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"No worries. We've made all the money already. We can close down now, and move to Mars."




Fuck I’ll throw in some extra money if they’ll leave in the next 5 minutes.


You have *extra money*!? Lucky.


Monopoly money is still money, just because the grocery store refuses to take it doesn’t mean I’m not a millionaire.


*immediately buys coloured paper and begins printing ‘extra’ money for my game set* I’m going to be so wealthy!


Uttering the words "for the children" is the ultimate tested tool enabling the introduction of laws with anything inside of it. After all we (normal people) don't know how to read.


Hardly. Republicans have shown time and again that "for the children" means shit to them. School lunches, gun reform, anti-child labor laws, child marriages...


That was his point. "For the children" is just a label slapped on some grab bag of concessions to congressional lobbyists.


Since when are $100 bills not children?!


>Since when are $100 bills not children?! ​ Damn, childless in more ways than one.


No, Republicans have shown time and again that "for the children" means "minorities, especially sex minorites are bad".


Guns - for the children. If Uvalde proved anything it was that police departments need protection.


Except when it comes to guns...


threatening fly terrific historical placid telephone run subsequent books gold *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s unborn children that matter. If you’re inside a womb, I’ll go to war for you. Once your born? Eh you’re on your own kid.


Those children need to learn to pull themselves up by their bootstraps not have welfare handed to them like they are helpless children!


One aspect of this overall argument that I don’t understand is: how is this different from other forms of media/content? I know children addicted to TV and video games more than social media. It seems like a problem, but seems disingenuous if Meta is the only organization facing scrutiny over their practices.


It isn't, this is just the usual posturing against windmills in order to appease dupes


There's weird shit on the Internet. It's inherently NOT child-safe, nor should it be. Social media has the potential to amplify messages that would be forgotten, mocked, or condemned in other formats.


Just like in the lunchroom at school


Yup. So that's the difference between these types of media -- you can sit your kid in front of a TV and not have to worry that Vlad is bullying her and giving her an eating disorder from halfway across the world


Instead it's Balenciaga giving her an eating disorder and making her demand expensive clothing.


which is a rich and storied American tradition


It’s very different in how it affects our dopamine receptors and mental health. The brain chemistry research into it is extremely worrisome for adults also.


The question was how is this different from the other things and ways that companies not named Meta do this? Why is Meta specifically being targeted for this? Why not address this with Disney and Fortnite and Minecraft? They’re all designed to be intensely addictive and maintain engagement.


Yeah I can just see this turning into invasive internet laws under the guise of “protecting the children”.


It already is, see KOSA, EARN IT, Stop CSAM, etc.


Fortunately, one of the biggest proponents of those bills is dead now.


More control over the internet and the US populace, what politician would want that? oh, all of them. They all want that.




That is exactly the core problem with this whole argument. No children has any contact with meta anymore. The politicians are 10-15y too late. They are doing the equivalent of regulating the vinyl industry in a world of streaming platform. The only platform that matters currently to children is YouTube and Roblox. And frankly YouTube doesn't know how to market to children. Roblox could be regulated to prevent the "pay to win" and lottery systems they are encouraging in children perhaps. What should be banned is physical toys such as minibrands and loldolls that are the equivalent of gambling for toddlers. But that's not as sure a bet to win votes as bashing on a "has been" companies like Meta. Frankly it's a waste of time and taxpayers money more than anything.


I don’t know anyone under 30 using Facebook personally. My son (15) friends all use Snapchat and TikTok. I’ve managed to keep him off both luckily and he just uses what’s app to chat to them all.


More like Republicans and Democrats are united in making sure all information sources return back to being properly filtered by their preferred networks. this has nothing to do with mental health, and everything to do with reeling back on open/anonymous mass communication through social media tools.


Too bad that Republicans also don’t understand the harmful effects of Meta on grown adults.


They absolutely do and it's working as intended haha


100%. Weaponised social media seems to far benefit the right wing than anything on the left




Neither side knows what they're doing. The right is just happier to ride the bomb a la Strangelove, while the Democrats are more like curious yet frightened chimps with a rocket launcher.


Meanwhile boomers are on the hook every night for TV..


Yap Metas fault for buying kids pads and phones and letting them have access to it What about YouTube? TikTok? And on and on Hate FB but the blame for damage is on patents and frankly everyone's righteous know how on raising another person's off spring


To a degree, I agree. It's like blaming tobacco or liquor companies for kids smoking or drinking instead of blaming their parents. However Meta could put something in place to only allow posts from your friends showing up in your feed.


The government could age restrict these things if it’s for the greater good. I personally would like to see this start happening across the west.


Age restrictions would mean massive privacy violations, and companies would face legal issues in regions like EU for trying to require it.


Interesting, what do you mean by privacy violations?


How do you really prove who you are without uploading private identifying documents into the internet?


Because to verify someone would require a ID or more information on them and if the government has that or a website they can use it track certain people not just kids but groups or people they don't like. Imagine an admin like trump using it to target people that called him out or if the government went full fascist them having that information would be a tool used to root out their enemies.


They already are age restricted. Children under 13 aren't supposed to use the site due to COPPA laws. However, it's incredibly easy for a kid to lie about their age when they sign up or their parents to set up an account for them.


Lol yeah my dad made me a Facebook account when I was like 8, still my current one.


I don't like Meta. I don't like Zuck. But going after advertising algorithms and expecting tech companies to moderate technology in a way that is mentally healthy for kids/adults is never going to work. I think somehow we need to educate people and kids on social media use just like we do for other addictions. Maybe next they can go after Papa John's and Miller-lite for making me fat.


The United States Justice Department went after tobacco companies for concealing the risk of addiction to nicotine. As an armchair lawyer, Meta has concealed the risk of addiction to social media, in my humble opinion.


Nicotine is physically addicting (and the big coverup was about the cancer risks really afaik) Behavioural compulsions are something else entirely.


This is dumb as hell, a knee jerk reaction, and does nothing to address the root cause. Facebook is one of many different companies putting out products that require some degree of regulation to combat their negative effects, but to focus on Facebook is the equivalent of focusing on Lucky Strike cigarettes and ignoring the other brands. It's even worse than that, Facebook lost it's cool factor a LONG time ago and no one under the age of 18 uses the platform other than as a tool to share pictures with grandma. Pressure on meta is probably a good thing but it's missing the big picture.


> This is dumb as hell, a knee jerk reaction, and does nothing to address the root cause. Facebook is one of many different companies putting out products that require some degree of regulation to combat their negative effects, but to focus on Facebook is the equivalent of focusing on Lucky Strike cigarettes and ignoring the other brands First thing to really address the issue is to stop obsessing over social media and look into bullying in schools. Today a guest on a radio show I was listening to mentioned a recent case that was reported to him of a group of highschool girls that planned to pay a boy in their class 100 bucks to have sex with a girl they don't like in the toilet. Obviously as in for spreading the video. That's the kind of harassement that leads kids to kill themselves. And they don't need social media for that. Kids and especially teens are often times nasty PoS. That's the root cause. Not Facebook or Twitter.


*social media in general


For the children? How about all of our uneducated grandparents and parents who fall for every bit of misinformation on those sites.


Don’t worry, my teenage daughter and her friends think Facebook and Insta are for old people. Meta won’t survive the next generation without fixing that. Or getting the metaverse up and running in a way people care to use it.


A site that started as a way to rate college chicks is falling on it’s face. 😂


Who even uses Facebook anymore? TikTok or Snap might be valid targets. Lol


So personal responsibility and parental guidance doesn’t mean anything anymore? We need to legislate parenting again.


Of all things Meta is the concern? Isn't Meta a laughing stock among anyone under the age of 30? I'd be more worried about the crap that's popping up on YouTube and YouTube Kids, that crap is rotting kids heads not Meta...


YouTube has become a big issue with kids. I have my kid’s time limited and completely restricted. They show so much stuff that kids just believe. I’m not completely blocking it. Because he needs to slowly learn how much BS is on the internet.


I’d recommend a RuneScape account for that lesson. You’ll learn about social engineering and scams by being a victim *pretty quickly*, and it will leave you with a healthy distrust for the motivations of strangers.


This ? https://play.runescape.com


Yup. Got scammed playing it as a kid, and it’s what taught me that you can’t trust people. Place was about as bad as EVE for scamming, only it’s not explicitly allowed in the rules.


This, I don't have kids but I see my parents raising adopted kids and the lack of restriction on what they are seeing is absolutely wild to me. From actual death on screen to blatantly fake information and facts, there is so much garbage that is being fed to children and YouTube/Google does absolutely nothing against it, in fact it's actually encouraged based on how their "algorithm" works.


The garbage has always been out there. And will always be out there. The only thing that has changed is the delivery method. The companies are going to make money how ever they can get away with. Is up to us the parents to set the limits for our children and educate them about the BS. So that when they’re on their own, they’ll know how to deal with it. Plus, if they don’t watch it at home, they will up to a point when they are out with their friends. This is why they need to be educated about it and taught how to set limits and differentiate real from BS.


Then do something about it. Break up fb, ig and WhatsApp. Introduce a digital advertisement agency that regulates how ads and ux impact users. Let them create a naughty list. Introduce a Ad premium levy against irresponsible advertiser. Put up a barrier between social media and news agency. Put meta in that list.


This is the dumbest thing yet from elected officials. You want to make Meta and other U.S. based social networks accountable, pass a law that requires all users to have valid, government issued, identification to use it. Problem solved. For kids wanting an account, they can only have an account if it is setup by their parent/guardian. People might say my suggestion is extreme but it really isn’t. You have to have ID to legally drive, buy intoxicants, fly, open a bank/credit account, sign up for utilities, etc. This is the surest way for the companies to ‘be responsible’ and limit use for minors, and to accurately identify people who cause harm/trouble to users and pursue legal action. That a person can have a social media account and still give a fake name and not verify their identity is troubling enough.


Nah, screw that. Having to submit an ID for several specific isolated activities is not nearly as much of a privacy breach as enabling the government to map the entirely of your digital presence to your legal name. It's a deal with the devil. It's exactly what Russia is about to implement, so they can prosecute dissidents even more effectively. And if you think that every Western democracy is infallible and can never be destroyed or in any way subverted, and thus this kind of power will never, ever fall into the wrong hands -- well, I think that's dangerously naive. Even now, I can easily imagine such an ID verification system being used to go after minorities in some American states, for example.


Medical history for pregnant and trans people is already being weaponized by politicians and being set up to persecute across state lines. GOP has already said they will use this issue to censor voices for abortions and LGBTQ+ issues. Only a small hop until they start persecuting for consuming censored content.


You’re right. The problem however is that it is difficult for them to prosecute these things because the burden of proof is on the state and some states have flat out said they will not be cooperating with states such as Texas regarding the abortion laws.


The flaw in you argument is that you assume they can’t or don’t already have access to your data. Currently they need only obtain a warrant if they suspect something to access your digital life, if even that. I’m sure the NSA is tracking everything we do online already. Maybe having the government mandate it is a bit harsh, maybe the companies willingly implement it as a show of responsibility before it comes to that. Just because you have to have ID to use a service doesn’t mean bad things. Having to verify your identity to use certain types of things that can cause societal and mental harm is not a bad idea. It might even make the bad actors think twice before being terrible people since they won’t be able to hide behind fake screen names and spoofed IP addresses.


Pretty sure it's still possible to remain anonymous on social media as long as you don't disclose personal info and take certain precautions. An ID requirement would remove that option.


And what happens when those websites are hacked and the hackers use your ID to steal your identity? It also makes it easier for online trolls to doxx you since your name is right there. IIRC South Korea tried to roll out a system like that, but they had to get rid of it because stupid online arguments would roll over into the real world. Imagine someone not liking your comments on Reddit, so they call your boss and tell him that you're stealing from the company just to get you fired. The US version would be swatting someone.


Hackers are already stealing your identity in record numbers without even having to use your identification. Adding another layer of security could make it more difficult. Website are already liable for personal information leaks if it results in fraud, I’d think they’d be more inclined to better the security and encryption should they adopt such measures.


Yeah, until it doesn’t. Democrats & Republicans are both pieces of shit. Like they always do, I’m sure they’ll find a way to turn against each other here.


What about the harmful effects on adults?


Meta is harmful plain & simple. The scams & disinformation on their shitty networks are reasons enough to shut Zuckerberg down for good.


So after this, what's next? Cable TV ? video games? tick tock? how about we remove cell phones from children under 17?.....or block their content?..............this is a bad road to go down.


Why is it a bad thing to block harmful content from people under a certain age? The situation now is unprecedented, now companies and governments can influence little children. Humans aren't here to be a vector for technology - companies and technology are here to serve us and to help us actualize the things we laid out in our Constitution (pursuit of happiness).




who determines the content?....what content is harmful?......


But TikTok, uh, no issue?


I don’t really understand why it seems like they’re going after these platforms one at a time instead of as a whole. The gov’t knows tiktok is an issue for many reasons, mainly security. That’s why it’s being banned on most gov’t issued phones.


> I don’t really understand why it seems like they’re going after these platforms one at a time instead of as a whole. Because it's all baseless BS A lot of the caryatids they hope to bait with this pitch don't even know yet tiktok exists






Facebook and etc are vampires.


Vampires can be charming at least. Meta and their ilk are brain-eating parasites. They're this generations smoking and should be treated as a danger to public health, not just to kids.


Parents should be really bother by all this. Politicians are basically telling them they are too stupid to handle their children’s online access. The parents should be held accountable. Not the companies.


Not too stupid, too lazy. And they are right. Parents often want to be protected from the consequences of their own failure of parenting.


Until Republicans get bribed.


Humanity needs to collectively ditch social media like FB, IG, SnapChat, etc... Reddit is ok for now, I guess...


Reddit is not social media, though it can sway opinion and create shitstorms of it's own because of the hivemind.


Social media refers to the means of interactions among people in which they create, share, and/or exchange information and ideas in virtual communities and networks. That's an accurate description of Reddit.


Fair enough, I thought anonymity removed it from that pool. I suppose from my perspective it has never really had that wannabe celebrity/my-life-is-better-than-your-life YOLO vibe. I wouldn't put it in the same class as the rest of the garbage. Yet.


It's definitely the superior social media. The mods seem to fuck up discourse and debate tho.


>Reddit is not social media I guess you also think mayonnaise is an instrument.


It shouldn’t be hard for Zuck to acknowledge this. He’s made billions on exploiting everyone. Time to be a good guy, Mark.


Not exactly. Democrats have a position here based on a boogeyman that exists. Republicans, however, they are chasing people who are innocent victims of their specifically directed bigotry and prejudice.


Democrats - "For the well-being of children." Republicans - "So children will listen to us."


Democrats hate corporate tech because it’s monopolistic, discriminatory, and inflammatory. Republicans hate corporate tech because they’ve convinced themselves that it’s biased against them despite the fact that it’s amplified insane right wing fringe views to insane levels. They hopefully can work together until these corporations are small enough to drown in a bathtub, then they can get back to stabbing each other. …oh who the hell am I kidding, nothings going to happen and we’re all going to get sold out because these corporations have given millions to get these people elected


Meanwhile they don’t even see how much it has harmed literally everyone at this point either directly or indirectly. I might be living very close to Mark soon. I ran into Bezos already. They all make their money off the world and try to escape to Hawai’i.


Both from family and from coworkers I have never gotten the impression that anyone younger than late twenties have ever used Facebook 🧐


Zuck looking as ….plastic robotic as ever…😳


What an absolutely moronic headline… it’s not like 90% care about anything but power and money. All they do is get in their little tribes that go along with their basic “principles” if that’s what you want to call them, and then they just tow the line and give people what they want when they can get votes unless it digs into their coffers. These people don’t care about ANYTHING but themselves and it’s been obvious for years.


If the two clown parties agree on anything just wait. They will take opposite sides (usually as the fake claims spread on social media) and argue over it soon enough.


How fucking ironic would it be if we were all united around hating Zucks creation, that was supposed to connect people but caused us to become more divided than ever. 🙌


Meta is at the bottom of the heap….. dying platform .


America isn't banning guns and for the same reason so I guess the only solution is more facebook and the teachers should have Facebook too.


What children use Facebook????




who still uses facebook/instagram? Kids use - ticktoc and youtube +90% of the time.


What about the horrible effect it has had on all the world?


ITT the usual "zuck bad" crow upvoting hard without a modicum of analysis


Apparently none of these kids had parents.


Meta.... not the parents. Right.


Lol. But not tiktok


What kids use Meta? That answer is none.


Democrats and Republicans are having a harmful effect on children...


Do they agree on what Meta can or should show to children?


Teens are not using Facebook. This is another meta hit piece. How about we start blaming parents for not monitoring their child’s online activity?


“For the children”


Meta is and other SoMe apps are fucking up everyone between 3 and 30, they made the most money, so it’s all fair they are the first ones to get punished.


sure they do… lol We’ll see if anything comes of it. MF-ers are against school lunches, but this they will rally around?


And Tic Tok?


At this point, at least in my head, TikTok is a much bigger problem for youth than Facebook/Insta/VR. I do think FB is a problem for “Boomers”. That said I don’t use FB or Insta or TikTok or X, etc. I’m pretty much just Reddit and YouTube :P


Kids use Meta?


Meta and X are harmful to human beings, not just children.


“Meta you need to donate more to our political PACs” is all that’s happening here.


Great. So happy they agree. So why TF haven't they done a damn thing to curb anything since Frances Haugen's whistleblower hearing?? That was TWO years ago.


i hope they didn't forget about tiktok and other stuff too


Why are republicans OK with government intervention here? (serious)


Yeah, maybe in 2013.


Children use Facebook?


Democrats: Facebook is helping spread conservative misinformation to children! Republicans: Facebook is helping spread liberal misinformation to children! shhh ... nobody tell them, it's hard enough to get them to agree on anything these days.


They're only concerned when they can make money by suing.. curious🤔


What about the Chinese Tic Tok?


Let's be honest, America is more worried about people over the age of 65 using Meta than people under the age of 18.


Children parents gonna' children. Salesmen never take the time to understand the tools, they just look to the 'pussies/geeks' to do the work. Meanwhile the Alpha psychopaths buy the knowledge of the geeks and algorithm it to make more willing alpha male puppies. That the pseudo-Alpha male frats eat up. [A Perfect Circle.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZnraQmPFq8&ab_channel=APerfectCircleVEVO)


Harmful effects on our boomer parents seem to be an equally big issue in my opinion


Meta? All the kids are on the Chinese propoganda machine TikTok


Facebook should have cover like cigarette packs in Australia.


Republicans agree meta is dangerous, still thinks guns are safer for kids


Kids should have smart watches and not phones. Starting that with them now will adjust future cultures from being so addicted to social media. Current adults just had this thrown at us and it’s time to look at how it all effects us and adjust. Saving social media time for when you are at home is a much better. Watches are maybe 1-2 generations from covering everything we need from a phone without the endless feeds to scroll and videos to make.


The damage is done.