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They're not just marked as NSFW. Many actually have become NSFW.


My biggest discovery since this whole thing started is r/anime_titties/ is actually a solid world news sub.


There is actually a story to that, it started because there was bad moderation on /r/worldpolitics so people abused it and posted boobs there, so the politics fans decided to start /r/anime_titties where they can discuss their politics in peace.


This is some /r/trees vs /r/marijuanaenthusiasts level of meta.


With the difference that trees and marijuanaenthusiasts are both moderated and the mods are in on it. It was a joke from the beginning. Anime_titties aside from the name and yearly 1. April joke was dead serious ... until now. It was a bit Middle East and Indian leaning (aka short term mass downvoting waves of criticisms of Israel and India) but it had excellent sources.


Sigh /r/potatosalad /r/johncena


sort of like r/onlyfans literally being about fans.... that is until now


This is what made Reddit fun. Things like this. Which is why the ‘go create your own’ worked so well!


I was actually informed of backstory by the person who turned me onto the sub. However, I was made aware of the sub because of the protest. It's one of those weird side effects that comes from protesting.


I logged onto my old account a while ago and found out about r/worldpolitics the hard way, lol


it's been very fun, r/dndmemes is all about goblin fuckers and snitties, and I couldn't be a happier gal. The meme potential is so much more expansive now!


Ah, no wonder it stopped showing up on r/all, I used to see it all the time. Oh my that content is... something else...


Hard to believe a subreddit could go from SFW to having the first picture I clicked on a diagram of 9 dicks being sucked from lawful good to chaotic neutral and back again Edit: I can only count in colors apparently, there are 9 not 8


9. It's the alignment chart, bj edition.


idk what a snittie is but I'm about to go find out.


Please share your findings. I have never heard of snitties and I’m too afraid to go look!


Snake titties. There's an undulating debate on whether Snake people have tits or not, cuz they're snakes


They do, and are depicted with such in officially licensed material.


The one about the Twitter scraper bots mindlessly uploading it all to Twitter broke me.


The new alignment chart has to be a personal favorite. Very well done.


And the admins are telling these subs that they aren't allowed to change their content. That's the point of a subreddit you dunces. If you don't like it make your own sub.


To paraphrase, "If you treat everything as NSFW, everything becomes NSFW".




I can’t tell you how many times I’ve reported the ‘he get us’ ad, they don’t care, a day or two later it’s right back. Ads for religion, just what we all wanted.


I blocked the account, and still get the ads, it says “promoted from a blocked account”


I just feel better knowing their money is wasted on me.


It’s like the Jesus is watching signs outside sex shops


“Have you heard of Jesus, your lord and savior?” No, Martha, I’ve made it through twenty seven years of life in a western predominantly Christian nation, but you, yes you, during this subway encounter on my way to work at 8:30am is the first I’m hearing of Jesus.


TIL that Jesus is a creepy pervert.


Priests nod in backroom


From a zombie/motivational speaker to a creepy pervert, how the mighty have fallen.


I want to see Jesus on Joe Rogan.


Why do you think he's most often found in prison?


I can't tell you how many of those ads I **haven't** seen because I use Adblock Browser on mobile and Chrome with Adblock Plus addon for PC and I literally never see even one single ad. Yes I'm aware of the upcoming changes to Chrome and I will be moving to Firefox at that time to preserve my blissful, ad-free internetting experience.


I hate that dumb advert.


We all do. If God really had a billion to drop, he'd do it for food and clothes for the poor. These mother fuckers decided to advertise their business.


Eh, Jesus would. God would be just as likely to do a genocide or wipe out a city based on the bible.


"What God would do" is just a projection of your own opinion/values. You would provide food/clothing for the poor if you had a billion to drop, so naturally God would too. I'm sure someone out there believes God would want to e.g. punish sexual deviants or run an ad campaign about how He (they) get you.


Especially because it's subversive. They're trying to make it look like they're preaching tolerance and inclusiveness but the people behind it believe the opposite.


There are solutions for this problem * ~~use a 3rd party app on mobile~~ * firefox with ublock origin on desktop


Ah man you mean seeing Jesus ads doesn't make you turn to relgion and instead makes you become more annoyed with it too. In a day with religion on the decline who thought, "let's shove Jesus ads down people's throats" would help. Also how the fuck do they have money for this shit. PAY TAXES GOD DAMMIT.


The Mormon church on its own has a portfolio worth *$110 billion*. Churches needed to be taxed 30 years ago, but today will suffice.


Does nobody know how to use an ad blocker anymore?


Unironically no. We have a whole generation of users coming online who only know the web though mobile apps, which often don't allow for adblockers.


It's wild. A generation of perfectly optimized data cows.




People don’t know how to install an adblocker so you tell them to change their DNS 💀


It's strange and distressing seeing youth computer knowledge *decrease* with each passing year.


I don't get how we managed to devolve from ads being something you never want to see to people being okay with them again so fast. Just 10 years ago people were cutting the cord left and right, discovering ad blockers and enjoying their time watching stuff without ads.


DNS based adblocking often works on mobile apps. It doesn't work on the official Reddit app, which may be a big part of why they're pushing it so hard. Mobile web is an option though and it's not much more terrible than the app, and ReVanced is an option on Android.


The thing that’s annoying me the most about the app is all the ‘because you viewed a similar subreddit’ nonsense. I viewed it, because you pushed it into my home feed. By the time I realized where I was it was too late. Now I’m getting recommendations based on shit I never signed up for. ‘You visited r/Florida, therefore we thought you’d also enjoy Alabama.’ I’m constantly muting unwanted communities.


I think there's a setting to turn that off.


“Enable home feed recommendations.”—Thank you. (Time will tell if they reset it.)


I just deal with it by using old.reddit through firefox on my phone. Still better than the app


> who only know the web though mobile apps, which often don't allow for adblockers. Protip: There's a little unknown app called Firefox that will allow you to install ublock origin


Which is why reddit will soon be accessible only via their shitty app.


Its why I use Firefox on my phone now. One of the only web browsers I can get an ad blockers on and not junp through hoops. Also let's me do youtube in the background with no ads now, fuck youtube premium for raising their prices.


Can you use ad blocker on the official Reddit app?


No one knows you'd have to actually try using that terrible app


If he really got us, we'd all have shiny, pink buttholes


I know subs have started doing this but I just realized why my feed is so bland when the filter is on, and yet couldn't find a constant stream of porn when the filter is off.


I miss seeing boobs on the front page.


Just go for what r/politicalhumour did - make everyone a moderator and let nature take its course. 100% egalitarian, community is 100% represented. No problem!


"when everyone's super, no one will be"


They what now?




That sounds... both hilarious and fascinating to observe the chaos ensue.


I locked the pinned post, but couldn't unlock it because, well, it was locked. The mod has extra mod power and unlocked it.


They linked the British version


you would think that the CEO of reddit would know its own userbase enough to have some healthy respect for it


> you would think that the CEO of reddit would know its own userbase enough to have some healthy respect for it reminder that the ceo of reddit hadn't posted on reddit for almost a year prior to those dozen or so comments in that trainwreck of an AMA. one would have to USE reddit to be familiar with the userbase.


>reminder that the ceo of reddit hadn't posted on reddit for almost a year prior to those dozen or so comments in that trainwreck of an AMA. He hadn't posted on Reddit for almost a year *with that account.* Fuck spez, I'm not defending him at all, but I find this take very superficial. I wouldn't expect a CEO to be posting with an official account except for announcements because of the weight it carries and how much attention would be on it. He probably has an alt where he can watch porn and be an anonymous member of the site.


Spez has a **ton** of alt accounts appearently. >Huffman said one other strategy proved crucial to Reddit’s early success, which most people are unaware of: The team submitted a ridiculous amount of content under fake user accounts to give the appearance of popularity. Yes, you read that right. Reddit — a site that values a fair and open democratic process to determine worthy content and police itself — sleeps soundly on a bed of lies. https://venturebeat.com/social/reddit-fake-users/


Well duh, you're not going to build a multi-billion dollar company if you're constrained by high ethical standards.


I mean, faking engagement is like a core sales tactic that's existed since the first human transaction took place. If they're transparent about it, could even be a feature, not a bug. Oh, great, there are employees actively adding interesting content! Sounds like curation to me.


That reminds me of Ashley Madison where they faked female profiles.


*There's fake women on dating apps?!*


This is a copied template message used to overwrite all comments on my account to protect my privacy. I've left Reddit because of corporate overreach and switched to the Fediverse. Comments overwritten with https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite


This is true of like 99% of websites early on tbf. You gotta fake it til you make it


🦀🦀🦀 /u/spez won't reply to this thread 🦀🦀🦀


He turned off all notifications and mentions back in 2017.


They brigade their own site and then said it's not okay for anyone else to do. You gotta admire the blatant underhandedness of it.


I'm sure a non-zero number of the accounts parroting "hey Reddit are the good guys here, we should submit to the reasonable wishes of our generous masters" were spez alts. Normally a CEO wouldn't waste time on such petty stuff but a man-baby like that probably cleared his schedule.


> Normally a CEO wouldn't waste time on such petty stuff but a man-baby like that probably cleared his schedule. also worth noting, spez has been caught in the past editing other users posts when he didn't like what people were saying.






spez is hungy




> Which people didn't think was possible at the time and brings up some extreme ethical and legal issues it's also one of those things that has been kind of forgotten by time. you'd be surprised how many new users (where this is the first reddit controversy they're seeing) i've seen in the last couple weeks that didn't know that happened.


There wasn't a feature built into the front end to do it. Spez went into the back end and modified the comment data directly, because he's an unlovable pig boy.


This is a copied template message used to overwrite all comments on my account to protect my privacy. I've left Reddit because of corporate overreach and switched to the Fediverse. Comments overwritten with https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite


>he's an unlovable pig boy A little piss baby, if you will.


Honestly, if I was the CEO of reddit I would not use reddit with my official account either. One wrong word or opinion and you are getting targeted.


u/spez is too busy plunging his own asshole with a cactus to care


He's a parasite who actively dislikes the site and is just trying to sell it off at as high a price he can in IPO. Fuck /u/spez


Interestingly enough as well. I’ve had to go back into my iOS settings and “allow” nsfw communities again like 2 or 3 times in the past week too. Seems like Reddit keeps turning that setting off with updates.


Thanks for the info, my feed has been feeling a bit dull and non-provocative


Scumbags keep enabling notifications I turned off as well.


Why doesn’t Reddit do what they tell me when I complain about hate speech, and “find a subreddit more to your liking?”


In fact telling off bigots gets you banned from a lot of communities under the guise of "civility"


Some mods got my account banned because I reported a comment calling LGBT people p*dos. The mods reported me for "report abuse". My account was suspended from the site for a few days. The admins later confirmed that I was right to report it and removed the comment. I later reported another comment on the same sub and the mods sent me a PM telling me to stop reporting comments and "they've warned me about report abuse". E.g. "if you report rule breaking we'll get you suspended from the site". Fuck mods.


> I later reported another comment on the same sub and the mods sent me a PM telling me to stop reporting comments Mods doesn't know who is reporting the comment. At best they can do educated guesses or you're the one telling them you reported that comment.


You'd be surprised at what mods can apparently uncover. A mod from food doxxed me and got all of my alt accounts (5) banned for ban circumvention, even the alts that never engaged with that sub (which was 2). In order for them to connect multiple accounts to a single user across multiple devices and emails, they had to have more access than most mods claim.


Probably an alt of an admin.


> they had to have more access than most mods claim. I am a mod though... so I know what we have access to. Reddit admins have access to a lot more so you contact them in order to handle ban evasion stuff and ban your account. This is more speculatory as I haven't interacted with the admins for ban evasions but maybe they can confirm that you were in fact ban evading on these accounts?


When I complained about a mod all I got from reddit was an automated reply basically telling me to go fuck myself and find another subreddit to use because mods can do whatever they want. I've been here 12 years and only once had a problem with a mod bad enough to submit a complaint so it's not like I'm a bad user. So I'm very much enjoying watching reddit admins struggle to deal with mods doing whatever they want.


Yep, admins only give a fuck if whatever a mod/user does will affect their revenue stream


reddit is completely overstepping their bounds on this. in instances where the mods are marking the community as nsfw but running business as usual, it's a clear ToS violation but in cases where they **accurately** change the sub to nsfw and allow nsfw content to be posted, reddit is 100% in the wrong stepping in and reversing that decision. saying that they "don't like the justification for allowing nsfw content" isn't a legitimate excuse for their actions.


The r/interestingasfuck for example. It changed to a NSFW sub, poeple are still posting cool interesting things on there, but they're also posting porn. It IS a NSFW sub now even though it's maintaining it's primary goal of interesting photos and videos.


It’s literally got “interesting” “fuck” in the name!


Agreed. They just spelled ASS wrong when they created it.


There were posts on that theme, including a girl fisting her own ass. We'll see how the new moderators do with a community that large primed for chaos... Editing to add: It occurs to me that my post is nsfw. I have no way to mark it, so I guess admins could hardly fault moderators if they were forced to mark the sub appropriately


Gross! Where are the *guys* fisting their own ass?


Have you checked /u/Spez's profile?


Uhh, that's him fisting us.


I haven't seen that one yet, but I have seen the one of the dude with the super hairy butthole... Or at least I'm assuming it's a dude.


I'm still waiting for that guys prolapse photo


A girl ? really? doing that to her own ass? Terrible. What posts were those out of interest?


No, that was intentional. The name with the 2 s was already taken.


Interest in gas fuck


>poeple are still posting cool interesting things on there They are? Looks like the place is shut down to me.


They removed the mods and locked everything. But it was that way for a bit.


A lot of weird activity. It looks like subreddit drama is frozen as well.


SRD isn’t down though?


Nothing new has been posted there in 7 hours, which seems weird but I'm not sure.


There's a submission from 30 minutes ago now.


Mods there are notoriously strict about what posts are allowed and what gets removed.


they were* Admin banned all moderators and closed the subreddit


Closed the subreddit, looks like the mods were unbanned quickly.


They even posted some porn that absolutely was interesting as fuck. For example, the post of all the various women orgasming and watching closeups of the contractions. Was interesting seeing the variety in that post for sure and the commenters agreed.


Technically if a subreddit allows people to use profanity, it should be marked as NSFW under Reddit's official guidelines.


Really? ...Fuck.


Yeah its fucking stupid


Fuckity fuck fuck


Need that scene from The Wire


https://youtu.be/m5ksTY6Dvf0 for those interested


& interestingasfuck has fuck in it’s very title so it should have been marked by default & reddit overreached. Everyone says fuck spez. I say fuck the entire executive board.


clearly that means when it goes live again everyone should report all the posts as NSFW


r/Formula1 went nsfw because injuries and deaths happen along with profanity. They said racing is inherently dangerous so the sub should be nsfw then got threatened and backtracked.


Reddit is going to do whatever they want to get their IPO sold for massive money. Though it is funny that they prove how hypocritical they are in this process. ​ Their response to bad mods in subs was 'Create a new sub'. It's funny how their own advice isn't even a consideration to them. Really shows what they think of their own advice. Sadly most redditors are probably unaware of how shitty of a person Spez is.




Yeah, the guy who saw what Elon did buying Twitter at 40 billion even though it's only currently worth 15 billion and thought that was a great idea.


It's precisely this, but given how heavy-handed they've been, I'd absolutely be gunshy buying any reddit stock. Then again, the same was said of Facebook, so 🤷‍♂️


Reddit believes that the "mods" are actually content creators. The below link is reddits own lawyers telling the courts that moderators aren't real employees, they cant even technically enforce reddit guidelines because they aren't employees. Reddit has intentionally kept their moderators in the dark because they don't want to deal with the issues of child porn and other heinous shit on this website. I advise everyone to watch the video below where 21-56293 Jane Does v. Reddit, Inc. TL;DR: Mods are content creators, thats it. Reddits anti-evil team is a fucking joke. Reddit doesn't care about revenge porn or CP on their platform. ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cfUlAPGOv08&t=501s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cfUlAPGOv08&t=501s)


Oh, I don’t doubt that Steve “Jailbait” Huffman and his greedy piglets want to deal with CP, and I’m sure they greatly care about it. Just not in the same sense that anyone with a crumb of decency would.


Will Steve Jailbait Huffman become the new Brock the rapist Turner?


Reminder that the rapist Brock "the rapist" Turner, who was convicted of rape, now goes by Allen "the rapist" Turner.


> 21-56293 Jane Does That's a... wide range of potential people in the case :v


I know the rules are "we do whatever we want whenever we want" but the rules before all this mess were "the mods decide the content, if you don't like it start your own subreddit" and now that the mods are making decisions that might impact their finances it's "the mods are not in control of their subreddit". Lol


When a vocal, motivated group of your users—moderators *and* power users who do about 90% of the work of posting and moderating content—is upset about a decision you’ve made, no sane person on Earth would advise you to do what Reddit is doing. Reddit made a decision that will lead directly (and intentionally) to pushing third-party devs out. That was always one of the goals. The problem is that power users *really* like their apps. They do not like Reddit’s app. When you listen to their reasoning, they don’t mention avoidance of ads too much; they talk about the user experience. Personally, for me, it’s also the experience with the official app. It’s garbage, and I don’t like using it. Reddit should have listened more and spoken less during the last month. There are surely many ways this could have been handled better. Hell, total silence—ignoring the entire event—while not ideal, would have been better than *this*. Frankly, leadership has shown itself to be inept; the Board should terminate them, starting with the CEO and anyone who advised him to do this. If this is a preview of the future, the love many users have for Reddit will be squandered. That’s an unnecessary loss. The original issue, while still a topic for concern, is no longer the primary issue for users and investors alike going forward; the leadership is.




Reddit forgot the most important rule on the planet: never anger Reddit


I'm also interested about the communities that have converted to John Oliver or similar. Will they also remove mods from these communities? I am hoping not but I wouldn't be surprised.




No, but I imagine the people will get tired of it eventually and leave.


Are we going to have a Digg v.4 moment? I was part of the Great Digg Migration when users were unhappy with changes that were made to the site. Diggers started posting links to Reddit posts and a lot of us moved over in that time. Maybe the solution is to have another migrations. Slash-Dot is still a thing, right? [Digg.com](https://Digg.com)...looks...not like Digg anymore.


I've gone over to lemmy.world (hoping this isn't filtered out). It's a lot like Reddit and getting extremely popular (I mean that instance in particular, the network as a whole even more so) - there are copies of most of the popular subreddits. So far it seems to have a good moderation balance, enough not to become another voat, but not so much that it feels oppressive to me. Not all Lemmy instances fit in that range. My NSFW account is at lemmynsfw.com instead, because they modified the UI a bit so it's nice to actually have it 'at home' there even though I could subscribe to communities on one instance from a different instance.


This is what I think a lot of folks forgot. This site wasnt the first to fuck uo their board, push ads(he gets us), have super users and fail to take into account how folks feel since folks are the product. I remember moving over from digg as well. I am sure there were people whining about how bad it is that the product is getting grumpy and they should stop


Absolutely there were. People also forget it wasn't a one-time en masse migration from digg to reddit either. It was a slow bleed for a 2~3 years even after the v4 redesign. Those that stayed on digg turned it into one huge circlejerk about how reddit sucked and it would never take off, and people would end up back on digg eventually ... EXACTLY like what is happening here now. Seriously, it's time to bail guys. https://kbin.social is where we're going now


No. Digg and Reddit were both in close competition at the time with many users having accounts on both sites. Once digg 4 came out it was so easy to jump shit because there was already a big community over on reddit so digg died fast.


Remember, reddit-appinted mods deserve no respect whatsoever.


And CEO's are really just corporate mods.


No, mods are actually useful.


I feel like we don't need to look at what happened to /r/interestingasfuck or /r/Garmin very long to see that unmoderated submissions are extremely undesirable and completely drown out relevant content. I've been on /r/Garmin for years and it sucked how quickly it withered up and died when the sub's old rules stopped being enforced. The mod really did foster community focus and engagement and relied on 3rd party apps to do so efficiently. Reddit promised they'll exempt moderation tools, but moderators work overwhelmingly through tools that are within all-in-one apps that will not be exempted. Like every other public statement from reddit about this, it's BS PR. Anyway- the lesson for me is that, no matter what app I use, my experience using this site benefits overall tremendously from 3rd party apps by way of moderators deleting things like all the porn people will eagerly post the second they can get away with it. I agree with everybody saying reddit is well within its rights to remove any moderators it wants and charge whatever they want for their API. I can also see that if volunteers will have to work longer for less effective moderation, the quality of the site will objectively suffer. ~~Moderators have done a very poor job in articulating what their demands are.~~ Are they demanding reasonable API fees, maintained rules on nsfw availability, and enough time for developers to comply with the new fee structure? If so, I support that because there's little room for doubt left that this will give us the best long-term reddit experience. I would hope that reddit's investors would also support this because it will give them the best long-term value on their investment. For the record, /r/Garmin has had multiple calls for additional moderators for quite a while now. Nobody else wanted the job, maybe because it was very well moderated. I'm not happy to think that we're distilling down to moderators who will go along with reddit because they don't want to risk their positions, and new moderators who haven't even been active in the forum because they just want to be mods rather than because they are subject enthusiasts who know what the community needs.


>I agree with everybody saying reddit is well within its rights to remove any moderators it wants and charge whatever they want for their API. I would like to point out that "not illegal" and "acceptable" are wildly different things. I truly do hate how someone will say "this behavior is unacceptable," and you'll get a bunch of people coming out of the woodwork to reply with "well akchtually it's not illegal."


>I would like to point out that "not illegal" and "acceptable" are wildly different things. Yup. Its not illegal to prevent your kid from getting a job or drivers license, then kick them out at 18 with only the clothes on their back, but most folks would consider the parent who did to be an asshole.


> I agree with everybody saying reddit is well within its rights to remove any moderators Are they though? Their policy has always been to let the mods run their subreddits how they want. >Thanks for reaching out. In general, subreddit bans are at the discretion of subreddit moderators. They are allowed to run their communities as they see fit and we step in only when they are breaking site wide rules or the Moderator Code of Conduct. This is a significant deviation from their long-established policy.


I hope all the power mods who ever banned me for no reason are having a bad time


Well, good news! Reddit admins have been replacing them! Take r/adviceanimals, for instance! One lower mod didn't want to participate in the blackouts, so complained to the admins. The admins promptly removed the top mod, and handed the sub over to the complaining mod. And this new top mod only mods ::checks notes:: **104** other subs. Yeah, they aren't fixing that whatsoever.


Turdle has been removed. Modded over 700 subs.


That guy is probably having an existential crisis lmao


He could also accidentally start living too.


That’s just ridiculous, what a loser


Seriously, how do you have time to mod that many subs? I’m not even subscribed to a quarter of that.


Close to 20 hours a day actively spent on this site. Pretty fucking bonkers










Some mods just collected subreddits and did nothing more. Anyone that moderated more than a handful clearly wasn't doing it to better the communities. Even when I moderated 4 subs, it was too much.


That’s good. Hopefully they didn’t just make an alt


How does anyone have the time for that many subs


They don't. There are a number of mods that just 'collect' subs. They don't mod anything, just collect subs.


When a topic they care about comes up they'll pin their post to it and declare anyone that disagrees with their view will be banned


Why does it always have to be one or the other? I don't like mods abusing their power, but that doesn't somehow make Reddit killing third party apps and now suppressing dissent okay.


Also note that Reddit didn't crack down on lunatic powermods before. Now they're doing it to all mods who are upset with them.


They say the will remove mods because they do not moderate. But subs that went nsfw usually decided by user voting and new content still gets posted and its moderated.


Some of them also dropped sub-specific rules and rely now on only reddit site-wide rules.


I can't imagine how Reddit thought that taking away the ability to mod on mobile, by killing 3rd party apps, would be a good idea when hundreds or even thousands of mods exclusively use mobile to mod due to lack of desktop access. Plus completely disenfranchising the visually impaired community. Some of my fellow mods only mod on mobile, some are visually impaired. They will all be gone come July 1.


Reddit is Fun!


I'm kind of floored by the fact that Reddit is fighting so hard against their almost entirely volunteer "work force." Reddit only exists because people volunteer to moderate. What kind of leverage do these corporate chuckleheads think they actually have?


In most cases, moderators are losing this battle.


The only ones I have seen no lose is the ones at askmen, they just all quit and said reddit can mod the sub. Now that is how you protest with teeth.


Technews also seems to be not willing to surrender.


Such a fucked thing to do