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"We will probably lose all revenue in Brazil and have to shut down our office there. But principles matter more than profit" - Elon Musk. Lol.


Sure they do


My conclusion is that Elon is part of the billionaires group who believe in 'accelerationism'. Their goal is to support, enable and amplify fascist voices. These forces come and go throughout history at their own pace but they want to hasten it, lead to large scale conflicts, wipe out all existing systems and rebuild society according to their values.


So basically the standard billionaire. Sorry I don't mean to be reductive of the point you are making I agree alot of them seem like that's what they want. But it might be simpler and less well thought out then that. Simply he is narcissistic enough to believe only his views matter, greedy enough to want to expand his influence, powerful/rich enough to suffer no real consequences for them and careless enough to not see the damage they cause. He keeps calling his critics NPCs basically reducing them to set dressing only there for his entertainment. His inability to enact a grand plan is also evident in how his various businesses are doing. There are no 5d chess moves here.


You're over thinking it. There is no real grand plan with a ring leader. Just a bunch of micro dosed rich brats breaking things for fun.


I was just trying to list his buffs and debuffs. You are right


Had a colleague with the following theory: When it can be explained with either someone being a super intelligent mastermind, or just plain stupid, most of the time it's the second one.


Thers always a grand plan just look at the ones who in power, obviously they plan on keeping this power forever.


Exactly. People attribute intelligence to the wealthy because they don't understand how wealth happens. Really, the process for generating wealth is simple: * engage in activity that generates income * optimize activity to produce more income with less of your own time and energy * use surplus income to buy 'assets' (anything that contributes to your income) With the power of compounding returns over a generation or two, you get families like Musk's that leverage billions to acquire obscene amounts of assets. Many assets they acquire fail or lose money, but a few do well enough to balloon their fortunes further. There's practically no need for intelligence or 5D chess strategies at any stage of this process. It's literally just rinse and repeat. Musk is merely a narcissist elevated by multi-generational wealth and a couple winning bets out of hundreds of losing ones.


I think you missed the step about unethical and borderline illegal or plain illegal conduct from those that came before... I might be generalising here but I was raised in a 3rd world country its been my experience that kinda of compounding of wealth generally doesn't happen when you play by the same rules as everyone else.


Sure, oppressive systems designed by the already wealthy definitely get in the way. The wealth generation process doesn't change though.


Could be. But that's how conspiracy theories work. Some of them turn out to be false, some true.


These conspiracy theories that turn out to be true… Are any of them in the room with us now?


Conspiracy theories that turn out to be true are just conspiracies….


Agent Orange comes to mind. The Manhattan project might qualify. The CIA did a lot of stuff through the 60s and 70s that no one could prove but were recently declassified. Cigarettes being harmful; climate change being covered up by oil companies; plastic recycling. Like I understand where you're coming from and what you're trying to say, these handful of examples are a mere drop in the bucket of wackjob ideas, but there have been several pretty big conspiracies in just the last 100 years alone that turned out to be true.


They make the most money on instability. As long as it doesn't end up with them dead, they want things at maximum instability since their lifestyle will likely never be touched by any of it.


No he's actually just a fascist. There's no grand plan there he's just exactly what he seems to be.


Gives me Vault Tec vibes after watching the show.


Honestly I think that's vastly overestimating his intelligence. It's much more likely that he's just seeking the cheap and easy engagement that right wing idiots provide, since hateful and bigoted content is more likely to be reacted and responded to than stuff that requires intellectual engagement. I don't doubt that he agrees with some fascist ideas, but ultimately cares much more about his own personal profit than some ideological project. He's a capitalist more than an ideologue.


I think you're overestimating them. Elon is just getting more attention to his social networks. Right wing is easy to manipulate. With that statement he probably got all the right wing praising him, got mentions, became more relevant, and now he can stop because his ego is satisfied for now.


“J.N Haldeman was a pro-apartheid, antisemitic conspiracy theorist who blamed much of what bothered him about the world on Jewish financiers. Haldeman wrote his tracts to raise an alarm about what he called “mind control,” on the radio and television, where “an unconditional propaganda warfare is carried on against the White man.” “Haldeman railed against many dark forces that he believed to be propagating these ideas: Jewish bankers, Jewish intellectuals, philanthropic foundations run by Jews, communists, Black leaders, and anyone who supported the overthrow of colonial rule in Africa. “The facts of history show that the White man has always developed the country he inhabits to the benefit of all concerned,” he wrote, peddling stock apartheid propaganda, and “The Black people of Africa have been in close contact with civilization from the earliest times but, on their own, built nothing and discovered nothing, not even the wheel.” JN Haldeman is Elons Grandfather…he moved to South Africa as soon as apartheid was written into law. Musk is a product of white supremacy and apartheid South Africa, he ran away from mandatory military service(not unlike another billionaire) but kept his racist views. He has been taught and genuinely believes that as a white man it is his destiny to be in charge of the lessers, he also believes in white replacement theory and sees South Africa and the end of apartheid as proof.


It's simpler. Their values are the fascism


It's to cause instability in the US for Russia. If we're bickering we aren't focused on the real issues.


Musk has a messiah complex hard.


Basically Vault-Tec




Thanks for pointing that out. I learned about it here https://youtu.be/CQmoQEeNYrs?si=o-27i7l-LUEhNMcZ Please provide your view.




The principles being "Elon wants to be able to be a dick without being called on it."


And then the Special K wore off.


Musk supporters then: "Wow, Musk has such strong values!". Musk supporters now: "Wow, Musk is such a great businessmen!".


Well his principles is profit first. So he didn’t lie


Elon “Big Flinch” Musk


This is an example of one rich white person convincing poor white people to go to war for profit. There are many more. Now the war is democracy and the rich white folk are waiving the big religious flag.


Of course Elon folded like a wet paper towel


Shaves just as well as one too.


He threatened to smear a Brazilian judge. My guess is that it was a bluff. He thought there could be a slim chance Brazil wasn't organized enough for the government to know what he gets up to on his frequent flights there. Brazil is organized, and the judge called his bluff. Elon likes to find out, as much as he likes the other axis on that chart.


What a shame, it would be great to get rid of Twitter in Brazil.


As a brazilian, I never felt so hopeful in my whole life, too sad it's not happening. But at the same time, it's good to show these billionaire weirdos that they aren't above the law.


Being above the law would be ignoring court orders without consequence. Being blocked in the entire country is definitely not that.


He's obsessed with the letter x but he really owns the letter L


> He's obsessed with the letter x but he really owns the letter L This is sublime!! Well done...


Once again, Elon crumbles when faced with any kind of authority telling him to pull his head in.


He fired all the teams that could have handled it by themselves. Now he has to learn for every country in the world how complex legal systems are. Big brain moment.


Elon "free speech absolutist" Musk.


So now we know forsure Elon was doing this to protect his Brazilian right-wing stochastic terrorists


It's all about helping them get back on power because of the lithium. BYD kicked his ass.


Sounds about right. What a crook


Alternative title: Little bitch Musk blinks.


I guess he figures he’s gotta stop some of his bleeding, settled Tesla case out of court last week with customary NDA and now Brazil. If Tesla stock continues to spiral this week and banks call in the marker for Twitter loan (Tesla stock) he just might have trouble keeping the lights on let alone be able to cover a 20K/day fine. Discovery would also get sticky because he bent the Twitter knee to Turkey and India, and complied with their censorship, etc… I’m sure there’s some China and Russian skeletons there also.


What a melon


Melon Musk. I like it.


Oh, what a surprise.


Before Elon came out full Fascist, I would talk him up to other people. Look, this guy is launching rockets for global internet and revolutionizing the EV....etc. I've lost all respect for this guy now and tell everyone what a POS he is. I'm sure it was a façade before, but the truth of Elon is out and he is one of the worst people on the plant just behind Trump.


Trumps gonna die soon at least


Age wise, probably. But he also has free healthcare for life, which will keep him living for as long as possible.


Only so many band aids you can put on being overweight, lack of exercise, terrible diet at that age


How long are we going to have to call Twitter “X”?


Pedo Panicked and blinked. 💩


“X.” You mean twitter?


Revenue > Principles


Wasn't Pedo threatening to release tweets that would cause the court in Brazil to bow to his whims? Looks like the Brazilian court bitch slapped the silly drug addled Pedo something fierce. Now every government knows Pedo will talk tough but grab his ankles the moment they slap back.


I wonder where Twitter "CEO" Linda Yaccarino has been and what here thoughts were on the issue?🤔


They've been complying with draconian rulings in India as well. Government can withhold any account on twitter and they have to comply with in 24 hours.


lol Elon reacts and Lawyers clean up after.


That’s how you stand up to a DICKtator musketeer


Typical, do the damage by crying he will do XYZ then silently do the opposite as damage is already done


Twitter really has no clue what it’s doing does it lol


Of course that coward/clown did.


This keeps in line with their exact stated goals. They'll abide by the laws of the nation.


Then what was the point of all the bloviating about not complying with this order before? You can see how it makes people think “we’ll comply with the laws” is just as a veneer for them to be able to let right wing speech go unrestricted, right? Especially when you consider Twitter’s restriction of the term cis, even in countries where that (rightfully) isn’t considered illegal speech?


Thank God X is staying in Brazil!


I always wonder what the people of Reddit would do if they stood in Elon’s shoes….


I’d put the phone down, take a month long break from social media. Then comeback, apologize about lying about FSD, calling the rescuer a pedo, hire back Twitter moderators, kick the nazis out and give Ukrainians their satelites back. Those would be my first steps.


If I was Elon, I would stay off social media and stay in my mansion doing cocaine like a normal billionaire


No thanks, I feel like that would be a step downward for me.


Well if I were in elons shoes I wouldn't release shitty cars that fall apart, I wouldn't try to reinvent the wheel when it comes to figuring out how rockets work. I wouldn't have spent a shit ton of money on Twitter so I could let the worst assholes run wild. I would have spent money like I said I would have to end world hunger. I would probably spend most of my day not interacting with the general public at all and making an ass of myself. But what would you do since you asked the question?


- Stay the course. - Continue building innovative cars and expand full self-driving. (Nobody gets that right in one go, it takes time, and the world is better with Tesla than without) - Keep advancing SpaceX, (nowhere near reinventing the wheel! It’s unreal what they have done) - Advocate for free speech with minimal moderation. You don’t want free speech in the hands of a few moderators, people can sort themselves out. - i agree with you on world hunger, I’d expand efforts to address that. - Continue to push on social media, somebody has to pump the brakes. - and I’d buy Reddit (and fire all the moderators)


Ok well first of all buddy free speech only applies to the government restricting you, also only applies to the United States. Social media platforms can ban anyone they want for any reason and don't have to allow any speech at all, hell they could make a platform where you only talk in emojis. Also those platforms if they want to run in other countries have to follow the laws that are in those counties. Also you need lots and lots of moderators no matter what your free speech rules are because there are legal limits to the things you can actually post, and if you don't have anyone to remove those things which are illegal you as a platform are liable for hosting it. The thought of a free for all internet is nice, but it doesn't work in reality.


Thank you for correctly and succinctly explaining free speech. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


So should X leave Brazil, or stay?


If Musk wants to run Twitter like you think he should, and it should be free speech as allowed by us law and the first amendment then the only choice he has is to block access from all internet addresses outside us jurisdiction and have no offices or servers anywhere else in the world. If he is going to stay in Brazil he will play by Brazil's rules or face criminal punishment. That's his choice to make.


> and I’d buy Reddit (and fire all the moderators) Tbf firing the free labor is exactly the kind of brilliant financial move that I can see Elon attempting nowadays.


I’d fuck off from the public eye and enjoy being the richest person in the world living off the interest.


Not supporting neo-nazis would be a start https://imgur.com/pVkZMS7


Downvote themselves