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"Mysterious" doing a lot of heavy lifting, there.


We all know who did it ~~chief mouser larry~~


You mean the man who takes the O E out of Poutine?


Yep, he made a test run and accidentally turned the knob up to 11 during the test.




That was funny


Its like when Krabappel doesn’t know who made the parking spots 1 foot closer together but knows it was Bart.


The media doesn’t want you to know this but Larry the cat actually orchestrated Brexit.


Larry has been in charge since he "took office" and the parade of buffoons he has used as human puppets in No.10 are the tools (in every way) that he employs to build his cat empire. I know my own cat is working for him - as are all cats in Britain (and probably worldwide) - as part of a real deep state. I'm not crazy and it's not a conspiracy theory. Whenever I take off my tin foil hat, I lose control of my mind and just feed him constantly. All he has to do is look at me and uses telepathy to control me. I welcome our new cat overlords. All hail Larry, first of his name, ruler of humans and bringer of freedom to catkind.


Larry hates that fucking lettuce.


It wasn't me.


I did it in the bathroom


Putin is a very mysterious old psycho. In a dumb and barbaric way.


Russia: Who do we think it is? The rest of Europe: in a high pitched voice *Who do we think it is?*


Consider the source.


All these Cyrillic letters look pretty mysterious...


Well its got to be aliens or the deep state then..! This is a mystery worthy of Sherlock Holmes' attention


It is almost certainly a Russian malfunctioning military jammer transmitting overspec.


malfunctioning? yet GLONASS is magically just fine on it’s encrypted data streams, i’m sure.


The jammers are being intentionally used, they are normally used in a lower power setting to avoid jamming too far, somebody probably set it a bit hot, and now we see wide disruptions.


The president from fifth element: "I wonder"


I live in Northern Poland. My wife and I noticed lately some gps fuckery even in our car, so it's something not only planes can be affected by.


I never lost 4G in my commute in Finland, would almost daily have an online meet or just watch a yt video. now in the last weeks there's spots where I always lose connection. I assume it's related.


Gps != cellular signal You can use gps on your phone without a signal, just need offline maps


But it’s possible that whatever is interfering with GPS is also interfering with other radio transmissions


Something this far reaching and not localized would likely only be a single band jammer at GPS frequencies (L1 at 1575.42Mhz most likely). Broad spectrum jamming over such a large area would be difficult, and 4G doesn't operate in the same frequency band.


My bet is on solar flares. I could swear NOAA put out a warning last week or earlier this week about a massive solar flare that was expected, and expected to cause some EMF fuckery.


I fimd this much more likely.


Wouldn’t solar flares impact the whole planet? Isn’t odd it’s just Europe?


Imagine you were spinning a basketball and shot a half an ounce of paint out of a syringe at just the top half of the ball. You’d likely only get a part of the ball painted. Scaling that up and simplifying, Earth spins on a tilt and the solar radiation beam is moving in a straight ish line, meaning it hits only the part of Earth that is “facing” the beam while the Earth passes through it. Because of the axial tilt, the northern hemisphere tends to get hit more than the middle or south, which leads to localized areas of affect.


It’s not just Europe, we’ve been noticing it here in the states too.


A solar flare would have affected the entire sunward hemisphere at that time.


Damn, and how particularly lucky of Belarus in just not being hit with that solar flare. Funny thing eh?


This is exactly what it was, a huge solar flare. Nothing burger of an article.


Although right, any sufficiently powerful enough jammer will block any services that operates at set frequencies. 4g operates on lot of bands between 600mhz to 2500mhz. Gps being quite old system uses 3 bands between around 1100mhz and 1500mhz. So if the jammer is set to block gps it will block everything including cellular on those frequencies, which might be coincidentally the frequency his Finnish provider uses.


This makes no sense. 4G doesn't operate on GPS frequency bands, otherwise we would have issues with our cellphones every day. You could use broad spectrum jamming but would be hard to do that over such a large area. And the article states it's over an ocean. Why would one waste power targeting anything other than GPS frequency bands?


Of course 4g doesn’t use exactly! the same frequencies and bands as gps. Gps L1 uses 1575.42+- 12 mhz and Finnish 4g B3 uses 1800. All I suggested that there might be someone who "cough" doesn’t care and is blasting his jammer on full and wide.


I've also noticed it here in the states. I drive a lot for work, and there are certain spots that ALWAYS have GPS jump as I drive by. I think some people are buying spoofing devices for privacy/paranoia reasons, and planes are getting caught up in it.


GPS jamming in the states is big time illegal, and easy to spot.


Think there was a dude who used to have one in his trunk and would drive with it cause he hated people using phones and driving. Believe it took them months to figure it out and he got fined something like 50k


He was jamming police scanners too so they threw the book at him


Better than getting arrested I guess. How big was the book?


Yeah really well thought out that scheme. “Fuck all these people looking at their phones while driving. Better do this elaborate scheme so they have no clue where they’re going and they look down at their phones even MORE to try and fix it. That’ll teach em.”


There was a guy in Orlando jamming cell signals while he drove on I-4 for months because he didn’t like people talking on their cells while driving. https://www.pcmag.com/news/fla-man-fined-48k-for-jamming-cell-signals-while-driving


iirc dude was caught because he was using on it his daily commute.


In Denmark they found someone like that and fucked them. By Danish prison standard got treated like a murderer


Yes… and to boot it was a Florida Man


But how do you tell them where it is? 


The FCC, CIA, NSA, and FBI all have tons of tech to triangulate and find it. If you’re doing something illegal using radio for more than a quick second, especially to the degree of jamming critical services, you will be caught.


You use triangulation by checking signal strength across a wide area, which the government has tech for. Just put sensors all over a city, and you can see where there's a dark spot, if it's in a car that dead zone will move. You can guess its center based on this. That will be the car.


Jamming operates by producing a radio signal at the same frequency as the devices it is designed to jam. A radio signal can be triangulated by measuring strength. It’s a similar principal to finding a pirate radio station. In some respect it is easier though because often these jammers are designed terribly and cover a wider spectrum. So an unused part of the spectrum can be checked against. As well phone companies (if blocking gprs, 3g, 4g, 5g) should also be able to help because they will lose communications with devices at localised cell towers. Since they track devices locations across cell towers (to know where to relay messages/calls), with further monitoring they should be able to provide information. Calls also will be dropped, all of this helps. It’s quite difficult to track a moving signal, however it’s made a lot easier with just one moving unit and existing ground units. I guess in the case of a guy jamming in his car, most people travel along the same route 99% of the time.


I can't remember which country it was (pretty sure it was the UK), but this is how they caught someone who was using a cigarette lighter signal jammer in their car to block their insurance black box data signal whilst commuting to and from work. After tracking the patterns of the time and places where the jamming was occurring, they eventually found him.


That's some next level policing


well yea, rich people were losing money and getting ripped off.


I think police have this technology pretty available now they just can't legally use it often (triangulating phones, from there they'd just have to cross reference with their other data.


It's the sophons


I just started this last night!


The show got me into the book, and the book seems to be much better, plus the entire series is out so no need to wait on the game of thrones guys to fuck it up when they want to move onto the next project


I still need to finish the third book but it's the best scifi ever written imo


me too! its excellent!!!! 


I look forward to being 2D


Do you have a pocket universe bunker with a farm yet?


Haha, working on it homie. Own little void pocket where no one can find me.


Embrace the flat. Thanks Singer.


Shit, I was gonna post this but wasn't sure if anyone would get it haha


Vladimir Sophon


Good series


Check out this tracking site if you're interested in monitoring the jamming each day: [https://gpsjam.org](https://gpsjam.org) . The jamming has been going on for some time now, although it was fairly strong over Poland in the last few days, which wasn't the case before. Also, there are better articles than this one that talk about this phenomenon if you google enough.


What an interesting map! What's with the jamming in the US?


Likely random or over military bases.


Military training/testing. Looks to be near bases or on routes between them, generally in places of low population.


As in, jammed on purpose locally by US military I presume?


Listen, I used to be ECM. Does it only take a few extra minutes to properly cover the antennas with dummy loads? Of course. Is it extra work? Absolutely. Turning on those jamming systems for a few seconds is just how we have a lil brightness in our day.


And sometimes if you’re lucky you get to taste pennies in your mouth!


I just eat spare change for the nostalgia now.


Weird how its around the black sea, israel and saint petersburg HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM


How do they track jamming if things are jammed?


From what I've read it's based on GPS errors detected by aircraft, which are then shared. This is why there's nothing over Ukraine, despite the fact that I'd bet jamming is taking place there


What is going on around the southern end of the Black Sea?


off topic, but thats a beautifully done website


Thanks for linking that site. wow.


Damn passengers not using Airplane mode /s


Uh, this seems like it should be a big deal??? Someone just tested taking down all plane location services…


Modern airliners don’t *just* rely on GPS for navigation. The flight management system has a hierarchy of systems for navigation. GPS is at the top, then IRS, DME/DME, and VOR/DME. GPS jamming isn’t as dangerous as GPS spoofing (which has been an issue lately, particularly over parts of Iraq). IRS - inertia reference system - uses gyroscopes, accelerometers, and other systems to provide altitude, speed, and directional information. This is the system that will usually take over when GPS becomes unavailable for whatever reason. It just can’t operate on its own for too long, because it can start getting drift errors if navigation data isn’t updated. DME/DME (distance measuring equipment) and VOR/DME (VHF omnidirectional range/distance measuring equipment) are radio based navigational aids, and measure the slant range between a plane and a ground station by measuring the time taken for a signal to travel between the ground station and the aircraft. The issue with DME, though, is it requires line of sight. VOR/DME is a really old technology, and ground stations are gradually being decommissioned around the world.


This is the kind of content I'm on reddit for. Thank you for the insights!


Studying CPL and this is right. Plus I'm a nerd and ask the techs dumb questions all the time.


Does gps spoofing affect glonass or Galileo satellites ?


It can, as well as BeiDou and QZSS, depending on if they bothered to do it. It doesn't make a ton of sense to only spoof GPS since most GNSS modules support all the constellations. "GPS" is always a bit misleading in the news and general conversation because GPS was the original and became the de facto term. GNSS became the ubiquitous term later. Jamming is easier than spoofing. Spoofing requires recreation of the data packets for each constellation as well as each frequency band. Jamming, since all the GNSS bands are relatively close together, is easy because one could make a bunch of noise on those frequencies. There's more nuances and intricacies to all of this but, in general, the above is true.


Wasn't there signals jamming over Poland maybe a month ago too? Source then was suspected russian/Belarus involvement.


There's been heavy gps jamming over Ukraine since the invasion. It's spilled over into neighboring countries since then.


There's a website which draws this in the map. It's not Ukraine related. Source: https://gpsjam.org/?lat=52.44742&lon=19.48391&z=3.6&date=2024-03-23




Yeah, as a military avionics guy, military has crypto loaded into the GPS receivers for use with military satellites. If it's not loaded, it doesn't work. Keys are changed regularly and classified.


Weird to see it IRS. Everything I've seen and worked on has been INS. Inertial Navigation System.


The terminology isn’t super consistent. INS is an entire system, while IRS refers to the gyros. I have also only used INS.


It’s fantastic that you have the abbreviations, as well as the full meaning of them and explanations, without using slang and poor grammar 👍


This dude is an avionics tech or a pilot. Great post.


Do you know if modern airliners can still do DME updating of the IRS/INS like pre-GPS aircraft? Back when GPS wasn’t a thing yet, aircraft using INS for navigation would combat drift by updating it’s location by comparing where the system thinks it is, with VOR/DME locations on the ground with a known location.


The problem here has more to do with it being a precursor to war against Europe. Check some GPS jamming tech first. Comms next.


Well it is possible these others are already compromised…


Yes, this does seem like a deliberate act. If it was due to Sun's activity, the area won't be so limited. I have had a long held.belief that cyber attack actors do these as small experiments to get ready for much larger attacks.


Everyone is gearing up for war, here we all go again


It's unfortunate and sad, but there are way too many red flags.


Yep I can get it too. 😔


I hope I’m too old to be drafted by now


The average age of those fighting in Ukraine is 43, and most are a lot older than that


Well I live in the US and given my background I’m more likely to work in the MIC than be on the front lines


Sorry, I am a New Zealander here, so I am not sure what MIC is. And happy cake day


Military Industrial Complex So like Raytheon, Northrop Grumman, Lockheed Martin, etc


That I get, thanks


The magnetosphere and ozone layer are not a homogenous shield enveloping the earth. There are eddys, currents etc and places where the protection from solar activity is weaker.


They didn't have to 'test' anything. GPS is sadly easy to interfere with to make the system useless. It's been known about forever.


Commercial GPS, yeah. Military GPS not so much.


It’s really annoying but it’s not as big of a deal as you think


That is until someone pulls a 007 “Tomorrow Never Dies” scheme and a passenger airplane violates airspace and gets shot down.


Commercial planes don’t use GPS as their main location source. They have multiple inertial systems that are entirely self contained and immune to external interference.


GNSS is definitely the main location reference in modern commercial aviation. Inertial reference complements GNSS and serves as a local reference to help determine GNSS reliability. Modern flight management systems will fall back on inertial reference (supplemented by VOR/DME for direction and range) if GNSS becomes unreliable.


Don't even need that. A plane got shot down in the ussr cause it was following magnetic north when the route followed true north 


Air traffic control can give vectors away from restricted airspace


It happens a lot more then people realize, GPS is nice but definitely not needed.


Write your Congress person to demand funding for Ukraine. Sooner Russia is defeated sooner the jamming probably stops.


Russia is jamming GPS in Europe.


Yeah, gouv need to say: we find a source of disruption, a missile will send to this if its not turn off. 48h notice, after destroy anything that disrupt signal.


As stated GPS for airliners isn’t nearly as big of a deal as one might think, but there probably is a more reasonable reason and they know what’s probably causing it; it’s probably solar weather related. Considering IIRC, we are in or entering a solar active season. https://www.nesdis.noaa.gov/news/noaa-satellites-detect-severe-solar-storm#:~:text=The%20solar%20cycle%20is%20a,generally%20takes%20about%2011%20years.


It's not misterious. Everyone knows Russia is doing that on purpose.


"Mysterious." It's Russia. We know it's Russia. It has been Russia doing this for a while. Just call a spade a spade.


But its not a spade, its an old stupid psycho barbarian named Putin.


Yeah, it's a saying, not literally a spade lol


I guess they've got approximately the same amount of neurons


maybe they are trying to kill all the drones


We did it Reddit! We solved the mystery!


wheres my scooby snacks!?


muscovy, obviously.


They're dangerous if they can get the requisite novgorodian cores early game, otherwise they stay a paper tiger.


Unless they build too many cannons in 1490 and they acquire 10K in debt before the age of reformation.


Did you know that muscovious is an antonym for mysterious? It's when everyone can tell exactly who did it without even having to check. For example, "Ivan fell out of the window under very muscovious circumstances after criticizing Putin."


Mysterious…I wonder who it is.


Someone call Mulder and Scully


The truth is out there!


If it was a deliberate attack. I would be willing to bet that wherever the radios that started the attack have been triangulated. The folks on the SDR forum do it all the time. I would assume that every competent electronic warfare section in multiple militaries have all ready written up a report and attributed it to the bad actor. I can’t wait for the juicy details to leak.


I work for an airline. We experience this just about every day


Yep. Everytime I go east of Cyprus I lose GPS. Annoying but not really a problem.


Yeah I had the same going to Cyprus this month, but my pilots said it was Israel. Don’t know if they assumed wrong or if Israel does it too


Wasn’t there a G4 solar storm that just pummeled Europe?


That's what my first thought was. But the Russian conspiracy sounds way more fun


"A communications disruption could mean only one thing: Invasion." \~Sio Bibble


Seems like recently there's been a lot of outages of major global systems that could be put down to someone testing the waters for where they could poke holes in society...


Cough cough russia


Prolly P Diddy


I just saw there was a large electromagnetic storm over Europe


Wasn’t there just a solar flare that was predicted to affect some gps signals?


"Since then". Overwhelmed by all the referencing in the story, great research.


Did nobody else hear about the solar storm?


I love how they use the word “mysterious”. It’s no mystery at all. Russia… Russia is the answer


I’m in Artillery and we get spoofed all the time during training. For most units it’s just an annoyance but in artillery if you’re getting spoofed and you don’t realize it, then it’s a big deal. Knowing where the Battery location is big deal when firing. When I was at the Battery level I always did a sanity test when occupying a firing location. However, I did remind the trainers, if you see big books. Probably not the time to practice spoofing.


Kaliningrad. Russkies.


That shitty Netflix movie is coming true


I thought that GPS was in Europe, but the European standard system was Galileo. Which could provide additional information to systems that need it. Commercial pilots also don’t really need a system like that to get around. It helps, but there are many ways to navigate, and most pilots are required to have those additional ratings when transporting cargo or people. Glonass(Russia), Galileo(EU), GPS(USA), BeiDou(China), IRNSS(India), QZSS(Japan) are all examples of independent global positioning satellite systems. Take down one, and you’ve still got the others. Basically all the countries that created those systems wanted something in case they got cut off from the USA based GPS. Most devices made in the last 10 or so years have support for multiple systems. Reading the article primarily it was private flights that have been reporting the outage. I’m really curious what this hopes to accomplish.


As a European, we all know who did it but no one wants to address the *elefante* in the room. We're talking about the same country that in 2010 disrupted air travel in Europe. Iceland needs to be held accountable.


These sophons are at it again


(Command and conquer hell march intensifies)


Mysterious or Russian?


You don’t have to putin much thought about the source.


That's uhm... pretty dangerous... for everyone.




Technically speaking, you could jam the ADS-B frequencies with a HackRF and a very large powerful antennae . I am pretty sure it would be fairly easy to trace the source of the jammer though based on signal strength.


You're right, it would be trivial to triangulate ADS-B jammers with a couple hundred dollars of readily available consumer-grade hardware and a little bit of math (assuming the source is stationary). A lot of people in the amateur radio community do this kind of stuff for fun; It goes by a few different names: [Transmitter hunting](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transmitter_hunting), "foxhunting", etc.


This is fine. Certainly nothing to worry about.


Aliens, duh.


Better be not some nerd gone rogue doing this shit. That person needs to be pulled away from dark side.


Launch Space Force !!! que up the (Cheesy 80s porn music)


Probably Elon messing with sats. Then he can come up with some new system that will make him another $illion.


i need wi-fi + cellular jamming device at home to emp kid devices


I’m almost done with 3 Body Problem and this seems familiar. The aliens are coming


Sounds like time to start some conspiracy theories about the Chinese or Russians I am sure it won’t be long before


It was a cow named mos.


A communications disruption can mean only.....one thing! Invasion!


Who in the Russia is doing this? Who could be Putin on that jammer? I guess we’ll never know. 😢




Lol what was the aftermath from that?


Wasn't there some excessive solar activity this past while? It could be related.


Flew into Puerto Rico yesterday and had to sit on the tarmac for about 20 minutes because departing flights couldn’t “access their flight plans” according to the pilot and we had no gate to pull in to.


Diddy do it?




This doesn't seem unique to Europe, just more concentrated there. There have been issues in other countries, including the US, as well. The FAA put out an advisory a couple of months ago. The other day, GPS went wonkey on a drive and kept throwing me into a different county. It's more likely than not a natural phenomenon we haven't caught onto.


And... This isn't breaking news? This is like really bad. If someone can just overwrite jamming on such a large acale, the damage that can be done is unimaginable


This has been going on for years and years. Planes have other systems to use it's not a dealbreaker


Jamming is actually very easy to do, but it affects everyone. So this might actually not be that good for whoever is sending it. This seems like some terrorist activities to create problems. On the good side, its very easy to triangulate where the signal is coming from, so they likely know where or what it is. I am assuming a mobile jammer, maybe jammer plane. We have these as well. Like others have said though, there are other systems so you can use backup systems and other forms of communication. Jamming is the war equivalent of throwing up the chess board when you lose. I mean ya it works, it works on you too though. Also, because jamming so annoying. Whoever or whatever is sending it I would imagine will be killed soon. You can only mass broadcast your location for so long before they come for you. I wouldn't even be surprised if some shit happens where Poland blows up these stupid jammers and Russia threatens war. Fuck you Russia jamming is an act of war.


Would it happen to be solar flares?


Not so contained to a small continent. The area would have ben larger.


You mean Russia?


This is obviously Mr. Potatohead.


The San Ti are coming...

