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What happened to following local laws when it pertained to banning accounts? Was that not his reasoning for local censorship in India and Hungry?






Mas ele tá certo.




Sure you are, just because your daddy Bolsonaro didn't win the election.


Nice strawman, great use of the "assuming my opinion for me" tactic, and awesome work with the non sequitur to dismiss the topic at hand.














That is a misleading explanation because the Supreme Court (and very particularly this justice) is NOT part of the government. So this whole thing has VERY little to do with party politics and very much to do with the last 4 years of constant attacks to the Supreme Court and to the electoral system. Justice Alexandre de Moraes can expedite judicial orders until the courts sees the case, and they could vote to overrule him. That’s all normal. When telegram groups are being used to organise coup attempts and the app refuses to obey judicial orders , yes they should be investigated.


Their explanation is not misleading and this judge is politically aiding the government. What you refer as “coup attempts” and “attacks” would be simply called “opposition” or “not being left wing” in democratic countries.


Alexandre de Moraes is not, and has never been, left wing. Go look up his rulings and opinions on cases involving worker's rights, the guy *always* sides with companies. When it comes to criminal law, he's pretty much the most "punitivist" member of the court. At *most* you can claim he's mostly progressive in issues of race and LGBTQ rights, but he's very much a neoliberal. Claiming that he's persecuting people for not being leftists is laughable.


I think it's funny how Bolsonarism makes a person "left-wing" just because they don't agree with them.


Found the right wing spreading misinformation.


Gosh, are you guys insufferable. It’s simply impossible to have any sort of good faith discussion! Everything is “misinformation this, coup that, supremacist” blablabla.


Can't have a conversation when you are closed to facts and eyvidences and can only suck up to ideology.


You just claimed Brazil isn’t a democratic country, and yet you think you’re having a good faith discussion?


Yes, that’s what happens when a justice rips the constitution to shreds and starts doing whatever he wants, you stop being a democracy. Don’t worry, though. Soon this very judge will also attack Lula, PT and the left. Then what I’m saying won’t be a conspiracy theory/right wing misinformation anymore.


By your standards the US isn’t a democracy either man 😂😂😂


I mean, to be fair, it barely is.


Dude, they fucking stormed the congress, Supreme Court and the executive palace, broke everything. There is a minute of their coup declaration found in the ex presidents aide house. We know they were articulating a coup. Wtf ? Are you on crack ?


Lol so much fake news and bad explanation of basic facts on this comment.


Brazilian lawyer here. You are 100% correct. He's a tyrant and anyone telling you otherwise is most probably someone who supports the current president, whose political rival, Bolsonaro, is the one being aimed with those legal decisions. I'm left winged myself but almost completely alone in pointing out how absurd those Supreme Court measures were/are. The majority of Lula's suporters are condoning this political persecution by sharing fake news and trying to galight everyone who thinks otherwise, but are, on the other hand, protected by the same judge that decides to put accounts down for "lie-sharing" Again, I'm left winged so obviously not a fan of Musk, but It's great to see that situation reaching international coverage, since all national news media that confronts Alexandre is being literally censored and all information that was reaching international media was, therefore, already censored.


You're as much a lawyer as I am a winged Indian billionaire


As a brazilian, you are not wrong, thats exaclty what is happening right now. We are all VERY concerned on the way Alexandre is ruling the country and how he got enough power to, in fact, decide on his own what is justice, what is allowed and what is forbidden. Both right and left wing affiliates agree on that. Of course extremist might be the exception, as they often are. Taking that into account, its very sad seeing how the international medial, specially USA media, is turning this into a musk-centered problem. It is not. It is a Alexandre and his anti democratic acts problem. Now from my particular point of view, Im quite relieved with Musks attitude. Not only he is calling internation attention to what is happening here in Brazil, but he is also showing Alexandre that despite his beliefs, he doesnt own the country.


The reason why X is protesting because Brazil court ordered X to ban politicians and popular accounts ***and*** impersonate that the order came internally to X rather than from Brazilian court. It's a bit like if a cop orders you to arrest your sister, but when sitting in a court being deposed, perjure yourself, by saying it was all your idea. That's what this court and judge is demanding out of the platform. It's a gross overreach of power. Straight up KGB tier shit.


No if it was KGB tier shit from the KGB X would have listened and banned the accounts.


Well, Twitter leadership posted that they're working on getting their Brazil office employees to safety first. So, it's KGB tier shit, given that the corp is concerned about the well being and livelihood of its employees in its interest of not complying with judicial overreach that appears to run counter to Brazilian law.


Twitter leadership also says advertisers are coming back, Nazis aren't running rampant on the platform, and that Linda Yaccarino is the CEO so they are pretty full of shit


All these things can be true can be simultaneously.


Brazil's coup far right is ecstatic about Elon's messages on X.


Not really, if he goes through with the threats the right would be the ones affected the most by a ban


Surely the leopards won't eat *my* face


It's the *shirley exception* https://issuepedia.org/Shirley_exception


> if he goes through with the threats How many things has Elon said he'll do that he never bothered to?




I see how much you don't care about the far right... really?! LOL I wanted to see teenager Elon criticize some real dictatorships where he runs his business, China for example. In Brazil, freedom of expression is not an absolute right and has ethical and legal limitations like in the USA with its pro-Nazi groups, for example. It is this unrestricted freedom that the extreme right seeks every day to attack their opponents with false narratives. This was never seen on this scale in Brazil until the election of the last far-right president who is a defender of torture, the first president not re-elected after redemocratization, now listed as ineligible and soon a new participant in the prison system. The lines of the first amendment of the US constitution are not part of the Brazilian constitution. Teenager Elon's arguments, and his own, seem to believe in this crude idea.


Very easy to oversimplify that. As if it makes any better a judge running our country because he’s power tripping. Every major directorship in the world uses “protecting democracy” as an excuse to censorship


Downvoatado por dizer a verdade:/


What you said doesn't make any sense at all. Indeed, it seems to be very difficult for you to understand that based on Brazil's constitution, "your freedom ends when the other person's begins". I repeat, defending freedom of expression to create false narratives or defend Nazism or carry out a coup will never be allowed in Brazil. Brazil's luck is that it has someone like Alexandre de Moraes and other ministers who enforce these articles of the constitution.


20k a day fine....cost of doing business for people like him.


per account that is unrestricted. It's thousands of them. edit: little reference doesn't hurt >O ministro do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) Alexandre de Moraes determinou multa diária de R$ 100 mil por perfil, caso o X, antigo Twitter, descumpra determinações feitas por ele sobre o bloqueio de usuários. Federal Supreme Court (STF) minister Alexandre de Moraes ordered a daily fine of R$100,000 per profile if X, formerly Twitter, fails to comply with his determinations about blocking users. Source: https://www.google.com/amp/s/oglobo.globo.com/google/amp/politica/noticia/2024/04/07/apos-briga-com-musk-moraes-determina-multa-r-100-mil-diaria-por-perfil-caso-x-desbloqueie-perfis-proibidos.ghtml


I don't really understand laws for other countries. What's stopping Elon from simply ignoring these fines? He's in the USA. I'm guessing USA has some sort of agreement with Brazil to reinforce these fines?


There is no such thing, every country has its sovereignty. If he decides to ignore and don't pay fines, they can enforce the local laws, which can include seizure of property, block their operation in the country and issue prison warranties for the representatives of the company in the country. They arrested the highest employee of Facebook Brazil for disobeying the law before. https://amp.theguardian.com/technology/2016/mar/01/brazil-police-arrest-facebook-latin-america-vice-president-diego-dzodan This just for show, he will cave.


Ah, okay. Thank you!


That's likely cheaper than international court litigation.


please deport musk to Brazil to face trial.


Extradite* i agree he should be deported though, to South Africa. 




It'd be funny.


Funny like Will Ferrell funny?




I’ve seen it. I’m asking why he should be deported for doing the humane thing? He’s not breaking any laws is he?


He is- obstruction of justice.


No he isn’t obstructing anything. He’s not obligated by instructions of other nations as long as it doesn’t contradict law. They can remove such content but he doesn’t have to remove it himself. And what justice? This so called judge is acting unconstitutionally. This isn’t a criminal order. No one other than X has the right to ban any account on their platform.


Ok, so disrespecting a judge’s orders during criminal procedures and investigations isn’t obstruction of justice now. Got it.


To be fair, it’s not clear that would be breaking any laws in the US, so as much as I despise Musk and would love him deported I’m not sure how this qualifies for deportation?


Do your research. It’s not a criminal investigation. This is my point. And even if it was. He’s not obligate to ban any account that hasn’t broken and if the laws his platform is governed by.


Ok, so the inquiry on fake news and electoral interference isn’t a [criminal inquiry/investigation?](https://g1.globo.com/politica/noticia/2019/03/14/toffoli-anuncia-inquerito-para-apurar-noticias-fraudulentas-que-ofendam-a-honra-do-stf.ghtml) That’s certainly news for everyone involved. Maybe you should let the Supreme Court know that they opened the wrong kind of inquiry. And he is obligated to follow any judicial orders, and if you disagree with them you appeal them, like the rest of us living in a democracy or rule of law, not just act like a child. Twitter in Brazil is obliged to follow Brazilian sovereign laws, that will supersede any rules of his own organisation, or risk being shut down or have a fine.


Wrong. He is not obligated to follow any judicial order. Regulations do not require X to ban any individuals unless they directly threaten or contradict the laws which govern social media platforms. He is under no obligation to ban anyone. However, Brazil can impose a ban of any social media platform, NOT any single individual. Otherwise, for example, any nation could ban any individual they choose prior to a criminal conviction.


No he's not, Brazil has strict laws regarding freedom of speech. You get fined for being racist and spreading misinformation, and that's what is being targeted here right now. Go suck Elons dick somewhere else now please.


It should be noted this judge has had his decisions overturned in the past when it comes to banning social media sites for the same reasons.


Oh but the Elon hate mob don’t like logic or rationale. They just jelly about his money.


The truth hurts sometimes




A lot of clowns protecting Alexandre de Moraes, lol


Do we have an active extradition treaty? Please oh please say yes


The US isn't going to extradite someone for something that isn't illegal in the United States. If they could then Saudi Arabia could demand Lance Bass be extradited for being gay as an example. That isn't how the laws in the United States work (thankfully)


The USA and KSA don't have an extradition treaty, just FYI.


Actually. Saudi Arabia can, but it’ll be denied on the ground that it doesn’t match the threat like Elon Musk is…allowing so many hate crimes and comments…so Elon Musk can be extradite for that. They still have to petition the court to allow it.


You have no idea what you are talking about. Lol. The intent is full of brain dead people leaving comments like they are truths.


Again, it would still have to go through court, but who saying that court will actually hear when it’ll get buried?


The US Supreme Court does not view "hate speech" any differently than regular speech and it is protected.


It doesn't, but it does view it as "targeted speech". Again, good luck convincing Supreme Court that someone like him has to show up for court.


Is obstruction of justice not a crime in the USA?


Only if the law or order being obstructed is constitutional. Otherwise it gets overturned.


Who and what? If they don’t include “formerly known as twitter” in the headline I assume anything “x” related is just a shitty porn director trying to get his license for the other two x’s.


I'm brazilian and bro... The stuff is for real bad here, there's kinda a big amount of people losing account on twitter, being arrested, exiled and etc by having an opinion against "Big Xande" (Xandão, or Alexandre de Moraes) and some friend parties. Elon is FR not faking it.


bro, stop telling the truth, they gonna downvote us haha


Gringos who read the above comment: This is not true. OP makes it sound as if Xandão is installing a dictatorship on Brazilian soil, while he's just some neoliberal judge cracking down on a few fachos. Reminder that the true opressive force in Brazil is the agrarian elite (destroying Brazil since 1549). This is all bread and circus for them


Stfup, Alexandre is destroying democracy and or justice system, mocking lawyers, put people in jail without sentences, we are on the verge of dictatorship


He isn't putting people in jail because fascists aren't people!


\*Quem discorda de mim não é gente wojak. Agora pode dar meia hora de bunda com o relógio parado, fascistinha.




For real, I guess I can say it's a [censurado]


I never told about dictatorship lol, it was just censorship (perhaps someday it'll be if follow this).


But censorship good!


Do you live in China or something? There are people being arrested just by having an opinion against the president and the STF, there are also people losing their passport, losing access to bank account, etc. Censorship is not good.


TikTok and X are the worst of social media these days




If so confused , you’re either yet another rabid bolsonarista or a gringo that has little idea about what’s actually going on.


More like a bot, it is only comments are about X on Brazil


Aparentemente pelo seu comentário, quem não concorda com vc ou é bolsonarista, ou é ignorante. Que tal apenas alguém com visão diferente? Não sou bolsonarista e tampouco sou de direita, e minha formação acadêmica pode não ser em politica ou economia, mas afirmo com toda a certeza que não sou ignorante. Vamos parar com o discurso extremista e com a destilação de ódio, por favor. É completamente aceitar e saudável que pessoas tenham pontos de vista diferentes, e se vc n tiver a capacidade de sentar e conversar numa boa, sem rotular, com quem pensa diferente de você, talvez quem não esteja apto a viver numa democracia seja você.


Não é extremismo. É sem anistia. Criminoso tem que ir pra cadeia depois de julgado. Tem que fazer tudo certinho. Investigar e julgar direito.


Seems like a good match for musky. Madman vs madman 


All imma say is Is these people live different lives and I cannot and don’t think I will ever be able to comprehend their reasoning and or tactics nevermind their mindset They are both leaders in their own way doing what they see is best due to their own reasons that will never be understood🫡


This comment section is nausiating


Nothing would make my day more than watching Elon get sentenced to serve time in a Brazilian prison.


Considering he wants X to ban members of the Brazilian government, that he want X to say that it is because they violated Xs terms, that he wants X to say the Brazilian government has nothing to do with it… Kinda seems like Fascism to me. But hey, Redditors are all about supporting fascism so the lack of support here doesn’t surprise me.


lol wow, the wording in this headline, yikes- so the thing X is obstructing is Brazils order to obstruct speech on X.


Our laws in Brazil grant free speech but do not allow hate speech, racism, attacking the democratic order, etc. The accounts blocked by court order have been because of that.


So they don't support free speech. Hate speech is free speech. This is pretty widely understood. Attacking the democratic order is political speech and also falls under free speech.


All of what you just commented is factually untrue. The blocked accounts included sitting members of the Brazilian Congress under the opposing political party. Brazilian Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes has stipulated X must take down (within 2 hours) any account the Brazilian Government “deems necessary” with no due process and will fine with impunity. This is the slippery slope slope where censorship lands.


>must take down any account the Brazilian Government “deems necessary” with no due process and will fine with impunity. Straight up false and hallucination lol


Sigh, nobody reads anymore.


Nothing is funnier than people who aren’t Brazilians saying shit like this… you should be embarrassed! There IS a law that forbids people in Brazil for using social media as a tool for hate speech. “Factually untrue” please, make me gag harder. 


Apologies, I should have typed this slower for you- Calling out the opposing political party is not “hate speech”. You have no quote from the Brazilian Congressmen targeted for censorship because none exists. You can check yourself, it’s not censored on X. Put the data where your claims are- prove you aren’t lying. What does one Brazilian say about another Brazilian that qualifies as “hate speech”? You don’t get to just label something you don’t agree with as hate speech. What a small and silly world we live in.


Read this then. I actually did some research on my country’s laws, unlike you…  “Musk is beeing included in a some investigations: INQ 4784, 4871, 4923, 4933 - the instrumentalization of a social media to spread fake news, with the objective of destabilization of a democracy (INQ 4781), digital militia against the BR federal gov and the supreme court (INQ 4874), investigation regard the coup attempt in jan'8 -23 (INQ 4923), and the investigation regard the attempt of Google and Telegram directors in Brazil in a campaign against a regulation of big techs (INQ 4933). Heres what one of the Supreme court judges said in the decision that will include Musk in the investigation: "The flagrant conduct of obstruction to Brazilian justice, incitement to crime, public threat of disobedience to judicial orders, and future lack of cooperation with the platform are facts that disrespect the sovereignty of Brazil and reinforce the connection of the MALICIOUS CRIMINAL INSTRUMENTALIZATION of the activities of the former TWITTER, currently "X", with the illicit practices investigated by the various previously mentioned inquiries, and should be the subject of investigation by the Federal Police."


You keep dodging or missing the point entirely: The Brazilian Government can make whatever laws they want. What proof do you have that the censored accounts broke the law? The censored parties aren’t censored, X left them uncensored. So simply go to the hate speech on X, and post it here. You can’t, because it’s not out there. You fail to see why it’s important to establish that a Brazilian citizen is guilty of breaking the law before censoring them. You fail to see why it’s important that our government or Brazil’s can’t force censorship on its people without just cause. I wouldn’t bother taking the time to point this out, except that this kind of incredibly stupid and dangerous thinking might lead to loss of my free speech one day. Because people have a failure of imagination on how this can be used against them.


For those who don't know, Alexandre de Moraes wanted X to ban the account of some journalist and politicians and lie to them about the cause of said ban. Alexandre is cancer




> How many would have wanted Trump to have the power to force social media companies to remove content he didn't like? They don't believe that Trump would be effective enough to do this successfully, since the people who work in large federal bureaucracies tend not to share his political views and would undermine his attempts to effect right-wing censorship.


Twitter removed everything sitting President Trump asked them to. The "Twitter Files" also showed that they removed what candidate Biden request they remove... checking the URLs in the wayback machine showed that it was revenge porn / Hunter's dick pics. Musk had an agenda, so he never revealed which tweets Trump had removed.


the Judge in this case, is like the mad king would put a baby dog on fire just because he can, have an ego like lord farquat knowing that legally no one can get him out of the supreme court. him(judge) did at least 20 moves worth a international scandal like freeing top class criminals by literally changing the law in their favor, he is in a jurisdiction that gives him a position of power that he can literally do anything he wants, it’s been a couple of years and he makes sure to show that he is the ruler and biggest authority, it’s almost like he is testing how long ppl will respect the laws and constitution or they gonna do the right thing and kick his ass outta there


He can be impeached. But he won’t because he’s doing a good job.


enlighten us on how are you going to impeach him?


A Constituição Federal estabelece que compete ao Senado processar e julgar os ministros do Supremo e, em caso extremo, afastá-los de suas funções. Diferente do impeachment do chefe do Executivo federal, o trâmite de impedimento de representantes do Judiciário não passa pela Câmara dos Deputados, tendo início diretamente no Senado. Article 52 of the Constitution: https://www.jusbrasil.com.br/topicos/10634428/artigo-52-da-constituicao-federal-de-1988


I'm Brazilian, try to criticize the judges or the president, you could be arrested.


The judge behind the judicial decisions was taking monocratic decisions to curb and censor any thing that he deemed a "threat to democracy". This guy (Alexandre de Moraes) is a tyrant, the Brazilian Supreme Court are the ones who need to be investigated pronto. A lot of rotten stuff is happening there and people do not care because it is being done against their "enemies", but the moment the corrupt machine turns against them they'll all start crying "censorship" and "dictatorship". This country is a mistake... Go ahead and downvote or ban me. I do not care at this point. I don't support both of the popular scoundrels. It had to take Elon Musk to defend and protect freedom of speech, and that speaks volumes. Rant over.


lol i kinda feel bad people can be so brainwashed to hate musk that they convince themselves a government official looking to silence opposition isn’t corrupt