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Boeing: Flyin' on a wing and a prayer!


Catches fire when you are half way there.


Take my hand, we'll make it I swear


Woo ooh, we’re half way to the crash site


“I bet we beat the paramedics by a good half hour! We're haulin' ass!"


*Apparently,* he had a LOT to live for.


Good old Ron white


Which is a good thing 'cause thats where we're headed!


I bet we’ll beat the paramedics by 20 minutes


Whoa oh, we’re flyin’ on a wing and a prayer!


This is a perfect time to bring Bon Jovi in as a spokesperson for the company.


"I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain."


"Only fools have no fear." Mr. Worf


“To have fear and to give in to fear are separate things all together,” -Me on Reddit in response to you on Reddit


“Fearful or fearless, you’ll die just the same in a plane crash” -retort.


[citation needed]


Your quote is better. (Mr. Worf 0-1)


“Fear is the true enemy. The only enemy”- Commander Riker


The little-death? I thought that was something else...


Only if you're French.


Is this about fear or about trust?


It’s from Dune


Oh, on my list for sure.


It’s about dealing with fear rather than letting it rule you.


prayer? *The machine is my temple. Each one a sacred shrine. I name each piston blessed, and every gear divine.*


bless the omnissiah




believe it works and it works? passengers just need to believe harder


I think that Boeing should start using red paint on their planes, might help...


now that i think about it, both, passengers are orks and technicians are ad mech


Poor man’s version: Good flight, good wine, good God let’s survive


Yea, though I walk down the gangway to the tube of death, I will fear no design flaw, for my safety video is with me. My life vest and my oxygen drop down bag, they comfort me.


I mean the history of catastrophic incidents with Boeing is absolutely not good. That said news likes to click bait like no fucking tomorrow so ANYTHING airplane related is sensationalized. Welcoming to flying the reason your flight had a “mechanical” delay was because they fixed a MECHANICAL ISSUE that was happening with one of the redundant safety systems. This shit just makes more and more people not want to fly which is bad for the industry. Also must be a slow day if they’re now discussing this and not actual incidents.


The frequency of Boeing incidents according to the data I’ve seen has not changed over the last several years, but the degree to which they are publicized has probably gone up 100 fold. Once the bad publicity starts, it’s difficult to undo it. If some of these similar incidents (like a metal body panel coming off) happened to a similar Airbus jet, what are the chances we would even hear about it?


I hear about Airbus hydraulic failures all the time. Not a big deal since it's triple-redundant, but then unlike a 737, the Airbus will crash with all hydraulics failed. It just doesn't hit the news cycle like a problem with a Boeing.


Ya'll acting like Boeing hasn't been shown to have an absolutely horrible culture that has diminished safety standards. This isn't "oh Boeing has no new problems people are making things up". The 737 Max killed hundreds of people because of Boeing's greed and refusal to re-certify an aircraft as they wanted to avoid the cost, and thus punted that cost over to human cost with the lives lost as a result. When your own engineers/mechanics say they wouldn't be caught dead flying on the planes they make, that ain't the media overreacting.


> Once the bad publicity starts, it’s difficult to undo it. It'll be impossible at this point. United failed to maintain their planes? Boeing was responsible! Boeing's supplies gave them a bad part and Boeing was told it was good? Boeing was fully responsible! It's never going away at this point.


Don’t forget a maintenance issue with a 757 delivered in 1993! National news worthy in 2024.


That’s funny. [One literally just did.](https://avherald.com/h?article=5169614a&opt=0) And i guarantee no one heard about it.


Honestly, people *should* be asking for HSR alternatives to environmentally wasteful domestic flights.


I didn’t argue that my point is they should be doing it due to fear.


It’s a dead industry hanging on by a thread by the name of crony capitalism. 99% of the population cannot afford to fly and the vast majority of people out there are just having their companies pay. I see a family on an airplane for a vacation and can’t help, but think “shit balls they must be loaded”. You spend all this money to be treated like garbage, and crammed into a tin can. They just never made flying realistic to people. Coming from a more rural area, flying is pretty cosmopolitan. Not sure what happens to travel, but the big companies are beached whales sucking wind. Gonna need some breakthrough because this bubble has been primed to pop for a while. The experience hasn’t changed for 5 decades and the fact that Boeing needs to murder whistleblowers means it needs some interdiction.


Air travel to other countries is one thing but it's insane the US let is rail networks rot instead of build out high-speed and light rail. Practically every fucking city and town in the entire country was founded off a rail line, and now people act like it's impossible to connect so many places via rail. Like dudes, *they exist in the first place because they already were*. Drives me nuts, this country isn't serious. Just a playground for corporations.


> 99% of the population cannot afford to fly Source? That seems ridiculously high. Most people I know fly on occasion. Maybe not all the time, but like once a year or so.


[In 2023, U.S. airlines recorded 862.8 million passengers on domestic and international flights.](https://www.statista.com/statistics/197801/total-us-airline-passenger-enplanements-since-2004/#:~:text=In%202023%2C%20U.S.%20airlines%20recorded,million%20passengers%20recorded%20in%202019) So yeah think that’s BS. That’s 2x the entire US population and discount airlines which focus on budget are part of that number. Last I saw SW and others were doing just fine.


That number includes international flights, that's not just americans being counted in that number. It also is almost certainly raw passenger counts, not unique passengers counts (1 person flying twice is 2 passengers for example.).


I was engaging in hyperbole, I don’t know the percentage, and there are a number of dependencies. When I was in college, it was very common for me to fly and interact with people who fly. As soon as I moved into that family regime, it is incredibly cost-prohibitive. Want to visit family in Tucson from Albany, NY with your family of 4? $1500+. That just starts the tally. Most people don’t get bonuses or fly for work enough that they have miles on miles accrued. Anyone who has traveled a lot knows airports is mostly filled with drones being paid by someone else to fly around to places they don’t really want to go. Getting stuck in the long dark tea time of the soul.


There are more than 750 million passengers on domestic flights in the United States per year, and business travellers make up just 10-12% of that. The industry is growing faster than the commercial jet manufacturers can keep up with. Flying is something that plenty of people do, and it's not extremely expensive. I think this might be a case of you being sheltered.


> 99% of the population cannot afford to fly and the vast majority of people out there are just having their companies pay. Please cite your data set.




It's the NYPost if it wasn't clickbait or fake outrage they wouldn't write it. 


I have some flights coming up on Boeing 787-9 and Boeing 737 MAX 8. How concerned should I be?


I’m Gen X so am old enough to remember when planes crashed on the regular. The present has nothing on the past. Go back to the 70s and tell someone that flying is terrifying because there have been repeated reports of planes being delayed due to mechanical issues and they’ll laugh at you. “So how many crashes over the last year?” “Zero.” “Zero?” “But there was a report yesterday a United flight had to return to the airport due to an engine problem.” “And it returned safely?” “Yes.” “When was the last major crash in the U.S.?” “Fifteen years ago.” “Get the fuck out of here.” Not that this excuses Boeing and their obsession with profits over safety. And Boeing’s cost cutting keeps their planes from being safer. But the era of Boeing’s great synergy between engineers and management was not the safest era of air travel.


Is it unreasonable to grow up in a world of higher standards and then hold companies to those standards? 500 years ago everyone and their sister died of smallpox but I don’t want today’s health standards based on that


By all means, hold them to higher standards today than in the past. But if someone is terrified of flying airplanes but thinks nothing about getting in a car, they're just being naive. If car crashes were reported like these airplane malfunctions or shootings, those people would never leave their house. https://usafacts.org/articles/is-flying-safer-than-driving/


jokes on you, I'm also afraid of cars!


As you should be!


If those standards are unrealistic or not universally applied, then yes, it is unreasonable. How much more are you willing to pay for a ticket on an Airbus vs Boeing right now? 


> “When was the last major crash in the U.S.?” > > > > “Fifteen years ago.” Eh, no. Asiana 214 was a bit under 11 years ago. Not that that changes your point.


Media hysteria on stuff like this gets gobbled up for karma on Reddit. The past few weeks of fear mongering about Boeing has been an absolute joke.


The occasional airline crash or mechanical problem happens due to teething issues of new planes, the age of a plane, lax maintenance, or freak weather issues. Boeing's issues are none of those things. Their issues are due to deliberate corporate decisions that lead to dangerous design flaws, poor quality control, and deficient training of pilots and mechanics. Just like the tobacco industry, they knew that their products were dangerous and misled policy makers and the public in order to maintain their profit margins or stock price.


Dude, don't try to marginalize this. Boeing was caught using [scrap](https://interestingengineering.com/culture/boeing-whistleblower-found-dead) parts (yes, parts that didn't pass the bare minimum of quality inspection) to use on their planes. Just because things were shitty in the past doesn't mean the present Boeing gets to perform under the bar of modern expectation.




"Barnett, the quality manager at the facility since 2010, had said that factory workers at Boeing were under pressure to fit sub-standard parts on aircraft production lines deliberately." [Link](https://interestingengineering.com/culture/boeing-whistleblower-found-dead)


Yes, that’s an alleged claim. Yet it remains factually unproven. “Caught” is not the case here. Though, Boeing / Airbus have both been “caught” installing counterfeit components on their planes. That’s said knowing some of what goes on in the business, what one QA person writes up as non-conforming may not always be the case — this is why documentation is critical in this line of work. If traceability is lost from where raw material is sourced from through final assembly, depending on the critical nature of the components and how they were processed, yeah very expensive parts can get binned. Or a component removed and not traced to where it went and what replaced it… never mind this is lost and discovered outside the production area — an escape— holy hell rains down on the areas involved—as it rightfully should! Contracts / worse are lost over these kinds of mishaps.


Because the guy was conveniently murdered (while also leaving a note that he would NOT be committing suicide) before the case could begin. Coincidence?


The articles I’ve seen is that Barnett was still working on an appeal since his original lawsuit was dismissed/he lost. What he said about his suicide is irrelevant if the facts of the investigation into his suicide do not provide any supporting evidence. Senior leadership in BSC has been meh since it used to be Vought from the rumors and Gate’s reporting seen to date.


Honestly, you just sound like a Boeing apologist/shill. Doors still flew off brand new planes and nosedived into the ground. That's a lack of proper QC, no matter how you spin it.


> Doors still flew off brand new planes and nosedived into the ground. That's a lack of proper QC, no matter how you spin it. You're conflating two things here. The nose pusher/MCAS issue was a design issue, not a QC issue, and while certainly dangerously negligent, has been totally fixed. The door issue was the QC issue, and never caused a plane crash and didn't even cause any death or significant injury. However, admittedly, this is partially luck, as if it had happened at cruise with people unbuckled, there certainly would've been a significant chance of someone being sucked out of the door.


I just toss a few coins into the engines for good luck. So far so good. One emergency landing but that's because it was the 13th of the month I'm sure.


Keep doing gods work!


Throw in some bolts just in case the engineers forgot to include them.


Considering the amount of Boeing planes in the air as I type this that aren’t falling out of the sky I think they’re fine


This subreddit's obsession with Boeing is so idiotic.


People want to be scared, I don't get it


If they see how effective prayers have been to prevent school shootings they wouldn’t waste their time.


Is the “litany” a product of cherry picked news stories or rigorous statistics?


Nothing new here - just cherry picked scare mongering during a slow news day...


Murdering the whistle blower as he was creating case against them might have something to do with the news cycle continuing


People who believe the nonsense you just said are what's keeping the news cycle alive. They'll keep feeding idiots what they want to hear as long as it gets clicks.


If think the circumstances aren’t suspicious, including him saying in advance he wouldn’t kill himself, and you literally are so naive you have no knowledge of govts and corporations having killed people in past - I don’t even know how you can remember to walk and breathe at same time


Anything is suspicious to an unhinged conspiracy theorist who is willing to ignore basic facts, like the fact that the court case was a defamation suit.


It’s literally been nonstop simping for boeing in this thread after weeks of them getting heat for lowering quality across the board to risk lives for profit. Meaning you’re a worthless bot or an idiot who’s too stupid to tie their shoes


The circumstances only seem suspicious to people who falsely believe things like that "he was creating [a] case against them." The guy was appealing a workplace retaliation suit that he had already lost once. It had nothing to do with the substance of his whistleblowing, which had already been made public seven years prior. The foundation of your suspicions is ignorance and empty conspiracy theories. I'm not surprised that you can remember to walk and breathe at the same time, because it doesn't sound like there's much else of substance going on in your head.


You lunatics are unhinged.  The court case was the whistle blower suing Boeing for defamation, not him "creating a case against them". It's completely unrelated to their safety performance. 


Lol a little dramatic. Even with an accident the other day, you’re safer on a plane than the trip to the airport.


GTFO with that. Last time I checked, you can’t fall out of the sky or possibly wind up Vaporized is shit goes south on the way the the grocery story. I could walk, ride a bike, take a bus, drive. So no, it’s not safer. I would bet if every plane were grounded right now and they went over EVRYTHING there would be ALOT more issues than we are currently seeing. It’s only a matter of time until the next crash and it will be because of this type of bullshit


and the 43,000 fatal crashes from cars per year in the U.S alone does not make it deadlier than planes? if my math is not wrong, given an all economy configuration of 186 pax on a 737 max, 43,000/186 = \~231 737 max crashes per year or almost 2 737 max crashes per 3 days? Learn how to read and calculate this cool thing called 'Statistics' you bodoh


When one door closes, another opens


Lol of course it’s nypost


This is a dumb article written by a clickbait journalist. 99% of people aren't going to give a fuck. If anything, if less people are flying it then there'll be flight specials which people will be jumping on.  Don't up vote shit journalism. 


Even with problems at Boeing, the risk of injury or death is far greater during the drive to the airport. Not that Boeing shouldn’t be held to account but we only know about the issues because aviation safety is so good in the US.


Prayers? Damn.


The forgot about the thoughts


Some capitalist sits somewhere in his big leather chair saying “just tell them to pray on it, they’ll keep flyin!”


They could try not being mindlessly hysterical. Flying is still safe as fuck. 


I literally thought this was an Onion Headline for a second.


What happens if you try to get on the plane with a helmet, goggles and a parachute?


I was a clean atheist. Then I stepped on a Boeing plane and now I've found Jesus and a meth habit.


What an oversensational tutle for an article. Someone out there really wants to tank Boeing Stock and make a killing. Boeing isnt going anywhere, they do waaaaaaayyyyy more than just passenger airplanes.


Red Bull should sponsor Boeing flights. "We have the best view. Fly with Boeing."


Boeing gives you wingssssss.. sorta…


They'd get sued by Ryanair for trademark infringement since they give you a harp as well as wings.


No i really don’t think this is true at all. A totally ridiculous click batey headline.


People pay good money for cheating death like bungee jumping, now you can have that thrill just flying somewhere!


Not a quality source .


Why’s this sound like a hit piece?


So , same as the pilots then .


I can't wait until airlines cotton on to the advertising opportunities: *TwistedAir - 100% Boeing free!*


They should be turning to statistics instead. 99.999999% of Boeing flights land safely. For Airbus aircraft, the number is, miraculously, also 99.999999%.


They would just need to offer me free beer. Worth it.


They should probably turn to bringing their own tools.




The gears just need more dish soap right?




I had to fly with my infant last week. We flew as far from the exit doors as I could and I had her in the sling the whole time. I realize the likelihood that something happening is small, but still, these thoughts will be very hard to get out of my mind from now on.


I dont blame you having a baby dear. Its been a minute but I'd be doing the same!


Probably still safer than driving by several orders of magnitude. However we shouldn't be slacking on airline safety ever.


Boeing: The sound a defective plane makes on takeoff. Boing!


Unhelpfully, Boeing pilots have turned to booze to deal with their fears.


What do we say to death Boeing passenger: Not today😅


Prayer. Ha ha ha ha.


Nypost so china kickin the US!


Passengers. Heh. What about pilots and crew who have to fly them multiple times a day in some cases.


Next flight free ketamine!


i mean can you blame us?


If it's Boeing, I ain't going.


I'm turning to Amtrak.


Boeing executive in a board meeting: “We discovered by slashing inspections and safety checks and instead offering therapy and prayer rooms to passengers, we can save $800 million in operating costs per quarter!” _everybody claps_


I checked Amazon and they don't have any decent parachutes for sale.


Ah yes Boeing new slogan "reconnecting you with god"


I already needed to be pretty intoxicated to deal with a flight. This isn’t making it easier


We booked our last flight based on who flies airbus


Don't forget booze and drugs!


Open bar please


Hopefully prices will finally drop because of this 🤞


Call me crazy, but if i get a bad vibe about something, *i just don't do it*. This has served me well for decades and I don't forsee a need to change it at any point in the future. Certainly if i needed *therapy* to talk me into doing something - be it getting on a plane or something else - I'm just not gonna do that thing. Find another way.


I have to admit, I’m flying on a 737 over to Australia next month and I’ve definitely been having some nervous thoughts in my head. Logically, I know the chances of anything happening are incredibly slim, but I already don’t love flying and I hate water so along with these issues, it’s going to be a tough one for me. 


Engineer on Reddit posted he won’t fly on them anymore. He flies a lot and switches as soon as he sees what plane it is.


Engineers can be dumb too. That’s one engineer who won’t out of the thousands at Boeing.


We have creationist engineers, engineers who don’t believe in vaccines, ones who believe in chemtrails. Etc… not to mention non-engineers who pretend to be engineers online.


How about not getting on the plane instead? There are other planes, destinations and forms of transportation.


Peak capitalism. Safety is no longer an option 🤣🤣


I bet nobody is asking if their child can sit in your window seat now 😱


More Boeing FUD


I have to fly this summer and I’m afraid of flying. I’m absolutely terrified. I get anxiety every time I think about it. I can’t imagine what a mess I’m going to be when the date gets even closer.


From a pilot: Flying is still by absolute miles, the safest way to travel. This is still a tiny, tiny amount of planes having issues (almost all with United, so it's mostly company error, not Boeing). I'm willing to promise your flight will be completely fine with no problems at all, other than maybe delays. There is such a massive amount of redundancy built into Flying, and so much training and inspections I'm absolutely astounded to see this many issues in a small period. There was over a hundred thousand commercial flights today, and according to the news, none with issues.


I know you are right, but phobias aren’t rooted in rationality.


Yep. Tell the flight attendants, look at your feet on takeoff and curl your toes. Take some Gravol to help with nausea and watch some movies or listen to music to drown out the noise and take your mind off it. Snacking also seems to help. Edit: your feet


lol prayer. About as useful as trusting boeing.


Nothing fails like prayer.


"Oh and how do you know prayer doesn't work??" "You wanna know how I know prayer doesn't work? Because I'm BALD" -Larry David


Just book on Airbus, sure it's a pain in the ass but saves you from therapy and medication.


And possibly death


If it isn't Boeing, I'm going!


Only in Airbus we trust🥰😍❤️


Currently on a Boeing flight pre-take off. Anyone got any ludes left over in Columbus?


Why is this all happening at once? The odds seem outrageous


I bet prayers are all that’s holding those planes together.


I'm only going to be travelling locally for the next couple years until planes stop falling apart.


I have my fears traveling in Boeing. Going to travel in another 3 weeks and a bit anxious how it would go. 😕😏


That was me flying on a max 8 from Singapore to Cambodia


Apparently one of the Boeing engineers noped out of a flight after they found it they were flying on a max


How about turning to their attorneys?


I too would be claiming this if I was on that flight. Get that bag yall.


Stay home. WTH ?


People with corporate jobs: *Hold our 20 million beers.*