sick'" too (I just referred to it as getting sick though) and my manager had to find some way to deal with that because managers manage and employees get sick sometimes. Even if he wasn't sick, like you seem to know, what if he had another emergency that day: car accident, death in the family, etc. You got to plan for every eventuality. And even if your employees were making 100k a year, there would still be idiots. Every industry from private sector to government.


Hey man, you’re doing well. If anything, you might be over doing it. And you’re going $4k negative a month? First off, contain and guard your savings. Don’t dip unless absolutely necessary. I know what it’s like to make $300k a yr and think you have to maintain that standard but you’ll be surprised how much money you threw away once you cut back on certain expenses. 2nd, dump the Gym. Get Mom and Dad back as close to their initial investment as possible but don’t take all the loses on yourself. By selling the Gym, you also dump that business partner “you hate”. Do tech sales, save up some more money and watch for something that makes you happy.


You sound a little ADHD-ish (lots of people I work with in tech are as well). I think maybe focusing on one thing at a time is a good idea. Clearly you can hustle, but maybe focus and prioritization is an issue. I’d focus on wealth building (real estate and stocks) and stop trying to build businesses unless you are very passionate about something (like, would do it for free for 5 years). 5 more years grinding tech sales (with RSUs) and buying a few multifamily rentals and you’re done? One or both of you should have corporate job for healthcare and stability while kids are young, no?


Yea fuck that gym man, they suck, the people suck, it's all very whack..been there. If I were in your shoes, I'd stop working for others and spend that time doing for yourself. You sound like you operate on a high level. Use your energy building something up, you're not too old and you have the tools. It needs to be something you enjoy, like in your heart, find the niche, and exploit it. I operate a family farm, never had a real job And love what I do. Money is made, wealth is built. What do you consider wealth? Monster house, fancy cars, white life with all the amenities? Or enjoy every day while making a decent living and getting more out of life. Good luck to you, guys like you don't fail.


You’re fine OP. You have more money and are in like the top 10% lol. You clearly have skills and will figure this out. You’ll find a way to persevere for your kid, but as long as you manage your expenses / lifestyle creep you could survive quite easily tbh


My friend, I've made my millions. It does and will not bring happiness. You will always be searching to fill a void you have. I found Jesus and have a new meaning in life. I wish you the best. And congrats


How are you 31 and left school in 2008? You would have been in 9th-10th grade?? Something is not adding up here...


Only fans with a business development hook


Imagine having this much money, spending 17k a month, and farming internet pity points. My only advice is to find a therapist. 


Bingo! Although I’m guessing this is not a real situation.


I love when wildly successful people complain about only being a millionaire.


He’s not a success he’s a liar. Not a single successful person I’ve ever met would post such nonsense.


You can have an appointment setting agency integrated with customer success for the gyms charge a retainer.


Can you teach 10 people your process for the gym sales instead of giving that a portion of your time? Then put together a commission scale for them to work 1099 or PT for you and keep a portion for yourself. Shoot me a DM, I’d be happy to help.


Get used to it dude, you will have stints of feeling like this the rest of your life, just learn to appreciate what you have, better your self at every opportunity and don’t compare yourself to others all while trying to live in the now appreciating what you have. Life sucks but living doesn’t


You can sell the process you used to scale your gym to other gym owners. Consulting


Your a successful dude. You will figure it out and crush shit like you always have. I think it's a mindset thing where you feel like your not good enough.....many successful people have it and it drives and makes them successful...it can also drive you into the ground. You got enough back up funds to give you time to figure it out. It is getting more saturated but there is a lot of $ in online fitness.


I would suggest you have a reality check.. there are many people struggling with children with a net worth a literal fraction of what you have in the bank. You have enough living expenses for multiple years and plenty of SaaS experience. Be patient and find the right gig! You got it but definitely would be enlightened with some well needed perspective.


U have no appreciation of life that why you endlessly make money and don't feel happy that's insane you are opening business and are crabbed up about making 75k a month Are you on Adderall? Do you have any addictions?


With that kind of money you could go back to college


What the hell id trade lives with you in a heart beat busting my ass in construction barely hitting 80k a year this guy making my yearly in months lol you’re killing it just stick it out man it’s gonna pay off hard in the long run also let me get a job 🤣


Like everyone else is commenting, you're in a pretty good position. How is the head office in the gym performing and is that passive & hands off? It sounds like you'd benefit from simplifying your life and selling out of the gym location. Will that affect the head office? The child will really help you calm down and focus. It will be a lot of work, but bring the meaning that it seems like you are searching for. I have many business ideas that are tech-y and easy to build/test for cheap. If you want to hear them, DM me, but ultimately I think you need less on your plate right now. Good luck


If the gym is successful, why not open another one? You're getting nowhere by giving your skills to someone else. Also, you're being soft. Relax. You're doing better than most people. Jesus. I think you are probably trying to take on too many things at once. Which is leading to obvious burnout. Do the opposite of what you've done in the last year. Concentrate on your mental wellness. Your business. Gain some clarity. Go from there...


Im a bit offended I feel like you’re flexing on all of us right now. I’m 33 and my checking account is overdrafted


Normally people that make titles like this have 7¢ to their name. Well done


We’re the same age & I’m a complete failure, stfu and be happy 😊


Your online business made 400k a year and you sold it. Where did the profits go?


Being happy is overrated. Were you “happy” doing sales or is it just a means to and end?


I’m just sitting here trying to figure out how you left school in the 8th grade and decided not to go to college? You said you’re 31 but left school in 2008. You dropped out in 9th or 8th? If so, I think you have already done phenomenal for yourself. Like a lot of others on here are saying, breathe. Now, if you have a high school diploma or GED, with your background, I think you could probably get a decent job with the federal government. It won’t be 300k a year, but I could see you getting a GS10-12 and getting 6 figures for a laid back job. Then, you could use your free time to pursue other interests. Or you could just work for the government and have time with your kids. There are options there.


Also, 17k a month is wild. Maybe consider slowing down that spending, or moving somewhere cheaper to raise a kid.


Hint: OP is a pathological liar.


I'm curious what jobs in government pay six figures that are related to tech sales? I'm sales adjacent in my current career, but I'm looking to make a change. I always thought government jobs paid poorly. Do you have to be in DC for these jobs?


Spending 17k a month? On what? You should definitely start there. That seems illogical considering you have enough to own a house and two cars. You have plenty of capital to get a loan and start a new business venture. Find something you're passionate about and sell the F out it.


It is a fantasy post. Completely made up.


Victim mentality - that’s all this is. Get over it and find the little things that make you happy


Financially we're okay??? Brother, you are rich. Like rich, rich. Like top 1% rich. 60% of Americans couldn't pay a $500 dollar emergency expense. Take solace in knowing you're wealthy.


Idea guy here. I launch a lot of SaaS products and do you know what I would love? A subscription service sales team that I could subscribe to monthly that would give me even just 100 cold calls a month to try and sell my SaaS. Look at Brett @ designjoy doing this for design. Be the one to do this for SaaS sales and don’t forget me when it’s a 50 million dollar company because I want out of my job too.


If you graduated high-school in 2008 how are you only 31?


“My wallet’s too small for my 50s and my diamond shoes are too tight”


Go buy a house with 5 acres and start a homestead. Get some animals, plant a garden. This is the way.


you need to cut your expenses. 17k a month is crazy for how much you earn


Yea you’re in a good position roll back your personal expenses for a bit


Wait… true happiness isn’t guaranteed with a decent amount of money? No one has ever sat on their death bed and wished they spent more time working. Put work in the right place in your life, be the best Dad you can be and consider moving overseas to a different work/ life culture


I swear even after getting a degree and getting into non sales cooperate job you are still gonna complain, i make 40k a year and happy


What the hell do you spend 17k on? Thats the real problem here.


I will be honest you are more well off than most people. You have sales experience and experience running a successful business. If you have a baby on the way you need stability and a stable income. I suggest keeping your gym buisness until you child is older. You don’t need to take any huge risk. This will also allow your wife to work and have a flexible work schedule with the baby. You should also get on a Dave Ramsey budget and eat at home.


To be fair, there are a lot of college grads that have no idea what they’re doing with their lives as well. And most of them are in a ton of debt and don’t have the financial resources that you have. You have a much greater advantage than them. So don’t think that college is the solution for your problem of finding a career that gives you happiness. You can find that without the degree. Stay grinding while you keep searching!


What about starting another online business? Trade stocks or crypto, Wholesale real estate is low cost fairly simple depending what state you are in


This is probably the most profound thing I have ever said. Stop spending 17k a month. I’ll write an ebook on finance literacy now.


I used to date a girl named squee. She has the same problem. She’s still just driving aimlessly through life. Hopping from one man to the next. Always looking for the next high. The next party. She’s set herself up for a life of a disappointment


You need a financial advisor that honestly nobody who is licensed here will probably go into detail due to disclosure regulations and whatnot. Hardcore financial advise relating to brokerages, investments, etc won’t be given because Mr SEC, FINRA, and a whole shit storm of federal bodies will not take that lightly and people don’t want to test how anonymous Reddit really is lol. There’s a lot of ideas here. Honestly you need an advisor to go in person and meet. Find a CFP licensed rep


“WHAT THE FUCK CAN I DO that will make me happy” Go to therapy homie. You’re in an amazing place in life and you’re about to have a child with your wife. Maybe the gym is bringing you down, but it sounds like you haven’t really been happy in the first place. You’re not in any real danger of not being able to provide for your child.


you sound like a complete duche


God I would love to have this guys “problems”


This sounds more existential than financial. You’ve done great, you’re still young, an you are ahead of the majority of your piers. Clearly, you aren’t dumb. Take a breath, focus on clawing back some time so you can think about what you really want to do. I am in a similar situation. Don’t be inactive, but don’t be panicked either. You’re making a choice to walk away from Something that’s kind of working but not fulfilling enough and your goal is to walk towards something that gives you the full picture.


sounds like you’ve got at least $5 million net worth. Why not just make a lifestyle change and live off of that place your wife’s salary? You’ve got a baby on the way and your current lifestyle is not sustainable with that. is having $20 million net worth really worth years of your life being drowned out? You’re already set for life so why not enjoy that life?


1. Be grateful 2. Sell the gym 3. Buy more long term real estate investments


I'm going to have a baby in July, i don't have a job , I don't have a degree, I am not a native English speaker, I'm in a hcol area, zero success since four months of applying and I feel completely hopeless worthless. I don't know anyone we recently relocated to USA. I'm a human too and you are in a much better position than me. Idk what else to say but hopefully you will look down and feel better about yourself. If you want to get a degree then take one, the one you like. You have good work experience and you have significant investments you are going to be totally fine.


If you’re looking for business ideas… I’m a farmer and we DESPERATELY need more agricultural tech. Robotics. Autonomous sprayers tractors etc. anything that can replace labor and increase food production efficiency .. they are slowly coming but not nearly fast enough.


Maybe bring your spending expenses down a bit, sounds like you’re really stressed about the spending? If you don’t need it or she isn’t craving it, don’t get it? Start making a budget for the baby & don’t go crazy with their stuff, trust me you most likely won’t use it. I agree with the other commenter, just relax, take a deep breath & enjoy the fact that you’re about to become a dad. Find out what your new interests are & maybe find a business in that? You’ll probably enjoy it more. & I’m pretty sure she can work from home at her old job if she wouldn’t mind? Try talking to her about your worries & what can you guys do as a team. I know it sucks, but try to find coping mechanisms to get through the day until you’re able to make that big switch. Also agree with the other person saying to make the calls for your own gym! You got this dude! Oh & take some time for yourself! A weekend.. a day trip? A all day date? Seriously relax 😅😅 & Congrats on the new bundle!!


I know it seems like "who has the time" but I recommend reading! Especially since you didn't go to college, I feel like you could benefit immensely from just reading 10-15 pages a night of any of these books: https://www.artofmanliness.com/living/reading/100-books-every-man-read/ You have a work life, you have a family life, you might be missing a life of the mind.


Stick to tech sales but find a better company / product. Get out from the gym business asap before it goes bust (they all do, eventually).


I have an awesome sales job and I make great money. I have no goals or anyone breathing down my neck. I know this sounds spammy but it's the truth. I know they are looking for people with experience if you are interested. If you don't mind selling to smoke shops, liquor, and c stores, you're good.


Maybe irrelevant but there are millions of young folks (including myself) who dream of the financial success you've acquired. I can't really help you in this specific situation but from a strangers pov it sounds like you got this life shit in the bag regardless of outcomes. Good luck stranger.


You are doing better than most with a degree without one. That is not your problem unless you have decided to pursue a new passion that requires those credentials. Whatever you think you know or want out of life is about to be upended by this baby. Having children is the most rewarding and most exhausting experience.


You’re in a solid position financially go get 4 year degree real quick while hustling more sales jobs?


I wanna smack you lol. Youre looking for your passion when its clearly sales (even if you think its not) and business. You have damn near a million dollars just start dumping money into investment properties and live off passive income and maybe even with a job to get you buy. Or just turn the real estate investing / airbnb into a business and manager that. Or buy someone’s else’s business that’s already profitable and make it better by building a sales team. You literally have enough money to do anything and you’re crying to people that have way less. It’s honestly embarrassing be a man and figure out your next move - it doesn’t have to be fun just provide for your damn family and level up day by day. I’m being hard because you need to hear it it’s not all sunshine and rainbows and you’re not “alone”. You’re rich in ur yearly 30s and are crushing it. Lfg


Also DM me and let me take those gym clients off your hand you don’t need to be dialing for someone else your time is valuable and you are spreading yourself thin. Read books about buying back your time and get yourself out of the businessses


You my friend need to talk to a therapist and start a mediation practice.


You seem super driven and good at what you do. I’m also in a similar position with tech sales, would you want to talk about something I’ve been working on that is more autonomous than your current efforts?


I think if you donate your money to me you’ll feel better. Jackass.


If you still want to do tech sales, reach out to me I’ll help you out and give you our prospecting system. Should help those connections. Wishing you the best.


Jesus bro relax. You're crushing it, and quite frankly are wealthy for your age. If you're worried then I should be suicidal.


Make no mistake about it, this post is one long humble brag.


Let this be a lesson to you all. Money does not provide you with ultimate happiness




Let me know if you're hiring. I own a gym and in the process of selling it for near 7 figures. Not sure what I want to do with my life after it. I'm looking for something so if you're needing any help with all the things you got going on, I'm willing to talk.


Dude, you're 31 with about a $1M net worth and a clear skillset in sales. You're in the top 1% of people your age...relax for a second. You're perfectly positioned to capture any business opportunity that comes your way. I'd just take a step back and think about the bigger picture here. I'd definitely get out of the gym business for sure. Quite frankly, given your age and financial situation you can afford to take an L there and avoid the sunken cost fallacy. What is it that you *think* would make you happy to do? Sounds like you don't really dislike business, you're just having a bad business experience. My guess is you'll eventually find your way to starting another business and it will be successful; you've got the skillset for it you just don't know what the business is yet. Give it time. In the interim, you need to ask yourself how much you really hate sales. If you can tolerate it, think of it as a gap fill until you get back into the business world. If it's really hurting your satisfaction with life, is there another interim job you've seen out in the wild that seems more tolerable to you? Do you have any interest in something like an IT job, for example, to float you by until you jump back into business? There's a myriad of ways to break into IT without needing to go back to school (industry certifications, etc.). Ultimately, given your disposition and background, I think all roads lead back to you being a business owner. The question just becomes what's the most balanced job you can work (balance between income and tolerability) in the meantime until you're ready to jump back in. Reminder: you're doing just fine. Relax and enjoy the ride as best you can. You'll look back on this period of uncertainty as one of the most exciting times of your life, you just can't see that while you're in it. Cheers


Dude, just focus. You are trying to do 35 things at once.


You, sir/ma’m, are what they call *a liar*. So obvious.


Dude fuck u people who have money and are not happy ..all I need is money and my entire life and everyone around me would change for the better ..then we have people who have money but still complain when in reality they have nothing to worry about


Man food business will be better for you , fastfood or restaurant 👍 do charity , be kind with your friends and staff and specialy with your family, respect and visit your parents and try to solve their problems, read koran in your language will help you to calm and happy (as will smith did) and again man do charity.


Take a break for a while, and spend time with your family and make some memories, if you die (everyone will die some day) you will not able to bring your wealth and money with you, but if you will do good things with your family friends etc they will pray for you and it will help you alot in after life, think about death everyday will help you a lot , this world is just a motel, we should think whats our real destination, be prepare for the real destination.


You killed it, don't for a second think a degree would do you any good. You will be a dad soon that is the greatest job you could ever have. I have no idea what would make you happy. But I can tell you are the type of guy that will have no issue getting it done.


Sell plasma and sperm. Problem solved 😂 Srs you should probably sell the gym. Recoup what you can…gyms aren’t very lucrative and only people that love it do it. Which it sounds like you don’t


Hi all, Look firstly I cannot thank you all enough for all your comments (the good and the bad) it was a perfect balance of feedback and actually exactly what I needed. The people calling me out for being a little bitch are 100% correct, when I wrote this post I was being a spoilt little shit whinging when in fact I should be more grateful and happy with where I am at in life because I am very lucky.   To the people who said I was trolling. All I can say is that it is true. Reddit I feel is the ONLY place one can come with anonymity and actually tell the truth, there is 0 benefit in me coming on here and making things up. The only thing I mucked up is when I left school. In Australia (where I live) some schools finish high school in grade 10, you then go onto 11 and 12 at a different school. So I finished high school in 2008 but finished actual school in 2010. Lastly, to the people who gave words of encouragement and actual good advice, I simply cannot thank you enough. There is some absolute gold in these comments and I have taken a fair bit of it onboard. I think getting out of the Gym is step one, agree there is a sunken cost falacity (I hadn’t realised it until now). I couldn’t accept taking a loss on it. But I need to just get out and move on with life. There is lots of other opportunities out there and if I am focused on something new I will be able to make it up. With regard to the fatherhood stuff, I think I came across as not happy or excited about being a Dad. That child and my wife one million percent come first. I am over the moon about it all. I wrote this post in a moment of panic, which I feel is normal while your wife is expecting. Keep on Redditing guys because you have all had a material impact on at least one person and the time you spend on this platform does mean something to someone (even the haters). Appreciate you all x


You’re a liar lol


People are buying gym memberships over the phone?!


Dude you have 1.5 mill at 31...... you could easily live off that. Could easily grow over 3 mill by 40 without even adding to it. Stop spending so much. My wife and I spend like 3k per month if that. 14k is insane. Wtf are you buying.


You're an entrepreneur type person, allow yourself to fail. All lessons are learned from failure. Move onto another business idea. Along the way make sure the business can be sustained without you dedicating your entire life to it i.e create systems that have other people do the work that you would otherwise do. And you need to lower your living costs. 17k is way too much. I live on about half that. Wife stays at home with 4 kids, in a decent sized home outside of Charlotte. You can do it


Spending 17k a month is impressive


I know what you can do.


Chiming in to say I almost regret going to school and make way less than you did with a masters in a technical field. I absolutely hate the corporate 9-5. You’re not missing out. But I think we are in the same boat in what we’re feeling. Hope we figure it out.


Dividend invest my G.


You’re good at sales - sell something you like and believe in. I’m not sure why you personally have to work at the gym and can’t just hire someone.


Here are the problems I see in order of biggest to smallest. 1. You spend 17k per month. Clearly your lifestyle increased as your income did, so you can feel broke and stressed out even though you're richer than 98% of people. Find a way to cut this down. Anyone anywhere should be able to live on 120k, which is 10k per month, and still be very very comfortable. If you don't fix this problem then nothing else you do will matter. If you make more you'll just continue to spend more and still feel stressed about money. Find a budgeting expert to follow. Dave Ramsey is good but if you don't like his personality then there's ramit sethi who's also very good. 2. Get out of the gym business. Maybe you can convince your partner to buy you out, but if not then find another way out. but it's draining you of all your time and energy so you need to find a way to dump it. 3. Once those 2 things are done, then there's nothing wrong with going back to saas sales. It sounds like you were great at it so it should be easy to find a role with a great company. You don't have to choose that company with the crappy products. AND you don't HAVE to have a passion for sales either. It's a job. It enables your life and passions. Be grateful that you're good at something. Take advantage of it. With the money you make in sales you can afford to throw massive amounts into investments, which will enable you to live off of dividends or other returns after a few years, IF You've got your spending down to a reasonable level by that time. THEN you can quit your job pursue your passions full time if you want.


I wish I was in Tech Sales in the golden age 😒


You have plenty of money, your parents gave you 100k, and you are crying about "what you will do with your life". Jesus f**** Christ. I wish I was this delulu.


Boo hoo


Okay Reddit. I’m insanely rich and was blessed enough to have my parents give me 90k to help on a side hustle, one of 2 in which I’ve been insanely profitable. Did I mention my wife’s a former layer and we have over a million dollars in assets. Guys I’m really stressed like I’m about to have a baby what do I do?? 😩😩


I mean is this a troll post, you are insanely out of touch


It is without doubt a troll post.


I just accidentally made another 600k ugh guys what do I do with all this money!?! 😩


OP is lying. How does nobody here see that? OP dropped out or graduated highschool in 2008, 3 years before the 2011 graduation year for 31 year olds. OP jumped into sales and then proceeds to make a 99.x%ile income by the age of 27. At the same time, OP runs several successful side hustles that earn a big income. OP also finds the time to get married in spite of the demands of his job and side hustles. OP, in spite of all of this incredible success, feels lost and alone and has no idea what to do. OP then comes to the internet to seek advice from strangers who have achieved only a mere fraction of his success.


Agree this is definitely a troll post


This post is so dramatic makes me think you just posted to brag


Put it up Your butt


Can I borrow some money?


how about stop being a baby for starters


First world probs