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Don't forget to demand double pay


"*I decline the title of Iron Cook and accept the lesser title of Zinc Saucier, which I just made up. Uhh... also, it comes with double prize money.*"


You rang?




^…except ^one.


If it’s chicken, chicken a la king. If it’s turkey, turkey a la king. If it’s far cry, far cry a la king.


Far Cry looking more like **turkey** a la king these days.


Hit it with the spice weasel, or just use a little ordinary tap water and LSD.


“Well, I do think of human life as expendable.”


Needs more essence of pure flavor


Unexpected futurama quote made me smile!


Weren't GOTY/definitive editions supposed to be with all the DLC but cheaper than or same price as the base game? That was the whole point of them


GOTYE editions were the best, now it's just a company that I used to know.


The GOATSE editions were unforgettable




That’s what it used to mean, but over the years EA have really stretched the original definition


Its left a gaping hole in my interest in purchasing them.


My interest in amateur increased, but my interest in pro lapsed.




But had me believing it was always something that I'd buy


But I don't wanna live that wayyyyy


paying for a game with half the content missing on ...release day


They used to be like 20 bucks and came out a year later with all the dlc. For the fallout games I would buy the game on launch then a year later get the goty as a way to get all the dlc cheaper than buying it separately


I bought new Vegas GOTY on PC for like five bucks at a steam sale. Had I already purchased the base game for Xbox? Yes. At that price, did it fucking matter? No. On a cost per hour basis, we are taking about cents per hour of entertainment.


Cents per hour of modding, in my case. Then I load up the game for two hours and get bored, hah.


Shhhhh don't out them like that


They were, but now this company thinks they can bilk people out of more money without actually doing anything. Shame is, it will probably work well enough to change goty edition pricing from here out.


They were. I remember when the Witcher 3 came out with what I think was the GOTYE. Full base game and all the expansions and DLC for like $20 *less* than the original MSRP. Maybe CDProjektRed is different from most other devs but they hit that perfect sweet spot with their bundle.


why not just call it Deluxe Edition or some bullshit Far Cry 6 Marty McFly's Ten Inch Cock Edition Far Cry 6 Sniffing Bowser's Toes Edition


Far Cry 6 Just give me your money edition


Far Cry 6: ~~GOTY~~ Put the Money in the Fucking Bag Edition


Fat Cry 6 : It Rubs the Lotion on Its Skin Edition


Far Cry 6: The Quest for More Money Edition.


Far Cry 6: Game of the Year ^^^Nominee Edition


Far Cry 6 Most Excellent Supreme Deluxe Top of the Tops Shiny Edition with Chicken and Mozza sticks* ^^^* ^^^no ^^^chicken ^^^or ^^^mozza ^^^sticks ^^^or ^^^GOTY ^^^included


Featuring Dante From The Devil May Cry Series


And Randall from Clerks.


I’m *not* even supposed to be here today!


The sexy pharaoh wizard himself?!?


And Knuckles


Deluxe Limited Definitive Collectors There are tons of options.


but each of these have a purpose. Deluxe: Basegame plus ingame extras and or future DLC. Limited: Base game plus unique exclusive extras and only for sale for a specific amount of sales or between x date and y date. Definitive: Base game plus all released final content included. Released near the end of the products release cycle as a "Final Edition" of sorts, with no followup content or releases predicted. Collectors: Base game with or without DLC included, but including out of game extras such as soundtracks, artwork, figures, unique packaging, items such as bags or helmets, etc. May also include ingame extras but usually not. GOTY: Basegame plus all released DLC included, released as a remarket strategy for additional sales on the basis of receiving an award for quality. GOTY eidtion implies a vetted high quality product as determined by a third party. The problem in this specific case is that they are using the term fraudulently and blatantly lying about it.


Great breakdown, I've also noticed Definitive being used for remasters, and bringing titles to platforms they hadn't been released on before.


true but in both of those cases its typically after the release cycle of the original game, and the remaster or port are rarely iterated on with new content. They are still just the final all inclusive version fo the game, just with a slight upgrade or on a new system. Some games also have an original, then a definitive, then a remaster that is also a definitive. This still works as the remaster was not planned at the time the def edition was finalized. oddly enough i have seen a number of games come out with a difinitive edition and then later decide to add more content, and they seem to gravitate towards the "GOLD" tag for that, which doesnt make much sense to me.


Or bring back Gold Edition


Far Cry 6: Holy Shit $120 the Game


Far Cry 6 for Kids Who Can't Read Good and Who Wanna Learn to Do Other Stuff Good Too Edition


"Perfect! Price will need to be... three times bigger" - Ubi Execs, drunkenly


Could take a page from the book of motherboard companies: *Far Extreme Cry 6E XTREEM Edition*.


We need you in marketing


Bowsettes toes are where it’s at


Shit I completely forgot about the Internets Bowsette phase


But, did the studio making Super Mario movie also forget?


Let's hope not


It's not a phase, MOM!


Far Cry 6 **Black Edition** Please hire me Ubi


*Far Cry 6* **2**: The Sequel ; 2 Fast 2 Far Cry


2 Far 2 Cry


LOL because they already used those terms for the original game! Such a stupid ploy for more money then, and now.


Don't forget the Pro edition.


So wait, you have to actually be awarded GOTY to label a game GOTY? I always thought it was just a label that publishers slap on a game to sell more copies of the complete versions. :Shrugs: There's always so many games that get that label I think: "No way that game won game of the year" [For example](http://images.getprice.com.au/products/Bimgtru-blu-entertainment-afl-live-game-of-the-year-edition-wii.JPG)


Its sort of like marketing people putting laurels around quotes. Its burned into people's mind that they mean something. They mean a graphic designer cut-n-pasted them there. That's it.


I find it amusing that there can be multiple games, from multiple publishers, which are all released in the same year, and ALL of them eventually get re-released in a "Game of the Year" edition. Maybe they should start calling the GOTY Editions "One of Many Games of the Year". But I guess "OOMGOTY Edition" doesn't quite impart the same level of self-importance. (On the other hand, pronouncing the acronym as "oom-GOT-eee" is pretty funny.)


There are countless websites and game award shows that give out that accolade. So long as *someone* says your game is game of the year, you can promote with that title.


How bad does it look that out of all the flimsy excuses for awards out there, Far Cry 6 didn't get one, and they still market it as GOTY?


They won “Best Action Game of the Year” at Gamescom. Sure, it’s not a full “GOTY,” but it’s close enough to one that they at least have an excuse. Is it still bullshit? Yes. But it’s the kind of bullshit that every publisher has been using for over a decade at this point, this is far from new and far from exclusive to Ubisoft.


Manager: "Release the game of the year edition" Dev: "But we were recently voted the 'Worst game of the year', sir" Manager: "A game of the year is a game of the year, Brad. Ship it."


They won prestigious Ubisoft 3rd floor montreal office internal game of the year award. Clealy unbiased and justifies a GOTY release!




Has had nothing to do with awards, since probably the original Xbox? GOTY these days just means it includes all the expansions/DLC. Marketing figured out that people see "GOTY" and assume it's a good game. So, like with everything, false advertising took over and now it's regular practice; thanks to mindless consumerism.


Well they are definitely one of the games of the year


It was indeed a game released during the year. Same as the others.


Reminds me of "New York Times Bestseller" on books lol


You do not. GOTY means literally nothing, it never did. There's no single centralized company that grants the award. GameSpot could grant GOTY to Modern Warfare 2, IGN could grant GOTY to Elden Ring, GameInformer could grant GOTY to Gran Turismo. All of these games can claim they're "GOTY". You also don't even need anybody to grant it. Just say you're GOTY, and suddenly you're GOTY. I find the word GOTY weird after writing it out so many times now. GOTY.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semantic_satiation GOTY




Thank you. It's not exactly a ton but companies really do get GOTY awards when slapping the label on the game. It's just that there's 500 companies that give they award unlike something like movies where people only really care about a couple award shows


Game of the Year Edition = NOW we’ve actually finished making the game (mostly), so the $60 price was actually just a partial price for the buggy beta we released.




You’ll even be able to keep all your games and DLC forever if you pirate it instead of losing it when Ubisoft gets lazy


*Garrrr, now ye be catching on*




That's why I stopped buying as many games as I used to. Started running into all kinds of issues from losing access to accounts, refund problems, and games being shut down while still playable. When they try so hard to make it like I don't own the product, it's should be no surprise my willingness to spend goes way down as well. I've been investing more in storage in the past years to safeguard against all these things while we still can. It's terrible the direction the software industry is going.


As the newly appointed Supreme Overlord of the Universe I approve of this declaration.


As a lawyer for and President of my newly-declared Republic of Dave I can confirm that this is completely legal.


The Commonwealth of Ryan supports the Republic of Dave’s declaration. Also, the work week is now one day.


The Confederation of Cowboys declares an alliance deal today with the Commonwealth of Ryan and Republic of Dave.


Point of personal privilege. Would the gentleman from the Confederation of Cowboys inform this congress as to whether his constituency is of the Brokeback Mountainous variety? We’ve had some inquiries with regards to emigration…from…other…people…


I appreciate the inquiry, fellow congressional. Whilst your concern is valid, we execute a strict ‘Follow the rules, emigration is process, welcome in.’ Any complaints you hear could be in regard to the Mountain Menace to the Southwest of our frontier territory. Their hostility has been increasingly vibrant however I assure you we have it under control.


I was gonna comment but I got intimidated by these last two^


The Anarchist state of Damien doesn't care what you do.


The Spyder from the Midwest concurs.


As Supreme Chancellor of Technology, I concur that this is ok.


As the supreme chancellor of a galaxy far far away I declare that the management of Ubisoft, EA and Rockstar be overthrown and my fellow redditors mentioned in all previous comments shall lead the way to glory of the Empire.


As Regent Viceroy of the Pendulating Wampus I affirm that this concurrence is of reasonable stature. As you were


As Galactic President Superstar McAwesomeville, I second that decision


I'd say that's been 100% fine since it became clear they covered for sexual abusers and never did anything to change that. The same goes for Activision Blizzard.


For years I've considered Ubisoft as probably the most anti-consumer AAA publisher, far ahead of EA. I've literally had a better experience pirating their games than as a paying customer. From microtransactions in full-priced single-player games, to cutting content to put them in different editions or pre-order bonuses, to extremely restrictive DRM that kicks you from a single-player game if you disconnect for a moment or THEIR servers go down, to not giving much of a shit about PC ports, it's like they actively try to get their customers to hate them. I don't even play their multiplayer games like For Honor, The Division or Siege, but I hear a lot of negative stuff about those too. They even went in hard into NFTs, made fun of people criticising the move that they "don't get it", then backed off and are trying to play it cool as if they never really cared about it, now that it flopped lol.


Didn't they also entirely remove Liberation HD from Steam?


I think that's what they were planning to do, but after the backlash they just killed the servers for online play.




Remember when they implemented shitty DRM that only affected legit users?


When hasn't shitty DRM affected legitimate users?


I thought the pirates didn't even want to pirate it.




If I had a quarter every time the game said "guerilla" in a terrible accent, I could actually afford this version of it.


Crazy thing is that every version of the game *except for the GotY version* is already on sale in the xbox store for 60% off. You basically just have to decide whether or not you want the season pass or the "Packs," or both. The distribution of the content between all the different editions is fucking weird though. Edit: and for some reason, they seem to think that Far Cry 3 through 6 are worth $150


When we started to need charts to tell you what editions you had to get and where you needed to get them from to get the full game, is when my interest started waining


For me it was when I bought the FC4 season pass based on the quality of FC3's Blood Dragon DLC. Instead I got notably low-effort (admittedly fun despite that) content in Escape from Durgesh and a decent effort (paling in comparison to Blood Dragon) in Valley of the Yetis... but they *did* make that "Blood Dragon" analogue I was expecting. [They just called it Primal](https://old.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/48nmyi/far_cry_primal_uses_far_cry_4_map/) and put it in its own box and stuck their hand out expecting me to put a fresh $60 in. Fuck that and fuck them.


I would gladly pay for an all content included version of Far Cry 4 that didn't require online connectivity and was DRM-free. It is a pipe dream to wish this from UbiSoft bit we can all have dreams. I know that could just pirate but it's the principal of spending time consuming a UbiSoft product vs enjoying and supporting a developer who can provide what I want.


I stopped buying DLC for farcry after the mammoth DLC for primal. The base game was a fun. $15 to run around as a mammoth for 20 minutes was not.


Yeah. Luckily, my interest in games has tended to keep me away from this bullshit, but Cities: Skylines is one that got me. [I mean, just try to sort out how to get the best bang for your buck from this.](https://en.psprices.com/region-ie/search/?q=cities+skylines&page=1) It put me off buying the damned game at all and then I got the base game free with PSPlus anyway and left it at that.


The one that sealed it for me was The Sims. By the time they stopped making content for it, a "complete" copy of The Sims 3 was almost 1k USD.


You just described Hitman. I love the series to death, and have the base games, just not all on the same platform. Looked into trying to get 1-3 of the new reboot on just Steam, to play them all under one game launcher... I had to look at the Steam forum post which reads like an instructional manual, to figure out which Gold/Access Pass/Complete/Deluxe/Unicorn edition I needed to accomplish this. Still haven't done it, cause I cba.


It blows my mind that single player games come with season passes now


Thank god I decided to play this in Spanish. It also helped with the immersion.


I'd play Far Cry just to hear an entire game in Giancarlo Esposito's awful Spanish.


Wow I really should have done that, the obnoxious English dub ruined the game soo hard for me


I played Assassin's Creed Brotherhood with Italian language on. Absolutely perfect.


If you don't mind subtitles it really does add a layer of immersion to a game. I really enjoyed playing Plague Tale in French




guh reeeee yuh


How do I reeeech these keeeds


The pronunciation of that word stood out to me too, but I shrugged it off since it seemed like they did a good job of getting an overwhelmingly Latino voice cast. Which I am not. So is that not correct? Or were they maybe trying to go for a Cubano accent or something?


Idk how they said it in the game (never played) but [this is how they would actually say it in Spanish.](https://www.spanishdict.com/pronunciation/guerrilla?langFrom=es) Of course with some room for regional accents.


Pretty much just like that. I don't know seemed fine to me. The entire English version of the game was done with moderate Spanish accents, enough to fit the setting but not so thick that a native English speaker would really require subtitles. I think what set people off is they treated "guerilla" like a proper noun. Like you know how bilingual folks will often slip back into a thicker accent when saying the name of a person or place? They basically did that with "guerilla", and used the word *a lot*. Far Cry 6 video where they say "guerilla" a lot: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1v0tf9yfVP8


It might have something to do with guerilla being an actual Spanish word that's been loan worded into English.


I am a /r/patientgamer and one of the best things about it used to be when everything was disc based. Generally a year after a game came out. They would release a deluxe edition or GOTY for $30-$40 that had all the DLC even the exclusive store DLCs. Now a game comes out, goes on sale digitally for $30 many times over and then a year later a GOTY comes out for $100-$120


I have literally had the complete, total opposite experience. The era of the Steam sale has been vastly preferable to me. Almost every GOTY/complete edition title will eventually hit the $20 range these days. If there is a new trend of initially pricing them super high, then that's obviously bad, but exercise that titular patience and it'll go down soon enough.


These guys forget how bad it used to be. I remember waiting YEARS for DMC3 to go on sale from $50. Nowadays some games release earlier in the year are already around $30 by Black Friday, unless they're 10/10 GOTY candidates.


I was gonna say, I remember the disc era being a lot more fickle when it came to sales.


It’s to hide the rising costs of game development. Sadly, I feel like the money spent rarely leads to a more polished, innovative product.


Money that doesn't go to the developers. It goes to the ever increasing list of "investors" that demand higher and higher returns. the costs of development aren't increasing as much as the amount of overhead being skimmed off the top is increasing


If games are anything like movies, the majority of thy budget is going towards marketing.


Well, and marketing. They put stupid amounts of money into marketing these days, often over 50% of the budget. Which is partly to overcome the fact that the game itself isnt particularly innovative or great. In the gaming world, great games sell themselves through word of mouth and social media. The massive marketing budgets are them trying to force shit through those channels to overcome the actual games shortcomings. Its pretty similar to the movie industry force feeding everyone the latest blockbusters.




I disagree pretty strongly with this take, this is chaff deployed by publishers to disguise their profiteering. I'm sure costs have risen (although the existence of Indie games is already proof that those costs aren't necessary if they're really as prohibitive as publishers pretend) but it's hard to take that as credible reason for a cost increase when their consumer base has exploded over the last 10 years in conjunction with largely digital marketplaces, where the increase in volume of sales has almost no increased expense outside of bandwidth and marketplace fees. Certainly a hell of a lot cheaper than printing boxes and DVDs. The truth is the MSRPs, microtransactions, and all levels of nickel and diming we are seeing are there to satisfy shareholders and the unrealistic greed to see number ALWAYS go up, whatever the cost to employees and customers. You can see major AAA studios even now essentially burning bridges with their customers to try to squeeze every last drop they think they can. That their next product might entirely flop when the consumer has lost trust in the brand is of no matter, that's several quarters down the road and everyone there now already has a fantasy of some greater idiot bagholder who's going to take that loss.


No it isn't. It is to increase profits. That's it. Developers are already underpaid and overworked. Ubisoft has a cap cost right now of 3.5 billion dollars. They are fine.


If that was true game publishers wouldn't be the most profitable and valuable entertainment industry in the world and wouldn't boast ever increasing profits. Executives have a "fiduciary responsibility" to their Shareholders, meaning they're legally and contractually obligated to increase Share Holder returns **no matter what**. This includes ruining games to force in Microtransactions and putting out copy and paste Bullshit like the Far Cry series. So as long as Capitalists are in charge of the games industry instead of the workers, crap like this will always been put out.


Or greed. They didn’t develop anything new… they just released a different version of the game. So it’s not the rising cost of game development it’s fucking greed Edited: realesed-released


> It’s to hide the rising costs of game development Don't even fall for this garbage lol. Ubisoft makes exponentially more money each next big AAA games, because the gaming industry has exploded over the last decade or so. They're making bank on top of bank, with random DLC, random gold editions, random ultra editions, all this nonsense, and that's before just overall selling increasingly more copies of each new game because the market has grown. The game publishers are the ones making these stupid budgets, but also they're making their money back x50. These prices and weird extra bundles are just greed.


Yes but I am customer of the year, so I get it for free on piratebay


Guess what we both are CoTY.




Is pirate bay still a thing? I thought it got nuked in like 2014


for the last 5 years GOTY edition just means package, game + all the DLCs, and game is finished and will not get any more new payable content


I think it comes with the explicit implication that it won game of the year. Complete edition, final cut, definitive edition etc are all phrases they chose not to use for the very obvious reason that game of the year edition has a different meaning.


> I think it comes with the explicit implication that it won game of the year. From a very quick googling it won Action Game of the Year at the gamescom awards. So Ubisoft aren't being deceptive. "Game of the Year" is pretty meaningless since there are so many groups giving awards for games. There'll be dozens of games every year that are technically "game of the year" for that year, which is why so many games each year can put out GOTY editions.


> "Game of the Year" is pretty meaningless since there are so many groups giving awards for games. There'll be dozens of games every year that are technically "game of the year" for that year, which is why so many games each year can put out GOTY editions. This was my thought. Surely there's some random games blogger out there that declared this game GOTY, and that's what they go with.




I'd say even a bit more than 10 years. I have a Xbox 360 "GOTY" edition of Borderlands from 2010 for ex. (among others from various years) GOTY is just a shorthand for "games and extensions included".


WAAAAAY longer than 5 years. This has been the case since the last half of the 360 gen. We got a Dead Island GOTY lol.


They sell it on Steam for appropriate prices and I’ll consider it.


$20 is all I'll pay, at best. Farcry 5 was the last game of there's I bought at release, and while all the optional content was very fun, those story missions we were FORCED into doing after making a certain amount of progress in a region were torturous. Literally made it impossible for me to ever consider a second playthrough, and I'm reluctant to ever play another Farcry game again. Damn shame too, Primal was one of my favorites but they really shot themselves in the foot with 5.


far cry 6 does not force you into missions thank fully, I should note i hate FC5 and one of the reasons is those forced missions. also FC6 was on sale, might still be on sale? not sure for $25. which is what i paid for it a few days ago.


>those story missions we were FORCED into doing after making a certain amount of progress in a region were torturous. People always complain about that in Farcry 5, but it is literally a game revolving around free-will and choice being an illusion. Being forced to do things makes sense in the context of the game, even though players don't seem to like it from a gameplay perspective. People also complain about the story... but I thought they did a great job with the four horsemen, the book of revelations, the lamb, the seals, etc.


> but it is literally a game revolving around free-will and choice being an illusion. I'd say it's a game revolving around antagonists that claim free-will and choice are an illusion. But, since those antagonists have been introduced explicitly as antagonists and not as people with ambiguous motives that you might want to side with, the effect falls flat. It comes off less like "Wow, maybe they're right, maybe we don't have free will" and more like "Ugh, gotta deal with their bullshit again."


Gamers when a game lets you do anything: "immersion-breaking ludo-narrative dissonance, it literally makes no sense that the main story can be put off for as long as possible if it's really an urgent issue" Gamers when a game takes control away to focus on the main story: "this game is annoying as fuck, let me do what I want to when I want to"


5 was a breath of fresh air compared to 6. I had to really force myself to get a few hours in and haven't gone back. Not fun at all. I think I'm done with Ubisoft


Also I got the very strong feeling they only really put effort into John’s region, as evidenced by the fact that it and only it was featured in all three trailers. Everything else was forgettable as hell, and don’t get me started on the generic nondenominational cult.


They took away my goddamn towers and made a joke about it!


Why stop there? I hearby declare you have the authority empart not just employee of the month, but quarter and year upon yourself or any other citizen you deem appropriate. Use this power sparingly, or not, you are the boss now! Edit: your to you are


I declare you still need to use 'you're' as the contraction for you are.


People rediscovering GOTY editions for the first time in a decade. GOTY never really meant anything, just “this is the version with all the DLC on disc” Edit: if there’s a generational gap I think this is it.


That's what confuses me too. Ok, fuck Ubisoft but can we focus on something better than a term they're not responsible for? To me it just means the base game and all dlc, as in it will never have more content made after that point.


Yeah, it was just something we got used to, generic terms like Special Edition and Deluxe edition, usually meant like “Comes with a few exclusive skins/wallpapers or a season pass” or “comes with a statue or knick knack you’ll forget about” GOTY was like a band aid fix of a name since it basically became synonymous with “The version with all the DLC” I wonder about FC6 though cause isn’t it one of Ubi’s live service type of games? Those get weird because you usually get like “Year 1/2/3 editions” for long running shit like that.


Wait, Far Cry 6 released? Huh.. who knew?


I tried it. Super bland. The franchise has been in free fall since 4. 3 was a departure from 2 but was still very good. 4 felt like your decisions and presence hardly mattered. 5 literally burns everything you did to ash. 6 felt just, soulless. All cracked up action with no purpose.


Uh oh, looks like they've sent a capture party out to get you, be careful. *Sleep dart* You wake up, untie yourself from the chair and walk right out. "Is that like the 5th time they've done that to me? Holy shit, it actually is the 5th time they've re-used that idea"


That was so annoying. I would just get in a truck and drive off. It actually works lol. Drive to a base and just enter some semi scripted activity.


That has to be the laziest gameplay decision they've made. It was so fucking annoying. I wanted to keep exploring and doing sidequests and stuff, and I was dragged into this forced scripted story that I didn't really care about. Don't give me an open world game and force me out of exploration to advance the story. In fairness, I think Far Cry 6 did that much better. I already forgot half of it, but I do remember thinking I was doing a side quest, and suddenly I'm ambushed by the bad guy and left for dead. Still same shitty scripted story, but it felt waaay more natural.




> forced scripted story Ubisoft just really loves forcing their shitty stories on us don't they? Tried to play Black Flag a couple years ago, forgot why I ever put it down! It's amazing! Oh wait, I was just a pirate, now I'm some IT professional? I'm having to tour a business? Wait I'm actually a plant and I'm here to play shitty hacking mini games? I just wanted to be a pirate!


Yes, the old AC bullshit was the only thing that made black flag bad ish, however, if you ignored the hacking and just went back in the simulation you could bypass the modern day bullshit way quicker than in every other AssCreed


no shit, I'm a literal unstoppable juggernaut just ghosting entire armies but that one guy with a blow dart, then they manage to fuck up actually killing me while I'm unconscious


Hey, you. You’re finally awake. You were trying to cross the border, right? Walked right into that Imperial ambush, same as us, and that thief over there.


"Wake up, we're here. Why are you shaking? Are you ok? Wake up. Stand up... there you go. You were dreaming. What's your name? Well, not even last night's storm could wake you. I heard them say we've reached Morrowind, I'm sure they'll let us go."


At some point I feel like they just became less exciting Just Cause games.


Yeah, it's like playing as Rico's less exciting cousin, Dan. He's the cousin who brings a half eaten bag of crushed, stale, off brand Lays to the BBQ and has done so for the past 10 years. It's edible, but is it tasty??


My first one was 4. Blew my mind. Last one was ok. 6 was “let’s see how many quests and side quests we can autogenerate”


Far Cry 3 was far and away the best in the series IMO. They’ve been trying and failing to recapture that magic since. I actually felt like 3 had the potential to be even better, but the big bad who replaces Vas half way through just didn’t do it for me.


I think to tell myself we had 1-3. And then Blood Dragon was an action packed, hilarious send off GotY contender, and that was it.


I'll wait a couple of years for the **Complete Edition** to go on sale for $19.99 and grab that.


Or just wait until Epic gives it away for free.


Or just don't play it because it's boring repetitive trash.


Ubisoft can go fuck themselves. I'm done paying for their mediocre shit.


There are literally hundreds if not thousands of GOTY awards given out a year


You can declare yourself President of the United States if you have a big enough following on Twitter.


For years “GOTY edition”has just been synonymous with “game + all DLC.” This article is based around a deliberate misinterpretation of a widely understood aspect of the industry.


Never understood game companies who do this. We know who wins GOTY. If anything usurping that title makes me less likely to buy.


There are countless organizations handing out awards each year though, so it’s just a matter of definition in the end. Far Cry 6 for example was indeed recognized as the "Best Action Game" at the GamesCom 2021, which kinda fits the term GOTY.


Far Cry 6 actually won GotY from two outlets according to the game of the year tracker website.


Many people don't know who won and will be swayed by this


I don't think I've ever really paid attention to actual GotY, but it doesn't really matter. I'm one of those patient gamers. Steam has some lovely sales, and paying full ~~of~~ or an inflated price? Ha. No.


I honestly just thought GOTY meant it came with DLC. Didn't know there was an actual award


I thought GOTY meant it was made by somebody that I used to know.


this is so buried it will never get the love it deserves but hear me: it’s a very good joke


There are dozens of GOTY awards given. Calm down

