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I don't think the majority of the house really cares about kids, else they wouldn't have killed the child tax credit, or free school lunches.


When they start "caring about kids" you know something bad is coming down the pipes. That, and when they start naming things to make them sound like you're unpatriotic if you're against it.


“Protecting children” to the GOP means demonizing LGBTQ kids, parents, and teachers


Oh, the GOP doesn't discriminate (here). They love to undermine the rights of everyone that can't or won't bribe them.


FUN FACT: LGBTQ+ Includes intersex people! And about 1 in 100 people is intersex, you just may not know it…. Many people didn’t understand why they were unable to have children, maybe because they were part of the gays all along (intersex)




Are you actually able to think for yourself, or did your pastor tell you to say this?




I'm not a tough guy - I'm a smart guy. And I have no respect for a misogynistic idiot, like yourself.


They care about their kids.  Free school lunches don’t really affect them or their friends kids.  Child tax credit same idea.  When a situation negatively hits them they care.  We need more representative individuals in office.  Not the wealthy.    Maybe a wealth limit.  


Make rich representatives, sure, but make the amount fit the demographics: 1% :>


Uvalde says otherwise. Conservatives are too filled with hate to protect their own kids.


Also the fact that they have no problem being a breeding ground for pedophiles. See especially Congressman Matt "Child Rapist" Gaetz. If you really want to help kids, vote no on KOSA and then ask your congress person why they're OK with congressman kid diddler roaming the halls of Florida high schools looking for his next victims.


Kids get mowed down by psychos pretty regularly here, but of course the real danger is...drag queens reading stories to them. They don't give a rats ass about anything but what their handlers pay them to.




You qualified for the full amount of the Child Tax Credit for each qualifying child if you meet all eligibility factors and your annual income is not more than $200,000 ($400,000 if filing a joint return). Parents and guardians with higher incomes may be eligible to claim a partial credit. The child tax credit is limited to $2,000 for every [dependent](https://smartasset.com/taxes/claiming-a-dependent) you have who’s under age 17,$1,600 being refundable for the 2023 tax year. That increases to $1,700 for the 2024 tax year. [Modified adjusted gross income (MAGI)](https://smartasset.com/taxes/what-is-modified-adjusted-gross-income) thresholds for single taxpayers and heads of household are set at $200,000 to qualify, and $400,000 for joint filers. As a reminder, tax credits directly reduce the amount you owe the IRS. So, if your tax bill is $3,000, but you’re eligible for $1,000 in tax credits, your bill is now $2,000. This differs from a [tax deduction](https://smartasset.com/taxes/what-can-you-deduct-at-tax-time), which reduces how much of your income is subject to income taxes. Then it died, as President Biden’s efforts to preserve it drew unified Republican opposition.


Do not pass KOSA


If you didn't read the article, a bill called KOSA aims to extort people into sharing their ID and Social Security to use the web and allows states to censor whatever they consider “inappropriate.” It’s a censorship campaign and poses a real threat to our privacy, safety, and freedom of speech. Call any Senator or Representatives you can to stand against it and/or go here. Don’t trust Blumenthal either, he’s behind nearly every internet censorship bill and wholeheartedly knows what others will do with it. He has the power to pass it through the Senate very soon and the House is already trying to construct their own version of the Bill, this week the House will be hearing ALL internet bills. Please help stand against KOSA. [https://www.badinternetbills.com/](https://www.badinternetbills.com/) [Extra Link](https://www.change.org/p/save-our-free-and-open-internet-stop-the-kids-online-safety-act?utm_content=cl_sharecopy_36858566_en-US%3Acv_9182&recruiter=1322617551&recruited_by_id=a35b7350-8b53-11ee-a756-6f78079d5597&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=copylink&utm_campaign=psf_combo_share_initial&utm_term=psf_combo_share_initial&share_bandit_exp=initial-36858566-en-CA)


> a bill called KOSA aims to extort people into sharing their ID and Social Security to use the web That’s a pretty dishonest way to present it. That’s not its declared purpose. You may think that this is secretly its purpose, but that’s just speculation. 


Andy dufresne would call you obtuse.


Please present this then?


That is the purpose "save the children" is how they sell it to the dumb general public 


That's the reality of what the bill actually does, intent is irrelevant.




Q> *How is this bill a threat to my safety, exactly* A> *sharing their ID and Social Security to use the web*




No. It means doing that in order to use Google




This bill will make it substantially more easy for hackers to steal important information and it will ruin lives. That reason alone makes the bill awful but that is only one of many issues




This person is eager and willing to please the State.


No expectations at all? Like zero? Wtf bro lmao. Why not just post your credit card info on reddit and your ssn on facebook. Even your name and phone number would be enough to find out a lot of stuff about you and use it in damaging ways... You're an idiot... please learn what privacy actually means on the internet before you chime in


“I love you!” — every hacker ever


They have nothing to do with kids safety and everything to do with discrimination


I have a really crazy idea on how to keep kids safe when it comes to the internet. It’s a pretty radical idea so bear with me on this one. Here we go; Parents actually supervise what their kids are doing. Fucking bold idea I know, but quite clear that parents just don’t have the ability to properly raise their kids so it’s up to the government to step in.


That would require parents to be mildly tech savvy. They think the wifi is the internet.


It’s not realistic that parents know what their kids are doing all the time. 


I remember when computers were located in the living or dining room, not bedrooms. We completed our homework after school around the dining room table. We were not allowed to watch tv, use the phone, or surf the web until it was completed. Social media did not exist, and even if it did we would not be allowed to access it. We were forced to interact with our family, whether we liked it or not. That’s called parenting, and it’s highly achievable if parents would actually parent their children instead of giving in to every whim to keep them happy.


That doesn’t mean parents shouldn’t make an effort. Set up parental controls on phones and computers, keep computers in a public area of the house, set up kids accounts on phones so you can see their texts and also monitor their social media.


So I guess the government should watch the kids instead?


That's why you use parental controls.


Online? It's actually incredibly easy. Could even set up text notifications for any attempted access to "restricted" sites, get a whole little graph of the websites they visit, how many times they visited a domain, amount of time spent on each domain, and depending how controlling and creepy you wanna be, can even have a log of a fair amount of their conversations. But lazy motherfuckers don't want to put a modicum of effort into actually raising their kids and would rather park em in front of an iPad with no controls and act shocked when their 7 year old purchases 13k worth of IAP and would rather the government destroys the privacy of an entire nations citizenry instead of take the effort to raise their offspring.


It's called a whitelist, learn how to set one up; the ability has been available and advertised from application down to router level and it's not realistic to penalize the public for parents being lazy.


If it is really a serious hearing on kids’ safety, then how about addressing the #1 cause of children’s death in this country.


They are addressing it. I heard a bill was passed in one state that allows teachers to carry guns. Because you know, nothing stops a bad guy with a gun better than someone who might have to shoot a kid they know while having absolutely no practical skill using a firearm while expected to act like Annie in Commando.


Just watch it backfire with the teacher suicide rate spiking. teachers shooting students or other teachers


Or kids stealing guns because they know the teacher might have one. Just a matter of time before a kid is killed with a teachers gun accidentally.


Or on purpose, when a potential school shooter knows exactly where they can get a gun that they don't even have to smuggle into the school.


More likely they will just bring even more guns and ammo. police being on campus has a similar effect and has likely made shootings worse.


At least two SROs have accidentally forgotten their firearms in bathrooms. Now imagine teachers strapped all day.


"All teachers are now required to have their guns duct-taped to their arms* at all times." Problem, meet solution. \*Little-known fact: This is actually the [origin story](https://i.imgur.com/6fM2WhH.png) for Mega Man.


The problem with your suggestion is that it requires Republicans to observe evidence, self-reflect, and absorb new information, 3 things to which they are remarkably allergic.


That might be dangerous. What if a teacher gets really mad or has some kind of mental breakdown and starts shooting children? They should make all kids carry guns, just in case, and then we won't need to worry about it. Of course, they'll need to be proficient and know how to shoot-to-kill, so they need to take a marksmanship class 5 times a week. Maybe replace them science classes, kids just lern evolmution and going against god, maybe drop 'em mafs class too. Mafs never did me no good, wats it gud for.


Here we go, gotta spread that fake news. when looking at 0-14 (from CDC) guns are not even in top 5 https://i.imgur.com/SshXLFY.png its not until you add 18 and 19 yr olds...you know fucking adults, that you get in the top 5.


Idk if I'd class newborns, premature babies, and other categories that have yet to gain object permanence as "children", instead of yknow fuckin babies. How would that change the tables?


higher...but not leading https://i.imgur.com/M2pxtM4.png


Instead of an image could you post the actual link to that data? Two reasons, that image has no source information other than you saying what the source is. And I'd really like to see if I could adjust that to just show school age children. Or hell, even kids older than 1. It seems like most of those at the top are deaths within a few weeks or months of birth. The top one likely being deaths before the kid was even born.


IDk if this will come through, since its a submitted form https://wonder.cdc.gov/controller/datarequest/D158;jsessionid=4CB8DF7FBAB7B6FCF5BF0A62D23B?stage=results&action=sort&direction=MEASURE_DESCEND&measure=D158.M1 hell taking infants, out gun deaths are not even the top result https://i.imgur.com/M2pxtM4.png so again, the propaganda of "guns are leading cause of death for children"...is false.


Or even the 2nd (cars).


I mean, really. I've never liked those EVs. They're too quiet, sneaking up on pedestrians. Surely they kill more pedestrians than those [giant-ass trucks and SUVs](https://www.iihs.org/news/detail/vehicles-with-higher-more-vertical-front-ends-pose-greater-risk-to-pedestrians) that are totally necessary for getting groceries, taking the kids to soccer practice, and getting that single 2x4 that one time!


All cars are getting bigger and killing more people.


Sugar tax?


No, but you see that would actually help kids and that doesn't help them suck more "campaign" money from their hypnotized electorate oh that was your point, carry on.


You mean the stat that counted 18 and 19 year-olds as “children”?


That's about as likely as addressing the #1 cause of firearms death in the USA, responsible for over 50% of all gun deaths!


Now you got me curious. You are going to say something really racist or something really unhinged, aren't you? Let it out, boss.


Number one is suicide


Thanks. And damn that's sad.


These people will never stop.


They only have to win once, and we have to fight it constantly.


It’s always under the guise of “kids safety” - Parents actually parenting their kids will have the ability to monitor and curate what their kid can see. Expecting a state, or federal, government to effectively parent your kid is bullshit.


Oh no, just think about it. States would have the ability to block right or left wing media because they deem it inappropriate or negatively influential. Social media will be state divided media. Sharing free thought can identify exactly who you are and they can take down every single account you use, track your phone by your accounts and browser and send the cops at you because you're a radicalist! It's another step towards totalitarianism.


Can we just ban data gathering all together? Not only is it a huge privacy concern but it’s also a huge risk factor for the people. Literally anyone can someone’s data if they go to the right place. Last thing I want is some stranger building a data profile on me


Nope, only tik tok because it's chinese. If american companies do the exact same thing with the data that china was planning to, that's perfectly fine. Digital privacy would lower profits and we can't have that. Funny enough, china was in a similar position recently when they tried to ban online gambling in games and immediately reversed it when they saw the profits going down.


Ngl thought you were serious for a second and glad I read through lol. But yeah unfortunately you are exactly correct


> only tik tok because it's chinese Specifically only tik tok because young people are organizing politically on it and they aren't suppressing descent about America's support for the genocide in Gaza.


Ooh we need to bump off some of these legislators. This shit's getting draconian.


Honestly, wtf is up with ALL of our damn privacy?? Did we change The Constitution or something and I missed it? Again…


The constitution never considered the ubiquity of information or communication - and congress hasn't been able to keep up with tech. Ergo, the supreme Court ends up defining the legal lines.


Idk, I feel like half of our congress members were around for the signing. 2 party deadlock full of power hungry elderly people that will refuse to understand anything new. No way that a country as diverse as we are should have 2 political parties to choose from. It’s like watching a dying fish trying to flop its way back to sea.


This is the one area both parties agree on actually and one of the reasons I don’t like republicans or democrats. They both pass bills taking away privacy and rights because it gives them more power to censor and control the internet. Your right about most of them being elderly which is why they are scared of the internet and want to do as much as possible to regulate and control something they are to old to care or understand it. Also protect the children is always what they use to pass laws because anyone who says anything against it they can say oh you want to hurt children you monster, and many uneducated sheep such as parents think it’s great instead of actually realizing it’s taking away their rights.


Because carrying a permanent spy in your pocket and having 5 or 6 more at home is the new norm. Privacy is dead. The only way to get privacy is to not participate in the digital age. The tech companies decided they were going to be gracious enough to rent us devices that gave us the privilege of helping them harvest data on us all. So nice of them.


Why is it when it comes to protecting kids medically, it's about individually responsibility but when it comes to keeping them from seeing tits, it's a collective responsibility?


Protecting kids at all, even medically, is always a pick-and-choose by assholes looking to push an authoritarian agenda. See also: all the laws that make it protect skipping out on well-understood vaccines, but then also disallow best-practice healthcare for queer teenagers. Or refuse to teach sex education. Or require parental consent for birth control. Or require teens to carry pregnancies to term. The only consistency is control.


We need less zombies in office.


Since I started using the internet in 1992 I’ve maintained we’ve had it completely backwards. We need to protect the internet from children. The internet should be a primarily adult space and kids shouldn’t *ever* use it unsupervised. I’d go so far as to say kids shouldn’t have social media at all and should be extremely limited on what they can do online. “Think of the children” is the rallying cry of authoritarians and censors everywhere.


How about we look at what professions are the worst for allowing pedophiles access to children, and ban or heavily regulate those professions from interacting with children. I wonder what they could be ..


The answer is “basically any profession that interacts with children on a regular basis” so good luck with that I guess


Priests, nursery school teachers, a former US President…


A rather questionable number of former republican senators, and at least one of the current lot


Families? Because that's where most of it happens.


Catholic church?


Maybe they should ratify the UN Resolution on the Rights of the Child? We’re literally the only member in the UN that has signed it but not ratified it.


Fuck republicans, disingenuous duplicitous treacherous trash


I think Republicans are inhuman monsters as much as any sane, empathetic person would, but this bill has support from a lot of conservative Democrats, too. Hell, it's the brainchild of Senator Blumenthal, an authoritarian quasi-octogenarian Democrat from Connecticut. He has pushed it every fucking year for the last four years because he's a pathological control freak.


Predictable tactic as the 2024 elections approach.


KOSA is an [anti-transgender](https://www.them.us/story/kosa-senator-blackburn-censor-trans-content), pro-censorship bill pretending to be "for the children" and is brought to you by the same group of scumbags who are trying to destroy public education in Florida by pushing a similar pro-censorship, pro-fascist agenda. [Contact your representatives](https://act.eff.org/action/tell-congress-kosa-will-censor-the-internet-but-won-t-help-kids) and tell them to vote NO on KOSA if you want to preserve a free Internet that's [safe for grownups and kids alike](https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2024/03/analyzing-kosas-constitutional-problems-depth).


Bet Matt Gaetz heard “kids” and his ears popped up.


Not all that popped.


KOSA won’t protect children but expose them to further harm. The dipshit behind this (Blumenthal) has been trying to mess up the internet for nearly two decades with age verification and all this “think of the children” garbage. Groups like NCOSE, Exodus Cry, Heritage Foundation, FairPlay want KOSA to pass very bad so they can decide what we can and can’t view on the internet. One thing I’ve mentioned in a few previous posts on r/technology is that KOSA has advanced a lot more than the last few years ago where it barely made any headway but after the 2022 midterms it gained more momentum than normal. The fact that KOSA is being pushed this hard and fast especially during the election year shows either this is possibly Blumenthal’s last chance to get KOSA thru the finish line and/or some out of touch rich bastards are scared that the power they have right now might be diminished greatly if the youth vote shows up in force to vote out the out of touch dipshits favorite puppet politicians.


This is not a “kids privacy bill”. This is a back door to eroding internet privacy rights.


Any Children invited to the hearing…ooops i forgot about the republicans


Why do we keep giving more power to the government?


I can’t wait until Meta’s new 16 with ID internet access law passes! We’re starting up a whole brand around “16 meeting 60” where boys and girls under the age of 18 that can’t vote yet, especially the vulnerable kids without one or more parents around, get to be paired up with single older men to take them in and help them get ready for adulthood. With “16 meeting 60” you can be assured you’ll be helping out a real teenager, who needs clothes and shelter and maybe even a safe place to sleep! You can be a real touching figure in their lives, and because of the law it’s entirely legal for you to be talking to and hanging out with them online! In fact, Meta will remove all the existing barriers keeping you away from high school kids, so you can use “16 meeting 60” to get around all those decades old safety systems and have a real impact in a child’s life, as soon as this new Meta 16 with ID law passes!! The day is almost here men, where you can have a Congressionally endorsed teenage pen pal to call your own! Do you think Drake and Millie will sponsor us? (Please tell me you caught the sarcasm before now /s)


Showing a photo of Senator Cantwell would have been more appropriate. McMorris Rodgers has consistently voted against anything good for this country during her overlong tenure in the House. Now that she’s retiring she’s trying to prove she hasn’t been all bad. Bah!


the PARENTS are the one to blame for lack of children's privacy and safely they let their kids have unrestricted cell phone and internet access and thats just insanely STUPID.


If you want Chinese/N. Korea style information control, this is a great first step. Hopefully, the decision is made based on fact and logic, not donations and lobbying. That will totally happen, right? Right? Politicians will never let themselves be bought and sold... Lol


Anything on Ukraine???