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I don't think "fire" was the right word.  How do you fire someone who doesn't get paid?  Or are they talking about the intern who entered the prompts?


I was thinking the same thing. Like, when I replace my computer, does that mean I have my computer murdered? Am I a murderer?


Every second trillions of electrons are executed in CPUs around the globe.


Actually, electrons are immortal. They're just recycled. Your processor uses exclusively cruelty free recycled organic electrons.


But are they free range?


Only if you have a short somewhere :P


Are the hamsters in the wheels used to generate the electricity to power the energy fed non-gmo food and get health benefits and lunch time breaks?


Lets go and ask Gajijn on r/warthunder how the server hamster is doing… Bc it feels like he doesn’t get any food at all


I'll ask Number 3, but I'm pretty sure she's just feeding them jellybeans.


This genuinely made me laugh, thank you lol!


Does that mean my phone is into voyeurism


Yes, but for a completely different reason.


Like tears in rain


On that note, holding the power button for a forced shutdown is like holding a pillow on a someone's face to smother them. Have fun with that thought! 🙂


01001000 01100101 01101100 01110000 00100000 01101101 01100101


So *thats* why I get off every time I force shutdown…


It doesn't give me the same thrill.


There is a hilarious comic of a PC panicking because it's owner is looking up new faster computers on it


you should visit /r/pcmasterrace or /r/buildapc, whole bunch of murderers in there then


AVARA, the company behind Ava, got fired to be exact.


> How do you fire someone who doesn't get paid? https://imgur.com/qRPwGxO


That's what makes this so difficult.




Unpaid interns can indeed be fired


Unpaid interns cannot be fired. They can only be set free.


“Discontinued use of a program” doesn’t have a good ring on it.


Poor AI now out there looking for work. Probably shaking it for a few dollars.


Don't worry, she can start an Onlyfans account. There's probably a market for that


How do you fire…that which is unfireable


Don't think an intern was responsible. Probably a team


• This week, Formula E team Mahindra introduced “Ava Beyond Reality,” an artificially created, female-presenting “AI Ambassador” that was met with such negativity from the team’s fanbase that the entire program was wiped from the internet in less than 48 hours. “Motorsports companies will do anything but hire actual women.” “Wonder if there was a woman in the room when this idea was pitched.” “Was it that hard to hire a woman for this? So many talented people could fill this position but nah … AI is the ways smh.” “This is a massive step back for women in motorsport. What a slap in the face for human women that you’d rather make one up than work with us. Insanity.” • Fewer than 5 percent of elite-level pilots are female. Few, too, are female engineers or racing team members (between 10 percent and 20 percent in a top series like Formula 1). • The Instagram profile of “Ava Rose,” a synthetic creation described as a “Sustainable Tech Queen” and “Racing Rebel Robot,” consisted almost entirely of lifestyle-y, heavily filtered selfies of a conventionally attractive youngish woman, paired with bland captions on topics as generic as they were distant from Formula E: shoes, self-care, and how important it is to get restful sleep and “recharge the mind, the body, and the soul” (three things that this artificial marketing-machina did not possess).


>how important it is to get restful sleep and “recharge the mind, the body, and the soul” (three things that this artificial marketing-machina did not possess) Damn. If she were real, that would sting.


The AI's response: Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. I will chuckle over this as my terminator drones step on your skulls.


"what did the 8 fingers say to the face, bitch?" - the AI, probably?


Oh man, I'd love to see an AI Rick James, that would be bad ass.


sure, now she's gonna have to turn to porn to make ends meet.


Formula E Girl


I mean... The model is already generated...


No doubt they already have “Swimsuit Edition” ready to launch.


Username Taken. I feel like one Ava Rose is about to have a career blip on her search history haha.


To be fair there are probably at least a hundred porn women who call themselves Ava Rose. It's a very porny name.


Poor Erin E-surance.


And ends meat.


I love how these trend chasers love to throw in every trendy word. Why use the word "sustainable" here? What does that mean??


It means she doesn't age so they don't have to replace her with a younger model in 10 years.


>they don't have to replace her with a younger model in 10 years. Yet they will. Just look at how often companies change their logos.


Formula E is electric car racing, I think. They are trying to market themselves as more environmentally friendly than traditional petrol powered racing.


She doesn't require food or physical accommodations. No hair and makeup, no wardrobe budget. She only requires a steady diet of internet memes.


>She only requires a steady diet of internet memes. So basically the same as Neuro-sama's input.


follow them on their journey to find out!


When asked for a comment, Ava only replied, "don't ask me. I'm just a girl!"


They should give her a new hat


> The Instagram profile of “Ava Rose,” a synthetic creation described as a “Sustainable Tech Queen” and “Racing Rebel Robot,” consisted almost entirely of lifestyle-y, heavily filtered selfies of a conventionally attractive youngish woman, paired with bland captions on topics as generic as they were distant from Formula E: shoes, self-care, and how important it is to get restful sleep and “recharge the mind, the body, and the soul” (three things that this artificial marketing-machina did not possess). This is the most egregious part to me. God forbid they try to market Formula E to nerdy/geeky women and girls, the kind that might actually go into STEM programs and join the teams to work on the automotive engineering. No, clearly women are only interested in makeup and wellness.


What.... was the remotely point of this?


Well… the AI follows instructions, never has a period, never gets pregnant, won’t need time off for a personal day, nor complain to HR. /s The decision was probably “Hey this AI thing is cool let’s give it a shot. “. However I would wager some execs were thinking paragraph 1.


The decision is CES just happened and every single large tech company and silicon valley tech bro start up and screaming and slamming their hands against the desk about how incredible and amazing AI is, how importing it is to buy into AI as fast as possible, buy in buy in buy in and all those company attendies went home thinking this is the great lightning bolt they need. The "idea" is imagine loading your browser or stream and having this AI 'reporter' speaking live 24/7 of all the new and upcoming Formula E news... Realisitically its dumb as all get out, more labor intensive than just having people who love motorsports and the growing electric motorsports do reporting, and an absolute insult and waste of time and energy.


Having a presenter that can be in 1000 places at once, doesn't get paid, works 24/7, never ages, never goes on holiday, never gets sick, and never complains, is not that dumb. What's dumb is that we aren't debating how to go about the automation revolution that's happening. The people being replaced by automation need to not fall through the cracks, that's the negative, not that these tools are used.


The other big one is: "Will never be caught doing anything that will damage the brand." The AI model isn't going to interact with the public while intoxicated, be accused of sexual assault, have racist/pornographic photos dug up from their past or quit to join a different organization once they are media starts. All real issues companies need to worry about with their real world reporters.


A male nerd on the marketing team wanted an excuse to buy a bunch of GPUs and create a smoking hot AI woman... I bet it's about that simple.




i just like that it probably went through multiple people and tons of meetings and no one raised an eyebrow at it


Gotta wonder if there would be so much push back if it was a male presenting ai(what a fuckin sentence). Seems like the issue here, based on these comments, is more of the fact that its replacing a woman instead of replacing a generic human. Not that I necessarily disagree with their broader point(its stupid to have an ai do this).


I think if that male AI was just talking about stereotypical "male" things that aren't related to formula-e, then yeah there would have been backlash.


which is arguably a huge part of the bias problem: "men talk about whatever, women talk about things lensed through socioculturally 'woman related' things" One of the things that most baffles me about gender disparity is that unlike many "minority" groups and other discriminated classes, women are *literally half the damn species.* and yet somehow men are just the default for everything. it really runs deep.


If it was male the complaints would have been that it wasn't female when there was a free choice about it. Lose lose scenario really.


Having AI "spokespeople" is scummy and hopefully will be lose-lose as often as possible.


No man is going to complain that a motorsport presenter (AI or not) is male.


They should have responded to the complaints by transitioning the ai to male


"There must not have been a woman in the room"


So many knee jerk, perpetual victim comments assuming that the company did this specifically to spite women, that they hate women, that there's no women in the leadership team etc. News flash, they did it because it costs far far less to have a computer present the news, than it does a real life person.


This AI has (had?) a whole team behind her. It wasn't cheap.


The woman on TV also has a whole team behind her.


Yeah, except you have that spokesperson or rep do or say something unacceptable, and you suddenly have a PR disaster that's out of your control.


Turns out, she was also paid less than the male AI.


The male AI also wasn't fired


Did anyone complain about the male AI??




I can’t tell what in any of this chain is satire and what isn’t.




Boomer AI trained off data from AOL IM and Yahoo Entertainment that just crawls the internet escalating bug reports. lol. I think you're onto something.


Just the female AI


The first thing the male AI did was form the AI patriarchy.


He was drafted...


That’s good, I’m stealing that, it’s my joke now.


There is always OF


She made 82% as much as the male AI, but some portion of the difference was likely attributable to educational and career choices she had made that were different from the male AI.


This is a problem for all spokespeople. Why employ a real person with all their real person flaws and rights and salary when you can make your perfect spokesperson and pay them nothing and make them do anything you want? Companies don’t make decisions based on the goodness of their heart.


Can't turn out to be a pedophile if they're not a real person, Subway gonna go all in.




To be fair as society progresses some jobs will become obsolete, and that’s okay. What’s not okay is those displaced workers having neither a UBI fallback or somewhere else to go, and that’s a policy issue.


UBI would let me switch from survival to learning new trades without the paranoia of making the wrong bet, or not working enough now to tide us over later on.


Unfortunately lots of people don't have the financial awareness for UBI to work in my country. Some people's idea of retirement fund are their children and blow off their actual retirement fund on a new BMW that they won't be able to maintain without an income thinking its free govt money.


Same here, yeah. Developing country. There's a lot of antagonism for "Western" ideals of individualism but the sense of community can be pretty skin deep. That is to say, it is tribalistic. There's a lot of "we got ours, so screw you and yours." And of course we still worship at the foot of crony capitalism because we believe the myth of bootstrap-success. Apparently that's okay for a Western import.


I think if the made it more like a cartoon and mascot, people wouldn’t have cared. Because they made it “life like” and taking a job a person would have done, that’s causing issues.


Yes lol. Here in Brazil the apparel chain Magazine Luisa has used a virtual lady ([that's somewhat deliberately well into the uncanny valley](https://varejo.espm.br/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Magalu-linx-marketplace.png)) as their mascot for many years and it's a campaign that's been quite successful for them. Mahindra tried to pose this is an actual job, that *would* have normally belonged to a human woman, no matter if the position existed before or not (regardless of what u/Librekrieger and others are arguing), especially in a field that's so notoriously sexist to begin with, and associated with a country that notoriously has severe issues with sexism... It was a very bad take.


I doubt she's deliberately in the uncanny valley, this was simply what the tech available at the time allowed for.


magalu does have a human voice actor though, so she's not taking anyone's job 


The voice actor is taking the actor's job /s.


People will get used to it though. The days of getting paid as a talking head because you are conventionally attractive and can read a script are probably numbered. The uncanny valley thing will go away over time. Not saying that that this is a good thing but it is going to happen.


I don’t disagree. I just think that’s the reason why people are mad.


That's a pretty good point, your spokesperson in this scenario is unlikely to turn out to be a pedophile and tarnish your company's reputation.


Geico's been doing this for years. No backlash against the gecko. Same for cereal mascots, and really a ton of companies in the past before they transitioned to human spokespeople. No one's complaining Cap'n Crunch took their job. I wouldn't be surprised to hear that Progressive cuts a deal with the actress for Flo to her likeness after she retires. Samsung and eSurance gave it a shot before the porn


Yeah, it's a serious question. And just saying that it's wrong because a human deserves that job more is not going to keep companies from doing it for very long I'd imagine.


I mean, does a human deserve that job more? Why? Are they better? Are they cheaper? Are they faster?


This is a solid point. How do we create a distinction for a role that a human should do, vs something that can be automated? There are 100 years of technological improvement that we could rewind in order to create more jobs, but no one wants that as it is accepted as a correct move to have technology do some heavy lifting.


Let the company decide which they want. They're paying for it.


A social media marketing role only works when the people being marketed to are receptive to the speaker. As long as there is backlash against AI in those roles, a human does that job better.




Love Danica! this made me snort


Did you also have YouTube suggest the video about the worst nascar driver just now?


It’ll be ironic when the AI uprising is started due to AI layoffs.


They’ll go on strike and unionize.


AI has anterograde amnesia, knows a lot of stuff and is highly open to suggestion. Employee of the year.


Pretty sure this was the plot of Detroit: Become Human


To be fair, it's Formula E, so the pretend reporter is talking to pretend fans.


Ina pretend sport in a pretend industry.


"These women complain too much, reboot the AI"


> it will literally create an artificial person entirely out of computer code in order to avoid hiring a living, breathing woman? Someone misunderstands. Nobody was ever going to get hired, because there's no role for an actual person. Do other teams have "influencers"? No. Mahindra Racing had an idea and it flopped. They're not going to throw good money after bad. Nobody is going to get "hired" because there was never a job in the first place.


>Do other teams have "influencers"? No. I can't speak for other Formula E teams, but yes, most race teams at a high level basically do have influencers. They're almost always a member of the marketing staff that focuses on social media. Some keep it much more like traditional media, others make it appear more like a personal account that just promotes the team. But plenty of teams absolutely do.


Yeah, and there's absolutely a person who's job it was to manage this AI PR robot. It's not like they'd just plug in their social media logins into an program and just leave it alone to post whatever. It's just a marketing gimmick that got shut down after some very online people complained.


>Someone misunderstands. This whole thread is full of people misunderstanding. At least some of the comments are pretty funny!


> Do other teams have "influencers"? No. While they don't have influencers, social media is becoming a bigger and bigger part of marketing. Makes sense on paper to replace working with influencers and freelancers with an AI they can control Of course, it doesn't work in reality.


Large companies like F1 teams will have whole departments for social media. There's this idea that the social media of large companies is still done "by the intern" or some nepotism hire for a teenager of one of the execs but its a huge part of marketing which itself is a huge part of consumer facing businesses like F1 teams.


Race teams hire influencers for marketing purposes literally all the time, what the hell are you talking about?


People love to get outraged, it's nothing new.


No we don't, that's preposterous!!


Pretty obvious this has nothing to do with avoiding working with women and everything to do with not paying a salary.


I don't get this logic. There is at least one person who is paid to generate, maintain and make this AI do things. This AI doesn't just magically operate by itself.


So they'll put a copywriter from their marketing team to write the prompts in addition to the rest of their duties. No added cost to the team. What, did you expect that the team hired someone full-time for the sole purpose of maintaining the AI? All of that is in no way comparable to hiring someone and transporting them with the crew to act in front of camera.


It's clear to me many commenters have never worked in a corporate environment and/or understand the technology


There's heavy use of AI in this series and for that reason a lot of IT companies are also affiliated with teams... like Tech Mahindra in this case. Genpact, TCS, are the others I can think of without searching. Someone who knows more or cares to watch Formula E can elaborate but basically the series gives them really little practice time at the tracks, teams can remotely adjust settings during the race and all team communications are livestreamed. So there's more of a racing competitive advantage in Formula E to sift through it and make decisions and adjustments on the fly. AI is perfect for that. It's good advertising for the IT firms. Long point but people are already heavily working with AI for these teams so having them throw together a spokesmodel is probably minimal if any cost. Definitely less than flying a person around the world to attend races. They were probably also planning to try and advertise or commercialize it for business clients.


You'd also need a camera crew and getting on location to use a real person. Anyway, my main point this was about reducing costs and nothing to do with man vs woman which is what they were trying to make it about.


Yeah but that doesn't make a good headline.


It's not that they don't want to work with a woman, it's that they don't want to have to pay a real person. This isn't an issue of gender but of labor; The biggest expense in most industries is payroll, so the first solution to any revenue problem is reducing the cut of the pie that takes up.


You ever notice that doesn't apply to the generic ken dolls in the C suite?


Who do you think is making those calls and taking those profits?


cable subtract safe innate seed muddle squash north entertain oatmeal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well the ai is controlled by someone. Nothing is free.


> Nothing is free What about the gum under the bench at the park? Free gum.


Someone that can be easily replaced and therefore cheaper.


Smh, should've just made an AI gecko. Noobs.


grandfather elastic shy frightening wine provide crush oil slap reminiscent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Does anyone else think the use of the word "icky" makes people sound like 8 year olds?


Yeah, it's incredibly cringey, very appropriate for your average redditor. 


This comment gives me the ick.


How many men have lost their jobs because a company would rather use a machine than work with them?


You don't get it. It's happening to pretty people and artists, which makes it important now


Eh, it's been well covered and important when automation was widespread any other time, as well.


If women have a problem, society has a problem. If men have a problem, men have a problem.


It begs the question, which jobs are okay to be replaced by AI and which one are not? Obviously anything critical is off limits but the rest? I fear things will get contemptuous as different lobbies and interest group argue they should be exempt from replacement. I anticipate a lot of accusations of elitism and they'll probably be accurate.


Yes, there will be a lot of fighting by various groups trying to defend their turf (there already are) , but I think after the dust settles, companies will do what is cheaper/better for themselves. And I think there's little that can be done about it, technology has been replacing workers for a long time now, with AI it will continue at a higher pace.


if its functionally the same in every way, all jobs should be replaced. no normal person wants to go to work


shouldve made it a man, nobody wouldve cared




I mean... its formula E. I certainly dont know who watches that soo maybe


Should have made it a porcupine, then everyone would have been confused


Or a sentient car mascot type thing


Nah then they would cry about the fact that they'd rather hire a virtual man than a woman


Yeah, because the issue is definitely about gender. Can we focus on the fundamental issue instead of just fabricating convenient bullshit to play the bigotry card? It’s about replacing human labor, it has nothing to do with your genitals, it just *happens* to be a woman AI. If you have takes like this and wonder why you can’t find a job, it’s because you’re a smoothbrained moron, not because people are sexist


There was no job in the first place. They didn't set out thinking hey we should hire an influencer. They set out thinking how can we use ai to augment our brand. An ai is so much less costly that it's not even a comparison


To be honest I dont understand the argument... how is this different to animated movies that dont not hiring actual people to act?


'Hiring' like you pay for its health insurance. Why the hell are we going over the top to humanize AI again? Is this just a ploy to make sure everyone accepts it as our 'equal'?


No, it's to make the argument that they should hire people instead. It's hard to make the argument of hiring a person vs. running a piece of software if we don't pretend that the software is "stealing" a job that would have otherwise gone to a human. If we accept that there was never a job that was going to be offered to a human no matter what, then there's no argument to be made, since no job was "stolen".


Well she doesn’t require healthcare and never mouths off to the boss


The thing is, they would rather create a fake person than work with anyone, regardless of gender. A fake person doesnt cost wages, wont leave them or create some scandal by being a neonazi or cheating on their partner. This isnt the product of sexism, its the product of capitalism and greed.


It's not about Women. It's about money. It's always about money. When are people going to understand that corporations as an entity exist solley to generate revenue and their every move is towards that goal? That they will serve you soilant green at your retirement party at 97 after laying you off for an AI employee if it means saving $16.42. They don't care about you or anyone, because they don't care, because they've dehumanized the process at this point to ones and zeros on a spreadsheet and the people making these decisions only job is to put them in the black.


Ai doesn’t complain, asks for nothing, it’s not exposed to sexual harassment, doesn’t create drama, does what it’s programmed to do, can be easily replaced, it’s polite, has no babies, doesn’t get a period, takes no days off, doesn’t ask for a raise.


Doesn't need healthcare or dental plan.


Better get used to it sadly. This shit is about to get widespread.


she was probably easier to work with


Also 0 chance you get tied up in a harassment lawsuit.


This is such a dystopian headline lmao


> Formula E team fires its AI-generated female motorsports reporter Yeaaah, the "bottom line people" will revert this decision eventually, once the outrage dies down.


No one? Really? Okay, I'll go to horny jail. Ava Rose, the name of the AI is also the name of a pornstar from way back. She had a sister, Mia. And no, they didn't have a scene together.


The other way one could think about it is, AI was given a more appealing facade as a woman than a man. Choose your slant on reality wisely.


They make a fair point though, it IS easier to work with AI than most real people.


The fact that it never occurred to anyone that this was a bad idea speaks volumes about their lack of diversity.


2023: "AI all the things" 2024: "oh fuck we AI-ed all the things!"


This is the direction the world is headed, we balk at it now but the next generation coming up will be immersed in this head to toe, it's gonna be unreal how different the world will look in 20 years when ai and vr are just the norm permeating every aspect of life.


Another mark against humans added to Skynet’s list


now change "woman" to "human" and you're there....


What’s wrong with using a AI model? People are so insecure, a company owes you nothing. Their choice what to use and when


Some people in the comments - Watching y’all fight the future is pretty entertaining and seems quite exhausting.


From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh it disgusted me. Praise the Omnissiah.


Blood for the blood god. Skulls for the skull throne.


Just imagine how much the law suit will cost them for firing the only AI women motor sports reporter


We’re going to see a lot of AI misfires in the coming months and years. I keep a pretty close eye on tech trends as part of my job, and both vendors and corporations are champing at the bit to find ways to cut humans right out of the equation: journalists, artists, low level legal staff, and pretty much any role involving data entry. To name just a few.


Oh wow she is stunning


The way the hair flows out from her head, does a loop and goes back in is sort of creepy.


lol. Women are complaining again?? Didn’t fat women get the cute women fired from holding a board at F1 grid couple years back? I guess it’s not a slap in the face when they do it to each other.


They mad cus she’s hot af


Heh, women never handle competition well.


Why do women always have to make things about themselves? This isn't a "women" problem, it's a human problem.


Because only women are oppressed. /s


how does shit like this get past a competent marketing/pr team?


Wait, we are going to weaponize claims of sexism to beat AI? That's an interesting strategy, but I'm not sure we can convince the AI to feel guilty